Cruise Missiles

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Skill at the handling and firing of very large guided missiles.  5% bonus to cruise missile damage per skill level.

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  • Domination Cruise Missile Launcher
  • True Sansha Cruise Missile Launcher
  • Dread Guristas Cruise Missile Launcher
  • Republic Fleet Cruise Missile Launcher
  • Caldari Navy Cruise Missile Launcher
  • XT-9000 Cruise Launcher
  • 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I
  • Cruise Missile Launcher I
  • 'Malkuth' Cruise Launcher I
  • 'Limos' Cruise Launcher I

Required skills

Overloading, reprocessing, produced by.

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A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships.

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Fury Cruise Missiles for Missions?

My understanding of Eve mechanics is sometimes spotty. I know there are knowledgeable people on these forums, though.

I have tried using fury light missiles on the SOE epic arc and they seemed to apply less damage than the regular light missiles, even to cruiser sizes opponents. Today, I tried fury cruise missiles against the final boss in the Amarr Epic Arc - Harkans Behemoth. The fury cruise missiles applied noticeably less damage than the regular cruise missiles. These Tech II missiles have a shorter range and more of a dependence on signature radius than the Tech I missiles - is the signature radius penalty so significant that it cannot apply full damage even to battleships?

I suppose I could check this in Pyfa, but I wouldn’t know where to get the stats for the NPC.

From how I understand it, if your target has a sig radius of say 150, and your missiles have an explision radius of 300 then they will only do 50% of the damage, so essentialy you need an explosion radius the same or less than the target for it to apply properly. there’s your guy …

Yes. Basically, to targets of the same size, the effective damage of the missile (before resistances) is ± ED = damage × missile_signature / target_signature. If you look at the fury damage/missile_sig you’ll notice this ratio is LOWER than the one for eg CN cruise missiles.

Actually some BS NPC are actually not even 100% applied with fury rapid heavy missiles and need one or two guidance computers.

So a good thing is to fit target painters, and/or guidance computer, and/or rigor/flare rigs. Remember that some named rats are immune to painter ; but otherwise most BS should go down quicker, once painted and with a correct ship, with fury than with CN. also remember that a few BS have bonus to missile precision : eg raven navy or typhoon. The explosion speed bonus are actually very relevant when shooting BS, but a bit less when shooting cr and smaller because then the signature is more damaging than the speed (yes speed also impacts the formula, but a bit less)

Worth reading in general if you use missiles.

Furies need some help with application. Try some rigs, Rigors/flares, or modules missile guidance computers/enhancers to increase your missiles application, and a target painter to increase the target’s sig. A web or grappler can help but in general you won’t be that close to most targets with a battleship.

if you are going to be shooting a lot of smaller things then faction or precision ammo can help a lot.

I dunno the best way do to stack the buffs these days but a few buffs on each should give pretty good application.

So do a lot of people bother with the T2 cruise missiles? Seems like it would be a lot more straightforward to stick with T1s - especially since both of the T2 variants have reduced ranges.

as always : it depends. fury are designed to shoot target bigger than you, or targets of same size painted, webbed, prepared.

There is no “one size fits all”.

Fury cruise range on typhoon is 134km… I don’t remember missions that require more range than that.

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Performance Improvements - Changes To The Missile System!

If you'd like to discuss this dev blog, you can do so in the comments thread on the EVE Online forums here!

Missiles are one of the most widely used weapon types in New Eden. Interchangeable damage across all four types, lack of transversal dependence, high DPS, immunity to tracking disruption, and no need for capacitor are all significant benefits to the pilots of ships equipped with launchers. These punishing offensive tools, whether they be lights, rockets, heavies, torpedoes, or cruise missiles, represent a serious threat to all capsuleers.

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They also represent a serious challenge when it comes to client performance. The previous implementation of missile graphics code did not treat these popular weapons quite the same as other assets in space. Insufficient optimization for the nature of the objects has left them using more resources than other similarly sized, frequently encountered objects and because missiles stay in space until detonation or fuel exhaustion, they had the potential to become a drag on client resources in scenes where launchers abound.

With the Triglavian Deviant Automata Suppressors as inspiration (they are remarkably good at cleaning up missiles, after all), the Audio & Graphics Group decided to take a look at missile graphics and make some improvements in order to improve the performance of clients running missile heavy scenes.

Please be aware that these changes do not affect the application of missile damage, or the related code for calculating velocity, flight time, explosion speed, and other related values. Only the visual appearance of missiles and missile explosions in the space scene are affected.

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A series of controlled tests populated the scene to establish a baseline framerate value (without restricting the interval) across the machines meeting EVE Online’s recommended specifications . Adding a continuous flood of missiles from all entities in the controlled scenes dropped the framerate significantly. The delta between the two values provided a gauge by which to evaluate the results of any changes.

Efforts focused on several areas determined to affect missile performance:

  • Damage locator selection
  • Missile mesh Level of Detail (LoD)
  • Explosion spawning

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Damage Locators

When a capsuleer activates an offensive module in New Eden, the graphics engine goes through a process to determine how best to display the effect of that weapon on its intended target. To keep things interesting but not slog down the client with complex math, there are several predefined points on each model than can be hit by a targeted weapon. These points are referred to as “Damage Locators.”

For the immediate effects of turrets, the graphics engine runs a series of virtual functions on the list of available damage locators. These function calls to select the most appropriate locator occur quickly, with minimal performance impact, and the effect plays immediately. For missiles, however, the selection process is significantly more complex, integrating flight arcs and target orientation.

While virtual function calls are normally not tremendously taxing, having many of them running in a tight loop can be more expensive than necessary. The new implementation cuts down on the complexity of the loop, reducing the drag which results from these virtual function calls. Essential elements are still present; missiles won’t fly around after fuel depletion or remain in space after explosion, and appropriate damage locator selection will still ensure that the missile stays on target. But a good chunk of processing power can now be dedicated elsewhere.

cruise missiles eve

Missile Mesh Level of Detail (LoD)

Late in 2017, missiles were out of line with the V5++ work already long completed on other ships and structures in space. An investigation showed that adopting a box-rendered, ray-traced missile would reduce complexity, curtailing work that would almost never be used in client. The result is visible in the client now: a low detail mesh, a mote of light (called a “blinky”), and a trail particle effect representing exhaust.

Even the low detail mesh has some cost, though, and with some launchers simultaneously firing multiple warheads per salvo, that cost can be significantly magnified. To cut it down further, level of detail (LoD) rules now apply to missiles. At specified distances, the engine will cease to draw the mesh, letting the simple blinky and smoke trail convey the positional information for missiles for viewers at longer zooms. This ensures that no gameplay information is lost, but no extra pixels are drawn by the engine.

Explosion LoD

With the impact effects of missile explosions, it was possible to go one step further than applying LoD to loaded assets. At longer distances, these effects are incredibly small on screen, conveying minimal information but at the premium price of memory and drawcalls. To cut that price down, the engine will now not even load the explosion unless the camera is close enough for it to be seen. As a result, system resources remain available without any detriment to the quality of the space scene.

The most significant improvement to overall client performance, however, came from a series of defect fixes and optimizations in one of the surprisingly resource intensive steps of the process: scene clean up. When objects in space are removed from the scene, many different systems in EVE’s codebase need to know. The overview updates, the targeting icons shift, the tactical overlay adjusts; countless different elements of the interface constantly pay attention to what is present on grid and when something leaves, they notice. The biggest savings in the missile rework came from changing the way EVE’s various game systems react to the removal of an object. These changes, which began as a way to improve missile performance, actually affect all heavy scenes where large numbers of objects leave the grid at the same time. Static observers of large fleet departures, smartbomb fleet pilots, and even casual Jita 4-4 undock tourists may be able to recognize the benefits of the adjustments to scene clean up. But the improvements shine brightest in the results of the comparison test using missiles.

After incorporating all four of these changes, the test environments on the selected platforms successfully returned new values for the performance tests. The results indicated that overall the performance impact of missiles had been reduced by between 10% and 20%, depending on the platform. This reduction in performance cost is better contextualized, though, by observing the associated framerate increase. Across tested platforms, the changes resulted in a minimum average framerate increase of 50%. The greatest improvement reflected an average total gain of 76%.

Test Environment 1:

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Test Environment 2:

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The Audio & Graphics Group is always searching for ways to improve the experience of capsuleers in space, and this work is only one of the projects in progress with that aim. Even now we have our sights set of other effects, assets, and environments to optimize more effectively in future releases. In the meantime, we hope that blowing things up with rockets, missiles, and torpedoes will be easier to enjoy in this release and look forward to further enabling your immersion in New Eden.

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Missile ships

Missile ships can be found across a wide range of ship types in every race, often showing up in places where an inexperienced player would not expect to find them. The following is a list of all subcapitals with hull or role bonuses to missiles (excluding special ships). Ships which have unbonused missile hardpoints are not listed as they cannot be properly considered "missile ships." This list is intended to aid a pilot specializing in missiles to find the ships which best suit their needs.

  • 1.1 Battlecruisers
  • 1.2 Cruisers
  • 1.3 Destroyers
  • 1.4 Frigates
  • 2.1 Battleships
  • 2.2 Battlecruisers
  • 2.3 Cruisers
  • 2.4 Destroyers
  • 2.5 Frigates
  • 3.1 Frigates
  • 4.1 Battleships
  • 4.2 Battlecruisers
  • 4.3 Cruisers
  • 4.4 Destroyers
  • 4.5 Frigates
  • 5.1 Guristas
  • 5.2 Mordu's Legion

The only Amarr ships to provide missile hull bonuses are the Tech 2 Khanid ships and Tech 3 Legion, though several Tech 1 ships are unbonused towards a particular weapon type while possessing equal launcher and turret hardpoints. Of these, the Arbitrator and the Prophecy are considered drone boats, while the Dragoon , Curse , and Armageddon are PvP neuting ships with the neuts usually taking up the entire high rack. The Amarr are notable for providing the only dedicated armor-tanked missile ships in the game.


  • T2: Damnation Command Ship
  • T2: Sacrilege Heavy Assault Cruiser
  • T3: Legion Strategic Cruiser
  • T2: Heretic Interdictor
  • T2: Vengeance Assault Frigate, Malediction Interceptor, Anathema Covert Ops, Purifier Stealth Bomber

The Caldari have the most prolific catalog of missile ships, typically with large kinetic damage bonuses. This makes many Caldari missile ships relatively inflexible in terms of damage type.


  • Faction: Raven Navy Issue , Scorpion Navy Issue
  • T2: Golem Marauder, Widow Black Ops
  • Faction: Drake Navy Issue
  • T2: Nighthawk Command Ship
  • T1: Caracal
  • Faction: Caracal Navy Issue , Osprey Navy Issue
  • T2: Cerberus Heavy Assault Cruiser, Onyx Heavy Interdiction Cruiser, Rook Recon Ship
  • T3: Tengu Strategic Cruiser
  • T2: Flycatcher Interdictor
  • T3: Jackdaw Tactical Destroyer
  • T1: Condor , Kestrel
  • Faction: Caldari Navy Hookbill
  • T2: Hawk Assault Frigate, Crow Interceptor, Buzzard Covert Ops, Manticore Stealth Bomber

Gallente ships are by far the least likely to use missiles. Indeed, very few ships sport even a single launcher hardpoint, and ultimately only the Nemesis stealth bomber has any hull bonuses to missiles at all. The Celestis is the only other Gallente ship with enough missile hardpoints for missiles to be its primary weapon system.

  • T2: Nemesis Stealth Bomber

The Minmatar are the second-most frequent users of missile ships. Unlike the Caldari, Minmatar missile ships do not typically have a type-specific damage bonus, making them effective PvE ships through the class hierarchy as well as providing unpredictable damage in PvP.

  • T1: Typhoon
  • Faction: Typhoon Fleet Issue
  • T1: Cyclone
  • T2: Claymore Command Ship
  • T1: Bellicose
  • Faction: Scythe Fleet Issue
  • T3: Loki Strategic Cruiser
  • T1: Breacher
  • T2: Hound Stealth Bomber

Pirate Factions

Pirate faction ships are usually very expensive, and as such should only be flown by experienced pilots. Moreover, since both missile-slinging pirate factions are hybrid Caldari/Gallente ships, they represent a significant skill investment in a race (Gallente) which very rarely uses missiles. If training into these from a Caldari background, then you may wish to train up some basic hybrid turret and drone skills to ensure you can also fly the many Gallente ships offered by training into these pirate ships.

Guristas ships are powerful combination missile and drone platforms sporting strong skill bonuses to thermal/kinetic missile damage and shield resistances. However, their most powerful assets are their drones, with each ship having very high damage and hitpoint role bonuses to their respective drone class.

  • Worm Frigate, Gila Cruiser, Rattlesnake Battleship

Mordu's Legion

Mordu's Legion ships are dedicated PvP boats with skill bonuses to point/scram range and missile damage (all types). Their role bonuses allow missiles to hit out 50% farther while reaching their targets in a third of the time, largely negating one of the most commonly-cited disadvantages to missile sniping in PvP.

  • Garmur Frigate, Orthrus Cruiser, Barghest Battleship
  • Missile Launchers
  • Missile Damage

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  1. Tuesday August 27: Hussain Ahmed in conversation with Melissa Ginsburg for Blue Exodus

  2. ⬇️ 🦮 Underdog Raven (Solo PvP EvE Echoes)

  3. Russia to send cruise missiles to houthi rebels #shorts #geopolitics

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  1. Missiles

    Missiles - EVE University Wiki

  2. Cruise Missles

    Vokan_Narkar (Vokan Narkar) September 5, 2022, 8:16am 3. I find cruise missiles the best missiles for battleships. They are doing good damage and can shoot at very long ranges. Their range is something you can use in PvP too although not common as usually you want to go short range so the target doesn't run. But should be doable for fleets.

  3. Skills:Missiles

    Training missile skills will be key for most Caldari combat pilots, but some Minmatar and Amarr ships use missiles too, as secondary or even as primary weapons. Perception and Willpower are important for perfecting your skill at missiles. The following are the skills in the Missiles section (in alphabetical order): Skill (Multiplier) Purpose.

  4. Missile mechanics

    Zainou 'Snapshot' Cruise Missiles: 1% to 6% bonus to the base damage of Cruise Missiles; Zainou 'Snapshot' Torpedoes: 1% to 6% bonus to the base damage of Torpedos ... Eve uses 1 second ticks. If the missile flight time is not an integer then the missile will fly for the integer number of seconds shown and has a chance to fly one more second ...

  5. Torpedos vs Cruise Missles, what are the pros and cons?

    Bigger, slower targets or PvE torp. I have to disagree with this part somewhat. Cruise Missiles do make great long-range anti-support weapons, but Torpedoes make for excellent close range battleship killers. Obviously this is more for smaller-to-medium sized gangs (i.e. not 150km battleship fleets), but saying that Torps are only useful for PvE ...

  6. Torpedo vs cruise discussion : r/Eve

    Eligostez_Eve. •. Torps or cruise missiles won't help you If you are getting ganked. By the time you lock them there is a decent chance you'll be dead. Fit Cruise missiles, less hassle for mission running and keep the cost low, the more expensive the ship the higher chance of getting ganked. Reply reply.

  7. Torpedoes or Cruise Missiles on a Golem? : r/Eve

    The golem has enough spare mid slots to fit a few target painters. Along with the ship's bonus to target painters, it makes it viable for torps to hit cruiser sized ships. Also, in bastion mode, missiles/torps get extra range, which makes torps able to hit at any range in missions.

  8. All Advanced High Damage Cruise Missiles

    A very basic missile for large launchers with reasonable payload. Utilizes the now substandard technology of bulls-eye guidance systems. A modified version of the Nova cruise missile. Does more damage than the Nova cruise, but the volatile nature of the warhead, and its powerful containment system, reduce both flight time and precision.

  9. Torpedo and Cruise Missile discussion : r/Eve

    r/Eve. • 8 yr. ago. Stitch_K. ADMIN MOD. Torpedo and Cruise Missile discussion. Ive always been a little confused about battleship missile systems (excluding RHML). The relationship between cruise missiles amd torpedos seems backwards. In general, the short range missile system has decent application and low range (HAMs, rockets). And in ...

  10. Inferno Fury Cruise Missile

    An Amarr creation with powerful capabilities, the Inferno cruise missile was for a long time confined solely to the Amarr armed forces, but exports began some years ago and the missile is now found throughout the universe. A modified version of the Inferno cruise. Does more damage than its predecessor, but the volatile nature of the warhead, and its powerful containment system, reduce both ...

  11. Cruise Missiles

    Cruise Missiles. Skill at the handling and firing of very large guided missiles. 5% bonus to cruise missile damage per skill level. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

  12. Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile

    The mother of all missiles, the Mjolnir cruise missile delivers a tremendous payload, guaranteed to get its victims acquainted with their personal god in a quick, but painful manner. EVE Ref. ... EVE Ref. About. Status. Data. Eve Online. Time: Players: Contact. Discord. Reddit. Patreon. EVE Ref is the property of Autonomous Logic. All rights ...

  13. L4 Solo mission running, what missile ship/fit is ...

    L4 Solo mission running, what missile ship/fit is best to ...

  14. 2020 Golem theory?

    Those tiny monsters can take a lot of punishment. Anyway, when using a Golem, I've always been 100% into cruise missiles. In my mind, torps (and rapid heavies) are more PVP-weapons. Below is an example of the kind of crazy I've pulled in the past: 300 km lock range, and when the bastion module is active, also 300+ km missile range.

  15. Torpedos vs Cruise Missiles

    EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. ... Cruise missiles have very good damage application for a long range weapon system. Torpedoes have pretty bad application stats and much shorter range. tbh, if you use large missiles ...

  16. Missile Implant Advice... : r/Eve

    Any advice would be appreciated. I use this in my Tengu, up/down-grade for whatever % you seem fit: I use a RL 5, TN 5, GP 5 and I had a HM 3 in my 7th slot, which I planned on replacing with an assault missile damage implant when is trained into HAM's. As serp said, the 7th slot is a no brainer damage implant. The 6th slot is personal choice.

  17. Cruise Missile Launcher II

    Description. A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but less suitable for bombardment of deployed structures. Contains a huge missile capacity, but has a slow firing rate and trouble targeting small, fast ships. A battleship mounted launcher used for long range standoffs with other battleships, but ...

  18. Which Ship can Cruise Missiles be Loaded On?

    Battleships that can use cruise missiles include Caldari Raven, Navy Raven & Navy Scorpion, Minmatar Typhoon and Fleet Typhoon, Gurista Rattlesnake and Mordus Barghest. The Amarr Armageddon can fit them but has no bonus for launchers. As well as the following ships: Scorpion, Rokh, Golem and Widow.

  19. Typhoon

    The Typhoon (or "Phoon") is the missile-focused Minmatar Tech 1 battleship. For a Tech 1 battleship, it is especially fast and has a small signature radius. Due to its 5 mid / 7 low slot layout, it is often armour tanked. The Typhoon can be used in big PvP fleets, where it usually carries cruise missiles.

  20. Fury Cruise Missiles for Missions?

    My understanding of Eve mechanics is sometimes spotty. I know there are knowledgeable people on these forums, though. I have tried using fury light missiles on the SOE epic arc and they seemed to apply less damage than the regular light missiles, even to cruiser sizes opponents. Today, I tried fury cruise missiles against the final boss in the Amarr Epic Arc - Harkans Behemoth. The fury cruise ...

  21. Missiles Skills

    EVE Online Guide. Start tracking progress. ... Cruise Missile Specialization Cruise Missiles Defender Missiles Guided Missile Precision Heavy Assault Missile Specialization

  22. Performance Improvements

    These punishing offensive tools, whether they be lights, rockets, heavies, torpedoes, or cruise missiles, represent a serious threat to all capsuleers. ... The biggest savings in the missile rework came from changing the way EVE's various game systems react to the removal of an object. These changes, which began as a way to improve missile ...

  23. Missile ships

    Missile ships can be found across a wide range of ship types in every race, often showing up in places where an inexperienced player would not expect to find them. The following is a list of all subcapitals with hull or role bonuses to missiles (excluding special ships). Ships which have unbonused missile hardpoints are not listed as they ...