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L'horizon de khéops, un voyage immersif au coeur de l'egypte ancienne.

L'horizon kheops Bercy Village

L'Horizon de Khéops, un voyage immersif au coeur de l'Egypte ancienne

Bercy Village 45 rue des Pirogues de Bercy, Paris 12e

Du jeudi 23 novembre 2023 au mardi 31 décembre 2024

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Immersion en réalité virtuelle au service de l’histoire, egyptologie et expertise scientifique.

Mise à jour le 16/01/2024

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Egypt's pyramid of Cheops explored in virtual reality in Paris

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Wander in the bowels of the pyramid of Cheops, along the Nile on a dugout or attend the embalming of a pharaoh: thanks to virtual reality, the Arab World Institute (IMA) in Paris offers, from Tuesday, an immersive expedition in one of the seven wonders of the world.

Entitled "The Horizon of Cheops", this original journey is held until October 2. During 45 minutes, the visitor is transported in the Egypt of more than 4.500 years ago through one of its most important jewels.

"We are on something that is the order of the avant-garde," said Monday the director of the IMA, Jack Lang, praising a technical feat to the "very rigorous scientific content.

Built between 2.590 and 2.565 BC, this stone building 146 meters high is originally the largest ever made by man. Built to house the last residence of King Cheops, it continues to fascinate visitors from around the world.

Equipped with a helmet and a backpack, the visitor is immediately transported into a virtual world, which seems... very real. Personified by an avatar, he first enters the heart of the pyramid before strolling through its galleries.

The icing on the cake? The discovery of the king's room but also the spectacular view, from the top of the pyramid, of the Giza plateau, reconstituted.

In an atmosphere close to the 1,001 nights, the visitor moves mainly via a flying carpet made of stone.

To guide him, the Egyptian goddess Bastet (who has the shape of a giant cat) and "Mona", a tourist guide who takes care of detailing the feats of the construction of the pyramids, the meaning of the gods ...

In total, about fifty people can participate at the same time in this immersive experience.

A feat that is the result of three years of work conducted by the company Emissive, French flagship in virtual reality (VR), which has already been at the helm of the immersive project on the restoration of the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris.

This company, which has been developing this video game-like technology for 15 years, intends to put VR at the service of culture.

"For us the educational vocation is essential project after project," said its president and co-founder Emmanuel Guerriero to AFP.

The cost of the experience is 29 euros per person, and 24 euros per person for a group of four minimum.

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L'Egypte des Pharaons : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des Lumières se dévoile en images

L'Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des Lumières - IMG20240208094846

C'est une culture et une époque qui fait rêver nombre d'entre nous : l' Egypte antique et ses grands personnages n'en finissent pas de nous fasciner. Construction monumentales, gravures, peintures et art, mythologie, vestiges archéologiques... L'Egypte du temps des pharaons recèle de très nombreux secrets excitants et fascinants, qui font vivre l'imagination des artistes. 

C'est pourquoi l' Atelier des Lumières nous propose un véritable voyage dans le temps, à la découverte de l' Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II . Cette exposition immersive inédite et dépaysante nous entraîne dans une épopée, à travers trois millénaires, à la rencontre de nombreux souverains, et d'une très riche culture. Rendez-vous du 9 février 2024 au 5 janvier 2025 pour prendre part à ce périple exceptionnel.

L'Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des Lumières - IMG20240208094525

Notre aventure à l'Atelier des Lumières débute avec les dieux égyptiens , créateurs du monde et de ses éléments. Selon les mythes, ces dieux originels changent, et les croyances s'affrontent autour de ces histoires fondamentales. Ces êtres tout-puissants se dévoilent tout autour de nous, sur les murs du musée, jusqu'à ce que les hommes prennent possession de la Terre.

La vie se déploie alors peu à peu en Egypte, en suivant le cours du Nil . Crues et agriculture, faune et flore, eau source de vie : les bords de ce fleuve essentiel constituent le cœur de l'Egypte.  

L'Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des Lumières - IMG20240208094818

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Impossible, bien sûr, de ne pas parler des pyramides et des monuments qui ornent le pays. Ces sites éternels se construisent sous nos yeux, dévoilant au passage quelques secrets architecturaux... Ces tombeaux sont dédiés aux grands pharaons qui ont construit l'Egypte : Toutânkhamon, Ramsès II, Khéphren, Hatshepsout, Néfertari, Thoutmosis III, Akhénaton Khéops, Néfertiti et bien d'autres ont contribué à la renommée de cette nation. Batailles et guerres mémorables, vêtements, bijoux , bateaux et palais dévoilant la richesse et la puissance des souverains, grands projets architecturaux : des siècles après leur mort, ces éléments continuent de faire vivre leur nom et leur histoire. 

L'Atelier des Lumières nous emmène également dans les grandes villes du pays, à la découverte des centres spirituels, culturels et politiques de l'Egypte. Fêtes et processions, cultes, hommages : les divinités sont célébrées dans chaque recoin, à chaque instant, et se dévoilent dans des œuvres monumentales et colorées. 

L'Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des Lumières - IMG20240208101305

Pyramides, temples, palais, tombeaux, bords du Nil, papyrus, objets archéologiques précieux, fresques murales, histoires : l'Egypte antique se dévoile à travers différents éléments, mais elle est loin d'avoir révélé tous ses secrets. En attendant de pouvoir percer tous ses mystères, courez à l'Atelier des Lumières profiter de cette exposition inédite et fascinante . 

Comme toujours, l'Atelier des Lumières nous en met plein la vue avec une exposition colorée et pleine de surprises. Les images monumentales, les jeux de lumière et la bande-son retranscrivent la grandeur et la majesté des dieux et des pharaons égyptiens. Pensez à bouger dans tous l'espace pendant l'exposition : les tableaux changent et les murs de l'Atelier offrent des spectacles différents, selon l'endroit où l'on se place. 

L'Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des Lumières - IMG20240208095240

Et ne manquez pas le programme court de l' Atelier des Lumières , qui met à l'honneur les artistes orientalistes.  

Les Orientalistes, l'exposition de l'Atelier des Lumières qui nous fait voyager en Orient - photos Les mystères de l'Orient vous attendent à l'Atelier des Lumières : rejoignez Ingres, Delacroix, Vernet et bien d'autres, dans cette exposition inédite à découvrir du 9 février 2024 au 5 janvier 2025. [Lire la suite]

Référencez votre établissement, cliquez ici Communiquez sur votre évènement, cliquez ici

Dates et Horaires Du 9 février 2024 au 5 janvier 2025

Lieu L'Atelier des Lumières 38 Rue Saint-Maur 75011 Paris 11

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Infos d’accessibilité

Tarifs Moins de 26 ans : 10€ Tarif réduit : 15€ Tarif senior : 16€ Plein tarif : 17€

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Visuels musée et monument musée jacquemart andré

The Horizon of Khufu: A Journey in Ancient Egypt in Montreal

Explore one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World—an archaeological treasure trove and a monumental testament to Egyptian architectural genius. Embark on an immersive journey through space and time to explore Egypt's Giza Pyramid, the resting place of Pharaoh Khufu, constructed over 4,500 years ago in the 4th Dynasty and until now a forbidden realm to the public! The experience allows players to physically move and interact within a shared virtual reality space, providing a deeply emotional and engaging dive into the heart of Egyptian culture.


Horizon Kheops: An immersive experience

A captivating journey that transports you through time and space

Uncover the mysteries of the Great Pyramid of Giza and experience the funeral rites of an Egyptian king! This unique journey aims to make a significant part of the Giza Plateau pyramids accessible to all, unlocking a treasure trove of history for everyone to explore.

Horizon Kheops: An immersive experience

Dive into history with the immersive power of virtual reality.

Equipped with a virtual reality headset, the experience takes you on a journey through ancient Egypt and the customs of the time. This expedition is full of scientific, cultural, and ethnological references to explore the era of the pharaohs.

Horizon Kheops: An immersive experience

An Authentic and Unique Adventure

The 'Horizon of Khufu' Immersive Expedition has been designed to be as accurate as possible. After several years of research and data collection in the field, in collaboration with Peter Der Manuelian, Professor of Egyptology, and his team from the Giza Project at Harvard University, the experience has come to life. The goal is to offer you an experience based on real data, combining architecture, science, and history, for an authentic immersion.

Practical Info

  • 📅 Date(s): from February 16, 2024
  • ⏳ Duration: 45 minutes
  • 📍 Location: 2 de la Commune Street West, Montréal, QC H2Y 4B2
  • 👤 Age requirement: recommended for all ages 8 and up
  • 💵 Price: discover our different ticket options

Horizon of Khufu: the immersive experience in Montreal

The Horizon of Khufu: The Location of the Immersive Expedition

Any questions? Find the answers here!


Yes. We invite our guests to take photos and videos for personal use only and would love for you to tag us at @horizondekheops_montreal .

Please note, the use of flashes and tripods are strictly prohibited. Press photography (and any other photography for professional use) is only possible if authorized by a staff member.

For your comfort, we recommend dressing comfortably and wearing suitable shoes. Because you will be wearing a VR headset, please refrain from wearing hats or caps.

For everyone's safety, we kindly ask you to store your backpacks and handbags in the lockers provided on site.


Merch & café, health & security.

Virtual reality provides a reliable and enjoyable experience, but it may be uncomfortable for some individuals. It's not recommended for those with claustrophobia.

People prone to motion sickness may also experience discomfort when using a VR headset. This might lead to symptoms like drowsiness, increasing the risk of injury during real-world activities.

Children aged 8 to 12 must be accompanied to take part in the experience.

The Horizon of Khufu experience is suitable for families with children aged 8 and above. Children under the age of 8 are not allowed to participate, even when carried by an adult, for safety reasons.

If a parent or guardian accompanying a child under the age of 13 wishes them to use a virtual reality headset, a waiver can be signed on-site to acknowledge the risks and authorize the activity. Please note that the accompanying adult cannot supervise or assist the child during the virtual reality segment.


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See the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo at the Louvre

You can’t take a Paris trip without visiting the Louvre. It’s the both the largest art museum and the most-visited museum in the world, and you can soak it all in with our special evening experience at the Louvre. You’ll discover masterpieces like the Mona Lisa with your Local Specialist and enjoy the quiet atmosphere without the crowds. Simply magical.

Visit the remarkable church of Saint-Sulpice

Paris is full of spectacular architecture, and the church of Saint-Sulpice may be one of the best. This medieval cathedral is the second-largest church in the city and your Paris travel guide will show you around the stunning facades, stained glass windows, impressive fountains, unique sundial, and the breathtaking organ, one of the largest in the world.

Enjoy a leisurely cruise along the River Seine

As the scenic centrepiece of Paris, you can’t miss exploring the iconic River Seine. We’ll wander along the pretty riverbank by day and take you on a special Seine cruise by night, when the City of Light is illuminated in twinkling lights. Look out for icons like the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame, and relax as you drift along this enchanting river.

Explore the Latin Quarter of Paris

When you travel Paris with Trafalgar, you’ll join a Local Specialist to discover the Latin Quarter, the city’s epicentre of culture, learning and creativity. See the ancient Sorbonne University, one of the world’s first universities, soak up the vibrant atmosphere of this student hotspot, and perhaps even stop by the legendary Shakespeare and Co bookstore.

Experience a traditional Parisian Cabaret

You’ve probably seen the Parisian Cabaret in dozens of movies and photos, but there’s nothing quite like experiencing the real thing. We’ll take you to the world-famous Moulin Rouge Cabaret, where you’ll enjoy dinner, champagne and a dazzling show of 60 dancers and over 1,000 costumes, for an incredible evening you’ll never forget.

Our top 5 things to do in Paris

With so many incredible Paris attractions to choose from, we’ll show you the very best things to do in Paris, from the beautiful Saint-Sulpice to the original Parisian cabaret.

Musée Rodin

Located just steps away from the Eiffel Tower, you can’t miss the spectacular Musée Rodin. Founded in 1916 by Auguste Rodin himself, the museum features the artist’s incredible sculptures within an 18th-century rocco mansion and a stunning three-hectare garden, along with his personal collection of paintings, photographs and ancient artefacts.

Paris Opera & Palais Garnier

If you want to experience the height of Parisian opulence, it’s got to be the Palais Garnier. This extraordinary building is a 1,979-seat opera house constructed in the late 19th-century, and is renowned as the setting for The Phantom of the Opera. Today you can discover its magnificent treasures or even spend a glitzy night at the opera or ballet.

Grand Palais

Located right across from the Champs-Élysées, the Grand Palais is an icon of Paris with its giant glass ceiling and Beaux-Arts style architecture. Its interior is even more thrilling, with national art galleries, science museums and exhibition halls all held under the famous dome, and you can easily spend a day or two here.

Best museums in Paris

When you travel Paris with Trafalgar, we’ll make sure you get your fill of the best Paris museums, from the iconic Louvre to the magnificent Opéra Garnier.


Ratatouille is the ultimate French vegetarian dish, loved by all for its heartwarming local flavors. It’s essentially a vegetable stew, made with a rich tomato sauce and a rainbow of veggies like zucchini, eggplant and squash, and herbs like basil, garlic and thyme. One bite and you’ll fall in love with the home-cooked ratatouille of Paris.

One of France’s most famous recipes, Coq au Vin features wine-braised chicken served alongside ingredients like mushrooms and bacon. Across the country you will try many regional versions of this comforting dish, which translates fittingly to “rooster/cock with wine”.

French cuisine celebrates both savory and sweet ingredients, not just in the form of croissants. Find true street-food joy in the popular dessert of crêpes, with strawberries, Nutella, bananas and lemon curd just some of the toppings loved by locals and travelers alike. Or, try the national specialty crêpes Suzette with orange zest and caramelized butter.

Best food in Paris

Our Paris holidays are filled with the legendary Parisian cuisine, and we’ll show you all the best places to try your French favorites from fresh croissants to delicate desserts.

What to pack for Paris

People packing for a tour

French phrasebook

It’s a good idea to learn some common French phrases before arriving in Paris, and the locals are sure to appreciate your efforts to learn their mother tongue.

Camera & extra SD card

Paris is full of soul-stirring moments you’ll want to capture forever, so be sure to pack a few extra SD cards for all those special snaps and videos.

Comfortable shoes

Whether you’re wandering through the Louvre, or strolling along the River Seine, you’ll need a comfy pair of shoes on your Paris tour.

Formal wear

If you want to hit the town in Paris with a Moulin Rouge show or a night at the opera, be sure to bring a glamorous outfit to fit in with the chic locals.

All-weather clothing

Paris is known for its unpredictable weather, with rain one day and sunshine the next. It’s best to pack both warm and cooler layers so you’re prepared for everything.

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L'Horizon de Khéops, l'exposition immersive

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6 mars - 29 décembre

Direction l'Égypte antique avec la nouvelle exposition immersive "L'Horizon de Khéops" à Bordeaux !

Un voyage spectaculaire en Egypte

Partez pour une expérience immersive à la découverte de la pyramide de Khéops en compagnie de vos proches ! Au-delà de la visite traditionnelle, explorez des zones habituellement inaccessibles au public. Ensuite, plongez dans le monde de la magie et remontez 4500 ans en arrière pour assister aux funérailles du roi Khéops, vous offrant ainsi une incursion émotionnelle au cœur de la culture égyptienne.

Immersion en réalité virtuelle

La visite débute au lever du jour dans la nécropole de Gizeh, le célèbre site égyptien abritant les trois grandes pyramides. Les mastabas, les tombes des proches des monarques défunts, se dessinent dans l'ombre des pyramides. Vous n'êtes pas seul à explorer ces terres chargées d'histoire. Accompagné d'un guide virtuel et d'autres voyageurs aussi réels que vous, vous parcourez les vastes étendues du plateau de Gizeh, foulant le sable éternel à l'échelle de géants. Votre itinéraire vous mène d'abord à la rencontre du Sphinx au lever du jour, puis à une visite VIP de la pyramide de Khéops à la nuit tombée.

Infos pratiques

  • Adresse : 19/21 rue Saint Sernin, 33000 Bordeaux
  • Durée : 45 minutes
  • Sur réservation

Tarif en ligne. Sur réservation.

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KARD announce 2024 ‘Where To Now?’ Europe tour

Featuring concerts in Paris, Madrid, Birmingham and more

kard europe tour 2024

K-pop group KARD have announced their new 2024 ‘Where To Now?’ Europe tour, featuring concerts in Paris, Madrid, Birmingham and more

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Earlier today (September 10), KARD and tour organiser Studio PAV unveiled the full list of dates for the quartet’s 2024 ‘Where To Now?’ Europe tour. Taking place between November 24 to December 11, the group will be performing in eight cities.

KARD’s 2024 ‘Where To Now?’ tour of Europe will kick-off on November 24 with a concert in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In the same month, the group will also play shows in Birmingham and Napoli through the last week of the month.

In December, KARD will bring their tour to the cities of Budapest, Warsaw, Lisbon and Madrid, before wrapping things up in Paris. Ticketing and venue details for KARD’s 2024 ‘Where To Now?’ Europe tour have yet to be announced. Keep tabs on this page for the latest updates.

The dates for KARD’s ‘Where To Now?’ Europe tour are:

NOVEMBER 2024 24: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Melkweg Max 26: Birmingham, England, O2 Academy 1 28: Napoli, Italy, Duel

DECEMBER 2024 01: Budapest, Hungary, Barba Negra 03: Warsaw, Poland, Progresja 06: Lisbon, Portugal, Lisboa Ao Vivo-Sala 2 08: Madrid, Spain, Sala But 11: Paris, France, Cabaret Sauvage

#HIDDENKARD , here are the official stops for ♠️ KARD 2024 TOUR [Where To Now?] in Europe ♠️ 🌍💫🎶 Are you ready to see KARD this November through December? Be prepared to meet and interact with them as never before! #KARD #카드 #WhereToNow #KARDInEurope — Studio PAV Europe (@StudioPAVEurope) September 11, 2024


The Europe tour is set to begin nearly two months after KARD are scheduled to wrap up their 2024 ‘New Era’ tour in North America , which will take place this October.

KARD’s tour announcement comes a month after they made a comeback with their seventh mini-album ‘Where to Now? (Pt. 1: Yellow Light)’, led by the single ‘Tell My Momma’ in August. The record came over a year after last release ‘Icky’ in May 2023.

Meanwhile, KARD leader and rapper BM released his solo EP ‘Element’ earlier this May, following a string of digital singles. It was led by the single ‘Nectar’, which featured fellow Korean-American star Jay Park.

In other K-pop touring news, The Rose frontman Woosung has announced his 2024 ‘B4 We Die’ world tour. Kicking off this October, the singer is set to perform in cities across Asia, Oceania, Europe and North America.

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    L'Expédition Immersive « L'Horizon de Khéops » a été conçue pour être aussi précise que possible. L'expérience est le résultat de plusieurs années de recherche et de données recueillies sur place, en partenariat avec Peter Der Manuelian, professeur d'égyptologie et son équipe au Giza Project, Harvard University.

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    Accompagnés par vos proches, vous vous affranchirez de la visite classique pour découvrir des espaces jusqu'alors fermés au public. Un glissement vers le territoire de la magie vous fera voyager 4500 ans en arrière pour assister aux funérailles du roi Khéops, vous offrant ainsi une incursion pleine d'émotions au cœur de la culture ...

  3. L'Horizon de Khéops, un voyage immersif au coeur de

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  4. Horizon of Khufu: An immersive VR experience

    A Journey in Ancient Egypt. Embark on an immersive journey through space and time to explore Egypt's Giza Pyramid, the resting place of Pharaoh Khufu, constructed over 4,500 years ago in the 4th Dynasty and until now a forbidden realm to the public! The experience allows players to physically move and interact within a shared virtual reality ...

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    Night / Sunset Tour of Paris in Electric Bike. 24. Recommended. 95% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. E-Bike Tours. from . $111.79. per adult. Paris Saint Germain Des Pres Walking Tour. 107. ... An awesome experience with incredible graphics, a good travel into the pyramid of Keops. Just beware to not be scared of ...

  6. Home

    Go on an immersive expedition and discover the Great Pyramid of Giza! Along with your family and friends, you'll be able to explore spaces previously closed to the public. Then, a magical transition will transport you 4,500 years back in time to attend the funeral of King Khufu, a genuinely emotional journey into the heart of Egyptian culture.

  7. L'Horizon de Khéops, an immersive VR journey into the heart of a

    Join us on a unique journey, an immersive virtual reality experience, as we discover one of the seven wonders of the world. Khéops Horizon is back in Paris, and awaits us at Bercy Village from ...

  8. L'Horizon De Khéops

    Paris Walking Tour - The French Revolution. 41. Historical Tours. from ₹3,350.91. per adult. LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Orsay Museum - Exclusive Guided Tour (Reserved Entry Included) 178. Recommended. ... An awesome experience with incredible graphics, a good travel into the pyramid of Keops. Just beware to not be scared of heights 😉

  9. L'Horizon de Kheops

    Historical Tours. from. $268.66. per adult (price varies by group size) The area. 45 Rue Des Pirogues De Bercy, 75012 Paris France. How to get there.

  10. L'Horizon De Khéops

    Paris - Segway Tour 120 min. 31. Recommended. 100% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Segway Tours. from . £68.66. per adult. ... An awesome experience with incredible graphics, a good travel into the pyramid of Keops. Just beware to not be scared of heights 😉 ...

  11. Paris: VR Experience The Horizon of Khéops

    In the heart of Paris, 'The Horizon of Khéops' invites adventurers to step into a mesmerizing virtual realm where the grandeur of ancient Egypt comes alive. Participants don VR headsets to roam the Giza Necropolis alongside towering avatars, guided by a virtual storyteller who reveals the secrets of the Sphinx and the majestic pyramids. This experience, designed for all ages, promises a ...

  12. L'Horizon de Khéops, un voyage immersif en VR au cœur d'une pyramide, à

    L'Horizon de Khéops est de retour à Paris, et nous attend à Bercy Village à partir du 11 novembre 2023. ... Que faire près de la Tour Eiffel : les expositions à voir dans le coin.

  13. L'Horizon de Kheops

    Paris Walking Tour - The French Revolution. 41. Historical Tours. from ₹3,340.21. per adult. LIKELY TO SELL OUT* Fashion Show at Galeries Lafayette Paris. 29. Recommended. 93% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Theatre Shows. from ₹1,908.69. per adult. Murals XXL Street Art Tour. 67.

  14. Egypt's pyramid of Cheops explored in virtual reality in Paris

    Built between 2.590 and 2.565 BC, this stone building 146 meters high is originally the largest ever made by man. Built to house the last residence of King Cheops, it continues to fascinate ...

  15. Tour Chéops

    modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata La tour Chéops est un immeuble d'habitation situé dans le 13 e arrondissement de Paris , au 74 rue Dunois . Historique [modifier | modifier le code] L'ensemble des trois tours « égyptiennes », dont la tour Chéops est la plus élevée, a été construit entre 1971 et 1973 à l'emplacement de l'ancienne raffinerie Say . Avec la tour ...

  16. L'Egypte des Pharaons : l'exposition immersive de l'Atelier des

    Un fabuleux voyage nous attend cette année à l'Atelier des Lumières : du 9 février 2024 au 5 janvier 2025, partez à la découverte de l'Egypte des Pharaons, de Khéops à Ramsès II.

  17. Horizon of Khufu: the immersive experience in Montreal

    Practical Info. 📅 Date (s): from February 16, 2024. ⏳ Duration: 45 minutes. 📍 Location: 2 de la Commune Street West, Montréal, QC H2Y 4B2. 👤 Age requirement: recommended for all ages 8 and up. 💵 Price: discover our different ticket options. GET YOUR TICKETS.

  18. Dua Lipa

    Dua Lipa - Radical Optimism Tour 2025 Ticketmaster Event Venues. Dua Lipa will perform in 20 shows. You can view a list of the venues, locations and dates powered by Ticketmaster by clicking Ticketmaster Event Chart below. This chart's information may change, so please check ...

  19. Paris Tour Packages & Paris Travel Guide

    Book your Paris tour package with Trafalgar and see the icons like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the River Seine, the Champs-Élysées and the Arc de Triomphe. TTC family of brands. FAQs Get a Quote Agents Login. My Trafalgar. Destinations. Ways To Go. Deals. About Us. Get Inspired. 866 513 1995. or call your travel agent.

  20. L'Horizon de Khéops, l'exposition immersive

    Un voyage spectaculaire en Egypte. Partez pour une expérience immersive à la découverte de la pyramide de Khéops en compagnie de vos proches ! Au-delà de la visite traditionnelle, explorez des zones habituellement inaccessibles au public. Ensuite, plongez dans le monde de la magie et remontez 4500 ans en arrière pour assister aux ...

  21. KARD 2024 'Where To Now?' Europe tour: tickets, venues & more

    NOVEMBER 2024 24: Amsterdam, Netherlands, Melkweg Max 26: Birmingham, England, O2 Academy 1 28: Napoli, Italy, Duel. DECEMBER 2024 01: Budapest, Hungary, Barba Negra

  22. LIV golfer Jon Rahm appeals European tour fines and is clear to play in

    The tour and PIF first had a framework agreement announced in June 2023. "I'll take today as a nice little victory for me personally to know that Jon is eligible and can play his three events now," Donald said. "What happens in the future, I can't tell. What happens in 15 months, I think all of us thought something more would happen."

  23. View for the week. Visiting from California! : r/paris

    131 votes, 26 comments. 318K subscribers in the paris community. Tout sur Paris, le Grand Paris et ses habitants. Skip to main content. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. r/paris A chip A close button. Get ... Paris 13, Tour Keops ? Reply reply