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Niet lid van garantiefonds

Niet lid van garantiefonds. Advocaat zal dit melden bij ACM

Datum van ervaring : 28 maart 2024

Antwoord van Ticket+Travel | Powered by Eventtrips

Beste Eric, Ik zie dat je denkt dat wij geen lid zijn van een garantiefonds. Die informatie is echter niet correct. Wij zijn officieel aangesloten bij de SGR. Voor jouw gemak heb ik hierbij de link toegevoegd: https://www.sgr.nl/aangesloten-reisorganisaties/tickettravel-nl/ Met vriendelijke groet,

Kaarten besteld voor Spa 2023

Kaarten besteld voor Spa 2023. De keuze voor de tribuneplaatsen was makkelijk te maken met de overzichtelijke schema's. Bestellen was simpel en zo gepiept. De bevestiging en verdere informatie was snel en helder. De kaarten waren ruim op tijd beschikbaar en de tenaamstelling was door de duidelijke uitleg ook een makkie. Prima dus!

Datum van ervaring : 30 juli 2023

Beste Peter, Bedankt voor je positieve feedback! We zijn blij dat het bestelproces en de informatie duidelijk waren en dat je tevreden was met de tijdige ontvangst van de kaarten. We hopen dat je een geweldige tijd hebt gehad in Spa 2023! Team TicketTravel

Alle afspraken zijn waargemaakt!

Alle afspraken zijn waargemaakt en alles liep op rolletjes. De begeleiding was prima, transfers geregeld, aan alles werd gedacht. Communicatie was helder dus de reiziger werd helemaal ontzorgd! Hotel had een prima ligging, vlakbij het strand; het eten was prima, alleen enige minpuntje: rumoerig, vanwege een discotheek op loopafstand. De zitplaats op de tribune was uitstekend en de race prachtig, met overwinning voor Max ;)) Ik had het niet willen missen!

Datum van ervaring : 01 juni 2023

Beste Ronald, Bedankt voor je positieve feedback! We zijn blij om te horen dat we aan al je verwachtingen hebben voldaan en dat je reis vlekkeloos verliep. We doen ons best om onze klanten volledig te ontzorgen en zijn blij dat de communicatie helder was. Het spijt ons dat het hotel 's nachts wat rumoerig was vanwege de nabijgelegen discotheek, maar we zijn blij dat je desondanks van de locatie en het eten hebt genoten. En natuurlijk, gefeliciteerd met de overwinning van Max in de race! We zijn blij dat je ervan hebt genoten. We hopen je in de toekomst opnieuw van dienst te kunnen zijn! Team TicketTravel

Legitieme kaartjes, kwamen ruim op tijd van te voren binnen. Super goede plekken recht tegenover de pitstraat en dichtbij de baan (tribune T). Goed contact met bedrijf gehad, hield ons telkens op de hoogte over wanneer wij de kaarten zouden ontvangen etc. Tickets waren wel aan de prijs, maar dat is tegenwoordig met alle F1 kaarten zo. Voor Monaco en de plek waar we zaten viel het ons nog mee. We zullen hier voor races van volgend jaar zeker weer kijken. Aanrader!

Datum van ervaring : 28 mei 2023

Beste Charlotte, Bedankt voor je positieve review! We zijn blij om te horen dat je tevreden was met onze service en dat je genoten hebt van de Formule 1-ervaring. Het doet ons goed dat je de plekken die we voor je hadden gereserveerd, goed vond. We proberen altijd de beste locaties te bieden, zodat onze klanten optimaal kunnen genieten van het evenement. Bedankt voor je aanbeveling en je vertrouwen in ons bedrijf. We kijken ernaar uit om je volgend jaar weer van dienst te kunnen zijn voor races. Aarzel niet om contact met ons op te nemen als je vragen hebt. Met vriendelijke groet, Team TicketTravel

Spa goed geregeld

Kaarten voor Hotel v/d Valk en busvervoer naar circuit Spa waren prima geregeld. Top dat er koffie heen en (voor vertrek bus terug) broodje bal en drankje te koop waren. Toilet in de bus ook fijn :). Op zaterdag liep de sprintrace erg uit door het weer en werd er prima gecommuniceerd (via SMS)dat we langer konden blijven. Ook naar het hotel dat we laat waren en de keuken nog even open bleef. Wij hadden helaas door recent gips een rolstoel mee en hier werd ondanks volle bagageruimte plek voor gemaakt. Wat ons betreft zouden we de F3 kunnen overslaan en (vooral op zondag!) iets later vertrekken, maar ik las hier onder al dat dit voor anderen juist belangrijk is.

Beste Ben, Bedankt voor je positieve feedback! We zijn blij om te horen dat je tevreden was met de regelingen en dat je genoten hebt van de reis. We waarderen je suggesties en zullen ze in gedachten houden. Het maken van keuzes voor ons programma kan inderdaad uitdagend zijn. We hopen je in de toekomst opnieuw te mogen verwelkomen voor een geweldige ervaring. Team TicketTravel

Tickets waren mooi op tijd

Tickets waren mooi op tijd, goede zitplaatsen op de baan (red bull tribune). Enige punt wat beter kan, is de organisatie rondom de camping plekken, het toewijzen ervan, dat ging redelijk chaotisch. Wij kwamen pas vrijdag rond de middag aan, dus waren we aangewezen op een van de laatste plekken op camping blauw.

Datum van ervaring : 25 juli 2022

Beste Bart, dank je wel voor dit bericht. Erg vervelend om te horen dat het met de camping toewijzingen chaotisch is verlopen. Mijn excuses daarvoor. Ik ben erg blij om te lezen dat de rest van de reis goed is verlopen. We zien jullie graag terug! Vriendelijke groet, TicketTravel

GP Hongarije Hungaroring 2022

Onze trip naar de GP van Hongarije in Budapest was in één woord fantastisch! Alles perfect geregeld van vlucht tot hotel tot bustransfers naar het circuit en bovenal geweldige plaatsen op het circuit! Dit onder leiding van twee deskundige en zeer prettige reisleiders. Het was voor ons een onvergetelijke ervaring!

Datum van ervaring : 02 augustus 2022

Formule 1 met Ticket+Travel (TOP)

We zijn keurig geholpen, we hadden verschillende vragen over de reis op de mail gesteld en keurig antwoorden op gehad. Bij aankomst op het vliegveld Barcelona keurig opgevangen door Rene onze reisleider en Nederlands talig, we konden hem alles vragen en Rene bleef het gehele weekend bij ons in de buurt. Wij gaan volgende keer weer reizen naar de Formule 1 met Ticket+Travel

Datum van ervaring : 06 juni 2022

Geen enkele aanmerking op de service, nu 2 jaar op rij kaarten voor Le Mans besteld. Dit jaar was de website in onderhoud waardoor het bestellen niet direct lukte, daarna telefonisch contact, prettig geholpen en direct kunnen regelen. Bestelling ruim op tijd en conform afspraak geleverd. Volgend jaar bestel ik weer bij Ticket + Travel

Datum van ervaring : 20 juli 2017

Zeer betrouwbaar en deskundig!

Zeer betrouwbaar en deskundig! Al meerdere jaren via Ticket plus Travel kaarten en reizen geboekt. Ze weten exact de juiste tribuneplaatsen te vinden. De reizen zijn elke keer goed verzorgd. Absolute aanrader om via Ticket plus Travel te boeken

Datum van ervaring : 19 juli 2017

Tickets waren ruim op tijd...

Tickets waren ruim op tijd (digitaal) binnen. Helaas bleek op het moment dat we op het circuit waren dat er alleen frisdrank en 0.0 bier geschonken werd. In de 30 jaar dat we races bezoeken hebben we dit nog nooit meegemaakt. Niet dat we voor een zuipfestival naar de Formule 1 gingen, maar een biertje of 3 tijdens de race vinden we toch heel lekker. Hadden we dit geweten dan hadden we een andere race uitgezocht om te gaan bezoeken

Datum van ervaring : 04 juni 2023

Beste Thure, Bedankt voor je feedback. We begrijpen je teleurstelling over de beschikbaarheid van dranken op het circuit. We hopen dat je ondanks dit aspect toch een plezierige tijd hebt gehad op het evenement. Als je volgend jaar een ander circuit wilt bezoeken, staan we klaar om je te helpen bij het maken van een keuze. Met vriendelijke groet, Team TicketTravel

GP van Oostenrijk

GP van Oostenrijk; busreis heen i.p.v. vlucht die geannuleerd was, was een nette oplossing. Helaas werd het verzoek om op vrijdag ook naar het circuit te gaan niet gehonoreerd, dus de kwalificatie op tv in het hotel gekeken (jammer!). Goed hotel, lekker eten, halfpension ook erg fijn. Peter was fijne reisleiding!

makkelijk trips boeken naar f1

wij zijn met de hele familie naar de f1 geweest in België. het hotel en bus vervoer was top geregeld, duidelijk uitgelegd waneer de bussen zouden vertrekken en goed hotel uitgezocht.

Datum van ervaring : 28 juli 2023

Wat geweldig om te horen dat jullie genoten hebben van de F1-ervaring in België! We zijn blij dat het hotel en het busvervoer goed geregeld waren en dat jullie duidelijke informatie hebben gekregen over vertrektijden. Bedankt voor het delen van jullie positieve ervaring! 🏎️🌟

Reis goed, reisleider moet beter!

Afsluiten, communicatie en nakomen afspraken door tickettravel.nl is goed. Wat echt beter moet is de reisleiding. Bij de reis naar F1 Spanje werd door de reisleider eigenlijk alleen hetgeen al op papier stond verteld (het programma), maar de extra zaken werden niet vermeld, zoals op vrijdag is het hele circuit toegankelijk en toegang hoeft niet via de poort welke op je ticket vermeld wordt. Veder 2x trainingen gemist, omdat de bus op het vliegveld een uur te laat was en op zondag we te laat vertrokken vanaf het hotel.

Datum van ervaring : 27 mei 2022

Wat vervelend dat de reis voor u niet helemaal vlekkeloos is verlopen. Wij doen er alles aan om ervoor te zorgen dat elke reis via ons een onvergetelijke ervaring zal zijn en dat lijkt in uw geval niet volledig zo te zijn verlopen. Hierbij graag onze reactie: We hebben ons uiterste best gedaan om zoveel mogelijk programmaonderdelen in het dagprogramma om te nemen. We hebben dat ook zeker maximaal gedaan met om 08:30 uur vertrek en 20:30 uur retour in het hotel op zaterdag en zondag. Wij waren dan ook de enige reisorganisatie welke op zaterdag nog op het circuit is gebleven voor de F2 race. Langer is eenvoudigweg niet mogelijk met een georganiseerde reis. Ten aanzien van de toegangspoorten is dat ongelukkig gecommuniceerd door het circuit zelf. Het circuit gaf namelijk aan dat de ingang gebruikt moest worden die op het kaartje stond maar dat bleek problemen op te leveren. Vanaf zaterdag had het circuit mogelijk gemaakt dat elke ingang/toegangspoort gebruikt kon worden en daarmee waren de problemen gelukkig verholpen. We hopen dat dit de situatie verduidelijkt en verhelderd. Als u alsnog en ontevreden gevoel overhoud aan de reis, neem dan s.v.p. contact met ons op zodat we de situatie voor u kunnen oplossen.

Alles is altijd goed geregeld.

Afgelopen weekend heb ik mijn 5e F1 reis gemaakt met Ticket plus Travel en ik moet zeggen, alles is altijd goed geregeld. Er wordt altijd gezorgd dat je op tijd op het circuit bent zodat je elke sessie kan meemaken, niet alleen F1, maar ook de andere raceclasses die tijdens een GP weekend actief zijn. De hotels waar gebruik van gemaakt wordt zijn ook altijd prima om voor een weekend te verblijven. De volgende keer zal ik zeker weer het deze organisatie mee gaan.

Datum van ervaring : 18 juli 2017

Erg teleurgesteld over de…

Erg teleurgesteld over de campingplaats, veel betaald voor het hele weekend maar geen eigen campingplaats toegewezen gekregen. (Omdat het vol zat, in december al een kaartje gekocht, maar helaas de plaatsen waren op) Dit terwijl we net zo veel betaalde als ieder ander. Wederom een erg dure campingplaats zonder er iets voor terug te krijgen. Erg ontevreden.

Beste Lynn, dank je wel voor dit bericht. Het spijt ons zeer dat het zo gelopen is. Wij hebben namens al onze klanten een klacht ingediend bij de organisatie. Wij wachten nog op een terugkoppeling. Indien zij gaan compenseren nemen we contact met je op. Voor nu nogmaals excuses voor het ongemak. Ik hoop dat de rest van de reis wel naar wens is verlopen. Vriendelijke groet, TicketTravel

Goed verzorgde reis!

Fijne organisatie. Genoten van een goed hotel met dito ontbijt. Busreis keurig verzorgt en optijd. En zo 2 prachtige dagen op de circuit van Spa meegemaakt. Chauffeur Kees die ook nog een uitstekende 'kok' bleek maakte het af!

Datum van ervaring : 06 september 2022

Ik bestel me kaarten al 15 jaar bij …

Ik bestel me kaarten al 15 jaar bij ticket plus travel en nog nooit problemen gehad , ik ben altijd snel en netjes geholpen. Ben een keer naar de F1 GP in Barcelona geweest en me reisgenoot was zijn paspoort verloren op de avond na de race en een van de begeleiders van ticket plus travel was zo vriendelijk om de volgende dag met ons mee naar het politie bureau te gaan om ons te helpen met aangifte te doen. Helemaal top Ga zo door Groeten Bas

Datum van ervaring : 12 juli 2017

Alles was goed geregeld voor onze trip …

Alles was goed geregeld voor onze trip naar de Red Bull Ring in Oostenrijk. We hadden hele mooie tribune plaatsen en hebben genoten van het F1 race spektakel. Transfer van hotel naar circuit was top. Gezellige en enthousiaste reisleiding. Hartelijk dank voor alles! Punten ter verbetering: Naast ons hotel was alleen een Burger King. Het zou fijn zijn om wat meer keuze te hebben qua restaurants, dichtbij het hotel. Na de race op zondag hadden we verwacht dat we direct terug gingen rijden naar Nederland. Echter zat er nog een andere groep in onze bus die we in Graz af moesten zetten bij hun hotel. Heel onpraktisch en voor ons betekende dit heel wat uur extra reistijd.

Datum van ervaring : 30 juli 2017

Wij zaten bijna op de bovenste plek van…

Wij zaten bijna op de bovenste plek van de O tribune, beperkt zicht en eigenlijk te ver van de baan, rekening houdend dat de tribune ver achter de vangrail staat. Tickets werden keurig geleverd met een koeriersdienst, andere jaren kregen we een keycord waarin de ticket kon. Vanwege de vele security posten, is dit wel een aanrader

Datum van ervaring : 26 mei 2023

Bedankt voor je review en feedback. We vinden het jammer dat je ervaring op de O tribune niet aan je verwachtingen voldeed. We zullen je opmerkingen over het beperkte zicht en de afstand tot de baan doorgeven aan het team dat verantwoordelijk is voor de tribune-indeling. Het is waardevol voor ons om te weten wat onze gasten ervaren, zodat we kunnen streven naar verbetering. Wat betreft de ticketlevering, we zijn blij om te horen dat de tickets op tijd en keurig werden geleverd met een koeriersdienst. Nogmaals bedankt voor het delen van je feedback en we hopen je in de toekomst een verbeterde ervaring te kunnen bieden. Met vriendelijke groet, Team TicketTravel


Omio Has Problems—There Are Better Alternatives for Booking Travel

ticket travel betrouwbaar

A lot of reviews would have you believe that Omio is a great way to book travel. And Omio is certainly an honest booking site (it’s not a scam, your e-tickets from Omio will work just fine), but it’s definitely not the best way to find the trip tickets at the best prices in most cases.

We’ve tested Omio and other booking sites for hundreds of voyages and followed the major players for years. So here’s an in-depth look at Omio (formerly GoEuro), the problems with this train/flight/bus booking site, what it does well, and the sites that we actually use instead when we’re booking our travels.

We encourage low-carbon travel and focus mainly on train travel, especially in Europe, but we’ll also discuss flight and bus booking options—important features of Omio.

Omio Quick Review: Easy-to-Use, but with Poor Search and Routing Functions

Mose Hayward

ticket travel betrouwbaar

In a Nutshell

Omio is fine; it is an easy and legitimate but rather limited platform. You will likely want to compare it to other options to get better deals and with less hassle. For trains and buses in Europe we generally find cheaper tickets and better routes with Trainline . In the USA, we’d just book with Amtrak directly. For buses only, BusBud is also great. For flights anywhere in the world, we get better results with Kiwi , Skyscanner , or Google Flights . For more details, you can check out our discussion below of the Omio alternatives .

This article was completely updated on June 10, 2024. It was first published on July 4, 2023. While we’re not satisfied with Omio at present, we’ll continue to update this article as the booking website hopefully improves.

Where Can You Go with Omio?

Omio can find you travel tickets for much of Europe, as well as in a more limited way for other parts of the world.

Omio’s pages detailing the airplane , train , ferry , and bus operators it works with are rather vague about whether they really offer each listed operator’s tickets or are simply describing their services. Through trial and error we found that it works for some and not for others.

For example, since France’s budget train Ouigo appears on those pages, you might assume that a search for train tickets on Omio in France would show you Ouigo options when available—and this would save you a lot of money.

Unfortunately, in our searches Omio does not show Ouigo options in France, even where we know that they exist. It does show Ouigo in Spain when relevant. But this hit-and-miss approach is a bit annoying.

For example, we ran a search for train tickets between Paris and Lyon, and Omio showed train options operated by both the French SNCF and by the Italian rail company Trenitalia, which is good to know (a lot of people book their tickets only with the SNCF and miss that later option). But Omio did not show the budget train option for that route, so booking with Omio would have meant us paying nearly double what we needed to.

How Does Omio Work?

ticket travel betrouwbaar

To use Omio, you type your departure and destination points in the search bar on the main page, and deselect “accommodation” unless you also want to see those ads. Train, bus, flight, and (if applicable) ferry options will show up in your search results if Omio covers those routes.

In some cases you are offered the opportunity to indicate seating preferences, though this functionality may be more limited than with other booking platforms or booking directly with the transport operator.

Omio tickets are e-tickets that you can show on your phone when checking in or entering your transport. You will generally also need to carry identification.

Tickets on Omio can be paid for with Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, Diners Club / Discover, Carte Bancaire, JCB, UnionPay, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, Direct Bank Transfers, Sofort, iDEAL, Przelewy24, and Klarna.

If you are offered to pay in your own currency or the currency of the country you are travelling in, it is generally better to pay in the other currency and you’ll get a better deal on the conversion from your payment card issuer, rather than what Omio is offering you. A booking fee is usually tacked on at the end.

For most customer service issues, you will need to deal with the transport operator itself and not with Omio.

We’ve heard multiple complaints of long wait times with Omio customer service and these are repeated in many forums and reviews. Worse, Omio customer service reps can do little more than refer you to the transport operators themselves in many cases. Refund forms can be a hassle to deal with and many people give up.

The Advantages of Booking Travel with Omio

  • Omio’s key advantage is that it shows, for a given search, flight, bus, and train options side-by-side so it can be very quick to decide which mode to take.
  • The interface is uncluttered and actually works . Unlike many national European train operators’ sites, there aren’t lots of error messages or poor translations.
  • There is a nice map to the right of search results to give you an idea of where you’re going.
  • I particularly like that the search results are labeled with the “fastest”, “cheapest”, and “2nd fastest” and so on, although sometimes there are so many results listed in a cluttered way so it can be hard to find the best one. Competing platforms discussed later can be better about leading you right to the better results.
  • Omio can sell you train trips within Portugal and Sweden , two countries that alternative train booking platforms fail to cover. It also shows all train operators in Spain , although it cannot combine them intelligently or quickly filter results to the best one for a given trip.
  • The search works in all major currencies , payment methods , and languages . The English version is good—much better than the English on most national European train websites.

The Main Disadvantages

  • Omio’s key disadvantage is that it doesn’t actually have a smart booking engine that finds ways to combine different train options (or bus, or plane, or combinations of these). So whereas the Omio alternatives we list in the next section can find you options for crossing Europe between different national and private train operators, Omio will come up with nothing and just suggest that you take a flight. But there may very well be excellent and quick train options! Omio is more like a mindless vending machine spitting out tickets than it is a real booking platform with a brain.
  • Other booking alternatives listed below also have much broader coverage of train, bus, and plane operators and so tend to find better deals.
  • Omio’s booking fee is usually a bit higher than these alternatives as well, though it varies. The booking fee doesn’t show up until the final screen, which is frustrating but a standard practice for such platforms.
  • The pricing for the tickets themselves is fair; it reflects the dynamic pricing for operators of planes, trains, and buses. It is the same as you’d get on other platforms or buying directly from the operators themselves, but you may end up paying more than you should because Omio will not show you all of the options; it can’t because it either can’t combine routes (the first disadvantage above) or its coverage isn’t broad enough (the second disadvantage).
  • Omio automatically opens a window that tries to sell you lodging for wherever you’re searching to travel to, which is annoying.
  • Omio does not straightforwardly communicate which operators it can actually sell tickets for and when and how much its booking fees will be in different scenarios.
  • There are a lot of complaints online about Omio’s customer service .

Alternatives to Omio for Train, Bus, and Flight Booking

The following sites, in our experience, provide better cheaper and better results for train trips :

  • Trainline : This is the website that nearly always finds us the best deals on train tickets in Europe; it has a very smart routing engine and the broadest coverage of train operators. Like Omio, it also shows buses, but—and here, it is much better than Omio—Trainline can find very useful bus+train combo routes.
  • Rail Europe : This is a similar website that usually comes in second to Trainline in our tests, but once in a while finds us a good deal. Rail Europe can be worth checking and is certainly more useful for most train booking than Omio.
  • Individual train operators : While their websites are at times full of errors, badly translated, and complicated, if you know what you’re doing it is possible forgo these booking platforms and buy train tickets from the national operators individually (such as SNCF Connect (France), Deutsche Bahn (Germany), Trenitalia (Italy), Renfe (Spain), etc.) as well as their competitors for each country ( FlixTrain (Germany and Sweden), Italo (Italy), Iryo (Spain), etc.). The problems with these sites is that they don’t generally show competitors, so unless you really know what you’re doing, you miss out on some good train options that Trainline or Rail Europe can point you to (or even Omio for that matter). For the USA, there’s no particular value in using Omio to book Amtrak trains rather than just booking on Amtrak directly .

Omio is actually quite worthwhile if you’re sure you want to take a bus (and not a train) in Europe, but we would also always search these two sites to compare bus deals:

  • Trainline Bus Search : While buses also show up as an option in Trainline’s main searches, with this link you can search specifically for bus tickets only.
  • BusBud : Also very broad coverage of world bus options and a useful website.

Finally, when there’s just no way around it and we have to fly, we prefer to use these flight search options , which tend to deliver much smarter and cheaper options than Omio does:

  • Kiwi : This flight booking platform has an interesting nomad feature that can help you determine the order of your destinations for a multi-leg journey to get the best deals. There’s nothing else quite like it. There are also “travel hacks”, which must be used with care, but can allow you to get cheaper flights through self-transfer (between airlines), throwaway ticketing (not taking a return flight), and hidden cities (using a layover as your destination, traveling without checked baggage).
  • Skyscanner : A classic that searches everywhere and allows multi-city and broad flexible date searching to narrow down when to go where if you’re very flexible.
  • Google Flights : Very broad coverage of the world’s flight options with some good flexible search options.

And Is Omio Right for Booking Your Trip?

A lot of people use Omio and like it just fine. But we think they’re missing out and would often be better served by the alternatives above, especially for trains, which are so lovely, and which Omio could perhaps lead you to believe are not a viable option for certain routes and times when in fact they are cheaper/better.

That said, it’s certainly worth checking various booking websites before dropping money on a specific trip.

If Omio gets you a deal you didn’t get anywhere else, or we’re missing some key aspect of this website’s advantages (or problems), drop a note in our comments and we’ll be delighted to check it out and make updates to this review as warranted.

ticket travel betrouwbaar

About The Author

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6 thoughts on “Omio Has Problems—There Are Better Alternatives for Booking Travel”

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I bought a ferry ticket from Crete(Souda, Chania) to Serifos, via Milos. The whole trip was supposed to last 3-4 hours, but it lasted 16 hours and I had to change to Santorini and Milos before I go to Serifos. The ferry company was the same for all the islands and they changed the schedule without informing Omio or Omio didn’t bother to maintain contact. Normally you have to be at the harbour 1 hour before departure. We were at the harbour 1hour and 20 minutes earlier and they told us that we should have been informed because the bus to Rethymno left 10minutes ago. They changed harbour(1 hour away) and nobody told us!! I paid 110 euros for a taxi and manged to get the ferry. Then they unloaded us in Santorini for 3 hours with no water and 40C. Then we took a ferry to Milos. Another 3 hours with no water. We left at 6:40 in the morning and we arrived at our hotel in Serifos at 22:30. We lost an entire of our holiday and the car booking(40 euros) for a day. This inhumane journey also had an impact on our mental health. Omio blames the ferry provider and the ferry provider Omio. Bottom line is that Omio never informed us and they don’t take responsibility. If you feel adventurous and you don’t like your life buy with Omio.

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DO NOT EVER USE OMIO TO PURCHASE YOUR TICKETS! We needed to purchase our tickets travelling from Valencia to Alicante, Spain. The purchase was for 3 people on a Saturday. I know for a fact that I have checked the date in my calendar prior to selecting it in the date options. I would like for everyone to understand that we travel a lot every year, so purchasing train tickets or any other tickets has never been an issue and NEVER in my life have I made a date mistake. I remember clearly checking the date. Well, to my surprise the tickets Omio issued were for a train leaving a week later! We found this out at the train station about 10 minutes before the train was leaving. The only option was to purchase new tickets for additional 135 Euros at the train station. Omio, customer service has been NONEXISTENT. I did contacted them for a refund immediately, because the tickets were unused and they have only directed me to their purchase policy, avoiding any responsibility on their part. There is no one to speak to, don’t even bother trying to call. ZERO CUSTOMER SERVICE. Omio takes your money and that’s where it ends.

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I cannot recommend Omio as a good supplier of train tickets.

If you are considering these folks, think twice and walk away.

For a recent holiday in Europe, I had the misfortune to buy train tickets from Omio.

One or two days prior to departure time, the train was cancelled by the train company SJ of Sweden. C’est la vie, I scrambled and booked another train with Omio to get to my destination.

Upon return home after my holiday was over, I went back to Omio, seeking a refund of the cancelled train.

One of the tell-tall signs of a poor company is when they bail when there’s a problem. Omio bailed. They would not supply a refund, saying go to the train company to get the refund. Quite frankly poor on Omio’s part. But I did go back to the train company, as I had no other choice. SJ said yes, they would supply a refund for their portion of the ticket price – of course not the full price of the ticket I paid to Omio. But, SJ would only refund through a complicated bank transfer to my account involving me having to supply sensitive banking information to SJ which I am still working on and not entirely comfortable with, 5 weeks and counting after the end of my holiday.

SJ quite frankly should not be working with Omio, because they are a poor vendor, and it also reflects on SJ.

Further on Omio, as mentioned, SJ is only offering their portion of the train ticket refund. Since Omio is reselling the SJ ticket, Omio is not refunding the balance of the ticket price I paid, which is comprised of their added margin for the resale of the ticket and their service fee. You’d think that their service fee might also include servicing a refund, especially since I rebooked with them to get on another train to my destination.

Don’t use these guys. They’re a rip-off!

GH (Montreal/Canada)

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Thanks for sharing this! I hope it’s of use to others. I’ve heard of similar problems with Omio. Similar things happen with Trainline and often you can get the refund through Trainline without hassle. But in general this is always a risk with any European train operator. Sometimes tickets are cancelled and there’s no good way to get refunds in some cases. If you have paid on a credit or bank card you can document your efforts to get a reimbursement and submit it to the card company and they will often facilitate the refund.

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I reserved ferry tickets for a trip between Salerno & Amalfi. It told me that my tickets were refundable up to 3 days in advance. When I opened the confirmation email, it shows me that my tickets were non-refundable. It also forgot to mention that you would need to get to the ticket booth 60 minutes prior to departure, which is something that I was unaware of until after the purchase. I then proceeded to contact customer service and was on hold for over an hour until I finally decided to give up. I’m a bit disappointed with Omio and I wouldn’t recommend it for multiple trips.

Thanks for sharing the experience with us and our readers, and sorry to hear it! Amalfi is lovely; I hope you’re still able to go. And either way, try to learn a bit of Neapolitan … 🙂

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Omio in a Nutshell

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The search and booking travel site Omio :

  • Gets you train tickets for much of Europe, but doesn’t work with or can’t combine certain operators, so you may miss out on better, cheaper options that Trainline and other sites can find.
  • Is fine for flights worldwide, but doesn’t offer the completeness or flexible search options of Skyscanner and Kiwi , among others.
  • Is useful for European buses, though we’d also compare it to Trainline and BusBud for that.

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The Pros and Cons of Booking Flights on Kayak

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Many or all of the products on this page are from partners who compensate us when you click to or take an action on their website, but this does not influence our evaluations or ratings. Our opinions are our own.

Profile photo of Lee Huffman

Table of Contents

The pros of booking flights with Kayak

The cons of booking with kayak, kayak flights, recapped.

When looking for the lowest airfare and best routes, searching individually for each airline is time-consuming and tedious. Likewise, quickly comparing multiple results across several websites can be a significant challenge. That’s why online travel agencies, like Kayak, are so popular: OTAs provide booking options for numerous airlines in one spot, saving you time and minimizing tab fatigue.

In this Kayak.com review, we’ll look at booking on Kayak versus airline websites to help you decide if it’s the best place to search for flights.

» Learn more: The best travel credit cards right now

Flights from multiple airlines can be viewed in one spot

Searching for flights on various airline websites is annoying. Kayak makes it easy to compare prices between numerous airlines with a straightforward search.

Provides price trends for cities

Once you enter which cities you want to travel between, Kayak shows the price trends between those cities. The trends are based on how many days you want to travel, and the easy-to-read graphs highlight which dates are cheapest — or cost the most. This is a significant advantage when booking on Kayak versus airline websites.

» Learn more: Laptop Lugging: Should you mix work and travel with a workcation?

Suggests possible destination options to consider

Based on your travel dates and departure city, Kayak offers a map-based search that suggests different cities that you can travel to based on price. Travelers can find possible destinations within the U.S. and across the globe using this feature. This is an ideal solution when you know you want to travel (and which dates) but aren't sure where to go.

Hacker Fares can save you money

Some airlines offer excellent prices one-way, but the return flight can be expensive. By booking on Kayak, you can take advantage of "Hacker Fares," which use different airlines to service departure and return flights. These split-airline fares can often lead to the lowest price available, which is not readily apparent when booking directly with the airlines.

» Learn more: How to shop for flights

Price alerts when fares change

While searching for options between two cities, you can click to receive email alerts when prices change for that route. In addition, travelers who aren't yet ready to book can be notified as prices change so that they can secure the flight when the tickets meet their budget.

Offers 'fee assistant' for carry-on or checked bags

When you fly on some airlines, you may be surprised by checked bag fees at the airport. Kayak offers a "fee assistant" that incorporates checked bag fees into your search results so that you're not hit with an unexpected cost. The downside is that you cannot add your elite status or credit card benefits when comparing. Either of these might eliminate baggage fees, which would keep the price down.

» Learn more: The airlines with the best (and worst) fees

Search by airline alliance

For travelers who prefer to stick with one airline alliance , you can filter results by your preferred alliance. This makes it easier to use alliance benefits when flying with a participating airline and enables you to pick a flight you can credit towards earning elite status .

Filter searches by aircraft type

For true aviation geeks searching for specific planes to fly on, Kayak search results allow you to filter by the type of aircraft. By choosing this filter, you can ensure a particular seat configuration, in-flight experience, and other features.

Southwest is included in search results

For many years, flights on Southwest Airlines were not available in OTA search results. Kayak is one of the few OTAs that includes Southwest flights for you to compare against other airlines. However, this feature is only available with a Kayak business account — which is free and easy to sign up for.

» Learn more: The pros and cons of booking through online travel agencies

Limited flights are booked on Kayak.com

When you've chosen your ideal flight and are ready to book, there are limited options to book your flight directly on Kayak.com. Most often, Kayak takes you to the airline's website (or another OTA) to book the flight. This can confuse travelers and make it hard to know who to contact when something goes wrong. Plus, if you're sent to a website you don't recognize, you may be fearful of having your credit card and personal information hacked.

No loyalty program

Other OTAs, including Expedia and Priceline , offer loyalty programs recognizing their most valuable members. Kayak does not. As a result, users can't earn points towards discounts, complimentary rooms, or other benefits. This reduces the incentive for booking on Kayak versus airlines or other OTAs offering loyalty programs.

Sponsored flights appear first in search results

As you review your flight options, keep in mind that the first flight in the search results is a sponsored ad. While this flight's route and pricing may be appealing, it isn't always the best deal.

Might not qualify for credit card bonus categories

Savvy travelers use credit cards that offer bonus categories for airline purchases when booking flights. However, some travel credit cards don't offer bonus points when booking through third parties, such as Kayak.

Some cards require you to book your travel directly with the airlines or through its own portal. For example, The Platinum Card® from American Express requires you to book through the AmEx Travel portal in order to receive 5x points on your flight. However, the Chase Sapphire Reserve® does include flights purchased through OTAs in its bonus category. If Kayak sends you to the airline's website to book your flight, you are in the clear. But, if it sends you to another OTA, like Priceline or JustFly, you may not be. Terms apply.

» Learn more: How to earn airline miles when booking through online travel agencies

Kayak provides numerous benefits and makes it easy to compare the cost of airfares across multiple airlines. However, you can't always book directly with Kayak. Instead, you may be sent to the airline's website or another online travel agency to complete your reservation.

In addition, depending on which credit card you use to pay for your flight, you may or may not receive bonus rewards or qualify for elite status credit.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Wells Fargo Autograph℠ Card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

60,000 Earn 60,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels, vacation rentals and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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Compare flights from 100s of sites.

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Save money on airfare by searching for cheap flight tickets on KAYAK. KAYAK searches for flight deals on hundreds of airline tickets sites to help you find the cheapest flights. Whether you are looking for a last minute flight or a cheap plane ticket for a later date, you can find the best deals faster at KAYAK.

Las Vegas Flights

  • Flight San Jose - Las Vegas (SJC - LAS) $33+
  • Flight Phoenix - Las Vegas (PHX - LAS) $35+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Las Vegas (LAX - LAS) $36+
  • Flight San Diego - Las Vegas (SAN - LAS) $36+
  • Flight Seattle - Las Vegas (SEA - LAS) $36+
  • Flight Ontario - Las Vegas (ONT - LAS) $39+
  • Flight Burbank - Las Vegas (BUR - LAS) $44+
  • Flight Oakland - Las Vegas (OAK - LAS) $45+
  • Flight San Francisco - Las Vegas (SFO - LAS) $46+
  • Flight Portland - Las Vegas (PDX - LAS) $47+

Los Angeles Flights

  • Flight Las Vegas - Los Angeles (LAS - LAX) $36+
  • Flight San Jose - Los Angeles (SJC - LAX) $36+
  • Flight San Francisco - Los Angeles (SFO - LAX) $41+
  • Flight Seattle - Los Angeles (SEA - LAX) $48+
  • Flight Oakland - Los Angeles (OAK - LAX) $55+
  • Flight Denver - Los Angeles (DEN - LAX) $57+
  • Flight Phoenix - Los Angeles (PHX - LAX) $64+
  • Flight Dallas - Los Angeles (DFW - LAX) $67+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Los Angeles (SLC - LAX) $67+
  • Flight Portland - Los Angeles (PDX - LAX) $71+

Orlando Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Orlando (ATL - ORL) $36+
  • Flight Charlotte - Orlando (CLT - ORL) $53+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Orlando (PHL - ORL) $57+
  • Flight Richmond - Orlando (RIC - ORL) $58+
  • Flight Dallas - Orlando (DFW - ORL) $61+
  • Flight New York - Orlando (NYC - ORL) $62+
  • Flight Hartford - Orlando (BDL - ORL) $65+
  • Flight Boston - Orlando (BOS - ORL) $66+
  • Flight Houston - Orlando (IAH - ORL) $73+
  • Flight St. Louis - Orlando (STL - ORL) $76+

Cancun Flights

  • Flight Philadelphia - Cancún (PHL - CUN) $196+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Cancún (FLL - CUN) $198+
  • Flight Orlando - Cancún (ORL - CUN) $210+
  • Flight Chicago - Cancún (CHI - CUN) $216+
  • Flight Dallas - Cancún (DFW - CUN) $218+
  • Flight San Antonio - Cancún (SAT - CUN) $220+
  • Flight Atlanta - Cancún (ATL - CUN) $223+
  • Flight Houston - Cancún (HOU - CUN) $228+
  • Flight Denver - Cancún (DEN - CUN) $237+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Cancún (LAX - CUN) $246+

Tokyo Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Tokyo (LAX - TYO) $243+
  • Flight Honolulu - Tokyo (HNL - TYO) $543+
  • Flight San Francisco - Tokyo (SFO - TYO) $574+
  • Flight San Diego - Tokyo (SAN - TYO) $672+
  • Flight San Jose - Tokyo (SJC - TYO) $676+
  • Flight Denver - Tokyo (DEN - TYO) $699+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Tokyo (LAS - TYO) $713+
  • Flight Portland - Tokyo (PDX - TYO) $728+
  • Flight Phoenix - Tokyo (PHX - TYO) $744+
  • Flight Raleigh - Tokyo (RDU - TYO) $752+

Chicago Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Chicago (ATL - CHI) $44+
  • Flight New York - Chicago (NYC - CHI) $51+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Chicago (PHL - CHI) $62+
  • Flight Houston - Chicago (IAH - CHI) $63+
  • Flight Denver - Chicago (DEN - CHI) $67+
  • Flight New Orleans - Chicago (MSY - CHI) $69+
  • Flight Dallas - Chicago (DFW - CHI) $76+
  • Flight Miami - Chicago (MIA - CHI) $76+
  • Flight Tampa - Chicago (TPA - CHI) $76+
  • Flight Phoenix - Chicago (PHX - CHI) $77+

Phoenix Flights

  • Flight Las Vegas - Phoenix (LAS - PHX) $36+
  • Flight San Diego - Phoenix (SAN - PHX) $55+
  • Flight Ontario - Phoenix (ONT - PHX) $56+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Phoenix (LAX - PHX) $59+
  • Flight Dallas - Phoenix (DFW - PHX) $65+
  • Flight Portland - Phoenix (PDX - PHX) $65+
  • Flight San Francisco - Phoenix (SFO - PHX) $67+
  • Flight Santa Ana - Phoenix (SNA - PHX) $77+
  • Flight Seattle - Phoenix (SEA - PHX) $81+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Phoenix (SLC - PHX) $82+

India Flights

  • Flight New York - Mumbai (NYC - BOM) $634+
  • Flight New York - New Delhi (NYC - DEL) $636+
  • Flight Boston - New Delhi (BOS - DEL) $649+
  • Flight Boston - Mumbai (BOS - BOM) $658+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Hyderabad (WAS - HYD) $680+
  • Flight San Francisco - Mumbai (SFO - BOM) $683+
  • Flight San Francisco - Bengaluru (SFO - BLR) $686+
  • Flight New York - Hyderabad (NYC - HYD) $697+
  • Flight New York - Ahmedabad (NYC - AMD) $699+
  • Flight Dallas - New Delhi (DFW - DEL) $705+

Japan Flights

  • Flight Houston - Tokyo (IAH - TYO) $718+
  • Flight San Francisco - Osaka (SFO - OSA) $738+
  • Flight New York - Tokyo (NYC - TYO) $751+
  • Flight Dallas - Tokyo (DFW - TYO) $779+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Osaka (LAX - OSA) $779+
  • Flight Atlanta - Tokyo (ATL - TYO) $828+
  • Flight Seattle - Tokyo (SEA - TYO) $840+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Okinawa (LAX - OKA) $863+
  • Flight Boston - Tokyo (BOS - TYO) $875+
  • Flight Chicago - Tokyo (CHI - TYO) $935+

New York Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Newark (ATL - NYC) $37+
  • Flight Boston - Newark (BOS - NYC) $38+
  • Flight Charlotte - New York (CLT - NYC) $46+
  • Flight Raleigh - New York (RDU - NYC) $47+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - New York (FLL - NYC) $53+
  • Flight Miami - New York (MIA - NYC) $53+
  • Flight Indianapolis - Newark (IND - NYC) $57+
  • Flight Orlando - New York (ORL - NYC) $57+
  • Flight Dallas - New York (DFW - NYC) $69+
  • Flight Tampa - New York (TPA - NYC) $72+

Miami Flights

  • Flight Atlanta - Miami (ATL - MIA) $43+
  • Flight New York - Miami (NYC - MIA) $52+
  • Flight Raleigh - Miami (RDU - MIA) $56+
  • Flight Dallas - Miami (DFW - MIA) $57+
  • Flight Charlotte - Miami (CLT - MIA) $68+
  • Flight Houston - Miami (IAH - MIA) $70+
  • Flight Baltimore - Miami (BWI - MIA) $75+
  • Flight Chicago - Miami (CHI - MIA) $75+
  • Flight Cleveland - Miami (CLE - MIA) $77+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Miami (PHL - MIA) $77+

Rome Flights

  • Flight New York - Rome (NYC - ROM) $372+
  • Flight Baltimore - Rome (BWI - ROM) $380+
  • Flight Miami - Rome (MIA - ROM) $407+
  • Flight Boston - Rome (BOS - ROM) $413+
  • Flight San Francisco - Rome (SFO - ROM) $457+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Rome (FLL - ROM) $471+
  • Flight Atlanta - Rome (ATL - ROM) $475+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Rome (MSP - ROM) $485+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Rome (LAX - ROM) $490+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Rome (LAS - ROM) $520+

Seattle Flights

  • Flight Las Vegas - Seattle (LAS - SEA) $38+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Seattle (LAX - SEA) $49+
  • Flight San Jose - Seattle (SJC - SEA) $67+
  • Flight San Diego - Seattle (SAN - SEA) $69+
  • Flight Ontario - Seattle (ONT - SEA) $72+
  • Flight Phoenix - Seattle (PHX - SEA) $76+
  • Flight Sacramento - Seattle (SMF - SEA) $81+
  • Flight Denver - Seattle (DEN - SEA) $82+
  • Flight Santa Ana - Seattle (SNA - SEA) $86+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - Seattle (SLC - SEA) $92+

Fort Lauderdale Flights

  • Flight Raleigh - Fort Lauderdale (RDU - FLL) $37+
  • Flight Dallas - Fort Lauderdale (DFW - FLL) $51+
  • Flight Nashville - Fort Lauderdale (BNA - FLL) $51+
  • Flight Atlanta - Fort Lauderdale (ATL - FLL) $52+
  • Flight Tampa - Fort Lauderdale (TPA - FLL) $55+
  • Flight Hartford - Fort Lauderdale (BDL - FLL) $57+
  • Flight Richmond - Fort Lauderdale (RIC - FLL) $64+
  • Flight New York - Fort Lauderdale (NYC - FLL) $65+
  • Flight Charlotte - Fort Lauderdale (CLT - FLL) $70+
  • Flight Indianapolis - Fort Lauderdale (IND - FLL) $72+

Atlanta Flights

  • Flight New York - Atlanta (NYC - ATL) $34+
  • Flight Baltimore - Atlanta (BWI - ATL) $37+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Atlanta (FLL - ATL) $37+
  • Flight Miami - Atlanta (MIA - ATL) $37+
  • Flight Orlando - Atlanta (ORL - ATL) $38+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (IAH - ATL) $44+
  • Flight Houston - Atlanta (HOU - ATL) $44+
  • Flight Tampa - Atlanta (TPA - ATL) $45+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Atlanta (PHL - ATL) $47+
  • Flight Boston - Atlanta (BOS - ATL) $51+

Boston Flights

  • Flight Baltimore - Boston (BWI - BOS) $49+
  • Flight Atlanta - Boston (ATL - BOS) $50+
  • Flight Orlando - Boston (ORL - BOS) $63+
  • Flight Houston - Boston (IAH - BOS) $65+
  • Flight Charlotte - Boston (CLT - BOS) $69+
  • Flight Tampa - Boston (TPA - BOS) $69+
  • Flight Nashville - Boston (BNA - BOS) $72+
  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Boston (FLL - BOS) $75+
  • Flight Fort Myers - Boston (RSW - BOS) $76+
  • Flight Miami - Boston (MIA - BOS) $85+

United States Flights

  • Flight Dallas - Las Vegas (DFW - LAS) $62+
  • Flight Boston - Miami (BOS - MIA) $83+
  • Flight Atlanta - Las Vegas (ATL - LAS) $87+
  • Flight Denver - Las Vegas (DEN - LAS) $91+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Phoenix (MSP - PH1) $91+
  • Flight Atlanta - Los Angeles (ATL - LAX) $94+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Honolulu (LAX - HNL) $105+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Las Vegas (MSP - LAS) $110+

Hawaii Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Hawaii (LAX - USHI) $105+
  • Flight San Francisco - Hawaii (SFO - USHI) $141+
  • Flight San Jose - Hawaii (SJC - USHI) $181+
  • Flight Portland - Hawaii (PDX - USHI) $210+
  • Flight Sacramento - Hawaii (SMF - USHI) $210+
  • Flight San Diego - Hawaii (SAN - USHI) $210+
  • Flight Seattle - Hawaii (SEA - USHI) $210+
  • Flight Oakland - Hawaii (OAK - USHI) $217+
  • Flight Ontario - Hawaii (ONT - USHI) $224+
  • Flight Las Vegas - Hawaii (LAS - USHI) $273+

London Flights

  • Flight Houston - London (IAH - LON) $10+
  • Flight Boston - London (BOS - LON) $11+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - London (WAS - LON) $220+
  • Flight New York - London (NYC - LON) $300+
  • Flight Miami - London (MIA - LON) $343+
  • Flight Baltimore - London (BWI - LON) $410+
  • Flight Los Angeles - London (LAX - LON) $415+
  • Flight Chicago - London (CHI - LON) $463+
  • Flight Denver - London (DEN - LON) $463+
  • Flight Atlanta - London (ATL - LON) $465+

Paris Flights

  • Flight Baltimore - Paris (BWI - PAR) $247+
  • Flight Boston - Paris (BOS - PAR) $252+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Paris (WAS - PAR) $252+
  • Flight New Windsor - Paris (SWF - PAR) $264+
  • Flight New York - Paris (NYC - PAR) $275+
  • Flight Chicago - Paris (CHI - PAR) $369+
  • Flight Raleigh - Paris (RDU - PAR) $375+
  • Flight Miami - Paris (MIA - PAR) $385+
  • Flight Orlando - Paris (ORL - PAR) $389+
  • Flight Atlanta - Paris (ATL - PAR) $395+

Manila Flights

  • Flight Honolulu - Manila (HNL - MNL) $149+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Manila (LAX - MNL) $457+
  • Flight San Francisco - Manila (SFO - MNL) $531+
  • Flight Chicago - Manila (CHI - MNL) $669+
  • Flight Ontario - Manila (ONT - MNL) $744+
  • Flight Seattle - Manila (SEA - MNL) $751+
  • Flight Boston - Manila (BOS - MNL) $809+
  • Flight New York - Manila (NYC - MNL) $827+
  • Flight Houston - Manila (IAH - MNL) $838+
  • Flight Washington, D.C. - Manila (WAS - MNL) $838+

Denver Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - Denver (LAX - DEN) $57+
  • Flight Ontario - Denver (ONT - DEN) $57+
  • Flight Kansas City - Denver (MCI - DEN) $58+
  • Flight San Francisco - Denver (SFO - DEN) $72+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Denver (MSP - DEN) $78+
  • Flight Seattle - Denver (SEA - DEN) $82+
  • Flight Portland - Denver (PDX - DEN) $85+
  • Flight Atlanta - Denver (ATL - DEN) $86+
  • Flight Miami - Denver (MIA - DEN) $87+
  • Flight Phoenix - Denver (PHX - DEN) $91+

San Francisco Flights

  • Flight Los Angeles - San Francisco (LAX - SFO) $41+
  • Flight Ontario - San Francisco (ONT - SFO) $42+
  • Flight Las Vegas - San Francisco (LAS - SFO) $46+
  • Flight San Diego - San Francisco (SAN - SFO) $46+
  • Flight Santa Ana - San Francisco (SNA - SFO) $47+
  • Flight Portland - San Francisco (PDX - SFO) $56+
  • Flight Denver - San Francisco (DEN - SFO) $57+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - San Francisco (SLC - SFO) $61+
  • Flight Phoenix - San Francisco (PHX - SFO) $72+
  • Flight Dallas - San Francisco (DFW - SFO) $106+

San Diego Flights

  • Flight Las Vegas - San Diego (LAS - SAN) $37+
  • Flight San Jose - San Diego (SJC - SAN) $37+
  • Flight San Francisco - San Diego (SFO - SAN) $45+
  • Flight Oakland - San Diego (OAK - SAN) $49+
  • Flight Portland - San Diego (PDX - SAN) $49+
  • Flight Sacramento - San Diego (SMF - SAN) $53+
  • Flight Phoenix - San Diego (PHX - SAN) $55+
  • Flight Salt Lake City - San Diego (SLC - SAN) $59+
  • Flight New York - San Diego (NYC - SAN) $63+
  • Flight Seattle - San Diego (SEA - SAN) $70+

Punta Cana Flights

  • Flight Fort Lauderdale - Punta Cana (FLL - PUJ) $188+
  • Flight Miami - Punta Cana (MIA - PUJ) $224+
  • Flight Philadelphia - Punta Cana (PHL - PUJ) $226+
  • Flight Tampa - Punta Cana (TPA - PUJ) $237+
  • Flight New York - Punta Cana (NYC - PUJ) $241+
  • Flight Charlotte - Punta Cana (CLT - PUJ) $251+
  • Flight Chicago - Punta Cana (CHI - PUJ) $255+
  • Flight Atlanta - Punta Cana (ATL - PUJ) $259+
  • Flight Dallas - Punta Cana (DFW - PUJ) $265+
  • Flight Boston - Punta Cana (BOS - PUJ) $270+

Europe Flights

  • Flight Boston - Dublin (BOS - DUB) $249+
  • Flight Miami - Madrid (MIA - MAD) $332+
  • Flight Boston - Lisbon (BOS - LIS) $337+
  • Flight San Francisco - Madrid (SFO - MAD) $387+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Paris (LAX - PAR) $395+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Madrid (LAX - MAD) $450+
  • Flight New York - Athens (NYC - ATH) $454+
  • Flight Boston - Athens (BOS - ATH) $461+
  • Flight San Francisco - London (SFO - LON) $485+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Lisbon (LAX - LIS) $490+

Florida Flights

  • Flight Philadelphia - Florida (PHL - USFL) $47+
  • Flight Atlanta - Florida (ATL - USFL) $51+
  • Flight New York - Florida (NYC - USFL) $51+
  • Flight Dallas - Florida (DFW - USFL) $53+
  • Flight Hartford - Florida (BDL - USFL) $64+
  • Flight Boston - Florida (BOS - USFL) $67+
  • Flight Charlotte - Florida (CLT - USFL) $68+
  • Flight Los Angeles - Florida (LAX - USFL) $72+
  • Flight Baltimore - Florida (BWI - USFL) $73+
  • Flight Minneapolis - Florida (MSP - USFL) $118+

Frequently asked questions

What do i need to know before booking a flight.

There are various factors to consider when booking a flight including cost, fare classes, baggage policies, the complications of flying long haul, and complying with airport regulations. To make your booking journey smoother KAYAK has developed a comprehensive flight guide including insights on finding affordable flights, packing efficiently, and utilizing the best travel tools.

What is the cheapest day of the week to book a flight?

The best day to book your flight depends on a number of factors, but there are general trends that you can follow to increase your chances of cheaper plane tickets. Based on an analysis of KAYAK data for all flights departing from inside United States over the last 12 months, the cheapest day to fly for domestic flights is Wednesday. For international flights, Tuesday had the cheapest tickets on average.

Which month of the year are flight prices lowest?

It’s well established that flights in the low season are generally cheaper than ticket prices during the high season. That means that knowing which month to find the lowest priced plane tickets will depend heavily on seasonality and your destination. While avoiding peak travel times can help you keep costs down, our data shows that the month with the lowest priced plane tickets for domestic flights based on all searches made on KAYAK in the last 12 months was January, while the most expensive was October. If you’re booking an international flight, then January is the cheapest month to fly and December the most expensive.

When is the best time to buy plane tickets - Last minute or in advance?

Last minute flight deals are definitely up for grabs but when exactly to purchase your plane tickets will depend on where you’re traveling to and from. Based on all data for flight searches made on KAYAK over the last 12 months, prices for domestic flights remained below the average price up to 1 weeks before departure. For international flights, deals could still be had up to 1 weeks prior to the departure date, with prices remaining below average. If you’re flexible, KAYAK brings you both advance and last minute one-way and round-trip flight deals.

Can flying international flights with a layover save money on airfare?

For many long-haul international flights, flying non-stop is not possible and you will have to fly with a layover. Some routes will offer both and you could consider flying with a layover for a number of reasons. Firstly, breaking up what would otherwise be a long-haul flight, taking a rest and then completing the journey might make the flight more manageable. Secondly, prices can also be lower than non-stop flights, so while it might take longer for you to reach your destination, you could save money. We’ve looked at prices over the last 12 months for the 100 most popular international destinations for KAYAK users and on average, prices for non-stop flights were cheaper than flights with a layover.

How does KAYAK find such low flight prices?

KAYAK processes over 2 billion flight queries annually and displays results from hundreds of airlines and third party sites, allowing it to find a variety of flight prices and options. It also displays results from 2M+ properties along with rental cars, vacation packages, activities and millions of verified reviews so users can see as many available travel options as possible.

How do I find the best flight deals on KAYAK?

A simple flight search at https://www.kayak.com/flights scans for prices on hundreds of travel sites in seconds. We gather flight deals from across the web and put them in one place. Then on the search results page you can use various filters to compare options for the same flight and easily choose the best flight deal from all of the deals coming straight from the travel sites to your screen, with no extra fee from KAYAK.

How can Hacker Fares save me money?

Hacker Fares allow you to combine one-way tickets on different airlines when it can save you money over a traditional round-trip ticket.

Does KAYAK query more flight providers than competitors?

Yes, KAYAK has access to more data and information than online travel agencies and consistently outperforms the competition in accuracy, globally.

How does KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool help me choose the right time to buy?

KAYAK's flight Price Forecast tool uses historical data to determine whether the price for a given destination and date is likely to change within 7 days, so travelers know whether to wait or book now.

What is KAYAK's "flexible dates" feature and why should I care?

Sometimes travel dates aren't set in stone. If your preferred travel dates have some wiggle room, flexible dates will show you flights up to 3 days before/after your preferred dates. That way, you can see if leaving a day or two earlier will find you a better deal. You can also select the flexible "weekend" or "month" search options to widen your search range and find the cheapest price that works for you.

Search cheap flights with KAYAK. Search for the cheapest airline tickets for all the top airlines around the world, airports around the world and the top international flight routes . KAYAK searches hundreds of travel sites to help you find cheap airfare and book a flight that suits you best. Since KAYAK searches many plane tickets sites at once, you can find cheap tickets from cheap airlines and for trains and buses quickly.

KAYAK also helps you find the right hotels for your needs.


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How to buy Coldplay tickets for its Seoul shows in 2025


Coldplay will play four shows in Seoul in April 2025 as part of its “A Head Full of Dreams” world tour.

For those looking for tickets to the shows, here is how you can buy them

— Presale tickets begin today at noon and more information can be found on Coldplay’s official website

— Members of Live Nation Korea can purchase tickets from tomorrow on its website

— On Friday, tickets can be purchased from noon on InterPark Ticket

The shows are scheduled for April 16, 18, 19, and 22 at Goyang Arena in Gyeonggi province.

related stories

  • Seoul Walk Festival to be held on Sept. 29
  • Korea Destinations: 2024 Han River Drone Light Show Sept. 28 - Nov. 2
  • Experience K-culture like a star: Learn and explore in the heart of Hallyu, Seoul

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Ticket+Travel | Powered by Eventtrips   Reviews

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World cup rugby in france…

I went to the world cup rugby in france in toulouse. The tickets we recieved were better then expected. Ill book with them again for sure.

Date of experience : September 22, 2023

F1 Barcelona.

F1 Barcelona. Visit with 5 persons. Easy order thru website Tickets where delivered on time (mail) perfect service. also good information after pursues. I will order again with Ticket Travel

Date of experience : June 04, 2023

Reply from Ticket+Travel | Powered by Eventtrips

Dear Koen, Thank you for taking the time to share your positive review of your experience with F1 Barcelona and Ticket Travel. We are delighted to hear that your visit with five persons was enjoyable and hassle-free. We take pride in providing a seamless ordering process through our website, and we're glad it met your expectations. Ensuring timely delivery of tickets is one of our top priorities. It's great to know that you found our service to be perfect, and the additional information provided after your purchase was helpful. We strive to offer comprehensive support and assistance to our customers throughout their journey. We greatly appreciate your trust in Ticket Travel and are thrilled to hear that you would choose us again for future orders. Should you have any further inquiries or require our services in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out. We look forward to assisting you again. Kind regards, Team TicketTravel

They selll tickets for highly popular…

They selll tickets for highly popular seats that cannot be delivered... even when other sites say that certain tickets are no longer available. TicketTravel send you an email a few weeks later telling you the tickets cant be delivered and if you would like to select other tickets.only more expensive seats are available... Donot order with this company!

Date of experience : May 29, 2019

Weekend Hungaroring F1

Together with my two sons visited the grandprix of Hungary in Boedapest. Everything was organized very good, from the flight to and from Boedapest, the pick-up and drop off at the airport to the transfered to and from the Hungaroring. Also the hotel was nice and clean. I can recommend it to everyone. Wouter, Gijs & Mark

Date of experience : August 01, 2022

Ticket & travel is an very reliable…

Ticket & travel is an very reliable organization. They respond by Emails on questions correct and quickly.

Date of experience : July 02, 2023

Dear Janny, Thank you for your feedback! We're glad to hear that Ticket & Travel is a very reliable organization. We strive to respond to emails quickly and accurately. Team TicketTravel

Daniël is een topper

Date of experience : July 11, 2017

Weekend Spa F1 2016

Alles klopte prima!

Date of experience : July 15, 2017

Super service!!

Date of experience : July 12, 2017

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  • Payment options

Travel credit

Understanding travel credit options.

We offer different types of travel credit: Trip Credit, Flight Credit, and Travel Vouchers. Each type of travel credit has its own terms and conditions, so be sure to read them carefully before redeeming your credit. Keep in mind, travel credits can only be used to book flights, and can’t be used to pay for extras like seats or bags.

Types of travel credit

*Can’t be used for extras like seats or bags.

**For Trip Credit issued on or after April 2, 2024, AAdvantage® members have 12 months to use their Trip Credit when canceling their trip on aa.com or the American app and their AAdvantage® number is included in their reservation. Non-AAdvantage® members have 6 months.

***When booked on aa.com, Flight Credit can only be applied to flights within the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (U.S. currency only)

Ready to book a trip?

Book a trip with your Trip Credit

Find your trip to use your Flight Credit

  • Contact Reservations

How to find and redeem your travel credit

If you received a travel credit, you can use it to book your next trip. Here's how to find and redeem your Trip Credit and Flight Credit.

Trip Credit

If you're an AAdvantage ® member, most Trip Credits will appear in your AAdvantage ® account.

For Trip Credit issued on or after April 2, 2024, AAdvantage ® members have 12 months to use their Trip Credit when canceling their trip on aa.com or the American app and their AAdvantage ® number is included in their reservation. Non-AAdvantage ® members have 6 months.

Log in to your account

Step 1: Find your Trip Credit email

  • Look for an email from American Airlines with the subject line ‘Your Trip Credit.’
  • Your Trip Credit number is a 13-digit number that begins with ‘00115.’

Keep in mind there are separate ticket numbers for add-ons like seats, upgrades, and bags.

Step 2: Book and add your Trip Credit

  • Go to aa.com and book your new flight.
  • On the payment screen, select ‘Trip Credit.’
  • Follow the prompts to pay using your Trip Credit.
  • You may use a credit card to pay any remaining balance.

General rules

  • Trip Credit is non-refundable, non-transferable, non-returnable, may not be redeemed for cash, check or credit (except where required by law) and has no implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness.
  • Trip Credit is void if bought, sold or bartered, advertised for sale or used for commercial or promotional purposes.
  • We won’t replace Trip Credit if lost or stolen. This may include inadvertent deletion, forwarding or access of the email containing your Trip Credit number. Please guard the Trip Credit number as you would cash.
  • Except where prohibited by law, we reserve the right to refuse, void, cancel, reject or hold for review any Trip Credit mistakenly issued in an incorrect denomination or issued or obtained, directly or indirectly, in connection with fraudulent actions, fraudulent claims, compensation abuse or in connection with any violation of these terms and conditions.

Expiration and validity

  • Valid until 11:59 p.m. (CT) on the date listed on the Trip Credit, and we won't reissue it past the expiration date.
  • We won't accept invalid or expired Trip Credit.
  • We won’t accept Trip Credit with an invalid number or if we are unable to locate it within the American Airlines systems.
  • To receive Trip Credit, your original ticket must be canceled before the departure of the first flight (or the ticket loses any remaining value and cannot be used for future travel).

Redemption and usage

  • You may redeem Trip Credit on aa.com or by contacting Reservations. Trip Credit is not redeemable through any other channels, including airport ticket counters or travel agencies.
  • When contacting Reservations, tell the agent you have Trip Credit and you want to use it to book your travel.
  • Trip Credit is redeemable toward air travel on flights operated by American, American Eagle ® or flights marketed by American (designated with an AA*). You can’t use Trip Credit for payment of air travel on any other airline on aa.com.
  • Contact Reservations to use Trip Credit for qualifying one world ® or other airline partner itineraries.
  • Trip Credit is redeemable toward the base air fare and directly associated taxes, fees and charges collected as part of the fare calculation.
  • You may not use Trip Credit for products and / or services sold separate from the fare price or for taxes, fees or charges in connection with AAdvantage ® award travel, American Airlines Vacations℠ or any other non-flight products and / or services sold by American.
  • You may only use non-taxable Trip Credit for single-passenger reservations on aa.com.
  • Contact Reservations to use Trip Credit for more than 9 passengers.
  • The recipient of Trip Credit can use it to pay for travel for themselves or others.
  • You may redeem up to 8 Trip Credits in a single transaction on aa.com or through Reservations.
  • If the ticket price is greater than the value of the Trip Credit, you may pay the difference only with a credit card accepted by American.
  • If the ticket price is less than the value of the Trip Credit, we’ll issue any remaining value on a new Trip Credit, delivered via email to the passenger ticketed on the Trip Credit redemption. You may choose to have the new Trip Credit email sent to your email address and then use the remaining value on a new reservation for yourself or someone else.
  • You may not combine Trip Credit with the value of an existing ticket to pay for a new ticket.

Flight Credit

If you're an AAdvantage ® member and had your account number listed in your reservation before cancellation, you can log in to your account and view available Flight Credit in your AAdvantage ® account.

Step 1: Find your canceled trip or confirmation email

  • You'll need your 6-character confirmation code and 13-digit ticket number.
  • American tickets have a 13-digit number that begins with '001'.

Step 2: View your canceled trip

  • Go to aa.com and choose ‘Manage trips / Check-in’
  • Choose ‘View canceled trips’ and enter your trip details.
  • You’ll find your Flight Credit details on the ‘Your trip’ page.

Step 3: Rebook and add Flight Credit

  • Go to aa.com and find your new flight.
  • On the payment screen, choose ‘Add Flight Credit.’
  • Enter the ticket number from your canceled trip and apply the credit.

Book a trip with your Flight Credit

  • Flight Credit is non-refundable, non-transferable, non-returnable, may not be redeemed for cash, check or credit (except where required by law) and has no implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness.
  • Flight Credit is void if bought, sold or bartered, advertised for sale or used for commercial or promotional purposes.
  • We won’t replace Flight Credit if lost or stolen. This may include inadvertent deletion, forwarding or access of the email containing your Flight Credit number. Please guard the Flight Credit number as you would cash.
  • Except where prohibited by law, we reserve the right to refuse, void, cancel, reject or hold for review any Flight Credit mistakenly issued in an incorrect denomination or issued or obtained, directly or indirectly, in connection with fraudulent actions, fraudulent claims, compensation abuse or in connection with any violation of these terms and conditions.
  • Flight Credit is valid for 1 year from the date the ticket was issued. We will not extend or reissue once it expires.
  • If you don't show for your flight, your ticket will no longer be valid or eligible for any credit.
  • We won't accept invalid or expired Flight Credit.
  • You may redeem Flight Credit on aa.com, in person at the airport or by contacting Reservations.
  • When contacting Reservations, tell the agent you have Flight Credit and you want to use it to book your travel.
  • The recipient of Flight Credit can use it to pay for travel for themselves only.
  • Flight Credit is redeemable toward air travel on flights marketed and operated by American, by American Eagle ® carriers or on flights marketed and sold by American but operated by one of American’s codeshare or one world ® partners (i.e. flights designated with an AA*).
  • Flight Credit is redeemable toward initial booking, the base air fare and directly associated taxes, fees and charges collected as part of the fare calculation.
  • You may only redeem 1 Flight Credit for single-passenger trips on aa.com or through Reservations. In order to redeem up to 2 Flight Credits in a single transaction, you must contact Reservations.
  • If the ticket price is greater than the value of the Flight Credit, you may pay the difference only with a credit card accepted by American.
  • If the ticket price is less than the value of the Flight Credit, you can only use the value of Flight Credit needed for the current booking while remaining value will be issued as travel credit for future reservations.
  • You may not use Flight Credit for products and / or services sold separately from the fare price or for taxes, fees or charges in connection with AAdvantage ® award travel, American Airlines Vacations℠ products or services or any other non-flight products and / or services sold by American.

Electronic Travel Voucher

  • eVouchers are provided for U.S. customers only.
  • eVouchers are non-refundable, non-transferable, non-returnable, may not be redeemed for cash, check or credit (except where required by law) and have no implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness.
  • eVouchers are void if bought, sold or bartered, advertised for sale, or used for commercial or promotional purposes.
  • We won’t replace eVouchers if lost or stolen. This may include inadvertent deletion, forwarding or access of the email containing your eVoucher number. Please guard the eVoucher number and PIN as you would cash.
  • Except where prohibited by law, we reserve the right to refuse, void, cancel, reject or hold for review any eVouchers mistakenly issued in an incorrect denomination, or issued or obtained, directly or indirectly, in connection with fraudulent actions, fraudulent claims, compensation abuse or in connection with any violation of these terms and conditions.
  • eVouchers are valid for 1 year from the date of issue, and we won’t reissue them past the expiration date.
  • We’re not responsible for honoring invalid or expired eVouchers.
  • We won’t accept an eVoucher with an invalid number or if we are unable to locate it within the American Airlines systems.
  • You may redeem eVouchers only on aa.com or by contacting Reservations. eVouchers are not redeemable through any other channels, including airport ticket counters or travel agencies.
  • eVouchers are redeemable toward air travel on flights operated by American, American Eagle ® , one world ® partners or on flights marketed by American (designated with an AA*). You can’t use eVouchers for payment of air travel on any other airline.
  • Flights sold or originating outside the U.S., Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands or operated by other carriers are not eligible.
  • eVouchers are redeemable toward the base air fare and directly associated taxes, fees and charges collected as part of the fare calculation.
  • You may not use eVouchers for products and / or services sold separate from the fare price or for taxes, fees or charges in connection with AAdvantage ® award travel, American Airlines Vacations℠ or any other non-flight products and / or services sold by American.
  • The eVoucher recipient can use it to pay for travel for themselves or others.
  • You may redeem up to 8 eVouchers in a single transaction.
  • If the ticket price is greater than the value of the eVoucher(s), you may only pay the difference with a credit, debit or charge card with a billing address in the U.S., Puerto Rico or U.S. Virgin Islands.
  • If the ticket price is less than the value of the eVoucher(s), the unused amount will remain on the eVoucher until it reaches zero, at which time the eVoucher will be deactivated.
  • You may not combine eVouchers with the value of an existing ticket to pay for a new ticket.

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  12. How to buy Coldplay tickets for its Seoul shows in 2025

    — On Friday, tickets can be purchased from noon on InterPark Ticket. The shows are scheduled for April 16, 18, 19, and 22 at Goyang Arena in Gyeonggi province.

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  18. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Tomsk (2024)

    However it is impossible to get... 10. Uncle Kolya, Monunment to a State Traffic Inspector. 11. Tomsk State University. This is the first classic University was founded in the end of the 19 century. It is in the 100 top of best higher... 12. House with Firebirds.

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  20. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Tomsk Oblast (2024)

    However it is impossible to get... 10. Uncle Kolya, Monunment to a State Traffic Inspector. 11. Tomsk State University. This is the first classic University was founded in the end of the 19 century. It is in the 100 top of best higher... 12. House with Firebirds.

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