Old man glitch

The old man glitch is a well-known glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue , and an extension of the Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick . It is one of the methods by which the player can encounter MissingNo. and 'M (00) , and almost certainly the most famous method. Its name comes from the old man in Viridian City , who is required to begin the glitch. It should not be confused with the related item duplication glitch , which is most easily performed by first performing the old man glitch.

This glitch was not present in the Japanese Pokémon Red, Green , or Pokémon Blue . This glitch was fixed in the Spanish and Italian versions of Pokémon Red and Blue by making the shore tiles act as water tiles , but still remains in the German and French versions of Pokémon Red and Blue; however, in the French version, the game freezes upon encountering a MissingNo. or 'M (00) . This glitch was removed in all versions of Pokémon Yellow by blanking the data for wild Pokémon before overwriting it, and reprogramming the shore tiles to not call any wild Pokémon .

  • 1 Performing the glitch
  • 3.1 Custom name
  • 3.2.1 Pokémon Red
  • 3.2.2 Pokémon Blue
  • 5 Other coast related exploits
  • 6 References

Performing the glitch

The glitch is a special case of the Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick . To perform the glitch, the player must talk to the old man located in the north of Viridian City and allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon. After the demonstration, the player should immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island . Here, the player should surf up and down along the east coast of the island where the water is touching the land without leaving Cinnabar Island. Wild Pokémon will appear, based on the player's name.

The wild Pokémon that appear are based on the index numbers of the characters in the player's name. The third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh slots of the player's name are the species of Pokémon that will appear (see table below). The second slot of the player's name becomes the level of the Pokémon caused to appear by the third slot, the fourth slot for the fifth slot, the sixth slot for the seventh slot, the eighth slot for the ninth slot, and the tenth slot for the eleventh slot. However, due the seven character name limit, only the first seven slots can be directly chosen by the player; the remaining slots contain filler data that varies with the method that was used to choose the player's name. Regardless of the method used, the player's name is terminated by a special character to mark the end of the name which has the index number 80.

If the player uses a custom name, all characters after the end of name marker are blank (00). This causes 'M (00) to appear at level 0, and if the player's name has an odd number of characters, at level 80 as well (due to the positioning of the end of name marker). Due to the ninth through eleventh slots necessarily being blank for custom names (due to the character limit for names), 'M (00) can always appear for custom names.

If the player uses a preset name , instead of the following bytes being blank, they are filled by the sequence of other preset names separated by end of name markers (with NEW NAME after the last preset name). As such, 'M (00) will not appear when using a preset name.

Custom name

This table demonstrates what Pokémon specific characters in the player's name will cause to appear, or the level of the Pokémon that they will cause to appear. Only characters possible to include in the player's name are included; the null character (0) cannot be inserted by the player, but instead fills the remaining slots after the end of name marker (80) at the end of the player's name. Glitch Trainers are in bold .

Preset names

Choosing a preset name will result in different results to inputting a custom name. Inputting a custom name which is the same as a preset name will not cause the glitch to behave as if a preset name was chosen.

Preset names function differently because they are stored one after the other in the game data, separated by the end of name marker, whereas custom names are succeeded by zeros after the end of name marker. In English Pokémon Red, the player's name is stored as "RED<end>ASH<end>JACK<end>NEW NAME", starting from the selected name; in English Pokémon Blue, the player's name is stored as "BLUE<end>GARY<end>JOHN<end>NEW NAME", likewise starting from the selected name.

Due to the names extending past the usual seven character limit, the ninth and eleventh characters are also used to determine the wild Pokémon, and their levels are determined by the eighth and tenth characters, respectively. These characters are usually null, so cause 'M (00) to appear, and Pokémon to appear at level 0, respectively. Because of this, unlike when inputting a custom name, 'M (00) do not appear when using a preset name. Characters after the eleventh are ignored.

Pokémon Red

The numbers in parentheses are the index number of the specific MissingNo. in hexadecimal.

Pokémon Blue

When the game sets up the battle between the old man and a wild Weedle , it needs to temporarily change the player's name to "OLD MAN" so that it will display that name, rather than the player's entered name, during the battle.

The programmers decided to use the space where data for wild Pokémon found in the grass is stored (which is completely blank in Viridian City, as only Surfing and Fishing data is used) to save the player's name temporarily. Normally, this would cause no abnormal activity, as this data is overwritten when the player moves to a different area.

In all cities, however, this data remains blank, and so the data is never overwritten (as there is nothing new to overwrite it with), and thus, the data that was last entered (be it the player's name or the wild Pokémon data from another area) remains in place. This itself still causes no harm; however, an oversight in the programming of the tiles used to denote the shore of Cinnabar Island marks them as equivalent to grass. As all water routes have no real grass on them, likewise, the data is not overwritten, and so whatever data is in the slots for wild Pokémon found in the grass is used, be it the player's name or wild Pokémon found elsewhere, such as the Safari Zone .

The name of the player has six hexadecimal values in it. The game needs only three "slots" of wild Pokémon data to store this.

The species of wild Pokémon the player encounters along the coast are determined by the third, fifth, and seventh characters of the player's name, while their levels are determined by the second, fourth, and sixth characters, respectively. The game also reads the ninth and eleventh slots as wild Pokémon and the eighth and tenth slots as their respective levels; however, due to the seven character name limit, these slots are not used unless using a preset name, so are blank (00), causing 'M (00) to appear at level 0.

Other coast related exploits

cinnabar island safari glitch

Because Cinnabar Island has no wild Pokémon data but the potential for wild Pokémon to appear, and that wild Pokémon data is not formatted when entering a new area, any location that can be flown from can have its wild Pokémon available on the coast.

This includes the Safari Zone , so players can encounter Safari Pokémon under normal battling circumstances. Since the old man only writes to the first eleven wild Pokémon addresses, it means that extra Pokémon may be accessible even if the player's name is eleven characters long (which is possible with preset names). This grass Pokémon data is mapped to three 'uncommon encounters' and two 'rare encounters'.

Due to being able to find Pokémon over level 100, it is possible to trigger glitches relating to Pokémon with levels that are too high. If Pokémon over level 100 receives experience by battle, it will automatically go to level 100; Rare Candies will level up the Pokémon normally. If the Pokémon's remaining HP is already low, dropping to level 100 can cause the HP to drop to negative number, but it will be interpreted as a very high number, similarly to the Pomeg glitch . In Pokémon Stadium , HP is shown as the actual amount; in Pokémon Stadium 2 , it will act as if its HP was full.

Reportedly, the first coast exploit discovered involved performing an in-game trade with an NPC and surfing on the coast. [1] This results in five level 80 hex:50 MissingNo. because the encounters are affected by the trade Pokémon's OT name. Specifically, grass data is overwritten with "5D 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50". The 5D byte is a control character that prints "TRAINER" and the rest of the bytes are 'end name' characters.

Trading or fighting in the Cable Club overwrites the wild Pokémon data with the opponent's name, and by using the poison method of the Cable Club escape glitch one may escape from the Cable Club and keep the stored grass Pokémon data that normally disappears after resetting the game (even after trading). Note that battling heals the user's Pokémon, meaning that the player has to do this glitch by bringing up the trade screen.

This Cable Club coast exploit has an unexplained complication of affecting encounters further than uncommon Pokémon 1 (D891); for example, glitch Trainer FD can appear on the coast through this method.

Video of the trade NPC exploit:

Video of the Cable Club trade exploit (which requires the Cable Club escape glitch )

  • ↑ Okk's MissingNo. guide
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Old man glitch

cinnabar island safari glitch

' Missingno. glitch' redirects here, for the glitch Pokémon or 'placeholder entry', see Missingno.

The old man glitch (also known as the Missingno. glitch , although Missingno. is not the only Pokémon that can be encountered using this glitch) is a well-known derivative of the left-facing shore tile glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue , that allows one to capture high-level or glitch Pokémon , based on the player's name, as well as glitch Trainers .

It is performed by watching the old man of Viridian City 's catching demonstration, using Fly to go to Cinnabar Island or Fuchsia City and then surfing on one of the following 'left-facing shore tiles':

  • The tiles directly east of Cinnabar Island.
  • The tiles east of the right-most Seafoam Islands cave.
  • The left-facing shore tiles in a Sea Route 19 Safari Zone wrong warp Glitch City .
  • 1 Code changes
  • 2 Compatibility
  • 3 Requirements
  • 5.1 Encounters
  • 5.2 Default name yields
  • 5.3 Extra Pokémon from the German version
  • 5.4 Glitch Trainers
  • 6 Item duplication
  • 7 Item mutation

Code changes

The previous Pokémon list glitch seemingly does not exist in all the Japanese versions, or Pokémon Yellow, as the tiles east of Cinnabar Island and east of the Seafoam Islands cave apparently never give wild Pokémon.

This glitch was partially fixed in the Italian and Spanish versions of Red and Blue, as Tentacool appear if the player surfs on a left-facing shore tile. This can be worked around with by walking on the tiles; not surfing, by using the walk through walls trick (ledge method) ; which is a derivative of the Safari Zone exit glitch .


The subject of this article is applicable in the following revisions.

Key: Y=Yes, N=No, NA?=This revision may be impossible to officially play on that platform.


  • A Red or Blue Version Pokémon game that has been played up to Cinnabar Island or Seafoam Islands.
  • A Pokémon that knows Fly.
  • A Pokémon that knows Surf.

1. Talk to the Old Man at Viridian City who shows you how to catch Pokémon. Say no to his question and watch his demonstration.

cinnabar island safari glitch

2. Fly to Cinnabar Island or Fuchsia City. Do not leave Viridian City before doing this.

3. If you chose Cinnabar Island, Surf along the eastern coast until you encounter a wild Pokémon. If you chose Fuchsia City, go to the shore tiles right of the east-most Seafoam Islands cave.

cinnabar island safari glitch

If using a Spanish or Italian version of Red/Blue, remember to walk across the coast using any version of the walk through walls glitch, instead of surfing on it, or you'll only get wild Tentacool.

The old man glitch is a combination of two events.

  • In English and European versions, surfing (or walking on, if necessary) on one of the shore tiles described in the introduction of this article brings up the previous list of Pokémon in the grass.
  • The player's name is temporarily changed to "OLD MAN" during the old man's catching demonstration, and then changed back to what it was before. In the process, the player's name is stored in memory starting from the 'grass encounter rate' memory address, at $D887. After the battle ends, the value at $D887 is changed back to normal, but what follows it (grass Pokémon and level data) starting from $D888 is not.

Saving the player's name here would normally not be a problem, due to the data being updated when you enter a new route, but it is not updated when flying to Cinnabar Island or Fuchsia City, and the first event enables the 'name data Pokémon' to be encountered.

Apparently the reason why grass list encounters appear when the grass encounter rate is 0 is because the left side of the 2x2 block ('shore') controls the type of Pokémon encountered (grass list, water list or none) with 'shore' counting as grass encounters, and the right side of the 2x2 block ('water') controls the encounter rate used (grass rate, water rate or none) with water counting as water rate encounters. Since the water encounter rate for Route 20 is not 0 and grass encounters are used, the player is free to encounter unintended Pokémon on the left-facing shore tile.

cinnabar island safari glitch

In at least the English version of Pokémon Red and Blue, the encounters on the left-facing shore tiles work as such:

  • The second, fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth characters determine the level of a Pokémon. (the identifier of the letter is used)
  • The third, fifth, seventh, ninth and eleventh characters determine the type of Pokémon species or Trainer for values greater than 199. (the identifier of the letter is used)

The characters are case-sensitive.

The name 'Abwayax' would give a level 'b' (161) Kabutops Fossil Missingno. ('w', hex:B6), a level 'a' (160) Ghost Missingno. ('y', hex:B8), a level 'a' (161) Aerodactyl Fossil Missingno. ('x', hex:B9) and a level 80 (hex:50) 'M (00) , due to 50 and 00 characters normally directly following a valid name entry name.

The identifiers of the characters can be found on the The Big HEX List , as well as in the table below:

Table of selectable names:

Default name yields

If the player's name was selected from one of the choices at the beginning of the game (e.g. RED), extra Pokémon can be encountered that wouldn't appear if they had entered the same name manually.

This is because internally extra letters appear in these names after the end (hex:50) characters. The names are actually as they appear in the table below.

As none of these names have a no hex:00 character in letters 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11, hex:00 ( 'M (00) ) cannot be encountered with a default name, at least in the English versions.

The next table below shows what default names give what Pokémon.

Extra Pokémon from the German version

Exclusively to the German version, the letters Ä (hex:C0), Ö (hex:C1), Ü (hex:C2), ä (hex:C3), ö (hex:C4) and ü (hex:C5) can be entered on the 'your name' screen, and these can be used to encounter glitch Pokémon with index numbers from 192-197, but the hex:C2 and hex:C5 glitch Pokémon (may) freeze the game on encounter.

Glitch Trainers

Since the old man glitch allows fighting trainers on the "wild encounter" code path, the enemy parameters are not properly initialized. Hence:

  • The glitch Trainers encountered through the Old man glitch always have the same rosters as Trainer class 0 .
  • The roster loaded depends on the roster number of the last trainer fought.

Item duplication

See also: infinite item glitches (disambiguation) .

The old man glitch is arguably the easiest and most reliable way of encountering Missingno. and 'M (00) . As their invalid Pokédex flag (#000 but effectively #256) means that encountering or capturing Missingno. and 'M adds a quantity of 128 to the sixth item in the player's bag if the quantity is less than 128, it is ideal for duplicating items, such as Rare Candies and Master Balls.

Item mutation

See also: item morphing glitches (disambiguation) .

The old man glitch can be used to convert the fourth item into a few other items if the player has a name that lets them encounter a Trainer, and the identifier of the fourth item is not $1X, $3X, $5X, $7X, $9X, $BX, $DX, or $FX. This requires fighting a Rocket on Silph Co.'s 11F first.

The Trainer has level 250 Pokémon, and may use a Super Glitch inducing move, so a high level Pokémon with a one-hit KO move, X Speeds and an X Accuracy is recommended as it's otherwise impossible to defeat all of their Pokémon in one hit, and after the Super Glitch effect happens, the Trainer can send out the Pokémon that just fainted.

For more information, see get glitch items using left-facing shore tile glitch .

cinnabar island safari glitch

0x1500 control code arbitrary code execution (Crystal) | Cart-swap arbitrary code execution | Generation I custom map script pointer | Generation I invalid meta-map scripts | Generation I item ("8F", "ws m", "-g m", "5かい", "てへ" etc.) | Generation I move ("-", "TM42") | Generation I Trainer escape glitch text boxes | Generation II bad clone | Generation II Burned Tower Silver | Japanese Crystal Pokémon Communication Center SRAM glitches | Coin Case glitch | Generation II glitch Pokédex sortings | Pikachu off-screen glitch ACE | OAM DMA hijacking | Pikachu glitch emote | Generation III glitch Pokémon summary | Generation III glitch move animation ) | Remote code execution | TM/HMs outside of the TM/HM pocket | ZZAZZ glitch Trainer FC

cinnabar island safari glitch

Cloning | Item duplication glitch (Generation I) | Pokémon merge glitch ("Q Glitch", Generation I) | Time Capsule exploit | Bug-Catching Contest data copy glitch (Generation II, Japan only) | Berry glitch | Battle Tower Lati@s glitch (Generation III) | (Mimic) Transform Rage glitch (Generation IV)

Transform held item glitch (Generation IV, Japan only) | Mimic glitch (Generation IV, Japan only)

cinnabar island safari glitch

99 item stack glitch | LOL glitch | Rival LOL glitch | Instant LOL glitch | RAM LOL glitch | Out of bounds LOL glitch | blockoobLG | Instant encounter infinite chain glitch | LGFly | Super Glitch (Generation I) | Party remaining HP glitch | Super Glitch (Generation III) | Text pointer manipulation mart buffer overflow glitch | CoolTrainer♀-type move | Double distort CoolTrainer♀ corruption | Yami Shop glitch | Party Pokémon box data shift glitch | Unterminated name glitch item instant encounter (Japanese Red/Green)

cinnabar island safari glitch

Generation I expanded items pack ( Glitch Rocket HQ maps , Map FE ( English and non-English European Yellow ) | Map script pointer manipulation ( arbitrary code execution | Map script pointer item ball manipulation ) | Text pointer manipulation ( arbitrary code execution | Item ball manipulation | Mart buffer overflow ) | Trainerless instant encounter glitch

cinnabar island safari glitch

????? party overloading ( Type 0xD0 move glitch | ????? map corruption | Celebi trick | Celebi Egg trick | Shiny Celebi trick | Glitch move map corruption | Overloaded party map corruption | Glitch Unown ( Glitch Unown map corruption ) | Duplicate key items glitch ( Infinite items and item creation , Expanded Balls pocket ( Wrong pocket TM/HMs , Glitch Pokédex categories ))

cinnabar island safari glitch

Dokokashira door glitch ( International ) | Fossil conversion glitch ( international ) | Second type glitch | Skip to Level 100 glitch | Trainer mutation glitch | Walk through walls ( International ) | Lift glitch | Badge describer glitch

cinnabar island safari glitch

Pomeg data corruption glitch ("Glitzer Popping") | Charm glitch

cinnabar island safari glitch

Broken escalator glitch (Japan only) | Elite Four door glitch (Japan only)

cinnabar island safari glitch

Left-facing shore tile glitch ( in-game trade shore encounter trick , Old man trick , Trade link up shore encounter trick , Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick ) | Viridian Forest no encounter grass tiles glitch

cinnabar island safari glitch

Safari Zone exit glitch | RAM manipulation | Out of bounds Glitch City (Generation II) | Slowpoke Well out of bounds corruption (French Gold/Silver/Crystal)

cinnabar island safari glitch

Storage box remaining HP glitch | Generation I max stat trick

cinnabar island safari glitch

Trainer corruption glitch

cinnabar island safari glitch

Generation I save corruption | 255 Pokémon glitch | Expanded party encounter table manipulation (Generation I) | Send party Pokémon to a new game (Generation I) | Generation II save corruption | Mailbox glitches | Mystery Gift item corruption | Trainer House glitches

cinnabar island safari glitch

Death-warp | Ditto trick | Experience underflow glitch | Mew trick | Text box ID matching | Meta-map script activation

cinnabar island safari glitch

Ledge method | Museum guy method | Rival's effect | Select glitch method ( International Select glitch method ), Brock Through Walls

cinnabar island safari glitch

Grass/rock Surfing glitch (Spanish/Italian only) (adaptions: Submerge glitch (international)) | 8 8 (0x7C) grass/rock surfing glitch (English Red/Blue))

cinnabar island safari glitch

  • Articles with a page on PRAMA Initiative
  • Articles with a page on Bulbapedia
  • Major glitches
  • Generation I glitches

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cinnabar island safari glitch

Is Pokémon's Most Infamous Glitch Actually Its Most Powerful Character?


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The Pokémon Company Just Invented a Patent to Sue Palworld

10 best pokémon for beating platinum's battle frontier, what took the pokémon company nine whole months to sue palworld.

The Pokémon franchise has made its mark by being a relatively polished series brimming with monsters to catch. However, its earlier games are full of bugs and glitches that are ingrained in the memories of longtime fans. Whether it's entering Glitch City through Red and Blue 's Safari Zone or Surfing on land in Ruby and Sapphire , certain bugs have become a source of entertainment in themselves. However, few glitches have achieved the infamy of MissingNo., which has even sparked theories that suggest it is actually one of the series' most powerful critters.

MissingNo. (an abbreviation of "missing number") is a glitch that appears in the Generation I games. It is usually encountered through the old man glitch, where the player must speak with the old man located north of Viridian City, allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon, then immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island. Surfing just east of the island can spawn several glitch Pokémon, with MissingNo. being the most recognizable. While its inclusion is clearly unintended, MissingNo.'s origins in the lore continue to be a source of fun speculation within the community.

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One of prominent theory surrounding this enigmatic creature is that it's related to the most powerful Pokémon around: Mewtwo. Mewtwo is a clone of Mew, the progenitor of all Pokémon, and is designed to be superior in every way. Many fans like to think that Ditto is one byproduct of Mewtwo's creation since, like Mew, Ditto can transform into any other Pokémon. MissingNo. may have a similar relationship with Mewtwo, but as a failed prototype rather than an unintended consequence of its creation.

The first and most obvious point in this theory's favor is MissingNo.'s location, Cinnabar Island, where both the Pokémon Mansion and Pokémon Lab are located. Scattered around the mansion are journal entries from the scientist that used to call it home. They describe the discovery of Mew and how it led to the birth of Mewtwo, which turned out to be so powerful that it couldn't be controlled. The fact that Pokémon Mansion is now a decrepit husk suggests that it was either destroyed by Mewtwo in a fit of rage or burned down by the scientists in an attempt to cover up their mistake. The nearby lab likely aided in the creation of Mewtwo, but its study of fossils also connects it back to MissingNo.

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Like Mew, MissingNo. can take on several different forms. Two of these forms (the skeletons of the now-extinct Aerodactyl and Kabutops) connect it directly to the Pokémon Lab. In Red and Blue , the Pokémon Lab allows players to revive fossils, so we know that its scientists are familiar with ancient Pokémon DNA, a familiarity that may have come from studying Mew. The scientists may have attempted to create a Mewtwo prototype with the ability to mimic all Pokémon just like Mew, but since these particular specimens no longer existed, it proved difficult.

This initial experiment clearly didn't pan out, since MissingNo. only replicates the skeletons as they appear in the lab. The scientists likely deemed MissingNo. a failure and released it into the wild near Cinnabar, where it remains as a formless but powerful Pokémon that would go on to serve as the foundation for the creation of Mewtwo and fossil restoration.

Obviously, Game Freak never intended for MissingNo. to exist, and it certainly couldn't have imagined that fan theories about a glitch in the original Pokémon games would persist 25 years later. Regardless, MissingNo. remains a testament to the creativity that is intrinsic to both  Pokémon  and its thriving community of fans.

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  • Pokemon (anime)


How do you do the old man glitch in Pokemon Yellow?

How do you do the old man glitch in pokémon yellow.

The glitch is a special case of the Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick. To perform the glitch, the player must talk to the old man located in the north of Viridian City and allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon. After the demonstration, the player should immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island.

How do you glitch in the Safari Zone in Pokémon Red?

The Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick is an officially-acknowledged glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue. It is performed by entering and exiting the Safari Zone, then going to Route 20 without traveling through any area that contains wild Pokémon on land, and finally Surfing along the east coast of any island on the route.

Does the Cinnabar Island glitch work in Pokémon Yellow?

Code changes. The previous Pokémon list glitch seemingly does not exist in all the Japanese versions, or Pokémon Yellow, as the tiles east of Cinnabar Island and east of the Seafoam Islands cave apparently never give wild Pokémon.

How do you get 99 rare candies in Pokémon Yellow?

A glitch in Pokemon Yellow allows you to get 99 Rare Candies, which will raise a Pokemon’s level by one. You can take advantage of this glitch without having to use a GameShark or Action Replay. All you need is to have a Rare Candy as the 6th item in your Items pouch.

Is there a trick to catching Pokemon in the Safari Zone?

This is the simplest way to go about the Safari Zone – just madly lob balls at everything you want to catch and pray that they don’t run before you catch them. Rocks, then balls. Throw some sensible number of rocks, then lob balls and hope you catch it before it either runs or calms down and resets the catch rate.

Where do you get Bulbasaur in Pokemon Yellow?

Bulbasaur takes a little more effort but still isn’t very hard. Go back to Cerulean City and go inside the house directly to the left of the Pokemon Center. Inside this house will be a girl and her Bulbasaur. If your Pikachu is happy enough, she will give you Bulbasaur in return.

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Bugs and glitches

Pokemon red version  — guide and walkthrough (gb).


Guide and Walkthrough (GB) by zerokid

Version: 2.8.1 | Updated: 08/24/2024

  • Previous: Missables

Table of Contents

  • Next: Cinnabar Island wild Pokémon glitch
  • Introduction
  • Gameplay hints and tips
  • Walkthrough
  • Pallet Town
  • Viridian City
  • Viridian Forest
  • Pewter City
  • Cerulean City
  • Sea Cottage
  • Cerulean Gym
  • Underground Path (Routes 5–6)
  • Vermilion City
  • Diglett's Cave
  • Vermilion Gym
  • Rock Tunnel
  • Lavender Town
  • Underground Path (Routes 7–8)
  • Celadon City
  • Saffron City
  • Celadon Game Corner
  • Rocket Hideout
  • Celadon Gym
  • Pokémon Tower
  • Fuchsia City
  • Fuchsia Gym
  • Safari Zone
  • Power Plant
  • Fighting Dojo
  • Saffron Gym
  • Sea Route 19
  • Sea Route 20
  • Seafoam Islands
  • Sea Route 21
  • Cinnabar Island
  • Pokémon Mansion
  • Cinnabar Gym
  • Viridian Gym
  • Victory Road
  • Indigo Plateau
  • Cerulean Cave
  • About the games
  • Version differences
  • Title screen
  • Overworld menu
  • Stat modifiers
  • Status conditions
  • Catching Pokémon
  • Pikachu's Beach
  • In-game trades
  • Connectivity
  • Pokémon evaluations
  • General items
  • TMs and HMs
  • Battle items
  • Pokémon list
  • Pokémon #001–#010
  • Pokémon #011–#020
  • Pokémon #021–#030
  • Pokémon #031–#040
  • Pokémon #041–#050
  • Pokémon #051–#060
  • Pokémon #061–#070
  • Pokémon #071–#080
  • Pokémon #081–#090
  • Pokémon #091–#100
  • Pokémon #101–#110
  • Pokémon #111–#120
  • Pokémon #121–#130
  • Pokémon #131–#140
  • Pokémon #141–#151
  • Stat determination
  • Evade and accuracy
  • Critical hits
  • Damage calculation
  • Encounter tables
  • Catching mechanics
  • Safari Zone mechanics
  • Pikachu's friendship
  • HP bar colour
  • Dual-type effectiveness message
  • Obedience mechanics
  • Hidden items
  • Cinnabar Island wild Pokémon glitch
  • Old Man glitch
  • Trainer-Fly glitch
  • Experience underflow glitch
  • Stat modification glitch
  • Stoneless Evolution
  • Revisit the S.S. Anne
  • Battle Professor Oak
  • Version history

Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow are notoriously buggy games and have far more bugs and glitches than this guide will document. The following sections cover some of the more well known or useful bugs that you can make use of at your discretion.


  1. Glitch on PokeMMO at Cinnabar Island [HD]

    cinnabar island safari glitch

  2. Pokemon Yellow Glitches: Part 1 Cinnabar Island's Hidden Glitch City

    cinnabar island safari glitch

  3. 14 Things Only 90s Kids Found In Pokemon Red & Blue

    cinnabar island safari glitch

  4. Cinnabar Island by Spidersaiyan on DeviantArt

    cinnabar island safari glitch

  5. Toxtricity G-Max, Safari Zone, Cinnabar Island

    cinnabar island safari glitch

  6. Pokemon's Cinnabar Island ☀️-🌙 : AnimatedPixelArt

    cinnabar island safari glitch


  1. Island Safari, Phuket, Elephant Ride

  2. How to do Glitches in The Lake Kingdom in Super Mario Odyssey!

  3. Speed Hackers keep getting faster The Isle Evrima

  4. New glitches I discovered! (NOW FIXED)

  5. How to Get a Mewtwo at Level 132

  6. Pokémon: FireRed


  1. Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick

    The Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick is an officially acknowledged glitch in Pokémon Red and Blue.It is performed by entering and exiting the Safari Zone, then going to Route 20 without traveling through any area that contains wild Pokémon on land, and finally Surfing along the east coast of any island on the route. This is most commonly done by Flying from Fuchsia City directly to Cinnabar ...

  2. Old man glitch

    Performing the glitch. The glitch is a special case of the Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick.To perform the glitch, the player must talk to the old man located in the north of Viridian City and allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon. After the demonstration, the player should immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island.Here, the player should surf up and down along the east coast of the island ...

  3. PSA: How to catch things in the RBY Safari Zone : r/pokemon

    An easy way to catch safari zone pokemon in R/B/Y is to use the cinnabar island glitch. Most people use this to encounter missingno but it's also useful in letting you easily catch safari zone pokemon. ... In Red and Blue, the easiest way to catch Safari Zone Pokemon is through the item duplication and Safari Zone glitches. Talk to the drunk ...

  4. Pokemon Red/Blue Glitch

    Safari zone Pok... To do this, first, exit the Safari zone, then fly to Cinnabar Island and surf on the edge of the island (same place as the Missingno glitch).

  5. Red/Blue Safari Glitch : r/pokemon

    Red/Blue Safari Glitch. I was working on catching a couple Pokémon I need to complete the dex. I caught a Dratini and left the zone and went to Cinnabar Island to level it up. I had already glitched it for the Missing No which gave me a chance of fighting some level 161 mon. Any way, I fly there and start surfing up and down the coast and I ...

  6. Cinnabar Island wild Pokémon glitch

    Guide and Walkthrough (GB) This glitch allows you to catch wild Pokémon from a previously visited area at Cinnabar Island in Pokémon Red and Blue. Requirements: Access to Cinnabar Island, a Pokémon that can use Fly, a Pokémon that can use Surf and some Balls to catch the wild Pokémon. Method: Visit the area you want to catch Pokémon from ...

  7. Was catching Safari 'mon like always in Red and my friend ...

    Was catching Safari 'mon like always in Red and my friend freaked out. She never knew about the Seafoam/Cinnabar coast trick. ... Fun bit of trivia for the MISSINGNO. glitch: ... But when you fly from Viridian to Cinnabar Island, the table isn't reset, and the coast of Cinnabar Island is part of the city and not the sea route so there's no ...

  8. Old Man glitch

    Old Man glitch. The Old Man glitch is one of the most infamous glitches in the history of Pokémon and an extension of the Cinnabar Island wild Pokémon glitch, allowing Red and Blue players to easily encounter and possibly catch a glitch Pokémon called MissingNo. It also allows the player to duplicate items, since encountering or defeating ...

  9. Pokemon Yellow: Special Pikachu Edition Cheats and Tips

    Here is a selection of some of the best ones. Best Pokemon Yellow Cheats. 1. Master Ball Cheat. Get unlimited Master Balls at the Poke Mart for free with this cheat. 2. Walk Through Walls Cheat. You can walk anywhere on the map with this Walk Through Walls cheat which includes some tips on how to use it. 3.

  10. Pokémon Red and Blue/Cinnabar Island

    Walkthrough. One of the Pokémon research centers on Cinnabar Island has been destroyed. A genetically engineered Pokémon broke free of its cage and escaped, demolishing the lab in the process. Luckily for you, the cloning facility is safe and sound. You'd better be careful as you walk the creature's back trail—be sure to read any literature ...

  11. Pokémon Mansion

    At the end is an alternative exit back to Cinnabar Island. Heal up and then head to Cinnabar Gym to the north-east of the island. Make sure you have the Secret Key on hand from the Pokémon Mansion to be able to enter the Gym. For Pokemon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition on the Game Boy, Guide and Walkthrough by zerokid.

  12. Pokémon Red and Blue/Secrets

    One is the east coast of Cinnabar Island, and the other is the east coast of ... Now you'll run into the Pokémon from that Safari Zone region on the Cinnabar Coast, and you can catch them like normal Pokémon, with Ultra Balls! Get infinite copies of any item! ... If you have used the Mew glitch and have him in slot one of your Pokémon roster ...

  13. Pokemon Red Glitches

    This glitch is an extension of the Safari Zone Glitch directly above, and begins with the Old Man in Viridian City. This glitch souldn't be confused with the Item Duplication Glitch, which is easliy done after performing this very glitch. ... The play must then fly to Cinnabar Island and surf on the east coast of the island. Random Wild Pokemon ...

  14. How often do you take advantage of the well known glitch to catch

    I'll use the Cinnabar Island MissingNo item duplication glitch post game when playing RBY just to help with the leveling (rare candy) or important TMs that you can only get once. I always make sure to grab Mew but rarely will I use it. More just a grab it to have it kind of thing. I've never used the glitch to get other non-Mew Pokemon however.

  15. What's the deal with Kangaskhan in red/blue? : r/pokemon

    My best advice for safari zone pokemon is to do an encounter in the area they spawn then fly to cinnabar. The missingno glitch actually uses the data from the last area you were in, so you'll encounter 'mons from the safari zone in regular combat.

  16. Pokemon Red Glitches

    Overworld Sprites Glitch: In this glitch, a number of sprites are misplaced after following a set of guildlines: If a player surfs on the east coast of Cinnabar Island without having the Secret Key and returns to the island directly in front of the Gym, a man will suddenly appear of the roof of the Gym.

  17. Old man glitch

    1. Talk to the Old Man at Viridian City who shows you how to catch Pokémon. Say no to his question and watch his demonstration. 2. Fly to Cinnabar Island or Fuchsia City. Do not leave Viridian City before doing this. 3. If you chose Cinnabar Island, Surf along the eastern coast until you encounter a wild Pokémon.

  18. Is Pokemon's Infamous MissingNo Glitch Really Its Most Powerful ...

    MissingNo. (an abbreviation of "missing number") is a glitch that appears in the Generation I games. It is usually encountered through the old man glitch, where the player must speak with the old man located north of Viridian City, allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon, then immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island. Surfing just east of ...

  19. Safari Zone

    Surf on to the water to the north and follow it around to the east and south. As it banks around to the west, you'll spot a PokéManiac (F) above you. Lv. Just to the north-west of him is the entrance to the Power Plant, so head inside. For Pokemon Blue Version on the Game Boy, Guide and Walkthrough by zerokid.

  20. Can we appreciate how fucking insane the missingno glitch from ...

    It would work for any area, not just the Safari Zone. The old man glitch works because something like, the encounter doesn't load area data for the encounter because it's not scripted to (or something along those lines), and so when you fly to Cinnabar island and surf along the coast with no pokemon area data, it looks into the location in ...

  21. How do you do the old man glitch in Pokemon Yellow?

    The glitch is a special case of the Fight Safari Zone Pokémon trick. To perform the glitch, the player must talk to the old man located in the north of Viridian City and allow him to demonstrate how to catch a Pokémon. After the demonstration, the player should immediately Fly to Cinnabar Island. How do you glitch in the Safari Zone in ...

  22. Bugs and glitches

    Bugs and glitches. Pokémon Red, Blue and Yellow are notoriously buggy games and have far more bugs and glitches than this guide will document. The following sections cover some of the more well known or useful bugs that you can make use of at your discretion. Previous: Missables. Next: Cinnabar Island wild Pokémon glitch.