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Time Travel Superheroes: 15 Heroes Who Can Travel Through Time

Jeremiah de Rozario

How cool would it be to go back in time and meet your younger self? 

Yes, we know. It’s probably a bad idea. These Superheroes, however, don’t think so. Each of them has traveled through time and has saved the world many times using this ability.

Let’s take a look at these time travelers and their adventures!

#15 Rip Hunter

#15 Rip Hunter - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  DC Comics Time Travel Meter:  10+

Rip Hunter is a DC superhero that has come to the aid of many heroes if ever there were any time travel-related issues. He first appeared in the ‘Challengers of the unknown’ and later even got his series during the 1960s. 

Hunter is an ordinary man who uses an invention of his called the Time Sphere, and he travels through time seeking new adventures. Rip Hunter has been instrumental in many Crisis events in the comic books. We also see him playing essential roles in the events of the Arrow-verse. 

In the comics, he is the one who develops the tech that our heroes use to go back in time and fight the Anti-Monitor. This is during the events of the Crisis on Infinite Earths. The changes that occur because of this event completely alter the DC fictional universe, making way for new and old stories to be told differently.

#14 Spider-Man 2099

#14 Spider-Man 2099 - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:  5+

Miguel O’Hara, or Spider-Man of 2099, comes from one of the dark timelines of the Marvel Universe. He is a brilliant young geneticist who works with the Alchemax School for Gifted Youngsters, which is implied to be the old X-men Headquarters. Here, the young scientists conducted experiments and studies about the original Spider-Man. During one of these experiments, an accident gives O’Hara spider powers. 

Miguel’s powers are superior to the original Spider-Man’s, and the two have shared pages on many occasions.

Spider-Man 2099 is a regular time traveler as well. Upon realizing that Tyler Stone was his actual father and that an issue in the past might get his father erased, Miguel decides to go back in time to stop the temporal shift from happening. He does so through a time machine that his biological father destroys, which traps him in the past. He travels into the future along with the Spider-man army to fight the Inheritors.

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#13 Franklin Richards

#13 Franklin Richards - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:   4+

Franklin Richards is the son of Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman. Believed to be a mutant, he has vast reality-warping powers and is said to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. 

The Child of Mr. and Mrs. Fantastic has been riddled by many journeys in time, and most were not at his discretion. There are instances of him being kidnapped into the future and sometimes even being wiped out of existence. 

Time travel is usually mind-bending by itself, but imagine someone who could do it with the snap of his finger. Franklin is said to easily create galaxies in his hand and travel dimensions. In the comics, a young Franklin is trained by a mysterious figure in his play area. The figure is eventually revealed to be an adult, Franklin Richards. Like we said, Mind-bending. 

#12 Wolverine

#12 Wolverine - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:  4+

The Wolverine needs no introduction. Weapon X is one of the critical members of the X-men and has been instrumental in saving the day several times. His healing factor makes him a nightmare to go up against, and he can even stand toe-to-toe with the Hulk.

One more should be added among his many persona and titles – Time Traveler. Wolverine has journeyed through time on many occasions, and we also see that in the movie version. It involves Kitty Pryde sending Wolverine’s consciousness back in time to save mutants from annihilation.

In the new series – X Deaths, two Wolverines are sent back in time from two different future timelines. In both timelines, Wolverine is the last mutant alive and must go back in time to change the future.

Time Travel is messy, guys. Please don’t try this at home.

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#11 Kitty Pryde

#11 Kitty Pryde - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:   1+

Kitty Pryde is a core member of the X-Men. Her powers allow her to phase through objects, which means she can move through anything. She has used her powers on many occasions and has helped her team save the day. She even uses her abilities to phase out of sync with the earth’s rotation. She can travel at infinite speeds, or at least faster than light. 

In fictional theory, she could use this ability to phase in and out of time. However, Kitty Pryde travels time without achieving this feat as well. Unlike the movie adaptation of the ‘Days of future past’ storyline, Kitty’s consciousness goes back in time to save mutant kind from extinction. Rachel Summers, the daughter of Cyclops and Marvel Girl, can send her back in time. 

She eventually manages to save mutant kind and change their dark future.

#10 Super Boy

#10 Super Boy - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  DC Comics Time Travel Meter:  5+

Superboy has had many incarnations over the years, with some iterations just being the younger version of the original Superman. As Superboy, Kal El meets the Legion of Superheroes, formed after taking inspiration from the former’s stories. 

The Legion travels back to the 31st century to recruit Superboy to their team and fights threats in the future. The Legion already has time travel tech in the future, and it is using this that Superboy can travel to the future. 

Another character incarnation is Con El, who has the DNA of both Lex Luthor and Superman. This Superboy has died many times but has been revived multiple times as a clone. He is even resurrected in the 31st century by Brainiac. This same Con El travels back in time to live with Jonathan and Martha Kent. 

There are so many origins and stories for this character that it can get confusing at a point.

#9 Dr. Manhattan

#9 Dr. Manhattan - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  DC Comics Time Travel Meter:   Infinite

Dr. Manhattan turned into an energy being after he was exposed to a lab accident. The abilities he acquired manifested over time and slowly grew in power. Eventually, he turned into a being that could be everywhere at once and had the powers of a god. He could change reality to his wishes and create universes out of nothing.

With his omniscience came a significant shift in perspective. He no longer saw time in the same way as others. It was one large picture rather than a string of events, and he could place himself anywhere in that picture with just a thought. This has enabled the Doctor to travel to any moment he wished. 

Since he is a timeless being, he doesn’t precisely need to travel anywhere. He can change realities and change futures instantly. He even destroys the DC universe and restarts it.

What is time to a God?

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#8 Dr. Strange

#8 Dr. Strange - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:  3+

Stephen Strange is no Stranger to time travel. The Sorcerer Supreme is a master of the Mystic Arts and is a core member of the Avengers. He takes the lead on any threat of supernatural origin and is a more powerful practitioner of all things magic. 

We see Dr. Strange using these magical objects to manipulate time on many occasions. The most famous would be the Eye of Agomotto or the Time Stone to see different futures. However, that is not the case in the comics. Dr. Strange discovers that the Book of Cagliostro can be used to travel time and that this method does not align with the scientific techniques in the other versions of time travel fiction. 

Even without tools, Dr. Strange has been shown to simply travel time with her mystic arts.

#7 Superman

#7 Superman - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  DC Comics Time Travel Meter: 4+

There is seemingly very little that Superman can’t do. He is faster than light, can create a rift in reality just by punching it, and bench press the earth for five days straight. That is some next-level power. With the speeds he can achieve, it has been asked whether the Man of Steel can also travel time.

Superman has traveled time on many occasions. The how’s of this are rather sketchy and used to depend on the writer. The Superboy iteration could simply go back and forth in time with relative ease and could even carry people with him.

Even in one of the earlier Superman movies featuring George Reeves, we see the character go back in time but simply slow and reverse the earth’s rotation. He also uses his speed in the comic ‘Return to Krypton’ to go and visit Krypton before its destruction and meet his parent.

There truly is nothing that this man can’t do, huh?

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#6 Green Lantern

#6 Green Lantern - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  DC Comics Time Travel Meter:   5+

The Lantern’s ring is only limited by its wielder’s imagination. From energy constructs to energy projection, the possibilities seem endless. Within its vast capabilities lies the power to manipulate and travel through time.

Hal Jordan has used the Ring to travel to the 70th century, and another GL Arisia Rrab uses the Ring’s power to send time through her and age quickly. We have to admit that the latter is rather strange.

Hal used his power in the comics to open a portal to the past so that he could send a few pterodactyls through it. 

News Flash – comics books can be bizarre. 

#5 Iron Lad

#5 Iron Lad - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:   5+

Nathaniel Richards is a 30th-century genius and the younger version of Kang the Conqueror. Kang appeared to his younger self and saved him from a bully, thus giving him a glimpse of his future self and his armor similar to that of Iron Man. Upon seeing what he would turn into, Nathaniel renounced his destiny and decided to use his intellect to never become the evil version of himself. 

The armor given to Nathaniel has neuro-kinetic capabilities and allows him to travel time, the same as Kang.

The most amazing time travel Adventure is when Iron Lad travels back in time to warn the Avengers of the oncoming dangers. Unable to get in touch with them, he helps the Young Avengers and even kills his older version in battle.

#4 Bishop - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:   10+

Bishop is the great-grandson of the mutant Gateway, who could manipulate and travel through time. Although he does not possess the powers to do so himself. Bishop is a soldier from the future who can passively absorb energy and dispel it however he wants. He is often depicted holding an energy gun that would allow him to shoot his absorbed energy out as blasts.

Bishop uses time travel devices from the future similar to that of Cable to journey to different periods. He is usually seen traveling back in time from a dystopian future to help the X-men rewrite history.

Bishop was sent back in time to stop Legion from killing Magneto, but his failure to do so is what brought about the Age of Apokolips.

#3 Flash - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

The fastest man on the planet has been known to play around a little too much with time. With the ability to run at a million times the speed of light, The Flash can alter the vibrations in his body to travel through time. He can do the same to travel through dimensions as well. 

Not all versions of the Flash can achieve this feat, but Barry Allen and Wally West seem to do so easily. The most famous time-related adventure by a Flash is the Flashpoint paradox.

Due to his selfish needs, the Flash goes back in time and saves his mother, creating a massive rift and modifying the future to a world on the brink of war and destruction. Once in this new reality, Barry Allen realizes his mistake and works toward correcting his actions. He uses his time traveling abilities to go back in time and correct his errors.

This storyline is the most critical example of why the time stream is not to be tampered with.

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#2 Booster Gold

#2 Booster Gold - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  DC Comics Time Travel Meter:  20+

Booster Gold is from the 25th century Gotham, and unlike other future genii who come back in time, he just does so for fame. An underachiever in the future, Booster works as a janitor at the Museum of Superheroes. This is where he discovers much about the legendary heroes and their stories. He manages to steal a flight ring and Brainiac 5’s energy belt. He also takes Rip hunter’s time sphere, and it is with this that he travels back in time. 

All his tools are still high-tech in the 20th century, and he uses them to make people believe that he is a superhero and simply works to become famous. Though initially shown to be a greedy showboat, Booster slowly learns the way of a true hero. He uses his abilities to travel through time and help change histories that lead to dystopian futures.

Booster uses his tech to go back in time and save Blue Beetle from getting murdered just moments before his death.

#1 Cable - Superheroes Who Can Time Travel

Publisher:  Marvel Comics Time Travel Meter:  20+

Cable is the most famous time-traveling character in the Marvel Universe. He is the son of Scott Summers and a clone of Jean Grey from the future. He has traveled back in time numerous times to help the X-men with a threat or to prevent a dystopian future from occurring. 

There are many versions of the character and various explanations for how he can travel time. The most common two are – he possesses inherent time travel abilities due to the techno-organic virus in his body, and the other is that he has a time travel device that looks like a watch which helps his travel time.

The best example of this feat is during the events of Ultimate X-men, where he comes back in time to warn and train Professor Xavier for their upcoming battle with Apokolips.

Honorable Mentions

  • Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Reed Richards

This brings us to the end of our time traveler’s list. If anything, we have learned that messing with time is bad news. However, do you think we could create a timeline where superheroes were real if we mess it up enough?

Interesting. Very interesting.

What Is the Ability to Control Time Called?

Chronokinesis is the ability to alter or control time with your mind. With it, you can travel through time or even stop it.

Which Superhero Can Travel Through Time?

The Flash can travel through time. He can vibrate his body at such speeds that he can phase through time. He can use some power to travel dimensions as well.

Which Marvel Hero Can Time Travel?

Kitty Pryde can time travel. She is the mutant that goes back in tune during the events of Days of Future Past in the comics.

Can Any Marvel Character Time Travel?

Yes, Iron Lad can time travel. He is the younger version of Kang the Conqueror and travels back in time to warn the Avengers of his future self.

What DC Characters Can Time Travel?

Booster Gold can time travel. He does so by making using Rip Hunter’s Time sphere that he stole from the 25th century.

Can Green Lanterns Time Travel?

Yes, Green Lanterns can time travel. Anything is possible as long as there is enough willpower. Hal Jordan once made a jet construct that could travel fast enough to enter the speed force, which means that he can probably travel through time.

Jeremiah de Rozario, A content Writer on averagebeing.com

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Jeremiah de Rozario is a professional songwriter and a comic nut. He has been an avid songwriter for over three years and has vast experience writing comics and pop culture. The people close to Jeremiah say he lives in a bit of fantasy land, as his career choices point us all in the same direction. Comics have taken Jeremiah on adventures since he was a child and continue to be where he draws most of his inspiration and life lessons. We know, weird! From stories of heartbreak, love, evil, and perseverance, comic books have it all. These fantasy stories have taken new and exciting turns on both paper and the big screen, and the little boy with his Incredible Hulk comic could not be happier. Jeremiah started his journey as a writer with Averagebeing and has written numerous detailed articles that deep dive into comic theories, TV shows, and the current happenings of this exciting world. If he isn't writing new songs, he is reading as many comic books as he can find. If you need a breakdown of your favorite comic hero or supervillain, Jeremiah is here to spill the tea.

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10 Best time-travelling superheroes of all time

Get confused in time with these best time-travelling superheroes ever

heroes time travel

Time travel is having something of a moment in current superhero media, and that's not just because Avengers: Endgame  used time travel as a key plot device. But none of that would be possible without the help of the best time-travelling superheroes of all time.

So what better time than now to look at the best time-travelling superheroes ever?

10. Waverider

heroes time travel

The almost-forgotten hero from the alternate timeline of DC Comics ' 1991 event Armageddon 2001, Matthew Ryder escaped a dystopian dictator and certain death by traveling into the past with the ability to "read" potential futures of people just by touching them.

Unfortunately, while he prevented his future from happening, he did so by accidentally causing the creation of his dictator nemesis a decade early, setting in motion events that led to the Zero Hour crossover years later.

In recent years, Waverider has returned in spirit as the namesake of Rip Hunter's time ship in DC's Legends of Tomorrow - a unique live-action transition, to say the least.

9. Iron Lad

heroes time travel

The Young Avengers' first leader sought to balance the scales for things that he'd do later in life - time travel can get weird, when it comes to cause and effect, remember - by adopting the guise of Iron Lad before he grew up to become the villainous Kang the Conqueror.

As Iron Lad, he managed to lead the team's short-lived first incarnation before fate - or the time-traveling equivalent - asserted itself, taking him to his destiny as one of the Avengers' most famous, and most deadly, foes. His career may not have been the longest, but his aim was true…

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8. Deathlok

heroes time travel

The original Deathlok was Luther Manning, a man from the post-apocalyptic future world of 1990 - well, he was created in 1974 — who traveled back to the present to find himself teaming up with the Thing and Nick Fury (after earlier clashes, of course) to try and undo the world from which he came.

Since most of us will recall that 1990 was not the year society collapsed into dystopian ruin, we'll have to assume he succeeded.

Good job Deathlok!

7. Guardians of the Galaxy

heroes time travel

No, not the current team, but the original 1969 lineup which decided to try and save the world of the 31st century by travelling back to our time and recruiting some more heroes to the cause.

Along the way, they had numerous chances to accidentally screw up things, but always managed to avoid it - even when that meant avoiding spilling the beans to Vance Astrovik, the future New Warrior known as Justice, that one of their members was… Well, an alternate version of himself. All that and they defeated the Badoon invasion that was the reason behind their formation.

Members of this version of the team even appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, with writer/director James Gunn pointing to the potential of future film stories featuring the characters.

heroes time travel

One of the two most time-travel-y X-Men, Lucas Bishop didn't really intend to be a time traveler; instead, it was more a matter of doing his job as one of the XSE (Xavier's Security Enforcers) and following a bad guy through a time portal.

Like Rachel Summers, he watched as the future he'd arrived from became more and more likely, but unlike Rachel, he decided to do something about it… Namely, try and kill Hope, even if that meant traveling through time again and hunting down Cable to make sure it happened (actions that got him on our time-traveling villains list, as well). He failed, of course, and realigned himself with the X-Men once again.

5. Green Lantern

heroes time travel

What's that? You don't tend to think of Green Lantern as a time-traveler? Clearly, you've never heard of Pol Manning, Earth's Greatest Hero in the year 5700 — better known, perhaps, as Hal Jordan. The surreal existence of Manning is one of the stranger pieces of Green Lantern lore: When in need of a hero to save the world, the governments of the Earth of 5700 would simply kidnap Jordan from his own time, wipe his memory and give him the temporary (fictional) identity of Manning before returning him to his rightful time, place and mindset.

Sure, Jordan may not have been in control of - or even fully aware of - his time traveling double life, but that doesn't mean that he didn't serve as a Time Cop as well as a Space Cop when the situation demanded it.

4. The Flash

heroes time travel

With the creation of the wonderfully-named Cosmic Treadmill, The Flash mythos gained a whole new dimension as the speedy superhero was suddenly given the ability to travel through time, meaning that his adventures could take place any when as well as any where.

Of course, it was only a matter of time before this ability would end up being exploited in the wrong way, leading to a butterfly effect mix up that created Flashpoint and the New 52, but for that brief period before everything went wrong, the Flash could be relied upon to clean up messes all through time.

Time travel has even played a significant role as a plot element in CW's The Flash too.

3. Superboy

heroes time travel

For a teen who'd grow up to become the world's greatest superhero, it's almost disappointing to discover that it took three time-traveling teens from the 30th (later, 31st) century to introduce Clark Kent to the mysteries of the timestream.

Once the Legion of Super-Heroes entered his life, Superboy became a regular passenger on the cross-time express, either by Time Bubble or under his own steam but somehow always managing to stay away from any knowledge of his future self's actions, which may end up being his most impressive feat, considering just what Superman ended up accomplishing during his long career.

Now, the current Superboy, Jon Kent, looks to be the latest inheritor of the mantle to adventure alongside the Legion of Super-Heroes.

heroes time travel

To try and get into the reasoning behind Cable and his various time-travel escapades would be both exhausting and confusing, so let's just leave it at this: At no point during his entire decades-long career as the X-Men family's favorite techno-organic enforcer has he managed to entirely undo the time stream by needlessly slaughtering another superhero, even with the amount of heavy artillery he carries around at all times.

Cable was played by Josh Brolin in Deadpool 2, a movie that hinged on his time-traveling nature (and provided the fuel for an all-time-classic mid-credits stinger scene).

1. Booster Gold

heroes time travel

Perhaps comic books' top time-traveling superhero, Booster Gold may have started off his superheroic career with one simple time jump, but since then, he's teamed with Rip Hunter - who may or may not have been Booster's son - to protect the timestream from unwanted changes, only to fall victim to the rewriting of all DCU history via the New 52, where he's traveled into the past to meet Jonah Hex, and later went back to the future as part of Justice League 3001.

Booster recently returned to the DC Universe as part of Heroes In Crisis - another story in which time travel played a role. He'll next appear in the era-spanning Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium this September.

It might be dangerous, but is time travel one of the most useful super powers ?

I've been Newsarama's resident Marvel Comics expert and general comic book historian since 2011. I've also been the on-site reporter at most major comic conventions such as Comic-Con International: San Diego, New York Comic Con, and C2E2. Outside of comic journalism, I am the artist of many weird pictures, and the guitarist of many heavy riffs. (They/Them)

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heroes time travel

The Top 10 Time-Travelers in the Marvel Universe

The past, present, and future have nothing on these characters who have rewritten the rules of time.

You may think of time as a one-way boulevard or a two-way express lane, but the Marvel Universe’s definition is quite different. Our concept of time is like a highway jam-packed with commuters, all shifting back and forth throughout the continuum of spacetime and the Multiverse itself.

While it seems like just about every major character has made a journey to the past (or future), several visitors from various Marvel timelines have traveled to Earth-616 and made a major impact. Here’s our roundup on the Marvel time-travelers who have left a mark on the prime Marvel Universe!


Since the beginning, the House of Ideas has made space for a variety of genres, including the fan-favorite Western. Series TWO-GUN KID originally saddled up in 1948 and came out sporadically for the next decade-plus showcasing Clay Harder's masked adventures. And, in 1962’s TWO-GUN KID #60 , the title's status quo got upended by introducing Matt Hawk who trained in the ways of the gunfighter and took the name Two-Gun Kid from dime store novels he read (presumably starring Clay Harder). He then went on to have his own adventures, becoming one of the Wild West's most prominent do-gooders.

TWO-GUN KID (1948) #60

He and other Western heroes were stunned to find their era visited by Kang the Conqueror , Immortus , Thor , and Moondragon in AVENGERS (1963) #141-144 . After helping the future heroes, Two-Gun asked them to bring him to the future, which they did. Becoming an Avengers reservist, he and Hawkeye: Clint Barton palled around together, but he returned to his home time in AVENGERS #175 after being kidnapped by the Collector .

Back in the Wild West, he assisted an offshoot of his old squad in WEST COAST AVENGERS (1985) #18-23 , dealt with Kang's forces again in AVENGERS FOREVER (1998) , and fought Loki with King T'Challa in BLACK PANTHER (1998) #46-48 . Then, in SHE-HULK (2005) #4 , he returned to the present when She-Hulk requested the Time Variance Authority free him from Limbo. He kicked around for quite a while after that, even getting involved in the first Super Hero Civil War .

SHE-HULK (2005) #4


Today the Guardians of the Galaxy might be well-known for members like Star-Lord , Gamora , Groot , and Rocket , but when the original squad debuted in MARVEL SUPER-HEROES (1967) #18 , the team looked totally different. That issue introduced the world to Charlie-27 , Martinex , Yondu and “ Major Victory ” Vance Astrovik. The quartet came together in the year 3007 on Earth-691 to combat the Brotherhood of the Badoon invasion of the United Lands of Earth.


While they would eventually go on to star in their own self-titled series that spanned 62 issues , the Guardians made a variety of guest appearances. Having met Captain America , the Thing , and Agent 13: Sharon Carter in MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (1974) #5 , they appeared in the present in GIANT-SIZE DEFENDERS (1974) #5 . In addition to helping the title team deal with Eelar, a young Vance Astrovik met the team he would eventually join, including his future self!

The Guardians continued to appear in DEFENDERS (1972) #26-29 , though Doctor Strange noted that the coexistence of Vance's younger and older selves was causing problems in the timestream. To fix the issue and help their new companions, the Defenders transported the Guardians to their home time and helped them free the humans to defeat the Badoon on Earth.

Later, the Guardians met with a new group of Earth's Mightiest Heroes to combat Korvac , a villain from their own time period who had attained godlike powers. Throughout the “Korvac Saga” in AVENGERS #167-181 , the Guardians fought valiantly to save the past. Before heading home, they fought alongside Carol Danvers , Spider-Man , and the Thing in MS. MARVEL (1977) #23 , MARVEL TEAM-UP (1972) #86 and MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE (1974) #69 respectively.

Speaking of Korvac: This time-traveler has threatened reality on a variety of occasions! In the aforementioned “Korvac Saga,” he traveled from the future of Earth-691 to Earth-616, but before that, Michael Korvac betrayed humanity to the Badoon who later cut off his legs and fused him to a hovering computer module. Seeking revenge, he decided to take over the Badoon empire, but was first brought to the present by Elder of the Universe Grandmaster in GIANT-SIZE DEFENDERS (1974) #3 . Using his machinery’s ability to absorb energy, he syphoned off some of the Grandmaster’s power, which allowed him to travel through time on his own.


Returning to the present, Korvac visited Galactus ’ ship and managed to absorb some of the Power Cosmic, which allowed him to restore his body and take control of all things. He eventually fought the Avengers and the Guardians but took his own life when he felt that his partner Carina lost faith in him.

Korvac came back in his own time-hopping mini-crossover called “The Korvac Quest” (playing out across FANTASTIC FOUR ANNUAL #24 , THOR ANNUAL #6 , SILVER SURFER ANNUAL #4 and GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY ANNUAL #1 ), but was ultimately turned into a baby in the future. He has returned as an adult to the present several times, including in AVENGERS ACADEMY (2010) #11-12 . Members of the team accidentally transported Carina to their base which drew Korvac's attention. When she rebuked him, it led to a huge battle with all the Avengers involved!

Planning another attack, Korvac went back to Earth-616 and began slowly dismantling time. In GUARDIANS 3000 (2014) , the original Guardians felt it in their own time and went back to discover the cause: Korvac. His plans wound up falling apart because of the Incursions leading into SECRET WARS (2015) . After reality was put back together, he appeared regularly in IRON MAN (2020) and attempted to bring peace to Earth by ending all life. Thankfully, the Armored Avenger and his allies stopped Korvac once more.

IRON MAN (2020) #19


More than most super-powered groups, the X-Men are no strangers to time-travelers joining their ranks. One of the more recent additions came from Earth-21923 , a world in which the villains worked together and manipulated Wolverine into killing the X-Men before dividing up the whole nation amongst themselves. Afterwards, Logan attempted to live a normal, non-violent life, but returned to action when an older Hawkeye needed help with a mission. Wolverine ultimately killed the Red Skull of his time but returned home to discover that his wife and children had been murdered by the Hulk Gang.

OLD MAN LOGAN (2015) #1

This “Old Man Logan” version of Wolverine wound up in the Earth-616 present after the entire Multiverse was rewritten during 2015’s SECRET WARS. Though he began a mission of preemptive vengeance almost immediately in the pages of OLD MAN LOGAN (2015) , he slowly allowed himself to be integrated into the larger X-Men family, taking the place of his past self who had died before his arrival. This more experienced, (more tragic) James Howlett regularly appeared in his own book as well as EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN (2015) , X-MEN: GOLD (2017) , and WEAPON X (2017) .

During his time in the present, he met many of Earth’s heroes, and even participated in the Second Superhuman Civil War . In DEAD MAN LOGAN (2018) , the hero said his goodbyes in the present and returned to his future to live out the rest of his life.

DEAD MAN LOGAN (2018) #12


While many of the characters on this list have made several trips to the present, others managed to change the course of human history in just one journey. In the classic “Days of Future Past” story (1981’s UNCANNY X-MEN #141-142 ), readers were introduced to Earth-811, a possible future in which Senator Robert Kelly, Charles Xavier , and Moira MacTaggert were killed by mutant terrorists on Halloween 1980.

That attack prompted the government to unleash the Sentinels and create three designations for living beings: H (baseline humans), A (anomalous humans), and M (mutants). The mutants that were not killed were placed in concentration camps, but that did not destroy their hope to change the past.

Working with her fellow alternate future X-Men, Kate managed to send her consciousness back to 1980 to inhabit the body of her younger self, Kitty Pryde . She got the attention of the X-Men and explained the future to them, noting that they could fix the whole thing by going to Washington, D.C. to prevent the assassination. They did exactly that by stopping Mystique and the Brotherhood of Mutants . Not bad for a one-time time-traveler!

UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #141

With origins in yet another future where mutants were rounded up and imprisoned ( Earth-1191 ), Lucas Bishop became a member of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers) AKA the mutant police. During one mission he was chasing Trevor Fitzroy , a rebel-turned-criminal mutant whose powers allowed him to travel through time. Bishop wound up in the present as seen in UNCANNY X-MEN #282-283 , and although both of his X.S.E. partners were killed, he succeeded in sending his quarry Fitzroy back to the future. Though initially uneasy of the X-Men, Bishop decided to stick around with the team in hopes of stopping the event that triggers his future.

UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #282

During his time in the present, Bishop went on scores of missions with the X-Men, but he became incredibly important during the AGE OF APOCALYPSE event as the catalyst for returning everything to the way it had been before Charles Xavier was killed by a time-traveling Legion .

Further down the line, Bishop found himself at the heart of the “Messiah Complex” crossover which featured a variety of factions trying to track down the first mutant born since HOUSE OF M , Hope Summers . Bishop revealed that, in his timeline, this “mutant messiah” would kill one million humans. To that end, he fought against many of his old teammates—including fellow time-traveler Cable —to kill the child Hope. Bishop eventually saw the error of his ways and has since made amends with his fellow X-Men.

[ RELATED :  Bishop's Complete Marvel History ]

On the island of Krakoa , Bishop became an inaugural member of  Kate Pryde’s  Marauders, and added Red Bishop  of the Hellfire Trading Company to his resume. He was also one of Krakoa’s  Great Captains , established by the  Quiet Council of Krakoa . Then, in  INFERNO (2021) #1 ,  Cyclops  stepped down from the position of Captain Commander, the leader of all Great Captains, and promoted Bishop to the role.

INFERNO (2021) #1


Back in 1992 , Marvel launched a forward-looking lineup of series that took place in the year 2099, a not-so distant alternate future of Earth-616. Miguel O’Hara was 2099’s Wall-Crawler, carrying on Peter Parker's legacy of arachnid heroics in SPIDER-MAN 2099 (1992) . Though there were a few meetings between the 2099 and Earth-616 Spidey, Miguel did not travel back to the prime reality for a long period of time until SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN (2013) #17 . During that time, Miguel was not only stranded in the past , but encountered Otto Octavius in the body of Spider-Man!

SPIDER-MAN 2099 (1992) #1

Taking on the identity of Michael “Mike” O’Mara, Miguel began working for Alchemax, the company that were a critical part in his life circa 2099. Down the line, Spider-Man 2099 has played major roles in the multiversal SPIDER-VERSE and SPIDER-GEDDON events, helping to save not just the present reality, but countless others too.

[ RELATED :  Meet Miguel O’Hara, Spider-Man 2099 ]


To battle the threat of Gorr the God Butcher , God of Thunder Thor needed all the help he could acquire in fan-favorite series THOR: GOD OF THUNDER (2012) . So, who better to recruit than versions of himself?

[ RELATED :  Who Has Wielded Thor's Hammer? ]

To cut off the source of Gorr’s universal god-killer “the Godbomb,” the past’s “Young Thor” and the future’s “King Thor” collaborated with the present Odinson. These three cross-time Thors were also assisted by King Thor’s granddaughters Frigg , Ellisiv and Atli all of whom worked together to save godhood.


The three goddesses would later travel back via Time Diamonds to meet the legendary Jane Foster after her initial stint as Thor . Though they took her flying, they did not tell her about the epic story ahead in the WAR OF THE REALMS event, at the end of which the Fantastic Four used Doctor Doom’s Time Platform to recruit King Thor and Young Thor to end the conflict. WAR OF THE REALMS also resurrected Jane as Thor once more.


Warning: The Summers-Grey kids know how to alter a timeline.

The Grey-Summers Family Tree.

Thor and his selves get around the time stream regularly, but not nearly as much as the Summers’ mutant family. Dad Cyclops alone has traipsed through time on a variety of occasions, so let’s start with that. As a kid, he and his fellow original X-Men traveled to the present as versions of their younger selves in ALL-NEW X-MEN (2012) . And don't forget about the time that he and his wife Jean Grey took a trip several thousand years into the future in ADVENTURES OF CYCLOPS & PHOENIX (1994) to save Scott’s son Nathan Summers, AKA Cable.

Oh, and remember Kate Pryde from the “Days of Future Past” timeline? Well, she's not the only one from that future who came to the present. Kate was followed by Rachel Grey/Summers —the daughter of that era's Scott Summers and Jean Grey—who had telepathic powers like her mother, but had been turned into a mutant-hunting Hound following the destruction of Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. After Kate’s mission to the past, Rachel eventually made contact with the Phoenix Force which allowed her to physically, not just mentally, travel to the present of Earth-616 in UNCANNY X-MEN #184 . Since then, Rachel has allied herself with Xavier's other students and teams, defending the denizens of the present for years, now under the codename Prestige.

UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #184

But it’s son of Cyclops, Cable—whose mother is Madelyne Pryor , a Mister Sinister -created clone of Jean Grey—that has made his way through time more often than even his half-brother X-Man . Following Nathan’s birth in UNCANNY X-MEN #201 , Apocalypse infected the infant with a techno-organic virus that threatened his life ( X-FACTOR #65-68 ). To save his son, Cyclops agreed to let Sister Askani, a member of a religious anti-Apocalypse cult, take the child to the far future where they could better manage baby Cable’s affliction.

The Clan Askani saved Nathan's life but could not fully cure him of the virus. When he was still a child, the mysterious “Slym and Redd” stepped in to raise him. Though Cable didn’t know it at the time, this couple was a temporally displaced Scott and Jean. While Scott and Jean returned to their present in ADVENTURES OF CYCLOPS & PHOENIX #4 , the boy grew to become an incredibly resourceful soldier of the future. Though a younger version of him did come to the present in X-FORCE (2018) , the most well-known version of the man known as Cable debuted in NEW MUTANTS (1983) #87 , though he would not reveal his history, or connection to the Summers family, for some time.


Since then, Cable has been involved in just about every major X-event. He was at the forefront of defeating his own time-traveling clone Stryfe in the “X-Cutioner's Song” storyline , and also ensured Hope Summers’ survival during “Messiah Complex” and throughout CABLE (2008) . Hope Summers not only represents the reinvigoration of the mutant race, but as a member of The Five , she's an integral part of the mutant resurrection process, making her one of the most important beings in the continuation of Krakoa.

[ RELATED :  The Secrets of Mutant Resurrection ]


If you had to take notes to keep track of some of these temporally adventurous individuals, now's the time to break out the cork board, red string, and pushpins because Kang’s got them all beat! Born to Earth-6311, a reality in which humanity evolved to the point where peace reigned supreme, a man named Nathaniel Richards—related to either present-day Reed Richards or Doctor Doom —grew bored and desired conquest.

[ RELATED :  The Many Faces of Kang ]

To that end the conquering Nathaniel built his own time ship which was stocked with future tech and traveled to Ancient Egypt where he took on the identity of Pharoah Rama-Tut in FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) #19 . While in that era, he encountered many heroes traveling from Earth-616’s present. However, after surviving a time storm, “Rama-Tut” decided to switch things up by becoming the Scarlet Centurion ! Those attempts to destroy Earth's Mightiest Heroes early in their tenure—as seen in AVENGERS ANNUAL (1967) #2 —proved a failure.

AVENGERS (1963) #8

Leaving that identity behind, Richards became Rama-Tut once more, but overshot his home in the 30th century and wound up in the far more dangerous 40th century where he took on the name Kang the Conqueror , the character who debuted in AVENGERS (1963) #8 . Thus began Kang’s recurring attempts to defeat the heroes of the present. Though he has come close several times—like during the “Kang War” story in AVENGERS (1998) #38-55 —the Conqueror has never truly lived up to his name, though it appears that he never stops trying just like the interminable march of time.

But not all Kangs are bad. (And thanks to parallel and offshoot timelines there are plenty.) In one unusual blip of the timestream, a teen version of Kang, Iron Lad , traveled back to the present and became a founding member of the Young Avengers . He even succeeded in killing his older self, but that led to a time storm of epic proportions, so much so that Iron Lad undid the murder and returned to his proper period, knowing he’d eventually become the corrupted Kang.


But as readers have learned over the years, “Kang” isn't even this character's endpoint. The Lord Immortus —who first appeared in AVENGERS #10 —pops up from time to time to mix it up not only with the heroes of the present, but also with Kang himself. (As seen in tales like “ Celestial Madonna ” and “ Destiny War .”) You'd be surprised how many times Kang has tussled with himself and the wild results—but that doesn't stop the Kangs from interfering with each other’s intricate plots for power!

Regardless of which variant of Kang we’re talking about, no character has traversed time as often and as freely. And while these stories take place across the expansive Marvel Multiverse including all of time and space, they can all be read in one place: the Marvel Unlimited app !

To read your Marvel comics digitally, download the  Marvel Unlimited app  for  iOS  and  Android  devices. Gain an expansive catalog of 30,000+ comics spanning Marvel Comics history, plus access your entire digital library including comics redeemed from print.  

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The 50+ Best Time Travel TV Shows, Ranked, Ranked

Ranker TV

Are you ready to unravel the threads of time? This remarkable selection of the best time travel shows is filled with gripping narratives, memorable characters, and intriguing explorations of humanity's most complex enigma. These phenomenal series have not only captivated audiences but have also left an indelible mark on television history. Prepare to be taken on a thrilling ride through past, present, and future as these amazing tales challenge the limits of human imagination. 

The best time travel shows mesmerize viewers with their unique, thought-provoking explorations of temporal themes. With their gripping, groundbreaking, and original stories, these series immerse viewers in worlds where the rules of time are bent and broken. These exceptional shows have impacted the television industry at large, earning both pop culture prominence and critical acclaim for their unique takes on time-hopping adventures. 

Each offering in the best time travel TV shows selection offers a unique insight into the fascinating realm of temporal navigation. Embark on a mind-bending journey through different eras with Dark , where intricate storytelling keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. Delve into the heart-pounding mission to save humanity in 12 Monkeys , a show that blends compelling character arcs with stunning visuals and complex narrative. Experience the race against time in Timeless , a thrilling adventure filled with historical intrigue, unexpected twists, and powerful emotions. These remarkable shows are just a few of the outstanding lineup waiting to transport you through the ages. 

Time travel shows are popular and have had a profound impact on television culture because of the engaging narratives, dynamic characters, and thought-provoking themes. By providing riveting stories, unforgettable characters, and thought-provoking insights into the nature of time, these phenomenal series have solidified their places in the pantheon of the greatest time travel TV shows. So, sit back and prepare to lose track of time as audacious heroes take you on unforgettable voyages through the ages. 


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  For those who appreciate intricate storytelling, Dark is the perfect fit as it masterfully explores themes of time travel, human relationships, and existentialism. This German-language Netflix original gained immense popularity globally for its complexity and mind-bending narrative structure. Don't miss out on this modern sci-fi masterpiece that has been compared to Stranger Things  with a darker twist.

  • Premiered : December 1, 2017
  • Number of Episodes : 36



Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  A refreshing take on the time travel genre, Travelers introduces viewers to a compelling story about operatives sent back in time to prevent humanity's dystopian future. With standout performances from Eric McCormack and Mackenzie Porter, this Canadian-produced series delivers thrilling suspense while exploring themes of sacrifice and responsibility. Stream Travelers for an intelligent sci-fi experience that will leave you questioning your own reality.

  • Premiered : October 17, 2016
  • Number of Episodes : 35

12 Monkeys

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Inspired by Terry Gilliam's cult classic film, Syfy's 12 Monkeys raises the stakes in science fiction television by expertly weaving together elements of time travel, suspense, and character-driven drama. The show boasts an incredibly talented cast led by Aaron Stanford and Amanda Schull, whose performances earned rave reviews from critics. Be prepared to be hooked on this intense yet thoughtfully crafted series that redefines the boundaries of traditional sci-fi storytelling.

  • Premiered : January 16, 2015
  • Number of Episodes : 47

Quantum Leap

Quantum Leap

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Quantum Leap is a beloved sci-fi classic well known for its unique premise and episodic adventures filled with heart and humor. Scott Bakula stars as Dr. Sam Beckett, who leaps through time to inhabit various lives while solving problems and altering history for the better. An essential watch for any fan of vintage television or science fiction, don't miss out on this entertaining journey through time.

  • Premiered : March 26, 1989
  • Number of Episodes : 103


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Drama meets adventure in Timeless as viewers follow a team of unlikely heroes tasked with chasing a dangerous fugitive through time. Tackling important historical events and figures, the show offers an enjoyable, educational, and thoughtfully presented fictional journey into America's past. Watch Timeless for its engaging pace, well-developed characters, and clever mix of history and science fiction.

  • Premiered : October 3, 2016
  • Number of Episodes : 30


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Based on Diana Gabaldon's best-selling novels, Outlander captivates viewers with its lush historical backdrop combined with elements of fantasy and romance. Set primarily in 18th century Scotland, the show seamlessly melds genres to create a visually stunning and emotionally poignant experience for fans of both history and fantasy alike. Tune in for the passionate love story between Claire Randall (Caitriona Balfe) and Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan), but stay for the epic tale that unfolds across centuries.

  • Premiered : August 9, 2014
  • Number of Episodes : 108

The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  With its timeless blend of horror, fantasy, and science fiction storytelling, The Twilight Zone remains one of television's most influential series ever created. From the mind of Rod Serling, this anthology program invites viewers to explore strange new worlds filled with eerie twists and social commentary still relevant today. Step into The Twilight Zone for a classic dose of unpredictable entertainment that defies convention.

  • Premiered : October 2, 1959
  • Number of Episodes : 156


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Adapted from Stephen King's mesmerizing novel by J.J Abrams' Bad Robot Productions, 11.22.63 stars James Franco as a high school teacher tasked with preventing JFK's assassination via time travel in this limited series event from Hulu Originals. This thrilling eight-part drama combines high-stakes intrigue with poignant character development for both fans of King's work or those new to time-travel mysteries.

  • Premiered : February 15, 2016
  • Number of Episodes : 10


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This award-winning Canadian sci-fi series offers a fresh take on the time-travel genre by blending compelling crime drama with thought-provoking futuristic elements. Led by Rachel Nichols as a time-traveling cop from 2077, Continuum delves into themes of morality, power dynamics, and shifting allegiances—making it a must-watch for fans seeking intelligent science fiction grounded in human emotion.

  • Premiered : May 27, 2012
  • Number of Episodes : 44


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  A captivating medical drama wrapped in mystery, Bodies focuses on two doctors working in different eras who find themselves linked through their patients' inexplicable illnesses. With thoughtfully constructed storylines that focus on ethics within the medical profession and a riveting look at how past actions can impact present realities, Bodies offers an intense viewing experience well worth diving into.

  • Premiered : October 19, 2023
  • Number of Episodes : 8

Doctor Who

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Featuring an ever-changing lineup of talented actors as the titular Doctor, this long-running British TV staple has captivated generations with its fantastical adventures through time and space. Doctor Who is beloved for its imaginative storytelling, eccentrically brilliant characters, and endearing camaraderie between the Doctor and their various companions—making it a must-watch institution in science fiction television history.

  • Premiered : March 26, 2005
  • Number of Episodes : 160

Time Bandits

Time Bandits

  • Premiered : July 24, 2024

Russian Doll

Russian Doll

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Nominated for nine Emmy Awards including Outstanding Comedy Series , Russian Doll is an inventive blend of dark comedy and existential exploration set within a seemingly endless time loop premise. Starring Natasha Lyonne as Nadia Vulvokov, this critically acclaimed Netflix original showcases sharp writing, brilliant performances, and unexpected twists that will keep audiences guessing until the very end.

  • Premiered : February 1, 2019
  • Number of Episodes : 15

The Umbrella Academy

The Umbrella Academy

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Superheroes meet family dysfunction in Netflix's adaptation of Gerard Way's comic book series The Umbrella Academy —an enthralling mix of dark humor, action-packed sequences, and heartfelt character development set against a backdrop of impending apocalypse scenarios involving time travel elements. With a stellar ensemble cast led by Ellen Page and Robert Sheehan, this series stands out as an engaging alternative to traditional superhero fare.

  • Premiered : February 15, 2019


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  From the creators of The Simpsons comes Futurama —an animated sci-fi/comedy series that has amassed a dedicated fanbase since its debut in 1999. Set in the year 3000, this hilarious show explores themes like fate versus free will while delivering biting social commentary and unpredictable storylines befitting any fan of adult animation or science fiction.

  • Premiered : March 28, 1999
  • Number of Episodes : 173


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Based on the 2000 film of the same name, Frequency follows NYPD detective Raimy Sullivan as she discovers an old ham radio that allows her to communicate with her deceased father in the past. This CW series digs deep into themes of family, redemption, and fate while providing viewers with a thrilling mystery and gripping emotional drama. Watch Frequency to explore the unbreakable bond between parent and child across both time and space.

  • Premiered : October 5, 2016
  • Number of Episodes : 13

Legends of Tomorrow

Legends of Tomorrow

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  For viewers craving an action-packed adventure filled with superheroes and time travel shenanigans, look no further than DC's Legends of Tomorrow . This CW spin-off showcases fan-favorite characters from Arrow and The Flash as they embark on missions throughout history while grappling with their own personal demons along the way. Watch Legends of Tomorrow for its delightful blend of comedy, drama, and high-flying heroics.

  • Premiered : January 21, 2016
  • Number of Episodes : 113


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Lost remains one of the most influential television series in recent history thanks to its groundbreaking storytelling techniques, complex character development, and thrilling suspense. The show delves into themes of survival, morality, and the nature of human connection through a multi-layered narrative that keeps fans guessing from episode to episode—a must-watch for anyone seeking thoughtful entertainment with a touch of mystery.

  • Premiered : September 22, 2004
  • Number of Episodes : 139

Quantum Leap

Watch This Show If You Love :  Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Prepare for an awe-inspiring journey through time as Quantum Leap masterfully combines science fiction, drama, and adventure while addressing thought-provoking social issues. The series has been widely praised for its innovative concept, strong performances, and compelling storylines. Embrace the opportunity to watch this influential show that pushes the boundaries of television entertainment in today's era.

  • Premiered : September 19, 2022
  • Number of Episodes : 31

La Brea

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  A sinkhole appears in Los Angeles, swallowing up numerous individuals who then find themselves transported back millions of years into a prehistoric world unknown to modern humanity. La Brea offers a thrilling mix of survival drama, action, and science fiction elements while delving into themes such as family bonds and human resilience—an ideal watch for those seeking high-stakes adventure with heart.

  • Premiered : September 28, 2021
  • Number of Episodes : 37


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Undone is an Amazon Prime original set apart by its unique rotoscope animation style and compelling exploration of mental illness within the framework of time travel-based storylines. Featuring Rosa Salazar's captivating performance as Alma Winograd-Diaz alongside Bob Odenkirk (star from Breaking Bad ), fans can expect thought-provoking content grounded in raw emotion with visually stunning visuals sure to draw them in.

  • Premiered : September 13, 2019
  • Number of Episodes : 23

Being Erica

Being Erica

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  With a unique blend of humor, drama, and time-traveling therapy sessions, Being Erica offers an entertaining yet introspective look at the life of Erica Strange (Erin Karpluk) as she revisits her past while grappling with the challenges of her present. The series skillfully tackles themes like personal growth, regret, and self-discovery—making it a must-watch for fans seeking relatable characters and thought-provoking stories.

  • Premiered : January 5, 2009
  • Number of Episodes : 49

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Picking up where the second film left off, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles expands upon the rich mythology established in James Cameron's iconic film franchise—offering fans a deep dive into the lives of Sarah Connor (Lena Headey) and her son John (Thomas Dekker) while introducing new characters alongside familiar faces from previous installments. Watch this gripping series for its well-executed blend of action-packed sequences and emotional character development that does justice to its cinematic predecessors.

  • Premiered : January 13, 2008

The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Often compared to The Twilight Zone for its anthology format and genre-defying narrative style, The Outer Limits explores themes like fear, identity, and what it means to be human through chilling tales that transcend space and time. Originally airing in 1963 before being revived in 1995, this cult classic continues to captivate fans with its unnerving storylines and unforgettable twists.

  • Premiered : September 19, 1964
  • Number of Episodes : 17


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Following the fan-favorite character's unexpected escape in Avengers: Endgame , Marvel's Loki delves into the God of Mischief's adventures through time and space under the watchful eye of the mysterious Time Variance Authority (TVA). Starring Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson alongside a strong supporting cast, this Disney+ original series does not disappoint with its clever writing, stunning visuals, and expert blend of humor and intrigue.

  • Premiered : June 9, 2021
  • Number of Episodes : 12

Paper Girls

Paper Girls

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Based on the acclaimed graphic novel series by Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, Amazon Prime's Paper Girls follows a group of young girls in the 1980s who become entangled in a time-traveling war that spans across multiple eras. Fans can look forward to a thrilling adventure infused with nostalgic charm, heartfelt friendships, and thought-provoking themes about growing up amid extraordinary circumstances.

  • Premiered : July 29, 2022

Future Man

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This action-packed sci-fi comedy from Hulu follows the misadventures of Josh Futturman (Josh Hutcherson), an ordinary janitor enlisted by two warriors from 2162 to save humanity from extinction. With its winning combination of slapstick humor, thrilling action sequences, and compelling character development, Future Man is a can't-miss series for fans who crave lighthearted fun with a futuristic twist.

  • Premiered : November 14, 2017
  • Number of Episodes : 50

Time Tunnel

Time Tunnel

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This classic 1960s sci-fi series takes viewers on a spellbinding journey through time as two scientists become trapped within their experimental time-travel device known as "The Time Tunnel." With its combination of fascinating historical settings and adventurous storylines, this show is an essential watch for fans of vintage television or those interested in exploring early explorations of time travel onscreen.

  • Premiered : 1966

Secrets of Sulphur Springs

Secrets of Sulphur Springs

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Aimed at younger audiences, Disney Channel's Secrets of Sulphur Springs combines mystery-solving adventures with time-traveling escapades as two friends work together to uncover the truth behind their town's haunted hotel legend. With its engaging storyline, diverse cast of characters, and family-friendly appeal, this series offers an entertaining entry point into the world of time travel for viewers of all ages.

  • Premiered : January 15, 2021
  • Number of Episodes : 27


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This NBC mystery-drama explores themes such as destiny and interconnectedness when passengers aboard Montego Air Flight 828 return home after a seemingly routine flight only to find that five years have passed. Manifest's intriguing premise, coupled with strong performances from Josh Dallas and Melissa Roxburgh, will keep viewers invested in the characters' journeys of self-discovery and unraveling the truth behind their miraculous return.

  • Premiered : September 24, 2018
  • Number of Episodes : 63

Terra Nova

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Executive produced by Steven Spielberg, Terra Nova transports viewers back in time to "prehistoric" Earth where humanity's last hope for survival lies within a groundbreaking new colony. This ambitious Fox series explores themes like environmentalism and family dynamics while delivering visually stunning visuals and suspenseful storytelling that will captivate both science fiction enthusiasts and casual viewers alike.

  • Premiered : September 26, 2011

Life on Mars

Life on Mars

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Taking its name from David Bowie's iconic song, Life on Mars is a UK crime drama infused with elements of science fiction that follows detective Sam Tyler (John Simm) as he mysteriously wakes up in 1973 after being struck by a car in present-day Manchester. The show tackles complex themes such as reality vs illusion while blending gripping police procedural storylines with subtle supernatural undertones—an essential watch for fans seeking unconventional narratives that defy genre boundaries.

  • Premiered : October 9, 2008


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  In this critically acclaimed yet tragically short-lived NBC drama, Kevin McKidd stars as San Francisco journalist Dan Vasser who inexplicably begins jumping back and forth through time—affecting both his professional life and personal relationships in profound ways. Journeyman delves into themes like fate versus free will, love across time, and the consequences of altering history with emotional depth rarely seen in sci-fi television programming.

  • Premiered : September 24, 2007


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This short-lived sci-fi gem from the 1980s follows Phineas Bogg (Jon-Erik Hexum) as he travels through time with his young companion, Jeffrey Jones (Meeno Peluce), to ensure history unfolds as it should. Voyagers! offers viewers a charming mix of adventure, humor, and educational content that makes it well worth revisiting for fans of vintage television or those looking to discover hidden gems in the world of time-traveling entertainment.

  • Premiered : October 3, 1982
  • Number of Episodes : 20

Land of the Lost

Land of the Lost

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  A staple of Saturday morning television in the 1970s, Land of the Lost chronicles a family's journey through time to a prehistoric world inhabited by dinosaurs and other dangers unknown to modern civilization. This iconic children's show offers viewers nostalgic escapism combined with imaginative storytelling that has inspired generations since its debut over four decades ago.

  • Premiered : September 7, 1974
  • Number of Episodes : 43

The Lazarus Project

The Lazarus Project

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Showcasing powerful performances from Paul Walker and Piper Perabo alongside a compelling narrative rooted in themes like redemption and second chances, The Lazarus Project is an intriguing exploration of what it means to rewrite your own story through time manipulation technology. With its unique take on the time-travel genre and emotionally charged storytelling, this film is well worth watching for fans seeking fresh perspectives within science fiction cinema.

  • Premiered : June 16, 2022


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  In this captivating pilot-turned-feature film from writer/director Christopher Leone ( The Lost Room ), a group of friends stumbles upon an enigmatic building that transports them to alternate dimensions where their own lives have taken drastically different paths. With its thought-provoking exploration of "what if" scenarios and intelligent storytelling grounded in human emotion, Parallels provides an enthralling glimpse into parallel universe theories worth watching.

  • Premiered : March 23, 2022
  • Number of Episodes : 6

Samurai Jack

Samurai Jack

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Created by animation visionary Genndy Tartakovsky ( Dexter's Laboratory ), Samurai Jack is a visually stunning action-adventure series that transports viewers back to ancient Japan as our titular hero battles his nemesis Aku across space and time. Featuring striking animation style alongside immersive storytelling steeped in Eastern influences, this critically acclaimed show has secured its place among beloved animated classics for audience members young and old alike.

  • Premiered : August 10, 2001
  • Number of Episodes : 97



Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Based on Robert J. Sawyer's award-winning sci-fi novel, FlashForward presents viewers with an intriguing premise as every person on Earth simultaneously experiences a glimpse of their future six months ahead—a phenomenon that sparks international panic as individuals struggle to comprehend the implications of their "flashes." This ABC series explores themes like fate versus free will while delivering nail-biting suspense that will keep audiences glued to their screens.

  • Premiered : September 24, 2009

The Ministry of Time

The Ministry of Time

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This Spanish sci-fi series delves into themes like history preservation and human connection through the adventures of three individuals selected by "The Ministry of Time" to ensure key moments remain unchanged throughout Spain's past. With its thrilling plots, well-developed characters, and fascinating historical settings, The Ministry of Time is ideal for viewers seeking an intelligent blend of education and entertainment.

  • Premiered : February 24, 2015

Doctor Who

  • Premiered : November 25, 2023


  • Premiered : December 15, 2017

Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This British crime drama with a twist serves as a follow-up to the aforementioned Life on Mars and follows police officer Alex Drake (Keeley Hawes) as she finds herself transported back to London in 1981 after being shot in present-day 2008. Ashes to Ashes offers viewers a unique mix of nostalgia, mystery-solving intrigue, and surreal time-travel elements that make it an essential watch for fans of unconventional storytelling.

  • Premiered : February 7, 2008
  • Number of Episodes : 24

The 7 lives Of Lea

The 7 lives Of Lea

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This intriguing French television series centers around Lea Mendiantz (Julia Piaton), who discovers she possesses the unusual ability to travel through her own memories—a powerful gift with potentially devastating consequences as dark forces conspire against her. Exploring themes like memory manipulation and self-identity within a complex narrative structure, The 7 Lives Of Lea offers viewers captivating storytelling unlike anything seen before within the realm of time-travel television.

  • Premiered : April 28, 2022
  • Number of Episodes : 7

Time Trax

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  In this classic '90s sci-fi series, Dale Midkiff stars as Darien Lambert—a futuristic law enforcement officer tasked with hunting down fugitives who have fled across time to evade justice back home. With its charmingly dated special effects and engaging episodic storylines reminiscent of vintage pulp fiction adventure serials, Time Trax remains a nostalgic favorite among fans who appreciate old-school science fiction entertainment.

  • Premiered : January 17, 1993
  • Number of Episodes : 45

Day Break

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  In this thrilling ABC drama from creator Paul Zbyszewski (Lost), LAPD detective Brett Hopper (Taye Diggs) finds himself trapped in a time loop that forces him to relive the same day over and over again—a deadly game of cat and mouse ensues as he struggles to discover who is framing him for murder. With its action-packed pacing, intriguing premise, and engrossing character development, Day Break is undoubtedly a must-watch experience.

  • Premiered : November 15, 2006

Power Rangers Time Force

Power Rangers Time Force

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  A fan-favorite installment within the iconic Power Rangers franchise, Time Force offers viewers a unique blend of time-travel adventure and superhero action set against the backdrop of futuristic cities and dystopian wastelands alike. Featuring memorable characters, high-stakes battles, and engaging storylines that explore themes like responsibility, friendship, and destiny—don't miss this enthralling chapter in Power Rangers history.

  • Premiered : February 3, 2001
  • Number of Episodes : 40

Phil of the Future

Phil of the Future

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This light-hearted Disney Channel comedy series follows Phil Diffy (Ricky Ullman)—a teenager from the year 2121 who becomes stranded in present-day America with his family after their time machine malfunctions. As they navigate life in unfamiliar surroundings while trying to return home, Phil's everyday adventures offer humorous insights into generational differences along with plenty of heartwarming moments.

  • Premiered : June 18, 2004

Find Me in Paris

Find Me in Paris

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This charming teen drama combines elements of ballet, romance, and time travel as Lena Grisky (Jessica Lord), a young ballerina at the prestigious Opera de Paris dance school in 1905 finds herself transported to present-day Paris by accident—setting off on an emotional journey filled with new friendships, unexpected challenges, and true love. Find Me in Paris offers a delightful escape into the world of dance and time travel that will appeal to viewers young and old alike.

  • Premiered : April 14, 2018


Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  Also known as The Great Doctor ,  Faith is a South Korean drama that combines elements of historical fiction, fantasy, and romance as it follows Choi Young (Lee Min-ho), a 14th-century warrior who kidnaps modern-day surgeon Eun-soo (Kim Hee-sun) in order to save the life of his dying queen—a captivating journey through time ensues filled with action, intrigue, and emotional depth well worth exploring.

  • Premiered : August 13, 2012

It's About Time

It's About Time

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  This 1966 sitcom from Sherwood Schwartz (creator of Gilligan's Island ) explores the comedic potential of time travel as two astronauts from the future find themselves stranded in prehistoric times alongside a family of cave-dwelling humans. Though short-lived, It's About Time remains an endearing snapshot of vintage television humor executed with a unique twist on the ever-popular sci-fi genre.

  • Premiered : September 11, 1966
  • Number of Episodes : 26

Nine: Nine Time Travels

Nine: Nine Time Travels

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  From South Korea comes this romantic thriller that blends elements of mystery and suspense with themes like fate versus free will within a narrative structure involving multiple timelines. As Park Sun-woo (Lee Jin-wook), a news reporter embarks on a dangerous mission through time to save his family's legacy while navigating complicated relationships along the way— Nine: Nine Time Travels is sure to captivate international audiences seeking fresh perspectives on familiar storytelling tropes.

  • Premiered : March 11, 2013

Crime Traveller

Crime Traveller

Watch This Show If You Love : Pineapple Express, Half Baked, Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle, How High, Friday Why Should I Stream?  A cult classic among British TV enthusiasts, Crime Traveller follows detective Jeff Slade (Michael French) and forensic scientist Holly Turner (Chloë Annett) as they use their secret ability to travel back in time to solve baffling criminal cases. With intriguing mysteries steeped in historical context, this entertaining series offers an engaging blend of crime procedural drama and inventive science fiction storytelling.

  • Premiered : March 1, 1997

Dr. Jin

  • Premiered : May 26, 2012

Rooftop Prince

Rooftop Prince

  • Premiered : March 21, 2012

T. P Bon

  • Premiered : May 2, 2024

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract

The Story of Park's Marriage Contract

  • Premiered : November 24, 2023

Back to 15

  • Premiered : February 25, 2022
  • Number of Episodes : 18



  • Premiered : June 1, 2015
  • Number of Episodes : 21
  • Entertainment
  • Time Travel
  • Watchworthy

As they say in well-written scripts, "You mean... like time travel?" + also a few bizarre stories about real people who have claimed, despite every law of physics, they have traveled through time.

These Time Travel Movies Ar...

  • Português do Brasil

Time Travel

The power to travel through time . Technique of Time Manipulation and Temporal Displacement .

  • 1 Also Called
  • 2 Fiction-Specific Terms
  • 3 Capabilities
  • 4 Applications
  • 5 Techniques
  • 6 Variations
  • 7 Associations
  • 9 Limitations
  • 10.1 Anime/Manga
  • 10.2 Video Games
  • 10.3 Live Television/Movies
  • 10.4 Cartoons/Comics
  • 10.5 Literature
  • 10.6 Web Original
  • 11.1 Cartoons/Comics
  • 11.2 Anime/Manga
  • 11.3 Live Television/Movies
  • 11.4 Literature
  • 11.5 Video Games
  • 12 Known Locations
  • 13.1 Anime/Manga/Manhwa
  • 13.2 Comics/Cartoons
  • 13.3 Video Games
  • 13.4 Live Television/Movies
  • 13.5 Web Comics/Original

Also Called [ ]

  • Chronoportation/Chronotravel/Chronojumping
  • Temporal/Linear-Time Relocation/Travel/Voyage
  • Time Jump/Jumping/Leap/Leaping/Traveling

Fiction-Specific Terms [ ]

  • Time-Slipping ( Loki )

Capabilities [ ]

Users can travel and send others to the future/past. Some users may be limited to remaining on the same spatial spot of a differing timeline, others may be able to move to a different spatial position.

Applications [ ]

  • Alternate Timeline Creation by changing an event while in the past or just traveling/being in the past.
  • Alternate Timeline Traveling by traveling between alternate timelines.
  • Flash-Forward can travel to the future events.
  • Temporal Duplication can create duplicates of themselves by traveling through time and meet with another version of themselves in any moment in time.
  • Temporal Rewind can travel to the past events.

Techniques [ ]

  • Time Travel Combat

Variations [ ]

  • Chronoskimming consciousness time travel
  • Dimensional Travel time is considered the fourth dimension
  • Precognition
  • Temporal Trapping
  • Retrocognition
  • Space-Time Rift
  • Temporal Speed
  • Temporal Telepathy
  • Temporal Teleportation
  • Time Portal Creation

Associations [ ]

  • 4th-Dimensional Access
  • Advanced Technology
  • Alien Physiology
  • Alternate Reality Traveling
  • Alpha Travel
  • Time Traveler from the Future while in the past.
  • Dimensional Travel
  • Event Experiencing
  • Memory Reliving
  • Meta Time Travel
  • Omega Travel
  • Planeswalking
  • Planes Dreaming
  • Powerful Objects
  • Probability Travel
  • Quantum Manipulation
  • Space-Time Manipulation
  • Superior Human Physiology
  • Teleportation
  • Teleportation Force Manipulation
  • Teleportation Manipulation
  • Temporal Displacement
  • Temporal Interaction
  • Temporal Presence
  • Temporal Warping
  • Time Manipulation
  • Basic Level: Users can only travel seconds backwards/forward in time.
  • Advanced Level: Users can travel minutes backwards/forward in time.
  • Expert Level: Users can travel hours backwards/forward in time.
  • Master Level: Users can travel days or several weeks backwards/forward in time.
  • Ultimate Level: Users can travel months/to several years backwards/forward in time.
  • Absolute Level : Users can travel decades, centuries, or even an eternity backwards/forward in time.

Limitations [ ]

  • When traveling to the past, any changes that the user makes may cause a butterfly effect ; for the said user cannot change the way things are without destroying what it was.
  • The person's attempt to time traveling may be futile due to the Grandfather Paradox ; preventing them from achieving their goal in altering the past and future, unless they have Ancestral Paradox Defiance .
  • May be unable to move to a different location spatially, and instead just end up in the same location in a different timeline. Telefrag is possible as a result.
  • Protection conjecture , a cause that prevents the change of the past, could interfere with the Time Travel in some cases. If not and the past is change, results in the present time, before the travel, can have unwanted results.
  • Time travel may separate the user from space , which would leave them entrapped within time , rendering them biologically immortal , intentionally or not.
  • Abuse and misuse of time travel may result in one's mind losing track in time, causing the body to age but the mind to remain young.
  • Because of the complexities and potential dangers, time travel is sometimes considered a taboo and against the law of nature, and even outlawed by some governments.
  • Cannot interfere in certain matters concerning the flow of time and space.
  • It's not known if the future is protected by the same cause the past is (see Precognition for more info how changes to the future could be prevented).
  • May not be able to interact with the past or future (See Precognition or Retrocognition .)
  • May distort the space-time continuum in exchange for traveling.
  • May only be able to transport living tissue through time.
  • May only be able to go either backward or forward in time.
  • May only be able to travel the duration of their own lifetime.
  • Time travel to the past may create an alternate timeline, in order to prevent changes to affect the original time. This means that the past would branch off into a new dimension of time, while the present timeline would continue as though nothing affected the past. This prevents intended changes.
  • Cannot escape users of Temporal Presence .
  • Cannot defeat user of Acausality .
  • May not be able to travel to events that have been affected by Inevitable Event Creation .
  • May have a limit for how long a user can stay in another time.
  • May not be able to control the destination, traveling to random times and places.
  • Normally unable to travel back to the state before the universe began.
  • Can still be affected by Warp Travel Unravel and Warp Travel Interaction .
  • May have to avoid seeing oneself, avoid seeing one's own blood relatives related to the users' own parents, and or closest friends known to the users' parents.

Known Users [ ]

See Also: Time Travel .

Anime/Manga [ ]

  • Yū Otosaka ( Charlotte ); obtained through Shunsuke Otosaka
  • Shunsuke Otosaka ( Charlotte ); via Time Leap
  • Dwellers of the Dangai ( Bleach )
  • The Return card ( Card Captor Sakura )
  • Kurumi Tokisaki ( Date A Live )
  • Abigail ( Denma ); via Intersecting Space
  • Ryo Asuka/Satan ( Devilman )
  • Timemon ( Digimon Universe: App Monsters )
  • Kusuo Saiki ( The Disasterous Life of Saiki K. )
  • Doraemon ( Doraemon )
  • Nikaido ( Dorohedoro )
  • Angels ( Dragon Ball Super ); via "Warp"
  • Satoru Fujinuma ( Erased )
  • Ultear Milkovich ( Fairy Tail )
  • Rebecca Bluegarden ( Edens Zero ); via Cat Leaper
  • Rachael/Saintfire Nox ( Edens Zero )
  • Kagerō ( Flame of Recca )
  • Kurei Mori ( Flame of Recca )
  • Ginji Amano ( Getbackers )
  • Chiaki Mamiya ( The Girl Who Leapt Through Time )
  • Cyberdolls ( Hand Maid May )
  • Geumbi ( The Haunted House/Shinbi Apartment )
  • Frederica Bernkastel ( Higurashi: When they Cry )
  • Hanyū Furude ( Higurashi: When They Cry )
  • Kumosuke ( Hime-chan's Ribbon )
  • Yume Furusuna ( Instant Bullet )
  • Kagome and InuYasha ( InuYasha )
  • Yoshikage Kira ( JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable ); via Another One Bites the Dust
  • Time Chojin ( Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy: Ultimate Chojin Tag Tournament Arc )
  • Anima ( Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer )
  • Animus ( Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer )
  • Seiryu ( Magic User Kurohime )
  • Aya Asagiri ( Magical Girl Site )
  • Mukade ( Naruto )
  • Saitama ( One-Punch Man )
  • Kozuki Toki ( One Piece )
  • Homura Akemi ( Puella Magi Madoka Magica ); only in the first universe.
  • Lucius ( Romae Thermae )
  • The Academy ( Steel Angel Kurumi )
  • Rintaro Okabe ( Steins;Gate ) Via "Time Leap Machine" and D-Mail
  • Mikuru Asahina ( The Melancholy of Harhi Suzumiya )
  • Youhei Shibusawa ( Talentless Nana )
  • Chloe Aubert ( Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken )
  • Nataru ( Tetsuwan Birdy Decode:02 )
  • Ai Ijima ( Time Traveler Ai )
  • Mari Hayase ( Time Travel Girl )
  • Shinichirou Sano ( Tokyo Revengers )
  • Takemichi Hanagaki ( Tokyo Revengers ); via Shake hands with Naoto Tachibana
  • Vector Prime ( Transformers Cybertron )
  • Shinra Kusakabe ( Fire Force )

Video Games [ ]

  • Edna Strickland ( Back To The Future: The Game )
  • Saint Germain ( Castlevania: Curse of Darkness )
  • Catherine ( Catherine: Full Body )
  • Mira ( Dragon Ball Online/Xenoverse )
  • Démigra ( Dragon Ball: Xenoverse )
  • Doctor When ( Dragonfable )
  • Caius Ballad ( Final Fantasy XIII-2 )
  • Lightning ( Final Fantasy XIII-2 )
  • Noel Kriess ( Final Fantasy XIII-2 )
  • Serah Farron ( Final Fantasy XIII-2 )
  • Kratos ( God of War )
  • The Fates ( God of War 2 )
  • Axl Low ( Guilty Gear )
  • I-No ( Guilty Gear )
  • Cole MacGrath ( Infamous ) as Kessler
  • Precursors ( Jak and Daxter )
  • Ansem, Seeker of Darkness ( Kingdom Hearts )
  • Young Xehanort ( Kingdom Hearts )
  • Link ( The Legend of Zelda )
  • Max Caulfield ( Life is Strange )
  • Pokey Minch ( Mother 3 )
  • Natan ( Mobile Legends: Bang Bang )
  • Tracer ( Overwatch )
  • Penny ( Plants vs. Zombies series )
  • Arceus ( Pokémon )
  • Celebi ( Pokémon )
  • Dialga ( Pokémon )
  • Zoni ( Ratchet & Clank )
  • ClockMan.EXE (Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star)
  • Portal Masters ( Skylanders )
  • Nathaniel Renko ( Singularity )
  • Sonic the Hedgehog ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Chaos Control move users ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Mephiles the Dark ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Time Eater ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Bowser ( Super Mario )
  • Neptune ( Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls )
  • Lily ( Scribblenauts )
  • Turok ( Turok: Dinosaur Hunter )
  • Aoko Aozaki ( TYPE-MOON )
  • Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg ( TYPE-MOON )
  • Time Traveler ( Valkyrie Crusade )
  • Frisk ( Undertale )
  • Robonyan ( Yo-Kai Watch )
  • Robloxians ( ROBLOX ); via Time Watch
  • Various WWE Superstars in Road to WrestleMania ( WWE SVR 2011 ) if Christian found parts of the time machine
  • KEPO ( Saturn bomberman )
  • Crab ( Exploding Kittens )

Live Television/Movies [ ]

  • James Cole ( 12 Monkeys )
  • Nathael ( Ángel o Demonio )
  • Illyria ( Angel )
  • Mar Novu/The Monitor ( Arrowverse )
  • Time Wraiths ( Arrowverse )
  • Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash
  • Barry Allen/The Flash/
  • Nora West-Allen/XS
  • Hunter Zolomon/Zoom
  • Jay Garrick/The Flash
  • Marty McFly ( Back To The Future ) via the DeLorean Time Machine.
  • Dr. Emmet “Doc” Brown ( Back To The Future ) via the DeLorean Time Machine and the Time Train.
  • Clara Clayton ( Back To The Future Part III ) via the Time Train.
  • Jules Brown ( Back To The Future Part III ) via the Time Train.
  • Verne Brown ( Back To The Future Part III ) via the Time Train.
  • Dr. Tom ( Being Erica ); via Door Projection
  • All Doctors ( Being Erica ); via Door Projection
  • Cyd Ripley and Shelby Marcus ( Best Friends Whenever )
  • Willow Rosenberg ( Buffy the Vampire Slayer )
  • Billie Jenkins ( Charmed ); via Projection
  • Witches and Warlock ( Charmed ); via Spells
  • Cupids ( Charmed ); via their rings
  • Malevolent Mame ( The Chase 3: Great Minds Think Alike )
  • River Song ( Doctor Who ); via Vortex Manipulator
  • Time Agents ( Doctor Who )
  • Daleks ( Doctor Who ); via time corridor and emergency temporal shift
  • Time Lords ( Doctor Who ); via TARDISes
  • Time Lords ( Doctor Who ); via Time Rings
  • The Doctor ( Doctor Who ); via TARDIS
  • The Master ( Doctor Who ); via TARDIS
  • Captain Jack Harkness ( Doctor Who ); via Vortex Manipulator
  • The Chosen One ( Every Witch Way )
  • King Ghidorah/Mecha-King Ghidorah ( Godzilla vs King Ghidorah )
  • Arthur Petrelli ( Heroes )
  • Hiro Nakamura ( Heroes )
  • Peter Petrelli ( Heroes )
  • Gokaigers ( Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger )
  • Leo ( Los Protegidos )
  • Kamen Rider Den-O ( Kamen Rider Den-O )
  • Kamen Rider Kabuto ( Kamen Rider Kabuto )
  • Kamen Rider Wizard ( Kamen Rider Wizard )
  • DJ Sagara ( Kamen Rider Gaim )
  • Kamen Rider Zi-O ( Kamen Rider Zi-O )
  • Kadoya Tsukasa ( Kamen Rider Zi-O ); via Dimensional Wall
  • Time Jackers ( Kamen Rider Zi-O )
  • Sundial World ( Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger )
  • Lucy ( Lucy )
  • Agent J ( Men in Black )
  • Timerangers ( Mirai Sentai Timeranger )
  • Curtis Donovan ( Misfits )
  • Simon Bellamy ( Misfits )
  • Emma Swan ( Once Upon a Time )
  • Zelena ( Once Upon a Time )
  • The Tall Man ( Phantasm )
  • Samuel Beckett ( Quantum Leap )
  • Captain Braxton ( Star Trek )
  • Crewman Daniels ( Star Trek )
  • Q ( Star Trek )
  • Vosk ( Star Trek )
  • Captain Kathryn Janeway ( Star Trek )
  • Poli Truper ( Supertorpe )
  • Angels ( Supernatural )
  • Castiel ( Supernatural )
  • Chronos ( Supernatural )
  • The Boy/Number Five ( The Umbrella Academy )
  • Merlin ( The Sword in the Stone )
  • Terminators ( The Terminator Franchise )
  • Tom Turbo ( Tom Turbo )
  • Nanno ( Girl From Nowhere )

Cartoons/Comics [ ]

  • Gwen Tennyson ( Ben 10 ); via magic
  • Gumball Watterson ( The Amazing World of Gumball ); via "Clockdown"
  • Darwin Watterson ( The Amazing World of Gumball ); via "Clockdown"
  • Chaos Knuckles ( Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Silver Agent ( Astro City )
  • Eon ( Ben 10 )
  • Professor Paradox ( Ben 10: Alien Force/Ben 10: Ultimate Alien/Ben 10: Omniverse )
  • Time Beasts ( Ben 10: Omniverse )
  • Bunsen (Bunsen is a Beast)
  • Clockwork ( Danny Phantom )
  • Booster Gold ( DC Comics )
  • Chronos ( DC Comics )
  • Phantom Stranger ( DC Comics )
  • Rip Hunter ( DC Comics )
  • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superboy-Prime (Earth 33) ( DC Comics )
  • Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman ( DC Comics )
  • Max Mercury
  • Wally West/The Flash III
  • Barry Allen/The Flash II
  • Zatanna Zatara ( DC Comics )
  • John Constantine ( DC Comics )
  • Mister E ( DC Comics )
  • Monarch ( DC Comics )
  • Batman, God of Knowledge ( DC Comics ); via the Mobius Chair
  • Edd ( Eddsworld )
  • Time Swap Sammy ("Final Space")
  • Go Go Moba Boy ( Go! Go! Moba Boy! )
  • "Enigma" ( Girl Genius )
  • Dave Strider ( Homestuck )
  • Lord English ( Homestuck )
  • Jester ( Imbattable )
  • Mister Invincible ( Imbattable )
  • Ms. Valerie Frizzle ( The Magic School Bus ); via Magic Bus
  • Acronix ( Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu )
  • Krux ( Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu )
  • Rex Dangervest ( The Lego Movie 2 The Second Part )
  • Eva Bell/Tempus ( Marvel Comics )
  • Lucas Bishop ( Marvel Comics )
  • Deathlok Prime ( Marvel Comics )
  • Doctor Victor Von Doom ( Marvel Comics ); via Time Platform
  • God of Stories Loki ( Marvel Comics )
  • Iron Man 2020 ( Marvel Comics )
  • Kang the Conqueror ( Marvel Comics )
  • William Kaplan/Wiccan ( Marvel Comics )
  • Morgan Le Fay ( Marvel Comics )
  • Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch ( Marvel Comics )
  • The One-Above-All ( Marvel Comics )
  • Magik/Illyana Rasputina ( Marvel Comics )
  • Franklin Richards ( Marvel Comics )
  • Nathaniel Richards/Iron Lad ( Marvel Comics ); via Iron Lad Armor
  • Dr. Stephen Strange ( Marvel Comics )
  • Nathan Summers/Cable ( Marvel Comics )
  • Adam Warlock ( Marvel Comics )
  • Thor Odinson ( Marvel Comics )
  • The Vision ( Marvel Comics )
  • Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx/Timebreaker ( Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir )
  • Timetagger ( Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir )
  • Gabriel Agreste/Monarch ( Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir )
  • Mot ( Mot )
  • Discord ( My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic )
  • Twilight Sparkle ( My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic )
  • Starlight Glimmer ( My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic )
  • Hue Troop ( OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes )
  • Miles Woodman
  • Randy Smith
  • Maria Ramirez
  • Kyle Langon
  • Shleemypants ( Rick and Morty )
  • Sabrina Spellman ( Sabrina the Teenage Witch )
  • Aku ( Samurai Jack )
  • Chroneks ( Sendokai Champions )
  • Walker Sloan ( Spider-Man: Edge of Time )
  • Nina Crocker/Timezone ( Static Shock )
  • Ezra Bridger ( Star Wars ) via World Between Worlds
  • T-Infinity ( Terminator 2: Infinity )
  • Time Squad ( Time Squad )
  • Renet ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ); via Time Scepter
  • Uncle Grandpa ( Uncle Grandpa )
  • Number Five/The Boy ( The Umbrella Academy/Dark Horses Comics )
  • Marco William Lake ( The Warrior of the Quest )

Literature [ ]

  • Catty Turner ( Daughters of the Moon )
  • The Citizen ( Good Enough Evil )
  • Time Leap Machine ( Steins;Gate )
  • The Time Traveler ( The Time Machine )
  • Henry DeTamble ( Time Traveler's Wife )
  • Some of those who participate in the Witness Anonymous Relocation Program ( W.A.R.P. Series )

Web Original [ ]

  • Nuum ( Captus Cinematic Universe )
  • The Smiling Man ( Creepypasta ); implied
  • Karl Jacobs ( DreamSMP )
  • HABIT ( EverymanHYBRID )
  • The Blacksmith ( RWBY ); implied
  • Mary Nakayama ( SCP Foundation )
  • Alexandria ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-239 - The Witch Child ( SCP Foundation ); not physically
  • SCP-2003 - Preferred Option ( SCP Foundation )

Known Objects [ ]

See Also: Time Machine .

  • Uchrono Hourglass ( American Dragon: Jake Long )
  • Buzz's Time Watch ( Buzz Lightyear of Star Command )
  • Time Vehicles ( Milo Murphy's Law )
  • Time Travelinator
  • Professor Time's Time Machine
  • The Time Booth ( The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius )
  • Berby ( Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum )
  • Chrona-Arch ( The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius )
  • Déja-Vu Stone ( Jackie Chan Adventures )
  • Time-Traveling Crystal Ball ( Jackie Chan Adventures )
  • Temporal Boomerang ( Ben 10 Comic )
  • Time Cycles ( Ben 10: Omniverse )
  • Chronoscaphe ( Blake and Mortimer - The Time Trap )
  • Time Machine ( Calvin and Hobbes )
  • Cosmic Treadmill ( DC Comics )
  • Cosmic Motorcycle ( DC Comics )
  • The Mobius Chair ( DC Comics )
  • The Time Bubble ( DC Comics )
  • Time Sphere ( DC Comics )
  • Green Lantern Ring ( DC Comics )
  • Time Medallion ( Danny Phantom )
  • Time Sphere ( Futurama )
  • Professor Farnsworth's Forward Time Machine ( Futurama )
  • The Phoenix Gate ( Gargoyles )
  • Time Tape ( Gravity Falls )
  • Time Monkey ( Kim Possible: A Stitch in Time )
  • Iron Doom ( LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu )
  • Time Gem ( Marvel Comics )
  • Doctor Doom's Time Platform ( Marvel Comics )
  • Kang's Time Chair ( Marvel Comics )
  • Timestream Armor ( Marvel Comics )
  • Time Diamonds ( Marvel Comics )
  • The WABAC ( Mr. Peabody & Sherman )
  • Star Swirl the Bearded's time spell scroll ( My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic )
  • Martin Luther King Jr's wristwatch/watch ( Our Friend, Martin)
  • Time McChine ( Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja )
  • Mach 6 ( Speed Racer: The Next Generation )
  • The Hourglass ( Steven Universe )
  • Time Scepter ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles )
  • Fully charged Eliacube ("Wakfu")
  • Stone of Memories ( Winx Club )
  • Sands of Time ( Xiaolin Showdown )
  • Time Machine ( Meet the Robinsons )
  • Duggee's Time Machine ( Hey Duggee )
  • Time Headwear ( Pinkfong and Baby Shark )
  • Time Machine SB-129 ( SpongeBob SquarePants )
  • Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy's time machine ( SpongeBob SquarePants )
  • Time closet ("The Patrick Star Show")
  • Intersecting Space ( Denma )
  • Backlander ( Dinosaur King )
  • Time Slipper ( Dr. Slump )
  • Time Rings ( Dragon Ball Super )
  • Edens Zero ( Edens Zero ); via large Etherion Crystal endowed with Rebecca's power.
  • Bone-Eater's Well ( InuYasha )
  • Karasuki ( Boruto: Naruto Next Generations )
  • Toki Toki no Mi/Time-Time Fruit ( One Piece )
  • Volkswagen New Beetle ( Austin Powers )
  • Time Stone ( Arrowverse )
  • Chronosphere ( Alice Through the Looking Glass )
  • Tempus Infinituum spell ( American Horror Story: Coven )
  • DeLorean Time Machine ( Back To The Future )
  • Jules Verne Time Train ( Back To The Future Part III )
  • The Phone Booth ( Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure )
  • The Crystals/sing sing stone ( Dinosaur Island 2014 )
  • Dalek Time Machine ( Doctor Who )
  • TARDIS ( Doctor Who )
  • Vortex Manipulator ( Doctor Who )
  • Time Jerker's Time Machine ( Henry Danger )
  • Heart of gold (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) via Infinite Improbability Drive
  • Dial of Destiny ("Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny")
  • Hot tub time machine ( Hot Tub Time Machine )
  • DenLiner and other Time Trains ( Kamen Rider Den-O )
  • Waverider ( Legends of Tomorrow )
  • The Box ( Primer )
  • Nell Rickards' radio ( Round the Twist )
  • Armageddon Device ( Spy Kids: All the Time in the World )
  • Timeships ( Star Trek )
  • Guardian of Forever ( Star Trek )
  • Time Jumpers ( Stargate )
  • Stargates ( Stargate ); if a wormhole crosses through a solar flare.
  • Blobbin's Time Machine ( The Thundermans )
  • Time Displacement Equipment ( The Terminator )
  • The Map ( Time Bandits )
  • Time-Traveling Briefcase ( The Umbrella Academy )
  • Omri’s Cupboard ( The Indian in the Cupboard )
  • Time Di’Alla ( Agents of Shield)
  • Purple Potty ( Captain Underpant book series )
  • Gigantic, Glow-In-The-Dark, Robo-Squid ( Captain Underpant book series )
  • Tinkle-Time Travelometer ( Captain Underpant book series )
  • Time Cosmos ( Dooly the Little Dinosaur )
  • Time-Turner ( Harry Potter )
  • The Atlas ( The Books of the Beginning )
  • W.A.R.P. Pod ( W.A.R.P. series )
  • MTD ( Call of Duty: Black Ops )
  • The Epoch/The Wings of Time ( Chrono Trigger )
  • Phase Distorter ( EarthBound )
  • Mirror of the Fates ( God of War 2 )
  • Harp of Ages ( The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages )
  • Ocarina of Time ( The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask )
  • Chrono-Accelerator ( Overwatch )
  • Time Machine ( Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time )
  • Chaos Emeralds ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Time Stones ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Lily’s Globe ( Scribblenauts )
  • Phone Booth ( WWE SVR 2011 )
  • Aiai's Time Clock ( Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz )
  • Meemee's Time Shoulder Bag ( Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz )
  • Baby's Time Diaper ( Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz )
  • Gongon's Time Belt ( Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz )
  • Amelia Watson's Watch ("Hololive")
  • Turntables ( Homestuck )
  • Music Box ( Homestuck )
  • SCP-001 - "A Record" (Kate McTiriss's Proposal) ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-1780 - The Temporal Anomalies Department ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-052 ( SCP Foundation )

Known Locations [ ]

  • Dranakis Threshold ( Chaotic )
  • Helipad ( God of Gamblers III: Back to Shanghai )
  • The Bone-Eater's Well ( Inuyasha )
  • Quantum Realm ( Marvel Cinematic Universe )
  • Time Hole ( Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time )
  • World Between Worlds ( Star Wars )
  • The Magic Tree House ( The Magic Tree House )
  • Forbidden Fall ( The Smurfs film ); when the moon is blue

Gallery [ ]

Anime/manga/manhwa [ ].

Karasuki (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations) is an artifact that takes the shape of a turtle-like device when activated, used only by the Ōtsutsuki Clan members only, that allows them to travel through time.

Comics/Cartoons [ ]

Professor Paradox (Ben 10) used his thorough understanding of the space-time continuum to travel through time.

Web Comics/Original [ ]

After her ascension to godhood via SCP-001 - A Record, Dr. Mary Nakayama (SCP Foundation) gained the ability to travel through time, which she used to save her past self from a suicide attempt.

  • 1 Superpowers
  • 2 Darkness Manipulation
  • 3 List of Kinetic Abilities

20 Best Time-Travel Shows Ranked

Loki looking surprised

If you could travel back and forth through time, where would you go? What would you do? Who would you talk to? Even better, if you were writing a book, making a movie, or working on a television show about time travel, what would you include? The best TV shows about time travel all feature characters who visit other eras for various compelling (or even life-threatening) reasons. Maybe it's to prevent a coming apocalypse, maybe it's just to save one person's life — but as many of these shows teach, small changes can have big effects, and many of these characters learn that their time-traveling can change the world.  

Now, there are some great time travel-adjacent shows that don't quite fit this list. A fun romp like "Early Edition," for example, utilizes a time-traveling newspaper and potentially a time-traveling cat, but doesn't in and of itself feature a lot of time travel. Likewise, something like "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" is rooted in a time travel premise, but stays mostly in one time. With all that said, here's a look at our choices for the 20 best time travel shows on TV.

Hiro Nakamura looking focused

Save the cheerleader, save the world. That's what future Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka) tells present-day Hiro when he appears to him from the future, and that's what establishes "Heroes" as way more than just a superhero show.

The NBC series follows a group of regular people who develop special powers, not unlike mutants in the "X-Men" series, after a mysterious worldwide eclipse. Each character gains their own individual abilities. Claire Bennet (Hayden Panettiere) develops the ability to heal from any injury. Senator Nathan Petrelli (Adrian Pasdar) gains the ability to fly, while his brother Peter (Milo Ventimiglia) can temporarily absorb others' powers. Still, few of these characters have cooler abilities than Hiro, who can influence the space-time continuum. This means he can teleport, slow down time — and, of course, time travel.   

Understandably, Hiro's power set becomes a serious asset throughout the series, and his path to perfect his abilities is one of "Heroes'" strongest story arcs. The first few times he travels through time don't go as planned, and throughout the series, things can get in the way of him ending up where he wants to go or when he wants to be. While Hiro's time-traveling is just one part of the larger story, it's definitely one of the show's highlights – especially since Oka is so darn charming as the character.

19. 11.22.63

Jake Epping smiling

One of the best Stephen King TV series out there, the eight-episode "11.22.63" follows a man named Jake Epping (James Franco). He's a relatively normal guy who receives a chance to change history when his friend Al (Chris Cooper) tells him he's found a way to travel back in time. Al tells Jake that the portal he's discovered goes back to the year 1960 and that he's been working on a plan to stop the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Al's age and advancing cancer diagnosis prevent him from following through on the plan, however, and he asks Jake to take over for him. Jake agrees, but soon his quest is met with pushback from a mysterious source. As it turns out, the past doesn't want to be changed, and every step Jake takes toward preventing JFK's assassination leads to more cracks in the timeline. 

A charming and exciting time travel drama, "11.22.63" is a well-executed, twisty tale that only ranks so low on this list because it's in such great company. If you're looking for a quick, self-contained time travel miniseries that revolves around one of modern America's most notable events, this show is well worth a watch. 

Locke holding backgammon pieces

When Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 crash lands on a deserted island, wacky and scary things start happening to the survivors. ABC's "Lost" deals with flashbacks, flash-forwards, mysterious groups that already have a presence on the island, a black smoke monster — and, as it turns out, an ancient battle between good and evil. One of the great appointment television shows before streaming broke through, "Lost" had fans talking about it and theorizing about its mysteries on a weekly basis.

The sci-fi drama captivated viewers for six seasons, and though time travel is referenced throughout the entire series run, it plays the biggest role in Season 4. As the island itself leaps from place to place and from time to time, the main group of characters jumps with it, encountering previous versions of themselves and island events that occurred in the past, and suffering from the effects of temporal displacement. The most beloved episode dealing with time travel is undoubtedly "The Constant," in which fan-favorite Desmond Hume (Henry Ian Cusick) figures out a way to stop his consciousness from jumping through time by finding his constant — his true love, Penny (Sonya Walger).

Of course, "Lost" is not just a time travel show, and famously covers such a wide variety of mysteries and sci-fi concepts that viewers might find it hard to keep up. As such, it ends up with this relatively low ranking. 

The Observer looking serious

Like "Lost", "Fringe" is considered one of the most binge-worthy sci-fi shows of all time  but the fact that it isn't exclusively about time travel means it lands near the tail end of this particular list. The ABC show revolves around a science-fiction conglomerate that dabbles with interdimensional travel, wormholes, and alternate realities. Anna Torv stars as FBI Agent Olivia Dunham, who heads up the bureau's Fringe Division. With the help of "mad scientist" Dr. Walter Bishop (John Noble), his estranged son Peter (Joshua Jackson), and their lab assistant Astrid Farnsworth (Jakisa Nicole), Dunham explores cases involving fringe science — be they about time travel, mind control, experiments gone wrong or any other strange and obscure criminal activity.

Time travel is more of a looming presence early in "Fringe," particularly present in the character of the Observer (Michael Cerveris), a bald, pale, genetically advanced human from the future. While Season 1 and Season 2 deal with the battle between two dimensions and realities, time travel really becomes an element in Season 3. Seasons 4 and 5 then deal with alternate timelines and the Observers that infiltrate the world from the future, intent on wiping out humanity. As you might expect, things can get a bit confusing, but the show sure is fun.

16. The Umbrella Academy

Number Five in school uniform

You have to respect a show that's so high-concept that time travel doesn't even get top billing. "The Umbrella Academy" boasts mysterious events, family drama, dance numbers, a talking chimpanzee, some of the cleverest superpowers in superhero shows, and a robot mom — and that's just scratching the surface. Based on "The Umbrella Academy" comics created by Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance fame, the Netflix show is a saga that exploits everything from the butterfly effect to the grandfather paradox for emotional and comedic impact.

The central Hargreeves family consists of a group of kids all born on the same day, adopted by the same eccentric billionaire (Colm Feore). He has trained them to protect the world with their various superpowers, but they aren't particularly great at it, and their strict upbringing has left them with a wide array of issues and deep rifts between them. The dysfunctional bunch starts out fairly estranged, but slowly bonds to save humanity from an apocalyptic event ... only to cause another potential apocalyptic event by sprinkling themselves across time.

In between the tears in the space-time continuum, "The Umbrella Academy" is ultimately an ensemble story about found (and re-found) family, as well as a truly unique superhero show where personal failure and the side-effects of costumed crimefighter life play a huge role. However, since Season 1 largely approaches time travel through Number Five (Aidan Gallagher) and the Temps Aeternalis agency, and much of Season 3 focuses on a present-day alternate reality, only the 1960s-themed Season 2 goes truly all in on the concept of sending all main characters to a different era. 

15. Sliders

Quinn Mallory aiming the timer

"Sliders" is a 1990s sci-fi adventure series that features Jerry O'Connell and friends getting lost across the multiverse. O'Connell ("Stand By Me") plays boy genius Quinn Mallory, inventor of the Timer — a device that lets him and his friends "slide" through a wormhole vortex into different versions of Earth. The thing about wormhole vortexes, though, is that they like to misbehave, meaning Quinn and his buds never know where they're headed next on their adventures. This makes their quest to get back home to their own Earth a tricky one.

"Sliders" starts off fun and strong, and is at its best when having bonkers fun — like when Rembrandt (Cleavant Derricks) discovers a world where he could have been Elvis-level famous — and when it's exploring real-world issues in a high-concept dimension, like when the crew visits an Earth that treats men worse than women. Even if you've seen it before, it's definitely worth a re-watch, because "Sliders" is one  TV show that's better than you remember.

14. Continuum

Kiera Cameron holding futuristic weapon

On "Continuum," Kiera Cameron (Rachel Nichols) is a Protector – think futuristic government agent from even more futuristic equipment — from the year 2077. She gets transported to the year 2012 along with a group of murderous terrorists, forcing Kiera to remain in the past as she chases them down. Fortunately, her gadgets and knowledge of the past soon come in handy and she finds loyal allies. Unfortunately, her enemies also know their history and plan on altering it for their own gain. 

"Continuum" milks the premise for all it's worth, while avoiding the pitfall of becoming a run-in-the-mill procedural with an unchanging status quo. While Kiera does handle her share of case-of-the-week story arcs, they're often connected to the group she pursues, and she never lets go of her primary target of stopping the terrorists. In order to avoid disrupting the timeline, she also has to go to great lengths to avoid revealing that either she or her targets are time travelers — and when their actions inevitably end up changing the future, she has to deal with the consequences. 

13. Timeless

Man filming Hindenburg disaster

If ever there was a time travel show that was canceled too soon, it's Eric Kripke and Shawn Ryan's "Timeless." The NBC sci-fi series stars Abigail Spencer as the historian Lucy, Matt Lanter as the soldier Wyatt, and Malcolm Barrett as Rufus, a scientist who makes up a team trying to prevent a mysterious organization from altering the courses of history through time travel. They're up againsts Garcia Flynn (Goran Višnjić), who travels throughout history intending to influence major events like the Hindenburg disaster. However, the team soon realizes that the villain they thought they were fighting is much larger and infiltrates the historical timeline in ways they never imagined. 

Instead of focusing on the usual historical suspects, "Timeless" often highlights forgotten people of color, women, and lesser-known historical figures, giving them their due and celebrating their contributions to society. This element of the show can be seen in the way Rufus, for instance, is reluctant to join the team because he knows how Black people are treated in the eras they visit. 

Despite its intriguing concept, the show was canceled after Season 1, but fans caused such an uproar that NBC reversed the decision of canceling "Timeless"  and renewed it for another season. After Season 2, NBC pulled the plug once more, and again, the fans cried foul. In a kind of compromise, NBC greenlit a special two-hour series finale that ties up loose ends and gives much-needed closure to the story. 

12. 12 Monkeys

Cassie Railly and James Cole

The "12 Monkeys" SyFy series is based on the 1995 film of the same name that stars Bruce Willis and Brad Pitt — though the series makes a fair few changes to stretch the plot into a four-season sci-fi drama. The series stars Aaron Sanford as James Cole, a scavenger from the year 2024 who's tasked with traveling to 2015 in order to stop the release of a biological weapon. In the movie, James is helped by a psychologist named Kathryn Railly played by Madeleine Stowe, but here, he befriends a virologist named Dr. Cassandra "Cassie" Railly (Amanda Schull). Pitt's character, Jeffrey Goines, is also gender-swapped here, with Emily Hampshire playing Jennifer Goines.

Like the movie, the series deals with the Cassandra Complex, the idea that we have a hard time believing concerns about the future, no matter how likely and provable they are. It also deals with circular time and the idea that past events can be affected by future ones. If those aspects of the film lift your time travel antennae, the four-season show dives even deeper.

11. Paper Girls

Paper Girls leaning against window

"Paper Girls" is a brilliant time travel show that was canceled way ahead of its time. Based on the comics by Brian K. Vaughan and Cliff Chiang, this Amazon series tells the story of a group of 1990s tween girls who get attacked by futuristic invaders. They manage to escape into the future, where one of the girls, Erin (Riley Lai Nelet ), meets her adult self (Ali Wong).

The show dispenses with grandfather paradox hand-wringing and instead uses the concept of the girls confronting their past and future selves, to brutally honest and hilarious effect. Young Erin is horrified to find out how much of herself she's abandoned by the time she turns into Old Erin, and refuses to let life work out that way. It motivates Erin to want to return to her home time even more — this kid has a clock to beat. However, there are two sides to the coin, and Old Erin is also able to care for her young self in ways she never felt able to when she was younger. It's a beautiful and potent visual metaphor that other characters also make good on. 

All in all, "Paper Girls" is a feast for the eyes as much as its ensemble cast is a feast for the soul. Plus, Jason Mantzoukas playfully chewing scenery as the ominous Grand Father? This show could have lasted until the end of time — or at least until Season 2.

10. Timewasters

The Timewasters standing in corridor

"Timewasters" is a time travel comedy about a Black British jazz band that accidentally time-slips back to 1920s London, among other timelines. The quartet stumbles into an earlier time perod via a disgusting elevator that, yes, doubles as a time machine. Once the crew shows up in the past, they're treated like freaks, but they gain some measure of success as musicians. While the crew eventually tries to return to the present, they also have a "Back to the Future" moment when they seemingly get stuck in the 1950s.

"Timewasters" is full of funny jokes and great music, and it's a groundbreaking show in a number of ways. "People like us never get to time travel — it's what white people do, like skiing or brunch," creator Daniel Lawrence Taylor told the Royal Television Society . "For me, race is so important." Taylor also stars in "Timewasters," along with Kadiff Kirwan ("Slow Horses"), Adelayo Adedayo ("Some Girls"), and Samson Kayo ("Our Flag Means Death"). The show is also an excellent destination if you're into spotting a variety of British actors and comedians ... including Joseph Quinn, who went on to rise to fame as Eddie Munson on "Stranger Things."

9. Outlander

Jamie and Claire looking mischievous

Based on the series of novels by Diana Gabaldon, Starz's "Outlander" follows the story of a World War II nurse named Claire (Caitriona Balfe) who finds herself thrown back in time after visiting a circle of mysterious Druid stones. She arrives in 18th Century Scotland and, after being taken in by a band of gruff Scots, she marries the dashing young Jamie Fraser (Sam Heughan) in order to avoid being taken prisoner by her real husband's (Tobias Menzies) apparent evil ancestor, Black Jack Randall (Menzies). Claire lives through a time of great upheaval in Scotland when tensions with British control are rising and history-making battles loom in the near future. Despite being initially reluctant to stay, she and Jamie fall deeply in love, and their romance remains the backbone of the series.

The entire "Outlander" timeline  takes some time to explain, what with several 20th-century characters taking the trip to the 18th century and the show covering versions of notable real-world historical events. Without further spoilers, all there is to say is that if you enjoy time travel shows that lean heavily toward historical drama, "Outlander" is where it's at. Also, if you view Tobias Menzies as an incorrigible dweeb due to his performance as Edmure Tully on "Game of Thrones," his monstrous "Outlander" villain is guaranteed to erase that image.

8. Quantum Leap

Al looking concerned

"Quantum Leap" stars Scott Bakula as Dr. Sam Beckett, a physicist who invents a way to travel through time. When the corporation funding his project threatens to shut it down, Sam uses himself as a guinea pig to test out the method. He finds himself thrown back in time, but in another person's body. The only other entity aware of his 'leap" is a hologram of his colleague and best friend, Admiral Al Calavicci (Dean Stockwell). Al tells Sam that he must correct things that went wrong in the past before being allowed to leap back to his own time and body, and can only use the resources of the project's supercomputer, Ziggy.

With Sam leaping back and forth into different bodies at different times, the show uses a variant of the traditional procedural set up. New characters turn up to guest star and Sam gets to save the day, have a fling, and learn something new before leaping to the next destination, which just might be home one of these days.  

The series ran on NBC from 1989 to 1993, but its combination of time travel and case-of-the-week antics has proved enduring enough that "Quantum Leap" even gets a shout-out in "Avengers: Endgame." Despite being over three decades old, it remains a cool time travel series worth checking out.

7. The 4400

Richard Tyler looking worried

In the opening scenes of "The 4400," an enormous ball of light drops 4,400 people at the foot of Mount Rainier in Washington. They soon realize that they were all taken from some other point in time and deposited into the year 2004, unaged and without any memories of where they'd been. At first, everyone assumes that these people have been abducted by aliens. However, it soon turns out that the truth is far more time travel-related.

The returned people soon start developing "Heroes"-style powers that range from telekinesis to telepathy and super-strength, which people from the future have entrusted with to prevent various catastrophic events that they want to avoid in their timeline. Unfortunately, the 2004 government considers the powered folks a threat, and inhibits their powers with a neurological drug. 

The stories that unfold from this setup are exactly as complex and entertaining as you'd imagine, with various members of the titular group treating their powers in different ways and society having a hard time dealing with them. Unfortunately, "The 4400" ended abruptly after four seasons on a somewhat ambiguous note, but even so, it's a fun show to revisit.

6. Travelers

People standing in dark hall

In Netflix's "Travelers," time-traveling operatives from a post-apocalyptic future are tasked with preventing certain events that have led to the downfall of society in their own present day of 2018. The travelers' consciousness takes over a person in the desired time who's just about to die, and the operative then lives out the rest of that person's days though with the mission in mind ... and a strict set of rules they must follow. Apart from a list of ways they're not allowed to interact with the past, they're also strictly forbidden from communicating with other known travelers outside their team, save for special circumstances dictated by the Director, who communicates by temporarily taking over children. 

It's a unique and complex premise, and the way the travelers scope out potential targets for takeover and learn to live as them is as timely as it comes — they use social media, GPS locations, and other readily available online information for their time-travel tricks. This adds a layer of present-day dread to the show's fascinating take on time travel. 

President Loki holds court

Loki Laufeyson (Tom Hiddleston) meets his match when he comes up against the Time Variance Authority in one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's most ambitious Disney+ shows, "Loki." The TVA is so dedicated to maintaining a particular sacred timeline that they purge all alternate realities where someone made a choice they deem wrong, which might not always make sense, but precision isn't the point here. It's the idea of playfulness versus control. 

The Loki we see here is an alternate-timeline variant of the one the audiences are familiar with, and thus starts the show in full "The Avengers" villain mode before life — and time — starts grinding him down. Working with TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson), he starts redeeming himself by tracking down an apparently evil version of himself, Sylvie (Sophia Di Martino) ... and ultimately tackling the biggest challenges time can offer.  

The God of Mischief's surprisingly human path of reckoning is the heart of a show that's deliciously stylish, silly, and sometimes scary. "Loki" takes a cops-and-robbers crime caper into time travel territory and explores hefty themes with a light touch, from mindless compliance to self-serving overseers to criminalizing anyone deemed different. "Loki" isn't just a time travel show — it's a show about everything time can offer and more, with characters dancing between eras as you might step from room to room. Also, it has Alligator Loki, who's objectively the best Loki of all. 

Kids entering a tunnel

If "Loki" is too light-hearted for you, Netflix's "Dark" might be your jam ... provided you can make sense of its incredibly convoluted time travel storyline. Four families weave a tangled web of time travel in this German-language psychological thriller about missing kids, a rotten town, and how almost all of our secrets come out in time. In other words, it's a good time travel show, but it's definitely not a feel-good time travel show. 

"Dark" follows its many characters over the course of their lifetimes and, at one point, has three timelines going at once. Part of the intrigue and challenge of watching the show is trying to understand how (and when) each timeline threads into the other. If you decide to watch it, it's best to have an evidence board and plenty of red yarn ready to chart the relationships and betrayals the town of Winden sees over the years.

While "Dark" is as much a show about human connection and how frayed it can become as it is about time travel, it's also the MVP of using as many time travel paradoxes as possible during its three-season run. "Dark" is also an innovator in the field of wormhole placement. Wormholes are already not to be trusted, but a wormhole underneath a nuclear power plant? No, thank you.

3. Beforeigners

Lars and Alfhildr investigating

What happens when a bunch of Viking-era warriors, 19th-century figures, and Stone Age people pop up in modern-day Oslo? "Beforeigners" attempts to answer that question while navigating twisty murder mysteries with such efficiency that the Norwegian series may be best described as "crime travel." Adding to the intrigue is the way it focuses more on the present-day relationship between the time refugees and their modern counterparts than on how they showed up in the first place.

"Beforeigners" centers around the odd-couple partnership between hardened police detective Lars Haaland (Nicolai Cleve Broch) and eager new Viking police recruit Alfhildr Enginnsdóttir (Krista Kosonen), who investigate things like the murder of a Stone Age victim and even look into crimes with possible ties to Jack the Ripper.

The metaphor of time migration is an apt one for immigration, and this sci-fi show explores tricky real-life issues with plenty of scope. Creators Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin got their start in comedy writing, and their commitment to the bit is evident in the show, including the language used. "Early on, I contacted researchers, professors who helped us. We also constructed the language that Stone Age people spoke, and even with the language from the 19th century: We worked on it to make it sound right," Bjørnstad told Variety . "Why not invest in language, which is such a big part of a person's identity?"

2. Russian Doll

Natasha Lyonne in Russian Doll

"Russian Doll" could be pitched as "Natasha Lyonne's 'Groundhog Day,'" but that still wouldn't hint at half of the show's charm and emotion. This Netflix offering is a mind-bending time loop dramedy that's a stylish and surreal exploration of life, death, and all the trauma in between. Season 1 of "Russian Doll" features Nadia (Lyonne) stuck reliving her 36th birthday until she inevitably dies and resets back to her friend's bathroom. Later in the season, she discovers a fellow time traveler (Charlie Barnett). They quickly realize that the way out of their dead ends and into a new life is through helping each other.

Season 2 takes some departures from the recursive reality set up in the first season, bending viewers' minds even more thoroughly. "Russian Doll" goes deep, but keeps a sense of humor even as it twists the knife in its characters' hearts — and their timelines. The show keeps audiences just oriented enough by linking its time loops to recognizable spaces and sound cues. You will never look at the subway the same way again, and you will probably never get Harry Nilsson's "Gotta Get Up" out of your head.

1. Doctor Who

14th and 15th Doctor bigenerating

Really, could any other show top a list like this?  The untold history of "Doctor Who"  goes all the way back to 1963, when the show premiered on the BBC. The series follows the adventures of a Time Lord who calls themselves the Doctor — an alien being from the planet Gallifrey who travels through space and time on a craft called the TARDIS, which is charmingly disguised as an old-fashioned British police call box and is famously bigger on the inside.  Every Doctor has their own companions  – humans who follow the Doctor throughout space and time, helping people, battling new and recurring villains, and dealing with the assorted wibbly-wobbly stuff on the Doctor's timeline .

The original series ran from 1963 through 1989 and established the neat trick of recasting the Doctor every few years or so, thanks to the premise that the character has multiple lives and can reincarnate himself into different physical bodies. The modern series was revived in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, and talented actors like David Tennant (twice), Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whitaker, and Ncuti Gatwa have followed in his footsteps. Even without the fact that no other show has time travel quite as integrated into its very premise as "Doctor Who," the show's sheer longevity and cultural impact are more than enough to make it the king of the time travel hill. 

heroes time travel

Top 10 Superheroes That Can Time Travel (Marvel and DC)

joel scott comic basics

Wouldn’t it be nice to be one of the many superheroes that can time travel? I mean, wouldn’t it be amazing to move forward and backward through time at your leisure? You know, to set up or change history how you see fit. Although in our world this isn’t possible, in the world of comic books, it’s very possible. There are a select few superheroes that can time travel as they see fit.

They can prevent catastrophes from happening, stop massacres before they are even a thought, and change the course of history without so much as blinking an eye. But who are they? In the world of comics, who are the “time travel” superheroes?

10. Bill and Ted

Bill and Ted Comic

Depending on your definition of a superhero, Bill and Ted might just fit this list. The movie sees the duo meet future versions of themselves. If this sounds confusing, let me explain. Bill and Ted are the founders of the metal band Wyld Stallyns and as the founders are responsible for creating a utopian future built around the band. Sadly, Ted’s father doesn’t see merit in their pursuit of music and threatens to send him to military school should he flunk history.

Fearful over losing their utopian future, the character Rufus is sent back through time to aid the two in school. Unwilling to believe Rufus is from the future, Bill and Ted from the future also travel back to the past as proof. Look, I know it’s a stretch to think of Bill and Ted as superheroes, but you know what? Without them and their music, the future wouldn’t be what it is. Therefore, traveling back to ensure its survival makes Bill and Ted a lock for this superheroes that can time travel list.

9. Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Comics

The Dr. Strange reference is a little different than the other references you’ll see on this list. And how? Simple. Most other characters will reference the comics. Dr. Strange will reference the movies. Inside the MCU, Dr. Strange possesses the Time Stone. The Time Stone, of course, allows the user to manipulate time.

Doctor Strange Comics: LSD, The Mystic Arts, And An Entire Generation

In the first Dr. Strange movie, Strange uses the Stone to undo the mess that Kaecilius had created. Basically, he used it to rewind time and bring the world back to how it was before Kaecilius called upon Dormammu. The scene I refer to is both impressive looking and impressive thinking. 

8. Deathlok

Origin of Deathlok

Like almost every other time-traveling character on this list, Deathlok is from a post-apocalyptic future that nobody would ever send a postcard from. Unlike most other characters on this list, Deathlok was created in the mid-1970s. This means that he is one of the original time – traveling heroes who come back to change their own future.

The first version of Deathlok was an American soldier who was fatally injured and then reanimated as a participant in the Deathlok project. What makes Deathlok so interesting as compared to so many others is that his battle is not only with those responsible for his future. In addition to fighting those responsible for his future, as a cyborg, he also struggles to maintain a portion of his own humanity. 

7. Waverider

Origin of Waverider

Created by Dan Jurgens and Archie Goodwin, Waverider is a DC time traveler who first appeared in 1991. As a time traveler, Waverider is capable of traveling time at will and predicting with accuracy a person ‘ s future by simply touching them.

Waverider hails from a future not worth ta l king about. When he received his power to travel time, he left his world and landed in the present day. Once in the present day, he successfully prevented his terrible future from happening. Sadly, as a by-product of doing this, he inadvertently set off a series of events that led to the Zero Hour event a few years later.

Origin of Bishop

Next to Cable, in the massive history of X-Men superheroes that can time travel, none are as known as Bishop. In fact, he’s so well-known that he was included in the 2014s Days of Future Past movie.

The Best X-Men Members in the Long History of the Team

Bishop comes from a terrible future where mutants are hunted for being, well, mutants. As a mutant from the future, Bishop wants nothing more than to prevent his future from happening. To do this, he travels back to the present day. Once in the present day, he takes to the side of Charles Xavier as a bodyguard. On the side of Xavier, he becomes a literal reminder of what the future holds should the X-Men fail.

5. Green Lantern

Green Lantern - Hal Jordan

If you didn’t know that the Green Lanterns actually possess the ability to travel through time, you’re probably not alone. Although all Green Lanterns can do it, most choose not to because of the sheer amount of willpower it takes to do so. Alas, they can and that’s precisely why they’re on this superheroes that can time travel list.

Take Hal Jordan for example. In a story that saw him take the name Pol Manning, Hal is brought through time to the future to help bring down a government. Even though he didn’t immediately remember traveling through time, Hal Jordan did do it and therefore his inclusion on this list took very little thought.

4. Iron Lad

Origin of Iron Lad

Iron Lad is a newer character in the comic book world. First appearing in Young Avengers #1 back in 2005, Iron Lad looked to be an integral part o this version of the Avengers. Unfortunately, as it was later revealed, Iron Lad turned out to be a young version of Kang The Conqueror. 

As Iron Lad, Kang looked to set his own future up perfectly. This meant that he sought to create perfect alignment for everything that he was to do later in life. It became complicated for Kang after Iron Lad realized that he didn’t want to become the villainous version of himself that the future holds. 

3. The Flash 

The Flash - Barry Allen

As one of the fastest and most powerful characters in all of comics , it comes as no surprise that The Flash makes this list. 

The Flash is able to travel through time with the help of his aptly named Cosmic Treadmill . This means that he is able to help or hinder any moment in time as quickly as he can get to Mach Speed. And he has. 

The Cosmic Treadmill has helped him in altering the timeline in both Flashpoint and Crisis on Infinite Earths. These events, as you well know, changed the course of DC’s history forever. 

2. Booster Gold

Booster Gold Origin

If you don’t know who Booster Gold is, allow me a moment to explain. Booster Gold is literally a hero from the future who travels back in time (with the knowledge of what’s about to happen) to prevent crimes that are about to happen. And he does this so he can reap the glory and accolades that come with it. If it sounds underhanded, shady, and slightly amusing, it’s because it kind of is.

Booster Gold possesses no inherent powers . Instead, he uses retired superhero equipment from days gone by to fight his battles. Of them, the most notable i s Rip Hunter’s Time Sphere, a Legion Flight Ring, Brainiac 5’s Force Field Belt, and a Power Suit. Shady tactics aside, Booster Gold is one of the most famous superheroes that can time travel. 

1. Cable 


Speaking of famous superheroes that can time travel….Of the many mutants who fall under the X-Men umbrella, Cable is one of the most popular and important. Cable is the offspring of Scott Summers and Madelyne Pryor. When he was born, he was immediately sent to the future by his parents.

And why? They feared that if he stayed Apocalypse would hunt him down and kill him. And why? Apocalypse feared that Cable was the mutant responsible for bringing him down. 

Because Cable is from the future, he knows exactly how and why things have happened. As such, it’s his mission to return to present-day in an effort to stop all that causes his dystopian future. 

Images © DC / Marvel / Boom!

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heroes time travel

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Time Travel

Time Travel is the concept of traveling either backwards or forwards in time from the present date.

  • 1.1 Time Stone
  • 1.2.1 Zephyr One
  • 1.3 Time Stream
  • 1.4 Victor Stein's Time Machine
  • 1.5 Chase Stein's Time Machine
  • 1.6 Quantum Realm
  • 1.7 TVA Holoprojector
  • 1.8 Timedoor
  • 1.9 Quantum Bands
  • 1.10 Time Sphere
  • 1.11 Time Slipping
  • 1.12.1 Destruction of Earth
  • 1.12.2 Jonah's Successful Escape
  • 1.12.3 Gert Yorkes' Absence
  • 1.12.4 Chase of Alex Wilder
  • 1.12.5 History Altered by Chronicoms
  • Loki's Sudden Escape
  • Theft of the Reality Stone
  • Thanos' Disappearance
  • Visit at Camp Lehigh
  • Steve Rogers' Choice
  • 1.12.7 Saving Christine Palmer
  • 3 Time-Travelers
  • 4 Behind the Scenes
  • 5 References
  • 6 External Links

Time Travel Sources [ ]

Time stone [ ].

Doctor Strange Time Magic

Doctor Strange undoing Kaecilius ' actions

The Time Stone has shown to have the ability to rewind time in a given area seeing time unfold. The wielder of the time stone can choose to be unaffected by the manipulation of time from the Time Stone. Sorcerers such as Doctor Strange can cast spells to make others unaffected by a reversal of time, as he did to Wong at the Battle at the Hong Kong Sanctum . Some sorcerers can have their minds unaffected by the time reversal, and eventually build up the willpower to break free from the spell, as Kaecilius and his followers did, likely due to the power given to them from the Dark Dimension .

Time loops can also be cast. The participants' body will be reset, even if one is killed. Their consciousnesses however will continue on until the loop is ended. [1] In 2018 , this was used by Strange on Titan to see how many possibilities there were that they would win the Infinity War . [2] [3] Later in Wakanda , Thanos used the Time Stone to reverse time to restore Vision to obtain the Mind Stone . [2]

The Time Stone can also be used to rewrite the timeline. In an alternate universe, Doctor Strange tried to prevent Christine Palmer 's death in a car accident. On the two year anniversary, Strange used the Time Stone to travel back in time and try to prevent Palmer's death. However, given it was an absolute point in time, and thus it could not be rewritten by simply time-traveling, Strange never managed to save Palmer. Strange then learned through the Book of Cagliostro that an absolute point could be reversed by gaining power through the absorption of mystical beings. Strange then went back in time and successfully prevented Palmer's death, but by doing so he also broke the universe's stability leading to the universe's destruction. [4]

Time Di'Alla [ ]

White Monolith 5x01

The Time Di'Alla

The Time Di'Alla was an artifact which could be used to send a group of people across time. Having been warned by the Inhuman Robin Hinton that a cataclysmic event threatened humanity , [5] the Chronicom Enoch sent a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into year 2091 with the Time Di'Alla, leaving only Leo Fitz behind, so that they would find a way to avert the catastrophe. [6]

During their stay in the future, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents recovered a shard of the Time Di'Alla kept by the True Believers in the remnants of Zephyr One , as well as a machine connected to the shard which they were supposed to use to return to their time. [7] They thus tasked the Inhuman Flint , whose powers were based on geokinesis, to rebuild a Time Di'Alla using the shard they had reclaimed, and then activated both the Time Di'Alla and the machine, thanks to Enoch and Deke Shaw , to return to their time. [8] Although it was not planned, Shaw was also sent into the past to him due to being hit by a fragment of the Time Di'Alla. [9]

What remained of the Time Di'Alla after this time travel was destroyed by Melinda May in the aftermath of the Battle of Chicago , thus rendering other time travels through this Time Di'Alla impossible. [10] The Time Di'Alla was briefly rebuilt by Izel using Flint 's powers to open a portal to the Fear Dimension , [11] but this new Monolith was lost when the Temple of the Forgotten was destroyed by the Chronicom Hunters . [12]

Zephyr One [ ]

SHIELD in the 1930s

S.H.I.E.L.D. using the Time Drive to arrive in 1931

Utilizing a fragment of the Time Di'Alla sampled by Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons prior to the destruction of the Temple of the Forgotten , Fitz and Simmons went back to a distant galaxy where they spent four years [13] trying to build a time machine modifying Zephyr One 's Phase Harmonic Teleportation Device to be able to travel in time. [12]


Fitz explains the physics of time travel

In 2023 , Fitz and Simmons finished the construction of the Time Drive and traveled back to 2019 . As a part of a causal loop within the timeline, they were assisted by the S.H.I.E.L.D. team that had returned from the alternate timeline they were about to create by traveling to 1931 . With the help of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that returned from the alternate timeline, Jemma Simmons and Enoch rescued the S.H.I.E.L.D. team from the Temple of the Forgotten . [14]


Zephyr One leaves 1931

With the Zephyr and the Time Drive, Simmons was able to bring herself, Daisy Johnson , Alphonso Mackenzie , Deke Shaw , Melinda May , Yo-Yo Rodriguez and Enoch to 1931 to stop the Chronicoms from erasing S.H.I.E.L.D. from history. [15] Unknown to them, upon arriving in the past, the timeline branched off into an alternate timeline. During their battle with the Chronicoms, the agents fought to preserve the history they knew in the timeline they had created, [16] managing to keep events mostly on track in 1931 [15] [17] and 1955 . [18] [19] However, due to Luke 's decision to stay in the past and keep Wilfred Malick alive, the history of this new timeline became vastly different from the one the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. knew. [20] Using the Time Drive, S.H.I.E.L.D. traveled forward in time trying to prevent further changes, arriving in 1973 , 1976 , [20] 1982 [21] and 1983 . [22]

Hazmat time loop

As a part of a causal loop, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. were the ones that ensured themselves to be able to travel back to 1931

When they returned to the main timeline, they realized their past selves were currently fighting Izel at the Temple, and that Fitz and Simmons had already used Zephyr One to travel back in time from 2023 to 2019 , as a part of the causal loop. To ensure that they would be able to go to the past, S.H.I.E.L.D. helped the scientist to ensure the agents' arrival to 1931 . While the past version of S.H.I.E.L.D. completed the loop by journeying to 1931, Alphonso Mackenzie led the agents to fight the Chronicoms, defeating them and avoiding their colonization of Earth . [14]

Time Stream [ ]


The Time Stream

The Time Stream is a tool used by the Chronicoms to read the branches of the Multiverse allowing them to see the future of timelines. [21] Knowing the Chronicoms were going to time travel, Enoch stole a copy of the Time Stream and gave it to Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons , who used it to see countless possibilities of how they could defeat the Chronicoms. [14]

When the Chronicoms arrived in an alternate 1931 , their predictor Sibyl used the Time Stream to try and prevent S.H.I.E.L.D. from forming in this timeline [23] by changing specific events that would cause S.H.I.E.L.D. to cease to exist. [15] [18] However, as S.H.I.E.L.D. had followed them to this timeline, the Chronicoms, who had been making minor changes, decided to alter the intended history of the timeline. [16] Sibyl then made a partnership with Nathaniel Malick lending him the Time Stream [22] so he could use it to help in their battle against S.H.I.E.L.D. [24]

Victor Stein's Time Machine [ ]


Chase Stein sending a warning to his father

Using a theory based on interactions between gravity, light and time, Victor Stein created a time machine which was supposed to be able to receive messages from the future. Victor tested the time machine with his son Chase , and although he deemed it not functional, the machine did display pictures of the destruction of Los Angeles , which could have occurred because of PRIDE 's activities. However, no one saw this alarming message. [25]

Victor later received another message from the time machine, in which he saw a future version of Chase trying to warn him and instructing him not to pick up the Fistigons , in order to prevent Victor from being shot by his wife Janet to protect Chase. However, Victor failed to heed this advice and later attacked Chase with the Fistigons. [26] Later, the time machine once again displayed the same message, and Victor expressed joy at it, taking this as evidence that Chase would survive whatever events involving Jonah were coming. [27]

Chase Stein's Time Machine [ ]


Chase Stein jumping into the past

During a battle between the Runaways and Morgan le Fay , Gert Yorkes died from the injury inflicted to her by the enchantress. Chase Stein , who had been deeply in love with Yorkes, thus spent the next years engineering a portable time machine he wanted to use to return into the past and prevent Yorkes' death. It took Stein a decade to complete the time machine, with help from Alex Wilder and the knowledge contained in the Abstract . However, due to Wilder having gone rogue and deciding to murder all the Runaways in the past, Stein was forced to chase him into 2021 before going to save Yorkes.

In 2021, this version of Stein met with the other Runaways, except his past self who he needed to leave alone in order not to alter things further. He gave them all time machines, enabling them to chase Wilder further into the past ( 2017 ). Once they captured him, the 2021 Wilder was instructed to return to his timeline, while the rest of the group jumped to 2018 ; during the battle at the Hostel . Thanks to Stein convincing Yorkes to take her place against le Fay, Yorkes' death was averted. Instead, Future Stein died after defeating le Fay. Due to the effects of time travel, the versions of Wilder, Karolina Dean , Nico Minoru and Molly Hernandez who had time traveled disappeared. [28]

Quantum Realm [ ]

Due to the existence of the Time Vortex inside the Quantum Realm , [29] which was a portal where time flowed differently, the Quantum Realm could be used in order to travel back in time and also move between timelines. By 2023 , Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons built a Quantum Tunnel , giving them access to the Quantum Realm . [24] After the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. found themselves stuck in an alternate timeline and unable to return to their original timeline, [16] Fitz used the Quantum Realm to travel between timelines, arriving in the alternate one where his friends were. [24] They then flew Zephyr One through the Quantum Realm, and returned to the main timeline's 2019 . [14]

Quantum Realm (Endgame)

The Avengers go back in time

In 2023 , Scott Lang informed the Avengers that time worked differently in the Quantum Realm and that if they could navigate it, they could travel to a time in the past. With the help of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner , who realized that they could not change their timeline's past and would actually be visiting alternate timelines, the Avengers decided to initiate a Time Heist , where they would use the time vortices within the Quantum Realm to obtain the Infinity Stones from alternate timelines, bring them to their timeline, and resurrect half the universe's population.

With a Quantum Tunnel, Advanced Tech Suits and Time-Space GPS ' in order to safely navigate and travel the vortices, the Avengers traveled to an alternate 2012 , alternate 2013 , and alternate 2014 in order to obtain the stones. Following an unplanned trip to an alternate 1970 , the Avengers used the Quantum Realm to return to their timeline. However, an alternate Thanos became aware of their presence, and with the help of his timeline's Nebula , used the Quantum Realm to the main timeline.

Captain America's Last Mission

Rogers prepares to return the Infinity Stones

Later, Steve Rogers went back to the timelines the team had created to return the Infinity Stones so that these timelines' futures would not be significantly affected by the Stones' absence. After returning the stones, Rogers used the Quantum Realm's time vortex to travel to an alternate 1949 timeline in order to live with Peggy Carter . After living a life in this timeline, he used the Quantum Realm one last time as an old man to return to the main timeline. [30]

In 2026 , when Scott Lang , Wasp , Janet van Dyne , Hank Pym and Cassie Lang were sent into the Quantum Realm after the Quantum Satellite was hijacked by M.O.D.O.K. , Pym's ants were also dragged with them. The ants passed through some sort of time dilation and ended up living thousands of years in a single day inside the Quantum Realm. They were able to build a society of their own. [31]

TVA Holoprojector [ ]

Loki Stills 24

Mobius shows Loki his past, present and future

As the protectors of the Sacred Timeline and the Multiverse overall, the Time Variance Authority had an extensive array of technology at their disposal to analyze, verify, control and even monitor alternate timelines. They also had a holoprojector that was able to review the past, present and future of an individual. Mobius M. Mobius used the holoprojector to show a Variant of Loki his original life in the main timeline going through several key events scripted in the Sacred Timeline. [32]

Timedoor [ ]

Alternative version of Nathaniel Richards uses Timedoor

Variants of He Who Remains using the Timedoor

The TemPad is a device created in the 31st century by a Variant of He Who Remains , which allowed him to create Timedoors , allowing one to travel not only to any point in time, but to alternate timelines as well. After He Who Remains founded the Time Variance Authority , the TVA agents were equipped with TemPads so that they could generate Timedoors and travel through time, detaining Variants and pruning alternate timelines as He Who Remains saw fit. [33]

Quantum Bands [ ]

Blast to the past

Khan is taken to the past

Another known source of time travel are the Quantum Bands . In 1947 , during the Partition of India , Najma stabbed Aisha as she refused to help and give her and her Clandestines her bangle . As she was bleeding out, Aisha begged the universe to ensure that Sana Ali and Hasan arrived on the train safely. In 2025 , the bangle was activated through an attack by Najma on Kamala Khan . Due to unknown reasons, the bangle was able to take Khan to the past of her actual timeline, without creating a branch in time, enabling a causal loop. [34] Khan found herself in the year 1947 and realized that she was the reason why her grandmother Sana Ali was reunited with her father and managed to board the train. After she fulfilled her destiny of securing the Khan bloodline by successfully drawing power from the Noor Dimension to manifest a "trial of stars" for Sana to follow back to safety, the bangle transported Kamala back into present day Karachi . [35]

Time Sphere [ ]

Kang sitting in his chair

Kang's Time Sphere

Due to the resurface of Variants of Victor Timely after the death of He Who Remains , [33] Kang the Conqueror was allowed to resurface and establish contact with the before isolated Sacred Timeline . [36] Kang built the Time Sphere a device that allowed him to travel through time and space within the Multiverse thanks to its Multiversal Engine Core . Believing that his Variants' actions would lead to the Multiverse's death, Kang used his Time Sphere to travel, annihilate and conquer as many timelines as possible to keep the Council of Kangs 's reach to a minimum. However, Kang was eventually exiled to the Quantum Realm by the Council after they deactivated his sphere's engine core, making him unable to escape his exile.

Kang the Conqueror (Quantumania)

Kang attempts to escape the Quantum Realm

Kang met Janet van Dyne who had been trapped in the Quantum Realm since 1987 . He befriended her and promised her to help her go back to her daughter if she worked with him to repower his Multiversal Engine Core . When they finally succeeded, van Dyne touched the Time Sphere , and since it was neurokinetic, van Dyne looked inside Kang's mind and witnessed how he had destroyed countless of timelines. Van Dyne then blew up the Engine Core by using Pym Particle Discs leaving Kang's time machine unusable.

Kang death

The Time Sphere's engine core is destroyed

In 2026 , Kang coerced Scott Lang into retrieving the Engine Core for him in exchange of his daughter 's safety. Lang successfully shrunk the Engine Core, which had been blown up by Janet van Dyne many years ago. Kang stole it from him and planned to repower his Time Sphere . However, following the Uprising in Axia , Lang and Wasp managed to destroy the Time Sphere apparently killing Kang in the process. [31]

Time Slipping [ ]

Time Slipping is a form of time travel that occurs when an individual is pulled through different points in time. Loki experienced this uncontrollably inside the Time Variance Authority after the death of He Who Remains and the branching of the Multiverse . When Loki eventually extracted himself from the Temporal Loom with the help of Mobius M. Mobius and Ouroboros , his time slipping was "cured". [37] However, when the TVA was "destroyed" after the explosion of the Temporal Loom , Loki's time slipping returned and eventually with the help of A.D. Doug , he was able to control it, [38] using it to change events in the course of history; most notably the explosion of the Temporal Loom and the death of He Who Remains . [39]

Alternate Timelines [ ]

Many timelines have originated from time travel, or have been affected or visited by individuals who have time-traveled.

Destruction of Earth [ ]


Earth having been destroyed by Glenn Talbot

73 years after the destruction of planet Earth , Deke Shaw claimed that Quake was the one who caused it. When she replied that she was not strong enough to cause such a disaster, Shaw explained a quantum physics theory that for every universe there are infinite parallel universes, implying that she came from the past into the future of an alternate universe and not her own. [40] When the S.H.I.E.L.D. team returned to the past they prevented the destruction of Earth, which they eventually learned was caused by the Gravitonium -infused and mentally unstable Glenn Talbot , altering the original chain of events and creating a different timeline. [10]

Jonah's Successful Escape [ ]


Los Angeles getting destroyed by a massive earthquake

In a parallel reality where Jonah successfully escaped from Earth as planned and caused Los Angeles to get destroyed in a massive earthquake, [25] Chase Stein would later record a message begging his father to not use the Fistigons as that would lead to the events that allowed Jonah to escape . [26] Chase's message would be later be received in 2017 by his father's time machine, while this temporal intervention did not cause a divergence in the timeline, the Battle at the PRIDE Construction Site had a different aftermath that avoided Jonah's escape from coming to pass in another reality. [27]

Gert Yorkes' Absence [ ]

In a parallel reality, by the year 2021 the rest of Runaways team members took different paths after the death of Gert Yorkes . Nico Minoru left the group out of guilt that she had not done enough to help her friends. Molly Hernandez returned studying in Atlas Academy where she became the head of the dance squad. Karolina Dean went to college and met Julie , who she started dating and living with. Alex Wilder founded Wilder Innovators , and also helped Chase Stein use the knowledge in the Abstract to build a time machine he wanted to use to return into the past and prevent Yorkes' death. In said year, the team is reunited by Nico Minoru to commemorate Gert Yorkes in the third anniversary of her death. However, things would turn out to be problematic as one member of the team would later try to kill Alex Wilder and Chase would have an attempt on his life by Victor Mancha . By 2028 , Chase Stein would successfully create a time machine in order to go back in time and save Gert Yorkes, however, he also had to stop Alex Wilder who went rogue and time traveled to kill the Runaways members in 2021 altering the course of history. [28]

Chase of Alex Wilder [ ]

RS3E10 13

2028 Stein confronts 2028 Wilder

In an alternate 2021 instead of being reunited by Nico Minoru , the members of the Runaways were forced to get together after a 2028 Alex Wilder traveled back to the past to kill them. Chase Stein stopped him and saved the Runaways members. However, 2028 Alex escaped and traveled to 2017 in order to kill them, so the team went in pursue. [28]

Time-Traveling Runaways Die

The alternate versions of the Runaways disappear

Following a brief skirmish in 2017 , the Runaways were able to stop 2028 Wilder. In order to save Yorkes, 2028 Stein revealed to the team the real reason he created the time machine so Nico Minoru , Karolina Dean and Molly Hernandez agreed to help him in his task to avoid Yorkes' death at the hands of Morgan le Fay . [41] The group returned at the time of the battle at the Hostel, during which Stein took Yorkes' place and thus died instead of her. Due to Yorkes' surviving the battle, the whole alternate timeline which had resulted from her death is avoided in this new reality, and the versions of the Runaways who had built their new lives after Yorkes' death disappeared from the timeline they had jumped into. [28]

History Altered by Chronicoms [ ]

Triskelion Destroyed

The Triskelion is destroyed

During the war against the Chronicoms , S.H.I.E.L.D. used the Time Di'Alla properties to travel backwards in time to 1931 . [15] The changes to the timeline created an alternate reality. In this new brand day, the agents traveled forward in time trying to preserve the history of their original universe in this new one. However, these actions just caused this new timeline to be completely different, as Daniel Sousa was saved and did not die like in the original timeline, [19] [16] Wilfred and Nathaniel Malick lived longer than their original versions, Project Insight was made in the 70s and not in 2014 , [20] Kora 's death was averted, [42] Jiaying was killed by Malick before giving birth to Daisy Johnson [23] and S.H.I.E.L.D. was completely destroyed. [16] The agents failed from preserving history, and also were unable to return to the original timeline by using the Zephyr One . Using the Quantum Realm , and with the help of Leo Fitz , S.H.I.E.L.D. abandoned the new timeline they had created traveling to the original one, taking the Chronicoms with them so they can defeat them. Deke Shaw decided to stay in the past to rebuild and guide S.H.I.E.L.D. [14]

Time Heist [ ]

Captain America and Captain America

Captain America encountering his past self

When the Avengers utilized the properties of the Quantum Realm , following Ant-Man 's advice, and created the Quantum Tunnel that allowed them to collect the Infinity Stones years before Thanos and the Snap , they initiated a Time Heist , which involved them traveling to the past and amassing all six Infinity Stones .

Hulk , Ant-Man , Iron Man and Captain America were sent back to the Battle of New York in 2012 , where Hulk was sent to the New York Sanctum to request the Time Stone . The Ancient One refused, however, explaining that she could not give him the Infinity Stone so Banner could repair a situation in his timeline and subsequently leave hers undefended without the stone, although Hulk promised that he would return the stone to her at the exact moment it was taken.

After the Battle of Earth , Captain America returns the stones to whence they were taken so as to clip potential branches that would be caused by the removal of the Infinity Stones . However, despite the Avengers ' success in returning the Stones to their respective timelines, their travel to the past resulted in the creation of several alternate timelines. [30] [43]

Loki's Sudden Escape [ ]

Loki uses the Tesseract

Loki manages to escape with the Tesseract

Iron Man and Ant-Man , tasked with obtaining the Space Stone that was still contained within the Tesseract , waited for their moment as Loki , who had just been defeated following the Battle of New York , was being escorted by Thor and the 2012 Stark out of the Stark Tower with the case containing the Tesseract. During the argument between them and Alexander Pierce regarding the custody of both Loki and the cube, 2023 Stark had Ant-Man shut off 2012 Stark's Arc Reactor to give him a cardiac arrest as a distraction. This allowed 2023 Stark to covertly snag the briefcase containing the Tesseract, but just before Stark could depart, the 2012 Hulk crashed open a wall, sending both Stark and the Tesseract flying. Loki used this distraction to steal the Space Stone and escape captivity by opening a wormhole, fleeing through it with the Tesseract, and ruining Lang and Stark's mission. [30]

Theft of the Reality Stone [ ]

Thor (2023) & Frigga (2013)

Thor talks with his mother

Thor and Rocket had a brief skirmish in Asgard in order to obtain the Reality Stone from Asgard during 2013 . However, Thor had a panic attack after seeing his mother Frigga , realizing that they had time-traveled to the day she dies during the Sacking of Asgard . Thor escaped to see Frigga, leaving Rocket alone, who then proceeded to ambush Jane Foster and extract the Aether from her. Thor was later reassured by his mother to find his own path. Once he got reunited with Rocket Raccoon, and after he summoned the Mjølnir to see if he was still worthy, both Avengers member returned to their reality in 2023 . These actions caused the creation of an alternate 2013 timeline. [30]

Thanos' Disappearance [ ]

2014 Thanos sees his future

Thanos learning of his own impending demise

During Nebula and War Machine 's mission to retrieve the Power Stone from Morag in 2014 , the unanticipated linking of the 2023 Nebula's synaptic drive with her 2014 counterpart 's, causing an overload with led the 2014 Thanos to have Ebony Maw examine her. Discovering that Nebula's synaptic drive had become entangled with a version of herself from nine years into the future, the subsequent scanning of the 2023 Nebula's memory files revealed to Thanos that his mission to eliminate half of all life would eventually succeed, though after his future counterpart's death, the Avengers would eventually come up with a plan to undo his work.

Thanos thus realized that his plan was wrong since the survivors would never be able to stop remembering the victims, which would prevent them from thriving and always resist what he had done for them. Deciding to take advantage of the Avengers' plans to collect the Stones in the future, Thanos had the 2023 Nebula captured on Morag and had her 2014 counterpart take her place in returning to the future, leading to 2014 Nebula hijacking the Quantum Tunnel and allowing Thanos to travel to 2023 with his army with the intention of using the gathered Infinity Stones to destroy the entire universe and create a new one in its place.

In doing so, the Avengers created an alternate timeline, a branched universe where Thanos and his forces disappeared from existence in 2014. [30]

Visit at Camp Lehigh [ ]

Howard with Tony

Howard Stark and " Howard Potts "

Having failed in alternate 2012 , Captain America and Iron Man time-traveled to 1970 in order to secure the Space Stone while also obtaining Pym Particles that would allow them to navigate the Quantum Realm and return to their present in 2023 . During their brief presence in 1970, Stark interacted with an alternate Howard Stark , realizing that he indeed loved him, understanding all his father had to struggle while raising him. The actions of the Avengers in 1970 created a new alternate timeline. [30]

Steve Rogers' Choice [ ]

Steve & Peggy Endgame

Steve Rogers is reunited with Peggy Carter

After successfully returning the Infinity Stones and Mjølnir back to their respective timelines, Steve Rogers decided to follow Tony Stark 's advice for him to get a normal life, which Stark had suggested before his death. Rogers traveled back to the 1949 in order to live out the rest of his life with Peggy Carter , instead of returning to 2023 as planned, thus creating an alternate timeline.

Upon being reunited with Carter, he finally gave her the dance he had promised her, and the two eventually got married. After his marriage, Rogers retired from his "Captain America" moniker, but would continue to help out when he was needed in his new timeline.

Having grown old from his retirement, Rogers eventually returned to 2023 of his original universe, where he entrusted Sam Wilson with his shield , having chosen him as his successor. [30] [43]

Saving Christine Palmer [ ]


Strange witnesses Palmer's death

In an alternate timeline where Stephen Strange and Christine Palmer kept dating, Palmer passed away in a car accident. Tormented by guilt and sadness, Strange went to Kamar-Taj where he eventually became the Sorcerer Supreme. In 2018 , Strange decided to use the Eye of Agamotto traveling back in time to that fatidic day where Palmer died. He tried to prevent her death to no avail since her death was a fixed point in the timeline, also known as absolute point , which meant it could not be changed without universal consequences.


Strange refuses to listen to Ancient One's warnings

Ancient One sensed Strange's actions in the timeline and went to see him. She told him that he could not save Palmer and that his actions could lead to the destruction of their reality. Strange did not care and decide to go even further back in time to learn how to break an absolute point in time. Ancient One used Dark Dimension magic to split the timeline into one universe, allowing two versions of Strange existing in the same universe, which led to a paradox. Therefore, the new version of Strange would overcome Palmer's death unaware that another version of himself co-existing in the same timeline was in the past absorbing mystical beings to prevent Palmer's death.

What If..

Strange's reality is destroyed

The Strange that went back eventually was powerful enough to break the absolute point, thus he returned to 2016 of said timeline. Meanwhile, Ancient One told the present day Strange about his counterpart's plans to save Palmer. She asked him to stop his alternate self. However, Strange was unable to defeat Supreme Strange who ended up absorbing his alternate self. He then proceeded to save Palmer, but his actions de-estabilized the universe which started to destroy itself. Strange noticed that The Watcher was watching over him and asked him for help, but the Watcher refused since any Multiversal interference would be disastrous. The universe was destroyed in its entirety, except from a small portion of land which was protected by Strange's spell, which was cast in one of his last attempts to save not only his reality but Palmer's life. [4]

  • However, there have been some exceptions, i.e., Kamala Khan 's time travel to 1947 did not create a branched timeline and it all occurred within a causal loop. [35]
  • Traveling back in time via Time Stone also allows the time-traveler to travel to the past of their own timeline without creating a branch in time. [4]
  • The reason why time travel cannot change the future is because time is the perception of the space-time continuum therefore the past, present and future of a certain timeline are already set in stone. [44]
  • The new timeline that has been created as a result of time travel will follow the same path as to the one it diverged from. However, this can change according to the further actions of the time-traveler in the branched timeline. [30] [19] [20] [14] [28]
  • The Quantum Realm 's Time Vortex enables to go back in time and move between universes, allowing the time-traveler to move from the present of their universe to the past of the other universe. [30] [24] [14]
  • Time travel sources such as the Timedoor and Time Sphere allow the time-traveler to travel between timelines or travel back in time without creating a branch. [33] [31]
  • Sibyl used the Chronicom Time Stream to read the timestream of the Multiverse seeing the many possible outcomes that could come to pass. [21]
  • Ancient One used the Time Stone to perceive all possible futures, however she realized that every possible outcome eventually led to her death. [1]
  • Victor Stein's Time Machine was able to receive visual messages from the future getting messages from an alternate version of Chase Stein who came from a reality where Jonah managed to escape from Los Angeles causing a devastating earthquake that destroyed the city. This future never came to pass in the main timeline. [25] [26] [27]
  • Kamala Khan managed to go back in time without creating a new timeline. [35]
  • Leo Fitz , Jemma Simmons and Alya time-traveled from 2023 to 2019 without causing a divergence in the timeline. [14]

Time-Travelers [ ]

  • Mobius M. Mobius
  • Hunter B-15
  • Hunter C-20
  • Hunter D-90
  • Hunter U-92 †
  • Hunter X-05
  • Minuteman 200914867365 †
  • Minuteman 750682931199
  • Sylvie Laufeydottir
  • Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange
  • Phil Coulson †
  • Melinda May
  • Jemma Simmons
  • Daisy Johnson
  • Alphonso Mackenzie
  • Yo-Yo Rodriguez
  • Phil Coulson
  • Niles Lindmore/Chronicom †
  • Lilla Mackenzie/Chronicom †
  • John Mackenzie/Chronicom †
  • Ford/Chronicom †
  • King/Chronicom †
  • Scott Lang/Ant-Man
  • Clint Barton/Hawkeye
  • Steve Rogers/Captain America
  • Tony Stark/Iron Man †
  • Bruce Banner/Hulk
  • Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow †
  • James Rhodes/War Machine
  • Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel
  • Alex Wilder †
  • Chase Stein †
  • Nico Minoru †
  • Karolina Dean †
  • Molly Hernandez †
  • Daniel Sousa
  • Nathaniel Malick †
  • Proxima Midnight †
  • Corvus Glaive †
  • Cull Obsidian †
  • Ebony Maw †

Behind the Scenes [ ]

  • Joe and Anthony Russo went to great lengths to make the audience understand that time travel does not work in the events of Avengers: Endgame as it does in Back to the Future , which has informed many people's understanding of the mechanics of time travel. [45] Clifford V. Johnson [46] and Sean M. Carroll [47] served as consultants on the film to create a version of time travel that was true to real-life theoretical physics.
  • Due to Wolverine 's death in Logan , Hugh Jackman stated that his forthcoming reprisal in Deadpool & Wolverine had to involve time travel to some degree to ensure the Marvel Cinematic Universe respected his character's original death and didn't "mess" with the established timeline of 20th Century Fox 's X-Men film series . [48]
  • Nia DaCosta 's original pitch for The Marvels involved time travel in the plot, but was told by Marvel Studios that Loki was already including many time travel stories to dissuade her. [49]

References [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Doctor Strange
  • ↑ 2.0 2.1 Avengers: Infinity War
  • ↑ The Russo Brothers Answer Avengers: Endgame Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED
  • ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 What If...?: 1.04: What If... Doctor Strange Lost His Heart Instead of His Hands?
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.05: Rewind
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.01: Orientation Part One
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.08: The Last Day
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.10: Past Life
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.11: All the Comforts of Home
  • ↑ 10.0 10.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.22: The End
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.12: The Sign
  • ↑ 12.0 12.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6.13: New Life
  • ↑ Saying Goodbye to FitzSimmons on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
  • ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.13: What We're Fighting For
  • ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.01: The New Deal
  • ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.11: Brand New Day
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.02: Know Your Onions
  • ↑ 18.0 18.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.03: Alien Commies from the Future!
  • ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.04: Out of the Past
  • ↑ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.05: A Trout in the Milk
  • ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.06: Adapt or Die
  • ↑ 22.0 22.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.07: The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and the D
  • ↑ 23.0 23.1 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.10: Stolen
  • ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.12: The End is at Hand
  • ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 Runaways: 1.05: Kingdom
  • ↑ 26.0 26.1 26.2 Runaways: 1.07: Refraction
  • ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 Runaways: 2.07: Last Rites
  • ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 28.4 Runaways: 3.10: Cheat The Gallows
  • ↑ Ant-Man and the Wasp
  • ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 30.5 30.6 30.7 30.8 30.9 Avengers: Endgame
  • ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
  • ↑ Loki: 1.01: Glorious Purpose
  • ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Loki: 1.06: For All Time. Always.
  • ↑ Ms. Marvel: 1.04: Seeing Red
  • ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 Ms. Marvel: 1.05: Time and Again
  • ↑ Director Kate Herron Reveals Secrets of the Loki Universe (Spoilers Ahead!!)
  • ↑ Loki: 2.01: Ouroboros
  • ↑ Loki: 2.05: Science/Fiction
  • ↑ Loki: 2.06: Glorious Purpose
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5.03: A Life Spent
  • ↑ Runaways: 3.09: The Broken Circle
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7.08: After, Before
  • ↑ 43.0 43.1 Director Joe Russo answers pivotal questions about ‘Avengers: Endgame’ plot
  • ↑ Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3.15: Spacetime
  • ↑ 'Avengers: Endgame' Directors Explain the Final Shot That's Sparking a Fan Debate
  • ↑ A physicist explains the science of Avengers: Endgame
  • ↑ A science adviser for 'Avengers: Endgame' describes the real physics of time travel and multiple universes that underpin the movie
  • ↑ Deadpool Update, Part Hugh
  • ↑ THE MARVELS Director Talks X-MEN Tease and Her Dream Cyclops / Storm Movie | Nia DaCosta Interview

External Links [ ]

WP favicon

  • 1 Scarlet Witch
  • 2 Avengers: Doomsday
  • 3 Deadpool & Wolverine

42 Best Time Travel & Quantum Theory TV Series

Christopher Eccleston, Peter Capaldi, David Tennant, Matt Smith, and Jodie Whittaker in Doctor Who (2005)

1. Doctor Who

Lisa Vicari in Dark (2017)

4. Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

Devs (2020)

6. Doctor Who

Natasha Lyonne in Russian Doll (2019)

7. Russian Doll

Erased (2017)

11. The Umbrella Academy

The Peripheral (2022)

12. The Peripheral

Philip Glenister, Marshall Lancaster, John Simm, Liz White, and Dean Andrews in Life on Mars (2006)

13. Life on Mars

Stephen Graham, Amaka Okafor, Kyle Soller, Shira Haas, and Jacob Fortune-Lloyd in Bodies (2023)

15. Quantum Leap

Dark Shadows (1991)

16. Dark Shadows

Thomas Dekker, Lena Headey, and Summer Glau in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2008)

17. Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Malcolm Barrett, Abigail Spencer, Goran Visnjic, Matt Lanter, Claudia Doumit, and Sheldon Landry in Timeless (2016)

18. Timeless

Leighton Meester, Adam Pally, and Yassir Lester in Making History (2017)

19. Making History

Peyton List and Riley Smith in Frequency (2016)

20. Frequency

Amanda Schull and Aaron Stanford in 12 Monkeys (2015)

21. 12 Monkeys

James Franco in 11.22.63 (2016)

22. 11.22.63

Michael Riley and Erin Karpluk in Being Erica (2009)

23. Being Erica

Spencer Banks and Cheryl Burfield in Timeslip (1970)

24. Timeslip

Jaime Blanch, Juan Gea, Cayetana Guillén Cuervo, Francesc Orella, Rodolfo Sancho, Nacho Fresneda, Julián Villagrán, Hugo Silva, Francesca Piñón, Manuela Vellés, Pep Miràs, Aura Garrido, and Macarena García in The Ministry of Time (2015)

25. The Ministry of Time

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First Marvel Heroes To Travel Through Time


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10 Creepiest The Far Side Comic Strips, Ranked

Creepshow features all-star horror lineup, preview of wonder woman’s “biggest issue” released by tom king.

Time travel can be messy. It can also be the core of a very entertaining story. In Marvel Comics , time travel has very definite rules. When traveling back in time, one goes to an alternate past that diverges the instant the time traveler arrives. When traveling into the future, the traveler goes to one of many possible futures.

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Editor Mark Gruenwald put the rules into writing. He established that paradoxes couldn't exist because of the nature of Marvel's laws of time travel. The first heroes to travel through time may not have realized this until much later. Even in the present, less intelligent characters don't completely understand how time travel works.

10 Blonde Phantom Was Kidnapped To The 30th Century

Blonde phantom #21 (1949) by al gabriele & harry sahle.

In Blonde Phantom #21 , Louise Grant, the Blonde Phantom, was at a "future fair" exhibit by an eccentric millionaire, Mr. Kall. Mr. Kall was from the future and used the fair to kidnap many people from the past and take them to the 30th century. There, the future people put the kidnapped people from 1949 in a zoo for an exhibit on primitive humans.

The Blonde Phantom escaped and confronted the leader of the 30th-century world. She overpowered him with hypnosis and her stronger will. She forced him to free the kidnapped people from 1949 and send them home. She also took him back as her prisoner.

9 Captain America Chased A Robot Through Time

Captain america #73 (1949) by ken bald.

It's a commonly-known retcon that the Captain America in stories published after WWII is not the original. That means that this particular Captain America is a separate hero from Steve Rogers. He does hold the notoriety of being the first Captain America to travel through time, drawn by Golden Age artist Ken Bald.

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Cap and his friend Alan Tremont chase an evil doctor named Wolf Turber who's abducted Alan's sister. They end up chasing Turber through time. Turber is looking to conquer another time and rule it with Alan's sister as his queen. Captain America overpowers Turber in the far-distant future, revealing him as a 31st-century robot.

8 Mister Fantastic, Human Torch, And The Thing Created The Legend Of Blackbeard

Fantastic four #5 (1962) by stan lee, jack kirby, joe sinnott & stan goldberg.

The first time-travel story of the Silver Age introduces the most used method of time travel in Marvel Comics. Doctor Doom's time machine is the invention that marks him as one of the leading intellects in the Marvel Universe.

Doom Captured the Invisible Girl and used her safety to force the rest of the Fantastic Four to go back and retrieve Blackbeard's treasure chest. During the trip, the Thing's disguise created the legend of Blackbeard before Doctor Doom retrieved the trio. Reed Richards outsmarted Doom , replacing the jewels inside the chest with chains.

7 Thor Chased Zaarko, The Tomorrow Man Using The Power Of Mjolnir

Journey into mystery #86 (1962) by stan lee, larry lieber, jack kirby & dick ayers.

Zaarko traveled from the year 2262 to steal an experimental cobalt bomb. He flees from Thor , who manages to only chip off a small piece of metal from Zaarko's time machine. Thor summons an audience with his father Odin for the power to chase Zaarko through time. Odin instructs him to use the power of his hammer, Mjolnir to trace the piece of metal back to its source.

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Thor arrives in 2262, where Zaarko rules like a tyrant with the only weapon on Earth. Thor uses a decoy to occupy Zaarko, so the Thunder God can get an advantage in the battle. Zaarko flees, threatening to drop the cobalt bomb. Thor crashes the ship, reclaiming the bomb.

6 Iron Man Went Back To Meet Cleopatra

Tales of suspense #44 (1963) by stan lee, robert bernstein & don heck.

Stan Lee, Robert Bernstein, and Don Heck tempted Tony Stark with history's greatest beauty in Tales of Suspense #44. As Tony Stark went back in time as the Mad Pharaoh's prisoner with his mystical chariot charm. He escaped soon after arriving and donned his Iron Man armor and drove off Roman soldiers. He then protected Cleopatra's barge from a Roman Galley.

Cleopatra tasked Iron Man with defeating the returned Mad Pharaoh. In doing so, the villain fell on a sword. Iron Man turned down Cleopatra's offer to stay in the past with her. Using the Mad Pharaoh's charm, he returned in 1963.

5 Invisible Woman Journeyed With the Fantastic Four To Face Pharaoh Rama-Tut

Fantastic four #19 (1963) by stan lee, jack kirby, dick ayers & stan goldberg.

Chasing a cure for Alicia Master's blindness, the Fantastic Four returned to Doom's castle to use his time machine. They journeyed back to Ancient Egypt and found it ruled by the time-traveling Pharaoh Rama-Tut. He came from the year 3000 in a time machine built from an ancestor's plans.

Rama-Tut enslaved the heroes, taking a romantic interest in Invisible Woman. When the team broke free, Rama-Tut fled back to his time machine. Unfortunately, Doom's time machine couldn't transport the radioactive cure for blindness.

4 Doctor Strange Journeyed To Save Cleopatra From A Wizard

Strange tales #124 (1964) by stan lee, steve ditko & george bell.

Doctor Strange found a hooded woman roaming the streets, mesmerized and unresponsive. Investigating, he determined that she was from some point in the past. With the aid of his mentor , the Ancient One, Doctor Strange traveled in his astral form back to Ancient Egypt.

There Strange discovered an evil sorcerer intent on overthrowing Cleopatra. Doctor Strange defeated this sorcerer, but almost became stranded in time. Rescued by the Eye of Agamotto, Strange returned Cleopatra to her own time. Making no reference to Iron Man's encounter with Cleopatra, Lee and Ditko brought this tale to readers.

3 Immortus Took Captain America And Rick Jones To 18th-Century London

Avengers #10 (1964) by stan lee, don heck, dick ayers & stan goldberg.

Immortus struck a deal with Baron Zemo to capture an Avenger. Immortus lured their young ally, Rick Jones, into a trap, imprisoning him in the Tower of London in 1760. Captain America and the Avengers arrived to force Immortus to free Rick. Immortus abducted Captain America to the 18th-century Tower of London.

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Captain America overpowered Immortus's medieval soldiers and freed Rick Jones. He returned to the Avengers to help defeat Zemo, Enchantress, and the Executioner. The Enchantress cast a spell, reversing time by a few days, so they could avoid this humiliation.

2 Kang Took Hawkeye, Quicksilver, And Scarlet Witch To The Future

Avengers #23 (1965) by stan lee, don heck, john romita & stan goldberg.

The Avengers were without Captain America who'd left the team feeling that he had failed as their leader. It was at this moment, depicted, that Kang abducted the remaining members. He took Hawkeye, Quicksilver , and the Scarlet Witch to the future where he was conquering the kingdom of Princess Ravonna. Kang hoped his defeat of the Avengers would persuade Ravonna to marry him.

Captain America taunted Kang to join his teammates. Together, they battled Kang despite overpowering odds. Their defiance gave Ravonna the resolve to resist Kang. In the end, Kang's own commanders betrayed him. Kang allied himself with the Avengers to save Ravonna's life.

1 Hulk Was Transported To A Post-Apocalyptic Future

Tales to astonish #75 (1966) by stan lee, jack kirby & mickey demeo.

In the Silver Age , the U.S. Military hounded the Hulk . After getting a weapon from the Watcher, he ran afoul of the army building Banner's latest weapon, a massive "T-Gun." No one realized that it was a means of time travel.

With his intellect heightened by the Watcher's weapon, Hulk headed to the White House, guided by Rick Jones's thoughts. The T-Gun sent the more intelligent Hulk into the future. There he found a ruined Earth where futuristic soldiers attacked him, some led by Thor's foe, the Executioner. An extended story arc with Hulk battling against both armies began.

NEXT: First DC Villains To Travel Through Time

  • marvel heroes

heroes time travel

Have Powers, Will (Time) Travel: Superheroes and the Urge to Change the Past

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Eileen Gonzalez

Eileen's primary literary love is comic books, but she’s always on the lookout for her next literary adventure no matter what form it takes. She has a Bachelor's in media studies, a Master's in digital communication, a smattering of published short stories, and a seriously cute dog. Follow her on Bluesky .

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Arana and Spider-Man 2099 Dark Tomorrow cover

In Alex Segura’s YA novel Ara ñ a and Spider-Man 2099: Dark Tomorrow , Anya/Araña is on the trail of a stolen artifact when said artifact unexpectedly blasts her into the early 22nd century. There, she meets Miguel, the former Spider-Man 2099, who is no stranger to time travel. But Miguel gave up being a hero after traumatic personal losses, and it will take the gravest crisis imaginable to convince him to put on his costume and be a hero one more time.

Since time travel is integral to the plot, reading this novel got me thinking about the different ways time travel has appeared in superhero stories — some good, some bad. Along the way, Segura was kind enough to answer my questions about Dark Tomorrow and time travel stories in general. If you care about spoilers, read freely: there are none here — at least, none for Dark Tomorrow .

Just a Jump to the Left…

Time travel stories predate comics by at least several decades. Encyclopedia Britannica cites books like H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine and even Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol as early classics in the genre. The Time Machine was adapted as a comic book in the Classics Illustrated series, which Segura cited to me as a story that resonated with him as a young reader.

“I love [time travel stories], honestly,” he said. “The idea of hopping around time has always been of interest”

It has also been a part of the superhero experience since the early days. In the 1940s, Batman traveled back in time to pal around with D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers in Batman #32 and into the near future to show what the world might be like if the Nazis were to win World War II in Batman #15. (Granted, this last one was less a story and more an attempt to scare the audience into buying war bonds.)

Time travel became a common plot device in the 1950s and ’60s, when stringent self-censorship precluded more violent kinds of stories. That’s how we got nonsense like Action Comics #148, in which Superman travels back in time to cheat Indigenous people out of the land Metropolis sits on, and Green Lantern #8, in which Hal Jordan is drafted into fighting villains in the 58th century because humans of the future are too pathetic to do it themselves (but not too pathetic to kidnap a 20th-century man and give him amnesia).

A panel from Green Lantern #8

But there were more serious stories too. In the poignant yet retroactively hilarious Avengers #56, Captain America traveled back to the 1940s to convince himself that his sidekick Bucky was really dead. (Bucky was not, in fact, dead.)

This versatility is part of what draws Segura to time travel stories: they “can range from the funny to the painfully emotional,” he told me, “and I love the idea of affecting your own future or going back in time to see what things were like. The story possibilities are endless.”

As superheroes made their way into other genres, they took their tales of time travel with them. An episode of Freakazoid! has the titular hero prevent the Pearl Harbor attack, which somehow results in Rush Limbaugh becoming a decent person. In his 1978 film, Superman reverses the Earth’s rotation, which also reverses time and allows him another chance to save Lois Lane. (It goes without saying that that’s not how science works , but okay, fine.)

And then there’s the star of The CW’s The Flash , Barry Allen. Oh, Barry. Damn it, Barry .

With Great Power Comes Great Irresponsibility

The Flash may be more closely associated with time travel than any other hero (which I’m sure upsets Booster Gold, a 25th century ne’er-do-well who traveled to our time to become a heroic gloryhound). Early on, he learned he could travel through time by running on the Cosmic Treadmill. Some of his biggest foes — Reverse-Flash and Abra Kadabra — and his closest allies — his wife Iris West and their grandson Bart Allen — come from the future. Barry would later abuse his ability to time travel in both the comic Flashpoint and the TV show The Flash , when he rewrote all of reality to bring his murdered mom back to life.

This storyline is where I started to view time travel tales differently. Even more than Ray Bradbury’s A Sound of Thunder , this is the story that made me realize the ethical pitfalls of time travel.

Unlike Eckels, the hapless protagonist of Bradbury’s classic story — or even grief-stricken Superman impulsively reversing the Earth’s rotation by a couple of minutes — Barry Allen makes a conscious decision to change the past. As Reverse-Flash gleefully puts it, “You traded the life of your mother for the rest of the world!”

Reverse Flash beats up the Flash while telling him that the timestream troubles they've been experiencing are all Flash's fault.

And Barry’s action is not without consequences. In both the comic and the TV show, the lives of Barry’s friends turn out vastly different — and sometimes worse — than how they were before.

As Segura points out, consequences are another reason that time travel makes for such a fascinating subject. In particular, he cited the “emotional stakes” — the inevitability of revisiting painful events or dead loved ones, or of seeing future events you may not like — as being especially high and therefore especially interesting. I can certainly agree, but personally, I have trouble sympathizing with a supposedly heroic character who willingly (and, in the TV show, more than once) messes with something as dangerous as time because he can’t handle being sad or accept his mistakes.

Obviously, Barry has the right to be upset over his mother’s death, even years after the fact. But you don’t get to ruin countless lives just because you can (it seems unlikely that Barry’s friends are the only ones who got screwed over, out of all the billions of people in the world). He allows his grief to make him selfish, even villainous. Who else but a villain tries to remake the world as they see fit? Go to therapy like the rest of us, bud.

Fortunately, Dark Tomorrow is more judicious in its use of time travel: Anya doesn’t do it on purpose, and Miguel only did so when the world was in danger. But Segura acknowledges that Miguel’s pain, much like Barry Allen’s, could have driven him down a darker path.

“[I]t’d be weird if he wasn’t” tempted to go back in time and prevent his personal tragedies from occurring, Segura says. “But I think one of the lessons Miguel learned early on was the fragility of time travel, and how the timeline tends to right itself or protect itself against major attempts to alter it….At his heart, Miguel is a scientist, and has probably grappled with these questions regularly when caught up in his time travel adventures!”

In other words, the heroes of Dark Tomorrow are not trying to remake the world in their image, so to speak. They’re just trying to save it, and in the process of doing so, they could end up changing a few things — probably for the better, but who knows what tomorrow will bring?

In the Not-Too-Distant Future…

So why do we still like all these time travel tales? Or, in my case, all of these tales except for those starring Barry Allen?

I think it’s a combination of everything I’ve covered: it’s high-stakes, it’s emotional, and it’s just plain fun. The appeals and temptations of time travel may be stronger for a superhero than for your average character, making for even richer storytelling. Righting wrongs is the superhero’s main reason for existing. If presented with the chance to use time travel to fix past mistakes, they’re sure to feel pressure to do so — and, in some cases, succumb to that pressure.

In Dark Tomorrow , the time travel is in part a simple necessity: Araña and Spider-Man 2099 exist a century apart, so the only way that they — Marvel’s two Latine Spider-people — could go adventuring together is through time travel shenanigans. But Segura believes it serves another purpose: to compare two very different worlds with surprisingly similar problems.

“Miguel’s Nueva York might seem shinier and more convenient than our New York, but as we dig deeper, we see some of the same problems crop up — and some of the same class issues and social situations,” Segura says. “It really helps hammer home the theme that you can be a hero whenever you are, and it takes the same kind of passion, dedication, and sacrifice.”

By opening a door to the past — or the future — time travel stories don’t just entertain us: they teach us the critical lesson that people are people, no matter where or when they were born.

For more time travelin’ superheroes, check out these lists about heroes wrecking the timestream and getting stuck in the past !

heroes time travel

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Time travel is a hugely important force for the Avengers and the larger Marvel Comics universe. When last year's  Avengers: Endgame   relied heavily on time travel for the heroes to triumph over Thanos, the actual mechanics of time travel came into question for many fans. Several arcs in the Marvel Universe have used time travel in some way, so is there a difference between how time travel works in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, versus in the original comics?

In  Endgame , the remaining heroes who survived Thanos's "snap" constructed a time machine that transported them back to different points in time using the Quantum Realm . After each group returned back to the present with an Infinity Stone, they were able to "snap" everyone killed by Thanos in  Infinity War  back into existence. With Thanos finally defeated and the universe restored to its original population levels, Captain America went back in time to return the Infinity Stones, only to be discovered as an elderly man in the present by the other Avengers because he had decided to live out his life in the past.

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The approach that the Avengers took in Endgame  with time travel is drastically different than many storylines from the comics , but for good reason. In  Endgame , the Hulk says that the past becomes one's present while traveling back in time, and that one's "former present becomes the past." This explains the reason why there are no major ripples in the fabric of reality once the Avengers are able to stop Thanos. No characters cease to exist in the fashion of  Back to the Future . This, however, is at major odds with certain time travel storylines in the comics. In fact, there seem to be multiple ways to travel in time depending on the methodology used to do so.

Days of Future Past

Arguably the blueprint for many of Marvel's time travel stories, the "Days of Future Past"   storyline by Chris Claremont and John Byrne in  Uncanny X-Men #141-142 (pencils by John Byrne, inks by Terry Austin, colors by Glynis Wein, letters by Tom Orzechowski) takes place in a dystopian future where mutants and superheroes have been hunted down, slain, or incarcerated in internment camps in New York City. A rag-tag group of remaining mutants, including Storm, Colossus, Wolverine, Rachel Summers, and Kitty Pryde, in a last ditch effort to save their future, decide to send Kitty's consciousness back in time to 1980 to foil the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Kelly's assassination led to the proliferation of anti-mutant sentiment, and the creation of the Sentinels, giant robots that systematically wiped out most of mutantkind.

Rachel Summers sends Kitty's mind back to her 1980 self, and while she is able to stop the assassination from occurring, Claremont leaves it ambiguous as to whether or not the future X-Men's actions actually did any good for them . Later stories have confirmed that the "Days of Future Past" world kept existing, suggesting that this form of time travel merely created a new, branched reality rather than rewriting the timeline from which Kitty traveled back. This is by far the most popular depiction of time travel in Marvel lore - since both Marvel and DC acknowledge their core realities exist alongside many others in a 'multiverse', writers tend to prefer to keep any interesting futures around to revisit, meaning that the "Days of Future Past" and " Age of Apocalypse " futures still happened - the time travel merely decides whether they happened to Earth-616, the mainstream Marvel reality. In this way, traveling back in time rarely obliterates a potential future, but it  can  break the connection between where the Marvel Comics Universe is  now  and where it's ultimately headed.

Related: Why The X-Men Comics Are OBSESSED With Time Travel

Dr. Doom's Time Platform

One exception to this branching approach to time travel appears to be  Dr. Doom's Time Platform . A platform that creates a rising field which allows the user to travel through time, the Time Platform is one of Doom's oldest tools. Naturally, the Fantastic Four have used the device many times, and it has brought them face to face with characters from history such as Blackbeard and Caesar, with the events they bring about seeming to apply to their  own  timeline. The Time Platform was never more vital than when used by the Avengers in Brian Michael Bendis's  Age of Ultron   storyline from 2013.

In  Age of Ultron , the practice of using time travel as a means of rectifying the present becomes deeply unreliable. Set in a future where most of life on Earth is dead after Ultron has taken over the planet, some of the Avengers travel to the future to try to defeat him by using Doctor Doom's Time Platform. However, Wolverine uses the Time Platform afterwards with the Invisible Woman (Sue Storm) to travel back in time and kill the inventor of Ultron himself, Henry Pym. Not surprisingly, killing Henry Pym before he can invent Ultron does not fix the Avengers' problems, as the present that Sue and Wolverine return back to is equally as bad as the one they left, with Morgan Le Fay leading a conquest over the Earth. Once the pair  do  get things right, the results seem to stick, and they go to great lengths to avoid contradicting major events in the past, apparently making it easier for the new future to truly take hold, rather than just forcing the past to branch off in a different direction. Doom's Time Platform is often discussed as the ultimate time travel device in Marvel Comics, and this seems to be why - it's one of the only methods that  changes  the future rather than creating a new one.

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Hurting Time

Sue and Wolverine's actions in  Age of Ultron  result in a ripple effect on their present, which is something that does not happen in  Endgame . That is because their use for time travel in Age of Ultron  is fundamentally different in the first place. Wolverine went back in time in  Age of Ultron  to kill someone so that his present might change for the better. In  Endgame , the Avengers go back in time for the purpose of gathering the Infinity Stones so they can defeat Thanos  in the present . Time travel in the film is used to provide the means for rectifying a problem that lies in the present, which is incredibly different from its use in  Age of Ultron . Had the Avengers taken an action-based approach with time travel in  Endgame , like they did in  Age of Ultron , the outcome might have created a ripple effect.

What's so interesting about the time travel in Marvel Comics is that - because it doesn't simply change what happened, but can have a range of consequences - it has a cumulative effect on reality. In  All-New X-Men , Hank McCoy, aka Beast, brings the original five teen X-Men forward in time to witness how their futures turn out. While some of the outcomes are positive, Hank is later accosted by Uatu the Watcher (or imagines him as the angel on his shoulder), who asserts that the frequent manipulation of time in the Marvel Universe is damaging the very nature of time and reality - something readers also saw in  Age of Ultron , where the huge ripple effect shunted various characters into new realities.

Ultimately, time travel is a tricky force in the Marvel Universe. While some instances of it have resulted in no harm, like Cosmic Ghost Rider achieving his ultimate wish by killing Hitler during World War II in  Cosmic Ghost Rider Destroys The Marvel Universe #4 , there is plenty of evidence that points to its inherent riskiness. The reason why  Endgame  does not play out like any other time travel narrative before it is because it takes the approach of finding important, powerful objects from that past that no longer exist in the present, and using them to once again bring balance to the universe. Hopefully one day in the future, the Avengers  from the comics will be able to navigate through time just as smoothly as they did in  Endgame .

Next: The Marvel and DC Comics That Did Time Travel Right

  • Avengers: Endgame


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