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vue depuis le 56e étage de la tour Montparnasse

Visiter la tour Montparnasse à Paris : photos, tarifs, horaires

Comment visiter la tour Montparnasse à Paris ? Quels sont les tarifs et horaires de la tour Montparnasse ? Quel panorama sur Paris voit-on du sommet de la tour Montparnasse ?

Monter en haut de la tour Montparnasse représente une étape incontournable lors de votre visite à Paris .

Cette imposante structure a été érigée entre 1969 et 1973 et elle est aujourd’hui devenue un symbole emblématique de la capitale française, établie dans le XVe arrondissement.

Empruntez l’ascenseur qui vous mène en seulement 38 secondes à 200 mètres d’altitude, au sommet de la tour Montparnasse. Vous serez récompensé par une vue exceptionnelle sur l’ensemble de Paris !

Découvrez le guide complet pour visiter la Tour Montparnasse avec la souris ! 😉

Table of Contents

Comment aller à la tour Montparnasse ?

Pour visiter la tour Montparnasse à Paris, vous avez à votre disposition au moins quatre options de transport :

  • en utilisant le métro : prenez les lignes 4, 6, 12 ou 13, puis descendez à la station Montparnasse-Bienvenüe
  • en prenant le bus : notamment les lignes 28, 58, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95 et 96.
  • en empruntant le train : prenez un train en direction de Montparnasse depuis la banlieue ouest (transilien ligne N), mais il n’y a pas de RER…
  • en conduisant votre propre voiture (bon courage à Paris !) : un parking payant est disponible pour le public à proximité de la tour Montparnasse.

station métro Montparnasse

Tarifs 2023 pour visiter la tour Montparnasse

Voici les tarifs pour monter en haut de la tour Montparnasse . Vous pouvez opter pour un billet valable une seule journée, ou pour un billet valable 2 jours (48 h) :

Tarifs pour un billet d’une journée de juillet à septembre inclus

  • Plein tarif (adultes, +12 ans) : 21 €
  • Jeunes de 12 à 17 ans inclus et étudiants : 16 €
  • Enfants de 4 à 11 ans inclus : 9,50 €
  • Personne en situation de handicap (carte d’invalidité uniquement) : 10,50 €
  • Gratuit pour les moins de 4 ans (cependant, un ticket doit être retiré à la caisse)

Tarifs pour un billet de deux jours (48 h) de juillet à septembre inclus

  • Plein tarif (adultes) : 28 €
  • Jeunes de 12 à 17 ans et étudiants : 22 €
  • Enfants de 4 à 11 ans inclus : 14 €
  • Gratuit pour les moins de 7 ans (cependant, un ticket doit être retiré à la caisse).

Ces tarifs sont réduits d’1 ou 2 € hors saison, selon le jour de la visite en semaine ou le week-end et durant les vacances scolaires de Paris. Pourquoi faire simple quand on peut proposer… une usine à gaz ? 😉

billet tour Montparnasse

Comment réserver son billet d’entrée pour la tour Montparnasse ?

Le sommet de la tour Montparnasse offre un belvédère parmi les plus prisés de Paris ! Avec plus d’un million de visiteurs par an, vous n’y serez pas seuls…

Je vous invite donc à réserver absolument un billet en ligne avant votre visite de la tour Montparnasse , pour éviter la longue file d’attente !

Horaires de la tour Montparnasse

La tour Montparnasse est ouverte tout au long de l’année, cependant, les horaires varient en fonction de la saison :

  • du 1er avril au 30 septembre : la Tour est ouverte tous les jours, de 9h30 à 23h30
  • du 1er octobre au 31 mars : la Tour est ouverte du dimanche au jeudi de 9h30 à 22h30, et le vendredi, le samedi, ainsi que les veilles des fêtes de 9h30 à 23h.

Vous pouvez visiter la tour Montparnasse jusqu’à 30 minutes avant l’heure de fermeture indiquée.

Vérifiez bien les horaires sur le site officiel de l’observatoire de la tour Montparnasse

Quand visiter la tour Montparnasse

Pour obtenir la vue la plus dégagée sur Paris, préférez une visite de la tour Montparnasse environ une à deux heures avant le coucher du soleil.

vue sur l'est de Paris depuis la tour Montparnasse à "l'heure dorée"

Une journée pas trop chaude, plutôt au printemps ou durant l’automne, est également à privilégier, afin d’éviter la brume de chaleur qui estompe l’horizon.

Pourquoi visiter la tour Montparnasse

Tour Montparnasse vue depuis la tour Eiffel

La tour Montparnasse, qui s’élève à une hauteur de 209 mètres , est le gratte-ciel le plus élevé de la capitale.

La majorité de l’édifice est réservé à des bureaux d’entreprises.

Mais en haut de la tour Montparnasse, une partie est ouverte au public, offrant un panorama à 360° unique sur Paris et ses environs, avec une visibilité d’environ 40 kilomètres par temps clair !

Pour faire l’ascension de la tour, vous profiterez d’un ascenseur express direct, vous menant au 56e étage en seulement 38 secondes, à la vitesse de 5 mètres/seconde !

dans l'ascenseur de la tour Montparnasse

De plus, la tour Montparnasse est le meilleur endroit pour admirer… la tour Eiffel !

Et oui, la vue depuis le sommet de la tour Eiffel , c’est bien, mais on ne voit pas cette dernière, puisqu’on est dessus (logique hein !) 🙂

tour Montparnasse de nuit

Et comme la tour Montparnasse n’arbore pas une esthétique des plus agréable (traduction souris = elle est moche), le meilleur endroit pour ne pas la voir reste encore la tour elle-même !

Petite histoire de la tour Montparnasse

Après de fortes critiques à l’encontre de ce projet de construction controversé, André Malraux (1901-1976), alors ministre de la Culture, donne son approbation à la construction de la tour Montparnasse en 1968.

tour Montparnasse

En 1969, la décision est prise d’intégrer un centre commercial ainsi que des infrastructures modernes, conformément aux souhaits du président Georges Pompidou (1911-1974).

Le chantier de construction de la tour Montparnasse était, pour son époque, d’une envergure colossale !

Il débute par le déblaiement de 420.000 mètres cubes de gravats. Ensuite, pour assurer la stabilité de la tour, 56 piliers en béton armé sont enfoncés à une profondeur de 70 mètres sous terre.

tour Montparnasse vue depuis le Luxembourg

Cette construction devait non seulement supporter le poids de la tour, sur un sol constitué de calcaire, de craie et d’argile, ce qui constituait un défi majeur en termes de construction.

Mais elle devait aussi préserver la station de métro Montparnasse-Bienvenüe de la ligne 6.

Et oui, la station de cette ligne se situe pile dans l’axe du noyau de la tour, enveloppée dans un cocon de béton armé !

Vue sur le champ de Mars depuis la tour Eiffel

La tour Montparnasse en chiffres

La tour Montparnasse pèse 150.000 tonnes (je me sens légère en fait…)

À son inauguration en 1973, la tour atteint une hauteur de 210 mètres, ce qui en fait le plus haut immeuble de bureaux d’Europe. Elle a conservé ce titre pendant près de vingt ans, jusqu’en 1990…

tour montparnasse miranda

La tour Montparnasse n’occupe plus que la deuxième place dans le classement des immeubles les plus hauts de France.

Elle a en effet été dépassée par la tour First, haute de 231 mètres et située à La Défense !

Elle est composée de 58 étages, équipée de 25 ascenseurs, et elle occupe une superficie totale de 90.000 mètres carrés. Plus de 6000 personnes travaillent chaque jour sur ses 53 étages de bureaux.

Les ascenseurs sont conçus pour une durée d’ascension de la tour Montparnasse de moins de 40 secondes , à la vitesse de 6 mètres/seconde ! Elle a été légèrement réduite depuis…

ascenseur tour Montparnasse

Avec une façade de 40.000 mètres carrés, l’immeuble compte également 1306 marches et 7200 fenêtres ! Une pensée pour les laveurs de carreaux…

Maintenant que vous avez ces chiffres en tête, nous pouvons passer à la visite de la tour Montparnasse !

Que voir au sommet de la tour Montparnasse

Vous pouvez accéder aux deux derniers étages de l’édifice, nommés l’observatoire panoramique de la tour Montparnasse :

  • 56e étage : Il abrite un bar-restaurant offrant une vue imprenable sur la tour Eiffel, où vous pouvez vous restaurer tout en admirant la « skyline » de Paris
  • 59e étage : le sommet de la tour Montparnasse offre une immense terrasse d’observation de 800 m², avec une vue panoramique spectaculaire sur tout Paris, et ses monuments emblématiques

La visite de ces étages offre une expérience inoubliable, en particulier au coucher du soleil .

Vous aurez la possibilité de capturer des vues exceptionnelles de Paris depuis le sommet de la tour Montparnasse !

vue depuis le 56e étage de la tour Montparnasse

Panorama en images du sommet de la tour Montparnasse

Vue depuis le 56e étage de la tour montparnasse.

C’est dans la grande salle vitrée du 56e étage que j’ai passé le plus de temps ! Et oui, vive la clim’ par temps de canicule !

Mais il y a aussi beaucoup plus d’espace pour circuler que sur le rooftop !

vue depuis le 56e étage de la tour Montparnasse

Si le 56e étage offre une vue panoramique à 360°, une partie est réservée au restaurant (chic et cher !). Il faut donc revenir sur ses pas, l’espace étant divisé en deux.

La vue à l’ouest

vue plein ouest depuis la tour Montparnasse

Je vous propose de débuter la visite panoramique de la tour Montparnasse par l’ouest ! C’est que je suis une souris souvent à l’ouest, hum.

Évidemment, qui dit ouest dit aussi soleil dans la face coucher de soleil ! 🙂

tour Montparnasse coucher de soleil2

Mais c’est surtout par là que vous pourrez admirer la tour Eiffel ! Après tout, c’est bien l’intérêt de grimper au sommet de la tour Montparnasse : pouvoir admirer la dame de fer ! 😉 

vue sur la tour Eiffel depuis la tour Montparnasse

C’est encore mieux avec les illuminations, bien sûr !

ascension tour montparnasse

A deux pas de la tour Eiffel, petit zoom sur le centre culturel russe , dominant la Seine de ses bulbes (au grand dam de certains !)

Remarquez le palais de Tokyo  derrière, abritant le musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, et encore derrière, le palais Galleria , ou musée de la mode. 😉 

centre culturel russe vu depuis la tour Montparnasse

On admire également l’hôtel des Invalides , son dôme couvert de feuilles d’or, et son esplanade, prolongée sur la Seine par le superbe pont Alexandre III !

tour montparnasse

La vue au nord

Remontons un peu au nord !

vue plein nord depuis la tour Montparnasse

Depuis la tour Montparnasse, on profite d’une vue plongeante sur la rue très commerçante rue de Rennes , dans l’axe de la tour. Puis sur le Louvre , Tuileries , la butte Montmartre , et encore plus au nord le stade de France .

Bon, il vaut mieux avoir un gros zoom pour bien voir… Heureusement la souris est équipée, avec un bon appareil photo ! 😉

vue au nord depuis la tour Montparnasse

Toujours avec mon zoom, j’ai pu remarquer l’ Opéra Garnier , l’ église de la Madeleine , le Centre Pompidou …

Tuileries et Opéra Garnier vus depuis la tour Montparnasse

Notez bien sûr l’église Saint-Sulpice, le palais de justice (en travaux) sur l’île de la Cité, et Notre-Dame , encore en travaux !

Saint-Sulpice, tour Saint-Jacques, Centre Pompidou depuis la tour Montparnasse

Plus à l’est, nous apercevons également le jardin du Luxembourg , le Panthéon , le Val-de-Grâce , et le jardin des plantes.

tour Montparnasse

Au nord-est, plus loin, notez le cimetière du Père-Lachaise , un des plus grands espaces verts de Paris, et oui !

Père Lachaise vu depuis la tour Montparnasse

La vue à l’est

Cette fois, cap plein est !

vue de l'est de Paris depuis la tour Montparnasse

Nous apercevons en contrebas le cimetière du Montparnasse . Voyez comme il est grand !

cimetière du Montparnasse

Dans l’axe, outre les boulevards et les buildings, nous remarquons une vaste étendue verte. Il s’agit du bois de Vincennes , dont le rocher du zoo de Paris se démarque à l’horizon.

vue sur le bois de Vincennes et le rocher du zoo

La vue au sud

Passons désormais à la vue plein sud ! Bon, je dois avouer que ce n’est pas là qu’on admire le plus de monuments emblématiques…

vue au sud de la tour Montparnasse

Au pied de la tour, nous voyons surtout les immeubles encadrant la gare Montparnasse, bien moches !

Au-dessus des voies ferrées, pile dans l’axe, notez le jardin de l’Atlantique (dommage pour les reflets de la vitre…).

jardin de l'Atlantique Paris

Voyez aussi la place de Catalogne , œuvre de l’architecte Ricardo Bofill (un catalan, donc !), en travaux de « végétalisation » (c’est à la mode !), et la place de Séoul , accolée, qui abrite un jardin.

place de Catalogne et place de Séoul

Au 56e étage, vous trouverez également une vidéo de quelques minutes retraçant l’histoire de Paris en image. Elle montre l’évolution de la ville et ses différentes constructions.

Des bornes de réalité virtuelle permettent également de faire des sauts en arrière dans le temps, en rapport avec la vue !

Le café du 56e étage de la tour Montparnasse

J’ai profité du café du 56e étage de la tour Montparnasse pour faire une petite pause repas en attendant que la ville lumière s’illumine ! Les prix ne sont pas forcément doux, sans être astronomiques non plus.

Bref, c’est à l’image du quartier !

bar tour Montparnasse

Pause également après ma visite en attendant de pouvoir redescendre ! (car toutes les deux heures, une pause s’impose !)

En effet, bon nombre de visiteurs veulent profiter des illuminations et repartent ensuite tous en même temps.

Sachant que le nombre d’ascenseurs directs est limité, il faut donc faire la queue.

tour Montparnasse queue

Vue depuis le rooftop de la tour Montparnasse (59e étage)

Voilà, après avoir fait le tour du 56e étage, il est temps de grimper les 3 (petits) étages qui vous mèneront tout au sommet !

Attention : pas d’ascenseur !

escaliers sommet tour Montparnasse

J’ai pour ma part effectué l’ascension deux fois (motivée la souris avec ses petites pattes…), une fois à la fin de l’heure dorée, et une autre fois pour voir les monuments commençant à s’éclairer !

Sachez cependant que la vue n’est pas forcément la plus optimale !

sommet tour Montparnasse

Pour éviter les chutes d’objets (ou de personnes…), tout est là encore vitré, avec juste quelques espaces par ci par là pour glisser un smartphone ou un appareil photo.

Pas simple dans ces conditions de vraiment en profiter ! Surtout que l’espace étant plus restreint qu’en bas, tout le monde est plus ou moins agglutiné pour le fameux selfie.

Hélas, il n’y a même pas la place pour ma tête de souris !

tour Montparnasse rooftop

La vue depuis la terrasse au sommet de la tour Montparnasse vaut bien sûr le coup, surtout pour éviter les reflets des vitres en soirée !

tour Montparnasse rooftop soir

Bon, vu les températures élevées, j’étais mieux au 56e étage climatisé, hum.

Avis de la souris sur la visite de la tour Montparnasse

La tour offre le second plus haut panorama de Paris après celui du troisième étage de la tour Eiffel.

S’il est un peu moins haut (210 mètres au lieu de 276), il offre une perspective assez différente, et surtout la possibilité d’admirer la tour Eiffel ! La vue est particulièrement belle quand les lumières s’allument…

Enfin, les esprits caustiques rappelleront que l’avantage d’admirer la vue de la tour Montparnasse, c’est de ne pas la voir dans le paysage parisien !

tour Montparnasse vue amoureux

Que faire autour de la tour Montparnasse ?

A proximité de la tour Montparnasse, commencez logiquement par visiter le quartier du Montparnasse !

Après le succès de la butte Montmartre durant la Belle Époque, après la Première Guerre mondiale, les artistes privilégient ce nouveau quartier bohème de Paris.

Il en reste encore quelques villas et ateliers d’artistes rappelant cette époque foisonnante.

Dans le XIVe arrondissement, ne ratez pas un lieu insolite à visiter à Paris : les célèbres catacombes de Paris !

Et bien sûr, vous pouvez comparer la vue avec le panorama de la tour Eiffel ! 🙂

Ces articles aussi vont vous intéresser !

Paris vu depuis le 3e étage de la tour Eiffel

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Visit the Montparnasse Tower: A Panoramic Glimpse of Paris

Visit the Montparnasse Tower: A Panoramic Glimpse of Paris

Today, I'm taking you on a tour of the Tour Montparnasse (Montparnasse Tower) and its breathtaking view of Paris. A skyscraper in the heart of one the capital's bustling districts, it offers a 360° view of the city, almost, thanks to a panoramic observatory situated around 656 feet above sea level.

Is it worth the trip? What's the history of this building and how will it undergo significant change in the upcoming years? Which landmarks can you spot when at the top? Let's delve into its history and gather some practical advice if you wish to visit: ticket prices, opening hours, access, and more.

The (controversial) construction of the Tour Montparnasse

Even today, the Montparnasse Tower stands as a debated addition to the Paris skyline... but opposition was even more pronounced when it was first constructed! A quick historical overview:

In the 1930s, the area faced challenges. The Montparnasse train station was becoming insufficient for the growing number of passengers, and many buildings in the district were in dire straits. This prompted authorities to reimagine the district's layout.

As with many grand projects, it took time to secure the ideal architects and plans. The more spacious Montparnasse station, familiar to us today, was eventually reconstructed in the late 1960s. During this period, André Malraux, the renowned writer and then-minister, greenlit the project to construct a skyscraper beside the new station.

Plans soon included a shopping mall at the tower's base to rejuvenate the district further. However, many found the tower's imposing height contentious. This tall structure "disrupted" the traditional Parisian skyline with its dark glass and concrete facade.

The Montparnasse Tower in Paris viewed from the Arc de Triomphe

Despite criticisms, the Tour Montparnasse reached impressive elevations. Construction spanned just over 3 years, including deep foundations (230 feet), a sturdy framework of 56 reinforced concrete pillars, and special accommodations for the metro line running below. Ultimately, the 59-story building ascended to approximately 686 feet. The grand opening was on June 18, 1973.

Decades later, some critics remain vocal, even if the tower has earned its place in Paris. In 2008, it was unfortunately dubbed the second ugliest building globally, following Boston's City Hall. It also ranks as France's second-tallest skyscraper, next to the Tour First in the La Défense business district.

A new face for Tour Montparnasse

The building's future looks promising as efforts are made to endear it to Parisians. A proposal by the Nouvelle AOM architectural collective was recently approved to renovate the Tour Montparnasse , ensuring it melds seamlessly with the city.

The transformative vision includes:

  • ... enhancing its green credentials with a hanging garden and an additional floor designated for an agricultural greenhouse;
  • ... modernizing it for today's environmental challenges , incorporating photovoltaic panels, rainwater harvesting, and energy-efficient windows;
  • ... refreshing its aesthetic to dispel its current grim reputation, favoring transparent glazing.

Although the renovations have been postponed, primarily due to asbestos removal needs, this project promises to reshape the Tour Montparnasse's image for years to come.

Whether you appreciate the architecture or not, one thing's undeniable: the vista from the pinnacle is a must-see! It's also a unique chance to marvel at a bird's-eye view of Paris, including the Eiffel Tower. From the Tour Montparnasse's rooftop, it takes center stage.

The Eiffel Tower and La Défense as seen from the Tour Montparnasse

Ascending the Tour Montparnasse

Presently, the edifice functions primarily as an office building , so not all floors are open to the public.

However, for visitors eager to reach the summit, there's the elevator. The tower boasts 25 elevators, but the one destined for tourists is special—it travels directly from the ground to the 56th floor without stopping. It's swift, and you might even feel a slight pressure change during the ascent!

Its speed was curtailed in 2009 (from approximately 20 ft/s to roughly 16.5 ft/s). In a mere 38 seconds, you can ascend the tower's 56 stories. This rapid journey concludes at the Tour Montparnasse's panoramic observatory , which showcases a splendid Parisian panorama.

The Panoramic Observatory

The viewing space spans two levels:

  • The 56th floor is indoors (cozy during winter) and includes amenities like a café, fine dining restaurant, boutique, restrooms, and interactive displays. This level is wheelchair accessible;
  • The 59th floor , accessible by stairs, is an outdoor terrace. Spanning roughly 8,600 square feet, it presents an aerial view of Paris from a height of 656 feet. On a clear day, you can gaze as far as 25 miles. During summer, a rooftop bar provides the perfect spot to watch the sunset while sipping a beverage.

The 57th and 58th floors remain closed to the public.

For visitors in 2023, the terrace was inaccessible for 3 months due to the termination of the operating lease by the condominium association. After a legal challenge, the premises were permitted to reopen on July 14, 2023.

Here, the space on the 56th floor:

On the 56th floor of the Tour Montparnasse

And next, the terrace:

Rooftop of the Tour Montparnasse

It's encircled by glass panels to deter any tragic incidents, and some gaps are left open for photography. There are also spyglasses available to magnify specific details of the cityscape.

View of Paris from the Montparnasse Tower

So, what can you see? The tower provides an all-encompassing view of the city. Whether you visit during the day, night, or at sunset, each moment offers distinct contrasts and colors, providing opportunities to identify notable landmarks.

Here’s the Alexandre III Bridge, with the Grand Palais looming just behind:

Pont Alexandre III and Grand Palais

Far off, you can spot Mont Valérien in Suresnes, a significant historical and commemorative site:

Mont Valérien in Suresnes

There are the eye-catching matte-gold domes of the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of the Holy Trinity , standing distinct amidst the more typical Parisian rooftops:

Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral

Observe the Basilique Sainte-Clotilde and, right behind it, the Assemblée Nationale (national assembly):

Basilique Sainte-Clotilde and Assemblée Nationale

Spot the church of Saint-Augustin , with the Concorde obelisk and the Hôtel de Crillon making a grand appearance up front:

Concorde and Saint-Augustin church

The iconic Arc de Triomphe , appearing subtly amid the urban sprawl:

The Arc de Triomphe from the Tour Montparnasse

Here, the elevated section of the metro line 6 stands out, accompanied by the green expanse of the Avenue de Suffren:

The Paris metro

Take a gander at the Parc André-Citroën with its soaring hot-air balloon, the Ballon de Paris. Beyond that, you can spot the "Ici c'est Paris" signs of the Parc des Princes , the iconic home of football club Paris Saint-Germain:

Parc André-Citroën and Parc des Princes

Laid before you is the Necker-Enfants malades hospital , a premier institution in Europe for pediatric and adolescent care:

Necker Hospital, a European benchmark

The unmistakable Paris Observatory , can be identified by its bright white dome:

Paris Observatory

I also recommend visiting The Pantheon for the stunning views it provides of Paris when its dome is open, typically from April to October.

The Pantheon

At the Montparnasse Cemetery , you'll find the resting places of renowned figures such as Serge Gainsbourg, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre, André Citroën (the namesake of the car brand), Alain Resnais, Philippe Noiret, Serge Reggiani, journalist Yves Mourousi, Maurice Pialat, Jean Poiret, and many more.

Montparnasse Cemetery

Don't miss the Jardin du Luxembourg and Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral , which is currently undergoing reconstruction!

Jardin du Luxembourg and Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral

I captured a photo of the cathedral at sunset a few years back, showcasing its original spire.

Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral

You can also spot the Church of Saint-Sulpice :

The church of Saint-Sulpice

Be sure to also see the Tour Saint Jacques and the Centre Pompidou, two other landmarks in Paris.

Tour Saint Jacques and Centre Pompidou

The Tuileries Garden and a section of the Louvre Museum (with the Louvre pyramid obscured from view)

Louvre Museum and Tuileries Garden

The hill of Montmartre and the Basilica of the Sacré-Coeur . Just beyond, the silhouette of the Stade de France aligns with it.

Montmartre Hill

The rooftops of the Paris Opera House , and in the foreground, Place Vendôme with its iconic column.

Paris Opera House

The gleaming dome of the Hôtel des Invalides.

Hôtel des Invalides

And, unmistakably, the Eiffel Tower and Trocadero with the La Défense business district rising in the distance.

Eiffel Tower, Trocadero, and La Défense

At sunset, the landscape is imbued with a magical aura.

The Champ-de-Mars, the Eiffel Tower, and La Défense during sunset

There's a wealth to witness. I could continue for hours, but I trust you grasp the essence: from the top of the Tour Montparnasse , nearly every iconic monument in Paris is visible. It’s an opportunity to explore the city's intricate architecture in detail — churches, distinguished structures, institutions, universities, schools. Essentially, the rich heritage of the city unfolds before you, much like an open-air museum!

Visiting the Tour Montparnasse: Practical Information

Where is the tour montparnasse located.

The tower stands on the esplanade across from the Montparnasse train station in Paris, at 33 Avenue du Maine in the 15th arrondissement. The entrance to the "Top of the City" panoramic observatory is to the left of the building as you come out of the station.

After a security screening, you'll be directed to the elevators. So, there's no chance of getting lost!

Ticket Prices for the Top

You can reserve a ticket online in advance for $20 (or £15) per adult. Keep in mind that purchasing tickets on-site at the ticket counter will be pricier, with a $1.20 (or £0.90) surcharge added to the ticket price.

Children aged 4 to 11 can enjoy a 50% discount, while young adults aged 12 to 17 and students aged 18 to 25 are eligible for a reduced rate. Children under the age of 3 are admitted free of charge.

Overall, it's a fair price, especially considering you can stay as long as you wish!

Operating Hours of the Tower

From April 1 to September 30 , the Tower is open daily from 9:30 am and until 11:30 pm.

From October 1 to March 31 , the Tower welcomes visitors every day from 9:30 a.m., until 10:30 p.m. from Sunday to Thursday, and until 11 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, the eve of public holidays and public holidays.

These extended opening hours enable visitors to enjoy the view over Paris day and night, and to witness some splendid sunsets.

View from the Montparnasse Tower in Paris

Restaurants and cafés at Tour Montparnasse

The Tour Montparnasse boasts multiple dining venues:

  • A rooftop bar situated at the building's summit, operational solely during the spring and summer months;
  • 360 Café, positioned on the 56th floor, which remains open each day until 10pm;
  • Ciel de Paris, a restaurant located on the 56th floor, features exquisite culinary offerings. Feel free to browse their menu here . Among the available options is the "Grand Ecran" menu that assures a seating by a bay window, barring special event nights. Furthermore, there's a brunch/tea room package available, perfect for an affordable yet delightful experience.

A word to the wise: ensure you're adequately dressed for the cold when visiting the observatory, especially if coming during seasons other than summer. The outdoor viewing deck often encounters breezy conditions. You wouldn't want the chilly temperatures to dampen your experience!

Notre-Dame Cathedral viewed from the Tour Montparnasse

Five Things to Know About the Montparnasse Tower

How many levels does the Tour Montparnasse comprise? It stands tall with a total of 59 levels, of which the 56th and 59th levels serve as the panoramic observatory open to visitors.

What is the Tour Montparnasse's height? The height ranges between 686-689 feet, varying based on the information source.

Who is credited with constructing the Tour Montparnasse? The Agence pour l'Opération Maine Montparnasse (AOM) managed its construction. This agency incorporated architects such as Eugène Beaudoin, Urbain Cassan, Louis de Hoÿm de Marien, and Jean Saubot.

What is the primary function of the Tour Montparnasse? While the majority of its space serves as office areas, tourists can also relish expansive views of Paris from the designated observation zones.

How much time should one allocate for a Tour Montparnasse visit? The duration is subjective to individual preferences like taking numerous photographs or indulging in a drink atop. Nevertheless, plan to spend a minimum of one hour on the premises.

Marlène Viancin

Hello! On this blog, I share my photos, insights, and travel tips from journeys in France and around the world. I launched this blog in French in 2014 and began translating some articles into English in late 2022. I have a special passion for solo travel! In March 2023, I was blessed with my son James, and I've already begun introducing him to the joys of traveling as a solo mom with a baby.

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  • The Montparnasse Tower

Montparnasse Tower tickets and tours

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Montparnasse tower 56th floor tickets

Montparnasse tower 56th floor tickets

Book your ticket for the Tour Montparnasse and go up to the 56th floor of the tower to enjoy the best panoramic view of Paris!

Arts in Montparnasse tour with guide on your smartphone

Arts in Montparnasse tour with guide on your smartphone

Enjoy an audio-guided tour of Montparnasse, the heart of Parisian artistic and intellectual life in the first half of the 20th century.

Best of Artists in Paris, 3 audioguided tours on your smartphone

Best of Artists in Paris, 3 audioguided tours on your smartphone

Visit Montmartre, Montparnasse and the Street Art district at your own pace and customize your itinerary as you wish with this audio-guided tour on your smartphone!

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Go City | Paris All-Inclusive Pass

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The inside story

The Montparnasse tower is the tallest skyscraper in Paris, and probably the most beautiful viewpoint of the capital. This unique view overlooking Paris is located at 200 meters above sea level and offers a 360° view of the capital up to 40 km away when the weather is favorable. It is even possible to see the planes takingoff from the Orly airport!

Entirely renovated in 2005 and then in 2011, the site offers two levels of visit:

  • The 56th floor, covered, with many facilities to better understand the city and its history: interactive terminals and panoramas, historical photo exhibition of Paris. This level also offers a bar and a souvenir shop.
  • The open-air terrace of 8611 sq ft has been designed to make the most of the unobstructed view of Paris via large windows. A champagne bar is open during the summer.

ascension tour montparnasse

How to get there

Guide to visiting Montparnasse Tower

The Montparnasse Tower, or Tour Montparnasse, stands as a modern symbol amid the timeless beauty of Paris.

Perched 210 meters above the city, the skyscraper provides a panoramic view of the French capital.

Its striking contrast to the city’s historic architecture initially caused controversy, but today, it is a key element of the Paris skyline.

It represents Montparnasse’s artistic and cultural heritage, which in the early 20th century served as a center for artists like Picasso, Hemingway, and Modigliani. 

This article covers everything you must know before booking tickets to the Montparnasse Tower.

# Montparnasse Tower tickets It is better to buy your tickets online in advance to avoid last minute disappointment.

Things to know before booking tickets

Montparnasse Tower tickets are available online and at the attraction.

Online ticket prices tend to be cheaper than tickets at the venue.

When you buy online, you can avoid the long queues at the attraction’s ticket counters.

When you book early, you also get your preferred time slot.

Because some attractions sell a limited number of tickets, they may sell out during peak days.

Booking early also helps avoid last-minute disappointments.

Go to the ticket booking page, select your preferred timeslot, date, and number of tickets, and buy the tickets instantly.

After the purchase, you will receive the tickets via email.

You don’t need to take any printouts.

Present your e-ticket on your smartphone at the entrance on the day you visit to skip the line and walk into the skyscraper right away.

Montparnasse Tower (Tour Montparnasse) tickets

Montparnasse Tower

You can either get the skip-the-line entry ticket or elevate your experience by opting for the guided walking tour.

Tour Montparnasse entry tickets

Experience a panoramic 360-degree view of Paris from the observation deck.

Ascend 200 meters in a 38-second elevator ride.

Enjoy a modern ambiance as you admire the skyline.

Use the Magnicity App on your smartphone to view interesting stories, videos, and 3D images.

Witness popular landmarks and the city’s layout from an extraordinary viewpoint.

Ticket Prices

Adult (18+ years): €19 Youth (12 to 17 years): €15 Child (4 to 11 years): €10 Infant (up to 3 years): Free


1.5-Hour Guided Walking Tour of Montparnasse

Walking Tour of Montparnasse

Discover Montparnasse’s rich culture and past on a 1.5-hour guided walking tour of Montparnasse.

Start at Boulevard du Montparnasse, a hub for the Cafe Society elite, and walk on the enchanting streets of Rue Delambre.

Learn about the significant life of Josephine Baker and visit iconic locations like the Monocle, a renowned women-only cabaret, and The Sphinx, a Nazi-occupied brothel during World War II.

Pay your respects at Montparnasse Cemetery, the resting place of historical figures like Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre.

Complete your tour in Paris’s “Little Theater District,” Rue de la Gaite, and end with a visit to the Montparnasse Tower.

Ticket Prices Adult (12+ years): €36 Child (4 to 11 years): €31 Infant (up to 3 years): Free

Opening hours

The Montparnasse Tower opens at 9.30 am and closes at 10.30 pm every Sunday to Thursday from 1 October to 31 March.

The tower closes at 11 pm on Fridays, Saturdays, and public holidays.

From 1 April to 30 September, it remains open till 11.30 pm.

Best time to visit

The best time to visit the Montparnasse Tower is early morning or late afternoon, as it is the least crowded during this time.

Weekdays offer a less crowded experience compared to weekends.

Visiting during sunset can provide stunning views from the observation deck.

The city lights, the glow of the setting sun, and the sparkling night sky create a magical atmosphere at dusk.

How long does the tour take

A tour of Montparnasse Tower lasts approximately one hour.

The tour starts with an elevator ride to the observation deck, where you can explore the informational displays and enjoy the scenic views of Paris.

It may take longer on weekends and public holidays if there are long queues.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some questions visitors usually ask before booking tickets for Tour Maine-Montparnasse:

The Tower is at 33 Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France. Get Directions. The nearest metro station is Montparnasse-Bienvenüe, which is served by lines 4, 6, 12, and 13.

You can book your tickets online or at the venue’s ticket counters. Booking early helps avoid last-minute disappointments.

Opening hours are generally from 9.30 am to 10.30 pm daily, with extended hours during summer months. However, checking the official website for the most up-to-date information is best.

The standard adult ticket price for the observatory is around €18. Youth, children, and senior tickets are available at reduced prices.

Discounts may be available for students, seniors, children, and large groups. Check the official website or inquire at the ticket office for current promotions or discounts.

The best time to visit is during clear weather conditions, either early morning or late afternoon, to avoid crowds. Sunset and nighttime visits offer stunning views of the city lights.

Visiting the observation deck typically takes about 1-2 hours, depending on how long you wish to take in the views and explore the exhibits.

Yes, is accessible for people with disabilities, with elevators and ramps available to ensure a comfortable visit.

Yes, you can take photos from the observation deck. It’s a popular spot for capturing stunning views of Paris.

Yes, there is a restaurant called “Le Ciel de Paris” on the 56th floor and a café on the observation terrace.

From the top, you can see landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Sacré-Cœur Basilica, and the River Seine, among others.

Yes, it has a gift shop to purchase souvenirs and memorabilia.

The Tower can accommodate large groups and school trips. It’s recommended to contact the tower in advance to make arrangements and inquire about group discounts.

Paid parking is available near the Tower, including the Maine-Montparnasse car park at 50 Avenue du Maine.

There are no luggage storage facilities directly at Montparnasse Tower. However, you may find luggage storage options or private locker rental services at nearby train stations.

This offers a unique perspective of Paris, with less crowded observation decks than the Eiffel Tower. Tour Saint-Jacques is a historical monument and offers guided visits to the top, but it has limited availability and requires booking.

Tour Montparnasse opens at 9.30 am. It closes at 10.30 pm in winter (1 October to 31 March) and at 11.30 pm in summer(1 April to 30 September).

Yes, it provides an underground parking facility.

Yes, Tour Montparnasse is committed to providing accessibility for visitors with disabilities. There are elevators to access various levels, ramps for wheelchair users, and accessible washrooms.

Nearby attractions include the Catacombs of Paris, Luxembourg Gardens, Rodin Museum, and the Montparnasse Cemetery.

What to expect at the Tower

Panoramic Views

The main highlight at Tour Montparnasse is the observation deck offering breathtaking 360-degree views of Paris.

You’ll see iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Sacré-Cœur Basilica, and the Louvre.

Elevator Experience

The swift elevator ride to the top is an adventure, covering 200 meters in just 38 seconds.

Newly Refurbished Spaces

The recent renovations have transformed the ambiance, creating a modern and welcoming environment to enjoy the city views.

Interactive Multimedia

You can access multimedia content like video clips, stories, and 3D reconstructions through the Magnicity App.

This enhances your understanding and appreciation of the sights.

Cultural Context

Montparnasse, a creative and intellectual hub, provides cultural insights.

You can explore the surrounding neighborhood, which depicts its bohemian past.

Guided Tours

You can also take a guided tour that covers the Montparnasse area, showcasing its history, landmarks, and notable sites.

Montparnasse Cemetery

Another attraction is the Montparnasse Cemetery, where notable figures like Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre are buried.

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Tour Montparnasse in Paris, France.

© Alberto Zamorano/Shutterstock

Tour Montparnasse

Spectacular views unfold from this 210m-high smoked-glass-and-steel office block, built in 1973. A speedy elevator whisks visitors up in 38 seconds to the indoor observatory on the 56th floor, with multimedia displays. Finish with a hike up the stairs to the 59th-floor open-air terrace (with a sheltered walkway) and bubbly at the terrace's Champagne bar. This venerable building is undergoing a makeover – major renovation works started in early 2020 and are due for completion in 2024.

The tower also houses the city’s highest restaurant, Ciel de Paris .

33 av du Maine, 15e

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Tour Montparnasse

  • Top Attractions
  • Tourist Attractions

Tour Montparnasse

Tour Montparnasse (Montparnasse Tower) stands 689 ft (210 m) tall. It has one of the best observation decks of Paris. From its terrace visitors will be able to see the most important monuments of the city.

Past and Present

Opened in 1973, the Tour Montparnasse was the first office building to be built in the center of Paris. It was the subject of great controversy as many Parisians believed that the skyscraper clashed with the rest of the city’s architecture.

Presently, nearly 5,000 people work on one of the building’s 53 floors , while over 750,000 travelers climb to its observation decks on the 56 and 59 floors to enjoy some of the best views of Paris.

Stunning Bird’s Eye View of Paris

After having taken a lift in Europe’s fastest elevator, visitors will get off on the 56th floor to see a stunning bird’s eye view of the city, protected by the building’s large windows. As well as enjoying the panoramic views, you can find out some curious facts about the city through multimedia apps or else travel back in time and visit Paris years ago during the exhibition of old photographs of the capital.

The best photos of the city can be taken three floors up, on the 59th floor. From this observation terrace, you’ll see Paris as if it were miniature.

One of Montparnasse’s great advantages is that it provides great views of the Eiffel Tower , something impossible to see if you climb up this monument to see the scenery.

Buy tickets for the Montparnasse Tower

If you plan to visit the Montparnasse Tower, we recommend buying tickets in advance. This way you'll make sure to reserve your spot and even get a small discount. You can buy them through the web at the following link:

  • Montparnasse Tower ticket

Montparnasse Tower

Avenue du Maine, 33

1 April – 30 September : 9:30 am – 11:30 pm 1 October – 31 March : Sunday – Thursday: 9:30 am – 10:30 pm Friday – Saturday and public holidays: 9:30 am – 11 pm

Adults: € 20 ( US$ 22) Youth (12-17 years old) and students: € 15.50 ( US$ 17.10) Children (4-11 years old): € 9.50 ( US$ 10.50) Free entry with the Paris Pass .

Montparnasse Tower Ticket € 20 ( US$ 22)

Metro : Montparnasse-Bienvenüe , lines 4, 6, 12 and 13. Bus : Lines 28, 58, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95 and 96.

Nearby places

Catacombs of Paris (1.2 km) Jardin du Luxembourg (1.2 km) Church of Saint-Sulpice (1.3 km) Musée Rodin (1.5 km) Les Invalides (1.6 km)

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Standard Ticket

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  • 360° view of Paris
  • Rooftop access
  • Paris Time Travel VR experience
  • 1 glass of champagne


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Visit ticket + champagne

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Day & Night Ticket

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Montparnasse Tower 33 Avenue du Maine 75015 Paris

Discover exciting opportunities for you to grow your career at Paris Montparnasse.

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Open every day, from 9:30 am

  • From 01/10 to 31/03: at 10:30 pm on weekdays, at 11 pm on weekends & public holidays.
  • From 01/04 to 30/09: at 11:30 pm.

Last lift 30 minutes before closing.  

Interested in working at the top of Paris? 

Paris Attraction Tickets

Montparnasse tower.

ascension tour montparnasse

Everyone knows the Eiffel tower. And almost every tourist wants to see the Eiffel tower. But no one like queueing up to get into the Eiffel tower.

If only there were a way to not queue like lemmings and still get a royal view of the Eiffel tower. Well, the Montparnasse tower (Tour Montparnasse) it the answer!

At 210 meters tall, the Montparnasse tower offers a stunning view of the city of love. And if that isn't romantic enough then feast your taste buds at the Ciel de Paris restaurant 3 floors below to top floor. But, if you're going with your loved ones, please take the elevator and avoid following in the footsteps of French urban climber Alain "Spiderman" Robert who climbed the building twice using only his bare hands and feet and with no safety devices of any kind.

Note that it's unlikely you'll find another building like it in Paris any time soon. The public was so appalled by its out-of-place design that upon its completion a new law was written, banning buildings larger than 7 stories high in the city centre.

Tickets for Montparnasse Tower

Picture of  in Paris

Montparnasse Tower Observatory Deck: Entry ticket + Rooftop Access

  • Entrance to Tour Montparnasse with 360° view over Paris from the 56th floor
  • Direct access to the elevators
  • Access to the rooftop
  • Paris Time Travel experience in virtual reality
  • Cinematic experience

Picture of  in Paris

Montparnasse Tower + Seine River Cruise by Bateaux Mouches

Experience the dazzling allure of Paris from two unique perspectives. Soar to breathtaking heights with the Montparnasse Tower Observatory Deck ticket, offering exquisite 360° city views and access to the highest restaurant in the city, Le Ciel de Paris.

Then, immerse yourself in the romantic essence of the city with a scenic Seine River Cruise by Bateaux Mouches, providing an unforgettable journey past iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and Notre-Dame Cathedral, complete with insightful commentary.

Don't miss out on this comprehensive package to truly savor the enchanting City of Lights!

  • Musée Zadkine → 888 meters
  • Musée du Luxembourg → 1.1 kilometer
  • Musée de la Libération de Paris - Musée du Général Leclerc - Musée Jean Moulin → 1.1 kilometer
  • Musée Rodin → 1.5 kilometer
  • École Militaire → 1.6 kilometer
  • Napoleon's Tomb → 1.6 kilometer
  • Musée de l’Armée → 1.6 kilometer
  • Panthéon → 1.8 kilometer
  • Grand Palais Éphémère → 1.8 kilometer
  • Musée d’Orsay → 2 kilometer
  • La Monnaie de Paris → 2 kilometer


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Montparnasse Tower Ticket

  • 8.50 / 10 867 reviews | 15,832 travellers Original and interesting with video guides to watch and listen to 10 Carmen Maria
  • X (Twitter)

Want an incredible  360º view of Paris?  View the French capital from the top of Montparnasse Tower, 200 metres from the ground and right in the city centre.

The Eiffel Tower from the Tour Montparnasse


Located in the 15th Arrondissement in Paris,  Tour Montparnasse  is one of the best viewpoints from which to see the whole city.

Ride one of the tower's super-fast lifts  (officially the fastest in Europe) up to the 56th floor, where you'll enjoy breathtaking views of the city . You'll see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc du Triomphe, the Louvre and Paris' wide avenues amongst other monuments and famous sights.

The panoramic observatory also boasts multimedia exhibitions including touch screens and virtual reality kiosks   to teach you everything you ever wanted to know about the French capital.

Your ticket also allows you to access the 59th-floor roof terrace . From here you can look out over Paris as if it were a scale model.  The city as you've never seen it before!

Opening times

The Montparnasse Tower is open from Monday to Sunday at the following times:

  • January 1 - March 31  &  October 1 - December 31 : 9:30 am - 10:30 pm from Sunday - Thursday, and until 11 pm on Fridays, Saturdays & the eve of public holidays
  • April 1-30 : 10 am - 11:30 pm (last admission at 11 pm)
  • May 1 - September 30 : 9:30 am - 11:30 pm (last admission at 11 pm)  

Please note that on all days the last access will be 30 minutes before closing time.

However, please note that your visit must take place at the specific time you choose in your booking . This time will be the time shown on your booking voucher.

Montparnasse Tower is accessible for persons of reduced mobility up to the 56th floor . From this level, the 59th floor is only accessible using stairs (3 flights).

More Information

Admission to the Montparnasse Tower Observation Deck

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Only some areas are accessible.


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Meeting point.

Torre Montparnasse

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France Hotel Guide's Blog

Is It Worth Visiting the Tour Montparnasse? Our Opinion

Museums are not your cup of tea? Do you prefer outdoor visits? If this is the case, look no further, the Tour Montparnasse is for you. An amazing view, sunsets to die for… Here is our opinion on the tallest tower in the French capital .

Tour Montparnasse

Our opinion

What we liked.

  • The stunning 360-degree view of Paris which enables you to admire its most beautiful monuments.
  • The best view of the Eiffel Tower in all of Paris.
  • The day and night access to admire sunsets and Paris by night
  • The panoramic terrace
  • All the interactive kiosks that make the visit more lively.

What we didn’t like as much

  • Tickets are a bit expensive.
  • There are too many people; especially at certain times.

What is the Tour Montparnasse?

A little bit of history.

The Tour Montparnasse was built between 1969 and 1973 as the result of an urban project. it is located in the Necker district, on the East side of the 15th arrondissement.

At that time, it was considered as a colossal construction and was sharply criticised. This 150,000 ton skyscraper was built on a site consisting of limestone, chalk and clay – a very risky project!

After a long period of doubt, André Malraux (a former French Minister of Information and Cultural Affairs) finally granted the planning permission for the Tour Montparnasse.

When it first opened in 1973, this 210-meter-high building became the tallest office building in all Europe. It maintained its position for nearly 20 years.

59 floors, 25 lifts, 7,200 windows, a surface area of 90,000 m² … Impressive, isn’t it ?

If you are interested in the history of the Tour Montparnasse, here is a video explaining its construction.

The Tour Montparnasse Nowadays

Tous Montparnasse nowadays

The Tour Montparnasse is 210 meters high (or 209, sources differ) and is the tallest skyscraper within Paris itself. Its lift is the fastest in all Europe -it only takes 38 seconds to go to the 56th floor, an average speed of 5 meters per second!

It is an office building but several floors are opened to visitors. You can go up to the 56th and the 59th floors to enjoy a 360-degree view of the City of Lights and its most beautiful monuments.

The 56th floor is enclosed and glazed. There are lots of interactive kiosks, a café and a souvenir shop.

The 59th floor is an outdoor, panoramic terrace. In good weather, you can enjoy a view of over 40 km!

How to Get to the Tour Montparnasse ?

It is located at 33 Avenue du Maine, in the Necker district in the 15th arrondissement.

If you want to get there by underground: take line 4, 6, 12 or 13 and get off at Montparnasse – Bienvenüe.

If you want to get there by bus: lines 28, 58, 82, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95 and 96 have bus stops near the Tour Montparnasse.

Visiting the Tour Montparnasse

Practical information, opening hours.

From April to September – everyday from 9:30am to 11:30pm.

From October to March – everyday from 9:30am to 10:30pm.

The last admission is  30 minutes before the tower closes.

Recommended times

Of course, there are more people visiting the Tour Montparnasse during weekends, bank holidays and school holidays.

There are usually more visitors between 11am and 3pm and after 6pm as people come to see the sunset.

sunset view from tour montparnasse

For a normal ticket:

  • Adults : 18€
  • Young people (12-18) and students : 15€
  • Children from 4 to 11: 9.50€
  • Person with reduced mobility : 7.50€
  • The ticket is free for children under 4.

Buy your tickets here .

For a day and night ticket (valid 48 hours for two visits):

  • Adults : 20 €
  • Young people (16 – 20) and students: 16 €
  • Children from 7 to 15: 12,50 €
  • The ticket is free for children under 7.

We recommend you to buy the day and night ticket so you can come twice -once during the daytime and once during the night and enjoy the lights of Paris.

You can buy your tickets directly on the website of Tour Montparnasse . It is strongly recommended!

Additional Information

Children are very welcome to the Tour Montparnasse. The interactive kiosks and the virtual reality panoramas of the 56th floor will win their heart.

It is possible to eat there (see below).

Buy your ticket and take the fastest lift in all Europe … it will take you up to the 56th floor in just 38 seconds!

Panoramic observatory

This floor is an enclosed panoramic observatory. This modern floor is completely glazed and allows you to enjoy a 360-degree view of Paris. It is the perfect spot to enjoy a beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower and other Parisian monuments. You will find lots of installations to help you understand the history of the tower – kiosks, interactive panoramas, historical photo exhibitions. There is also a café and a souvenir shop.

Make the most of it and then climb a few steps and go to the 59th floor.


This outdoor, panoramic terrace has a surface area of 800m². From there, you will enjoy one of the best views of the French capital. Make the most of the bar and the view from the highest rooftop in Paris.

Our Recommendations

This visit can last from 30 minutes to 2 hours -it depends on how many other visitors there are and on how long you want to stay there. Note that your tickets don’t have a time limit -you can enjoy the view as long as you want to!

Don’t go there on cold or windy days -there is a lot of wind on the terrace and you could be cold.

Access for People with Reduced Mobility

People with reduced mobility can access the 56th floor but sadly the can’t access the panoramic terrace of the 59th floor as to get there, it is necessary to climb stairs (three floors).

Luggage Restrictions

Unfortunately, you can’t visit the Tour Montparnasse with big luggage.

We recommend you to give them at the left luggage located 17 Boulevard Vaugirard , in the Montparnasse train station (an eleven-minute walk from the Tour Montparnasse).

For 24 hours, you will have to pay 5.50 euros for a small locker, 7.50 euros for a medium one and 9.5. euros for a big one.

Good Addresses Near the Tour Montparnasse

Our restaurant recommendations.

We strongly recommend you try the 360 café, the famous café located on the 56th floor of the Tour Montparnasse. Hot drinks, sandwiches, breakfasts etc… are all served with a stunning view.

Price range:

-Caesar salad: 11 euros

-Sandwich:  6.20 euros

-Breakfast (hot drink, fruit juice, three small viennoiseries):  7 euros

-Crepe or waffle with Nutella: 4 euros

Address: 56th floor of the Tour Montparnasse, 33 Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris France

How to get there? Underground line 4, 6, 12 or 13 (Montparnasse – Bienvenüe).

Bus line 28, 58, 82, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95 or 96.

Phone number: 01 40 64 77 64

Ratings: -Tripadvisor: 3.5/5

In this pizzeria located in the Montparnasse district , they serve delicious food at affordable prices.

There is even a small terrace if you want to enjoy your pizza in a quiet place.

The staff is friendly and the service is quick.

Price range: 12.50 euros for a lunch menu.

Opening hours: Everyday – from noon to 2:30pm and from 7pm to 11pm.

Address: 1 Impasse de la Gaîté, 75014 Paris France (a four-minute walk from the Tour Montparnasse).

How to get there? Underground line 6 (Edgar Quinet).

Phone number: 01 43 20 96 34

Ratings: -Google: 4.5/5

This modern brasserie is the perfect place to eat after your visit of the Tour Montparnasse.

On the menu, tags explain the composition of each dish, so you already have all the details you need to make your choice!

Roast chicken, marinated salmon, croque monsieur … You will have the choice.

Price range: Lunch menu between 14 euros and 17 euros.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday – 7am to midnight.

Saturday and Sunday – 8am to midnight.

Address: 33 boulevard Edgar Quinet 75014 Paris France (a one-minute walk from the Tour Montparnasse).

How to get there? Underground line 6 (Edgar Quinet or Montparnasse – Bienvenüe).

Phone number: 01 72 38 58 92

Ratings: -Google: 4/5

Other Places to Visit in the Same Area

Musée bourdelle.

Antoine Bourdelle was a famous French sculptor born in the 1860s. The flat and gardens where he used to live have been transformed into a museum.

This studio-museum is the perfect place to admire the work of this man who was Rodin’s pupil and assistant.

Price: Free.

Opening hours: Everyday from 10am to 6pm.

Address: 18 Rue Antoine Bourdelle, 75015 Paris France

How to get there? Underground line 12 (Falguière).

From the Tour Montparnasse: a seven-minute walk

Jardins du Luxembourg

Located at the border between the Saint Germain-des-Prés district and the Latin Quarter , these gardens are the perfect place to relax and enjoy the few Parisian rays of sunshine.

Take a walk to the North of the gardens to admire the Palais du Luxembourg, where the French Senate is.

Opening hours:

The opening hours change with daylight period.

The gardens open between 7:30am and 8:15am and close between 4:30pm and 9:30pm.

For more information, visit this website . (website in French).

Address: 15 Rue Vaugirard, 75291 Paris France

How to get there? RER line B (Luxembourg).

From the Tour Montparnasse: bus line 89 (16 minutes).

Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain

It is an exhibition center and a place where artists can create and meet their public -conferences; concerts and shows are organized there.

Full price: 7.50 euros

Reduced price (for students, people under 25, seniors (over 65), job seekers and people receiving minimum social benefits, people from the Maison des artistes, partner institutions and the Ministry of culture): 5 euros

Free for people under 18 on Wednesdays from 2pm to 6pm.

Opening hours: Closed on Mondays.

Tuesdays – from 11am to 10pm.

Wednesday to Sunday – from 11am to 8pm.

Address: 26 Boulevard Raspail, 75014 Paris France

How to get there? Underground line 4 or 6 (Raspail).

From the Tour Montparnasse: a thirteen-minute walk.


Even though it is a bit expensive, we strongly recommend you to visit the Tour Montparnasse.

It is worth going there for the view (especially of the Eiffel Tower) and we are sure you can’t find better spot for sunsets in all Paris.

Are you still hesitating? Admire this video of a sunset from the Tour Montparnasse.


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ascension tour montparnasse

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  • Montparnasse Tower Visitor Guide + Tips

By: Author Emily

Posted on Last updated: November 27, 2023

For some of the very best views of Paris, make your way to the top of the one and only skyscraper in the city, Montparnasse Tower. In this post, we’ll explain the basics of visiting this observation deck, share the views you can expect to see and then wrap up with our overall thoughts on this experience compared to others in Paris.

Ready? Let’s head to the top of Montparnasse Tower.

ascension tour montparnasse

What is Montparnasse Tower?

Standing at 689 feet, Montparnasse Tower is the tallest building in Paris, France. It’s the second tallest structure in Paris after the Eiffel Tower. The building is primarily used as an office building, but has some commercial storefronts and an observation deck on the 56th floor.

Montparnasse Tower stands out against the Paris skyline like a sore thumb, because it’s the only skyscraper in all of Paris. The people of Paris hated it so much that two years after it was constructed in 1973, the city of Paris banned all buildings over 121 feet. (In 2010, the policy was revised to allow buildings as high as 590 feet in some areas, but none have since been built.)

While Montparnasse Tower might not be the most beautiful building to look at in Paris, it just might be the place for the best view  of Paris.

ascension tour montparnasse

The lone skyscraper in Paris, Montparnasse Tower, stands out on the Paris skyline. (As seen here from the Eiffel Tower.)

Where is Montparnasse Tower?

Montparnasse Tower is located in the Montparnasse neighborhood in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. The building’s address is 33 Av. du Maine, 75015 Paris, France .

You can get to Montparnasse Tower on public transportation from the Montparnasse train stop, which serves the 4, 6, 12 and 13 Metro lines. You can also walk to Montparnasse Tower from Luxembourg Gardens, which is about 15 minutes away (less than 1 mile).

Can you go to the top of Montparnasse Tower?

Yes! There is an observation deck on the 56th floor of Montparnasse Tower and an open air roof deck on the 59th floor. There is an elevator to the 56th floor, but the rooftop terrace on the 59th floor is only accessible by stairs.

ascension tour montparnasse

What can you see from the top of Montparnasse Tower?

Everything. You can see all of Paris from the observation deck at Montparnasse Tower. Expect views of Paris’ top attractions like the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, Sacré-Cœur at the top of Montmartre, Notre Dame and more. You can see the tree-lined streets and green gardens and peep the closest skyscrapers just outside the city limits in La Défense.

Montparnasse Tower offers the highest views of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the sightline. While you might be able to get better views of Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower , if you want the best views of the Eiffel Tower you can’t beat Montparnasse Tower.

ascension tour montparnasse

How much does Montparnasse Tower cost?

A ticket to the top of Montparnasse Tower is pretty reasonably priced relative to other popular Paris tourist attractions. There are two main ticket options and neither costs more than 25€ (as of 2022).

A standard ticket to the top of Montparnasse Tower includes one visit to the observation deck. You can stay as long as you like and may freely move between the indoor space and the rooftop terrace. At the time this post was published, the exact ticket prices are as follows:

  • Adults : 20€ (19€ if purchased online in advance)
  • Youth (12-17) and students : 15€
  • Children (4-11) : 8€
  • Young Children (under 4) : free (ticket required)

You can also pre-purchase a drink (beer or Champagne) with a standard ticket when you buy online in advance. This ticket option will save you 1€ on beer or 3€ on Champagne compared to purchasing the items separately on site.

The Night and Day ticket gives you the chance to visit the observation deck twice, ideally once during the day and again at night. This ticket is valid for two entries within a 48-hour period. The clock starts when you use your ticket to enter the first time.

The day/night visiting times are recommended, but not at all required or enforced. Your two visits can be at any time during a 48 hour period, so you could visit twice at night or twice during the day if you preferred.

At the time this post was published, the Night and Day ticket prices are as follows:

  • Adults : 25€
  • Youth (12-17) and students : 19€
  • Children (4-11) : 12€

How to buy Montparnasse Tower Tickets

You can buy tickets to the Montparnasse Tower observation deck online in advance or onsite at the ticket office.

If you buy your ticket online in advance, you will save 1€ for adult and youth standard tickets. It will also save you time as you can skip the queue at the ticket office and go straight in. Tickets do not typically sell out at Montparnasse Tower, but in the rare case they do, an online ticket will guarantee your entry. Mobile tickets can be scanned from your phone and do not need to be printed.

You can also purchase tickets onsite at Montparnasse Tower. The ticket office is located on the 56th floor.

When you approach the building from the northwest side, follow signs to the observation deck. You will go through security and will then be directed to the elevator to the top. After you get off the elevator, there will be an entrance for ticket holders and a queue for the ticket office.

ascension tour montparnasse

When is the best time to visit Montparnasse Tower?

Montparnasse Tower is open everyday from 9:30 AM to 11:30 PM. The only exception is Bastille Day (July 14th) when the tower closes early (usually 6 PM) for a ticketed event.

This means that you can see Paris from Montparnasse Tower by day or night. In daylight you’ll be able to spot all of your favorite landmarks in detail and by night you can see the City of Lights earn its name, including a stunning view of the twinkling Eiffel Tower.

ascension tour montparnasse

You can’t go wrong with either and the Night and Day ticket option allows you to visit twice and see the view at both times. However, if you’re interested in both views, we recommend going at sunset instead.

The best time to go to Montparnasse Tower is about one hour before sunset. Grab a drink from the open-air rooftop bar and watch the sun set over Paris. You will save a few bucks just buying a standard ticket, and you won’t have to make the trek out to the building twice.

We also suggest visiting Montparnasse Tower during the summer. The rooftop terrace is open all year, but can be quite windy. That makes it quite cold in cooler seasons, but helps keep it very pleasant in the summer. Even during a heat wave, with the breeze and the shade, we found the terrace to be quite comfortable in the summer.

ascension tour montparnasse

Things to do at Montparnasse Tower

It’s easy to spend a couple hours at Montparnasse Tower.

The views are the main attraction and there are two levels see them. The indoor observation deck is on the 56th floor and is served by direct elevator access. The observation deck covers most of the floor so you can look out to Paris from all angles.

ascension tour montparnasse

Inside there is a gift shop and a small cafe. There are some posted placards with information about the city, but for a completely interactive virtual tour you’ll want to download the free Magnicity app. There is also free wifi available.

The real highlight of Montparnasse Tower is the outdoor observation deck on the rooftop. You need to take three flights of stairs to get to the rooftop, and unfortunately there is not an elevator. The rooftop terrace is included with admission, and you don’t want to miss it.

ascension tour montparnasse

There are seasonal activities on the Montparnasse Tower roof deck. In the winter time, they have an entire skating rink up there. In the summer, there are games, photo ops, yoga events and more.

A portion of the roof deck is shaded, which is nice in the hot summer. There’s a rooftop bar that serves beer and champagne, and there’s plenty of seating.

ascension tour montparnasse

There’s also a fine dining restaurant at Montparnasse Tower, Le Ciel de Paris, that boasts the title of highest panoramic restaurant in Paris. Reservations are recommend and you can book online here .

Photos at Montparnasse Tower

The rooftop terrace at Montparnasse Tower is open air but enclosed by a metal rail fence and glass panes. The panes are separated in a way that allows you to take photos between the panes. It’s nice to not have glare or fencing in all of your photos of the view.

ascension tour montparnasse

We’ve been to many skyscraper observation decks, and most of them take some sort of green screen photo that is usually really bad and ridiculously expensive. At Montparnasse Tower, they do things a bit differently and offer photos through a tool called Smiler.

There are dedicated photographers available for quick, no-obligation photoshoots. They snap a handful of photos and take your phone number. They’ll send you a text later that day with a link and you can view your photos. You can buy digital downloads or hard prints if you wish. It’s free to take the photos and there is no obligation to buy.

I really liked my photos but wasn’t sure if I wanted to purchase them all or just one. I ended up putting it off a few days and eventually they sent me a 30% off coupon code. It’s worth giving that a shot if you’re on the fence.

ascension tour montparnasse

Is Montparnasse Tower worth it?

Yes! Montparnasse Tower was such a great, relaxing way to see Paris from above. The views are incredible, the crowds are light and the price is reasonable. I’d recommend spending an entire evening at Montparnasse watching the sun set and sipping champagne on the rooftop to just about anyone.

ascension tour montparnasse

Very light crowds at Montparnasse Tower observation deck

Is Montparnasse Tower better than the Eiffel Tower?

This is tough. I came into it expecting to recommend Montparnasse Tower over the Eiffel Tower. That’s how much I loved the Montparnasse Tower rooftop terrace. But then I went to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and there is just something about being at the top of that iconic tower that just hit a special chord.

I’ll say this. If you’re only going to do one observation deck and you have any urge to go to the Eiffel Tower, you should go to the Eiffel Tower. It’s a pain, but if you plan your Eiffel Tower visit well it can be very pleasant. I don’t think you’ll regret it.

But if you don’t have strong feelings about the Eiffel Tower and want the best view the easiest possible way, we’d recommend Montparnasse Tower instead. We went to Paris multiple times before we actually made it to the Eiffel Tower, but I would have visited Montparnasse Tower during those visits if I realized how pleasant it was.

I think the Eiffel Tower is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, while Montparnasse Tower could easily be an every-trip-to-Paris thing.

ascension tour montparnasse

Tips for Visiting Montparnasse Tower

  • Go before Sunset. We suggest arriving about 1 hour before sunset for the best views of Paris by day and night. You will save some money on the Night & Day ticket, but mostly you’ll save the transit time if you only have to go out to the tower once.
  • Stay for a drink. If you’re looking for drinks with a view, it doesn’t get much better than the Montparnasse roof deck. Grab a beer or glass of Champagne and enjoy it on a lounge chair looking out over the Eiffel Tower. It’s the perfect night out in Paris.
  • Download the interactive app . The interactive Magnicity app is a fun way for you to learn more about the buildings and monuments you see from the top of the tower. You can actually download and use the app anytime, so you can take the view home with you.
  • Snap a few photos with Smiler. If the photographers are out, take them up on their offer to take a few group photos. It just takes a few moments and there is literally no pressure from anyone to buy them. I just did it for research, but loved my photos so much I purchased them all.
  • Take the Metro . There are a few things to do in the Montparnasse neighborhood, but most people won’t be staying in that area. It’s easy to get to the tower via public transit from most anywhere in the city as several Metro lines stop nearby.

ascension tour montparnasse

Other Great Views of Paris

Paris is not short on places to go for great views. If you’re looking for more beautiful views of the city, these are three of our other favorite spots.

Eiffel Tower

The top of the Eiffel Tower is the highest observation deck in Paris. The views are the best in the city, but unfortunately there’s no view of the Eiffel Tower when you’re on it. While romantic and beautiful, it is known to be quite crowded, summit tickets can sell out and it’s also expensive. So be sure to plan accordingly. (Psst! We have a great Eiffel Tower planning guide if you’re heading that way.)

ascension tour montparnasse

Arc de Triomphe

If you’re looking for a great view of the Eiffel Tower at a reasonable price, walk on down Champs-Élysées to Arc de Triomphe. It’s lower than other viewpoints, but it’s central location provides an epic view of central Paris, including the Eiffel Tower.

ascension tour montparnasse

A visit to Paris just isn’t complete without making a journey to Montmarte. Go to see the beautiful Sacré-Cœur, but stay for the sweeping views of Paris from the steps (bonus points if you enjoy the view while eating crepes). The only downside is that the Eiffel Tower is not in the sightline.

ascension tour montparnasse

That bi building in the distance on the right is Montparnasse Tower

Closing Thoughts

We visited Montparnasse Tower with our toddler and had the best time. It was easy to get to, not crowded and offered some of the best open air (and air conditioned) views of Paris.

We visited during a record heat wave and really wanted something fun indoors. It was a convenient perk that the roof deck was also reasonably cool, especially in the shade. We got to spent time in both areas and it was a fantastic family evening.

That said, I was expected to easily recommend Montparnasse Tower as the definitive alternative to the Eiffel Tower, but after seeing both I’m less confident in that assessment. I loved them both, but they’re very different experiences. Honestly, both are worth a visit if you can swing it.

Have you been to the top of Montparnasse Tower? What was your experience like? Would you recommend it? Let us know in the comments.

ascension tour montparnasse

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Tuesday 6th of June 2023

Very well written article! Thank you for the crystal clear info 😊 I am going to visit here month end.

Montparnasse Tower

Book Your Tour Tickets

Tickets & Tours

Montparnasse tower tickets.

Explore the Montparnasse Tower with our diverse range of ticket options designed to suit every visitor’s needs and preferences:

General Admission

  • Montparnasse Tower, Paris
  • Lowest Price

General Admission Tickets to Montparnasse Tower offer access to breathtaking Paris views from the city’s renowned panoramic observation deck.

Skip-the-Line Tickets

Skip the line tickets for Montparnasse Tower provide swift, hassle-free access to stunning Parisian views, maximizing your valuable time.

  • Guided Tours

Guided tours of Montparnasse Tower offer insightful, expert narratives, enriching your experience of Paris from a spectacular aerial viewpoint.

Group Tours

  • > 10 people

Group tours for Montparnasse Tower enhance your Paris visit with shared experiences, enjoying majestic city views in a communal setting.

Combo Tours

  • Discover Paris

Combo tours for Montparnasse Tower offer a bundled experience, pairing stunning aerial views with other iconic Parisian attractions and activities.

Do you need tickets for the Montparnasse Tower in Paris?

Yes, you need tickets to access the observation deck of Montparnasse Tower in Paris. These tickets can be purchased either on-site or online in advance. Buying tickets in advance is often recommended, especially during peak tourist seasons, as it can save time and sometimes even money. There are various types of tickets available, including standard entry, skip-the-line options, and even tickets for special events or guided tours. It’s always a good idea to check the latest information on ticket prices and options before your visit.

How much does it cost to visit the Montparnasse Tower?

The cost of visiting Montparnasse Tower in Paris can vary based on several factors such as age, type of ticket, and any special promotions or discounts that may be available. Typically, there are different prices for adults, children, students, and seniors. Additionally, options like skip-the-line tickets or special experiences may have different pricing.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing, it’s best to check the authorized ticket sellers. They will provide the current rates for all types of tickets and any special offers or discounts that might be applicable. Remember, prices can change, so it’s always a good idea to confirm closer to your visit.

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Paris - Our top 10 lists

10 Things To See in Montparnasse

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Eiffel Tower from Montparnasse - by Celvin Purnama - Unsplash

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Montparnasse Tower in the distance – by J Ahrndt – Unsplash

1. Les Catacombes in Montparnasse

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The Catacombes – by Riggwelter – Wikimedia Commons

2. Cimetière du Montparnasse 

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Cimetière du Montparnasse – by Myrabella – Wikimedia Commons

3. Walk Montparnasse

ascension tour montparnasse

Montparnasse Street Life – by Coyau – Wikimedia Commons

4. Musée Bourdelle in Montparnasse

ascension tour montparnasse

Courtyard at Musée Bourdelle – by Guilhem Vellut – Wikimedia Commons

5. Tour Montparnasse

ascension tour montparnasse

Tour Montparnasse – by Steven Strehl – Wikimedia Commons

6. Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé in Montparnasse

ascension tour montparnasse

Exhibition room at Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé – by Arthur Weidmann – Wikimedia Commons

7. Café Oz Rooftop in Montparnasse

8. the fondation cartier pour l’art contemporain in montparnasse.

ascension tour montparnasse

Exhibit at The Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain – by The Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain – Sourced from their website

9. La Tropicale in Montparnasse

ascension tour montparnasse

Ice Cream Flavors – by Michelle Tsang – Unsplash

10. Paris Observatory

ascension tour montparnasse

Observatoire de Paris – by Victor R. Ruiz – Wikimedia Commons

ascension tour montparnasse

Montparnasse from above – by Ismael Zniber – Wikimedia Commons

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  • The best travel book : Rick Steves – Paris 2023 –  Learn more here
  • Fodor’s Paris 2024 –  Learn more here

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  • Venture Pal Lightweight Backpack –  Learn more here
  • Samsonite Winfield 2 28″ Luggage –  Learn more here
  • Swig Savvy’s Stainless Steel Insulated Water Bottle –  Learn more here

Check Amazon’s best-seller list for the most popular travel accessories. We sometimes read this list just to find out what new travel products people are buying.

Natalie is a film photographer and is fascinated by both humans and astrology. She enjoys roaming the streets of Paris by foot, and is inspired by the city’s timeless, Bohemian flair and the soul in districts such as Le Marais and Menilmontant.

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ascension tour montparnasse


  1. L'impressionnante vidéo de ces grimpeurs qui escaladent la tour

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  2. 🧗‍♀️ Il a escaladé la tour Montparnasse À MAINS NUES: Alexis Landot nous raconte son ascension

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  3. How to Visit The Tour Montparnasse Rooftop Terrace

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  4. Tour Montparnasse : voici à quoi elle ressemblera en 2024 [en images]

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  5. Visit Tour Montparnasse in Paris? All info + book your tickets

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  6. Montparnasse Tower Panoramic Observatory entry ticket

    ascension tour montparnasse


  1. Madonna live in Paris Accor Arena (Bercy)

  2. Montparnasse railway X10

  3. Catching a lift in Europe's fastest elevator! (Tour Montparnasse, Paris)

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  1. Tickets

    Get both the amazing views from Montparnasse Tower, plus a Seine River Cruise by Bateaux Mouches for one low price! Learn more. Accessibility. Important information for people with reduced mobility: the 59th-floor rooftop terrace is only accessible by stairs from the 56th floor (3 floors on foot).

  2. Tour Montparnasse

    Jul 2024 • Solo. I visited the Montparnasse Tower and paid €21 for my ticket (a non-guided tour). You do have to use a specific door to enter the building, which would have been handy to know beforehand. Google Maps directs you to the wrong door, so I had an extra bit of walking to do to get there.

  3. Special Offer

    Seine River Cruise by Bateaux Mouches. Listen, learn, and fall in love with Paris on a scenic boat ride on the Seine. 1h 10mins Seine River Cruise. Audio commentary in 8 languages (Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish) Route map, available in 25 languages (pick up before boarding. Get Offer.

  4. Visite de la Tour Montparnasse : comment y monter, et à quel tarif

    Lors de votre ascension au sommet de la Tour Montparnasse, le visiteur profitera d'un panorama à 360° sur la ville Lumière et d'une visibilité de 40 kilomètres par temps clair ! Visiter la Tour Montparnasse permet d'avoir une vue imprenable, de jour comme de nuit, sur la Tour Eiffel , le Louvre , l' Arc de Triomphe , les toits de ...

  5. Visiting the Tour Montparnasse: Tips for Enjoying the Best View in

    The Tour Montparnasse consists of two main levels for visitors: the 56th floor, which is indoors and gives you about 180-degree access to Paris' best views. Honestly, I particularly loved this interior part because there's really nothing that you miss on the other 180-degree part of the view, because this part of the city isn't very ...

  6. Tour Montparnasse

    Tour Montparnasse conveniently sits right on top of Montparnasse - Bienvenüe metro station and your visitor experience starts at the ground floor, where you'll enjoy a trip on the fastest elevator in Europe. Making the climb up to the 56th floor in a record 38 seconds, the elevator reaches speeds of 22 km/h (13 mph) en route!

  7. Visiter la tour Montparnasse à Paris : photos, tarifs, horaires

    du 1er avril au 30 septembre : la Tour est ouverte tous les jours, de 9h30 à 23h30. du 1er octobre au 31 mars : la Tour est ouverte du dimanche au jeudi de 9h30 à 22h30, et le vendredi, le samedi, ainsi que les veilles des fêtes de 9h30 à 23h. Vous pouvez visiter la tour Montparnasse jusqu'à 30 minutes avant l'heure de fermeture indiquée.

  8. Visit the Montparnasse Tower in Paris: Tickets & Tips

    The Montparnasse Tower in Paris viewed from the Arc de Triomphe. Despite criticisms, the Tour Montparnasse reached impressive elevations. Construction spanned just over 3 years, including deep foundations (230 feet), a sturdy framework of 56 reinforced concrete pillars, and special accommodations for the metro line running below.

  9. Montparnasse Tower tickets and tours in Paris

    Book your ticket for the Tour Montparnasse and go up to the 56th floor of the tower to enjoy the best panoramic view of Paris! free cancellation Instant Confirmation. 4.7/5 (273) from: $ 24. 00. Activities Arts in Montparnasse tour with guide on your smartphone Enjoy an audio-guided tour of Montparnasse, the heart of Parisian artistic and ...

  10. Paris Montparnasse Tower Guided Tour with Best View of the City

    Discover Montparnasse's vibrant history and culture, from theaters to WWII to local joie de vivre. Your guide will captivate you with tales as you wander through iconic spots like Boulevard de Montparnasse and the serene Montparnasse Cemetery. Finish the tour atop the Montparnasse Tower, soaring nearly 690 feet, for the best view of the Eiffel ...

  11. Guide to visiting Montparnasse Tower

    Pay your respects at Montparnasse Cemetery, the resting place of historical figures like Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre. Complete your tour in Paris's "Little Theater District," Rue de la Gaite, and end with a visit to the Montparnasse Tower. Ticket Prices. Adult (12+ years): €36. Child (4 to 11 years): €31.

  12. Tour Montparnasse

    Tour Montparnasse. Paris, France, Europe. Paris. Spectacular views unfold from this 210m-high smoked-glass-and-steel office block, built in 1973. A speedy elevator whisks visitors up in 38 seconds to the indoor observatory on the 56th floor, with multimedia displays. Finish with a hike up the stairs to the 59th-floor open-air terrace (with a ...

  13. Tour Montparnasse

    Past and Present. Opened in 1973, the Tour Montparnasse was the first office building to be built in the center of Paris. It was the subject of great controversy as many Parisians believed that the skyscraper clashed with the rest of the city's architecture.. Presently, nearly 5,000 people work on one of the building's 53 floors, while over 750,000 travelers climb to its observation decks ...

  14. Tour Montparnasse

    Tour Maine-Montparnasse (Maine-Montparnasse Tower), also commonly named Tour Montparnasse, is a 210-metre (689 ft) office skyscraper in the Montparnasse area of Paris, France.Constructed from 1969 to 1973, it was the tallest skyscraper in France until 2011, when it was surpassed by the 231-metre (758 ft) Tour First in the La Défense business district west of Paris's city limits.

  15. Montparnasse Tower Panoramic Observation Deck

    The Montparnasse Tower observatory, located on the 56th floor, offers a panoramic view of Paris. See More. Paris Time Travel. Discover Paris through time in virtual reality. An experience that celebrates the rich history and timeless beauty of Paris. Learn More. Rooftop.

  16. Tickets for Montparnasse Tower

    Soar to breathtaking heights with the Montparnasse Tower Observatory Deck ticket, offering exquisite 360° city views and access to the highest restaurant in the city, Le Ciel de Paris. Then, immerse yourself in the romantic essence of the city with a scenic Seine River Cruise by Bateaux Mouches, providing an unforgettable journey past iconic ...

  17. Montparnasse Tower Observation Deck Ticket, Paris

    Description. Located in the 15th Arrondissement in Paris, Tour Montparnasse is one of the best viewpoints from which to see the whole city. Ride one of the tower's super-fast lifts (officially the fastest in Europe) up to the 56th floor, where you'll enjoy breathtaking views of the city.You'll see the Eiffel Tower, the Arc du Triomphe, the Louvre and Paris' wide avenues amongst other monuments ...

  18. Tour Montparnasse

    Welcome to the Montparnasse Tower 56 official YouTube channel. Join us at the 56th floor of the tower to admire all famous Parisian monuments and wander on our terrace with your friends or your ...

  19. Is It Worth Visiting the Tour Montparnasse? Our Opinion

    The Tour Montparnasse was built between 1969 and 1973 as the result of an urban project. it is located in the Necker district, on the East side of the 15th arrondissement. At that time, it was considered as a colossal construction and was sharply criticised. This 150,000 ton skyscraper was built on a site consisting of limestone, chalk and clay ...

  20. Montparnasse Tower Visitor Guide + Tips

    Montparnasse Tower is located in the Montparnasse neighborhood in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. The building's address is 33 Av. du Maine, 75015 Paris, France. You can get to Montparnasse Tower on public transportation from the Montparnasse train stop, which serves the 4, 6, 12 and 13 Metro lines.

  21. Tickets & Tours

    Yes, you need tickets to access the observation deck of Montparnasse Tower in Paris. These tickets can be purchased either on-site or online in advance. Buying tickets in advance is often recommended, especially during peak tourist seasons, as it can save time and sometimes even money. There are various types of tickets available, including ...

  22. Montparnasse Walking Tour (Self Guided), Paris

    Montmartre Walking Tour. Originally named "Mons Martis", meaning the "Mount of Mars", Montmartre is one of the most famous and visited neighborhoods in Paris. Beyond the Sacré-Coeur, the Moulin Rouge and notable landmarks, the district is also about the atmosphere, the narrow streets, and the artsy culture that has made Paris famous.

  23. 10 Things To See in Montparnasse

    6. Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé in Montparnasse. The Fondation Jérôme Seydoux-Pathé is a cultural centre devoted to cinema that is aptly hidden inside of an old cinema building dating back to 1869. The building is the architectural masterpiece by renowned artist Renzo Piano.