can civilians visit diego garcia

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Diego Garcia – Things You Didn’t Know about American Island Military Base

Nov 9, 2022 | Articles , Military/War

can civilians visit diego garcia

Diego Garcia is an island overseas territory of the United Kingdom. It is the largest of 60 small islands compromising the Chagos Archipelago. It was first discovered and named by the Portuguese, and then settled by the French in the 1790s. British got the island after the Napoleonic Wars.

In 1966, the population of the island was 924. The people were employed as contract farm workers on primarily coconut plantations.

Thanks to a lease deal between the US and the UK, the island is now a military base for America. The base is 1,000 miles from the nearest continent. Yet, it has all the trappings of a modern American town. Troops there can dine burgers at Jake’s Place, enjoy golf, go bowling, or drink in one of the several bars.

But this is not American soil. It is a remote remnant of the British Empire. In 1965, in the middle of the Cold War, the United States signed a controversial and secret agreement with the British government to lease the island. The UK was in the process of decolonizing Mauritius, and the Chagos Islands never got its independence. It was cleaved from Mauritius and renamed the British Indian Ocean Territory.

Quick History Timeline

Portuguese navigator, explorer, and diplomat, Pedro Mascarenhas discovered the islands in 1512. He named it Dom Garcia in honor of his patron, Dom Garcia de Noronha. Another Portuguese expedition with the Spanish explorer Diego Garcia de Moguer rediscovered the island in 1544 and named it after himself. So, in a way, the island got its name thanks to its first two discoverers.

In 1914, German light cruiser SMS Emden visited the island. By 1942, the British opened RAF Station Diego Garcia and established an advanced flying boat unit. During World War II, Catalina and Sunderland aircraft were flown in the Island.

In the early 1960s, the UK was withdrawing its military presence from the Indian Ocean. At this point, they signed a deal with the United States to establish a naval communication station on one of the island territories. The US requested an unpopulated island belonging to the UK to avoid political difficulties with the newly independent countries.

To accomplish the defense strategy, the UK purchased the Chagos Archipelago in 1965 from the self-governing colony of Mauritius for 3 million British pounds. That led to the creation of British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) with the intent of closing plantations to provide uninhabited British territory.

Between 1968 and 1973, the farm workers got forcibly removed from Diego Garcia by the UK government to make way for a military base. Many of the locals got deported to Mauritius and the Seychelles.

Politics and Military Administration

Diego Garcia is the only inhabited island in the British Indian Ocean territory. The French colonized the Island originally. But they had to give it up to the UK in the Treaty of Paris 1814 at the conclusion of a portion of the Napoleonic Wars.

The UK purchased administration from the island of Mauritius in 1965. Now, the UK represents the territory internationally. There were plans or a local government, but it does not exist.

The administration is represented by the officer commanding the British Forces on Diego Garcia, the Brit Rep. Laws and regulations on the island are promulgated by the commissioner and enforced in the BIOT by the British Rep.

The UK lease the island to the US. To serve the relationship between the UK and the US, they hold an annual meeting called The Pol-Mil talks. They hold it at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London to resolve any pertinent issues. The resolutions are formalized in an Exchange of Letters.

The US and the UK do not recognize Diego Garcia as subject to the African Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty. It is not publicly known whether nuclear weapons have ever been stored on the island.

CIA Prison Controversy

In 2015, the US Secretary of State Colin Powell’s former chief of staff Lawrence Wilkerson, said that CIA used the island for “nefarious activities”. He cited three intelligence sources that Diego Garcia was used as a transit site where people were temporarily housed and interrogated from time to time.

Since 2005, the island is rumored to be one of the locations of the CIA’s black sites. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is rumored to be one of the high-value detainees.

Manfred Nowak, one of the five of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, said that there is credible evidence that ships serving as black sites used Diego Garcia as a base.

On December 9, 2014, the United States Senate Intelligence Committee published a 600-page unclassified summary of their 6,700 page secret report on the abuse by CIA of their secret prisoners.

How the US and the UK banned locals

Back in the days, locals had a lifestyle distinct to that on Mauritius. Unlike Mauritius, where back-breaking work was endured on sugar plantations, locals here had their own type of work. They had their own version of the Creole language, they had schools for children, and tended private gardens.

Simply put, they led a peaceful way of life. That stopped in 1967, as the US and the UK began tearing that life apart. They exiled all the inhabitants from their land.

They started by preventing people to come back after going to special medical treatments to Mauritius. If a mother gave birth to a child, she would be left in Mauritius while the rest of the family would be on Chagos.

Then, they gradually restricted medical and food supplies to the island. And eventually, in 1973, all those remaining were told that they had to leave overnight.

The locals were herded into the hold of two cargo ships and then left on the quayside in Mauritius or the Seychelles.

Life on Diego Garcia

The island underwent the biggest expansion of any US military base after the Vietnam War. It became fully operational in 1986. The first thing the US did was deepen the harbor.

Now, the harbor is big enough for an aircraft carrier. There are massive pre-positioned ships in the lagoon filled with enough weapons and supplies for material tanks, helicopters, and more.

The base received more personnel following the 9/11 attacks. It is one of the handful of stations running the US military’s Global Positioning Systems. Some experts say it is a “floating aircraft carrier”.

Troops there enjoy many American things, like bars, burgers, and more.

Can civilians visit Diego Garcia?

The main island is a military facility. It is off limits to anyone not on official duty. Some of the uninhabited outer islands can be visited by independent yachters with advance permission. Access to Diego Garcia is only permitted to people with connection to the military.

The Future of the Island

The deal between the UK and the US was secret because the UK was in the process of decolonizing Mauritius. But that deal has had its criticism.

On June 23, 2017, the United Nations General Assembly voted in favor of referring the territorial dispute between Mauritius and the UK to the International Court of Justice. The goal was to clarify the legal status of the Chagos Islands. In February 2019, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled that the United Kingdom must transfer the islands to Mauritius. The reason they were not legally separated in 1965. But the ruling is not legally binding.


Despite that, a written statement by the US government says that neither the Americans nor the British have any plans to discontinue use of the military base.

As it stands, the British can ignore the ruling. The matter who holds sovereignty over the Islands will go to the United Nations General Assembly.

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can civilians visit diego garcia

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Veteran Life

Inside Diego Garcia: The Most Mysterious U.S. Naval Base

In the middle of the Indian Ocean lies a secretive United States military base – Diego Garcia. It has proven to be strategically vital and a launchpad for Middle East military operations.

Located on a remote island outside of the U.S., this base occupies a territory that was formerly in possession of the British Empire. Over the years, this island (that now doubles as a U.S. military base) has been at the center of many high-profile conspiracy theories and is notorious for being shrouded in mystery.

With only military personnel and island natives allowed to step foot on the island, and a level of secrecy higher than Guantanamo Bay, it’s no wonder that many have come to question what really occurs inside Diego Garcia.

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Diego Garcia Island History

The initial discovery of the island has been disputed, but it’s been suggested that it was first discovered during an early 16th-century Portuguese voyage.

The first map that officially named the island “Diego Garcia” was published in 1599 and was created by Edward Wright, an explorer. After the publication of the map, the island remained uninhabited for over 200 years.

In 1965, the British Indian Ocean Territory was created, and Diego Garcia was solidified as an entity. Seven years later, the British and the U.S. governments signed an agreement related to the construction of a U.S. Naval Communication Station on the island.

This facility was designed to improve U.S. and British government communications in the Indian Ocean for both ships and aircraft. Additionally, the Naval Support Facility on Diego Garcia was intended to expand the U.S. defense communications network.

The United States built a permanent base in just two years, and by the 1980s, the island of Diego Garcia became a full-scale Naval Support Facility. Soon, the island was used for routine operations and crisis response.

Diego Garcia Naval Base

Also known as the “Footprint of Freedom,” this secretive naval base is still in operation today. The base is home to thousands of American troops, sophisticated radar, space tracking, and a communications facility.

The naval base on Diego Garcia is used for long-range bomber operations, Special Forces staging, and the replenishment of both nuclear-powered submarines and naval surface forces.

The base’s mission is to provide critical support to the U.S. and allied forces who are deployed to the Indian Ocean. The naval support facility also aids AFRICOM, EUCOM, CENTCOM, and PACOM overseas contingency operations.

Base Transportation

The primary modes of transportation on the base are bicycles, buses, and plain old walking, as personally owned vehicles are not allowed on the island.

Bicycles are by far the most popular form of transportation on the island. But, if you are choosing to use this mode of transportation, make sure to check out the rules first. Bells or horns are required, as well as a front (white) and rear (red) light when riding after dark. Additionally, a helmet must be worn at all times when riding.

If riding a bike doesn’t suit your fancy, you’re in luck because the Diego Garcia military base offers a free shuttle bus. The shuttle bus runs every 15 minutes from 6:00 a.m. to midnight and every 30 minutes from 12:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m.

Government work vehicles and base taxis also travel around the island, but they are for official use only.

Where Is Diego Garcia Located?

The island of Diego Garcia is a British Indian Ocean Territory near the tip of India. This military installation is located on the Chagos Archipelago, which is a group of seven atolls.

Diego Garcia is shaped like a horseshoe, is 4 feet above sea level and has 6,720 acres of land. The island is 14 miles long and 4 miles wide, surrounding one of the most beautiful natural harbors in the world.

Diego Garcia is a living coral atoll and was once a living volcano. This tropical island experiences heavy rainfall year-round and is heavily vegetated with native trees and coconut palms.

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories

Over the years, Diego Garcia has been at the center of a few conspiracy theories, adding to the intrigue and mystery that surrounds the island .

War on Terror Prison Site

Diego Garcia has been home to several controversies since the late 1960s, when the Chagossians were forcibly removed from the island by the British government.

Conspiracy theories began circulation again in 2008, after a Time magazine exposé claimed that a secret “War on Terror” prison existed on the island from 2002–2006. It was also speculated that the prison was used as a CIA black site where detainees were held and tortured.

The U.S. military released a statement denying the claims, but several accounts from high-ranking personnel and sources claimed that prisoners of war were held and interrogated on the island.

The Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370

The most popular and widely circulated conspiracy theory is that Diego Garcia is the possible location of the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 . For years, the base was believed to be the airplane’s location because of its remote location and runway, large enough to accommodate a commercial aircraft.

This theory was deemed credible after it was discovered that the island landing strip was programmed into the MH370 pilot’s home flight simulator.

Some claim that the plane was shot down by the U.S. due to hackers taking control of the Boeing 777, as they are particularly vulnerable to hacking.

Another theory was that the U.S. shot down the plane and tried to cover it up. Many believe that the event of the plane turning off its communications, flying low, and changing course wouldn’t have gone unnoticed by military intelligence.

One of the most widespread and intriguing conspiracy theories, the truth behind what actually happened to the MH370 flight still remains a mystery.

Can You Visit Diego Garcia?

Entry into Diego Garcia is restricted and requires area clearance by the U.S. Navy Support Facility stationed on the island. Only DoD civilian personnel, unaccompanied military, and authorized contractors are permitted access to the island.

Due to the secrecy of the island, DoD or military couples are not allowed to be concurrently assigned to Diego Garcia.

Tours in Diego Garcia typically last a year; however, some civilian personnel have been stationed in Diego Garcia for as long as 15 years.

A Military Base Shrouded in Mystery

From the alleged conspiracy theories to the secretive nature of operations currently underway on Diego Garcia, one thing remains certain: the island is shrouded in mystery. Many questions remain unanswered about this U.S. military base and the operations that occur behind closed doors.

October 2023 Update: More Secrets Revealed

On February 15th, 2023, the Human Rights Watch released a report that included details of U.S. and UK government crimes against the Chagossians. This indigenous group was forcibly displaced when the military base on Diego Garcia was being constructed.

In this report, it was disclosed that the U.S. military secretly paid the UK $14 million for the rights to deport the Chagossians. To date, the U.S. has not apologized, offered assistance, or properly compensated those who were exiled from Diego Garcia.

This new report sheds light on the ongoing abuse and crimes against Indigenous people. The story of the Chagossian people is one of courage, perseverance, bravery, and endurance. Moving forward, the U.S. must begin to right the wrongdoings of the past.

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Image: USGS/NASA Landsat data/Gallo Images/Getty Images

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About Lauren Piette

Lauren Piette is the Assistant Editor for and She received her MA in English from Arizona State University. In her spare time, Lauren enjoys hiking, baking sweet treats, and cuddling with her Goldendoodle.


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British Indian Ocean Territory

British Indian Ocean Territory

British Indian Ocean Territory

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The British Indian Ocean Territory is not a tourist destination. Access is restricted and a permit is required in advance of travel. There are no commercial flights and permits for yachts are only issued to allow safe passage through the Indian Ocean (Outer Islands only). Access to Diego Garcia is only permitted to those with connections either to the military facility or to the Territory’s Administration .

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What it’s like to be stationed at Diego Garcia

By Joshua Skovlund

Posted on Oct 31, 2023 4:04 PM EDT

Tug of wars, AFN, earning the coveted biker race t-shirt, and diving are all options while stationed on Diego Garcia.

There are sets of orders that many soldiers, sailors, Marines, guardians, and airmen sigh about when they first receive them. Sometimes, it’s the unit; other times, it’s the location or a combination of the two. But, some places have a bad rap based on lack of knowledge, and Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia is one of them.

The ‘footprint of freedom’ serves as a logistical and strategic support beam in the structure of  U.S. interests, serving as a hub for forward advancement anywhere north of the atoll. Some sailors may have an ‘ah, man’ moment when they receive orders there because it’s not well known and appears to be in the middle of nowhere. 

Jayme Pastoric served in the Navy for 24 years and recently retired as a senior chief petty officer. During his career, he was stationed at Diego Garcia for a year-long rotation starting in 2015.  He said he had a moment when he first received orders to the atoll but quickly realized after arriving it was an awesome assignment.

“Once you get there, you are blown away by just the pure magic of the place. It is, in my opinion, and a number of people that I’ve served with who have been there, that it’s the hidden gem of deployments,” Pastoric said. “What you have is the postcard tropical island with a million-dollar sunset every night. It’s like if you lived on Gilligan’s Island but had internet, right? Like, you have that tropical feel — beautiful beaches and lush, tropical areas you can explore.”

You can’t bring your family with you, and active duty personnel cannot serve back-to-back rotations, but extensions are allowed. If you are a family man or love city life, this deployment can be trying because you’re gone for a year. But even with all that, there’s a silver lining: it’s a tropical paradise. 

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The coral atoll is approximately 38 miles tip to tip, just above sea level, with a maximum elevation of 22 feet. The base was built by Navy SEABEES in 1971 , first starting as a remote radio operation and then a naval operation that can support thousands of personnel, including a touch point for naval fleets operating in the Indian Ocean.

No one shares a room while stationed at Diego Garcia. Each room is furnished with a refrigerator, microwave, telephone, TV, alarm clock, and a private shower. Officers and Chiefs have rooms with kitchenettes. There is an officers club, chiefs club, and a robust MWR that people can swing by for food and entertainment as well.

The area falls under the British Indian Ocean Territory laws and administration , so there are some differences to be mindful of. One of the laws is that every living creature on the island — coconut crabs, feral donkeys, and lizards, to name a few — is protected. 

So when the planes resupplying the grocery stores arrive, there is typically a mad rush to stock up your personal kitchen before supplies run out. 

No spear fishing is allowed, but fishing is. Pastoric said Diego Garcia is the place to be if you want to get in some trophy fishing in the tropics. Everything from wahoo to snapper to tuna fish can be caught around the atoll.

“They’ll send you out fishing for like four hours, right? You’ll come back with a number of fish, and what you do is you go to the grill, and you just have a celebration. Someone brings the beer, someone brings the chips, and someone brings the fish.” 

Snorkeling provides a great way to experience the hundreds of species living in and around the coral of the atoll as well. But similar to small town USA, Diego Garcia only has a few options to entertain: an outdoor movie theatre, a gym, and places to drink. 

“There’s a saying there. You go to Diego Garcia, and you come back a drunk, a hunk, or a monk,” Pastoric said. “So yeah, you go there, and you either drink a lot, work out a lot, or you go there, and you get really religious or reach a state of zen.”

Pastoric managed the American Forces Network Diego Garcias radio and television and served as the public affairs officer for part of his time there. When he wasn’t working, he was on the beach reading Ernest Hemingway books.

As with most tropical environments, there can be a lot of rain. Though hurricanes aren’t as much of a threat, earthquakes to the east or west can put the atoll in the path of a typhoon, but it is a rare event. Pastoric didn’t recall having to shelter in place due to tropical storms either.  

T-shirts are a sign of morale-boosting activities while stationed at Diego Garcia. Whether it’s a beach-based 5k run or a triathlon, civilian and active-duty sailors usually go home with a handful of t-shirts they earned from different activities throughout their year of service at the atoll. 

“If you try to go and collect all the T-shirts from the year, from all the events, and then people would just take those and make a blanket out of it,” Pastoric said. “I don’t know what the t-shirt budget was over there, but it had to be enormous because they were printing t-shirts left and right. They have a t-shirt for everything.”

You can’t take your vehicle with you, but you can bring your bike or use the shuttle that runs around the base. Active duty sailors qualify for a variety of special pay . Examples include basic allowance for housing (BAH), overseas housing allowance, family separation allowance, and hardship duty pay. Remember, unlike your other deployments, Diego Garcia isn’t a tax-free zone — but you can still bank some serious cash! 

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See inside Diego Garcia, a secretive US Navy base on British land at the center of a bitter tug-of-war in the Indian Ocean

Diego garcia is located in the indian ocean's chagos archipelago, more than 1,000 miles from the nearest continent..

See inside Diego Garcia, a secretive US Navy base on British land at the center of a bitter tug-of-war in the Indian Ocean

It's is a horseshoe-shaped atoll of about 17 square miles,


Diego Garcia is surrounded by about 60 other atolls.

Its coast forms a deep natural harbor, making it the perfect site for a naval base.

Diego Garcia is a tropical island, with white sands and coconut forests, surrounded by azure seas.

Diego Garcia is a tropical island, with white sands and coconut forests, surrounded by azure seas.

It is home to turtles, giant migrating birds and the coconut crab – the largest land-based animal on the island.

An estimated 3,000 to 5,0000 service personnel from are stationed at the base, mostly US with a few from the UK.

An estimated 3,000 to 5,0000 service personnel from are stationed at the base, mostly US with a few from the UK.

There are also civilian contractors, mostly from nearby Mauritius, who cook and clean for the soldiers and sailors.

The "downtown" area of Diego Garcia is like a small American town.


In their downtime, US military service personnel can spend their time bowling, cycling, or shopping.

Diego Garcia has been the site of important military action by the US.

Diego Garcia has been the site of important military action by the US.

From Diego Garcia, US bombers launched attacks in Afghanistan in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, and on Iraq during the 2003 invasion of the country by the US and its allies.

Prior to that, the site had proved its strategic importance for US military operations in the Middle East as a base for Air Force attacks during the first Gulf War in 1991.

Diego Garcia has a two mile-long runway capable of hosting B-1, B-2, and B52 bombers.

Diego Garcia has a two mile-long runway capable of hosting B-1, B-2, and B52 bombers.

From the base, long-range B52 bombers embarked on missions to Afghanistan in 2001, targetting Taliban and al-Qaeda positions in the country's mountains.

The base is also vital as a refuelling point for the US Navy and Air Force.

The base is also vital as a refuelling point for the US Navy and Air Force.

Its deep port is able to accommodate aircraft carriers, nuclear submarines, and other ships.

"There are also massive pre-positioned ships in the lagoon, each about the size of the Empire State Building, filled with enough weapons and supplies for material tanks, helicopters for an entire brigade of Marines," David Vine, who has written a book on the Chagos islands, told CNN .

With Diego Garcia only accessible to restricted US military personnel, its secrecy has attracted speculation.

With Diego Garcia only accessible to restricted US military personnel, its secrecy has attracted speculation.

Unlike the US military base in Guam, the spouses of personnel are not allowed on Diego Garcia. No journalist has visited.

Lawrence Wilkerson, a former official in the Bush administration, told Vice News in 2015 that CIA contacts had informed him it served as one of the network of prisons where people were detained, interrogated and in some cases tortured as part of the War on Terror after 9/11.

The claims have been awkward for the British. Officials in the UK government have long denied UK complicity or involvement in the so-called "extraordinary rendition" program.

Between 1967 and 1973, the British evicted the entire population of the Chagos islands — known as the Ilois — to make way for the US airbase.

Between 1967 and 1973, the British evicted the entire population of the Chagos islands — known as the Ilois — to make way for the US airbase.

The ancestors of the Ilois had been transported to the islands as slaves to work coconut plantations in the 18th century.

But after being forcefully uprooted in the 1960s and 1970s, most of the Chagossians were moved to nearby Mauritius or the Seychelles, where they faced poverty and discrimination.

Some moved then to Britain, where they have continued to experience hardship.

The Ilois have fought for the right to return to their homeland, with the British High Court in 2006 ruling that their expulsion was illegal.

The British government has continued to deny that it broke laws in expelling the Ilois, and has blocked their right to return.

British rule is illegal says UN

British rule is illegal says UN

In May 2019, the UN's highest court ruled that the 60 or so Chagos Islands — which include Diego Garcia — had been transferred to British authority illegally in 1965.

The islands were previously part of Mauritius, but Mauritius handed control of them to Britain for a cash fee two years before gaining independence.

The UN court ruled that it was illegal for the British to demand possession of the islands as a condition of independence.

Shortly afterwards, the British leased Diego Garcia to the US.

The UN has now served an eviction notice to the British. Although the ruling is not enforceable, it exerts moral pressure, and has placed the future of the base in doubt.

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Diego Garcia: the secrets behind the remote US military base - This American military base in British territory is surrounded by controversies and mysteries. From the mass expulsion of islanders, to a secret CIA prison, and people who believe that the missing Malaysia Airlines plane is held there.  Want to know more about this mysterious military base? Click on the gallery!

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Diego Garcia - Diego Garcia is a paradisiacal island located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, between Australia and Africa. 

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History - Historians believe the island was discovered by the Portuguese in the 16th century and later colonized by the French and British.

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Natives - As Reuters  reports, in the 1960s the island was inhabited by the Chagossians, who were expelled from Diego Garcia and sent to neighboring islands such as the Seychelles and the Mauritius to make way for the military project.

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Repercussion - The expulsion of the island's residents had great impact internationally, according to The Nation,  marked especially by the natives' struggle to return to their homeland.

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Military base - This is because the island, part of the British Indian Ocean Territory, has become a powerful US military base.

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Military deal - This was possible thanks to an agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom.

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Restricted - Civilian access to the island became restricted. 

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Base - The island served as a military base during the US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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Book - Anthropologist David Vine wrote a book about the mysterious place called 'Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia.'

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Strategic location - In the book, Vine argues that Diego Garcia is a strategic point to control Asia and the Persian Gulf, hence the United States' interest in the island.

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CIA prision? - According to the Spanish newspaper Mundiario , the military base has existed since 1971 and is home to one of CIA's prisons.

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Legend? - According to The Telegraph , however, the United States does not confirm the existence of the prison.

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Theory - But apart from the natives' eviction and the supposed CIA prison, Diego Garcia is also the subject of a famous conspiracy theory which has gained track on the internet.

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MH370 - According to the Independent , the theory claims that Diego Garcia could be the explanation for one of the greatest mysteries in civil aviation history: the disappearance of the Malaysian Airlines MH370 flight.

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The flight - Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur Airport, and was supposed to land in Beijing. 239 people were on board, including passengers and crew.

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No trace - The crew didn't report anything wrong with the flight before it went off the radars. The automatic airplane system also didn't send any fault alerts.

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Disappearance - But the fact is that the plane mysteriously vanished, causing many conspiracy theories to emerge.

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Contact - According to reports, relatives of Malaysia Airlines passengers tried to reach their family members by cell phone and said they were able to hear the call signal.

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Messages - Other reports say that even three days after the plane disappeared, some phones appeared online on the Chinese QQ messaging service.

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Theory - As The Telegraph  shows, the theory linking the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane to Diego Garcia's military base gained strength particularly after the reports of cell phone signals.

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Conspiracy? - Those who believe in the theory argue that the plane was forced  to land on the island by the CIA because of a passenger or an object that was on board.

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Conspiracy? - Those who believe in this theory say that, after the plane landed on Diego Garcia, it was dismantled, burned, and part of its fuselage was thrown in the sea.

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Official position - Still according to The Telegraph, the theory became so popular, that American authorities had to make an official statement denying the landing of the plane in Diego Garcia.

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More theories - According to The Epoch Times , another piece of data strengthened the theory that the plane was diverted to Diego Garcia.

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Help - One of the plane's passengers, engineer Philip Wood, was allegedly able to send a text message and a photo from a cell phone calling for help.

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Prisoners? - According to the conspiracy theorists, he was being kept a prisoner on the island and managed to keep his cell phone hidden.

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Signals - What connects this story to the island of Diego Garcia is the fact that the supposed coordinates of the message indicate a location in that region.

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The mystery continues - There are many theories surrounding the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.

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Military base - Among claims from former residents, an alleged CIA prison, and theories about the Malaysia Airlines flight, one thing is certain: the island of Diego Garcia remains a mystery.

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Diego Garcia: the secrets behind the remote US military base

Did malaysia airlines flight 370 land on the island.

Diego Garcia: the secrets behind the remote US military base

23/03/18 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Diego Garcia

The island of Diego Garcia, where one of the most mysterious US military bases is located, is surrounded by controversy and at the center of many theories. Relocated natives have been protesting for years for the right to return to the island after they were forced to abandon it because of the military occupation. Some theorists also believe that the missing plane from Malaysia Airlines is on the island. Want to know more about this mysterious military base? Click on the gallery!


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can civilians visit diego garcia

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How many military are stationed on Diego Garcia?

Diego Garcia, a small atoll in the Indian Ocean, is home to a significant military presence. As of 2021, there are approximately 5,000 military personnel stationed on the island.

How did Diego Garcia become a military base?

Diego Garcia became a military base when the United States signed an agreement with the United Kingdom in 1966 to establish a military presence on the island.

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What is the strategic importance of Diego Garcia?

Due to its remote location and large runway, Diego Garcia serves as a vital refueling and staging area for military operations in the Middle East and Asia.

Are there any civilians living on Diego Garcia?

No, the entire island is under the control of the United States military and is off-limits to civilians.

Is Diego Garcia a sovereign territory?

No, Diego Garcia is a British Overseas Territory, but its military facilities are under the control of the United States.

What branch of the military is stationed on Diego Garcia?

The United States Navy and Air Force have a significant presence on the island.

Are there any restrictions on travel to Diego Garcia?

Yes, access to the island is heavily restricted and requires special permission from the military.

Does the military presence on Diego Garcia have an impact on the local environment?

There have been reports of environmental damage caused by the military presence, including the displacement of indigenous species.

Can civilians visit Diego Garcia?

No, the island is strictly off-limits to civilians without special authorization.

What role does Diego Garcia play in military operations?

Diego Garcia serves as a strategic base for launching and supporting military operations in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions.

Is there a civilian airport on Diego Garcia?

No, the only airport on the island is a military runway.

What is the relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom in regards to Diego Garcia?

The United States has a lease agreement with the United Kingdom to operate military facilities on the island.

Are there any ongoing disputes over the military presence on Diego Garcia?

There have been legal and political challenges to the military presence on the island, particularly regarding the forced removal of indigenous Chagossians in the 1960s.

What is the living situation like for military personnel on Diego Garcia?

The military maintains facilities for housing and supporting the stationed personnel, including a hospital and recreational amenities.

What is the future outlook for the military presence on Diego Garcia?

The lease agreement between the United States and the United Kingdom is set to expire in 2036, leading to speculation about the future of the military base on the island.

Does Diego Garcia have any role in intelligence operations?

There has been speculation about the island’s use for intelligence gathering and surveillance, although specifics are classified.

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About Gary McCloud

Gary is a U.S. ARMY OIF veteran who served in Iraq from 2007 to 2008. He followed in the honored family tradition with his father serving in the U.S. Navy during Vietnam, his brother serving in Afghanistan, and his Grandfather was in the U.S. Army during World War II. Due to his service, Gary received a VA disability rating of 80%. But he still enjoys writing which allows him a creative outlet where he can express his passion for firearms. He is currently single, but is "on the lookout!' So watch out all you eligible females; he may have his eye on you...

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  1. DVIDS

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  2. diego-garcia-camp.jpg

    can civilians visit diego garcia

  3. Aerial Photos of Diego Garcia

    can civilians visit diego garcia

  4. Diego Garcia

    can civilians visit diego garcia

  5. Diego Garcia

    can civilians visit diego garcia

  6. Can I Visit Diego Garcia

    can civilians visit diego garcia


  1. Why Can't Civilians Visit Antarctica

  2. The forbidden places you can never visit: Diego Garcia Island

  3. What's wrong in advising a soldier? Can civilians advise soldiers?

  4. Diego Garcia

  5. Diego Garcia 1992 VP-4 Crew 6 US Navy Westpac


  1. Visitor Information

    Personnel travelling to Diego Garcia require country clearance, which is approved by the U.S. Navy Support Facility, Diego Garcia, commanding officer. Family members are not authorized to travel to Diego Garcia; this includes, but is not limited to dependents and spouses. At no time is leave travel to Diego Garcia authorized.

  2. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia

    Contact Military OneSource via secure live chat or call 800-342-9647. Entry into Diego Garcia is restricted, requiring area clearance by U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia. Only unaccompanied military and DoD civilian personnel, or authorized contractors may be assigned to the island.

  3. Diego Garcia

    Diego Garcia is the only inhabited island in the British Indian Ocean territory. The French colonized the Island originally. But they had to give it up to the UK in the Treaty of Paris 1814 at the conclusion of a portion of the Napoleonic Wars. ... Can civilians visit Diego Garcia? The main island is a military facility. It is off limits to ...

  4. Inside Diego Garcia: The Most Mysterious U.S. Naval Base

    The island of Diego Garcia is a British Indian Ocean Territory near the tip of India. This military installation is located on the Chagos Archipelago, which is a group of seven atolls. Diego Garcia is shaped like a horseshoe, is 4 feet above sea level and has 6,720 acres of land. The island is 14 miles long and 4 miles wide, surrounding one of ...

  5. Diego Garcia Welcome Aboard Package

    Welcome Aboard Package (last updated: May 22, 2024) For up-to-date COVID policy information contact our sponsor coordinator below: [email protected]. Welcome to Diego Garcia! Welcome to the atoll of Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), the "Footprint of Freedom!". This lush, tropical paradise, located seven ...

  6. Getting Here

    Travel to Diego Garcia from within the continental United States occurs via either the East Coast rotator or the West Coast rotator. The East Coast rotator usually flies out of Naval Station Norfolk, Va., every two weeks. ... SATO Singapore can arrange transportation to Paya Lebar to connect with the AMC flights to Diego Garcia. If you ...

  7. READOUT: Pacific Fleet Commander's Travel to Diego Garcia, December 8-9

    During an all hands call, Paparo addressed questions and concerns from U.S. and U.K. military, civilian, and foreign contract personnel on issues ranging from incentives for pay, leave, and travel to the critical role of NSF Diego Garcia to supporting operational forces deployed to the Indian Ocean.

  8. PDF Welcome Aboard Diego Garcia! W

    lcome Aboard Diego Garcia! The atoll of Diego Garcia is in the Chagos Islands located on a large shoal area kn. wn as the Great Chagos Bank. Diego Garcia is the largest of 55 islands that form the Chagos Archipelago within the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT) and is known as the "Footprint of Freedom" for it shape, regional locati.

  9. Exclusive: Inside Diego Garcia, America's highly secretive military

    An aerial view of Diego Garcia island, part of the Chagos Archipelago in the Central Indian Ocean (22 November 2013). by U.S. Navy photo/Released ... Only military employees are allowed to set foot there and no journalist has been allowed to visit Diego Garcia since the establishment of the base. The UK announced in November that it is planning ...

  10. Visiting

    The British Indian Ocean Territory is not a tourist destination. Access is restricted and a permit is required in advance of travel. There are no commercial flights and permits for yachts are only issued to allow safe passage through the Indian Ocean (Outer Islands only). Access to Diego Garcia is only permitted to those with connections either ...

  11. What it's like to be stationed at Diego Garcia

    T-shirts are a sign of morale-boosting activities while stationed at Diego Garcia. Whether it's a beach-based 5k run or a triathlon, civilian and active-duty sailors usually go home with a ...

  12. See inside Diego Garcia, a secretive US Navy base on British land at

    There are also civilian contractors, mostly from nearby Mauritius, who cook and clean for the soldiers and sailors. ... From Diego Garcia, US bombers launched attacks in Afghanistan in the wake of ...

  13. Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia

    In 1971, the local population of Diego Garcia, the Chagossians, was forcibly expelled from the island to make way for the base. [3]The Navy tasked the Seabees of Naval Mobile Construction Battalions 1, 40, 62, 71, 133 and Amphibious Construction Battalion 2 with the construction of the base. [4] On 23 January 1971 the first men of NMCB 40 arrived on site to begin what became an extended ...

  14. Mail Call Diego Garcia: The Most Isolated Post Office in the World

    Diego Garcia is one of the Navy's most remote duty stations. There are no malls or department stores here, so most service members and civilians stationed here regularly order items in the mail.

  15. NSF Diego Garcia Sailors Stay Mission Ready in Isolation

    On the remote island of Diego Garcia, in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the threat of COVID-19 to operational readiness is ever-present. For almost two months now, select service members and

  16. READOUT: Pacific Fleet commander's travel to Diego Garcia, December 8-9

    Adm. Samuel J. Paparo, commander U.S. Pacific Fleet, traveled to Diego Garcia, British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), Dec. 8-9, 2022, to review capabilities and facilities and engage with personnel at

  17. Diego Garcia: UN says UK military island not suitable for ...

    "Diego Garcia is an island hosting a military base with virtually no civilian population, and is not a suitable location for long-term residence for this group," a spokesperson said in a brief ...

  18. Welcome to Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia

    Welcome to Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia. "One Island, One Team, One Mission". U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia provides logistic support to operational forces forward deployed to the Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf areas of responsibility in support of national policy objectives.

  19. Diego Garcia: the secrets behind the remote US military base

    Tweet Partilhar. The island of Diego Garcia, where one of the most mysterious US military bases is located, is surrounded by controversy and at the center of many theories. Relocated natives have been protesting for years for the right to return to the island after they were forced to abandon it because of the military occupation.

  20. U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia Ramps Up Social Distancing

    U.S. Navy Support Facility Diego Garcia's commanding officer hosted a radio town hall April 1 to answer questions about COVID-19 prevention and emphasize social distancing.

  21. Diego Garcia

    Diego Garcia is an island of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT), a disputed overseas territory of the United Kingdom also claimed by Mauritius.It is a militarised atoll just south of the equator in the central Indian Ocean, and the largest of the 60 small islands of the Chagos Archipelago.Portuguese sailors under Pedro Mascarenhas were the first Europeans to discover the island, finding ...

  22. READOUT: Pacific Fleet commander's travel to Diego Garcia, December 8-9

    221209-N-YG104-0036 DIEGO GARCIA, British Indian Ocean Territory (December 09, 2022) Adm. Samuel Paparo (right), Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet, speaks with service members during an all hands call aboard Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia. During his visit Paparo engaged with members of the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Space Force, the ...

  23. How many military are stationed on Diego Garcia?

    Can civilians visit Diego Garcia? No, the island is strictly off-limits to civilians without special authorization. What role does Diego Garcia play in military operations? Diego Garcia serves as a strategic base for launching and supporting military operations in the Indian Ocean and surrounding regions. Is there a civilian airport on Diego ...