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Globetrotting Leviathan: Graf Zeppelin’s amazing voyage

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It was August 1929, but the tiny Russian hamlet of Verkne Imbatskoye moved to the rhythms of another century.

A cluster of thatch-roofed log cabins, the town clung to the banks of the great Yenisei River in Siberia. Cocooned from the outside world by thousands of square miles of dense forest and marsh, Imbatskoye scratched a bare living from its surroundings. Horse-drawn carts rumbled along dirt paths, and smock-clad peasants greeted each other as they passed by. It was an ordinary day, timeless in its routine, but the 20th century was about to intrude in a big way.

An unfamiliar noise filled the air, a kind of rumbling moan that drowned out the normal barnyard chatter of domestic animals. Then, all at once, the villagers saw it — a great silver monster looming over the horizon, heading straight for the defenseless scattering of cabins.

The aerial beast was as big as a mountain, its shadow so huge the village could be eclipsed into a momentary “night.”

For all is mammoth bulk, the creature floated easily in the sky and seemed to be moving under its own power. Was this a sign of Armageddon? A judgment on Stalin and the godless Communists ruling in Moscow? Or heaven’s punishment on the villagers for their own sins?

Panic gripped Imbatskoye like the icy hand of doom. Peasants rushed into their houses and barred the doors; others, rooted in sheer terror, gazed transfixed in horrified awe. Even the animals were panic-stricken; a horse galloped wildly though the dirt streets, harnessed to a cart that smashed into two cabins and demolished them.

The great silver object was neither an extraterrestrial visitation nor a supernatural sign, but the Luftschiff (airship) Graf Zeppelin , a passenger dirigible on an around-the-world journey.

The 775-foot-long, cigar-shaped craft was looking for a landmark as a navigational “fix,” and tiny Imbatskoye provided that information.

Graf Zeppelin glided on eastward, leaving behind a hamlet that would never forget its rude visitation.

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The airship Graf Zeppelin was named in honor of Graf (Count) Ferdinand von Zeppelin, father of commercial dirigible aviation.

In a sense, Graf Zeppelin ‘s world-circling tour began in 1900, when the count first experimented with airships. Zeppelin’s great idea was to produce rigid airships, not merely gas-filled balloons.

According to this plan, the airship envelope was held firmly in shape not by internal gas pressure, but by a rigid metal skeleton. The lifting gas — hydrogen, in this case — would be housed in a series of self-contained cells within the metal skeleton’s “ribcage.”

By 1914, the count’s airships — nicknamed Zeppelins after the grand old man himself — were a moderate success, carrying fare-paying passengers throughout Germany. When World War I broke out, the Zeppelins were converted to military use, chiefly bombing England.

The Zeppelin raids did some damage, but their main effect was psychological. After the first shocks, the British learned that these sausage-shaped monsters were slow and vulnerable. Incendiary bullets were developed that turned the hydrogen-filled German raiders into flaming coffins.

When Germany surrendered in 1918, its airship industry was in ruins.

Count Zeppelin had died in 1917 at the age of 79, but he had a worthy successor in Dr. Hugo Eckener .

Eckener had been with the Zeppelin company for years, working his way up from publicist and aide to operational chief in 1922. The torch had been passed to able hands, but Eckener had to keep the light alive in the dampening rain of Allied restrictions, lack of funds and public indifference.

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The allies had imposed harsh terms on a vanquished Germany, and the airship industry suffered with the rest of the country. All remaining Zeppelins were confiscated by the Allies, and severe restrictions were imposed on building others. Military Zeppelins were completely forbidden, and commercial ones were to have a maximum gas capacity of 1 million cubic feet — far too small for the long-distance dirigibles Eckener had in mind.

To help the Zeppelin company survive the lean times, Eckener converted its metal-making facilities to produce household kitchen utensils. Gradually, the political climate changed for the better, and the harsh restrictions were lifted in 1926. Eckener gratefully switched from making pots and pans to building airships.

But financial troubles still loomed. The German economy was still recuperating from the terrible inflation of 1923, when it took more than 4 trillion marks to equal one U.S. dollar. Times were better, but in 1926 neither the German Weimar Republic nor the Zeppelin company had the funds for a major airship project.

Ever resourceful, Eckener turned to the German public and launched a direct subscription appeal. After touring throughout the fatherland, the Zeppelin chief raised 2.5 million marks — far short of the goal, but enough to start. Eventually the German government pitched in and made up the balance.

With the necessary funds in hand, work began immediately on the new airship. Months later, on July 8, 1928, Countess Helga von Brandenstein-Zeppelin smashed a bottle of champagne across the bow of the newly completed dirigible and christened it Graf Zeppelin in honor of her late father. Graf Zeppelin ‘s official designation was LZ.127, but soon everyone affectionately called it simply Graf .

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Everything about Graf was monumental; in fact, it was the largest dirigible yet seen. Designed by longtime Zeppelin architect Ludwig Durr, its gigantic bulk measured 775 feet from nose to tail, with a girth of 3.7 million cubic feet. That translated into an airship that was 10 stories high and more than two city blocks long.

Critics maintained that Graf was too slender, too “skinny” for peak aero-dynamic efficiency, saying a stouter shape would have permitted a smoother air flow.

No matter; a worshipping public loved the ship as it was. Looking something like a giant silver torpedo, Graf ‘s outer skin was made of heavy-duty cotton, stretched so taut that the revealed outlines of its metal skeleton produced a fluted design effect on its body.

The airship’s skeleton was composed of a series of main and secondary rings, braced to the ship’s keel and linked together by longitudinal girders. The main rings were made up of diamond-shaped trusses. The rings and girders were made of a light aluminum and copper alloy called duralumin.

Duralumin was as strong as steel yet only one-third as heavy; even so, Graf contained 33 tons of this metal.

There were 17 gas cells within the mighty airship, held rigidly in place by a spider’s web tracery of rings, girders and bracing. The gas cells were made of cotton fabric, each with an airtight lining of membranes from the intestines of oxen. It took some 50,000 membranes to line just one gas cell, and the cost was enormous.

The upper cells held hydrogen for lift, the lower cells a gaseous fuel similar to propane, called blau gas.

The lighter-than-air hydrogen provided buoyancy, and forward propulsion was supplied by five Maybach VL-II engines, each mounted externally in its own gondola. Their twin-bladed — later four-bladed — propellers were mounted pusher-style, and the engine nacelles were big enough for a man to crawl inside and perform in-flight maintenance.

A tear-shaped gondola was mounted forward, a small “mole” on the ship’s nose that did little to break its smooth, clean lines. Measuring 98 l/2 feet long by 20 feet wide, this passenger gondola housed the control car, galley, chart room, radio room, dining room and a double row of 10 sleeping cabins. Washrooms and toilets were behind the sleeping cabins.

Unseen by passengers, Graf ‘s keel inside the envelope was honeycombed with other rooms: crew “bunkhouse,” generator room, cargo rooms and others.

Graf Zeppelin was not only an airship but also a work of art. Aesthetics and aerodynamics seemed to meet in its graceful form.

Its cotton skin was protected by no fewer than six layers of paint and dope. The paint was silver, the better to reflect the sun’s rays and thus reduce the heat inflation of the hydrogen. As an added touch, the painted surface was sandpapered smooth, leaving a “sculptured” sheen that offered little wind resistance.

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After a few shakedown flights, Graf departed on its maiden voyage to America in October 1928.

Ironically, the giant airship’s first major flight was almost her last. At first all was quite routine, except that certain items like bottled water were running out. Just south of the Azores, in mid-Atlantic, the passengers were just sitting down to a sumptuous breakfast when an ominous wall of clouds appeared on the horizon.

These swirling, blue-black masses slammed into Graf Zeppelin , causing its nose to dip sharply down before rising upward at a 15-degree angle.

Nature had literally turned the tables on the passengers, as furniture was upset and people slid to the floor. Terrified passengers fell on each other in an avalanche of crashing plates, saucers and food. The battered voyagers were festooned with sausages and splattered with gobs of butter and marmalade, but it was Eckener who had egg on his face — he had to right the ship at once.

When Graf was literally on an even keel again and the immediate crisis had passed, the passengers could congratulate themselves on their survival. But such backslapping was premature — Graf had sustained serious structural damage.

The violent turbulence had shredded the port stabilizing fin; worse, ripped pieces of fabric floated outward like streamers, threatening to jam the rudders and elevators.

After ordering the ship to slow to half-speed, Eckener called for volunteers to repair the damage. It was a dangerous assignment; the volunteers would have to crawl out onto the damaged stabilizer, clinging to its exposed girders while being buffeted by howling winds.

Nevertheless, four crew members — including Eckener’s own son Knut — went out and repaired the damage. The fabric “streamers” were cut away and the frayed edges of the break lashed down.

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Graf Zeppelin completed its inaugural journey to America and conducted a triumphal tour of Washington, Baltimore and New York City.

Its fame grew until the silver colossus became a legend in its own time and half the world seemed gripped by “Zeppelin fever.”

To keep the publicity mills turning, Eckener undertook a series of demonstration flights around Europe and the Mediterranean. Word spread that a voyage on Graf was a marvelous experience, with breathtaking scenery and first-class service.

But to Eckener, Graf Zeppelin was literally a trial balloon.

Although he was not in favor of building more giant airships until public response showed there was a need for them, the good doctor was wise enough — and showman enough — to create that demand by keeping his airship in the public eye via spectacular stunts.

The public’s growing affection for Graf was a positive sign but the jury was still out on the future of airship travel.

Eckener decided to pull out all the stops; he would take Graf Zeppelin on an around-the-world cruise, something no commercial aircraft had ever attempted.

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Although he was rich in dreams, Eckener was poor in cash and needed financial backing for his proposed globe-girdling jaunt.

American newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst stepped forward and offered to bankroll the project to the tune of $100,000.

No serious strings were attached, but Hearst did insist on exclusive story rights, and that the journey begin and end on U.S. soil.

Eckener accepted, so the start and finish point of the tour would be the Naval Air Station at Lakehurst, New Jersey.

It was then a matter of selecting the route. To begin with, Graf Zeppelin was going to circle the earth from west to east, with the first leg from the United States back to the Zeppelin base at Friedrichshafen.

Where next? The only suitable dirigible hangar in the entire Far East was located at the Japanese naval base at Kasumiga-ura, so Japan was an obvious port of call. Some consideration was given to flying east via the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean and the China Sea, but that route was rejected because it was too long.

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Poring over maps and charts, Eckener decided on a far northerly course, one that would take Graf over Russian Siberia to Yakutsk, thence to the Sea of Okhotsk and Japan.

After Japan, the airship would strike east across the Pacific to California, then on to its starting point at Lakehurst.

When preparations were complete, Graf Zeppelin departed Friedrichshafen on Aug. 1, 1929, bound for its official, Lakehurst world cruise starting point.

Additional revenue was provided by the sale of thousands of commemorative postage stamps.

Indeed, Graf carried mail on this Atlantic run, and collectors were later thrilled to receive letters with its distinctive cancellation mark, a blue ink stamp with a logo showing the Zeppelin floating over the New York skyline, and bearing the legend “Luftschiff Graf Zeppelin — Amerikafahrt 1929.”

Graf Zeppelin departed from Lakehurst on its epoch-making global journey on Aug. 7, 1929, while a brass band serenaded the airship with the all-too-appropriate tune “There’s a Long, Long Trail.”

The Lakehurst-Friedrichshafen hop was uneventful and took some five hours. Once back in Germany, there was a five-day layover while the ship’s engines were thoroughly checked. They had to be; the most perilous leg of the journey lay just ahead, a 6,800-mile nonstop flight to Tokyo.

There were 20 passengers aboard, an international mix that included Japanese, Americans, British, a Spaniard and, of course, Germans.

One of the Americans was Lt. Cmdr. Charles Emery Rosendahl, the U.S. Navy’s top airship man. Britain and its Commonwealth were represented by arctic explorer Sir Hubert Wilkins and Lady Drummond Hay. Besides being a Hearst journalist, Lady Hay was the only woman aboard.

There were also representatives from destination countries, including a Comrade Karklin of the Soviet Union. Karklin was on board as the official representative of the Soviet government, there to watchdog the operation when Graf flew over Russian territory.

The rest of the passenger roster was made up of reporters and well-heeled private passengers, some of whom paid as much as $9,000 for a ticket on this historic flight. Competition was fierce, and apparently Graf was slightly overbooked. Some paying passengers were left behind because of weight considerations.

When Graf left Friedrichshafen in the early hours of Aug. 15, the passengers knew that the next time they set foot on solid ground it would be Japanese soil. The silvery colossus nosed northeastward, past Ulm, Nuremberg and Leipzig while reporters filed stories and passengers amused themselves.

An American put on a phonograph record in the dining room, causing an otherwise staid Japanese reporter to dance a wild Charleston.

A few hours later, at about 10:30 a.m., Graf reached Berlin. The German capital was magnificent from an altitude of 750 feet, with the Spree River winding ribbon-like through the city of stately buildings and broad avenues. The streets were already thick with people, all gazing heavenward, and more poured out of the buildings as Graf floated past.

As the mighty airship soared over the Brandenburg Gate and swept up the Unter den Linden past the Alexanderplatz, the drone of its engines could not muffle the cheers of the assembled thousands below.

Leaving Berlin in its wake, Graf Zeppelin continued eastward, first to Danzig (now Gdansk), and on to Lithuania.

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As soon as the Russian border was crossed, Comrade Karklin appeared in the control car to “advise” Eckener on where the airship could and could not go. As it was, Eckener had gone through protracted negotiations to obtain Russian permission for this flight; now he had to put up with Karklin’s carping.

Hoping to score a propaganda coup, Karklin insisted that Graf Zeppelin visit Moscow, where he claimed “thousands” were awaiting the arrival of the mammoth airship. (Western reporters in Moscow reported no unusual activity; no crowds, no Zeppelin fever of any kind.)

Eckener considered Karklin’s “request” but rejected it on meteorological grounds. A low-pressure area over the Caspian Sea was creating contrary east winds over the Russian capital, and Eckener wanted to take advantage of a west wind farther to the north.

Karklin was not pleased by the doctor’s decision, but there was little the Bolshevik could do except jump ship — and it was a long way down. Lacking a parachute, he stayed aboard, a sour Communist presence amid capitalist luxury.

Graf journeyed on, spinning propellers boring into the air, until Vologda came into view. As the dirigible grew nearer, this ancient Muscovite town seemed like an Arabian Nights dream, its golden, onion-shaped church domes sparkling like a chest of jewels.

The airship crossed the Ural Mountains just north of Perm and entered Asia. For the next few days, Graf would travel through Siberia, fabled land of exiles, a region so vast that parts of it were still uncharted. As human habitation grew scarce, navigation would be by dead reckoning, just as in an ocean voyage.

The land below was the Siberian taiga, a vast forested wilderness larger than the continental United States. There was an eternity of trees, a green mantle that stretched hundreds of miles, its immensity broken only by marshes and a few meandering rivers. Vast stands of fir and spruce poked up, giving the emerald carpet a spikey texture, and below their sheltering limbs lurked bear and elk and other wild creatures.

The contrast could not have been more striking: Passengers would gather at the lounge/dining room to feast on fine food and choice wines in an atmosphere of refined elegance. The menu featured such things as pate de foie gras, lamb chops and caviar, all served on fine Bavarian china bearing the Zeppelin logo. In these regions, the passenger gondola was literally an island in the sky, a tiny bit of civilization hung suspended between heaven and earth.

If Graf suffered an accident and went down here, impaled on the fir trees’ spikes, the voyagers had little hope of rescue. Their lives literally depended on Eckener and his airship.

Eventually the Siberian terrain grew monotonous, although there was a momentary spectacle when a huge forest fire was spotted. Black coils of smoke marked the fire’s progress, and many acres were consumed, but in truth such conflagrations were fairly commonplace in Siberia.

This far north, the sun barely disappeared at night, but left a telltale pink smear on the horizon that seemed to anticipate dawn. It was cold, too, and passenger cabins were unheated. When the voyagers assembled for breakfast some mornings, they looked more like skiers than airship travelers, bundled up in camel-hair coats, sweaters and other wintery garments.

After reaching the Yenisei River basin and making that navigational fix on the startled village of Imbatskoye, Graf roared onward toward the Tunguska region. Eckener was hoping to find a crater left by the celebrated Tunguska Event 21 years before.

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On June 20, 1908, an enormous explosion had rocked this part of Siberia, so powerful that every tree within 20 miles was knocked flat. Shock waves from the blast knocked horses off their feet 100 miles away, and some house roofs were destroyed. It was similar to a high-altitude hydrogen bomb detonation, and has long been a mystery. In the 1920s, most scientists felt it had been a meteor, and so should have left a telltale crater.

Graf Zeppelin searched in vain for the crater and eventually had to move on. Today scientists speculate that the cause was a piece of comet, a “dirty snowball” of water and gases that exploded and vaporized on entering the earth’s atmosphere, and so left no crater. In any case, Graf finally reached Yakutsk, a fur-trading town on the banks of the five-mile-wide Lena River. The next hurdle lay just ahead, the Stanovoy mountain range.

The Stanovoy mountain range was not well known; even its height was a matter of conjecture. The snow-mantled crags were said to be 6,500 feet high, but there was also a 5,000-foot pass that led through the mountains. Eckener poked Graf ‘s snout toward the precipitous granite wall, probing for an opening, and finally found what he though was the mountain pass.

The pass began as a high mountain valley, but it soon turned into a steep-sided canyon. At 5,000 feet, the valley-canyon kept rising, forcing Graf to do the same. The airship climbed higher and higher, its vulnerable fabric belly only a few hundred feet from the sharp crags. Sheer canyon wall encroached as well, rising funnel-like to within 250 feet of the struggling dirigible.

At 6,000 feet, with Graf Zeppelin a bare 150 feet above the ground, the mountain chain abruptly fell away. They were through the barrier, and the azure Sea of Okhotsk beckoned beyond. Though he was never one for displays of emotion, Eckener threw out his arms and exulted, “Now that’s airship flying!”

After that harrowing experience, smokers among the passengers must have had an urge to light up — except all smoking was verboten as a fire risk aboard ship.

The lighter-than-air leviathan arrived in Tokyo, Japan, on Aug. 19, 1929. The voyagers were warmly received by the Japanese, although there was nearly a diplomatic incident when Graf sailed over the Imperial Palace, an action that was strictly taboo. The slight was forgiven, so Graf Zeppelin duly landed at Kasumiga-ura Naval Base with the aid of a 500-man Japanese ground crew.

The next few days were a whirl of teas, parades and celebrations as the Japanese vied with each other to do honor to the airship argonauts. Although outwardly gracious, Eckener was out of sorts; Japanese food did not agree with him, he had a boil and he was nearly suffocating in the August heat.

And when it was finally time to leave, the Japanese ground crew damaged one of the gondolas.

Repairs were effected at once, and Graf was soon on its way. However, 18 members of the Japanese ground crew were so ashamed that they pledged to commit suicide if the airship did not successfully complete its journey.

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The Pacific crossing was largely uneventful.

Gossamer cloud wisps floated past Graf as it raced along at around 70 mph, their cottony fingers caressing her sleek sides. At one point, the Zeppelin took advantage of the south-side fringe of a typhoon, which boosted its speed to a temporary 98 mph.

But most of the time clouds obscured the view, and the trip was so smooth the passengers almost lapsed into boredom-induced comas.

On Aug. 25, Graf Zeppelin neared the California coast. The great airship’s visit to San Francisco could not have been more dramatic. Emerging from a cloud bank, late afternoon sunlight glinting off her silvery flanks, the airship made quite an impression.

No one could fail to recognize the huge dirigible, because the great red letters “ Graf Zeppelin” were in clear view on the nose. Graf did not need to worry about colliding with the Golden Gate Bridge, because it was as yet unbuilt, but contrary winds forced the airship to enter San Francisco Bay at a crablike sideways angle.

After a few parade passes over San Francisco, much to the delight of Bay Area crowds, Graf headed south to Los Angeles.

When the dirigible moored at Mines Field, it had logged an official trans-Pacific flight time of 79 hours and 3 minutes.

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But when the Zeppelin tried to take off in the early morning hours of Aug. 26, a temperature inversion layer held the airship down.

Years later such inversion layers would trap pollution and create smog, but now the Zeppelin was held fast by an invisible roof of warmer and less dense air, hovering just over a ground-hugging cold layer.

Crew members had to lighten ship, so surplus food, furniture and water ballast were unceremoniously dumped.

When takeoff was attempted, Graf rose, but unevenly, causing her tail and stabilizers to furrow the ground. The passenger gondola cleared some nearby power cables, but the dragging tail was on a collision course with them.

“Down elevator!” Eckener cried, and this maneuver lifted the tail enough to clear the cables.

The rest of the journey was more triumphal procession than routine trip. The route took Graf across Arizona and New Mexico, then northeast to Chicago before heading toward the Atlantic seaboard.

When Graf reached New York, it floated over the concrete canyons of Manhattan to the applause and delight of millions.

The American version of the world flight ended when Graf Zeppelin moored at Lakehurst on Aug. 29, 1929, establishing a speed record of 21 days, 7 hours and 34 minutes.

And if various layovers en route are subtracted and only flying time is counted, then the tally stood at 12 days and 11 minutes for circling the globe.

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A gratified Eckener was given a ticker-tape parade in New York that rivaled Lindbergh’s two years earlier, and President Herbert Hoover lavishly praised the globe-trotting argonaut, comparing him to Columbus.

Eckener stayed in New York on business, so Graf Zeppelin completed the German version of the world circumnavigation under the command of Captain Ernst Lehmann. When Graf reached home base at Friedrichshafen on Sept. 4, the airship had officially logged 21,200 miles for the whole flight.

There was a comic footnote to the world cruise.

When Graf landed at Lakehurst on Aug. 29, Otto Hillig came forward with a writ of attachment.

Hillig was one of those passenger hopefuls who had been bumped before the flight began, even though he had paid his $9,000 up front. Furious at being left behind, Hillig was determined that the Zeppelin company was going to have to shell out.

A deputy arrived at Lakehurst to serve the writ, but Navy officials explained that to fulfill the letter of the law, the sheriff would have to remove Graf Zeppelin from its hangar. Undaunted, the lawman replied he was determined to seize the airship, even if it meant he would have to “tie it to a tree.”

Eventually, the Zeppelin company posted a $25,000 bond, and Graf was allowed to fly home to Germany. Hillig sued the Zeppelin company for $109,000 for his alleged “chagrin” at being left behind.

The matter was eventually settled out of court.

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The epic around-the-world journey was only one facet of Graf Zeppelin ‘s sparkling career.

The most successful commercial airship ever built, it was the first aircraft to fly more than 1 million miles; the official total was 1,060,000. A frequent visitor to North and South America, Graf crossed the Atlantic 144 times and carried some 13,000 passengers in a nine-year career.

Graf Zeppelin was honorably retired in 1937, the same year its sister ship, Hindenburg , caught fire while landing at Lakehurst, with a loss of 36 lives.

By then the Nazis were in power with a Luftwaffe chief, Herman Goring, who had hated airships even before the Hindenburg disaster. In 1940, on Goring’s express orders, Graf Zeppelin was dismantled and its metal used to build a radar tower in the Netherlands.

Graf Zeppelin is no more, but its memory still stands as a symbol of the all-too-brief airship era.

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This article was written by Eric Niderost and originally published in the July 1993 issue of Aviation History magazine, a sister publication of Navy Times . For more great articles, subscribe to Aviation History magazine today!

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The best of Vietnam unlocked for you

Experience Vietnam differently. Enjoy one-of-a-kind experiences and uncover local secrets when our friends across the country open their doors to you. Here’s just a sample of the rich experiences you can expect.

5 million happy guests and counting

Burning incense sticks in Chua Ba Thien Hau Pagoda in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Vietnamese dong

Capital City

Good morning

Chào buổi sáng

Good evening

Chào buổi tối

"Vietnam is home to some incredible natural wonders, from the world's largest cave and the largest waterfall in Southeast Asia, to the mighty Mekong River and the iconic Ha Long Bay."

Travel Director

Take a dreamy Halong Bay cruise

Board a traditional Vietnamese junk boat and cruise the emerald waters and limestone karsts of Halong Bay. We’ll visit Tien Ong Cave and Cua Van Fishing Village, enjoy a swim at one of the golden beaches, then watch a cooking demonstration and the dazzling sunset on the boat, where we’ll sleep for the night.

Enjoy a Water Puppet performance in a local theater

The Water Puppet performance is a northern Vietnamese art form, which paints the story of rural life in Vietnam a thousand years ago. The puppeteers stand in waist-high water to represent flooded rice fields and you’ll be swept up in the legends they tell through their dancing puppets.

Visit Cua Van Fishing Village

We’ll visit the ancient Cua Van Fishing Village on our Halong Bay cruise, and stop to meet the locals who live in the traditional floating houses. It’s the largest fishing village in Halong Bay, with around 180 floating houses set on gentle waters surrounded by beautiful limestone mountains.

Help local farmers in Thanh Dong Organic Village

Our Local Specialists will take you to Thanh Dong Organic Village in Hoi An, where you’ll meet the local farmers and spend time learning about their daily working routines. You’ll also get to help the farmers in the garden and discover their unique methods that leave a positive impact on their environment.

Visit the UNESCO-listed Imperial Citadel in Hue

Jump on the back of a cyclo and take a journey to the Imperial Citadel in Hue, the former capital and home of the Nguyen emperors. You can enter the large square fortress and explore the ancient palaces and temples, and we’ll even take you inside the Purple Forbidden City.

Our top 5 things to do in Vietnam

Our Vietnam vacation packages reveal the magic of the country, from the magnificent Halong Bay and the ancient citadel of Hue, to the local farmers in Hoi An.

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum

Located in Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum is the final resting place of President Ho Chi Minh, the iconic Vietnamese Revolutionary leader. Known to his people as ‘Uncle Ho’, his body is preserved in a glass case and protected by a military honor guard.

Temple of Literature

One of Hanoi’s most beautiful sites, the Temple of Literature is an ancient complex built in 1070 and dedicated to Confucius and scholars. It’s also home to the Imperial Academy, Vietnam’s first university and you can see the historic pavilions, turtle steles, courtyards, a lake of literature and the Well of Heavenly Clarity.

My Son Temples

The My Son Temples are a complex of ancient Hindu temples, built between the 4th and 14th century to worship the god Shiva. It was once the site of royal religious ceremonies and the burial place for Cham royalty, and today you can explore the ruins of this UNESCO-listed site.

Best museums in Vietnam

Our Vietnam escorted tours will reveal the country’s best museums, from the ancient My Son Temples to the resting place of President Ho Chi Minh.

One of Vietnam’s most famous dishes, pho is a noodle soup that’s loved all over the world. It’s made from a slow-stewed beef broth poured over rice noodles, and topped with slices of chicken or beef. You can also add a variety of herbs, sauces and chilli to your tastes.

Also known as rice paper spring rolls, goi cuon are light and fresh rolls with plenty of flavor. A rice paper wrapping is filled with bean sprouts, lettuce, meat or tofu and other crunchy vegetables. It’s best served with a sweet or spicy sauce for dipping.

Banh xeo is a thin crepe filled with shrimp, pork, bean sprouts and fresh herbs. It’s a classic northern Vietnamese dish with French influences, and the best way to eat it is cut it up in bite-sized pieces, roll it up in lettuce leaves and dunk it into the zesty side sauces.

Best food in Vietnam

An organised trip to Vietnam with Trafalgar will ensure you taste the best of Vietnam’s incredible cuisine, from warm bowls of pho to fresh goi cuon rolls.

What to pack for Vietnam

People packing for a tour

Adaptor plug

In Vietnam, the standard voltage is 110 / 220 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type A, C and D. The standard frequency is 50 Hz.

Reef-safe sunscreen & insect repellent

Protect yourself from the harsh sun with SPF 30 or higher and protect the reefs with reef-safe sunscreen. You’ll also need to pack some DEET insect repellent to avoid any nasty bites.

Vietnam is lined with spectacular sandy beaches, and you’ll also need a swimsuit for swimming in the turquoise waters of Halong Bay.

Versatile clothing

Vietnam is a massive country with a myriad of climates, from the chilly northern mountains to the blazing southern jungles. Pack versatile layers to be prepared for all weather.

Vietnamese phrasebook

Learning a few Vietnamese words and phrases can be a rewarding part of your trip and will help you to have more enriching encounters with the locals.

Pack for sustainable travel

Consider your environmental impact when you next take a trip and go single-use-plastic-free by packing a reusable water bottle, a steel straw, your own shopping bags and refillable toiletry bottles.

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Want to discover the best Vietnamese foodie secrets?

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The Perfect Vietnam Itinerary for 1, 2, or 3 Weeks

Picture of Jacqui New

  • Last Updated: January 25, 2024

If you’re planning a trip to Vietnam for 1, 2, or 3 weeks then you must start with this post to help plan your Vietnam itinerary. 

Vietnam has something for everyone. It’s bursting with history, delicious foods, hiking opportunities, beautiful landscapes, beaches, and of course the wonderful Vietnamese people.  

Our Vietnam itinerary guide will give you an overview of the country, with some great itinerary options depending on how long you plan to visit. 

We have something for everyone with:

  • 10 days in Vietnam: Highlights Itinerary – These are the must-see places in Vietnam
  • 1 week in Vietnam focusing on the North
  • 1 week in Vietnam focusing on the South
  • 2 weeks in Vietnam, by combining the two above
  • 3 weeks in Vietnam, or longer, by adding our extended options to your itinerary.

READ MORE: Don’t miss our complete guide to travelling in Vietnam !

Table of Contents

Day 1 – Hanoi 

Day 2 and 3 – halong bay, day 4 and 5 – sapa , day 6 and 7 – hue , day 8 – hoi an, day 9 and 10 – explore saigon, and take a full or half-day tour to the cu chi tunnels or the mekong delta, tour options, da nang , day 2 and 3 – ha long bay, day 4 and 5 – sapa, day 6  – hue, day 7 – hoi an, ninh binh (near hanoi), phong nha – ke bang national park (near hue), my son (near hoi an), ba be national park (near sapa), bach ma national park (between dan nang and hue), dong ha – for dmz tour (between dong hoi and da nang), day 1 – nha trang , day 2 – dalat , day 3 – mui ne , day 4 and 5 – ho chi minh city, day 6 and 7 – phu quoc island, cu chi tunnels or the mekong delta , con dao island, cat tien national park, did you find my vietnam itinerary helpful, 1, 2, and 3-week vietnam itinerary options .

We broke this Vietnam Itinerary into three main sections. 

Simply decide how long you have, and use one of our itineraries to guide you to the top things to do in Vietnam!

10 Days in Vietnam Itinerary: Vietnam Highlights

Our 10 days in Vietnam itinerary will highlight the absolute best of North and South Vietnam – from hiking in Sapa , to sinking beer in lively Ho Chi Minh City (more commonly referred to by its former name, Saigon).

This can be the core of a longer 2 or 3-week journey by adding extension opportunities to it.

You can do this trip from North to South, or in reverse.

After flying into Hanoi, you’ll have one day to see this beautiful city, so get ready to hit the ground running. 

Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and is full of beautiful architecture, culture, and unique food.  The old city is surrounded by remnants of fortified walls, and most things you will want to visit are in the Old Quarter. 

I would suggest finding a walking tour, so you can learn about the city’s history as you explore the city.

Take a stroll around the Hoàn Kiếm Lake and visit the Temple of the Jade Moutain, and stop to help the locals practice their English. 

Try the local beer called Bia hơi or fresh beer, which is brewed fresh each morning, and doesn’t contain any preservatives. 

One of the best things to do in Hanoi is to have an egg coffee while sitting at a café in Hanoi’s Train Street. 

Then get ready to get out of the way when the train rattles past, so close to you that it takes your breath away!

For dinner, don’t forget to have a regional specialty, called Bun Cha. It’s found all through the old quarter, so you won’t have to go far to find it. 

Where to stay in Hanoi: We recommend staying right in the Old Quarter.

READ MORE: Learn more about what to do in Hanoi with our Hanoi city guide .

Hanoi Train Street

Halong Bay is a UNESCO World Heritage Site , and is one of the most popular things to see in Vietnam.  

The stunning bay is full of thousands of limestone islands, pristine beaches, caves, and floating villages.  The Vietnamese call it The Bay of the Descending Dragons. 

One of the best ways to visit the islands is by boat. 

You can take one of the many cruises on offer from the tour operators in town, taking you from Hanoi to Halong Bay, spending a night onboard a boat, and returning you to Hanoi the following day. 

Alternatively, make your own way to Halong Bay, and arrange a boat from there. 

Halong Bay cruise options vary depending on your budget.

The cruises normally include kayaking, stand up paddleboarding, swimming, visiting floating villages, and exploring caves.

If you find the Halong Bay cruises a little out of your budget, check out this guide to Halong Bay on a budget . 

Where to stay in Ha Long Bay: Spend the first night at Halong bay, preferably on board a junk boat.  Alternatively, spend the night on Cat Ba Island . Return to Hanoi, and spend the second night there, ready to head to Sapa in the morning.

After a restful night in Hanoi after your cruise, and having enjoyed some more Bun Cha and fresh beer, it’s time to get on a bus from Hanoi to Sapa.

You can also travel by train if you prefer, but buses are the fastest and the best way to get to Sapa from Hanoi. 

Alternatively, you can hire a private car, which will get you there faster, but at considerably more expensive.

Sapa is a region in Vietnam’s northwest and is home to beautiful terraced rice fields, great trekking, and exquisite vistas. 

Sapa has some of the best trekking in Vietnam . 

You can navigate some of these hikes yourself, arrange a private guide, or organize one of the many tours, either from Hanoi or in Sapa itself. 

The most popular attraction in Sapa is the highest mountain in the region, Fan Si Pan .

But unless you take the cable car to the top, you’ll need more time in the area for this hike. 

Some of the shorter day hikes are Cat Cat, and Tả Phìn , which can be done with or without a guide.

Where to stay in Sapa: Spend two nights in Sapa.  Consider a mountain lodge for the true Sapa experience, and then hop on the bus back to Hanoi early the following day.  Then fly from Hanoi to Hue. If you would prefer not to fly, you can take an overnight train or bus from Hanoi to Hue instead, arriving in the morning of Day 7.

Hue is the old Imperial City, and is where the Nguyen Dynasty held the throne for 143 years. 

The last Emperor, Bao Dai, abdicated his throne and power passed to Ho Chi Minh.

During the American War, the North Vietnamese Army captured Hue as part of the Tet Offensive. 

Thus began a battle to regain the Imperial city by the South Vietnamese and the Americans, which lasted almost a month with thousands dead, and the city was mostly destroyed. 

After spending the previous night in Hue, or arriving in the morning by bus or train, visit the Old City with its pavilions, beautiful temples, and the Royal Palace , all protected by high walls, exquisite gates, and moats. 

Hue is also known for the tombs of the Ancient Emperors.  They are all intricate and beautiful.

But don’t miss the Tomb of Tu Duc , or a visit to Tu Hieu Pagoda , which dates back to 1843. 

One of the last things to do in Hue is to try the famous Bún Bò Huế , a local noodle dish with beef and chili oil, washed down with fresh beer. 

Where to stay in Hue: Spend another night in Hue, then head off early on Day 8 to Hoi An.  The most spectacular way is on a motorbike tour through the Hai Van Pass.  The operators will take you on the back of a motorbike, and deliver both you and your luggage to your hotel in Hoi An.

Alternatively, you can take a private car or bus.

READ MORE: Learn more about what to do in Hue with our Hue city guide .

One Of The More Beautiful Gates Guarding The Entrance Into The Old Imperial City

Explore the beautiful city, and enjoy some rest and relaxation at the beach, sitting on beach chairs and drinking cold coconuts. 

The old town is simply stunning. As you walk around you’ll pass stores selling little souvenirs,  great restaurants, and lots of clothes.

Hoi An is the place to be if you want to have some clothes made.  Tailors are everywhere, and prices are affordable. 

Make sure to head out into town at night, as the city lights up with hanging lanterns, and comes alive with markets, street food, and people. 

While out and about visit the wooden Japanese Covered Bridge from the 18 th Century, and take a boat ride up the river to get a better view of the lights. 

Use Grab or take a taxi or scooter and head to the beach.  You can sit at one of the many restaurants, use their lounge chairs and stay all afternoon soaking up the sun!

Where to stay in Hoi An: Spend the night in Hoi An, and fly from nearby Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City the next morning.

READ MORE: Add these things to do in Hoi An to your itinerary !

The Magical Hoi An Light Up At Night With Lanterns Everywhere

After experiencing incredible Hoi An, it’s time for one last big effort as we reach the home stretch of our 10-day itinerary. 

Our time allows for one of two tour options, or if you have an extra day, both.

Vietnam’s largest city, Ho Chi Minh, is a bustling array of buildings, people, food and scooters! 

Saigon is where a lot of ex-pats live as it offers so much variety and, like New York, the city never sleeps! 

These are your last couple of days in Vietnam, and there is plenty to see.  The Vietnam War Museum, Notre Dame (yes they have one too!), the beautiful Central Post Office, and Independence Palace are all must-see destinations while in HCMC.

One of the things to do in Ho Chi Minh City is to head to Bui Ven Walking Street , where all the action happens. 

After dark, this street is packed with people sitting at small plastic tables and chairs sinking beers, eating street food, and people-watching. 

After a few beers and some food, head back to your hotel and get some rest before your flight home.

READ MORE: Consider these 8 day trips from Ho Chi Minh City .

Enjoy A Beer On Walking Street, While Watching The World Go By.

The Cu Chi Tunnels

Even if you’re not particularly interested in Vietnam’s war history, this is an interesting place to visit. 

There are two different locations, Ben Dinh and Ben Doc . 

Most tour companies usually head to the one closest to the city, Ben Dinh, which is also the largest. 

The Tunnels offer an interesting insight into what it was like for the people fighting in the Vietnam/American War, their living conditions, and how they used the tunnels to hide underground during the day and fight the enemy at night.  

Today you can go into some of the tunnels, which have been widened for westerners to fit in. 

You can only visit the tunnels with a guide, which is provided as part of the entry ticket or part of your tour . 

One Of The Small Holes Into The Massive Network Of Underground Tunnels.

The Mekong Delta Tour

If small little tunnels aren’t your thing and you would prefer to take a pleasant boat ride down the Mekong river instead, there are half-day tours available from Ho Chi Minh City to the Mekong Delta. 

Mekong Delta tours usually include exploring small canals by a sampan boat, visiting villages and islands, sampling exotic fruit and touring a coconut candy farm. Yum!

Where to stay in Ho Chi Minh City: For your two nights in Saigon, stay in District 1 to be right in the middle of everything, District 3 if you’d like a more relaxed stay that’s still only moments away from the action or District 4 for a real local experience.

Extension Option

If you’re able to extend your tour to 2 weeks in Vietnam, you’ll have more time for these excursions. Any 2 week Vietnam itinerary should include these!

Da Nang has lots to offer .  If you are comfortable on a scooter or motorbike, you can ride from Hue to Da Nang (before going to Hoi An), through the Hai Van Pass . 

This route used to be a little dangerous due to all the cars and trucks using the pass.

But since they have built the new freeway and tunnel there is very little traffic, making it a very enjoyable and incredibly scenic ride.  

The best way to do this is by motorbike tour from Hue, to either Da Nang or to Hoi An, or in reverse. 

Setting out from Da Nang, Ba Na Hills is a scooter ride away.  You may recognize the bridge seemingly held up by two large hands.

Between Da Nang and Hoi An lies Marble Mountain , and to the east of Da Nang there’s a large Buddhist temple complex and pagoda called Chua Linh Ung .

Set On A Mountain Top, Make Sure You Visit The Large Buddha, And Beautiful Temple.

If you have longer in Vietnam and would like to explore more of this beautiful country, combine our North and South options below to create a 2 weeks in Vietnam itinerary. 

2 Week Vietnam Itinerary – 1 Week in the North

Start your 2 weeks in Vietnam in Hanoi, Vietnam’s capital city, with beautiful architecture, culture, and food. 

While in Hanoi don’t forget to try egg coffee, fresh beer (Bia hơi), and especially the regional dish of Hanoi, Bun Cha .   (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

Take A Stroll Around The Lake And Visit The Temple Of The Jade Mountain.

Where to stay in Hanoi: Spend the night in Hanoi.  We recommend staying right in the Old Quarter.

Ha Long Bay, with its beautiful limestone islands, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. 

It’s a must-see while in Vietnam, with an overnight boat tour to the islands, and other fun activities like SUPing, kayaking, and exploring caves. 

The easiest way to see Ha Long Bay is to organize a tour from Hanoi . (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

Where to stay in Ha Long Bay: Spend the first night at Ha Long Bay, preferably on board a junk boat.  Alternatively, spend the night on Cat Ba Island .  Return to Hanoi, and spend the second night there, ready to head to Sapa in the morning.

Think of beautiful rice terraces set high up in the mountains, trekking, and staying in mountain lodges. 

Sapa is located in the northwest part of the country, and best seen by a two-day tour from Hanoi. (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

Where to stay in Sapa: Spend two nights in Sapa.  Consider a mountain lodge for the true Sapa experience, and then hop on the bus back to Hanoi early the following day.  Then fly from Hanoi to Hue.

If you would prefer not to fly, you can take an overnight train or bus from Hanoi to Hue instead, arriving in the morning of Day 7.

The old imperial city still has many secrets to uncover. 

Hidden behind towering walls and large gates, you can explore where the last Emperor ruled from before abdicating his rule in favor of Ho Chi Minh.

This is where the North Vietnamese overtook the city, sparking a battle that lasted for almost a month in what was known as the Tet Offensive. (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

Where to stay in Hue: Spend the night in town.  Leave your bags at your hotel while you explore the city the next morning, then head to Hoi An after lunch. 

The most spectacular way is on a motorbike tour through the Hai Van Pass .  The operators will take you on the back of a motorbike, and deliver both you and your luggage to your hotel in Hoi An.

Head to the beach during the day and relax on one of the many lounge chairs offered by the restaurants lining the foreshore of Central Vietnam.

In the evening enjoy the magical old town that comes alive at night with lights, markets, food, and more!  (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

Spend Your Day Relaxing And Drinking Cold Coconuts.

Where to stay in Hoi An: Spend the night in Hoi An, and fly from nearby Da Nang to Ho Chi Minh City, or head to Nha Trang to link up with the Southern Vietnam Itinerary below.

READ MORE: Add these things to do in Hoi An to your 2 week Vietnam itinerary!

Extension Options

If you want more time in the north during your 2 week Vietnam itinerary, add on these trips such as Ninh Binh and some cool national parks.

Considered the inland version of Halong Bay, Ninh Binh is best seen by boat, on a pushbike, or scooter. 

We spent two full days in Ninh Binh and enjoyed a pushbike ride in the surrounding area.

We then hired a scooter in Ninh Binh and set out to see more of the beautiful lush hills, taking a boat ride through Tam Coc, and visiting pagodas.

You can easily book an awesome 2-day, 1-night tour of Ninh Binh from Hanoi if you’re not comfortable riding a scooter in the crazy Vietnam traffic.

Tam Coc Is Considered The Inland Version Of Halong Bay.

Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park is home to over 300 caves and grottoes.  This UNESCO World Heritage Site protects the oldest karst system in Vietnam. 

It comprises of a precious ecosystem, limestone forest, and the world’s largest cave, Son Doong . 

The park offers eco-tourism, mountain climbing, trekking, flora and fauna, and caving. 

Some of this can be done independently, but tours are often the best option to get the most out of your time. 

The My Son ruins are another important UNESCO World Heritage site in central Vietnam. 

This temple complex was built by the Champas during their rule, and was influenced by Hinduism. 

The ruins of the brick temples and sculptures are often likened to Angkor Wat in Cambodia or Bagan in Myanmar.

Book a tour of My Son to make the most of your experience.

Ba Be Lake is the centre of the National Park, and of the Ba Be Lake legend. 

People believe that the lake was formed by an enchantress, who cursed the people of the surrounding area for not showing compassion to her when she asked for help.

Legends aside, Ba Be Lake offers a wide range of activities, from trekking, kayaking, motor-biking, waterfalls, caves, and the natural beauty and diversity of the area. 

The highest point of Bach Ma National Park is the 1450m high mountain of the same name. 

The park is known for its biodiversity, with lots of birds, flora, mammals, and primates.

The government finally protected the area in 1962, after the area was greatly damaged due to the use of agent orange during the Vietnam War.

The area is now safe for people to explore and is best seen with a tour guide . 

You can hike the Five Lakes Cascade Trail taking in the waterfalls, visit the monastery, and hike the Pheasant Trail .  

A visit to the demilitarized zone (DMZ), is a great one-day outing for history buffs. 

The DMZ area was the dividing line between North and South Vietnam during the war, and as a result, saw heavy fighting. 

The tour explains the extent of the fighting in this area, and the importance of the location in the Vietnam War. 

2 Week Vietnam Itinerary – 1 Week in the South

Next on your 2 weeks in Vietnam, spend 1 week in the south of Vietnam. You could easily spend 2 weeks in Vietnam in just the north or the south, but you can also spread out your time between both areas.

Our Southern itinerary begins in Nha Trang.  Either fly there from Saigon or Hanoi, or take a bus down from Hoi An if you’re continuing on from our Northern Itinerary.

Nha Trang is the most famous seaside resort in Vietnam and is known for its white-sand beaches, coastal islands, and clear waters with abundant marine life, making it perfect for scuba diving and snorkelling. 

The town itself also offers interesting cultural sites close by, and places where you can pamper yourself with a mud-bath, or enjoy a seafood dinner. 

Where to stay in Nha Trang: Spend a night in Nha Trang, and take a bus or private car to Dalat the next morning.

After a relaxing time on the beach, it’s time to get some more culture in during your 2 week Vietnam itinerary! 

Dalat is heavily influenced by the colonial period from the French occupation, as the French built their holiday homes here to take advantage of the temperate weather.

With beautiful buildings, gardens, interesting architecture, coffee and tea plantation tours, waterfalls, mountain biking, hiking, and canyoning , you don’t want to miss out on this city!

Where to stay in Dalat: Spend the night in Dalat, and take a bus or private car to Mui Ne the next morning.

READ MORE: Learn more about what to do in Dalat with our Dalat city guide .

Three main things are offered in this beautiful resort destination; relaxation, watersports, and sand dunes.

Mui Ne beach is dotted with resorts, hotels, and hostels, and is a great place to just sit and enjoy your surroundings. 

Although Mui Ne is more than just the beach, this area is set up for tourists and has one main street of shops, cafes, bars, and shopping.

Being a beach town, watersports are a big thing here, and just about everything is on offer from kitesurfing to parasailing. 

The Mui Ne sand dunes are popular, and a spectacular sight. 

There are two locations, the smaller, closer, red sand dunes, and the white sand dunes about 26km from town. 

Tours are available for both locations and you can also hire dune buggies, or go sledding! 

Where to stay in Mui Ne: Spend a night in Mui Ne, then shake the sand from your belongings and take a bus or the train to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) the next morning.

There’s so much to see and experience in this historic city, including day tours to some pretty important locations, that you’ll need two days .  

On the first day, you’ll head out into Ho Chi Minh City.  It has some great cultural sites, like the Vietnam War Museum, Independence Palace, Notre Dame, and it also boasts some pretty great nightlife too.  

For the second day, we suggest you head out of the city on a day tour.  There are two great options: The Chu Chi Tunnels, or a trip to the Mekong Delta. (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

The War Museum In Saigon Is A Must-See While Visiting Hcmc.

Where to stay in Ho Chi Minh City: For your two nights in Saigon, stay in District 1 to be right in the middle of everything, District 3 if you’d like a more relaxed stay that’s still only moments away from the action or District 4 for a real local experience. Fly to Phu Quoc Island on Day 6.

Phu Quoc is a small island off the coast of Cambodia, lined with white sand beaches and palm trees.  

There are many resorts along the southwest coast providing you with ample opportunity for some relaxation time, while you swim, and eat your last fill of tasty Vietnamese food.   

Phu Quoc island is home to mountains, tropical rainforest, hiking and wildlife, all within its National Park. 

Lots of tours are available to explore the island which offers snorkelling as well, or you can hire a scooter and set off by yourself.

One Of The More Beautiful Beaches In Phu Quoc, With Beautiful White Sand, And Crystal Clear Water.

Where to stay in Phu Quoc Island: Spend two relaxing nights on Phu Quoc Island, then fly back to Saigon to catch your onward flight!

If you have more time to spend during your 2 weeks in Vietnam, take the ferry to the mainland, and continue overland to some of the extension options listed below, or to Cambodia.

If you have more time for your 2 week Vietnam itinerary, or you want to further explore one area rather than hopping around, here are some ideas!

Depending on what you did in 7 days for our Southern Vietnam Itinerary, if you have time you might like to see the other option best explored out of Ho Chi Minh City.  (See Above 10-day Vietnam Itinerary)

During the French occupation, and later the Saigon regime, this island was used to house political prisoners and prisoners that were considered especially dangerous.

Aside from its harrowing past, the island is known for its natural beauty with over 80% of the island being a National Park. 

These days the island is frequented for its spectacular snorkelling and diving, with abundant coral reefs, beautiful beaches, and hidden lagoons.   

Can Tho is the de facto capital of the delta region and an unassuming city full of life. 

Most of the activity happens around the pier where you can enjoy great food and cold beer. 

Boat rides are available to show you more of the city and surrounding area, and visit some early-morning markets. 

Lots Of Life On The River.  Make Sure You Get Up Early For A Tour Of The Nearby Floating Markets.

If you’d like a little break from the tourists and are looking to just relax and hang out with the locals, Qui Nhon is the place to come . 

Unspoiled by tourism, this sleepy town has squeaky white sand beaches, snorkeling, swimming, temples, and museums. 

Cat Tien National Park is comprised of two sections Cat Loc, and Nam Cat Tien, the former being the most visited of the two. 

The river by Nam Cat Tien houses an important Hindu archaeological site and temple, where a large number of artifacts have been uncovered and are now in the Dalat museum. 

The national park has spectacular flora and fauna and trekking.

READ MORE: 33 amazing things to do in Vietnam !

Vietnam is a large and diverse country, with a great deal to offer the traveller who goes in with an open mind and heart. 

While we’ve listed what we feel are the main highlights, there is much more to be explored when you visit Vietnam.

Friendly people really make Vietnam a special place to visit.

The itineraries listed above are a bare minimum if you need to get the most out of a short amount of time. 

While doable, if possible it would be a much more relaxing trip if you could pad it out by adding a few days to your Vietnam itinerary, and slow down a little!

We hope you have a wonderful time there!

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Vietnam Best Deal In 10 Days

“Vietnam is a wonderful place to visit. I would recommend this tour to anyone.” Bunny Bots, traveled in December 2023

Vietnam Best Deal In 10 Days

  • Christmas & New Year
  • Immerse yourself in the overflowing lantern town Hoi An
  • Discover the life of locals alongside the mighty Mekong
  • Be amazed by the never-ending energy of Ho Chi Minh

Vietnam - One Life Adventures 12 Day

“The itinerary was perfect. I've seen most of Vietnam in 12 days, without it being to exhausting at the same time.” Yana, traveled in August 2024

Vietnam - One Life Adventures 12 Day

  • Kayak through Hoi An's ancient town
  • Explore Ha Long Bay's caves and islands
  • Learn foot badminton in Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam in 10 Days: Journey from South to North

“Excellent tour. We went to interesting places and had friendly and most knowledgeable guides.” Neville Clifford Hayes, traveled in July 2023

Vietnam in 10 Days: Journey from South to North

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Coach / Bus
  • Explore the remarkable Vietnamese countryside on bike
  • Connect with locals and cruise to Cai Be Floating Market
  • Visit the My Son Sanctuary and the Temple of Literature

Vietnam - 10 Days. Departure every Monday from Hanoi

“The trip was well organized— from the hotel pickup to site visits to lunch spots—everything was on time and ran smoothy.” Irina, traveled in May 2024

Vietnam - 10 Days. Departure every Monday from Hanoi

  • Sightseeing
  • Tour the Mekong Delta and Vinh Trang Pagoda
  • Venture into the Cu Chi Tunnels
  • Explore Hanoi's historic Tran Quoc Pagoda

Best of Vietnam from Saigon to Hanoi 7 Days - Super Save

“Great value for money tour and operation. Had one hiccup with a canceled /changed flight but operators where straight on to it once informed.” Stephen Barnwell, traveled in February 2024

Best of Vietnam from Saigon to Hanoi 7 Days - Super Save

  • Trek and explore Mai Chau's landscapes
  • Tour the historic Cu Chi Tunnels
  • Explore Ho Chi Minh City on your own
The 7th of 9 Counties we visited early this year 2024, We opted with a Tourradar package, that would take us from Hanoi through Halong Bay, Hoy An finally Ho Chi Minh City and the Mekong Delta. From Taxi collection from the airport on our arrival, we were taken on an adventure that was exciting, efficient and perfectly organised with the aid of your main contact, Long Pham via WhatsApp, Each individual guide was well versed in English and the history of their related areas, including superb sense of humour on occasions. :-). All the other countries we visited had been organised by us, and to have such an experience in Vietnam, was "icing on the cake" I can only highly recommend using Tourradar as their communication and help (if needed), was 5 star.
The one life Vietnam tour is an incredible experience. From bicycle tours and cooking classes to cruises along ha long bay, you really cover everything! What really makes the tour unforgettable is our guide Danny. Danny is local and really knows everything there is to know about his country. His passion and enthusiasm really was contagious and our group absolutely adored him. Danny goes above and beyond, from bringing us to delicious restaurants (when he could just give us suggestions) and bringing us to local spots we’ve seen online and making sure we are fully cared for at all times. One life has got an absolute gem of a human in Danny and I know the whole group will never forget their experience because of him. Cảm ơn Danny! We love you!!
We had a good time in this 10 days tour organised by Hoi An Express. They were quite organise in arranging pickup and drop off, their transportation were good and clean and also their tour guides were good except the one in Hanoi for Hanoi city centre. Mekong Delta was boring, except for the rowing part that we enjoyed, the rest were very commercial where we were “forced” to buy stuffs from the local shops or establishments. They presented in a way not to give us a cultural tour but for us to buy their products. And when we did not, you could see from their faces. Hoi A city is beautiful and our guide, Emily, was lovely and funny! We loved her! We really liked the biking tour in the countryside although we expect the foodie tour was kind of different but nevertheless it was good. Ha Long Bay was a disappointment for us! The cruise “Cozy Bay” was very dirty in the level of almost disgusting. They did not change the blanket and sheet from previous guests and I am not sure for how long! But I found stains in the blanket and hairs, and they smell awful! After complained to the cruise staffs, they changed my blanket case with a new one. The next day when we’re checking out they showed as if they were about to change all the linens! Yeah, as if… The air conditioner in our room was black, never get cleaned or serviced. Our bathroom always flooded in a funny way because we bathed in one side but the water went the the other side. Towels were smelly and disgusting, same as the vest that we had to wear in the boat, they were alll sticky and dirty. Consider to upgrade to 4 or 5 starts cruise if you can. But Ha Long Bay as a place, although beautiful, the water is very dirty. You can’t swim there! All cruise boats throw their discharge into the water! Our accommodation in HCM was ok but not in Hanoi especially, it was not good at all. I would give more stars to Hoi An Express should there were not some hiccups during our tour. They apparently did not have good internal communication among their staffs, there were misunderstandings that made them kind of accuse us why we did not pay when we already paid. Luckily I asked for a receipt from their staff who received the money, otherwise the sales consultant would think we have not paid! Also, another hiccup was when we’re in Da Nang and we could not get our hotel room because the hotel insisted that there was no booking made for us! After called Hoi An Express and had them talk directly with the hotel receptionist, they quickly found a substitute hotel for us. Problem solved, although this should not happen at first place. Lastly, the Ann tailor that Hoi An Express includes in the package and calls it as “free tailor made cloth”, it’s not for traditional Vietnamese custom as we thought. If you want the traditional cloth like Vietnamese women wear, you need to pay extra. However, we chose just simple blouse made of cotton and it was free. Ann tailor did it very fast within 1 day and delivered to our hotel. Thank you Hoi An Express for the experience and organisation. Keep up the good work and correct the “hiccups”!

Southern Vietnam

Dive into the lively vibes of Ho Chi Minh City, explore the powerful War Remnants Museum, and sail through the bustling floating markets of the Mekong Delta. Chill at Phú Quốc’s stunning beaches and indulge in delicious local eats.

Northern Vietnam

Visit Hanoi's bustling Old Quarter, explore serene lakes and caves in Ba Be National Park, and take a boat to Perfume Pagoda, a spiritual complex nestled in the mountains. Northern Vietnam offers a blend of natural beauty, rich history, and unforgettable cultural experiences.

Northeast Vietnam

From eating your way through bustling Hanoi, a haven for vegans and vegetarians, to cruising the emerald waters of Ha Long Bay to visiting Sapa’s breathtaking terraced rice fields, you’re in for an unforgettable adventure.

Northwest Vietnam

Hike through Sapa's vibrant rice terraces, connect with ethnic tribes in Mai Chau, sail the serene waters of Ba Be Lake, and take in the breathtaking peaks of Hoang Lien National Park. Make sure to check out the historic sites of Dien Bien Phu.

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zepelin tour vietnam

A világlátás nagy nevelőiskola; nemesíti a szellemet, tágítja az értelmet és kiirtja az előítéleteket.
A világ egy könyv, és aki nem utazik, az csak egyetlen lapját olvassa el.
A világ nem a könyveidben és térképeidben van, hanem odakint.
Bizonyos, hogy minden igazi utazás értelme a hazajutás, s az ember megkezdi a hazatérést abban a pillanatban, amikor útrakel.
A legjobb út nem feltétlenül keletről nyugatra vagy a hegy lábától a csúcsra, hanem szívtől szívig vezet. Utazás közben lelünk rá a hangunkra.
Legyenek útjaid hepehupásak, kanyargósak, elhagyatottak és veszélyesek, de vezessenek el a legnagyobb csodákhoz. Hegyeid nyújtózzanak fel a fellegek fölé.
A zarándok olyan utazó, akinek az úti célja szellemi-spirituális.
Az utazás az én drogom. A függőséget csak kezelni lehet, kigyógyulni belőle sosem!

zepelin tour vietnam

  • Adult in sharing Twin/double room $185
  • Adult in single room $284
  • Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)

Southern Vietnam Highlights 4-Day Itinerary | Group Tour - 04 Days

Southern Vietnam Highlights 4-Day Itinerary | Group Tour

  • Check Price


This 4-day tour combines private airport transfers with group day trips, giving you the opportunity to explore the must-see highlights of southern Vietnam, including Ho Chi Minh City, the Cu Chi Tunnels, and My Tho in the Mekong Delta. Designed for budget-conscious travelers, this itinerary offers a rich and memorable experience without compromising on quality. Even with a limited timeframe, you’ll have the chance to fully immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and stunning landscapes of these iconic destinations.

  • We can arrange your airport transfer on any day that suits your travel schedule. However, our group tours operate only when a minimum number of participants is met. Once we receive your inquiry, one of our travel consultants will promptly reach out to confirm the availability of your trip.
  • The Notre Dame Cathedral is currently undergoing restoration, so visitors can only view it from the outside.
  • Drop-off times are subject to traffic, weather, and other factors, so the finish time may be later than expected.

Upon your arrival at Tan Son Nhat Airpor t in Ho Chi Minh City, our local driver will greet you at the pickup area and transfer you to your hotel in the city center (District 1). The drive takes approximately 60 minutes.

After arriving at the hotel, you'll check in* and have the rest of the day free to relax or explore at your leisure.

Notes : Hotel check-in time is at 2:00 PM. Early check-in is subject to hotel availability and may incur an additional fee.

Our tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in downtown Ho Chi Minh City (District 1). From there, we'll begin our exploration of the city.

Our first stop will be the Independence Palace , also known as the Reunification Palace, built on the site of the former Norodom Palace. The Independence Palace is a famous landmark in Ho Chi Minh City and was designed by the architect Ngo Viet Thu.

Next, we'll admire the beautiful structures from the French Colonial era, such as the Notre Dame Cathedral and the historic Central Post Office . We'll then visit the remarkable War Remnants Museum , which has a vast display covering both the Indochina wars.

Afterward, we'll have lunch at a local restaurant, then, we'll head to Cu Chi, which will take approximately one and a half hours by bus.

Upon arrival in Cu Chi , you'll first watch a short introduction video about how the tunnels were constructed and how people survived in the harsh conditions of wartime. After the video, you'll have time to explore the remaining areas and tunnel systems. These include specially constructed living areas with kitchens and bedrooms, alongside military facilities such as storage, weapons factories, field hospitals, and command centers that helped tunnel inhabitants meet their basic needs. Additionally, you'll see many hidden trap doors and dangerous traps within the maze-like tunnels that provided security during the war.

Afterward, special tea and cassava (the guerrillas' food during the war) will be served. You'll then have some break time to relax or, for those interested, to try real shooting guns (for an additional charge).

Finally, we will return to Saigon , and you will be dropped off at your hotel at around 7:00 PM, concluding the trip.

Our tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in downtown Ho Chi Minh City (District 1). From there, we'll head to My Tho, a town on the left side of the Mekong River.

Upon arrival, we'll visit Vinh Trang Pagoda , which dates back to the late 19th century. Then, we'll board a sampan and cruise down the river around the four beautiful islands known as Dragon, Unicorn, Phoenix, and Tortoise Islands.

We'll stop at Unicorn Island to walk along the country lanes, visit orchards, enjoy tropical fruits, and listen to folk songs performed by local people. We'll also visit a fruit plantation.

Next, we'll ride a hand-rowed sampan through Thoi Son Canal to experience the beauty of the countryside. We'll visit a family business, a honey-bee farm, and enjoy honey tea and a coconut candy workshop.

We'll have lunch at a local restaurant, followed by a break. In the afternoon, we'll cycle around Tan Thach Village , meeting local villagers to experience daily life in the Mekong Delta. For those who prefer not to cycle, there will be time to relax in a hammock and enjoy the cool breeze.

Finally, we'll return to Saigon , and you'll be dropped off at your hotel around 5:30 PM , concluding the trip.

  • --> Day 4 Thu, Sep 19, 2024 Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) 1h Departure from Ho Chi Minh city Included: Meal: B Transportation
  • English speaking tour guide following itinerary
  • All entrance fees and tickets mention on itinerary
  • Selected Accommodations with daily breakfast
  • Boat: Ben Tre
  • Private car following itinerary
  • Meal: Breakfast: 03, Lunch: 02
  • Service charges and Taxes
  • International flight from/to your country
  • Travel insurance
  • Personal expenses
  • Tipping and Gratuities
  • Other not mentioned in the program

Select Date and Travelers

  • Choose date of departure
  • 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12

Adult Above 12 Years

Child Below 12 Years

  • Tour guide in English

Please fill your information in the form

  • Date of birth child 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 2 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 3 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 4 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 5 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 6 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 7 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 8 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 9 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
  • Date of birth child 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

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From  $185  /Person

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Southern & Central Vietnam 6-Day Itinerary | Group Tour

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The largest Selection of Private Tour Itineraries, Cruises & Visa in Vietnam.

  • 5th floor, 62 Yen Phu road, Nguyen Trung Truc ward, Ba Dinh district, Ha Noi, Vietnam.
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Essential Vietnam & Cambodia

17 days, hanoi to bangkok.

zepelin tour vietnam

  • Full itinerary
  • Tour details

A wide-ranging adventure showcasing the region’s natural wonders and fascinating cultures, this 17-day trip offers a combination of guided excursions and free time to explore beaches, ruins, urban culture, and awe-inspiring landscapes. Cruise the Mekong for a day and overnight on a traditional sailing junk boat in Halong Bay. Witness the heights of Cambodia's past at Angkor Wat, and contemplate its lows by walking the infamous Killing Fields. Although many activities are included, there is still plenty of time to explore on your own and create the ultimate adventure.

Hanoi to Bangkok

Special offers, is this tour for me, travel style: classic.

All of the highlights, culture, access, and I-can’t-believe-we-did-that moments, all at a great price.

Service Level: Standard

Comfortable tourist-class accommodations with character; mix of public and private transport.

Physical Rating: 2 - Light

Light walking and hiking suitable for most fitness levels. Nothing too challenging.

Trip Type: Small Group

Small group experience; Max 16, Avg 12.

Age requirement: 12+

All travellers under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Check Your Visa Requirements

Before booking, use our handy entry requirements tool so you know which documents you need to enter and travel through the countries on your trip.

See how your trip uplifts communities

In a number of impactful ways, your adventure directly benefits the local people and places we visit.

Help us spread love around the world with Trees for Days. Together with Planeterra, we'll plant one tree in your name for every travel day.

Trees planted for this trip: 17

Ripple Score

Create ripples that change lives. The higher the Ripple Score percentage, the more money stays in the local communities you visit.

Ripple Score for this trip: 100

More from Essential Vietnam & Cambodia

Map of the route for Essential Vietnam & Cambodia

Places visited

Day 1 hanoi.

Arrive at any time.

Exclusive Inclusions:

Day 2 hanoi/ha long.

Enjoy a Ha Long Bay cruise on a junk boat with visits to a cave and an island lookout. Savour a seafood lunch and dinner.

Meals included:

Day 3 ha long/huế.

Enjoy breakfast and lunch on board before sailing back to the port and return to Hanoi. Enjoy some time in the city before an overnight train to Hue.

Guided tour of the Imperial Citadel, Royal Tomb and Tien Mu Pagoda.

Day 5 Huế/Hoi An

Drive the Hai Van pass. Take advantage of Hoi An's many options over the 2.5 days in town. Opt for a cooking class, riverboat trip, bike ride, beach time, tailor visit or My Son ruins.

Day 6 Hoi An

Explore all Hoi An has to offer. Dive into the culture, hang out on the beach or get clothes tailor-made in one of the many shops around town. Enjoy a noodle making demonstration and lunch at Oodles of Noodles, a G Adventures-supported project.

Day 7 Hoi An

Spend a free day exploring all Hoi An has to offer.

Day 8 Hoi An/Ho Chi Minh City

Fly from Hoi An to Ho Chi Minh City with free time to explore this hectic city.

Day 9 Ho Chi Minh City

Guided tour of Cu Chi Tunnels in the morning, free time in the afternoon.

Day 10 Ho Chi Minh City

Enjoy a boat cruise through the villages, islands, and markets of the Mekong Delta, and visit traditional candy factories.

Day 11 Ho Chi Minh City/Phnom Penh

Travel day with border crossing from Vietnam to Cambodia. Enjoy a cyclo tour through the city.

Day 12 Phnom Penh

Guided tour of Tuol Sleng Museum (S-21 Prison) and Choeung Ek (Killing Fields). Opt to visit the Royal Palace, the National Museum or the Central Market.

Day 13 Phnom Penh/Siem Reap

Drive from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, the home base for exploring incredible Angkor Wat.

Day 14 Siem Reap

Watch the sun rise over the massive Angkor temple complex with a guided tour. Opt to visit the Tonlé Sap floating village and the Angkor National Museum. Enjoy a traditional meal of Khmer food at a G Adventures for Good-supported project.

Day 15 Siem Reap

Spend another day in Siem Reap, exploring more temples of Angkor or going further afield.

Day 16 Siem Reap/Bangkok

Cross the border into Thailand and continue on to the bustling metropolis of Bangkok.

Day 17 Bangkok

Depart at any time.

What's Included

  • Your G for Good Moment: Oodles of Noodles, Hoi An
  • Your G for Good Moment: Local Khmer Meal, Siem Reap
  • Your Welcome Moment: Welcome Moment - Meet Your CEO and Group
  • Your Discover Moment: Hoi An
  • Halong Bay caves entrance
  • Halong Bay boat cruise with seafood lunch and dinner
  • Imperial Citadel and Tomb entrance (Huế)
  • Cu Chi Tunnels entrance and tour
  • Mekong Delta day trip
  • Cyclo tour (Phnom Penh)
  • Tuol Sleng and Choeung Ek (Killing Fields) entrance and guide
  • Two-day Angkor Wat complex entry and guide, including sunrise tour (Siem Reap)
  • Internal flight
  • All transport between destinations and to/from included activities


Hotels (14 nts), sleeper train (1 nt), junk boat (1 nt).

15 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners Allow USD185-240 for meals not included.


Train, air-conditioned bus, plane, walking, tuk-tuk, boat.

Staff & experts

CEO (Chief Experience Officer) throughout, local guides.

Available extras  (Add these to your tour when you book)

Hanoi foodie culture tour - from $25.00.

Indulge your inner foodie with a street food tour through bustling Hanoi. Follow your guide through the back streets and markets of the city’s old quarter, sampling local fare along the way. Mingle with city natives and experienced street food artists alike, as you taste a variety of Hanoi faves like “nem ran” and “banh goi.” Stop at a streetside bar to savour a draught beer like Hanoians do. Cap off the tour at the Hanoi Food Culture restaurant, a G Values Fund Project, and try the city’s signature specialty coffee.

Hue Moto Tour - From $30.00

Grab a helmet, hop on a motorbike driven by your experienced local guide, and get ready for a crash course in authentic Viet culture. Spend the next four hours exploring the stalls of a local market, admiring the view of the Perfume River, learning to plough and make rice, creating your own incense sticks, and seeing the most iconic local sights. Don’t forget to bring your camera!

Phare Circus - From $18.00

Enjoy a stellar performance by Phare, a unique and socially conscious circus that injects Cambodian culture and history into its inspiring shows. See acrobatics, contortion, and aerial arts melded with theatre, modern dance, and more. Take in stories of war, relationships, and discrimination, inspired by the real-life experiences of Phare’s creators and performers.

Make it a private tour

Book this tour as a private departure, with your own CEO and all the benefits of a G Adventures group tour.

Megnyitás | Vissza a főmenühöz

Kérdése van, vagy segítségre lenne szüksége?

Keresse tapasztalt utazási szakértőinket, akik mindent megtesznek, hogy Önnel közösen megtalálják azt az utat, ami legjobban megfelel az igényeinek. A boldogság itt kezdődik, akár egy telefonhívással!


Az alábbi időpontban állunk rendelkezésére:  H-Szo: 8-20 .

Segítségre lenne szüksége?

Vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot elérhetőségeink valamelyikén!


Vállalkozásunkat 1993-ban az idegenforgalom iránti szeretetre, a szakma tiszteletére és a turizmus jövőjében való hitünkre alapoztuk.

A kezdetektől jelen voltunk mind a külföldi kiutaztatásban, mind a belföldi üdülés, szállásfoglalás területén. Az évek során eljutottunk oda, hogy kulturális körutazásaink meghatározó szerepet töltenek be a hazai turizmusban. Ezt tartalmas programokkal, kulturált utazással és színvonalas idegenvezetéssel értük el.

Dokumentumok: Z(s)eppelin

  • Utazásszervező útlemondási biztosítás feltételei
  • Utazási csomag szerződéshez kapcsolódó tájékoztató
  • Utazásszervező szerződési feltétele

Foglalható úti célok a(z) Z(s)eppelin 2024-es kínálatából

A Z(s)eppelin utazási iroda rengeteg lehetőséget kínál körutazásokra– győződjön meg róla a legnagyobb online utazás - értékesítő INVIA.HU oldalon, ahol több tucat utazási iroda kínálatával együtt a Z(s)eppelin utazási iroda teljes kínálatát is megtalálja, mindezt az árak növelése nélkül.

Várjon! Segíthetünk?

Az ajánlatkérés díjmentes, és semmilyen kötelezettséggel nem jár . Online ügyfélszolgálatunkat hétfőtől-szombatig 8 és 20 óra között bátran keresheti a +36 1 501 5640 telefonszámon. Utazási szakértőink örömmel segítenek álmai utazásának megtalálásában.

Hívjon minket: H-Szo: 8-20 .

zepelin tour vietnam


The graf zeppelin, hindenburg, u.s. navy airships, and other dirigibles, zeppelin rides in germany.

Sightseeing flights aboard a real Zeppelin in Germany are offered by the Deutsche Zeppelin-Reederei, which operates a Zeppelin NT airship from their base at Friedrichshafen, Germany, the traditional home of zeppelin aviation.

Airship rides of various lengths and routes are offered to the general public around the area of the Bodensee (Lake Constance), and occasionally at other locations in Germany.

For more information and to book flights, click here.

The Zeppelin NT is a 246-foot long semi-rigid airship which can accommodate two pilots and up to 12 passengers in a gondola equipped with large sightseeing windows.  The airship is inflated with safe, non-flammable helium and usually cruises at an altitude of about 1,000 feet/300 meters, at a speed of approximately 35-40 mph, or 60-70 km/h.

13 Leave a Reply


When will you hire designers to build these zeppelins like the “old days – golden years” and start transatlantic service? I would mortgage my house just to experience a transatlintic flight…or better yet…retrace the steps of Admiral Richard E. Byrd who talked of unexplored lands beyond the “South Pole ice …  Read more »

Bernie Young

Sounds great Average time spent in the air? Average cost per person for that please

Wayne Hanson

I had a good ride and would do it again. Wayne Hanson

Emily Firebaugh

I am interested in flying in a Zepplin air ship. I live in the USA. Or advise on other countries where these rides are possible.

Thank .you, Emily Firebaugh

Dan Grossman

Goodyear is the only firm currently operating Zeppelins in the USA.

Rolf Zeitler

Is it possible to go on a, say half an hour flight for the three of us early September. How can we book on a short notice – the weather must be nice!

Kimberly Cole Zemke

I am interested in knowing if you are still in business and offering Zeppelin rides? Thanks


Hy, i have a strange question about the idea to loan a zeppelin, how much cost a roundtrip wich starts from germany to bucharest and 3 days to stay on the sky ?! Thank you, i hope that i could find an anwser from you, it’s not a joke, i …  Read more »

How to Fight

This looks great. I’ve been planning a trip to Germany and would love to do this. How much does it cost?

H A Unger

Flights in Germany (Bodensee area, near Swiss frontier) will be offered from 30 to 120 minutes flying time. The 30 min tours will cost 200 Euro, the 120 min tours 745 Euro. Take care to book some months before flying because the Zeppelin is often booked out. For more informations …  Read more »

Dan (Airships.net)

Thank you for posting the information. 🙂


745 Euros…ouch. That will hurt.

ben preble

would like information on booking and cost of fights in germany and san franciso what and where fight goes and what is included thank you ben

Széchenyi 2020

  • Zseppelin utak

zepelin tour vietnam

15 nap / 12 éj

Ország: Vietnám

Szállás típusa: Program szerint

Ellátás Félpanzió

Utazás módja: Repülő

Mindig arról álmodott, hogy felfedezi Ázsiát? Most lehetősége nyílik egy olyan utazásra, ahol számtalan rejtett csodát, misztikus helyet megismerhet. A felfedezésre váró helyek száma határtalan, így nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk arra, hogy a lehető legtöbb élménben legyen részük Hanoitól az Angkor Wat-on át a Mekong folyóig.

zepelin tour vietnam

 4 nap / 3 éj

Ország: Olaszország

Szállás típusa: Hotel ***

Ellátás: Reggeli

Utazás módja: Busz

Sétáljon mediterrán hangulatú szűk utcácskákon és pihenje ki a mindennapok fáradalmait. Igyon egy finom kávét az egyik hangulatos kávézó teraszán. Vasárnaponként ünnepi kavalkád fogadja, fakultatív ajánlataink pedig a világhírű Uffizi képtár és borkostolás azok számára, akik aktívabb kikapcsolódásra vágynak.

zepelin tour vietnam

 2 nap / 1 éj

Ország: Ausztria

Szállás típusa: Vendégház

Vegyen részt ausztriai utazásunkon, ahol számtalan természeti csoda várja a tavasz köntösében. A Mira patak fahidakkal övezve, a csodatevő forrás, a Pielach völgye, a Seegrotte tavas-barlang garantáltan szemet gyönyörködtető látvány. Történelmi szempontból is páratlan utazásunk során meglátogathatják Mariazell bazilikáját, Lilienfeld cisztercia apátságát. 

zepelin tour vietnam

5 nap / 4 éj

Ország: Svájc

Egy kis tiroli kitérővel a Glacier Express vonathoz kalauzoljuk, amely páratlan téli tájakon halad át, szó szerint a felhők fölé repítve utasait. Következő programunk Montreux-i adventi vásár majd egy varázslatos csokoládégyár látogatás, séta Bern óvárosában és a Swarovski gyár látogatása.

zepelin tour vietnam

6 nap / 5 éj

Ország: Finnország

Ellátás: Félpanzió

Ismerkedjen meg a sarkköri életérzéssel, lélegezze be a friss, ropogós levegőt. Életre szóló élményt szerezhet a sarki fény megcsodálásával, melyet garantáltan soha nem fog elfelejteni. Emellett ellátogathat a Mikulás hivatalos postahivatalába, husky szánon suhanhat a hóval borított erdő mélyén, jégből kivájt hotel és bár látogatója lehet.

zepelin tour vietnam

4 nap / 3 éj

Ország: Magyarország

Szállás típusa: Hotel

Ne hagyja otthon a fürdőruhát és a strandpapucsot, pihentető wellness kikapcsolódásra invitáljuk, egy kis történelemmel fűszerezve. Kényeztesse magát a Saliris Resort termálfürdőjében, Eger török fürdőjében és a Palota szálló süteménykínálatával, majd ismerje meg többek között a noszvaji barlanglakásokat és a Siroki vár történetét.


Sightseeing flights from friedrichshafen - the special experience.

Mettnau peninsula

This is where the idea of the Zeppelin was born, this is where the Zeppelin NT was created - Friedrichshafen as a location of state-of-the-art technology and starting point for the highlight of your vacation at the Bodensee - a sightseeing flight with the Zeppelin NT. Experience sights and destinations from an exclusive and unique perspective - unforgettable moments guaranteed.

Since the fall of 1988, Friedrichshafen has been considering the rebirth of the Zeppelin myth. After feasibility studies, research and development, the Zeppelin NT finally took to the skies for its maiden flight from the anchor mast in front of Exhibition Hall 10 in Friedrichshafen on September 18, 1997. With the type certification of the Zeppelin NT by the German Federal Aviation Authority in April 2001 and the approval of the German Zeppelin Shipping Company in August 2001, commercial flight operations began in Friedrichshafen. To this day, the Zeppelin is still present and can be experienced here - on the grounds of Bodensee Airport, visible from afar through one of the largest hangars in southern Germany, the Zeppelin Hangar.

Our tip: Combine your Zeppelin flight with a visit to our restaurant at the hangar - from the terrace you can watch the Zeppelin NT take off and land and enjoy a gastronomic treat.

Ein Blick aus dem Zeppelin auf den Hafen der Stadt Friedrichshafen


Up and away over a city full of contrasts.

Distinctive buildings of Industrial history, clear blue water and green hills.

Ein Blick auf die Stadt Lindau


To the bavarian island town, rich in history....

Lindau, that is a magnificent piece of Bavaria on the island and at the same time a top excursion destination on Lake Constance.

Ein Blick auf die Stadt der Türme: Ravensburg


City of games - city of towers.

The landmarks of Ravensburg greet you from afar - and along the way, magnificent baroque buildings.

Zeppelin über dem Hafen und der Burg Meersburg


Old and new castles, and vineyards galore ....

Along the sparkling lake, past castles and vineyards - breathtakingly beautiful landscapes.

zepelin tour vietnam


Bay of bregenz, pfänder mountain and the island of lindau.

Fly along the shore of the Bodensee to Lindau and from there to Bregenz Bay.

Ein Blick auf die Insel Mainau bei strahlemden Sonnenschein


Flora, fauna, history and modern life.

Vineyards, pile dwellings, floral splendor and the largest city on the lake - the sightseeing classics from a new perspective.

Zeppelin über dem Bodensee und der Rheinmündung


Three countries - countless perspectives.

Across the Bodensee, over the Rhine, crossing borders, getting to know cultures and mountains as far as the eye can see.

zepelin tour vietnam


Detour to europe´s largest waterfall.

600,000 litres of water per second tumbles down 23m across 150m span - you have to see it.

We would be happy to help you! Just give us a call at:

+49 (0)7541 5900-0


  1. Zepelin Tour

    zepelin tour vietnam

  2. Zeppelin livre deux bateaux au Vietnam

    zepelin tour vietnam

  3. 'Báo Tây' đưa ảnh 'hàng đỉnh' Maybach 62S Zeppelin tại Việt Nam

    zepelin tour vietnam

  4. Zepelin Tour

    zepelin tour vietnam


    zepelin tour vietnam

  6. Excursii optionale

    zepelin tour vietnam


  1. Vespa Adventure Tours, Saigon After Dark Vespa Food Tour, Vespa Adventures, #VeapaAdventuretours


  3. Вьетнам

  4. Scenic Vietnam Intrepid Tour 2022

  5. 350км на велосипедах #4 через Швейцарию, Германию, Францию. Хиппи-город, бесплатный кемпинг

  6. En route pour le Vintage Revival Montlhéry 2024


  1. Zepelin Tour

    Vietnam. Oferte incepand de la 5900 ... Zepelin Tour Călătorie de Poveste. Andreea Damian: 0747 011 553. Andreea Damian: 0747 011 553 . Corina Cioncu: 0722 693 469 . Ana Craciun: 0770 624 781 . Laurentiu Stroe: 0771 772 519. [email protected] . [email protected].

  2. Vietnam

    Itinerariu: Vietnam. Durata: 7 nopti. Plecari: 18 aprilie 2025 Vezi Detalii Newsletter. Rezervarile pot fi platite cu cardul. ... Zepelin Tour Călătorie de Poveste. Andreea Damian: 0747 011 553. Andreea Damian: 0747 011 553 . Corina Cioncu: 0722 693 469 . Ana Craciun: 0770 624 781 .

  3. Globetrotting Leviathan: Graf Zeppelin's amazing voyage

    In a sense, Graf Zeppelin's world-circling tour began in 1900, when the count first experimented with airships. Zeppelin's great idea was to produce rigid airships, not merely gas-filled balloons.

  4. Z(s)eppelin


  5. Vietnam Tour Packages & Vietnam Travel Guide

    Vietnam at a glance. Vietnam is a land of iconic scenery, from the limestone karsts of Halong Bay, to the conical-hatted hawkers of the Mekong. Join your expert Trafalgar Travel Director and explore the wondrous beauty and tradition of Vietnam, from the emerald rice paddies and powdery beaches to gleaming temples and ancient cities. Currency.

  6. The Perfect Vietnam Itinerary for 1, 2, or 3 Weeks

    Ba Be National Park (Near Sapa) Bach Ma National Park (between Dan Nang and Hue) Dong Ha - for DMZ tour (Between Dong Hoi and Da Nang) 2 Week Vietnam Itinerary - 1 Week in the South. Day 1 - Nha Trang. Day 2 - Dalat. Day 3 - Mui Ne. Day 4 and 5 - Ho Chi Minh City. Day 6 and 7 - Phu Quoc Island.

  7. List of Led Zeppelin concert tours

    Throughout the late 1960s and 1970s, Led Zeppelin made numerous concert tours of the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe in particular. They performed over 600 concerts, [1] initially playing small clubs and ballrooms and then, as their popularity increased, larger venues and arenas as well. In the early years of their existence, Led ...

  8. 10 Best Fully Guided Tours in Vietnam 2024/2025

    Hello Vietnam package tour in 11 Days - Hanoi / Halong Bay / Hue / Hoi an / Ho Chi Minh City. 5.0 5 Reviews by TourRadar travelers. "This trip is amazing for the price. Vietnam is one of my favorite country, everything is safe and wonderful in this friendly land.". Luke Berry, traveled in February 2023.

  9. 10 Best Vietnam Small Group Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    10 best Vietnam small group tours. Compiled by. Melissa Vietnam travel expert at TourRadar. Vietnam in 10 Days: Journey from South to North. Vietnam - 10 Days. Departure every Monday from Hanoi. Vietnam - 10 Days. Departure every Monday from Saigon. Amazing Vietnam Super Save Package In 11 Days.

  10. The Best Vietnam Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Choose from 2,074+ Vietnam tours. 8,548 verified reviews by TourRadar customers. 24/7 customer support. Enjoy pho in Hanoi, travel through river markets, relax in Nha Trang and enjoy the nightlife in Hoi Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon. Book now with TourRadar!


    S.C. ZEPELIN TOUR S.R.L. | RO 25773656 | J40/7829/2009 | Sediu Social: Sos. Mihai Bravu nr 294, bl6, Sc C, ap 94, Bucuresti | Punct de lucru: Str. Dr. Grigore Taranu ...

  12. Z(s)eppelin

    BIZTONSÁGOS UTAZÁS ÉS KOCKÁZATMENTES JELENTKEZÉS! INFORMÁCIÓK AZ UTAZÁSI KORLÁTOZÁSOKRÓL, A VÉDETTSÉGI IGAZOLVÁNY LEHETŐSÉGEIRŐL! Garantált élmények idegenvezetővel! Tartalmas körutazások és városlátogatások busszal és repülővel! Látogasson el hozzánk.

  13. Zepelin Tour

    Vietnamul s-a reinventat și a devenit cea mai căutată destinație turistică din Asia de Sud-Est. Nu este doar o destinație de vacanță la modă, ci o experiență de calăto

  14. Southern Vietnam Highlights 4-Day Itinerary

    Join our 4-day group tour to explore southern Vietnam highlights, including Ho Chi Minh city, Cu Chi tunnels, and the Mekong Delta. Perfect for those having a limited time. +84 382 536 266 (Whatsapp) [email protected]

  15. Led Zeppelin Concert & Tour History (Updated for 2024

    Rumor has it that Moon and Entwistle declined, telling Page that his band would go down like a "lead balloon.". While meant as criticism, Page and the other "New Yardbirds" took the insult as inspiration. They altered "lead" to "led" and changed "balloon" to "zeppelin creating the name "Led Zeppelin.". On October 25 ...

  16. Essential Vietnam & Cambodia in Vietnam, Asia

    A wide-ranging adventure showcasing the region's natural wonders and fascinating cultures, this 17-day trip offers a combination of guided excursions and free time to explore beaches, ruins, urban culture, and awe-inspiring landscapes. Cruise the Mekong for a day and overnight on a traditional sailing junk boat in Halong Bay. Witness the heights of Cambodia's past at Angkor Wat, and ...


    229 800 Ft. A Z (s)eppelin utazási iroda rengeteg lehetőséget kínál körutazásokra- győződjön meg róla a legnagyobb online utazás - értékesítő INVIA.HU oldalon, ahol több tucat utazási iroda kínálatával együtt a Z (s)eppelin utazási iroda teljes kínálatát is megtalálja, mindezt az árak növelése nélkül. A legjobb ...

  18. Circuite 2020

    Vietnam. Oferte incepand de la 5900 € ... Zepelin Tour Călătorie de Poveste. Andreea Damian: 0747 011 553. Andreea Damian: 0747 011 553 . Corina Cioncu: 0722 693 469 . Ana Craciun: 0770 624 781 . Laurentiu Stroe: 0771 772 519. [email protected] . [email protected].

  19. Sightseeing flights with the Zeppelin

    Bodensee - one of the most popular vacation regions in southern Germany and home of the Zeppelin NT. The sightseeing flights always start at the Zeppelin hangar in Friedrichshafen. Choose between 11 different flight routes and enjoy the border triangle from a new perspective. Whether Austria, Switzerland or Upper Swabia - the views from the ...

  20. Zeppelin Rides in Germany

    The Zeppelin NT is a 246-foot long semi-rigid airship which can accommodate two pilots and up to 12 passengers in a gondola equipped with large sightseeing windows. The airship is inflated with safe, non-flammable helium and usually cruises at an altitude of about 1,000 feet/300 meters, at a speed of approximately 35-40 mph, or 60-70 km/h.

  21. Zseppelin utak

    Zseppelin utak. Kalandozás a Vietnám, Kambodzsa és Laosz útvonalon. 15 nap / 12 éj. Ország: Vietnám. Szállás típusa: Program szerint. Ellátás Félpanzió. Utazás módja: Repülő. Mindig arról álmodott, hogy felfedezi Ázsiát? Most lehetősége nyílik egy olyan utazásra, ahol számtalan rejtett csodát, misztikus helyet ...

  22. Scenic flights from Friedrichshafen

    After feasibility studies, research and development, the Zeppelin NT finally took to the skies for its maiden flight from the anchor mast in front of Exhibition Hall 10 in Friedrichshafen on September 18, 1997. With the type certification of the Zeppelin NT by the German Federal Aviation Authority in April 2001 and the approval of the German ...