The 25 Most Quotable Lines From Schitt's Creek

Moira Rose poses with her arms out, wearing bird makeup and covered in feathers

Many of us still haven't recovered from "Schitt's Creek" ending in 2020. Though the show is available to stream , the nearly two years since the finale have been tough. The show, which chronicled the misadventures of the formerly wealthy Rose family in the titular town of Schitt's Creek, was a warm, inviting story that combined humor and quirky characters with an earnest heart, and the promise that we can all become better people if we really try. The show was created by Dan Levy (who is making more stuff for Netflix now) and his father Eugene Levy, and the sense of familial love permeates the entire series. Don't be mistaken though, it's not a saccharine family sitcom, either. Like the title implies, "Schitt's Creek" does not shy away from the messier aspects of life, family, or love. 

One of the best aspects of the show, aside from, well, all of it, is the whip-smart dialogue. From Moira's bizarre bits of wisdom and extensive vocabulary and Johnny's well-meaning but out-of-touch ideas, to David's dry humor and Alexis' love of catchphrases and eyebrow-raising anecdotes, "Schitt's Creek" has plenty of iconic quotes to offer. What better way to celebrate the show than to highlight some of the best of the best? Grab a glass of fruit wine or one of Twyla's infamous green smoothies, and let's get into some of the most quotable lines from the run of "Schitt's Creek." 

'I like the wine, not the label.'

David looks at Stevie, offscreen

"Schitt's Creek" has received a lot of praise and accolades  for its portrayal of the LGBTQ community , particularly the wry pansexual David Rose (Dan Levy). After an unexpected tryst with his female friend, Stevie, she attempts to ask David about his sexuality while the two are shopping for a bottle of wine. Once David realizes what she is getting at, he explains his sexuality using a wine metaphor that many of us can employ the next time we try to explain our dating life to a confused relative. 

David does not just enjoy drinking red wine, or white wine, or just rosé. Instead, he is open to all varieties of wine that this world has to offer, in essence: "I like the wine, not the label." Not only is it a useful, simple way to explain one's sexuality via one of the best adult beverages out there, but it's a lovely example of the show's frank exploration of David's sexuality and identity. (Addison Peacock)

'What you did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic. But, it was also wrong.'

Moira, wearing an extravagant hat, looks offscreen

Oh, Moira Rose. Where would this world be without her? We would certainly have far fewer wigs, statement hats, and absolutely iconic quotes in Catherine O'Hara's unique, perfectly absurd accent. There's just no one like Moira Rose, and no one else could handle the burden of being that fabulous. This gem, one of an infinite treasure trove of Moira-isms, comes from the first episode of season 2, "Finding David." When David leaves town, and no one can find him, the family eventually tracks him to an Amish community several miles down the road. 

When the Roses reunite with their temporarily lost son, finding him crouching in a field like a gargoyle in a black cashmere sweater, Moira scolds him for his behavior. Though what he did was impulsive, capricious, and melodramatic, qualities that Moira can absolutely appreciate in a person, she has to emphasize that it was also the wrong thing to do. This line is a Moira Rose classic, a perfect glimpse at her character, the way she views the world, and her love for melodrama (when it doesn't inconvenience her). (Addison Peacock)

'I didn't go missing, David. The FBI knew where I was the entire time!'

Alexis holds her phone in one hand, with the other under her chin, smiling mischievously

Speaking of fabulous Rose women, Alexis Rose, portrayed by Annie Murphy, is a stone cold icon. From her perfectly shaped eyebrows to the tip of her designer shoes, Alexis is a bubbly, adorable delight who spends the course of the show learning how to mature and truly care for herself and others. Before she landed in Schitt's Creek, Alexis spent her time jetting around the globe and getting herself into some major trouble. Some of her stories are classic socialite fare, like swapping jewelry with Hollywood It Girls, but sometimes Alexis tosses out a casual comment that's downright jarring. 

This particular quote is one of the best little Alexis lines that implies that, in spite of her sometimes shallow demeanor, Alexis Rose has lived a  hel l  of a life. After David points out that he's not the only one in his family to have gone missing before, Alexis takes umbrage with that claim and points out his mistake. The FBI knew where she was the entire time, David!!! Glad you made it back, Queen. (Addison Peacock)

'Eat glass!'

David making an angry face at Alexis

Few things are better than an argument between David and Alexis, and one of the show's best occurs in the season 5 premiere. After the gang video-calls Moira, who is on the set of "The Crows Have Eyes III: The Crowening," David and Alexis bicker over their respective romantic relationships. While Ted (Dustin Milligan) plans to take Alexis on a hike, David frets that his relationship with Patrick is cooling, all thanks to a quiz from a 1991 issue of M'Lady Magazine that says they "Need A Generator."

At this point in the show, David has softened to become easily the most normal member of his family. He's growing and maturing at a much faster rate than the rest of the Roses. After all, he's a business owner, and he's madly in love. That doesn't mean he's not up for a bit of verbal sparring with his sister, and it doesn't mean he can't deliver a cutting insult wrapped in a smile. The back-and-forth escalates until David, one foot practically out the door, finally gets the last word. "Mmm," he says. "Eat glass!" What a perfect way to exit a room. (Eric Langberg)

'Where is bébé's chamber?'

Moira clutches a wig in her arms, crying

One of the most hilarious things about Moira Rose is her, shall we say, creative use of language. This delightful diva loves to drop an obscure vocabulary word, or place a foreign accent on a word when you would least expect it. A particularly fun example is the way Moira says the word "baby." There is no such thing as a baby in the Moira Rose world. No, no! Babies are for ordinary people. Moira is talking about "bébés."

In s eason 5, after Jocelyn (Jennifer Robinson) gives birth to an infant son, Moira expresses interest in the newborn bébé, referring to him exclusively that way in every conversation. Jocelyn and Roland (Chris Elliott) don't really have much of a choice but to go with it. After five seasons of Moira doing what she does, they're pretty much used to it at this point. Though it's a simple line, and a simple word, there are few simple joys in this world like repeating "bébé" in your best Moira Rose voice. (Addison Peacock)

'A little bit Alexis!'

Alexis squats low to the floor, mid-dance routin

When we all started watching "Schitt's Creek," we had no idea that we would be introduced to one of the greatest pieces of music this world has ever known. I am of course referring to the theme song of Alexis Rose's short-lived reality television show, "A Little Bit Alexis." The reality show is mentioned a few times throughout the show, but in season 5, episode 8, we all finally got to hear the song itself when Alexis auditions for the town production of "Cabaret." 

Annie Murphy wrote the lyrics herself, so we really have her to thank for all of the incredible lines in this piece of pop music brilliance. It's tough to pick a favorite line from the song when there are options like "I'm a cute huge yacht," and "Hide your diamonds, hide your exes," or even the chorus of "la la la la la la la." But, there is one clear winner when it comes to quoting the song, and that's its refrain and title: "A little bit Alexis." Aren't we all, deep down, a little bit Alexis? (Addison Peacock)

'I plan on popping a pill, crying a bit, and falling asleep early.'

David holding a cardboard box

In the 13th episode of season 3, the Rose family forgets that it's David's birthday. He tries not to let it upset him; in typical David fashion, he prefers to talk around his emotions and avoid his feelings by making jokes. When Patrick shows him some genuine kindness at the store, it becomes clear that David isn't handling the rejection very well.

This is early on in David and Patrick's relationship, so it's lovely to see Patrick looking out for his new friend. Nevertheless, David delivers an incredibly relatable line laying out how his birthday is going to go: "I plan on popping a pill, crying a bit, and falling asleep early." Like many David lines, it works thanks to Dan Levy's delivery; David's kidding, but he's also not kidding, simultaneously seeking pity but also just being honest.

It's a funny line, but it's also a turning point in David and Patrick's relationship. Patrick's too much of a nice guy to let that plan stand, so instead he and David wind up going on what becomes their first date. A healthy cry and an early bedtime sounds nice; meeting the love of your life sounds even better. (Eric Langberg)

'Fold in the cheese.'

Moira and David stand in a kitchen, and Moira holds up a recipe card

Sometimes cooking can be tricky, especially when you haven't cooked a meal by yourself in 30 years. In season 2, episode 2, "Family Dinner," Moira and David are tasked with cooking dinner for the family after Moira claims that she can handle preparing a meal. They commandeer Jocelyn's kitchen and attempt to cook chicken enchiladas from an old recipe. Unfortunately, neither David nor Moira is a particularly adept chef, and the rising tensions result in one of the best scenes in the entire show. 

While referring to the recipe, David and Moira reach a step that they cannot make heads or tails of: "Fold in the cheese." Looking at the bowl of shredded cheese and the pot of bubbling liquid in front of him, David demands to know what that could possibly mean. How do you fold cheese? Where does it go? Fold it into what? The two yell back and forth about the cheese, threatening to boil over just like the pot of sauce they're trying to prepare. 

This scene even inspired food publication "Delish" to make a tutorial video  teaching "Schitt's Creek" fans how they can fold in the cheese at home. "You just...fold it in!" (Addison Peacock)

'Talk to the hand, son, because the ears are no longer working.'

Johnny puts his hand up to David's face

Eugene Levy has made a career out of playing dads who try to be cool and hip but fail miserably. After all, many audiences know him best as Jim's Dad from "American Pie," a character whose sex-positive attitude makes his son miserable. He's less permissive in "Schitt's Creek," perhaps a reflection of the fact that Levy felt Johnny Rose was closer to his real self than any character he's played .

In "Schitt's Creek," his kids are the two coolest, hippest kids in town ... or at least, they carry themselves like they are. Usually, this annoys Johnny to no end, but sometimes he tries to get on their level. In "Surprise Party," an episode from late in the show's first season, Johnny tries to convince David and Alexis that they should help plan a birthday party for their mother. The kids offer excuse after excuse until, finally, Johnny sticks his hand over David's mouth. "Talk to the hand, son, because the ears are no longer working," he says.

It's a perfectly mangled idiom, and when Alexis points that out — "Okay, that's not at all how that works ..." — Johnny one-ups himself. "Cancel your trip, Alexis, because the travel agent is out of the office," he adds. The kids wind up being involved in the birthday party after all, but it's we who have been given a gift: these two beautifully stupid kiss-offs. (Eric Langberg)

'I don't skate through life, David. I walk through life in really nice shoes.'

Alexis sits on her bed, looking concerned

Having a way with words seems to run in the Rose family, and Alexis certainly takes after her mother when it comes to throwing out perfectly quotable nuggets of wisdom. In this season 3 episode , David is struggling with anxiety around taking the driving test, and Alexis attempts to get him to relax and get out of his own way. When David is attempting to call Alexis out for navigating life in an effortless way, she chimes in to correct him. She doesn't skate, she walks through life, in really nice shoes. 

The quote is simple, funny, and oh so Alexis, and it indirectly provides a little bit of philosophy we can all take with us (and print on our novelty coffee mugs). None of us should skate through life or race through it, if we can help it. We should follow Alexis' lead and walk through it in whatever nice shoes we can find. We're more likely to enjoy it that way. (Addison Peacock)

'Gossip is the devil's telephone. Best to just hang up!'

Moira poses knowingly with a coffee cup

I don't know about you, but I could listen to Catherine O'Hara talk as Moira Rose all day, every day. I can't imagine ever getting tired of her elegance, her quirky mannerisms, or her theatrical manner of speech. My idea of a perfect world is one where Moira Rose walks around with me all day, offering input on the world around me and giving me wonderfully bizarre advice and pep talks. Maybe I'd eventually get tired of it, but sadly I'll never find out for sure. 

One incredible little piece of advice straight from Moira's statement-lipsticked lips is her stance on gossip. It's the devil's telephone, best to just hang up! Of course, Moira indulges in plenty of gossip herself, but that doesn't stop her from firing off a pithy slogan on it anyway. And you know she didn't get that from a bumper sticker or anything, that came straight from her brilliant mind. (Addison Peacock)

'I don't know what that means.'

David talking to Patrick

There are numerous running jokes laced throughout "Schitt's Creek." Most notable are all the puns related to the town name, including Chris Elliott's character Roland Schitt. More subtle, however, is the Rose family's favorite deflection when they simply don't want to engage with someone who's being ridiculous, or who's too low-class for them, or who's making reference to something that they haven't encountered because they're so out-of-touch. The Roses, especially David, love to say, "I don't know what that means."

The best deployment of that line is in "Motel Review," an episode from the third season. This is Patrick's first appearance in the series, and he tries to help David fill out an application for a business loan. When it becomes clear that David doesn't really have a business plan in mind and can't answer most of the questions about what he's looking to do with Rose Apothecary, Patrick says, "Battin' a thousand here, David." 

That's when David hits him with an, "I don't know what that means." It's funny because he's refusing to acknowledge a sports reference, but keep an eye on Patrick's reaction to that line. He finds David amusing, and it's not just that; we see David notice Patrick's reaction, too. It's the very first glimmer of what would become one of TV's best love stories, all thanks to a line that's easy to deploy in your own life when you just can't be bothered. (Eric Langberg)

'Fear not, she hath risen!'

Mora wears a dramatic gown and big curly wig, looking on with an open mouth

Moira and drama are like a fish and water. She doesn't just need it to survive, she swims in it, she lives in it, she  thrives in it. And there is nothing more dramatic than a news outlet falsely reporting your death, leading to droves of misled mourners celebrating your memory, sending flowers, gifts, and condolences in your honor. In season 4, episode 5, "RIP Moira Rose," Moira learns of an online rumor claiming that she is dead. 

Once her family's initial panic has been assuaged, Moira leans in and enjoys the posthumous spotlight until the attention begins to fade. Online virality is fickle, she finds, and so in order to get her name in the public conversation again, she plans to stage her reappearance and announce that she is, in fact, alive. She floats into her regular a cappella singing group, the Jazzagals, practice in a white dress, sweeps her arms wide, and proclaims the good news to all: "She hath risen." (Addison Peacock)

'Let's not count our poultry before it's incubated.'

Moira smiles knowingly at someone offscreen

Something all of Moira's devoted fans understand is that she never does anything the conventional way. Moira doesn't just come at things like an average person! From her clothes and her massive wig collection to her larger-than-life response to strong emotions, everything with Moira is bigger (and, in my opinion, better). 

Even when she's giving motherly advice, Moira makes it all her own. When encouraging Alexis not to get ahead of herself, Moira warns her that they should not "count our poultry before it's incubated." Another classic bit of Moira wisdom, this quote takes the classic warning, "Don't count your chickens before they hatch," and gives it that extra bit of Moira Rose flair. We're not just talking about chickens, here. They could be ducks, quail, pheasants, geese, any kind of bird you imagine. Just don't count it before its eggs are incubated and ready to hatch! (Addison Peacock)

'I would be pleased to RSVP as ... pending!'

Townsfolk watching Moira make excuses

Moira is a funny character when she's interacting with her family, but she may be even funnier when she's forced into situations with the local townspeople. In season 3 episode 6, "Murder Mystery," Moira is at a rehearsal with her vocal group The Jazzagals. Before she knows what's happening, she accidentally gets cornered into accepting an invitation to a murder mystery party hosted by Twyla (Sarah Levy). Moira wants nothing less than to attend this party, but no matter how many ways she tries to claim she'll be busy that night — before she knows what night it is — Twyla keeps finding new ways to extend the invitation. Finally, Moira declares, "I would be pleased to RSVP as ... pending!"

It's a perfect exchange; as usual, Moira can't be bothered, but she's too proud to be blatantly rude. This, of course, has the effect of making her seem even more rude. The best part of this scene, though, is the way the other Jazzagals watch Moira try to weasel her way out of the party. We're several seasons into the show at this point, so they're no longer as intimidated by her as they used to be. Instead, they look on with something like affection as Moira is left twisting in the wind. This is a show about selfish characters, but it's also one whose characters seem to enjoy each other's quirks, and there's no one quirkier than Moira Rose. (Eric Langberg)

'Trust me, people aren't thinking about you the way that you're thinking about you.'

Alexis big hat in the car

Alexis is a character who's legendary for how out of touch she is. She makes the most extravagant things seem like they're boring and commonplace, casually name-dropping various princes and making her past life seem like a whirlwind adventure full of exotic locales and dangerous escapades. In other words, she's not necessarily a character you turn to for good advice.

In "Driving Test," the fourth episode from the third season of "Schitt's Creek," the family comes together to help David get a license. While Johnny is exasperated with his son, twisting David up into anxious knots, Alexis is far more laid-back about the whole thing. In fact, she tells David that no one really cares how he does on the test. At first, he's offended, but to our surprise, Alexis has a deeper point. "Trust me, people aren't thinking about you the way that you're thinking about you," she tells him. She means that this is just another day on the job for the driving instructor, and the family has their own things going on, too. David needs to focus on himself and stop worrying about what other people think.

The irony, of course, is that Alexis understands her brother better than nearly anyone else. He's an anxious mess, and by delivering this nugget of wisdom wrapped in what feels like an insult, she's able to help ease his burden like only Alexis can. (Eric Langberg)

'Tweet us on Facebook!'

Johnny holds his hands up, eyebrows raised

Often relegated to the role of the comedic straight man amongst their larger-than-life personalities, Johnny Rose (Eugene Levy) may not be as quotable as the other members of his family, but he still gets some pretty great lines from time to time. Johnny is a man with a good heart who loves his wife and his children, and usually has the best intentions in mind, but he's not always the most aware of the world at large. 

Like many of our dads, Johnny struggles with technology. While trying to help market the Rosebud Motel and bring it into the 21st century, Johnny has difficulty with incorporating technology and social media into his approach. He inadvertently prints a full URL on his custom coasters, for example. Even before the coaster misprint, though, they were probably doomed. When pitching his family on the idea, Johnny gives an example of what one of the coasters might say, and it's something that's not just an out-of-touch thing to say, but an impossible thing to do. Sorry Johnny, no one can tweet you on Facebook. But you're adorable, and we love you. (Addison Peacock)

'You get murdered first for once!'

David and Alexis bicker in a doorway

This particular quote is from the pilot episode of the show  when the Rose family is not adjusting well to their new lives in Schitt's Creek. This is especially true of David and Alexis who were pulled from their own independent lives and thrown into a single motel suite with their parents, sharing a bedroom for the first time in their lives. While fighting over where they're going to sleep, Alexis and David bicker about who gets the bed closest to the door. This spot would put whoever sleeps in it in more danger of getting murdered since the killer would naturally target the closest potential victim first. That's just how motel room murderers work, you know! 

Alexis wants the bed farther away from the door, and after arguing about it, finally snaps and says that she is going to take it. As she grabs her things and moves them to the bed, she yells, "You know what, David? You get murdered first, for once." And that's how you stand up for yourself! (Addison Peacock)

'Herb Ertlinger.'

Moira Rose holding a glass of wine

Depending on who you talk to, many fans agree that "Schitt's Creek" takes a minute to find its footing . By episode 6, "Wine and Roses," the show's quirky humor and love of language are on full display. At that point, Catherine O'Hara has figured out the Moira Rose voice, and the episode is built around a bravura showcase for what a deliciously demented character she would turn out to be.

At this point in the series, the family is still reeling from the loss of their fortune. Johnny gets in touch with Herb Ertlinger, an old friend, and he signs Moira up to be the spokesperson for Herb's line of fruit wines. The only problem is, Moira can't get the lines out for the life of her. "Fruit wine" becomes "flute line," "Moira" becomes "Moina," and so on, a look of horror slowly breaking over her face.

In the episode's final moments, Moira almost gets there. "You'll remember the experience, and you'll remember the name," she says. To her shock and our delight, "Herb Ertlinger" becomes a barrage of mangled insanity like "Burt Herngeif," "Irv Herblinger," "Bing Livehaanger," and finally, "Bingo Lingf***er." Who among us hasn't tried to mimic O'Hara's increasingly-panicked delivery of these lines? We'll remember the name "Herb Ertlinger" indeed. (Eric Langberg)

'I'm positively bedeviled with meetings, et cetera.'

Moira making an uncomfortable face

At its core, "Schitt's Creek" is a show about some extremely selfish people who learn to be ever-so-slightly less selfish by the time the series concludes. (In fact, some might say that watching "Schitt's Creek" makes the audience better people , too.) In the season 4 premiere, "Dead Guy In Room 4," the family has to pull together to do something about a guest who has expired at the motel. The only trouble is, David's busy opening his new store, Alexis is off dealing with her romantic entanglements, and Moira ... well, Moira just can't be bothered.

When David asks how she's spending her day, Moira offers up one of the lamest excuses ever. "I'm positively bedeviled with meetings, et cetera," she says, eyes searching the ceiling, as though a better excuse might be written above David's head. Absolutely nobody believes that Moira has even one meeting scheduled, but how can you argue with someone like that?

As with many Moira lines, it's an ultra-quotable way to get out of something you simply don't want to do. Not interested in hanging out with a friend who's been annoying you? Can't convince yourself to get up off the couch and do some laundry? You're not lazy or inconsiderate; you're positively bedeviled with meetings, et cetera! (Eric Langberg)

'What does burning smell like?!?!'

David covers his face with his hands as Moira looks at him, holding a bowl of cheese

Maybe using two quotes from the same scene is cheating, but it's a perfect scene and also you can't stop me. We return to the scene of the chicken enchilada crime as David and Moira engage in an epic culinary struggle for the ages. 

"Fold in the cheese" is an iconic quote from this scene, but it's not the only great moment. There is also the incredible exchange between Moira and David when she says, "I cannot teach you everything!" and he fires back, "Can you teach me  one thing?!" My other favorite bit from this scene is Moira's absolute terror as the sauce they are cooking begins to bubble in its pot. You know, the thing that hot liquid does when you cook it in a pot on a stove? In her usual high-strung way, Moira does not take to this development well, and she cries out like a tragic Shakespearean heroine, "David! What does burning smell like?!?!" It's the perfect quote for any cooking mishap. (Addison Peacock)

'Love that journey for me.'

Alexis looks at a woman with a wide-mouthed smile

So many Alexis quotes should be stitched on cute floral throw pillows — and that's a compliment. She holds a lot of brilliant thoughts in that impeccably-styled head of hers. One of her frequent sayings in response to new developments in her post-New York life is the optimistic, "Love that journey for me!" 

Not only is this a fun line and such a blast to quote, but it's wonderfully representative of Alexis' character as a whole. From the pilot to the show's finale, Alexis Rose goes on quite a journey as a person. She starts the show shallow and selfish. She's not evil or malicious but rather deeply self-centered and bad at any kind of introspection. As the show goes on, she faces some harsh truths about herself, the world she lives in now, and the world she left behind. Alexis retains her sense of fun and her playfulness, but she also learns to respect the needs of others, to work hard, and to evaluate her place in the world. It's honestly hard not to be proud of her. Love that journey for you, Alexis. And love that journey for us, getting to watch. (Addison Peacock)

'Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now.'

Moira gives Stevie some advice

In the second season episode "Moira's Nudes," Moira learns that there are rumors that nude photos from early in her career are circulating somewhere on social media. In typical Moira Rose fashion, she has no idea how to use the computer, so she tasks David with trying to help her find them. In typical "Schitt's Creek" fashion, the storyline is upended when we realize Moira is actually upset the nudes are hard to find, not embarrassed that they exist at all. She wants people to want to see her naked, to prove to herself that she's still as desirable as she used to be.

That's where this classic line comes in. As the episode wraps up, Moira delivers an incredible, inspirational monologue to Stevie, a character she's never particularly had much time for. "Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now," Moira recommends. It's not the worst advice in the world, even bordering on poignant; Moira wants to make sure Stevie is appreciating her youth while she still has it. 

Of course, Moira can't resist but slip an insult or two in there, too. She adds, "You may currently think, 'Oh, I'm too spooky,' or, 'Nobody wants to see these tiny boobies.'" (Ah, the gift that is Catherine O'Hara saying "tiny boobies" in the Moira Rose voice!) "But believe me, one day you will look at those photos with much kinder eyes and say, 'Dear God, I was a beautiful thing!'" (Eric Langberg)

'Ew, David!'

Alexis and David look on at something offscreen, both perplexed

Alexis Rose truly is the queen of quotable catchphrases, and there is no quote more associated with "Schitt's Creek" than this one. There's just no competing with the best. Alexis tends to use this phrase whenever David says something particularly objectionable, and it never gets old. Fans of the show are so devoted to the phrase that there are compilation videos dedicated to every time Alexis utters it onscreen. Though Alexis' character is more than just her most notable quotable, there is really nothing quite like seeing Annie Murphy fire off a well-timed "Ew, David!"

"Ew, David!" can be used in truly any situation, whether or not you're actually talking to someone named David. Use it as an expression of frustration, horror, joy, disdain, or any of the dozens of strong emotions life can throw at you. Out of all of the quotes on this list, this is the one that you can truly carry with you forever. It's more than just a quote. It's a lifestyle. (Addison Peacock)

'Thirsty little thing, isn't she?'

Alexis looks stressed with Ted

David's relationship with Patrick is simply the best "Schitt's Creek" romance, but Alexis' love for Ted comes in close second. The hunky veterinarian captures Alexis' heart early in the series, and the two spend several seasons circling one another. By the time the season 4 premiere rolls around, however, they're on a break.

This is the episode where there's a dead guy at the motel, so Alexis heads to the vet, hoping to crash with Ted for the night. To her dismay, he's got other plans for his apartment that night. Namely, he wants to use it for sex. Sex with Heather, that is, who Alexis calls "the woman who wanted you to wash her cat all the time." Even at her worst moments, Alexis is usually nothing if not composed, a put-together princess of wealth and luxury. Here, though, Annie Murphy lets the mask slip just a bit and shows us Alexis' openly-jealous side, delivered as always with a wide-eyed smile and that iconically limp wrist. "Thirsty little thing, isn't she?" Alexis says, providing one of the show's most giffable moments. It's a great line for when your friend is openly lusting after someone, as Alexis is here. Hey, Alexis ... are we still talking about Heather? (Eric Langberg)

If you've had your "Schitt's Creek" fix and are looking for other ultra-quotable comedies, check out 14 shows like "Schitt's Creek" you need to see next.

Screen Rant

Schitt's creek: alexis' 10 most emotional quotes, ranked.


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Alexis Rose, like the rest of  the Rose family , began the show as a vain and selfish person who was horrified at the thought of living her life in Schitt's Creek, but she eventually grew to love the town and become close to her family and found her true self in the process.

RELATED:  Schitt's Creek: The 5 Most Annoying Things Alexis Ever Did (& 5 Sweetest)

Alexis grew to be an independent and wise person who truly cared about those in her life. She became a great source of support and love and gave great advice to those in her life while also making some difficult decisions in her romantic relationships as she grew throughout Schitt's Creek .

Love That Journey For Me

Although in context this line isn't emotional, it's a pretty great descriptor for changes and the overall journey that Alexis and the Rose family go through within the show.

Revisiting this line from Alexis hits differently after watching the entire and seeing what a journey she has gone from being a selfish and dependent person to truly caring for those around her and becoming independent and confident in herself by the end of the series.

That's Arguably The Most Important Role Of The Wedding. I Do.

Schitt's Creek  can be an emotional show  and its happy ending finale proves it. David asks his sister to walk him down the aisle and give him away when he gets married to Patrick and Alexis gladly agrees to the important role.

Although her response is more comedic, she's still incredibly touched by David asking her to do this. It's a tender, emotional, and sweet moment between the two siblings that shows how much they truly care for each other.

I'm Just Glad Ted Found Somone So Stable And Healthy.

When Ted returns to Schitt's Creek Alexis is surprised to find that she still has feelings for him, but she's matured since he's been gone and doesn't think it would be fair to try to win him back since he's in a healthy relationship with another woman.

She delivers this line to David and is unable to hide the sadness behind her words even though it's the right thing to do at that moment.

I Don't Mean To Tell You How To Spend Your Money. But, Maybe You Could Use Some Of It To Come Visit Me?

Twyla comes into a lot of money by the end of the series and she goes to Alexis to discuss everything and even offer her part of her winnings as a thank you for being a great friend while she was in Schitt's Creek.

RELATED:  Schitt's Creek: 10 Saddest Things About Alexis

Alexis doesn't accept the money, saying that she wants to make her own living independently but appreciates Twyla and loves their friendship . Alexis does sheepishly suggest that Twyla could use some of the money to visit her in the future in their emotional goodbye.

People Aren't Thinking About You The Way That You're Thinking About You.

Alexis helps David try to prepare for his driving exam and David allows his anxiety to get the best of him as he begins to worry about what the driving instructor will think of him. Alexis tries to calm him down and eventually says this line.

She tells him that the instructor won't care or judge him because in the end, it doesn't really matter to him and that most people won't dissect David when they meet him like how David is dissecting himself at that moment.

You're The Sweetest Man I've Ever Known. And That's It.

Alexis tries to move on from Ted after breaking off their engagement , but she finds that she still loves him when he returns from their honeymoon. She wants him to be happy so she holds in her feelings for him especially after learning that he's in a happy relationship.

She does this successfully for a while, but she eventually breaks and has to tell him how she feels but says she doesn't expect anything from him and just wanted to let him know that she still loved him and that he was the sweetest man she's ever known.

I Think He Changed Me A Bit. Like He Knows Me. I Let Him Know Me.

Alexis has a difficult time after she and Mutt break up and she's not exactly sure why since she's never had such strong feelings after a split. She opens up to David and tells him that she's figured out why she's so upset and it's because she let Mutt see the real her.

She was completely herself with Mutt, which must have been freeing after her flings where she put on a facade, and she asks David for a hug.

Spending A Little Bit Of Money On Something Really Special Might Not Buy You Happiness, But It Can Definitely Help Make You Smile.

Twyla tells Alexis that she's won a crazy amount of money and says she has no idea what she wants to spend it on. Alexis gives her this great piece of wisdom as she says that Twyla has been selfless and helpful to everyone in Schitt's Creek and she deserves to spend at least some of the money on frivolous things that she wants just because she wants them.

It's a great moment between the two and shows how Alexis has grown throughout the series.

I'm So Proud Of You. I'd Like To Think That We Helped Each Other Get Here. I Want You To Know How Grateful I Am To Have Met You.

In an extremely emotional scene, Ted and Alexis decide to break up and decide to focus on both of their careers that keep Alexis in Schitt's Creek and Ted in the Galapagos.

RELATED:  Schitt’s Creek: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Alexis Rose

Ted surprises Alexis by returning to Schitt's Creek so they can have this conversation in person and although it's very amicable it's a heartbreaking scene and Alexis leaves him with these final words.

There Is Nothing Wrong With Asking For What You Deserve.

Moira debates whether or not she wants to return to her old soap opera  Sunrise Bay as her old co-star Clifton is begging for her to return due to her success with the Crows  movie. Alexis goes to her mother and tells her that she's learned through the online fandom that Clifton was the one who lobbied to get her written off the show in the first place.

Alexis gives Moira some lovely advice and tells her to ask for what she deserves and not just what they offer her.

NEXT:  Schitt’s Creek: 5 Times Alexis Was The Funniest Character (& 5 It Was Johnny)

  • Schitt's Creek

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73 Best Quotes By Alexis Rose From "Schitt's Creek"

She is a little bit Alexis!

Abha Ahad

BuzzFeed Contributor

Alexis Rose from Schitt's Creek transitioned from spoiled rich brat to girl boss in a span of six seasons. Whether you are the rich brat, the girl boss, or somewhere in between, you can always win by quoting this icon's words. Here are 73 examples.

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek The only right answer ❀ 05:51 PM - 22 Aug 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

1. "Nom nom for us, David."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 06:15 PM - 25 Nov 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

2. "I’m sorry for not responding to, like, one text, David!"

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:51 PM - 17 Sep 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

3. "Love that journey for me."

4. "my life is an inconvenience.", 5. "i don’t skate through life. i walk through life
in really nice shoes.".

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 03:18 PM - 17 Aug 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

6. "OK, yeah, no, I did not write this
OK, like, I didn’t even choose this font! It’s horrible."

Alexis talking to David

7. "I am going to slap you in the face."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 03:55 PM - 17 Nov 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

8. "Ew, David!"

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 05:03 PM - 17 Feb 2022 Reply Retweet Favorite

9. "People aren’t thinking about you the way that you’re thinking about you."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 05:30 PM - 31 Jan 2022 Reply Retweet Favorite

10. "I’m the one who should be at a sketchy bar meeting randoms. I’m the one who should go missing."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:42 PM - 26 Sep 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

11. "I once passed off a mini horse and three guinea pigs as service animals , so anything is possible."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 03:22 PM - 01 Aug 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

12. "What’s your favorite season?"

Alexis looking at David

13. "Every now and again, spending, like, a little bit of money on something really special
it might not buy you happiness, but it can definitely help make you smile."

14. "i went on a blind date to bali with leo, so i’m pretty sure it’ll be fine.".

Alexis and David talking to Moira

15. "This is a moment of growth for you."

16. "i didn't go missing, david. the fbi knew where i was the entire time.".

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 03:43 PM - 22 Mar 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

17. "There is nothing wrong with asking for what you deserve."

18. "so this is weird. today marks the longest relationship i’ve ever voluntarily had with someone. yeah, the actual longest relationship was a three-month affair with a saudi prince, but for the last two months of that, i was trapped in his palace trying to get to an embassy.".

Alexis pointing to her phone and being angry

19. "It's like a witch's house in here, David."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:15 PM - 01 Oct 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

20. "I’m a Lamborghini; I’m a Hollywood star."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek Happy Birthday, @annefrances 🌟💖 09:23 PM - 19 Dec 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

21. "So as Jocelyn said, my name is Alexis, and yes, I did not finish high school. Um, it’s this long, boring story involving a yacht and a famous soccer player and, like, a ton of mushrooms."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 11:04 PM - 11 Jul 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

22. "I think it would be so great if we could just go around the room and everyone could tell me, like, five things about yourself."

Alexis sitting in front of a mirror

23. "I used to text Zac Efron just, like, for a booty call. Poor thing would be pressing the buzzer before I even hit send."

Alexis and David acting very uninterested

24. "He's afraid of moths and butterflies and businesswomen in sneakers."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 02:35 PM - 22 Jun 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

25. "Yeah, and Adam Levine and I *just* went for bubble tea."

Alexis after a run

26. "One time, I did do a book report on David's diary, and it was very dark."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:06 PM - 12 Jan 2022 Reply Retweet Favorite

27. "I don’t think that’s the right journey for you at this point in time."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 06:14 PM - 03 Jul 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

28. "I'm expensive sushi. I'm a cute, huge yacht."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:04 PM - 30 Jun 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

29. "It’s a list of BuzzFeed’s most motivational quotes for girl bosses under 30."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:52 PM - 05 Nov 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

30. "I don’t know why you didn’t ask me first, David. I have my license in seven different countries, and I have my F class."

31. "boop.", 32. "i wasn’t in rehab; i was at rehab, visiting stavros.".

Alexis sitting

33. "I would like to remind you that I don't have a therapist anymore."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 07:26 PM - 17 Oct 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

34. "I am embarrassed for you."

Alexis lying in bed

35. "Lick rust."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:51 PM - 03 Jan 2022 Reply Retweet Favorite

36. "Just remember: No sudden movements, do not reach for the glove box, and no matter what happens, do not tell them your real name."

Alexis stretching and David talking

37. "We've both had a lot of zhampagne; just feel like we need to hydrate and reflect."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 06:57 PM - 01 Jan 2022 Reply Retweet Favorite

38. "If there’s one thing I’ve learned, when it comes to love, you can’t let the little things get in your way."

Alexis working out

39. "I'm sorry. Were you picked up by the South Korean secret police on New Year's?"

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:50 PM - 31 Dec 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

40. "I don’t want to brag, but Us Weekly once described me as ‘up for anything.'"

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 02:00 PM - 23 May 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

41. "Did you know you can still get mail?"

Mutt and Alexis running in the rain

42. "Yeah, no. I know composting. Gwyneth Paltrow does a compost gift exchange."

Alexis smiling

43. "Tell that to me at 21, escaping the Yakuza."

Alexis drying her hair

44. "I still actually had a few more verses. And in the last verse, I really get to showcase my range."

Alexis talking to David

45. "Stop doing that with your face."

David and Alexis looking stunned

46. "You are being so extra right now."

Alexis talking to Mutt

47. "You get murdered first for once."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 02:35 PM - 05 Aug 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

48. "I miss being surrounded by loose acquaintances who think I’m funny and smart and charming."

Alexis talking to Ted

49. "I am sorry if I am going through something right now."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 03:13 PM - 27 Jul 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

50. "Your vibe can be a bit intense."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 02:51 PM - 08 Jun 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

51. "Turkish Cosmo once included my photo on their list of the world's best sarongs."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 02:45 PM - 06 Jul 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

52. "I totally get that."

David and Alexis sitting at a table

53. "David, you'd better be talking about Stevie Nicks ."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 01:42 PM - 26 May 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

54. "Generally speaking, this is like a very cute look for me."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 04:41 PM - 17 Jun 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

55. "I told myself I would enjoy my own company tonight."

out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek 05:02 PM - 06 Jun 2021 Reply Retweet Favorite

56. "I was one of the original Pussycat Dolls, but it only lasted, like, two weeks because apparently I’m too pretty ."

57. "i’m pretty sure i’m engaged, and i’m pretty sure i just cheated on my fiancĂ©.", 58. "every time i did that with a boyfriend, i’d send him off with someone who, like, wasn’t a threat. like pippa middleton or rihanna.", 59. "i actually got this in a swap with sienna miller. and by that, i mean it fell off her wrist at a halloween party and i kept it.", 60. "hide your diamonds, hide your exes
i’m a little bit alexis.", 61. "people love extreme vanity, and they love puppies", 62. "what now do i leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life because i did that with harry styles in england, and it was, like, too rainy.", 63. "sometimes, a special little lock can come along that you didn’t think would fit because it didn’t look, or act, like the lock you thought you needed.", 64. "he didn’t dump me. we actually both decided it was best that he see other people.", 65. "like, i think i’m wearing a wedding dress.", 66. "i’ve been traveling the world since i was a teen model, but something about this feels different.", 67. "do i have to remind you of the time that i was taken hostage on david geffen’s yacht by somali pirates for a week and nobody answered my texts", 68. "this is all feeling very sketchy.", 69. "it's called an immersive experience.", 70. "i am little bit alexis.", 71. "you are being so extra right now.", 72. "i don't get it, but whatever.", 73. "well, i won't be doing any of that, but thank you.", share this article.

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Why Is Everyone Saying “I Love That for You”?

Image may contain Human Person Necklace Jewelry Accessories Accessory Clothing Apparel Face and James Charles

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It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment when a phrase achieves meme status, but it seems to be happening more than ever. From “ I’m baby ” to “ You hate to see it, ” expressions that first gained currency in the shadowy depths of Twitter and Instagram often go mainstream, but it can be tricky to trace the precise etymology that takes, say, “Weird flex, but okay” from extremely online slang to all-purpose catchphrase.

The expression “I love that for you” and its variants (“ I love that for me /us/them”) has picked up steam of late. If you’re a culture vulture, you might suspect that its origins could partly be traced back to The Bachelor ’s Arie Luyendyk Jr., a living manifestation of compulsory heterosexuality who exclaimed “I love that” in 2018 enough to merit a three-minute compilation video . It’s now become a widely used phrase within queer communities, appearing even as the title of an LGBTQ+ lifestyle blog .

Gretchen McCulloch, internet linguist and author of the best-selling book Because Internet: Understanding the New Rules of Language , took to the Google Ngram Viewer—which tracks phraseology usage dating back to 1500—to search for possible linguistic predecessors to “I love that for you.” What she found wasn’t entirely surprising: “There are no results for the full phrase ‘Love that for you’ until 2008, so it seems like its origins are more recent,” she tells Vogue .

So how did “I love that for you” gain traction in the first place? The answer is complicated, and—like so many things in our current dystopia—at least partly YouTube-related.

“Like many queer cultural artifacts, ‘I love that for you’ comes from teens, and we’ve picked it up,” Rose Dommu, a senior staff writer at Out , who employed the phrase in a February interview , tells Vogue. Dommu attributes “I love that for you” to beauty guru James Charles, while cautioning that Charles is the equivalent of “a human retweet.”

Charles made headlines in May for his gummy-supplement feud with fellow YouTuber Tati Westbrook , but to his ardent, primarily teenage fan base, he’s been a star for years. At his zenith, Charles boasted 16 million YouTube subscribers who flocked to his DIY makeup tutorials like moths to a perfectly contoured flame, and he quickly parlayed that success into branded partnerships, Met gala invitations , and even a CoverGirl contract .

Before the feud, Charles won fans not only with his impeccable makeup skills, but also his taxonomy of catchphrases. In a March video titled “ Learn the sister dictionary with James Charles, ” Charles broke down the bon mots he’d become famous for on YouTube in alphabetical order: H was for “Hi, sisters” (used to open up every vlog); N was for “Not with that attitude”; and L , of course, was for “Love that.”

This image may contain Face Human Person Hair and Haircut

A screenshot from James Charles’s YouTube channel.

“‘Love that’ can be expanded to ‘Love that for you’ or ‘Love that for me,’” Charles explains in his always-upbeat tone. The shortened version of the phrase has made its way onto official James Charles merchandise , and like any good neologism, it even commands its own UrbanDictionary page . “Kind of like ‘love that,’ but generally means that you don’t actually care,” one user reports, making sure to hashtag #JamesCharles.

“I love that for [X]” has spread from Charles throughout the YouTuber community; it can be sincere praise of a friend’s outfit choice, or it can be used as a heightened form of “LOL” to express bemusement at the uncanny, like Tana Mongeau tweeting “I love that for us” when she and one of her followers tweeted the same joke about Donald Trump and Kim Kardashian’s May 2018 meeting. It’s a pet phrase of Mongeau’s; in fact, if you’re so inclined, you can even watch her saying it for two minutes on a loop .

The Fall 2024 Hair Trends That Will Soon Flood Your FYPs

Just as Charles has moved from star to scandal-maker, the phrase “love that for you” has curdled from earnest to sarcastic; this shift is evidenced by an October Reductress headline reading, “Knock Your Proud Friend Down a Peg or Two by Declaring, ‘I Love That for You!’” In its sarcastic form, “I love that for you” is a prime example of what writer Myriam Gurba calls “the queer art of being mean,” but it’s an inherently versatile phrase, one that’s as easy to employ sincerely as it is to toss off as an insult.

At its heart, “I love that for you” is a queer internet catchphrase with with real-world legs; like other online slang that has made its way IRL, it’s a signifier of someone who “gets it.” That is, for now, anyway; the chances are good that the phrase could go mainstream, emblazoned across water bottles and workout tanks the world over. Dommu notes how quickly the phrase has spread beyond Charles: “I hear people saying it now who would never watch his videos.” These days, when she catches herself saying “I love that for you” on the podcast she hosts, Out ’s Outcast , she edits it out. “I can see some very non-gay brand marketing with it,” she predicts. “In five years, someone will be using ‘I love that for you’ to sell a sandwich.”

The thing that makes “I love that for you” great, though, is not its mainstream potential, but its versatility. How often can a phrase go from a genuine expression of loving support (as in, “The thing you’re doing will benefit you, friend”) to a subtle act of shade (“The thing you’re doing is tragically misguided, but I’m not going to say so”) with a simple change of intonation? “I love that for you” functions as a cultural bridge between millennial irony and Gen-Z sincerity—allowing everyone to take what they need and leave the rest.

love that journey for you

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151 Heartfelt & Inspirational ‘I Love You’ Quotes for Him or Her

Sylvia Smith shares insights on love revitalization and conscious living. She believes purposeful actions can transform relationships into happier, healthier ones.

Young couple having fun near beach

Love is a language that transcends words , yet finding the right words to express our deepest feelings can be a beautiful and cherished endeavor. 

In this collection, we present 151 heartfelt and inspirational ‘I love you’ quotes that resonate with the essence of love, designed to help you convey your affection and appreciation to that special someone in your life, whether it’s your partner, spouse, or a cherished friend.

151 heartfelt and inspirational ‘I love you’ quotes for him or her

Here are some heartfelt and inspirational “I love you” quotes for him or her, suitable for various occasions and to express deep feelings in your relationship:

The ultimate collection of sweet and short ‘I love you’ quotes for him or her

Expressing profound love can be challenging . In this collection, we’ve gathered heartfelt ‘I love you’ quotes for him and her to help you convey the depth of your emotions to someone special. So, want to express your love to your partner? Try these “how much I love you quotes.”

  • “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.” – Maya Angelou
  • “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect, and I loved you even more.” – Angelita Lim
  • “I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.” – Roy Croft
  • “I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you.” – Ben Folds
  • “I have died every day waiting for you. Darling, don’t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years.” – Christina Perri
  • “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.” – Alfred Tennyson
  • “I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.” – From “Pride and Prejudice”
  • “To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you are the world.” – Bill Wilson
  • “I’ve fallen in love many times… but always with you.”
  • “You are the source of my joy, the center of my world, and the whole of my heart.”
  • “When I say I love you more, I don’t mean I love you more than you love me. I mean, I love you more than the bad days ahead of us; I love you more than any fight we will ever have.”
  • “Being in love with you makes every morning worth getting up for.”
  • “I love you for all you are, all you have been, and all you’re yet to be.”
  • “The best feeling is when you look at him…and he is already staring.”

‘I love you’ quotes to express your deepest feelings

Love is a versatile and ever-present emotion that can be expressed in countless ways, regardless of the occasion. 

Whether you’re celebrating a special milestone, expressing affection on a regular day, or simply want to remind your loved one of your deep feelings, these ‘I love you’ quotes for husband or wife are perfect for any moment. 

Here are 30 of the best ‘I love you’ quotes for every occasion, designed to help you convey your love and affection in a heartfelt and meaningful way.

  • “Every day I love you more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow.” – Unknown
  • “I love you for all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will be.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every moment is a special occasion.” – Unknown
  • “In your arms is where I belong, no matter the day or the hour.” – Unknown
  • “My love for you is a constant, like the North Star in the sky.” – Unknown
  • “Every day I wake up and choose to love you all over again.” – Unknown
  • “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you simply, without problems or pride.” – Pablo Neruda
  • “Loving you is a beautiful journey with no destination.” – Unknown
  • “You are my today and all of my tomorrows.” – Leo Christopher
  • “I love you in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the hours we are together, and in the hours we are apart.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a tapestry woven with the threads of laughter, adventure, and shared dreams.” – Unknown
  • “In your smile, I find all the reasons to celebrate.” – Unknown
  • “I love you not for what you do, but for simply being yourself.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every day feels like a reason to celebrate the beauty of love.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is the greatest gift I’ve ever received, and I cherish it every day.” – Unknown
  • “I love you more than words can express, and my actions will always speak louder than my words.” – Unknown
  • “Our love story is my favorite, and every day is a new chapter to savor.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every moment is a chance to create lasting memories.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every occasion turns into a celebration of love.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is the canvas upon which I paint the masterpiece of our life together.” – Unknown
  • “Every day I spend with you is a day worth celebrating.” – Unknown
  • “I love you more than any words can convey, and I’ll spend a lifetime showing you.” – Unknown
  • “You are the reason my heart dances with joy, no matter the season.” – Unknown
  • “In your love, I’ve found the truest form of celebration.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every moment is a treasure, every day is a gift, and every occasion is special.” – Unknown
  • “I love you not just for today, but for all the tomorrows we’ll share together.” – Unknown
  • “You are the love story I’ve always dreamed of, and I’m grateful it’s real.” – Unknown
  • “In your presence, every moment is a celebration of love’s magic.” – Unknown
  • “I love you for the way you make every occasion brighter, simply by being in it.” – Unknown

The best ‘I love you’ quotes for every occasion

Love is versatile, transcending occasions. Discover the best ‘I love you’ quotes that are perfect for every moment, whether a celebration, a regular day, or simply an expression of affection . You can also use them as “Why I love you quotes” for him or her. 

  • “Every moment spent with you is like a beautiful dream come true.” – Unknown
  • “I love you, not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.” – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours.” – Maya Angelou
  • “My love for you is a journey that knows no end.” – Unknown
  • “I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow.” – Unknown

The best ‘I love you’ quotes to inspire your relationship

Love is a powerful force that can ignite and strengthen your relationship. These carefully selected ‘I love you’ forever quotes will inspire and deepen the love you share. Whether you are looking for ‘I love you’ quotes for your boyfriend or girlfriend, we have the right quotes for you here!

  • “Love is not about how much you say ‘I love you,’ but how much you prove that it’s true.”
  • “I love you, not because you’re perfect, but because your imperfections are what make you perfect for me.”
  • “In your arms is where I belong, where my heart finds its song.”
  • “Every day with you is a new adventure, and I can’t wait to see where our love takes us next.”
  • “Our love story is my favorite, and I can’t wait to see how it continues to unfold.”
  • “You are the sunshine in my day and the moonlight in my night.”
  • “Loving you is like breathing; it’s effortless and essential to my life.”
  • “I love you more with each passing day, and my heart overflows with gratitude for having you by my side.”
  • “Together, we create a love that is as beautiful as it is enduring.”
  • “Your love is the anchor that keeps me grounded in the stormy sea of life.”
  • “I choose you not because I have to, but because I want to every single day.”
  • “Our love is like a fine wine; it only gets better with time.”
  • “I fell in love with you, not for how you look, but for who you are.”
  • “With you, I am free to be my true self, and that is the greatest gift of all.”
  • “I love you more than words can express, and my actions will always speak louder than my words.”
  • “You are the missing piece that completes the puzzle of my life.”
  • “Our love is a journey that I’m excited to embark on every day.”
  • “Being with you feels like coming home, where my heart is at peace.”
  • “I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.”
  • “With you, every moment is a cherished memory waiting to be made.”
  • “Our love is a beautiful tapestry woven from the threads of trust, respect, and affection.”
  • “You are the love of my life, and I cherish every moment we spend together.”
  • “You are my greatest adventure, and I can’t wait to explore the future with you.”
  • “Your love is the fuel that ignites the passion in my soul.”
  • “I love you not because I need you but because I am genuinely and completely happy when you’re around.”
  • “With you, I’ve found the kind of love I used to dream about.”
  • “Our love is the kind that inspires songs, poetry, and the most beautiful stories.”
  • “You are the reason I believe in forever, and I will cherish our love for all eternity.”
  • “Loving you is both my greatest privilege and joy.”
  • “With each ‘I love you,’ our hearts grow stronger, and our bond becomes unbreakable.”

The most romantic and inspirational ‘I love you’ quotes

Love is the most profound emotion; expressing it with heartfelt quotes can deepen your connection. Explore these inspirational and romantic ‘I love you’ quotes to celebrate your love. Try these “When I fell in love with you” quotes.

Here are 30 of the most romantic and inspirational ‘I love you’ quotes that capture the essence of love’s depth, power, and enduring magic. Let these quotes inspire your own expressions of love and passion in your relationship.

  • “In your eyes, I found my home; in your heart, I found my love.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is a melody that plays softly in the background of my life.” – Unknown
  • “My love for you is a journey, starting at forever and ending at never.” – Unknown
  • “Every moment spent with you is a page of our romantic novel.” – Unknown
  • “The moment you walked into my life, everything changed, and I knew I found the missing piece of my soul.” – Unknown
  • “Love is like the wind; you can’t see it, but you can feel it.” – Nicholas Sparks
  • “Your love is the greatest adventure, and I am grateful to be your co-pilot in this journey.” – Unknown
  • “When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds, and I could spend a lifetime in your arms.” – Unknown
  • “You are the dream I never want to wake up from, the reality I never want to leave.” – Unknown
  • “Love is the bridge between two hearts, connecting them with an unbreakable bond.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every day is Valentine’s Day, and every night is filled with starry-eyed romance.” – Unknown
  • “My love for you knows no bounds; it’s as vast as the universe and as timeless as eternity.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is a masterpiece that colors my world with endless beauty.” – Unknown
  • “Loving you is like breathing; it’s a necessity for my soul’s survival.” – Unknown
  • “You are the love I never knew I was searching for, and now that I’ve found you, I’ll never let you go.” – Unknown
  • “Our love story is my favorite, and I can’t wait to see how the plot unfolds.” – Unknown
  • “You are the reason I believe in love at first sight and soulmates.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every day is an opportunity to create a love story that legends are made of.” – Unknown
  • “You are the answer to every ‘what if’ in my life, and I’m eternally grateful for that.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a flame that never burns out, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.” – Unknown
  • “You are the muse to my love poems and the melody to my heart’s song.” – Unknown
  • “My love for you is like a flower that blooms in the garden of our hearts, endlessly vibrant and beautiful.” – Unknown
  • “In your arms, I’ve found my safe haven, and in your love, I’ve found my forever.” – Unknown
  • “With you, even the ordinary moments become extraordinary memories.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a journey filled with laughter, tears, and endless adventures, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” – Unknown
  • “Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me, and I thank the universe for bringing us together.” – Unknown
  • “I love you not just for who you are but for who I am when I’m with you.” – Roy Croft

Heartfelt and inspirational ‘I love you’ quotes to celebrate your love

Love is a profound and beautiful emotion that deserves to be celebrated every day. When you have someone special in your life, expressing your love in heartfelt and inspirational ways can strengthen the bond you share and create cherished memories. 

Here are 30 heartfelt, inspirational, and beautiful ‘I love you’ quotes to help you celebrate and nurture your love, reminding you of the joy, beauty, and depth that love brings to your relationship.

  • “In your love, I’ve found my sanctuary, my joy, and my purpose.” – Unknown
  • “Every ‘I love you’ we exchange is a testament to the power of our love story.” – Unknown
  • “With you, my heart is full, and my soul is at peace.” – Unknown
  • “Loving you is like a gentle breeze, refreshing my spirit and soothing my soul.” – Unknown
  • “You are my today, my tomorrow, and my always.” – Unknown
  • “In your eyes, I see a lifetime of happiness and love.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a symphony of two hearts beating in perfect harmony.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is my anchor, keeping me steady in the storms of life.” – Unknown
  • “With you, I’ve found the missing piece that completes the puzzle of my heart.” – Unknown
  • “You are the love story I’ve always wanted to tell.” – Unknown
  • “I love you not because I need you, but because my life is better with you in it.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a masterpiece, painted with the colors of trust, respect, and affection.” – Unknown
  • “Every day with you is a celebration of love, laughter, and endless joy.” – Unknown
  • “With you, I’ve learned that love is not just a feeling but a choice we make every day.” – Unknown
  • “You are the reason I believe in miracles and the magic of love.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a journey, and I’m excited to explore every path with you.” – Unknown
  • “You are the most beautiful chapter in my life’s story, and I can’t wait to write the rest with you.” – Unknown
  • “Loving you is the greatest adventure I’ve ever embarked on, and it gets more exciting with each passing day.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is my inspiration, my motivation, and my reason to smile.” – Unknown
  • “I love you more than words can express, and I’ll spend a lifetime showing you.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every day feels like a celebration of the love we share.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is the music that fills my heart with joy and my soul with gratitude.” – Unknown
  • “In your arms, I’ve found my safe haven, where I’m free to be my true self.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is a treasure chest of memories waiting to be opened and cherished.” – Unknown
  • “You are my sunshine on the darkest days and my shelter in life’s storms.” – Unknown
  • “With you, love is not just a word; it’s a feeling, a promise, and a lifelong commitment.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is the kind that inspires others, and I’m proud to be a part of this beautiful journey with you.” – Unknown
  • “Loving you has taught me the true meaning of happiness.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is the greatest gift I’ve ever received, and I thank the universe for bringing us together.” – Unknown
  • “I love you not because I have to, but because I want to, with all my heart and soul.” – Unknown
  • “With you, I’ve discovered that love is not just a destination; it’s the incredible journey we embark on together.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is the melody that turns the ordinary moments of life into a beautiful symphony.” – Unknown
  • “In your embrace, I’ve found a haven where time stands still, and love knows no bounds.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is like a flame that burns brightly, warming every corner of my heart and soul.” – Unknown
  • “With each passing day, my love for you grows stronger, deeper, and more profound than words can express.” – Unknown
  • “You are the canvas on which the art of my love is painted, creating a masterpiece that tells our unique story.” – Unknown
  • “Loving you is not just a choice; it’s an instinct, a natural force that guides my heart towards yours.” – Unknown
  • “Our love is the foundation on which the castle of our dreams is built—a fortress of joy, passion, and eternal commitment.” – Unknown
  • “In your laughter, I find the sweetest melody, and in your eyes, I discover a universe where love knows no boundaries.” – Unknown
  • “With you, every day is Valentine’s Day, and every moment is an opportunity to express the depth of my love for you.” – Unknown
  • “Your love is the gentle whisper that calms the storms within my soul, bringing peace and tranquility to my heart.” – Unknown

In a nutshell

In moments of love, whether profound or fleeting, these 151 ‘I love you’ quotes serve as a testament to the power of affection and the beauty of expressing it. 

May they inspire you to celebrate love, kindle the flames of romance, and strengthen the bonds that connect you with your loved one, making every day a testament to the beauty of love.

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Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle Read more in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action. Read less

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Alexis (Annie Murphy) stands in the audition room in an episode of 'Schitt's Creek.'

Just 40 Of Alexis’ Best Schitt's Creek Quotes To Brighten Your Day

Because we’re all a little bit
 well, you get it.

One of the most iconic lines from the Emmy-winning series Schitt’s Creek is, “Ew, David.” The character who coined the beloved phrase is none other than David’s loving and beloved sister, Alexis Rose. While that line is always a winner, especially on social media, there are so many more Schitt’s Creek Alexis quotes for Instagram captions you can use to accompany your next selfie to make sure the spotlight is totally shining on you.

Throughout the series, Alexis grew into being one of the series’ best TV characters. Her relationship with her brother, David, is super relatable to anyone who has siblings. She always knows how to dress to impress, and she has some seriously unbelievable stories to share about her adventures abroad and meeting various celebrities. And let’s not forget those super sweet Alexis and Ted moments , as well, that have you swooning with delight.

While Alexis may have struggled to adjust to her life in Schitt’s Creek at first, you don't have to struggle at all to find the best caption for your next IG post. Simply use any of these Alexis Rose quotes for your next fashionable #OOTD, sibling selfie, or video of you dancing to “A Little Bit Alexis.” They're even perfect for anytime you want to rewatch the series on Netflix again, because they're sure to make you and your friends LOL.

Alexis Rose (Annie Murphy) looks surprised at Twyla (Sarah Levy) while sitting at the counter on 'Sc...

  • “I told myself I would enjoy my own company tonight.”
  • “I walk through life in really nice shoes.”
  • “Ew, David.”
  • “Lick rust.”
  • “I’m a Lamborghini, I’m a Hollywood star.”
  • “Nom nom for us, David.”
  • “Do I have to remind you of the time that I was taken hostage on David Geffen’s yacht by Somali pirates for a week and nobody answered my texts?”
  • “Love that journey for me.”
  • “The pedals make it move more.”
  • “Stop doing that with your face.”
  • “You are being so extra right now.”
  • “A little bit Alexis.”
  • “I didn’t go missing, David. The FBI knew where I was the entire time.”
  • “If there’s one thing I've learned, when it comes to love, you can't let the little things get in your way.”
  • “Anyway, I think it would be so great if we could just go around the room and everybody tell me, like, five things about yourself.”
  • “I used to text Zac Efron just, like, for a booty call. Poor thing would be pressing the buzzer before I even hit send.”
  • “Tell that to me at 21, escaping the Yakuza.”
  • “I actually got this in a swap with Sienna Miller. And by that, I mean it fell off her wrist at a Halloween party and I kept it.”
  • “Yeah, and Adam Levine and I *just* went for bubble tea.”
  • “I once passed off a mini horse and three guinea pigs as service animals, so anything is possible.”
  • “Feel free to sing along if you know the words.”
  • “Yeah, um, I was one of the original Pussycat Dolls.”
  • “I’ve been traveling the world since I was a teen model, but something about this feels different.”
  • “I don’t want to brag, but Us Weekly once described me as ‘up for anything.’”
  • “But people love extreme vanity
 and they love puppies!”
  • “You know what, David? You get murdered first for once.”
  • “I totally get that.”
  • “Sometimes, a special little lock can come along that you didn’t think would fit because it didn’t look, or act, like the lock you thought you needed.”
  • “Like, I think I’m wearing a wedding dress.”
  • “I’m sorry for not responding to, like, one text, David!”
  • “Did you know you can still get mail?”
  • “People aren’t thinking about you the way that you’re thinking about you.”
  • “Every now and again, spending like a little bit of money on something really special
 it might not buy you happiness, but it can definitely help make you smile.”
  • “Generally speaking, this is, like, a very cute look for me.”
  • “I don’t think that’s the right journey for you at this point in time.”
  • “It’s like a witch’s house in here, David!”
  • “I’m the one who should be at a sketchy bar meeting randoms. I’m the one who should go missing.”
  • “I miss being surrounded by loose acquaintances who think that I’m funny, and smart, and charming.”
  • “Do I leave everything behind and move to some random island to be with the love of my life?”
  • “There is nothing wrong with asking for what you deserve.”

This article was originally published on 11.04.20

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Funko Games Schitt's Creek - Love That Journey Party Game

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  • Perfect for every Schitt's Creek fan - fun, fast, easy party game!
  • Easy to learn so you can start playing in minutes!
  • Guess which beloved character or show-inspired situation your friends would choose.
  • When you score, move through the charming folk art map of Schitt’s Creek.
  • Energetic gameplay combines your favorite moments from the series with hilarious discussion and surprising revelations about your friends!
  • For 3–8 Players
  • 20-Minute Gameplay

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Imagine your friends in the awkward and hilarious situations faced by the characters of Schitt’s Creek. What would they do? Find out in this laughterfilled party game of what-would-you choose. The answers may surprise you or make you say, “Love that journey!” Party game perfect for all Schitt's Creek fans, plays up to 8 players!

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Customers are satisfied with the quality of the board game. They mention the cards are high-quality, the game pieces and packaging are decent, and the price is affordable.

"...The board is very cute, as it’s a map of the town. Cards were high quality and the game was very easy to learn...." Read more

"...The game pieces and packaging are decent quality " Read more

"I gave this as a gift to someone who love this show! It was affordable and they loved it." Read more

"...Only keeping because I love the show and it was super cheap " Read more

Customers have mixed opinions about the fun of the board game. Some mention it's very fun, funny, and entertaining. Others say it'll not capture their minds and keep them interested.

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"... Not much to capture the mind and keep you interested." Read more

"This was a very fun game , my daughter loves this show and it was just like it." Read more

"...I like that the game doesn't last for hours but entertains ! You will laugh up a storm & definitely start talking about how much you loved the series." Read more

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Very interesting and inspiring. Will be listening to more of these stories.

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It is great to hear true life success stories and I can not wait to hear more.


  • Creator Morgan and Kristi
  • Years Active 2021 - 2022
  • Episodes 10
  • Rating Clean
  • Copyright © 2022 Love That Journey For You
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  3. My Love For You Is A Journey Pictures, Photos, and Images for Facebook

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  4. Love That Journey for You SVG Digital File

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    love that journey for you

  6. Schitts Creek Alexis Rose Card, Printable Card, Alexis B-day Card, Love

    love that journey for you


  1. I Love the Way You Love

  2. JOURNEY Performs FAITHFULLY After WHEN YOU LOVE A WOMAN Tease & Jonathan Cain Telling the Backstory

  3. Stone In Love

  4. Journey

  5. With Your Love

  6. Journey


  1. Which Episode Does Alexis Say, "I Love That Journey For You"?

    I'll keep thinking though! Just about to say this, it's the only other time that comes to mind off the top of my head as well. I'm watching this episode right now! Season 2 episode 6 😁. She doesn't. She says "yes! love that journey for me" , "love that for you" and "love that for him".

  2. The 25 Most Quotable Lines From Schitt's Creek

    Love that journey for you, Alexis. And love that journey for us, getting to watch. (Addison Peacock) 'Take a thousand naked pictures of yourself now.' CBC Television.

  3. Love That Journey For You GIFs

    Explore love that journey for you GIFs. GIPHY Clips. Explore GIFs

  4. Schitt's Creek: Alexis' 10 Most Emotional Quotes, Ranked

    Love That Journey For Me Although in context this line isn't emotional, it's a pretty great descriptor for changes and the overall journey that Alexis and the Rose family go through within the show. Revisiting this line from Alexis hits differently after watching the entire and seeing what a journey she has gone from being a selfish and ...

  5. 25 'Schitt's Creek' Quotes For Graduation & Loving This Journey For

    You are radiant." — Moira. "Oh, I'd advise against the mortarboard. It'll flatten your hair and pull focus away from that beautiful face." — Moira. "Love that journey for me." — Alexis. "You ...

  6. 73 Alexis Rose Quotes That Schitt's Creek Fans Will Love

    CBC / Via Twitter: @_schittscreek. 9. "People aren't thinking about you the way that you're thinking about you." out of context schitt's creek @_schittscreek. 05:30 PM - 31 Jan 2022. Reply ...

  7. How to Play Schitt's Creek

    Imagine your friends in the awkward and hilarious situations faced by thecharacters of Schitt's Creek. What would they do? Find out in this laughter-filled p...

  8. Love That For You I Love It GIF

    Content Description: a close up of a woman 's face with a #schitts creek logo in the background. File Size: 6974KB. Duration: 3.000 sec. Dimensions: 498x498. Created: 1/18/2020, 1:38:44 AM. The perfect Love That For You I Love It Schitts Creek Animated GIF for your conversation. Discover and Share the best GIFs on Tenor.

  9. I LOVE THAT JOURNEY FOR YOU! In honor of the series finale ...

    I LOVE THAT JOURNEY FOR YOU! In honor of the series finale of Schitts Creek tonight, I'm sharing my version of Alexis Rose . If you haven't watched SC...

  10. Love That Journey For Me Alexis GIF

    Love That Journey For Me. alexis. Alexis Rose. Annie Murphy. Schitts Creek. Ep102. journey. Love That Travel For Me. Love That Trip For Me. Cbc. Cbc Gem. Share URL. Embed. Details Content Description: a woman says " love that journey for me " while a man looks on File Size: 4506KB Duration: 1.600 sec

  11. Why Is Everyone Saying "I Love That for You"?

    In its sarcastic form, "I love that for you" is a prime example of what writer Myriam Gurba calls "the queer art of being mean," but it's an inherently versatile phrase, one that's as ...

  12. 151 Heartfelt & Inspirational 'I Love You' Quotes for Him or Her

    I love you simply, without problems or pride.". - Pablo Neruda. "Loving you is a beautiful journey with no destination.". - Unknown. "You are my today and all of my tomorrows.". - Leo Christopher. "I love you in the morning, in the middle of the day, in the hours we are together, and in the hours we are apart.". - Unknown.

  13. 40 'Schitt's Creek' Alexis Quotes For Instagram Captions

    "Love that journey for me." "The pedals make it move more." "Stop doing that with your face." "You are being so extra right now." "A little bit Alexis." "I didn't go ...

  14. Love That Journey for You

    Love That Journey For Me Tshirt, Love your Journey Tshirt, Um love that journey for me Tshirt, Love Tshirt, Valentine Tshirt, Gift for Her. (6.4k) $8.60. $17.20 (50% off) Love That Journey For You - Rose Family Inspired Banner! - Creek Birthday Party Decor, David Rose, Schitt, Party decor. (2.3k) $17.84.

  15. Love That Journey For Me: The Queer Revolution of... by Garside

    Paperback. $13.22 10 Used from $5.72 17 New from $6.66. Love That Journey For Me dives deep into the cultural sensation of Canadian comedy\-drama Schitt's Creek. Considering the fusion of existing sitcom traditions, references and tropes, this Inkling analyses the nuance of the show and its surrounding cultural and societal impact as a queer ...

  16. Love That Journey GIFs

    love that journey. GIFs. GIPHY Clips. Explore GIFs. GIPHY is the platform that animates your world. Find the GIFs, Clips, and Stickers that make your conversations more positive, more expressive, and more you.

  17. Funko Games Schitt's Creek

    Guess which beloved character or show-inspired situation your friends would choose. When you score, move through the charming folk art map of Schitt's Creek. Energetic gameplay combines your favorite moments from the series with hilarious discussion and surprising revelations about your friends! Ages 14+. For 3-8 Players.

  18. Love That Journey for You Gift

    Thank you for being a key part of my journey graduation support love encouragement (my MEDIUM, LARGE or LARGERLARGE tag) Personalized. (10.5k) $7.00. Love That Journey For You - Rose Family Inspired Banner! - Creek Birthday Party Decor, David Rose, Schitt, Party decor. (2.5k) $18.89. $20.99 (10% off) FREE shipping.

  19. Love That Journey for You Shirt

    Love That Journey For Me Retro Vintage Comfort Colors T-Shirt, Funny Journey Shirt, Music Band Shirt, Gift Tee For You And Your Friends 2023 (201) Sale Price $11.62 $ 11.62

  20. Love That Journey For You

    Listen to Love That Journey For You on Spotify. Each woman has an incredible story to tell. We're sharing those stories to inspire and promote hope. Somewhere in each journey is a "middle" we so seldom talk about. We aim to discuss the struggles, the joys, and the experiences that lead towards the paths that make each of us unique.

  21. Love That Journey For You Podcast

    Love That Journey For You Podcast. 80 likes. We will use our podcast to share honesty, insightfulness, and encouragement with listeners to promot

  22. Love That Journey For You Morgan and Kristi

    In this Season 1 finale of Love That Journey for You, Morgan and Kristi discuss the inspiration behind the podcast and their biggest takeaways. From recording logistics to the main themes behind the show, Kristi and Morgan leave it all on the table. Learn more about this covid inspired side-project between two best friends who wanted to share ...