Visite Guidée Bruxelles

La tour noire, vestige de la première enceinte de Bruxelles

tour noire, vestige de la première enceinte de la ville de Bruxelles, 12 e siècle

Bizarre, vous avez dit bizarre ?

La tour noire de Bruxelles. Bien curieux endroit que celui-ci. Enclavé et encadré par un hôtel on ne peut plus contemporain, ce vestige d’une tour médiévale ! Encore une histoire belge ? On n’en n’est pas loin.

Question défense historique

Mais tout d’abord un mot quand même sur cette tour, même si je consacre par ailleurs un article complet sur la première enceinte. La tour noire faisait donc partie de la première fortification de la ville, érigée sous Lambert II, au début du XIIe. siècle. C’est le fidèle et rigoureusement suivi du tracé qui fait l’objet de la visite guidée Bruxelles médiéval . Il permet ainsi de se rendre compte de ce qu’était l’ensemble de l’étendue et du relief de la ville à l’époque.

Mais je m’égare, revenons à la tour noire de Bruxelles. Elle faisait donc partie du système défensif de la ville, parmi les 40 autres tours qui composaient la première enceinte de Bruxelles.

Ces tours étaient réparties tous les cinquante mètres environ, afin de permettre un tir croisé d’arbalètes sur les éventuels envahisseurs de la ville. Les murs avaient une épaisseur entre 2,3 et 3 mètres. Tout ce système devint bien évidemment insuffisant à la fois en fonction de l’accroissement de la population urbaine et des progrès en armement. Ce qui explique qu’assez rapidement, la ville de Bruxelles se dota d’une seconde enceinte, moins de trois siècles plus tard.

tour noire, vue de face, vestige de la première enceinte de la ville de Bruxelles, 12 e siècle

Bruxelles - Bruxelles-Capitale

La tour Noire se dresse fièrement, l'un des vestiges les mieux préservés de la première enceinte de Bruxelles, érigée au début du XIIIe siècle. Nichée derrière l'église Sainte-Catherine, elle témoigne avec grandeur du passé médiéval de la ville.

La tour Noire, témoin immuable du passé médiéval de Bruxelles , a connu une évolution fascinante à travers les siècles. Probablement devenue propriété privée lors de la construction de la seconde enceinte de la ville à la fin du XIVe siècle, elle a miraculeusement survécu à la démolition de la première enceinte derrière l’église Sainte-Catherine en 1564, lors de l’aménagement de nouveaux bassins portuaires.

Transformée en taverne au XVIe siècle sous le nom d’« In de Toren », elle a été préservée de la destruction en 1888 grâce à l’initiative du bourgmestre Charles Buls, fervent défenseur du patrimoine bruxellois. Restaurée par l’architecte Victor Jamaer, la tour a retrouvé sa splendeur d’antan, ornée d’un pignon à gradins et d’une toiture conique.

Histoire de la première enceinte de Bruxelles

La première enceinte de Bruxelles, édifiée au début du XIIIe siècle, révèle ses secrets grâce à des documents anciens et des vestiges préservés. Longue de quatre kilomètres, elle enveloppe l’île Saint-Géry et les collines du Treurenberg, abritant les premières structures urbaines et religieuses de la ville. Construite avec des matériaux solides, elle comportait des tours de défense, des portes d’accès et un fossé inondable, constituant ainsi une fortification imposante.

Dès le XIIIe siècle, des actes mentionnent l’existence de cette enceinte, dont le tracé est encore débattu par les historiens. Plus tard, la ville se développa au-delà de ces murs, menant à la construction d’une seconde enceinte.

Place Sainte-Catherine, 29 1000 Bruxelles


Tour Noire - Endroit insolite à Bruxelles, en Belgique

EmDee , CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

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Région de Bruxelles-Capitale

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Proche de Tour Noire

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Delirium Café

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Point zéro géographique

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Palais du Coudenberg

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Belgian Beer World

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Manneken Pis

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Zinneke Pis

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Wolf Sharing Food Market

Tour Noire - Bruxelles, Bruxelles-Capitale

Palais de Justice de Bruxelles

Tour Noire from below

©Analia Glogowski/Lonely Planet

Boxed in on three sides and incongruously dwarfed by the back of a Novotel Hotel, this tower is an ivy-draped remnant of Brussels’ original city wall.

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7 . Zinneke

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8 . Anspach Fountain

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Black Tower Tour Noire

A mighty medieval tower hidden away in the urban centre of Brussels

Once there was a mighty wall that defended Brussels in the medieval era. It was the first major wall around Brussels. The Black Tower is one of the few remaining pieces of that wall.

Hidden behind the Sainte-Catherine Church and on the back of a hotel, Black Tower is an interesting sight to see while you’re strolling through the city centre of Brussels. It’s just a 10 minute stroll from the Grand Place of Brussels!

The tower is totally surrounded by more modern buildings, so it looks like it accidentally fell out of a fairy tale world into the modern day. Black Tower dates back to the 13th century, though it’s been out of use for hundreds of years.

You can’t actually go inside Black Tower! It’s there as a monument and photo spot. There’s some benches nearby where locals and tourists take a break on a city stroll.

  • We’ve seen people and kids climb up a bit, but we don’t recommend this for safety reasons.
  • There’s a plaque near the base of the tower that tells you about its history
  • Brussels is the birthplace of the comic strip. What does that have to do with Black Tower? Well, the tower is featured in The Adventures of Nero by Marc Sleen in a story called De Zwarte Toren (The Black Tower).

Tips and Tricks

  • While you can’t go inside, you can walk a little bit around the tower as it’s not attached to the hotel building. You’ll get a better view of the windows and stairs around the sides.

Getting There

  • By Metro: 4 min walk from De Brouckère metro station. Metros 1 and 5 stop here
  • By Tram: 4 min walk from De Brouckère tram stop. Trams 3, 4 and 5 stop here
  • By Bus: close to bus stop Brussel Brouckère P58. Buses 126, 127 and 128 stop here

Black Tower, Place Sainte-Catherine 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

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Hidden Gems & Secret Spots in Brussels You Should Know About

Last Updated on 9th December 2023 by Sophie Nadeau

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Scratch beneath the surface, and you’ll soon discover that Brussels has much more to offer visitors than just a handful of art museums and cobbled lanes. Here’s your ultimate guide to the best of hidden gems and secret spots in Brussels you must know about before visiting for the first time.

grand place brussels

If you’re thinking about seeing a lot of attractions and monuments while in Brussels, Consider purchasing the Brussels City Card , which includes free access to 49 museums in Brussels.

To work out whether or not the pass is worth it for you or not, add up the cost of the individual attractions you wish to visit and see if you’ll save money. Find more details here.

Secrets of Brussels. Looking for the most unusual things to do in Brussels Belgium? here's your ultimate guide to hidden gems and secret spots in Brussels!

As the capital city of Belgium, Brussels is a must-see on many a visitor to Europe’s bucket list, particularly when it comes to the Grand Place and Manneken Pis, a tiny statue of a boy peeing into a fountain!

The city also happens to be home to some of the best Christmas Markets in Belgium during the winter and is also a great place from which to take day trips to explore the rest of the pint-sized country… If you only have a short time to explore, here’s a one day in Brussels itinerary , which we’ve suggested as part of our wider Belgium itinerary .

Secrets of Brussels. Looking for the most unusual things to do in Brussels Belgium? here's your ultimate guide to hidden gems and secret spots in Brussels!

Sandwiched between the Netherlands, France, and Germany, Belgium often misses out on much of the press it deserves in favour of its more famous neighbours.

But if you take the time to visit the tiny country for yourself, you’ll soon discover that there’s plenty more to discover beyond Tin Tin, French fries (yes, they come from Belgium!), and waffles.

After all, Belgium has the most castles per square kilometre in the world and remains somewhat of an off the beaten path when it comes to Western European travel. For more Belgium wanderlust, check out this guide to the best-kept secrets of Belgium . Otherwise, read on to discover the best of secret spots in Brussels…

Secrets of Brussels. Looking for the most unusual things to do in Brussels Belgium? here's your ultimate guide to hidden gems and secret spots in Brussels!

Brussels Cathedral Crypt

Garderobe manneken pis, statue of everard t’serclaes, grand place, 12th-century la tour de villers, carillon of the mont des arts, black tower, st. catherine’s church, birthplace of audrey hepburn, musical instruments museum, zinneke pis (het zinneke), invader street art, ancient city wall remnant, l’impasse saint-nicolas, visit the bourse, map of the best hidden gems of brussels, enjoyed reading about the best hidden gems and secret spots in brussels pin this article now, read it again later:, best hidden gems of brussels.

Of course, no one can claim that Brussels Cathedral is a hidden gem by any scratch of the imagination! Given cathedral status in the early 1960s, the ecclesiastical building is dedicated to St Michael and St Gudula. The cathedral also happens to be one of the best places to visit when it rains in Brussels.

What began as a chapel in the 9th-century was expanded over the centuries and the building you see today largely dates from between the 11th and 15th-centuries, with the grand front façade and towers dating back to 1485.

But what many visitors to Brussels Cathedral miss out on the fact that you can actually visit part of the crypt for a nominal fee of just €1. Insert a coin into the turnstile and you’ll soon descend into the depths of the cathedral underbelly, where you can spy the ruinous walls of the original Romanesque church.

Brussels Cathedral Crypt, Belgium

If you’ve ever received a postcard from Brussels, then no doubt you’ll have seen the teeny tiny fountain that is Manneken Pis. The statue of the urinating boy measures just over 60 cm in height and has since become a symbol for the city, with keychains, t-shirts, and other souvenirs plastered with the 17th-century designed statue.

The actual statue is now held in the Brussels City Museum for preservation purposes and the one that can be seen on the side of the street is an exact replica dating back to 1965. But what is perhaps most amusing is that the statue is dressed in different outfits on a regular basis, a tradition that dates back as far as the 18th-century.

Today, you can visit an entire small museum dedicated to the statue’s wardrobe. If you’re planning on visiting a lot of attractions during your stay in the city, you might consider purchasing a Brussels Card , which includes free admission to over 40 museums (including the GardeRobe Manneken Pis).

GardeRobe Manneken Pis

When leaving the illustrious Grand Place to head towards the Manneken Pis statue, I soon noticed that many visitors and locals alike were touching the bronze statue of Everard t’Serclaes for good luck.

It’s also said that rubbing the statue’s arm will ensure that one will return to Brussels one day! To the Belgians, t’Serclaes represents freedom, liberty, and the defense of those rights. You see, during the 14th-century, the count of Flanders seized the city following the death of John III of Brabant.

However, Everard scaled the walls of the city one night, together with a group of fellow Brussels residents, and drove the Flemings away from the city. The worn bronze statue that’s visible today dates back to the 19th-century, when it was created to commemorate t’Serclaes’ efforts.

Statue of Everard t'Serclaes, Grand Place

The vestiges of the former medieval walls of historic Brussels can still be spied, if only you know where to look. La Tour de Villers is also known as Tour Saint-Jacques.

The tower dates all the way back to the 13th-century, when a wall would have encircled the entirety of the medieval city. Though in a fairly residential area, nearby, I particularly loved GRUUN, a coffee shop that specialises in both plants and coffee!

12th-Century La Tour de Villiers

One of the more iconic views to be found anywhere in Brussels is that of Mont des Arts, a high up hill that overlooks the rest of the city.

The Carillon of the Mont des Arts district of Brussels features twenty four bells and is the most iconic timepiece in Brussels. The exterior of the Carillon is to be found on the side of the Palais de la Dynastie and features a clock in the form of a star which was designed by Jules Ghobert.

Each hour is represented by a painted figurine and on the hour, a figurine will move to a cacophony of carillon bells. Of all the secret spots in Brussels, this was by far the least expected and one I simply stumbled upon quite by accident!

Carillon of the Mont des Arts

Situated in the shadow of the 19th-century built St. Catherine’s Church, Black Tower is a medieval turret that looks like it’s been plucked straight out of a fairytale.

Surrounded by incredibly modern apartment blocks, the ‘Tour Noire’ as it is so-called in French is the sole surviving tower of the 13th-century fortifications that once encircled Brussels.

When the fortifications were modified and expanded during the 14th-century, the Black Tower no longer fit within the walls and fell out of use as a guard tower.

Historians theorise that from that point onwards, the tower became a private residence and it is probably for this reason that it has survived intact right up until modern times.

Black tower, St. Catherine's Church, Brussels, Belgium

Though simply a residential building today, you’ll know you’re in the right place when you spy throngs of tourists gathered outside, all snapping photos of this otherwise unremarkable building.

After all, 48 Rue Keyenveld is to be found in the Ixelles neighbourhood of Brussels and is where iconic actress Audrey Hepburn was born in 1929.

Though Hepburn spent the first five years of her life in the building, there is little to see apart from a plaque and I would not prioritise this Brussels hidden gem if you’re short on time and wish to maximise your sightseeing opportunities while in the Belgian capital.

Though not so much of a ‘hidden gem’ as some of the other Brussels attractions contained within this article, one of the more unusual things to do in Brussels is to visit the Musical Instruments Museum, which is to be found within the Mont des Arts neighbourhood.

Set against the backdrop of a steel and glass Art Nouveau building that was formerly used as the flagship store for the Old England Department store, today the museum boasts a collection of over 8000 instruments. Created in the mid 19th-century, rarest of all in the collections is the only surviving luthéal, a type of hybrid piano.

Musical Instruments Museum, Brussels, Belgium

Perhaps thanks to the popularity of Manneken Pis, there is now an entire subculture of urinating statues that has emerged as a result of the original tiny statue!

As well as a 1980s creation of Jeanneke Pis, a urinating sister for Manneken Pis, there is also a urinating dog statue, which was erected in 1998. For more information, check out our guide to the unique statues of Brussels.

Zinneke Pis (Het Zinneke)

If you’ve ever visited the French capital city of Paris, then you’ll likely have discovered the many mosaic street art pieces that can be found scattered across the city. Invader is an anonymous artist who creates beautiful pieces which can be ‘flashed’ on an app similar to ‘catching Pokemon’.

Though the largest concentration of Invader pieces can be found in Paris, Invader has ‘invaded’ other cities in ‘waves’, whereby the artist has installed mosaics in different locations across the world. In Brussels, there are 40 unique street art pieces to discover.

Invader Street Art Brussels

A hidden gem that’s a little further out of the historic city centre and so one that you’ll likely only discover if you’re walking towards the Bruxelles-Midi (Brussel-Zuid) station is a piece of city wall that’s particularly well preserved. Complete with its very own turret, the piece of former city wall can be found on Boulevard de l’Emprereur close to Crosly Bowling.

Ancient city wall remnant

One of the coolest little alleyways that my friends and I managed to stumble upon during our most recent trip to Brussels was L’impasse Saint-Nicolas, which is situated just off of the boulevard of Rue du Marché aux Herbes.

Head through the neo-Baroque door frame in a hole in the wall and you’ll be able to wander through the brick-lined passageway. The most interesting feature within the passage is the bar of ‘Aux Bon Vieux Temps,’ which boasts religious-themed imagery throughout the drinking establishment and dates all the way back to 1695, making it one of the oldest bars in Brussels.

L'impasse Saint-Nicolas

If you want to enjoy some gorgeous neo-Classical architecture in a free space, then you simply need to head to the Bourse, i.e. the former Stock Exchange. This public space boasts an interior gallery and even a café where you can enjoy a coffee while admiring the architecture.

If you head to the top floor (via a lift to the side of the building), then you can experience the rooftop bar. As well as selling a number of beers and other drinks, the bar boasts an outdoor terrace offering views onto the Christmas Markets below (if you’re visiting during the winter), as well as onto Grand Place and as far away as the Cathedral.

bourse brussels

Here's your ultimate guide to the best of hidden gems, quirky attractions, and secret spots in Brussels, the capital city of Belgium, Europe

Sophie Nadeau is a full time travel writer and photographer focused on cultural experiences in Europe and beyond. When she's not chasing after the sunset (or cute dogs she sees on her travels) she can be found reading, playing video games, and going on long hikes with her husband.

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  • Top 10 Things To Do...

Top 10 Things To Do And See In Sainte Catherine, Brussels

St. Catherines Church

The vibrant Sainte Catherine is a must-see area of Brussels — a well-suited match of old style and new vibes. Located just a stone’s throw from the Grand Place, it is a paradise for seafood lovers and for those who are looking for a lively and alternative spot in the heart of the Belgian capital.

St. Catherine’s Church

Sainte Catherine’s Church

The facade of La Bellone

Building, Library, Theater

Madame Moustache

Madame Moustache | © Alexia Machet / Courtesy of Madame Moustache

Walk Around The Quais

Quai du Commerce, Quai aux Briques, Quai du Bois a Brûler, Quai aux Pierre de Tailles are the most common streets around Sainte Catherine. But what does ‘ quai ‘ mean? It literally means dock or wharf. What used to be the location of the ancient port of Brussels has left traces in the toponymy in this neighborhood, and not only that. Place Sainte-Catherine has also been long known as Vismet, namely the fish market. Although the fishermen no longer sell their products there, the market still preserves its origins since seafood reigns supreme on the menus at the restaurants in the area — the best ones in the city.

La Centrale

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Have A Cup Of Tea At 'John and Rose'

Taste some of de noordzee's specialities, spot the tour noire.

Brussels is surely known as a modern city, but it still withholds some of its medieval treasures. La Tour Noire — in English ‘The black tower’ — is an example of what is left of Brussels’ 13th-century first city walls. Situated right behind Sainte Catherine’s Church, it became a tavern called ‘In de Toren’ in the 16th century and risked demolition at the end of the 19th century. It is now surrounded by a modern hotel, but its exterior can still be admired from the street, allowing you to picture its medieval effect.

La Belle Maraîchère

One spot cannot be missed once in Sainte Catherine, and that is La Belle Maraîchère . Situated in a lovely building from 1759, the menu will satisfy every taste, and those who do pass by this neighborhood should stop here for fish or lobster soup. It will be difficult to resist what comes next.

La Belle Maraîchère, 11A Place Sainte-Catherine, Brussels, Belgium, +32 2 512 97 59

Ferris Wheel in the Christmas Market

Visit The Enchanted Christmas Markets

Last but not least, this is a real treat to the eye of every Christmas lover and an amazing event for every age. Place Sainte-Catherine is the epicenter of the Brussels Christmas Market ; the wooden chalets on the sides of the Vismet are ready to charm you with their spicy hot wine, hot rum with honey and countless gourmet dishes — from the typical Belgian waffles and salmon to meat and Italian delicacies. Curiously enough, a spacious Swiss chalet stands out in the middle of the square; inside, Swiss traditional fondues can be tasted together with some renowned wine. The picture can only be completed with a ride in the magnificent Ferris wheel, which gives the opportunity to admire, from above, a breathtaking Brussels illuminated by the Christmas decorations.

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Avec ces visites guidées gratuites du centre-ville, découvrez les plus beaux monuments de Bruxelles , et apprenez-en plus sur l’Art Nouveau, le chocolat, la bière et la gastronomie belge. En plus , c’est GRATUIT  !

Maison du Roi en la Grand Place

Les visites 

La ville de Bruxelles se compose de plusieurs niveaux,  aussi les visites quotidiennes se déroulent en alternance dans " la ville basse"  et " la ville haute" . Le point de départ de chaque visite (de 2h30) est la Grand Place de Bruxelles , un des lieux les plus emblématiques la capitale belge.

Le matin, vous pourrez partir à la découverte du Bruxelles populaire dans la ville basse. Un guide professionnel vous fera découvrir les lieux cachés du quartier tout comme les immanquables, tel que la Tour Noire, les Halles Saint-Géry ou la Place Charles Buls .

Bien sûr, vous pourrez aller saluer la célèbre statue du « petit homme qui pisse »,  le Manneken-Pis. Nous nous révèlerons les plus surprenantes anecdotes et curiosités autour de cette figurine.

L’après-midi la visite se centrera sur la ville haute et le Bruxelles de la noblesse.

Vous vous rendrez à la Cathédrale Saint-Michel-et-Gudule . Vous pourrez franchir ses portes pour contempler les pièces maîtresses qu’elle contient, avec une spéciale attention aux vitraux et à son extraordinaire chaire baroque.

Vous prendrez ensuite la rue de la Régence pour arriver à la Place Royale . Vous pourrez ici admirer la façade du Palais Royal de Bruxelles , situé juste à côté d’un des plus jolis parcs de la capitale.

Vous découvrirez le quartier des Sablons , où vous pourrez visiter l’intérieur de l’église Notre-Dame du Sablon . Cette église, véritable bijou gothique, héberge une collection d’œuvres d’art qui saura vous surprendre.

L'activité se réalise avec un guide qui parle français.

Guide professionnel francophone.


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Les tickets d’entrée aux monuments.

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  • Préserver le patrimoine culturel et environnemental.
  • Favoriser le bien-être animal.
  • Agir avec intégrité.
  • Promouvoir des pratiques durables entre clients et collaborateurs.

Cette activité, en particulier, contribue de la manière suivante :

  • Il n'est pas nécessaire d'imprimer de documents..

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Point de rendez-vous.

Grand Place de Bruxelles.

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tour noir bruxelles

Category : Tour Noire

Media in category "tour noire".

The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total.

tour noir bruxelles

  • Cultural heritage monuments in Brussels (city area)
  • Place Sainte-Catherine/Sint-Katelijneplein, Brussels
  • First city walls of Brussels
  • Uses of Wikidata Infobox
  • Uses of Wikidata Infobox with maps
  • Cultural heritage monuments in Brussels with known IDs
  • Pages with coordinates

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tour noir bruxelles

La tour noire

Au centre de Bruxelles, un groupe d’enfants questionne la mémoire bruxelloise de la Tour noire, ancien vestige des murs de la ville, imbriqué dans la construction du « Novotel ». Par des jeux de paroles et d’écritures, le théâtre et le dessin, les enfants réagissent librement de manière imaginative et racontent, vu de leur présent, une histoire de ce patrimoine.

Dans le cadre d’un atelier d’initiation au cinéma d’animation à Bruxelles.

  • Auteur film
  • Collective films
  • Experimental labs
  • Ongoing (14)
  • Finished (333)
  • Support Coproduction Production Residence Production assistance Laboratories    Collective labs    Individual labs
  • Style Animation  (187) Workshop  (133) Audio  (30) Documentary  (141) Publication  (9)
  • Year 2024  (11) 2023  (22) 2022  (16) 2021  (15) 2020  (11) 2019  (14) 2018  (14) 2017  (8) 2016  (10) 2015  (9) 2014  (12) 2013  (20) 2012  (15) 2011  (13) 2010  (18) 2009  (4) 2008  (8) 2007  (2) 2006  (8) 2005  (6) 2004  (9) 2003  (5) 2002  (9) 2001  (5) 2000  (5) 1999  (6) 1998  (5) 1997  (7) 1996  (2) 1995  (5) 1994  (2) 1993  (5) 1992  (5) 1991  (5) 1990  (1) 1989  (5) 1988  (2) 1987  (1) 1986  (6) 1985  (1) 1984  (2) 1983  (3) 1982  (1) En cours  (14)
  • Filmmaking 2Bouts asbl  (1) Adolpho Avril  (1) Agnès Lalau  (2) Alain Lemaître  (1) Alessandra Coppola  (1) Alex Mortelmans  (1) Alexander Schellow  (1) Alexia Greban  (1) Aline Jacques  (1) Aline Moens  (45) Aline Schurgers  (1) Alizée Honoré  (1) Alpha Sadou Gano  (1) Ana Silva  (1) Anakin Deman  (0) Anja Hess  (1) Anne Closset  (3) Anne Smolar  (1) Annelein Pompe  (1) Annik Leroy  (1) Antje Van Wichelen  (1) Antonio Gomez Garcia  (1) AR Victor Horta  (3) ARG  (1) Arthur Gillet  (1) Assaad Al-Hilali  (1) Astrid Bode  (1) Astrid Mertens  (1) Aude Choppin  (4) Béatrice Balcou  (1) Begonia Alvarez  (2) Benjamin Hennot  (1) Benjamin Ntabundi  (1) Birame Ndiaye  (1) Bruno Goosse  (2) C.S. du Béguinage  (1) CADE  (1) Carl Roosens  (3) Caroline Gobelet  (3) Cassandra Semeu Kwekam  (1) Catherine Bernad  (1) Catherine Le Goff  (2) Cécile Mavet  (1) Céline Darmayan  (2) Centre Arnaud Fraiteur  (1) Centre Sésame  (1) Chantale Anciaux  (1) Charline Caron  (1) Charline Cocset  (0) Charlotte Grégoire  (1) Chedia Le Roij  (1) Cheickh Ndiaye  (2) Chris Alexandre  (2) Christian Coppin  (16) Christine Hubot  (1) CIFA  (2) Claire Gatineau  (1) Clara Bensoussan Dilly  (1) Claude François  (1) Collectif One Take  (1) Création collective  (100) Culture Province Namur  (0) Cyril Mossé  (2) Dan Kayeye  (1) Danial Shah  (1) Daniel Bajoit  (1) Delphine Dupont  (2) Delphine Fedoroff  (1) Delphine Hermans  (1) Denis de Wind  (1) Denis Deprez  (1) Dora García  (1) Ecole St Marie  (1) Edmond Rwabunga  (1) Eitan Efrat  (2) Elen Sylla Grollimund  (12) Emmanuel Elliah  (1) ERG  (4) Eric Dederen  (3) Eva Visnyei  (2) Fabienne Piot  (1) Fabrizio Terranova  (1) Federico D'Ambrosio  (1) Federico Varrasso  (1) Florence Aigner  (2) Frank Mukunday & Tétshim  (1) Fransix Tenda Lomba  (1) Geneviève Antoine  (1) Geneviève Georges  (1) Géraldine Brausch  (1) Géraldine Georges  (2) Géraldine Jonckers  (1) Giovanni Casconne  (1) Grace Kinya  (1) GRECOS  (1) Groupe BAG  (2) Guillaume Maupin  (1) Gypsy Haes  (1) Hamadou Ka  (1) Hans Bryssinck  (1) Hermès Cimpaye  (1) Hugo Amoedo  (1) Ilse Wijnen  (1) Ingo Baltes  (1) Isabelle Dierckx  (1) Jackson Bukasa  (1) Jacques Faton  (21) Javier Carrasco  (0) Jean-Bastien Tinant  (1) Jean-Charles L’Ami  (2) Jean-Philippe Dauphin  (1) Jean-Pierre Outers  (1) Jeanne Van Monckhoven  (0) Jen Debauche  (1) Jesse Salem N’Gan’Ga  (1) Jessica Blondiau  (0) Jno-Baptiste Lennon  (1) Joanna Lorho  (1) Joanna Pinxteren  (1) Julie Jaroszewski  (1) Julie Morel  (1) Julie Rener  (1) Juliette Le Monnyer  (1) Justin Zerbo  (1) Kadiatou Konate  (1) Kalenga Lenga Kitungano  (1) Karine Birgé  (1) Kibushi Ndjate Wooto  (3) L'Autre 'lieu' Rapa  (1) Ladislas de Monge  (1) Laetitia Moreau  (1) Laszlo Umbreit  (1) Laura Petitjean  (1) Laure Marganne  (1) Laurent Van Lancker  (5) Leah Bosquet  (1) Léonard Pongo  (1) Lionel Galand  (0) Lire et Ecrire  (2) Loredana Bianconi  (1) Louay Dabous  (1) Lucie Duckerts-Antoine  (0) Maëlle Grand Bossi  (1) Mamadou Dramé  (1) Manon de Boer  (1) Marc Rénier  (1) Marco Monaco  (1) Marème Mbaye  (1) Margaux Dauby  (1) Maria Eugenia Santos  (1) Maria Körkel  (1) Marie Devuyst  (1) Marie Vella  (2) Marie-Eve de Grave  (1) Marie-Paule Fayt-Davin  (1) Marion Sellenet  (1) Mathilde Lavenne  (1) Matthias De Groof  (2) Maxime Jean-Baptiste  (1) Mélanie Le Clech  (2) Michel Bernard  (2) Michel Castelain  (3) Michel Goyon  (1) Michel Kashindi Ndangale  (1) Michel Rutsaert  (1) Milena Bochet  (3) Mirthe Dokter  (1) Mohamadou Ndoye  (2) Murielle Timmermans  (1) Myleine Guiard-Schmid  (1) Myriam Raccah  (1) Nadine Rakofsky  (1) Natacha Roussel  (2) Natalia Duque Quintero  (1) Neve et Flavio Aquilina  (1) Nicolas Bruwier  (1) Nicolas Van Kerckhove  (1) Nicolas Wouters  (1) Nina de Vroome  (1) Olivia Lemmens  (1) Olivia Molnàr  (1) Olivier Deprez  (1) Olivier Pagani  (1) Özge Akarsu  (1) Pablo Guarise  (1) Patrick Tass  (1) Patrick Theunen  (19) Patrick Van Antwerpen  (1) Perrine Michel  (1) Philippe de Pierpont  (4) Philippe Geerts  (1) Philippe Scorier  (1) Pierre de Bellefroid  (1) Pierre Martin  (1) Pierre Voland  (1) Prosper Ndayizeye  (1) Rachel Marino  (1) Rafaël Vasquez  (1) Rasmane Tiendrebeogo  (2) Réjane Hallet  (4) Renelde Liégeois  (1) Romain Assénat  (13) Rosemary Laneau  (0) Sacha Kullberg  (1) Sammy Baloji  (1) Sandra Heremans  (1) Sébastien Demeffe  (2) Sébastien Pirotte  (1) Sébastien Vanderbocht  (1) Shirine Abel  (1) Sibiri Sawadogo  (1) Sirah Foighel  (2) Sofie Benoot  (1) Solidarité Socialiste  (3) Sonia Pastecchia  (1) Sonia Ringoot  (1) Steve Biko Tientcheu Djoumissi  (1) Stjepan Mihaljevica  (1) T. Tapha  (1) Talibé Diallo  (1) Tania Nasielski  (3) Théâtre du Tilleul  (1) Théodora Ramaekers  (1) Thibaut Verly  (1) Tim Therry  (1) Tomas Hendriks  (1) Valérie Leemans  (1) Véronika Usova  (0) Véronique Crosset  (0) Victoire Karera Kampire  (2) Vida Dena  (1) Vincent Funken  (1) Vinciane Moeschler  (1) Violaine de Villers  (1) Virginie Collard  (2) Yuen Yeung Fun  (1) Yvann Drion  (1) Zoé  (2) Zumba asbl  (2)
  • Mood Africalia  (13) Alpha  (9) Caravane La Léa  (8) Circus panique  (6) Contes à l’envers  (7) Conteste !  (10) Fables tendues  (5) Films d’elles  (9) Halaqat  (3) Hamdallaye  (4) Les héros aussi  (5) Les sens déployés  (4) Lieu commun  (12) Maux dits de vie  (6) Mémoires du football  (6) Parcours d’exception  (6) Parcours de ville  (5) Quatre dérapages  (4) Radio Marie-Christine  (2) Récits du jour  (6) Residence  (19) Sénégal  (26) Souvenirs  (4) Ville  (12)
  • Kouté Vwa 2024
  • Après le Bruit 2024
  • Michel Goyon en Labo 2024
  • Ramallah, Palestine... 2024
  • (collecte de) Trace... 2024
  • Ma Maison Ambulante... 2024
  • La dernière à se co... 2024
  • Ailleurs de Pierres 2024
  • Marion or the Metam... 2024
  • Brodons nos histoires 2024
  • Mea Culpa 2024
  • Un type qui se cogn... 2023
  • Domus de Janas 2023
  • Voyage Culinaire : ... 2023
  • Mone n’djon, une ro... 2023
  • Villa Madjo 2023
  • Et toi, quelles lan... 2023
  • Images d’archives 2023
  • Tales from the Source 2023
  • La force diagonale 2023
  • Radio Marie-Christi... En cours
  • GPS Signal lost 2022
  • Corps et Voix 2023
  • Victoire Karera Kam... 2023
  • Agnès Lalau en Labo 2023
  • (collecte de) Trace... 2023
  • Dis moi ce que tu m... 2023
  • Ecriture et créatio... 2023
  • Voyage culinaire / ... 2023
  • Ma Maison Ambulante... 2023
  • Özge Akarsu en Labo 2023
  • Salt in water 2023
  • Entre-temps. Le sil... 2022
  • Des bruits dans la ... 2022
  • Cuisine et gravure 2022
  • Ecritures d’i... 2022
  • Spectre 2022
  • Wild Women 2022
  • Leatherback 2022
  • Dîyi mu diyi 2022
  • Clara Bensoussan Di... 2022
  • of Gates and of Des... 2021
  • Construction d’un b... 2022
  • “Dispositifs ... 2022
  • Gravure & Anim... 2022
  • Nelly’s memory 2021
  • 7 jours / 7 2021
  • Jeu Vide-a .02 2021
  • CACHé 2021
  • Likang Litom-bé 2021
  • Un poème du souffle... 2021
  • Karine Birgé en Labo 2021
  • Rotoscopie 2021
  • L’AERoFAUNE 2022
  • La Restanza 2021
  • 24h d’animation et ... 2021
  • La vérité en vrai! ... 2020
  • De Schaduwwerkers 2021
  • Histoires d’e... 2021
  • Atelier Sténopé 2020
  • Beyond the Blue 2021
  • Oui, je le veux 2020
  • Kelasi 2021
  • Pass à l’Acte 2020
  • Au bout du fil l... 2020
  • Dessine-moi ton con... 2020
  • Terres Humides R... 2020
  • Le Paquebot / De Oc... 2020
  • Parolier 2020
  • Niayes Thiokers : l... 2020
  • Haut les Masques ! 2019
  • Fil(m)agique 2019
  • Tagebau Garzweiler 2020
  • Ambassadeur des pou... 2019
  • Ceci n’est pa... 2019
  • Et la lumière fut e... 2019
  • Mouvements d’identités 2019
  • Théodora Ramaekers ... 2019
  • Dakar-Bruxelles-Lab... 2019
  • La Léa dans le Viroin 2019
  • Machini 2019
  • Ma vie de super-héros 2019
  • Jeu Vide-a 2019
  • Astrid Bode en Labo 2019
  • Radio Yourcenar 2019
  • My Paper Life 2022
  • Palimpsest of the A... 2018
  • Extinction de l’espace 2018
  • Lab’Eau O Bord De L’O 2018
  • Charge($) Déraisonn... 2018
  • ERG en Labo 2018
  • Revelationtwikkeling 2018
  • Enfants modèles 2018
  • A l’endroit, ... 2018
  • Place Béthléem 2018
  • A Dreamed Love 2018
  • Lalla Buya, Voix de... 2018
  • Message de Gaza 2017
  • Néant fossile / Nih... 2017
  • The yellow Mazda an... 2018
  • China ‘87, the others 2017
  • L’atelier du callig... 2018
  • This is a hotel, no... 2018
  • Lobi Kuna 2017
  • Rosa, la vie en rose 2016
  • Radio Syria 2017
  • Who are you october? 2017
  • Cinema en atelier 2017
  • L’Image_materielle 2017
  • Pungulume 2016
  • Les enfants de la p... 2016
  • A travers le fenêtre 2016
  • Donna Haraway : Sto... 2016
  • Belle de nuit 2016
  • A Sea Change (Een i... 2016
  • After Death, After ... 2016
  • Femme de la forêt 2016
  • Sitation Dévirrant 2014
  • Chronique courtisane 2015
  • Walter Hus, vent d’... 2015
  • Rosa, plongée en Ab... 2015
  • Jusqu’où nous... 2015
  • De Lola à Laila 2015
  • Sans terre, sans dr... 2015
  • La Bataille de l’Ea... 2015
  • Place des femmes &#... 2015
  • Shaking Brussels 2014
  • Lou Bëth Xayma 2014
  • Heures douces 2014
  • Wilson y Los Más El... 2014
  • Corps Perdu 2013
  • Après nous, ne rest... 2013
  • The Joycean Society 2013
  • Loul d’Odouppe 2013
  • Do you Remember? 2013
  • Doumadem, Ellipses ... 2013
  • Ecoutes Mutu’elles 2013
  • Ni kuruka Maisha 2013
  • Grattage pellicule 2014
  • Water Music 2013
  • Le Courrier des Enf... 2013
  • Entre violence et e... 2014
  • Stop Motion! 2013
  • Bascule 2014
  • Une ferme entre chi... 2014
  • Decision Pending 2014
  • Out of space 2013
  • Lame de fond 2013
  • Win for Life 2013
  • Quartiers libres 2013
  • Lost and Found 2013
  • Marcher comme sur d... 2013
  • Clara & la gra... 2013
  • Journal 2013
  • Les statues parlent... 2012
  • Femmes dans la guerre 2012
  • Ma peau aime 2012
  • La forêt de Kaptus 2012
  • Inven/terre 2011
  • Le vent des parents 2012
  • L’écho de la ... 2012
  • Ombres et lumières 2012
  • monsTerre 2012
  • Qu’est-ce qui... 2012
  • L’épaisseur des mur... 2012
  • Pygmées de la route 2012
  • A ciel ouvert 2011
  • Mer emporte en demi... 2011
  • Printed Matter 2011
  • Le désordre alphabé... 2011
  • GAMS Belgique 2011
  • Paysages Sonores 2011
  • YEFF ! Song VJam 2011
  • Bouts d’histo... 2011
  • J’annonce 2011
  • La chanson d’... 2012
  • Cheveux rouges, caf... 2012
  • A Philosophy of Clo... 2012
  • Dissonant 2010
  • Ca rime et ça rame ... 2010
  • Dame, poussières 2010
  • Hommage aux artistes 2010
  • Makasi 2010
  • Ce que peut le lion 2011
  • Poule Mouillée 2011
  • Interno 2010
  • Feral Nako 2008
  • Comme une envie de ... 2008
  • Méandres 2009
  • Majjudo (Lost Man) 2009
  • Riding Along 2009
  • Nous n’irons pas pl... 2009
  • Comptines en voyage 2010
  • Entre-voix – ... 2010
  • Générique Coup2Pouce 2010
  • Territoires sonores... 2010
  • Etrange étranger 2010
  • Campus Plein Sud 2010 2010
  • Disorient / Désorie... 2010
  • Blue Meridian 2010
  • Heures animées 2010
  • La montagne me parle 2010
  • Sept plasticiens en... 2002
  • Toi, à une image près 2002
  • Moi aussi je suis j... 2002
  • Villafricastad 2003
  • Plasticiens en mouv... 2003
  • Président Noir 2003
  • Rue des vieillards 2003
  • Speculafabulation 2004
  • Container 2004
  • Bureau de réclamations 2004
  • Maux-dits 2004
  • Petit tour au grenier 2004
  • Douche froide 2004
  • Tiga au bout du fil 2004
  • Can‘86 2004
  • Rétroviseurs 2004
  • Mi historia es tu h... 2005
  • Entre deux cadres 2005
  • Bess Bobu 2005
  • Coup foireux 2005
  • Déesse mère 2005
  • Avatars 2005
  • D’une rive à l’autr... 2006
  • Gens du Petit Château 2006
  • Les mains de la ter... 2006
  • De nous, cartes pos... 2006
  • D’un trait 2006
  • Le retour des 4 fil... 2006
  • Autour de chez moi 2006
  • Sannou la Belgique! 2007
  • Chants d’elles 2007
  • ¡EPA TÚ! 2008
  • Natation hivernale 2008
  • Zinneke Parade 2008 2008
  • Gare aux princesses 2008
  • Devine mon quartier 2008
  • Night Queen 2006
  • Quel est votre proc... 2001
  • Art et développement 2001
  • Rêves irrévérents 2002
  • Visages 2002
  • Corps d’univers 2002
  • Elle et lui 2002
  • Un visage 2002
  • DAS – Mon école 2002
  • Tiga guérisseur 2000
  • L’immeuble congelé 2000
  • D’une rue à l’autre 2000
  • Aline Sitoë Diatta 2001
  • Rakire 1998
  • La belle saison des... 1998
  • Ville vue de haut c... 1998
  • De quel côté 1999
  • Deux cafés l’addition 1999
  • La rue qui court 1999
  • Bokk Jom 1999
  • La tour noire 1999
  • Du coq à l’âme 1999
  • Workshop William Ke... 2000
  • Train train medina 2000
  • Mines d’images 1995
  • Carnet Noir 1996
  • Le héros à la bosse... 1996
  • Le puits 1997
  • Le film d’animation... 1997
  • Mémoire Oralité Tra... 1997
  • Regards sur la foule 1997
  • Je déclare la guerr... 1997
  • à nos frères ruandais 1997
  • Rogom (Naissance) 1997
  • La forêt malade 1998
  • Les princes de la rue 1992
  • Univers 1993
  • Cerise 1993
  • Il faut que je me s... 1993
  • L’enfant terrible 1993
  • Quel enfant! 1993
  • Cave Canem 1994
  • Petits tableaux 1994
  • L’expérience de Dossou 1995
  • Vuk (Le loup) 1995
  • Hans et Anna 1995
  • Studeni 1992 Sarajevo 1995
  • Birobezo 1991
  • L’architecte 1987
  • Mômimages, le monde... 1988
  • La flûte en bois de... 1988
  • Fritz Lang, dessins... 1989
  • Un dimanche pas com... 1989
  • Storyboard, du papi... 1989
  • La chanson perpétuelle 1989
  • Mômimages Zaïre 1989
  • Les enfants aussi&#... 1990
  • Histoires burundaises 1991
  • Voir comment nous o... 1991
  • Le crapaud chez ses... 1991
  • Rue de la perle 1991
  • Dnalor et Engamelrahc 1992
  • Le crapaud et L’Ora... 1992
  • Kinshasa septembre ... 1992
  • La métamorphose de ... 1992
  • Rocky Two 1985
  • L’arrosoir ensorcelé 1986
  • Pulcinella 1986
  • Naufrage 1986
  • L’usine de Bazouqa 1986
  • Pas de panique, les... 1986
  • Carnaval 1986
  • Rue de la Bombarde 1983
  • L’égoût 1983
  • Le mystère du jardi... 1984
  • Le grand circus mon... 1984
  • Quatre à voyager 1983
  • Lionneries 1982
  • Mozalisi En cours
  • Make it look real En cours
  • EJO En cours
  • La Haine En cours
  • L’ancre En cours
  • Meta Zoé En cours
  • Out of the picture En cours
  • Young Professionals En cours
  • La Langue du Jasmin En cours
  • The Circle of Memory En cours
  • Les idéaux (Sauvages) En cours
  • Herdades En cours
  • The Magic City – Bi... En cours

Atelier Graphoui

Atelier Graphoui © 1979 – 2024

Novotel Brussels City Centre 4 stars Family friendly Ecocertified

Novotel Brussels City Centre - Image 1

72 72 photos/video

69 69 photos/video


Novotel Brussels City Centre

Hotel that makes every moment matter

Set your bags down and unwind at Novotel. Novotel Brussels City Centre is a family friendly hotel, overlooking Saint Catherine church and is situated just 5 minutes walk away from the famous Grand Place. Natural light and minimalist design make your comfortable room a haven for working or relaxing. Full-length windows and delicious choices at Novotels breakfast buffet get your day off to a bright start. You will immediately feel at home at Novotel.

Novotel Brussels City Centre is located in the heart of Brussels, from where all the city's attractions are within easy reach. Walk across to Manneken Pis, visit the Grand Place and admire the impressive art collections in the Magritte Museum. A special structure you cannot miss is the Atomium in Heysel Park, which was built for the 1958 World Fair. Comic strip fans can't miss the Belgian Comic Strip Center or the Museum of Original Figurines. In Brussels there are enough things to explore.

Our hotel is located right in the heart of the city centre and is easy to reach by public transport. You will find numerous metro, tram and bus stations in the surroundings. Brussels central train station is just 10 minutes walking from the hotel.

The staff and I would like to welcome you to Novotel Brussels City Centre. The hotel is beautifully located in the Centre of Brussels, which makes it easy to explore the city and end your day with a Burger at our GourmetBar.

Hotel extras

City center location

'Green Key' certified

Direct access to metro De Brouckère

Free highspeed WIFI

Stylish GourmetBar, 11 modular meeting rooms with daylight

Our accommodation(s)

Page out of

Standard Room with 1 double bed

tour noir bruxelles

  • 2 pers. max
  • 26 m² / 279 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Queen size bed(s)

From NaN EUR NaN EUR Note  *

Fees and taxes included

1 night | 1 adult

Executive Room with a double bed

tour noir bruxelles

  • 27 m² / 290 sq ft
  • Most of the accommodation: Corner Room

Standard room with 1 double bed and 2 sofa beds

tour noir bruxelles

  • 4 pers. max
  • Bedding 1 x Queen size bed(s) and 2 x Single sofa bed(s)

Standard Family Suite

Non contractual photo

tour noir bruxelles

  • 6 pers. max
  • 60 m² / 645 sq ft
  • Bedding 1 x Double bed(s) and 2 x Single sofa bed(s)

Superior room with 1 double bed and 2 sofa beds

tour noir bruxelles

  • 40 m² / 430 sq ft
  • Bedding 2 x Single bed(s) and 1 x Queen size bed(s)

Standard Double Room for persons with reduced mobility

tour noir bruxelles

  • 29 m² / 312 sq ft
  • Accessible room

Executive Suite with 1 double bed, Duplex

tour noir bruxelles

  • 36 m² / 387 sq ft
  • Views: City View
  • Most of the accommodation: Duplex

Executive Suite with 1 double bed

tour noir bruxelles

  • 55 m² / 592 sq ft

Take advantage of our Flight + Hotel offers

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Hotel location

tour noir bruxelles

Rue de la Vierge Noire 32 1000  BRUSSELS Belgium

GPS : 50.850937, 4.350372

Contact email [email protected]

Click to copy the email address

Access and transport

Railway station


Access: 300 m  /  0.19 mi     2 min walk


Access: 300 m  /  0.19 mi     4 min walk


Access: 500 m  /  0.31 mi

CENTRAL station

Access: 1 km  /  0.62 mi     12 min walk  /  6 min drive

NOORD station

Access: 1.5 km  /  0.94 mi     20 min walk  /  10 min drive


Access: 1.9 km  /  1.18 mi     25 min walk  /  15 min drive

Historic monument

Access: 100 m  /  0.06 mi


Tourist attraction



Cinema district


Sports centre


Entertainment/theatre district


Access: 800 m  /  0.5 mi


Access: 800 m  /  0.5 mi     5 min walk



Botanical gardens

Access: 2 km  /  1.25 mi


Access: 4 km  /  2.49 mi


Opera/symphony/concert hall

Access: 10 km  /  6.21 mi

Access: 14 km  /  8.7 mi

Access: 15 km  /  9.38 mi


Amusement park

Access: 30 km  /  18.64 mi


Access: 40 km  /  24.86 mi


Access: 120 km  /  75 mi


Shopping centre/mall

Restaurant and cafe district


Shopping district

Hotel services

Check-in from 03:00 PM - Check out up to 11:00 AM

  • Swimming pool
  • Pets welcome
  • Wheelchair accessible

Fitness center

  • Air conditioning
  • Meeting rooms
  • 100% Non Smoking Property
  • Room service

tour noir bruxelles

Our menu is as diverse as our city itself, with seasonal suggestions, international classics, regional dishes and special local drinks.


tour noir bruxelles

Our trendy Bar and Brasserie offers you a wide range of tasty meals and various famous Belgian beers. Also for the children we have special attention. Free WiFi available.

3 breakfasts

tour noir bruxelles

Enjoy our rich continental breakfast buffet with fresh products and hot dishes. An extensive range of fresh fruits, cereals, dairy products and a variety of breads ensure a healthy start of the day.

tour noir bruxelles

Meetings & Events

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Our guest reviews

100% genuine reviews from our guests

ALL Rating  4.5/5  3,545 reviews

TripAdvisor Rating  4.0/5  3,773 reviews

Comfortable room

Customer review rating 5.0/5

R. S. Couples - 9/5/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

The room was affordable and nice. Room size was good. Everything worked as it should.

Surprise Birthday Celebration at Novotel: A Truly Memorable Experience

Komal J. Couples - 9/3/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Our first stay at Novotel turned out to be a truly delightful experience that exceeded our expectations. Located in the heart of Brussels city centre, the hotel is perfectly situated, with many of the city's major attractions just a short walk away. This made exploring the vibrant city incredibly convenient and enjoyable. I had made a special request in advance for a surprise birthday celebration for my wife, hoping to make the occasion memorable. The hotel staff not only fulfilled my request with great attention to detail but also went above and beyond by surprising us with additional thoughtful gestures. They presented us with gifts and complimentary drinks, which added a personal touch to our stay and made the celebration even more special. The entire experience reflected the hotel’s commitment to excellent service and hospitality. The staff's warm and considerate actions truly made our stay at Novotel a memorable one.

Customer review rating 3.0/5

Anonymous Families - 9/3/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Staff was not very engaging. Didn't seem to care when approached

Great location

Lavert Couples - 9/1/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Very welcoming staff and clean environment. The staff were very professional and mache to get checked in early and room upgrade as well. Everything went so smoothly.

Dear Laver, Thank you very much for this kind review of your recent stay. We are elated to know that your stay with us at Novotel Brussels City Centre was marked by the professional and welcoming demeanor of our staff, as well as the cleanliness and overall atmosphere of our hotel. We are pleased that you appreciated the smooth check-in process and the room upgrade we were able to provide, enhancing the comfort of your stay. It is wonderful to hear that our central location contributed positively to your experience, allowing you to easily explore the vibrant surroundings of Brussels. We look forward to seeing you again soon. Best regards, Marc UYTTERHOEVEN, General Manager

Good stay and good location

Tarren Solo - 9/1/2024 Confirmed reviews ALL

Had a lovely stay. Hotel has a great location close to museums and public transport. Also close to several restaurants. The room was spacious and clean. The staff were friendly and very helpful.

Dear Guest, Thank you very much for your kind review. We are absolutely thrilled to hear that your time at Novotel Brussels City Centre was to your satisfaction. We are delighted that you appreciated the spacious and pristine conditions of your room, our central location near an array of cultural venues and convenient public transportation, as well as the varied dining options in the vicinity. It is wonderful to know that our team's friendly and helpful service contributed positively to your stay. We take pride in maintaining a clean and welcoming environment, and it's fantastic that our efforts resonated with you. It would be a pleasure to welcome you back. Best wishes, Marc UYTTERHOEVEN, General Manager

In partnership with  TripAdvisor

Web-users rating

Other web-users rate our hotel

  • 1,946 reviews 9.5/10 Location
  • 2,019 reviews 7.6/10 Room
  • 1,833 reviews 8.6/10 Service
  • 36 reviews 8/10 WiFi
  • 1,086 reviews 8.2/10 Breakfast
  • 778 reviews 7.6/10 Cleanliness
  • 255 reviews 6.1/10 Wellness Area
  • 6 reviews 5.7/10 Beach
  • 678 reviews 9.5/10 Location
  • 638 reviews 7.5/10 Room
  • 612 reviews 8.6/10 Service
  • 6 reviews 6.6/10 WiFi
  • 431 reviews 8.7/10 Breakfast
  • 261 reviews 7.3/10 Cleanliness
  • 219 reviews 6.3/10 Pool
  • 100 reviews 6.1/10 Wellness Area
  • 331 reviews 9.5/10 Location
  • 404 reviews 7.4/10 Room
  • 347 reviews 8.8/10 Service
  • 5 reviews 6.2/10 WiFi
  • 171 reviews 7.7/10 Breakfast
  • 140 reviews 7.7/10 Cleanliness
  • 47 reviews 6.1/10 Wellness Area
  • 145 reviews 9.6/10 Location
  • 210 reviews 7.3/10 Room
  • 205 reviews 8.8/10 Service
  • 7 reviews 6.7/10 WiFi
  • 102 reviews 8/10 Breakfast
  • 73 reviews 7.5/10 Cleanliness
  • 20 reviews 6.2/10 Wellness Area
  • 56 reviews 9.7/10 Location
  • 74 reviews 8/10 Room
  • 83 reviews 9/10 Service
  • 39 reviews 8.2/10 Breakfast
  • 33 reviews 7.7/10 Cleanliness
  • 9 reviews 6/10 Wellness Area


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At 1.679 km

Price from: 1 night for 1 person in the room category identified within the same price range, excluding additional services and breakfast. This refers to the lowest public price, including all taxes ( VAT and tourist tax included) for the accommodation concerned, found on site today, for a one-night stay in the next 20 days . Varies according to period and availability. The price is only guaranteed at the time of booking. All bookings (foreign) are payable in the local currency where the hotel is situated. Only the amount confirmed during the booking in the hotels local currency is guaranteed. An estimated conversion in your local currency may be given for reference but is not part of the contract. Your bank may charge you bank fees and/or exchange fees at the time of payment.

tour noir bruxelles

Novotel Brussels City Centre

This hotel is situated in the centre of Brussels. It is built around the historical Tour Noire on the Sint-Katelijne square. This stylish neighbourhood is situated at only 800 meters from the Grote Markt. This hotel offers 217 non-smoking rooms including executive rooms and rooms adapt to host disabled people. Each room is nicely decorated and fully equipped. In all rooms, as well as in all our public areas and meeting rooms WI-FI is available. Our chef offers you in our Bar & Brasserie a choice of tasty meals. Room service is available at all times. Our conference centre has 11 meeting rooms on offer, including a large room of 215 square meters; an excellent accommodation for plenary sessions. All conference rooms are with daylight and air-conditioning. To add to an agreeable stay, you can enjoy the sports- and relaxation facilities: fully equipped fitness room, jetstream pool, infra-red showers and relaxation area.

Location: Rue de la Vierge Noire, 32, 1000 Brussels


  1. Tour Noire (Bruxelles) : 2021 Ce qu'il faut savoir pour votre visite

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  2. La tour noire, vestige de la première enceinte de Bruxelles

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  3. TOUR NOIRE (Bruxelles): Ce qu'il faut savoir pour votre visite 2023

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  4. La Tour Noire De Bruxelles. Image stock

    tour noir bruxelles

  5. Tour Noire

    tour noir bruxelles

  6. La Tour Noire De Bruxelles. Image stock

    tour noir bruxelles


  1. "Bruxelles ne veut plus utiliser Frontex pour garder les frontières de l'UE !" #immigration #rn

  2. Ascension du Mont Blanc 2017

  3. Taper dans le noir • Secrètes Sessions #22 au Volta • FrancoFaune 2023

  4. Municipales : les grands chelems


  1. Tour Noire

    Tour Noire. The Black Tower is one of the best-preserved remains of Brussels' first city walls. It can still be seen from place Sainte-Catherine, behind the church of the same name, surrounded by later buildings. In the 13th century, the city's fortifications - 4km of walls - protected the centre of Brussels and the main centres of the medieval ...

  2. Black Tower (Brussels)

    The Black Tower (French: Tour Noire; Dutch: Zwarte Toren) is a medieval tower in central Brussels, Belgium.It is one of the best preserved remains of the first fortifications of Brussels, built at the start of the 13th century.It is notable for being a single medieval tower surrounded by modern-day buildings. This odd sight has made it a popular tourist destination.

  3. Tour Noire

    La tour Noire devint probablement propriété privée lors de l'édification de la seconde enceinte de Bruxelles à la fin du XIV e siècle [1].. Ceci explique qu'elle ait survécu à la démolition de la portion de la première enceinte située derrière l'église Sainte-Catherine vers 1564, lors de l'aménagement de nouveaux bassins du port de Bruxelles dont le bassin Sainte-Catherine [1].

  4. La tour noire, vestige de la première enceinte de Bruxelles

    Mais je m'égare, revenons à la tour noire de Bruxelles. Elle faisait donc partie du système défensif de la ville, parmi les 40 autres tours qui composaient la première enceinte de Bruxelles. Ces tours étaient réparties tous les cinquante mètres environ, afin de permettre un tir croisé d'arbalètes sur les éventuels envahisseurs de ...

  5. Tour Noire

    La tour Noire, témoin immuable du passé médiéval de Bruxelles, a connu une évolution fascinante à travers les siècles.Probablement devenue propriété privée lors de la construction de la seconde enceinte de la ville à la fin du XIVe siècle, elle a miraculeusement survécu à la démolition de la première enceinte derrière l'église Sainte-Catherine en 1564, lors de l ...

  6. Tour Noire

    Tour Noire. Brussels, Belgium, Europe. Brussels. Login Save . Boxed in on three sides and incongruously dwarfed by the back of a Novotel Hotel, this tower is an ivy-draped remnant of Brussels' original city wall. Read more. Contact. Address. Place du Samedi. Suggest an edit to this attraction.

  7. Tour Noire

    Tour Noire. La tour Noire est un des vestiges bien conservés de la première enceinte de Bruxelles. On peut encore la contempler depuis la place Sainte-Catherine, derrière l'église du même nom, engoncée parmi les constructions postérieures. Au 13e siècle les fortifications de la ville — 4 km de murailles — protégeaient le centre ...

  8. Visit Black Tower (Tour Noire) in Brussels

    Black Tower, Place Sainte-Catherine 29, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. 24/7. All seasons. Free. N/A. We recommend to book your stays in Brussels in advance as it can get booked up quickly during certain periods. If you use this link , you pay the same price and we get a small commission - thanks for your support!

  9. Black Tower

    Discover Black Tower in Brussels, Belgium: A fantastical 13th-century fortification sandwiched by a modern hotel in central Brussels.

  10. Black Tower

    13th-century tower that once formed part of the city's Medieval city wall. Oct 2022. Tour Noire (Black Tower) is a ruin from the 13th century defensive fortifications that surrounded Brussels during the Middle Ages. The tower is in good preserved conditions and situated just next to office buildings. You can walk around it for a full look at ...

  11. Tour Noire / Zwarte Toren / Black Tower

    Touch for a list and map of all markers in Bruxelles. Also see . . . Black Tower (Brussels) (Wikipedia). Overview: The Black Tower (French: Tour Noire, Dutch: Zwarte Toren) is a medieval tower in central Brussels, Belgium. It is one of the best preserved remains of the first fortifications of Brussels, built at the start of the 13th century.

  12. Hidden Gems & Secret Spots in Brussels You Must Visit

    Surrounded by incredibly modern apartment blocks, the 'Tour Noire' as it is so-called in French is the sole surviving tower of the 13th-century fortifications that once encircled Brussels. ... further out of the historic city centre and so one that you'll likely only discover if you're walking towards the Bruxelles-Midi (Brussel-Zuid ...

  13. Top 10 Things To Do And See In Sainte Catherine, Brussels

    La Tour Noire — in English 'The black tower' — is an example of what is left of Brussels' 13th-century first city walls. Situated right behind Sainte Catherine's Church, it became a tavern called 'In de Toren' in the 16th century and risked demolition at the end of the 19th century. It is now surrounded by a modern hotel, but ...

  14. Tour noire

    1.4K. La tour noire or in English the black tower located right behind the St. Catherine Church is one of the few remnants of the old town wall that was demolished in the 16th Century. The tower was saved from demolition simply because it could be used as a storage facility and nowadays houses a little museum devoted to the old port of Brussels.

  15. Free tour dans Bruxelles

    Free tour dans Bruxelles. Maison du Roi en la Grand Place. Palais Royal de Bruxelles. ←. Avec ces visites guidées gratuites du centre-ville, découvrez les plus beaux monuments de Bruxelles, et apprenez-en plus sur l'Art Nouveau, le chocolat, la bière et la gastronomie belge. En plus, c'est GRATUIT !


    Tour Noire in Bruxelles, reviews by real people. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what's great and not so great in Bruxelles and beyond.

  17. Category:Tour Noire

    Media in category "Tour Noire" The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total. 1er enceinte Tour noire Bxl.JPG 1,517 × 2,278; 435 KB. Antzinako harresien dorre bat.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1.41 MB. ... Bruxelles (1910) (14587083357).jpg ...

  18. La tour noire

    Christian Coppin, Michel Castelain, Nadine Rakofsky. Au centre de Bruxelles, un groupe d'enfants questionne la mémoire bruxelloise de la Tour noire, ancien vestige des murs de la ville, imbriqué dans la construction du « Novotel ». Par des jeux de paroles et d'écritures, le théâtre et le dessin, les enfants réagissent librement de ...

  19. Novotel Brussels City Centre Hotel

    Rue de la Vierge Noire 32, Brussels 1000 Belgium. Visit hotel website. 011 32 2 620 04 28. E-mail hotel. Write a review. Check availability. Full view. View all photos (1,306) 1,306. ... Nearby attractions include Quiz Room Bruxelles (0.2 miles), Moir - The Museum Of Infinite Realities (0.2 miles), and Royal Theatre Toone (0.3 miles).

  20. Novotel Bruxelles Centre

    12 reviews and 32 photos of NOVOTEL BRUXELLES CENTRE - TOUR NOIRE "The best part of this hotel is that it is very close to the Grand Place (2 blocks). It is also a couple of blocks from Brussels' Chinatown, and easily accessible to the central train station via the metro. The room was very large and modern with a comfortable bed, flat screen TV, and all the expected amenities.

  21. Novotel Brussels City Centre Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024

    Travelers love the great location, staff, rooms, breakfast buffet, and food. Stay at this 4-star eco-certified hotel in Brussels. Enjoy free WiFi, breakfast (surcharge), and 24-hour room service. Our guests praise the helpful staff and the clean rooms in our reviews. Popular attractions La Grand Place and Brussels Christmas Market are located ...

  22. Family Hotel Brussels Centre

    Novotel Brussels City Centre is a family friendly hotel, overlooking Saint Catherine church and is situated just 5 minutes walk away from the famous Grand Place. Natural light and minimalist design make your comfortable room a haven for working or relaxing. Full-length windows and delicious choices at Novotels breakfast buffet get your day off ...

  23. Novotel Brussels City Centre

    This hotel is situated in the centre of Brussels. It is built around the historical Tour Noire on the Sint-Katelijne square. This stylish neighbourhood is situated at only 800 meters from the Grote Markt. This hotel offers 217 non-smoking rooms including executive rooms and rooms adapt to host disabled people.

  24. Soumagne a fêté son champion, Maxime Carabin, double médaillé d'or aux

    Ce mercredi soir, vous étiez nombreux pour accueillir Maxime Carabin, l'enfant du pays, au Centre Sportif de Soumagne. L'homme fusée des wheeler était de retour des JO de Paris, deux ...