
How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Travel Agent Salary 2024

There's a whoooole lot to consider when looking at how much travel agents make. Beyond the more obvious factors (like working hours or having more experience), here are a few things that impact a travel agent's income.

  • Employee vs. Self-employed? The vast majority of leisure travel agents are now entrepreneurs (most of whom align with a host agency ). This is a change from the old-school days when most travel agents were storefront agency employees. Why does this matter? Because there are going to be a lot more factors that impact income for those who run their own business compared to employees who clock in and out of a 9 to 5.
  • Travel Agent Niche: A corporate advisor will typically earn a higher salary than leisure/vacation travel agents. However, within the leisure sector, niche makes a big difference. Adventure and luxury travel, for example, earned higher averages than family and Disney travel in some of HAR's more recent research reports .
  • Time Investment: Self employed travel advisors who set their own schedules work varied hours. Time investment also has a huge impact on earning potential.
  • Industry Experience: Experience level also plays a large role in travel advisor income, with travel advisors typically making more as they get a foothold in the industry.

Travel Edge Network Host Agency

The thing with travel advisors in the 21st century is that there is no "norm." Organizations outside the industry that report on travel agent salaries are ill-equipped to offer a nuanced picture. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics , for example, doesn't include self-employed travel advisors in their data, only employees.

Here's the thing though. Being self employed is, by far, the most popular pathway to becoming a travel agent .

Organizations reporting on travel agent salaries outside the travel industry aren’t aware of the nuances of our field.

So that’s why we’re here! :)

As a company that focuses solely on travel advisors, we’ll break down some of those nuances so you can get a more accurate picture of travel agent salaries. I know you're curious to know if travel agents make good money but it not quite as simple as yes or no.

We’re going to dig into some in-house data to break down travel agent salaries and earnings into digestible categories.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • ALL travel agents (employees and self-employed: hosted and independent)
  • Self-employed travel agents (includes hosted travel agents and independently accredited agents).
  • Travel agent employees (advisors who get 'ye old W2, employed by a travel agency)
  • Corporate travel advisor employees and corporate travel managers (employees who book corporate travel)

So take a seat. Pour a waterfall of melted butter on a mountain of popcorn and settle in!

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? All of 'Em.

Phocuswright's 2023 US Travel Agency Landscape offered a great overview of current travel advisor income. They offer a big picture look at how much all advisors earn based on experience.

Here's the key takeaways:

  • Overall, 39% of advisors earned less than $25,000 per year. However, 80% of advisors in the lowest income bracket had been selling travel for two years or less.
  • Experienced agents, typically earned $50,000+ annually and 25% of experienced travel agents earned $100,000+ annually.

In summary?Experience has a big impact on income! That's in large part due to commissions not being paid until after a client travels or in the case of cruises, 30-60 days prior to departure. It makes the first few years tough if you depend on commissions.

But don't get discouraged if you're just starting out! Travel agents can make good money but it can take some time to build up your client base and to start to see the money coming in.

Here's more on how much self-employed travel advisor earn their first few years.

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What does the Bureau of Labor and Statistics Say About Travel Agent Salaries?

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) offers a somewhat different vantage point. While Phocuswright's number reflect primarily home-based independent advisors, BLS data predominantly profiles travel advisor employees.

The BLS data has shown a 26% increase in travel advisor salaries over the past decade. The graph below illustrates how it's increased over time.

TA Employee Income Increase Over Time, BLS

The BLS’ latest numbers (2024) reported an average travel agent salary of $50,040 1 .

Here’s a few things to keep in mind about the BLS numbers:

  • BLS only profiles employees. The BLS site sums it up here: “Estimates do not include self-employed workers.” Here at HAR, we survey full-time and part-time self-employed travel agents in addition to employees.
  • BLS only looks at full-time travel agents. Here's how they crunch their numbers, "Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a 'year-round, full-time' hours." 2

Alright, so we took a look at the BLS data, which you now know skews heavily towards employees. Because of that, it doesn’t reflect the true industry landscape where the majority of travel advisors are self-employed.

So let's dive in to see if self-employed travel agents make good money!

What does HAR's research say about how much ALL travel agents make?

Host Agency Reviews' survey respondents were 95% self-employed and 5% employees.

Here's a birds-eye view of average travel agent income of our survey respondents. We break it down into full-time advisors and all advisors (both FT and PT).

Average Income, All Travel Advisors

When homing in on experienced and full-time advisors, results from HAR’s 2023 survey clock in higher than the BLS number, with data indicating that full-time travel advisors earned a $56,632 a year on average.

Another angle you can figure out how much travel agents make is by looking at how much travel agents make per booking . We've got a whole article on the subject but the key takeaway is about 10% per booking, with the average booking size being $4,375 in 2023. 3

Since it’s hard to get accurate numbers on how much a travel agent makes when we look at everyone—corporate/leisure, employee/self-employed—next up, we’ll take a detailed look at average travel agent salaries for:

  • self-employed advisors,
  • travel advisor employees,
  • travel managers,
  • and corporate travel advisors.

Gotta cover all our bases! 😀

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Self-Employed Travel Agents

Self-employed travel advisors are those who run their own businesses (rather than work as an employee). I’m going to throw some industry lingo at you now. Are you ready?

The self-employed category contains two primary segments of advisors:

  • Hosted advisors (those who use another agency’s accreditation number, called a host agency ) and
  • Independently accredited travel advisors (those who have their own travel accreditation

Here’s the big picture you need to know about self-employed advisors. Over time, the number of self-employed advisors has been growing exponentially, while the number of storefront travel agencies has decreased. In particular, hosted agencies have become the leading path to bringing new talent to the travel agency distribution channel.

So how much do self-employed travel agents make?

In our 2023 travel advisor research reports , full-time hosted advisors with 3+ years of experience earned $60,146 on average and their independently-accredited counterparts earned $76,252.

Why the income drop for hosted advisors?I chat more on that in this Masters in Travel podcast episode .

Here's the short story: we know two big factors that influences how much a travel agent makes is their experience level and if they work full time or part time. Hosted advisors are more likely to be newer to the industry and to work part time. The median years of experience for hosted advisors was 5 years , compared to 18 years for independent travel agents.

It’s important to note that income levels for hosted and independently-accredited advisors from our 2023 survey, which is looking at 2022 data, are still slightly impacted from the ripple effects of the pandemic. Check out our longitudinal report for a 5-year look at travel agent income before the pandemic outbreak for a more realistic take on earning potential self-employed travel agents.

Owner Deductions (and how it impacts how much self-employed travel agents make)

I want to bring up one last thing that complicates things when it comes to self-employed travel agent salaries. Because why not? You've already read this far! 😊

When we're talking about income for self-employed agents, income/salary numbers can be artificially deflated.

Why? Three things:

  • Business owners may not be reporting all of their income. Since cash transactions leave no paper trail for the IRS to follow, many small businesses won't report cash transactions and in not doing so, they lower the income/earnings they report to the government.
  • Business owners get write-offs. I can write off my office. I can write off my work trips. I can write off my work phone and meals with colleagues where I discuss business. When I do that, it lowers what I report for my taxable income (ahem, salary) to the IRS. Not only that, but travel agents will vary WILDLY in terms of how much of their income they write off. (Take a look at what travel expenses you can (and can't) write off .)
  • Salary and income are separate things for some business structures. Depending on the agency's business structure, the owner may pay themselves a salary (say $45k) but the income of the company may actually be much higher. All the IRS requires with these S Corp business structures is that the owner pays themselves a “reasonable” salary. ( Learn about the different travel agency business structures .)

So, keep those things in mind when you're looking at earning potential.

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Travel Agent Employees Only

This section on employee travel agent salary is going to give you numbers that will be close to what you can expect if you get hired on at an agency. Travel agent employee salaries have less variance when compared to self-employed travel agents.

For the majority of travel advisor employees, income is not dependent on commissions alone.

The set salary of a travel agent employee offers stability not afforded to self-employed advisors. Additionally, employees also often receive benefits and are not subject to the added complexity and expense of paying business taxes .

When looking at travel advisor employees only, HAR’s salary data lands much closer to what the BLS reports. In HAR’s 2023 survey, salary only employees made $50,792. But if you ever wondered if travel agents make good money, they def can! Full-time travel agent employees earning salary and commission brought home $88,909 . 😲

Employee compensation models play a substantial role when it comes to how much a travel agent employee makes. The graph below takes a look at the average travel agent income of the three most common compensation models.


Lesson on that? If you're looking for an employee position at a travel agency, find one that pays salary, plus commission! 😀

How Much Do Travel Agents Make? Corporate Employees & Travel Managers

Corporate travel advisors.

Corporate travel advisors (those who book travel for corporations) typically earn more than those who sell leisure travel. Below offers a look at corporate travel advisor income compared to leisure travel advisor income (among FT advisors).

Average Income, Corporate & Leisure

Do you have an interest in becoming a Corporate Travel Agent? You can sink your teeth into a few juicy tidbits of info here: 

  • HAR’s article, Breaking into corporate travel
  • Our podcast interview (below) with corporate agent Karen Hurlbut:
  • A podcast interview with entertainment travel specialist Molly Williams who moves bands around the world:

Travel Managers

Looking ahead on the corporate travel agent career trajectory, Travel Manager/Supervisory positions start with a much higher baseline.

Business Travel News (BTN) report on Travel Managers/Supervisors' salary cover people working for corporate entities as an in-house advisor (not working for a travel agency). The overall average for a corporate travel manager salary registered at $128,439.

Nice, huh?! You can make some pretty good money as a corporate travel agent. :)

Beyond Travel Agent Salaries, Why Advisors Love Their Jobs

We've looked at travel agent salaries from a whole bunch of different perspectives. You made it through the spinning, twirling madness of data acrobats. 

HAR’s research reports offer a ton of info on travel agent salaries. But ultimately, how much you make as a travel agent depends on a lot of factors, including:

  • what type of advisor you are (corporate, leisure, employee, self-employed, etc.),
  • what type of travel you sell,
  • your experience level,
  • hours worked,
  • and all that other fun stuff!

While naming one number for a travel agent salary is impossible, there is one thing that is consistent among all the surveys: the majority of travel advisors are happy with their career choice. 

HAR’s 2023 Hosted Travel Advisor Survey indicated that 95% of advisors would choose to become a travel advisor again if given the choice.

Corporate travel managers taking BTN’s survey were a bit more lukewarm in response to travel agent income satisfaction. 48% of travel managers reported their earnings were equitable, 12% felt “well compensated,” and 41% felt their salary was “low for responsibilities.”

Travel agent career satisfaction in 2022

And here’s the thing to remember about being in the travel industry. It goes beyond dollars.

Many advisors report that the primary benefit of working in travel is rooted in a personal passion for travel and the ability to share their love of travel with others.

Additionally, advisors often have access to great travel experiences they may not otherwise via familiarization trips or travel advisor rates for those who reach sales thresholds or meet requirements. 

In general, positions in travel may offer a lower salary than other industries. But here’s the kicker, occupations in other industries don't include travel benefits and working in travel !

Interested in Becoming an Advisor? Here’s Where to Start

This leads us to the question of what type of travel advisor career you’d like to pursue.

Do you want to become a self-employed travel advisor so you can have the creativity to book the type of travel you love and the flexibility to be your own boss? Or do you want the structure of 9-5 with benefits and the income security of a travel advisor employee?

Employees at a travel agency may have a salary cap if their compensation model is strictly hourly/salary (about 42% of employees), but for those who own their own business, the sky's the limit. Plus, it's hard to put a price on visiting beautiful places, touring the newest properties , and the freedom and flexibility to work anywhere that goes with owning your own home-based travel agency.

How do you decide what type of travel you want to sell? Do you want to do leisure or corporate? If you do leisure, which types of travel agent niches are the most lucrative? If you go the corporate route, how do you break into booking business travel ? 

💕 If you're thinking of joining the industry, here are a few resources you're gonna love: 💕

  • Starting a travel agency from home
  • Free 15-page travel agency business plan template
  • HAR's nifty course on how to start a travel agency!

7 day setup accelerator course free trial

We’re here to help! If you have questions about what route to take or how to get started, give us a holler in the comments or reach out to us at [email protected] .

  • https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes413041.htm ↩
  • Source: https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes413041.htm ↩
  • Source: Hosted Advisor Report 2023 ↩

About the author

Author Steph Lee

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How Much Do Travel Advisors Make? Salary Guide and Insights for Aspiring Agents

Full-time travel advisors make an average salary of $50,115 per year. Corporate travel advisors, especially in supervisory positions, earn about $128,439 annually. Leisure travel advisors typically earn less. Salaries vary based on experience, specialization, and current industry trends.

Experience significantly impacts income potential. New agents may start on the lower end of the salary spectrum. As advisors build a clientele and develop industry relationships, they can increase their earning potential.

Additionally, travel advisors may choose to specialize in niche markets, such as luxury travel or adventure tourism. Specialization can lead to higher commissions and more substantial salaries.

Understanding the salary range provides valuable context for aspiring agents. With this foundational knowledge, they can better equip themselves for a successful career in the travel industry. Next, we will explore essential skills required for travel advisors and how to enhance those skills for greater success.

Table of Contents

What Is the Average Salary of Travel Advisors?

The average salary of travel advisors is approximately $42,000 per year in the United States. Travel advisors assist clients in planning and booking travel arrangements. They provide guidance on destinations, accommodations, and activities.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this salary may vary based on experience, location, and the type of clientele served. The industry standard sources this information to help set expectations for both new and experienced professionals.

Travel advisors’ salaries can be influenced by several factors including commission structures, client loyalty, and specialization in unique travel niches such as luxury or adventure travel. Further, part-time and full-time positions may also affect overall earnings and benefits.

The American Society of Travel Advisors states that travel advisors can earn additional income through commissions from hotels, airlines, and tour operators. This can lead to a significant increase in total earnings for successful advisors.

According to a 2022 report by Travel Market Report, the average income for travel advisors increased by 25% since 2020. Industry statistics project continued growth in income as more travelers rely on professional expertise for planning.

Travel advisors play a crucial role in the economy by stimulating travel-related businesses. Their recommendations contribute to local economies and provide employment in the tourism sector.

Sustainable practices can enhance the travel industry. Advisors promote eco-friendly options, encourage responsible tourism, and help minimize negative impacts on local communities and environments.

To improve earning potential, travel advisors should pursue training and certifications. Building a strong client base and utilizing technology for effective marketing can further enhance their success in the field.

How Do Travel Advisors Get Paid?

Travel advisors typically get paid through commissions from travel suppliers, service fees charged to clients, or salaries from their employing agencies. Each of these income sources plays a significant role in the overall earnings of a travel advisor.

Commissions: Most travel advisors earn the majority of their income through commissions. Travel suppliers such as airlines, hotels, and cruise lines pay commissions for bookings made through travel advisors. According to a report by the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) in 2021, the average commission rate for travel advisors ranges from 10% to 20% of the booking price.

Service fees: Many travel advisors charge service fees to clients for their expertise and assistance in planning trips. These fees can vary widely, ranging from a flat rate of $50 to $500 or more, depending on the complexity of the trip. A survey by Travel Market Report in 2022 found that 32% of travel advisors reported charging fees for their services.

Salaries: Some travel advisors work for travel agencies that pay them a salary or a combination of a salary and commissions. These salaries can vary based on experience, location, and the agency’s size. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for travel agents was approximately $42,350 in May 2020.

Understanding these revenue streams can help aspiring travel advisors gauge potential earnings and plan their business strategies effectively.

What Are the Common Commission Structures for Travel Advisors?

Travel advisors typically earn commissions based on the sales they generate. The common commission structures include percentages of total sales and fixed fees for services, which can vary based on the type of travel products sold.

  • Percentage of Sales Commission
  • Flat Fee Commission
  • Tiered Commission Structure
  • Incentive-Based Commission
  • Commission Splits
  • Override Commission

Travel advisors have various commission structures. Each type has its advantages and can impact their income significantly. Understanding these structures can help aspiring advisors choose the best path for their careers.

Percentage of Sales Commission: The percentage of sales commission is a common structure where travel advisors earn a percentage of the total amount billed to clients. This percentage typically ranges from 5% to 20%, depending on the travel product. For instance, cruise lines often offer commissions around 10-15%, while some luxury travel vendors may provide up to 20%. According to a report by the Travel Leaders Group (2021), advisors relying on this structure can earn substantial incomes based on sales volume.

Flat Fee Commission: Flat fee commissions entail a set amount paid to travel advisors for specific services offered. This structure can include service fees for planning trips, booking hotels, or arranging tours. For example, an advisor might charge a flat fee of $100 for itinerary planning. This method is beneficial for advisors catering to clients who prefer transparent pricing rather than percentage-based commissions.

Tiered Commission Structure: A tiered commission structure rewards travel advisors with higher commission rates as they reach certain sales thresholds. For instance, an advisor might earn 10% on the first $10,000 in sales and 15% on any sales beyond that. This structure incentivizes travel advisors to increase their sales and benefit from an enhanced commission rate.

Incentive-Based Commission: Incentive-based commissions are additional earnings tied to specific sales goals or promotions. Travel suppliers may offer bonuses or higher commissions during peak travel seasons or for selling new products. For example, a hotel chain might provide a $1,000 bonus for booking a certain number of rooms within a specific timeframe. This structure engages advisors in promotions and boosts overall sales.

Commission Splits: Commission splits occur when travel agencies share commissions with independent contractors. Typically, the agency receives a percentage, and the advisor earns the remaining percentage. This structure fosters collaboration between agencies and advisors while allowing the agency to utilize the advisor’s expertise.

Override Commission: Override commissions involve additional earnings for travel agency owners or top-producing advisors based on total sales within the agency. For instance, an agency might offer an override commission of 5% on total sales when advisors reach a specified sales level. This structure encourages teamwork and growth within larger agencies.

By understanding these commission structures, travel advisors can tailor their services to fit their business models and income goals. Each structure has its unique benefits, and advisors may choose to implement a combination to maximize their earning potential.

How Do Bonuses and Incentives Affect Travel Advisor Earnings?

Bonuses and incentives significantly enhance travel advisor earnings by providing additional financial motivation, fostering loyalty, and encouraging performance improvements.

Bonuses are financial rewards given to travel advisors based on specific achievements or sales milestones. Incentives, on the other hand, can come in various forms, like trips or experiences, tying directly to performance. Here are some key ways bonuses and incentives impact earnings:

  • Increased Income: Travel advisors can earn substantial bonuses on top of their base salary. According to a report by the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA, 2021), advisors reported earning up to 25% more due to bonuses tied to sales performance.
  • Performance Motivation: Bonuses encourage travel advisors to secure high-value bookings. A study conducted by Travel Market Report (2022) found that advisors who received performance-based incentives increased their sales by an average of 30%.
  • Sales Growth: Incentive programs often lead to higher sales numbers. For instance, the 2022 Travel Agency Benchmarking Report illustrated that agencies with incentive programs saw a 20% increase in average revenue per advisor.
  • Client Loyalty: Incentives can also incentivize advisors to build long-term relationships with clients. As advisors work harder to meet client expectations, they tend to foster repeat business, which boosts earnings.
  • Diversified Revenue Streams: Bonuses related to selling specific products, such as luxury or niche travel experiences, allow advisors to diversify their bookings. This strategy can lead to higher commissions and increased overall income.

In conclusion, bonuses and incentives create a dynamic mechanism that significantly influences the earnings of travel advisors. They motivate performance, foster client relationships, and ultimately contribute to higher financial success in the travel industry.

What Factors Influence Travel Advisor Salaries?

Travel advisor salaries are influenced by various factors such as experience, location, type of employment, and specialization.

  • Experience Level
  • Geographic Location
  • Employment Type
  • Specialization
  • Commission Structure
  • Industry Demand

The above factors provide a structured overview of elements that directly impact travel advisor salaries. Understanding these factors helps clarify how varied salary levels can be across the industry.

Experience Level : The experience level significantly influences travel advisor salaries. Newer advisors typically earn lower salaries than their more experienced counterparts. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, travel agents with more than five years of experience can earn up to 30% more than entry-level agents. This increase often comes from developing client relationships and gaining specialized knowledge.

Geographic Location : Geographic location plays a crucial role in salary variations. Travel advisors in urban areas often earn higher salaries due to a higher cost of living. For instance, travel advisors in cities like New York or San Francisco usually earn more than those in rural areas. A 2021 report from the National Association of Career Travel Agents cited average salaries that vary by state, highlighting this geographic difference.

Employment Type : The type of employment greatly affects salaries. Travel advisors can be self-employed, work for travel agencies, or be part of corporate travel departments. Self-employed advisors may have fluctuating incomes based on commission. In contrast, those in corporate roles often receive stable salaries and benefits, sometimes exceeding $70,000 annually.

Specialization : Specialization can lead to higher salaries for travel advisors. Advisors who focus on niche markets, such as luxury travel or adventure tourism, may command higher fees. According to a report from Travel Weekly, specialized advisors often attract affluent clients, leading to increased earnings through commission and service fees.

Commission Structure : The commission structure also impacts travel advisor income. Many advisors earn a significant portion of their income through commissions from bookings. However, the rates can vary widely. For example, travel advisors may receive anywhere from 5% to 20% of the booking price, depending on the supplier and market. This variability means that advisors frequently negotiate commissions and may see fluctuations in earnings based on performance.

Industry Demand : Industry demand can influence salary levels. A travel advisor’s income may increase during peak travel seasons or following significant events, such as a travel resurgence post-pandemic. The American Society of Travel Advisors reported a rising demand for travel advisors in 2022, leading to competitive salaries in the industry.

In summary, multiple factors work together to determine travel advisor salaries, creating a diverse landscape in potential earnings across the profession.

How Do Location and Job Demand Impact Earnings for Travel Advisors?

Location and job demand significantly impact earnings for travel advisors by influencing client availability, competition levels, and service pricing.

Geographic location affects earnings due to variations in the local economy. For instance, travel advisors in high-demand urban areas, such as New York City or San Francisco, often earn more due to a higher cost of living and greater client access. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in 2022, travel advisors in metropolitan areas earned about 15-30% more than those in rural settings.

Job demand directly correlates with travel trends and economic stability. A study by the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) in 2023 highlighted that advisors focused on niche markets, such as luxury or adventure travel, reported higher earnings during peak seasons. Advisors adapting to trends see potential earnings boosts due to increased client interest.

Competition within a region impacts pricing strategies. In saturated markets, travel advisors may need to offer more competitive rates, which can affect overall earnings. Conversely, in areas with fewer advisors, there is more potential to charge premium prices for services, leading to higher income.

Service specialization also plays a vital role. Advisors who focus on particular travel types, like corporate travel or destination weddings, often command higher fees. A report from Travel Market Report in 2021 indicated that specialized advisors can earn upwards of 30% more compared to generalist advisors due to reduced competition and higher demand for their expertise.

Overall, travel advisors’ earnings are shaped by where they work and the demand for their skills, reflecting the economic and competitive landscapes of their locations.

What Role Do Experience and Specialization Play in Travel Advisor Pay?

Experience and specialization play significant roles in determining a travel advisor’s pay. Generally, advisors with more experience and specialized knowledge earn higher salaries.

  • Years of Experience
  • Specialization Areas
  • Client Base and Network
  • Sales Performance
  • Location of Service
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Industry Certifications
  • Economic Conditions

The factors listed above influence travel advisor salaries in various ways.

Years of Experience : Years of experience directly correlate with salary levels. Travel advisors with extensive experience tend to command higher fees due to their developed skill set and valuable industry knowledge. A report by the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA) in 2022 indicated that advisors with over ten years of experience earn, on average, 30% more than those with less experience.

Specialization Areas : Specialization in a particular niche, such as luxury travel, corporate travel, or adventure travel, typically leads to higher pay. Advisors specializing in luxury travel can earn significantly more, as they cater to affluent clients seeking tailored experiences. According to a study by Travel Market Report (2023), specialists in luxury travel earn an average of $80,000 annually compared to $50,000 for generalist advisors.

Client Base and Network : A robust client base and a wide network can increase a travel advisor’s income. Advisors who build strong relationships with clients often receive repeat business and referrals. A 2021 review by Phocuswright found that advisors with a solid network boost their earnings by an estimated 25% through referral fees.

Sales Performance : Sales performance, including the ability to close deals and upsell services, directly impacts income. Advisors who demonstrate strong sales results can negotiate higher commissions and fees. According to a 2022 survey by the National Tour Association, top-performing advisors earned about 50% more than their peers through effective sales strategies.

Location of Service : The geographical location of the advisor’s service influences pay due to varying costs of living and client demographics. Advisors in urban areas with a high cost of living typically charge more for their services. For example, advisors in New York City may earn significantly more than those in smaller towns due to market demand and higher living costs.

Negotiation Skills : Effective negotiation skills can enhance a travel advisor’s salary. Advisors adept at negotiating commissions and contracts will have higher earnings. According to research by the Global Business Travel Association, advisors with strong negotiating skills may improve their income potential by 15-20%.

Industry Certifications : Certifications and designations can positively affect pay scales. Advisors with recognized credentials such as Certified Travel Associate (CTA) or Certified Travel Counselor (CTC) often enjoy elevated salaries. ASTA reports that certified advisors typically earn 20% more than those without certifications.

Economic Conditions : Economic conditions can impact travel trends and advisor earnings. During economic downturns, clients may reduce spending on travel, affecting advisor income. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) reported that the COVID-19 pandemic led to a significant decline in travel advisor incomes, highlighting the impact of external economic conditions on earnings.

These factors collectively illustrate how experience and specialization significantly shape a travel advisor’s pay structure.

What Are the Earnings Prospects for New Travel Advisors?

The earnings prospects for new travel advisors can vary widely based on several factors. While some advisors may earn a modest income, others can achieve significant financial success with the right strategies and market focus.

  • Factors Influencing Earnings: – Experience level – Niche specialization – Client base size – Commission structure – Location – Marketing strategies – Use of technology – Professional networks

Understanding these factors can help new travel advisors navigate the industry. Each element can significantly influence overall income potential.

Experience Level : The experience level of a travel advisor greatly impacts earnings. New advisors typically earn less due to limited client portfolios. According to Travel Market Report, entry-level advisors can make between $30,000 to $40,000 annually.

Niche Specialization : Specializing in a niche market, such as luxury travel or adventure tourism, can lead to higher earnings. Advisors who focus on specific markets often charge premium fees. For instance, a luxury travel advisor can earn commissions of 15-20% on high-value bookings.

Client Base Size : The size and loyalty of a client base directly affect income. Advisors with a robust client list can benefit from repeat business and referrals, driving revenue. A strong client base can contribute to earnings in excess of $100,000 annually for successful advisors.

Commission Structure : Travel advisors earn income primarily through commissions from bookings. The structure varies, with suppliers typically offering 10-15% commissions. Understanding and negotiating commissions can greatly affect a new advisor’s income.

Location : The advisor’s geographical location can influence earnings. Advisors in high-demand areas may command higher fees and attract more affluent clients. For example, advisors in metropolitan regions often earn higher incomes than those in rural areas.

Marketing Strategies : Effective marketing can enhance earnings. Advisors who establish a strong online presence and utilize social media can reach more clients. Reports indicate that those who invest in marketing see increased bookings.

Use of Technology : Proficiency in technology tools can streamline operations and enhance client outreach. Advisors who use specialized travel software can manage bookings efficiently, leading to higher income potential. A 2022 study shows that tech-savvy advisors see a 20% increase in earnings.

Professional Networks : Building a professional network can lead to more opportunities. Networking with suppliers and industry contacts can enhance a new advisor’s visibility and client access. Established connections often result in referrals and new business.

Overall, the earnings prospects for new travel advisors depend on a combination of these factors. Newcomers should evaluate their unique situation and focus on growth areas to maximize their earning potential.

How Can Travel Advisors Increase Their Income Potential?

Travel advisors can increase their income potential by enhancing their service offerings, developing niche expertise, utilizing technology effectively, building strong client relationships, and pursuing ongoing education and certification opportunities.

Enhancing service offerings involves providing additional services to clients. Travel advisors can bundle elements such as travel insurance, guided tours, or personal itineraries to create more comprehensive packages. This can attract clients seeking personalized experiences. According to the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA, 2021), advisors who offer additional services can see a revenue increase of up to 20%.

Developing niche expertise allows travel advisors to specialize in specific areas such as adventure travel, luxury vacations, or wellness retreats. By becoming experts in a niche, advisors can differentiate themselves from competitors. This can lead to higher fees and increased client trust. The ASTA reports that 73% of advisors noted specialization improved their client retention.

Utilizing technology effectively means employing tools that streamline operations and enhance client experiences. Travel advisors can use booking platforms, customer relationship management software, and social media marketing to reach wider audiences. According to a study by Phocuswright (2020), 61% of travel consumers prefer customized experiences facilitated by technology, indicating a growing demand for tech-savvy advisors.

Building strong client relationships fosters loyalty and encourages repeat business. Travel advisors can maintain communication through follow-ups and personalized recommendations. The Travel Market Report (2022) states that 85% of clients return to their travel agents for future bookings when they feel valued and understood.

Pursuing ongoing education and certification opportunities helps travel advisors stay updated on industry trends and improve their skill sets. Participating in workshops and earning travel certifications can enhance credibility. A report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC, 2021) indicates that certified travel advisors earn, on average, 15% more than their non-certified counterparts.

By focusing on these areas, travel advisors can effectively increase their income potential and enhance their client offerings.

Why Do Travel Advisors Love Their Jobs Despite Salary Variations?

Travel advisors love their jobs despite salary variations due to their passion for travel, the joy of helping clients, and the excitement of exploring new destinations. Many advisors find fulfillment in creating memorable experiences for others, which often outweighs financial considerations.

According to the American Society of Travel Advisors (ASTA), a travel advisor is a professional who assists clients in planning and booking travel arrangements, offering personalized service and expert knowledge. Their role often includes researching destinations, selecting accommodations, and providing travel advice tailored to individual needs.

The reasons travel advisors love their jobs can be broken down into several key factors:

  • Passion for Travel : Many travel advisors have an innate love for exploration. They enjoy learning about new cultures, cuisines, and destinations.
  • Client Relationships : Travel advisors build lasting relationships with clients. Helping clients create unforgettable experiences fosters a sense of fulfillment.
  • Flexibility and Independence : Many advisors work independently or have flexible schedules. This autonomy allows for a better work-life balance.
  • Diverse Work Environment : Each client presents a unique challenge, which keeps the job interesting. Advisors face varied tasks daily, from planning romance getaways to organizing corporate retreats.

Professional terms like “client relationship management” signify how advisors maintain ongoing connections with clients. This process involves understanding clients’ preferences and providing tailored services that meet their expectations.

Travel advisors engage in various processes to ensure client satisfaction. They constantly research travel trends, destinations, and industry updates. This ongoing education helps them give informed recommendations and ensures they stay relevant in a changing market.

Specific conditions contributing to travel advisors’ job satisfaction include successful client referrals and repeat business. When a client has a great experience, they often recommend the advisor to friends and family. An example can be seen with a travel advisor who planned a family vacation. If the trip was seamless and enjoyable, the family would likely return for future trips, appreciating the advisor’s knowledge and service.

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The Journal

Travel Advisor Resources

Everything You Need to Know about a Fora Travel Advisor Salary (and How Our Advisors Get Paid)

Fora Author Fora Travel

The Modern Travel Agency

Fora Travel


travel advisor job salary

At Fora, we're all about empowering you to build a business you love, whether that's a full-time career, a retirement passion project, a side hustle or something else entirely. As a Fora Advisor, you get to call the shots.

And, let's be frank: part of building any business involves thinking about money. People often ask, what's a typical Fora travel advisor salary? How much do travel agents make in general? How do Fora Advisors get paid? All great questions. Below, we break it down for you. Read on for a clear-eyed guide to what a travel advisor salary could look like, and how payments at Fora actually work (and why we do them better).

Interested in joining us? Sign up to  become a Fora Advisor  today.

What is a Fora travel advisor salary?

travel advisor job salary

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the median travel agent salary in May 2022 was $46,400, which comes to about $22.31 per hour for a 40-hour workweek (learn more about how to become a travel agent ). Fora has an ever-growing community of pro advisors, meaning they've exceeded a certain sales threshold. And we also have a few full-time warriors who have booked over seven figures in travel year-to-date. And many Fora Advisors focus on booking for close family and friends. The point is, there's no typical travel advisor salary, or even an "ideal" travel advisor salary, at Fora. You do you.

Unlike some other agencies, Fora does not require sales quotas to stay on board. (The only exception to this is with Fora X , our invite-only network for our highest sellers.) You can work as much or as little as you'd like, all on your own schedule.

The more travel you sell, the more money you earn. Travel advisors' main source of income is commissions. When an advisor books a hotel, or tour, or cruise (read more about the types of bookings Fora Advisors can make ), that hotel, or tour, or cruise gives the advisor a cut of the booking value. The percentage varies by partner (and many of Fora's exclusive partnerships ensure our advisors receive a higher-than-average commission rate). Then Fora takes a share of that commission. After you sell more than $300,000 in travel, however, you keep a larger percentage: the more you sell, the more you earn, the more you keep.

How do Fora Advisors get paid?

travel advisor job salary

Payments in the travel industry are notoriously slow, and, unfortunately, many travel agents are left chasing down commission payments indefinitely. (Read more about how travel agents get paid .) Well, that model doesn't work for us. At Fora, you don't have to worry about invoicing a hotel, or chasing down commissions. We take care of all that.

Thanks to Fora's integrated booking platform , you can make bookings with, quite literally, the click of a button. (Read more about the Vault , our solution to secure and seamless client credit card storage.) All of your bookings are then automatically stored in Portal, your all-in-one travel advisor platform. We then calculate the commission you're owed, and keep you abreast of upcoming, pending and completed payments. Once a client has completed their trip, we work to send you your money asap — no follow-up, back-and-forth or logistical stress required. (In many instances, we'll pay you before we get paid.) In other words, we've got your back, so you get to focus on the fun stuff.

Are you the go-to person for travel tips?

Transform your passion for travel into your dream job. We'll set you up with everything you need to succeed as a travel advisor. From training to top-notch tech, marketing assets, community, commission tracking & payments (and more), we've got you.

Average Pay

Travel Advisor Salary

Average travel advisor base salary in the united states.

Average Base Salary

$46,251 Per Year

Salary Range: $29,298 to $70,283

Travel Advisor Salary



How Much Does a Travel Advisor Make Per Year in the United States?

The national average salary for a  Travel Advisor is $46,251 per year in the United States. It can vary depending on the employer and the skills required for that position, but generally, it will be about $46,251 or more annually for a gross salary . Taxes impact salaries, so to get the net salary we’ve crunched the data and gotten the tax information on what the take-home pay would be after the effective income tax rates.  

Jobs That are Similar to a Travel Advisor

  • Road Advisor Salaries  
  • Travel Clerk Salaries  
  • Auto Club Travel Counselor Salaries  
  • Automobile Travel Club Counselor Salaries  

Technology Used

Microsoft Excel – Spreadsheet software

Amadeus Altea Reservation – Data base user interface and query software

Web browser software – Internet browser software

Corel WordPerfect Office Suite – Office suite software

Delphi Technology – Financial analysis software

Property scheduling software – Calendar and scheduling software

MICROS Systems MICROS 9700 HMS – Point of sale POS software

Worldspan Go! – Data base user interface and query software

Knowledge and Expertise

Customer and Personal Service

Computers and Electronics

Public Safety and Security


Soft Skills

Active Listening

Service Orientation

Social Perceptiveness

Reading Comprehension

Critical Thinking

What is the salary range of a Travel Advisor?

Travel Advisor salaries vary depending on the company you work for, your experience level, industry, education, and years of experience. The average annual salary is around $46,251 but a Travel Advisor can earn a base salary anywhere from $29,298 to $70,283 per year with some companies paying more than others.

Pay ranges on average for a Travel Advisor job title only vary a good amount, which may mean that there are many opportunities to earn more income in the future regardless of the employers or your location, industry, and experience.

A salary range that varies also means there is ability to move up within the company, as there may be as many opportunities for advancement or to change your job title. This opportunity for  advancement can help with can increase their job satisfaction and motivation.

What are the Highest Salaries for a Travel Advisor?

The highest Travel Advisor salaries in the top 10% earn more than $70,283 per year . The salary range for the top 75% – 90% is between and $60,008 and $70,283 annually.

This salary data and salary estimates come from our Average Pay’s salary database of carefully collected and detailed information about pay across many industries and categories, along with different types of labor data.

What are the Lowest Salaries for a Travel Advisor?

The lowest Travel Advisor salaries are in the bottom 10% of earners who make less than $29,298 per year . The salary range for the lowest 10% – 25% is between $29,298 and $31,054 annually.      

What is a Good Salary for a Travel Advisor?

If we only look at the data for Travel Advisor salaries and we don’t compare it to any other jobs,  a good salary for a Travel Advisor job would be over $46,251 per year . This is the average salary for this position in the United States.  An excellent pay for a Travel Advisor would be anything over the top 75%, which is $60,008 annually .

How Can I Increase My Salary as a Travel Advisor?

There are a few ways you can increase your average salary for a profession as a Travel Advisor. One way is to get promoted to a higher level and take on more duties within your employer. Another way is to gain more experience and skills in your career. You can also try negotiating higher compensation next performance review, when you are up for renewal or starting a new contract with a business.

Finally, you can look for a new job at a different employer that pays more. One thing not to overlook is companies often give their employees incentives and benefits outside of salaries. The total compensation, like healthcare, paid vacation days, 401k matches, bonuses, overtime, professional development, a career path in the company, and other benefits, need to be considered, which can add up to a lot more money than just a salary increase.

What are the Top Paying Industries for a Travel Advisor?

The top paying industries for a Travel Advisor job vary depending on the position’s specific responsibilities, employers, and qualifications. However, some common reported high-paying industries for include the following:

  • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
  • Air Transportation
  • Scheduled Air Transportation
  • Administrative and Support Services
  • Administrative and Support and Waste Management and Remediation Services
  • Finance and Insurance

Related Jobs For a Travel Advisor

Road Advisor

Travel Clerk

Auto Club Travel Counselor

Automobile Travel Club Counselor

Gate Agent 

Ticket Agent

Train Clerk

Passenger Solicitor 

Does a Travel Advisor Have a Good Quality of Life?

Based on an average 2-bedroom apartment rental price, a Travel Advisor would pay 15.63% of their monthly take-home pay towards rent. That’s $1,310 per month or $15,720 yearly for a two-bedroom apartment.

The rent is less than 30% of the monthly take-home pay for an Travel Advisor, which can helps lessen a financial burden and impact their quality of life.

This is because a high rent-to-income ratio would leave less money each month for other expenses, such as food, transportation, recreation, and activities. It can lead to financial stress, impacting overall job satisfaction and motivation.

Considering the cost of living in a city when considering whether to accept a job offer is essential. If the cost of living is too high, it might not be worth it, even if the salary is good.

Does a Travel Advisor make good money?

 In general, a Travel Advisor can make a decent salary but is a little lower than average. The national average salary is $52,632 annually which is more than the average Travel Advisor salary, meaning this might not be a livable wage. According to data and labor statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics , the average Travel Advisor pay is below the median salary.

However, salaries can vary depending on the company you work for, what you are responsible for, education, college degree, work experience, job market, and your experience level. The highest-paid can earn upwards of 70,283 per year, while the lowest-paid income is less than 29,298 annually.

If you want to maximize your earnings as a Travel Advisor, take on more responsibility, and gain more experience in related skills. Also, build interpersonal skills and strong leadership skills, get a certification in your field and then negotiate for a higher salary next performance review, when you are up for renewal or starting a new contract with a business.

The best thing you can do is develop yourself and gain knowledge. Many courses, additional training, and professional development opportunities in your area can help increase your skills and development in your job or related field.

You can also get your resume reviewed and look for a new employer that will hire and pay more or look for a career change that is hiring and may interest you more.

Salaries are also relative to the cost of living in different parts of the country. For example, the compensation for a Travel Advisor will need to be higher if it is in or closer to larger cities like New York City or some states like California. The increase in pay in these areas is because of the higher than average cost of living and more interested applicants for employment versus someone living in a small town. With the cost of housing increasing  and medical care premium costs, it is essential to ensure you are getting paid what you are worth.

How do I know I’m being paid fairly as a Travel Advisor?

The easiest way is to see how close your current salary is to the average pay for your position in your state and city. If your income is below the estimated average wage in your area, you can try to negotiate for a raise.

You can use our research and tools to discover the average salary for a Travel Advisor in your city or region to see if you are being compensated fairly. You may also compare your income to similar jobs and careers to determine whether you are underpaid or overpaid. Lastly, you can set up job alerts to see how the job market trends.

A few other ways you can research whether you’re being paid fairly as a Travel Advisor is to do a job search to look at job postings for similar positions and see the estimate for the listed salary range. You can also talk to people in your network who have similar jobs and ask them what they earn. Finally, you can try negotiating a higher pay when you are up for renewal, having a performance evaluation, or starting a new contract.

What Factors Determine the Salary of a Travel Advisor?

The money a Travel Advisor can make each year greatly depends on a few components that determine an average base salary.

The company you work for is one of the main factors that affect how much a Travel Advisor earns.

The compensation will also depend on the location, as some states and cities have a higher cost of living than others. Other factors that affect compensation are the number of hours worked, company size, job type, level of experience in your career, and location.

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Travel Advisor average salary in the USA, 2024

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Travel Advisor: salaries per region

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Job posting for travel advisor at aaa auto club enterprises.

  • Sells international and domestic travel packages including cruises, land packages, travel itineraries, air, car, and hotel
  • Shares knowledge and expertise from personal experiences and/or education study trips
  • Develops long standing relationships with our members and builds referral and repeat business
  • Makes appropriate recommendations to ensure the trip experience is more than expected and tailored to the members expectations
  • Cross sells relevant products to enhance the trip experience such as AAA Member Rewards Credit Card and identify theft referrals
  • We offer extensive training to aid you in your career development through The Auto Club University
  • Regular recognition through various company programs and incentives for trips, cash and prizes
  • Company sponsored IATAN cards, providing exclusive travel agent discounts
  • Love to travel? Personal travel opportunities at discounted pricing
  • Corporate benefits for insurance products
  • Paid educational study trips are available for our Agents to promote career development
  • Quarterly incentives/bonuses for achieving established production tiers
  • A high school diploma is required, but we prefer a 2 or 4 year college degree
  • You need to be able to pass comprehensive criminal background check and thorough urine sample drug screening
  • We prefer candidates with at least 2 years of successful retail sales or banking experience or a leisure travel agency background within a goal orientated environment
  • Travel is not just a hobby or a wish, it’s your passion
  • You must be available to work most Saturdays and some evenings to support goal achievement
  • We prepare all of our Travel Agent Trainees for their new role by ensuring their successful completion of our Travel Agents Trainee program which requires some travel for training
  • You are driven by sales and exceeding your goals
  • You are computer savvy with the ability to navigate between multiple systems and web browsers, Microsoft Office, and can type at least 30WPM
  • You have a strong and very comfortable relationship with paperwork and you are very organized!
  • Extraordinary medical/dental/vision/life benefits
  • 401(k) Savings plan with company match
  • Tuition assistance
  • PTO for community volunteer programs
  • Wellness program
  • Employee discounts (membership, insurance, travel, entertainment, services and more!)

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Business Development Skill

  • Sales Representative III - Licensed Income Estimation: $62,213 - $73,443
  • Account Manager I Income Estimation: $60,521 - $84,262

Insurance Products Skill

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  • Senior Licensing Specialist Income Estimation: $58,021 - $73,705

Job openings at AAA Auto Club Enterprises

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  15. Travel Advisor hourly salaries in the United States at Chase

    Average Chase Travel Advisor hourly pay in the United States is approximately $33.36, which is 76% above the national average. Salary information comes from 1 data point collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 24 months. Please note that all salary figures are approximations based ...

  16. Travel Advisor

    Apply for the Job in Travel Advisor at Solon, OH. View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Research salary, company info, career paths, and top skills for Travel Advisor ... Estimate Salary for Travel Advisor in Solon, OH. $61,433 (Medium) $54,161 (25th) $69,639 (75th) Price a job for your company. For ...

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    Search Travel advisor jobs. Get the right Travel advisor job with company ratings & salaries. 11,674 open jobs for Travel advisor.

  18. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Maykop

    Top Things to Do in Maykop, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 890 traveller reviews and photos of Maykop tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Maykop. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

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    Maykop Tourism: Tripadvisor has 878 reviews of Maykop Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Maykop resource.

  20. Salary: Luxury Travel Advisor in United States 2024

    Total pay range. $100K - $185K/yr. $134K/yr Median total pay. Pay breakdown. $61K - $113K/yr Base pay. $39K - $73K/yr Additional pay. The estimated total pay for a Luxury Travel Advisor is $133,545 per year, with an average salary of $81,605 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary ...

  21. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Maykop (2024)

    THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Maykop (2024) - Must-See Attractions. We perform checks on reviews. 1. Maykop Cathedral Mosque. In total, the mosque has five domes, the main one is located in the center of the building and is surrounded by four... 2. State Museum of Oriental Art. 3. Zolotaya Kladovaya Asi Yeutykh.

  22. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Maykop (UPDATED 2024 ...

    THE 30 BEST Things to Do in Maykop, Russia. 1. Maykop Cathedral Mosque. In total, the mosque has five domes, the main one is located in the center of the building and is surrounded by four... 2. State Museum of Oriental Art. 3. Zolotaya Kladovaya Asi Yeutykh. 4.