dom journey

How I Started With My Journey Into Femdom And An FLR

This is a true story .

I know this because it’s mine.

I thought I’d share it, as it is my journey into how I discovered femdom , what attracted me to it and how the situation developed.

I don’t offer this story, as anything other than that. A story. It’s not meant as offering a way of guidance, nor is some kind of triumphant boast.

It is simply how it happened for me, and hopefully, by sharing it I can illuminate some light on the normality and reality of a femdom lifestyle .

a mistress dominating sexily on the couch

Table of Contents

The Early Days

In brief, I was brought up well in a stable environment, I have no sob story to tell you.

I did well at school and eventually graduated from a normal college and university.

I went to work in professional environments and worked hard. Really hard, as my career was important to me.

Throughout my twenties, the hard work slowly paid off, and I moved up in responsibilities and all the lifestyle trappings that come with it.

Life was good, I was enjoying it immensely.

As is natural I dated around, met some terrific women, but nothing ever really stuck.

I’m naturally attracted to confident women. Self- assertive women if you will. Not just sexually, but I find the constant stimulation and natural partnership fulfilling and less draining.

a mistress pegging her sub

In essence, I liked women who were confident within themselves. It doesn’t have to mean they are ‘career’ minded or anything, just a woman who is confident in her own choices and opinions.

There’s a whole host of other stuff in there, but that seems like the one that is naturally connected to a femdom story.

Meeting My Wife

I met my wife at a works party.

I sort of knew her before and thought she was gorgeous but had never really met her.

We started chatting and she was fun , sexy , and was confident in her attitude. I was more senior at the firm than her, and she didn’t seem intimidated, nor did she try to leverage anything. I was impressed.

I liked her immediately, and by the end of the evening, I found myself asking her out and she agreed.

We had a good first date and it spiraled from there. We saw each other more and more often before finally moving in together after about a year.

We married a few years later, in our early thirties, and have been happily married for over 5 years now.

a mistress grabbing the hair of the sub

The Growing Femdom Urge

For me, it happened a little before I met my wife. She wasn’t the reason, but for me there was something missing, something not quite complete.

At first I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I found myself in the dating scene at the time attracted to really confident women.

Additionally, in the bedroom , I was asking them to be a little more assertive and take control.

The roleplay I was asking for was involving strong and powerful female characters. I started liking the headmistress, the bitchy boss, or the sexy abuse of power female cop. Maybe even a little sexy dismissive nurse in there too.

As it happens I wasn’t and don’t think I will ever be into the strong BDSM types. The lifestyle dommes and the permanent subs thing was never really my scene.

a mistress rubbing her feet on the end of the bed

Some thoughts I find a little bit repulsive on a personal level. I’ve never wanted to be locked in a cage, publically humiliated, and have a mistress treat me like complete dirt.

I’m sure you know what I mean, the ultra dismissive, enjoy psychologically torturing type sub who wants to eat out of pet bowls, and lets their partner flirt and date other men.

That’s always been way too extreme for me.

It happened slowly at first, but I was starting to get really attracted to women who could be very feminine, yet possessed that ’x’ factor quality of being able to be dominant and hold that authority .

Don’t get me wrong, I still like being a guy. I like feminine women, who are kind and possess all those natural female traits, like warmth, compassion and can do the ‘damsel in distress’ bit with the flick of an eyebrow.

I even enjoy being the provider in a relationship , I have no issue with that at all.

While flicking through a book one day, I had an epiphany. It had to do with power, and specifically the different power dynamic in my life.

a mistress bending over looking stern

I don’t want to sound like I have been on a power trip , however, while at work I have done well with going up the corporate ladder. 

At work, I have numerous responsibilities and I am involved in some key projects where I am responsible.

My work environment has been great , and I have a great working relationship with my superiors, who largely give me a free reign to complete tasks.

I have many people who work under me and basically feel, at least in many ways, that I am the man responsible for a lot of the company’s tasks.

It must be similar to a judge, a businessman, or anyone whose work involves instructing other people.

a mistress on the couch receiving oral

I needed to have an area of my life where I was not in control. That was what I was craving.

I started doing some research and it wasn’t long before I became familiar with the term gentle femdom , and female led relationship .

I knew this for me, quite quickly. I read more and more and tried to learn as much as I could. Why it was attractive, and how relationships might work on a practical level.

I grew extremely attracted to the idea of giving my wife a more assertive authority, in a whole bunch of areas, chores, tasks, general taskings. I loved the idea of being out of control in a more human, natural and private way.

I also wanted it to be real authority for her, so I was happy with the idea of her being able to determine standards, punishments , humiliations, and rewards.

a mistress caning a sub backside with crop

I wasn’t interested in extremes but in a more human way. I didn’t want to massively alter the natural male / female dynamic, but just a switch of control in an ordered, and sometimes spontaneous way.

After a few months, I thought I had a grasp of it. What it meant, why it was important, how it works, why a woman may like the idea and what we both may get out of it.

The only thing I was trying to work out was how to inform my wife about these things, and just as importantly, how she might react.

Bringing It Up With My Wife

I say, wife, she was actually just my partner at the time, but that’s just semantics.

I mulled over the problem for weeks, and finally just settled on telling her, albeit in a pleasant setting.

I thought about the normal things, would she think I was weird, would she be a little scared by what she heard.

a mistress squatting over a sub

I decided on a generally low impact tone, so nothing to scare her. I’d try to project the benefits , and how she could naturally choose when to do it, so things would only alter if she so chose.

One morning before I went to work, I made my opening gambit.

It was something to the effect of ‘Do you fancy going out for a meal on Wednesday in the evening? I have something I want to bring up with you. It’s nothing bad, rather the reverse, but it’s something I think may be important and I want your opinion on it. I’d prefer to mention it there’.

She was curious and agreed. She would later tell me she had no idea what it might be, but at the time I tried to reassure her it was nothing life-changing or momentous.

Difficult one for me to categorize that one, as it could be if she so chooses.

a mistress with leash pulling a sub close heel on chest

I’d presumed really she may have thought I’d received a job offer.

Wednesday night came, and we duly went to the restaurant and ordered. I’d prepared in my head and was more than a little nervous as we sat down. There was some chit chat, which I forget now, but after ordering the starters she finally hit me with words that meant I was past the point of no return

“So you wanted to mention something to me”

I looked at her, so sweet, gorgeous and dressed beautifully and at that moment just took the plunge. This was the gist of it.

“Errrr, have you heard about something called a female led relationship? I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I’d like to try it. I have a lot of responsibilities at work where I am in charge all the time and wanted an area of my life where I wasn’t the authority. I think it’d be good for us. Nothing massive has to change , but I just wanted to hand you more authority to run the household, and a few areas you deem important to you. I just asked you here to read up a bit on it before you make a decision, and see what you think’’

I held back on the punishment and humiliation part of it, fearing it may scare her.

a mistress toys with sub penis

She didn’t seem scared though, which was a good sign, just curious and as if she might lose her husband to this weird fetish .

We then talked about what a female led relationship was, why I was thinking about it, and how it might work.

Frankly she asked quite a few questions as you might expect.

Then she asked a big one, which I assumed would be a big worry for her.

“So will this change things?”

I was kind of prepared for this.

“No, no that’s just it, it doesn’t have to be greatly different at all. All this does is by mutual agreement gives you more authority in the relationship within what we agree. If you don’t like the idea, you don’t have to do anything different, but I only see positives for you. You can get a lot more done when you feel you need it. You don’t have to alter at all, you can still be you, and I can still be me”

That worked, she relaxed a lot. For those that are interested, having talked to my wife, and indeed others, when you bring it up, the one thing a woman fears is the massive change, that she will have to alter her behavior at all times, so as to appease the husband. Essentially she fears having to pretend she is someone she isn’t on a permanent basis.

I was explaining that she would have the ‘rule of the roost’

I also explained as many positive benefits as I’d thought of. That the house would run more smoothly, and much more to her liking, and that we could both treat it as a bit of fun if we both chose.

After this, and about 15 minutes into the discussion, the tension element disappeared, and she started to relax quite a bit to the point where she started to tease me.

“So, you’ll be my little bitch then?”

I did actually laugh and pointed out only if you want me to be.

I sensed positivity and didn’t want to ruin it so thought it was a good time ‘to put a knot’ in the discussion.

a busty mistress pegs a sub

“Look, all I was hoping for is that you took an open mind and did a bit of learning on the subject before committing to anything. I think you’d be great at it, but I will be happy with whatever decision you want, good or bad”

We chatted about other things after that but both our minds were elsewhere.

We finally ended the evening with me recommending some books, .. books I knew were positive on the idea but were low impact.

How She Started

My wife, ever pragmatic, spent the next week or two thoroughly reading and making notes. If she thought I was sneaking a peek, she would shield the pages from my eyes.

a mistress with heel on obedient sub

She ordered kindle books and would read them when she could.

I just kept silent figuring while she was reading the 2nd one, that she must be generally positive on the idea. If I butted in it could only look like pressure, so I decided to wait it out.

She seemed to take an age, which is immensely frustrating, but I was determined to not interfere.

She actually did bring up a few topics, mainly to do with my reasoning, which I standardly answered as needing an authoritative figure to answer to and could think of no one better than her.

The two things I was most worried about, at least from the point of view of her accepting the idea were the punishment and humiliation thing. I also knew the books would have informed her about the positive aspects of it.

She finally did mention it.

“I hear there’s this punishment and humiliation thing, how does that work exactly?”

a mistress crops a sub bottom

“As I understand it, it’s just options for you to consider. If it’s not you then you don’t really have to do either. I think they are there to give your authority some weight. What’s the pointing of wanting something done, that you can’t enforce? I don’t think there has to anything weird about it, as there are very passive and non time consuming punishments for you to try, getting me standing in a corner for an hour for example”

And you’d do that?” 

“Yes, if you’d asked for something to be done, and it wasn’t or it wasn’t up to standard and you wanted me to do that then sure.

“What about the rest of the stuff, you know the spankings and everything”

“Perfectly within your purview as head of household, entirely up to you if I’ve done something to deserve it. It’s not something that I enjoy, but that’s the point isn’t it? I’d obey what you thought was right”

“And you are OK with humiliation? Getting dressed up like a woman or something?”

a mistress smoothers a sub with breasts

As it happens, feminization has never been my thing.

“Again, it’s not something that I enjoy it, but I’d do it, as long as it was private”

I then went to work.

Clearly she was mulling over the idea.

Finally, I got a big surprise, one morning she asked me which evening I had free. I told her most of them, what were you thinking?

She finally said, right, keep Thursday evening free. Totally. Don’t book anything.

The next few days couldn’t go fast enough. It was all I was thinking about. On Thursday morning I simply asked what time she wanted me home by.

“Just when you get home, normal time”

That day at work my head was everywhere. My heart was pounding, my head was spinning.

What was this about? Had she decided? Was it good or bad? Would she try it?

a mistress squats over sub

I thought things had been going well enough, but what if she was just reaffirming a no?

The drive home I was genuinely nervous and excited at the same time. I was dying to find out. I was sure this was about her decision, just the body language , and everything.

I walked through the door, about to wait on her every word.

We went through the normal greetings, etc and conversations but nothing immediately came out about a gentle femdom relationship.

I thought we might be going out to dinner again or something where she would tell me about her decision. She scotched that by starting cooking. Damn this woman.

We had a pleasant meal at the dining table, where we just chatted normally, and I tried to sound vaguely coherent. At least as coherent as possible with my heart going ten to the dozen. There wasn’t anything femdom about this so far, where the hell was all this going?

I simply wasn’t going to bring it up, fearing I might flunk something up. I’d decided that I would ask tomorrow, something like ‘wasn’t there something about last night, you said you wanted my time, and I assumed you wanted me to do something’.

a mistress holds kneeling subs chin

I was just thinking of how to make that sound casual as we finished the dinner, when she asked me if I enjoyed the meal, and whether I was finished.

I replied that it was delicious (it was) and I was quite full. By now it was early evening.

Then it happened, and I remember it to this day as the real start of my introduction to real femdom. Actual practical femdom.

“Right, this female led relationship thing, I want to know more from you. Follow me.”

I got up from the dining table with my head spinning and followed her. She walked upstairs and I dutifully followed. 

We walked into our bedroom, and she asked me to sit at the desk. I did so, probably a bit too quickly.

She brought over her laptop and opened it up in front of me. While it was booting up, she addressed me.

a mistress pulls a subs tie

“This femdom thing you wanted me to investigate. I have and I’m generally positive on the idea, but there is an absolute load of stuff I want to know from you. Not just practical things, but what your thoughts and feelings are on things”

She then opened up a google document and explained.

“I have made a document with all my questions on there. I want you to answer all of them as fully as you can so I can make a better decision. I will be downstairs but stay up here until you are finished. When you are done I can read it, and if everything seems OK, then perhaps we could do a trial period.”

She then left.

She shut the door and left me to it. My heart was doing an exciting dance as I went to look at the document.

Typical of my wife, it was all properly paragraphed and broken down into sections like Reasoning, Chores, and Sex Matters.

Questions were nicely bolded with little explanations with what she specifically wanted from the answer. Clearly a lot of thought had gone into this document.

I spent the entire evening going through it. Reading, and rereading questions, and trying to give honest but not frightening answers. 

a mistress smiles at a paddle

There was nothing she hadn’t left out, even asking me to find some videos for her to watch, which might give her a better visual perspective, on certain sexual matters.

Damn it was thorough.

Finally, I thought I’d finished, checked all the questions were answered and tentatively went downstairs.

My wife was watching TV, but looked up and smiled.

“Ahhh, you’ve finished then. So I have some entertaining reading to do soon then?”

Tentative Beginnings

Despite the fact that she took a sneak peek at my answers as we retired for the night, she wouldn’t let on anything as she read.

I tried desperately trying to appear nonchalant.

She must have read the document, albeit skimmed through it, but didn’t let on with her thinking. I teased her about it but she just mentioned for me to wait, and let her digest what I’d written.

a mistress sits on a slave in bed

Oh, the mental torture.

Finally, she said those magical words

“Right, OK, I’m happy to give this a go. Let’s make some time, say Saturday morning when we can chat about how we go forward”

I couldn’t stop smiling, and Saturday morning breakfast came soon enough.

We sat down, and she teased me “you’d better make the breakfast, as you need to start learning who’s in charge”. She said it with a huge grin.

So I got up and started making her breakfast.

From the document, she had everything. She’d clearly read it and digested it. So that’s how we started our discussion, revisiting some of my answers, and she maybe just wanted to hear it from me personally.

We spent a good amount of time discussing how it would work, how she felt about a few things, both trying to make the other secure in what we were doing was right for us.

a mistress hold a subs hands down

We discussed as much as we could think of, punishments, when to apply them? What would I be happy with her doing? Parameters, and hard limits? Just about anything and everything we could think of.

Oddly, there was a discussion of practice? Her point was that she may have to dish out a serious punishment, in a very serious way, but the 1st time she did it she would be flying blind. Would that make it weird or diminish the punishment.

I came up with the solution immediately – why not use the trial period to get to grips with anything you need practice at or feel you need further down the line. After all, if I act flawlessly then we both might have learned nothing. I said I was quite happy to say, use the first few months for her to test , and grow in confidence and experience at any aspect of gentle femdom she felt she should.

One of my things was I didn’t want just random, severe stuff as that to me is just weird, but a trial of a few months giving her blanket authority to explore any aspect of femdom was the ideal solution for us.

Another point she raised was that of regular instructions. Did she really need to explain every week about the bathroom cleaning and standards etc? I looked into it for her, and came up with a solution.

That of standing orders . Orders that were there by default. Again, another example or just working it out between us. That solution was ideal, and she made a document eventually that contains the standing orders.

And that is how it started.

a mistress holds a crop to subs chin

It was all in all general stuff, and eventually, we had nowhere left go, without giving it a try,

“Right, let me come up with some things I want, and let’s do this.

How Things Grew

The next week for her was a flurry of her doing more reading, ordering magical brown parcels from online retailers, and her telling me that she was thinking about what stuff to try and do.

All with a wink and a smile.

She was also on that laptop again.

We agreed to have another chat on the Saturday when she had finalized things and had something concrete for us both.

The Saturday duly arrived again (doesn’t it always), and again I made breakfast. This time she had the laptop and it was less of a discussion among equals but more of a ‘what I have decided tone’.

She told me that she wanted to start small and grow into it at a rate she felt comfortable with.

a mistress toys with sub penis in bed

We discussed again, the trial two months we might have again before we would meet again for an honest discussion. We marked the calendar.

We would begin on Monday morning with her as ‘head of household’ and agreed that these trial months she could practice anything she wished. She didn’t have to give a reason but said she would if she thought she was practicing.

Then she gave me a few daily chores she wanted to be done, some rules for me, and some weekly chores. All nicely written down in a google document.

And that was how we started.

The Trial Period

The trial period started that Monday morning without much fanfare.

I had only a few daily chores, and indeed quite simple ones to start with, and in reality, there were no great shakes.

I had some weekly chores to do as well, which I did early to look enthusiastic about this new arrangement. My wife inspected the results, and commented a bit about ways to improve, which I took on board and made sure I did a better job, next time.

Garbage was taken out with a little bit more enthusiasm than normal, I have to say.

a mistress have subs giving oral to her

Probably the first time I’ve cleaned her car with that much gusto as well. I made it spotless, incidentally the word she’s used when giving me the weekly chore.

While this was all going on, I noticed my wife was starting to read some books on assertiveness, confidence, projection of authority, that sort of thing. I think she wondered how the whole husband / wife dynamic would work whereby authority might have to be projected.

My wife also started to ‘ experiment a bit’ with instructions, and how I would react if given a spontaneous task.

Quite naturally, she was finding her feet so to speak in this brave new world for her.

My first, spontaneous request from her came on Saturday night. She requested breakfast in bed. I knew what she was doing.

All I really did was say, OK, no problem. What do you want, and what time? The very next morning I probably made the most careful breakfast ever, trying to make sure I got it just right, and presented it to her.

In case you are wondering, yes she did try and get a bit kinky once or twice with it.

I got the evil eyebrow curiosity raise one evening after dinner. She was clearly thinking something devilish and new. Then right on cue.

a mistress have sub giving oral to her

“You know I think it’d be terrific if you washed the dishes with no clothes on”

What could I say?

I stammered a bit, probably quite a bit as it was a bit of a shock. I just repeated it really.

“What? You want me to wash these dishes right now naked?”

“If you don’t mind, yep” was all I got with her grinning like a cheshire cat.

Oh well, in for a penny, in for a pound.

I just muttered “of course” and got up. I then quite deliberately got undressed after checking no one could see me, and put all my clothes on the chair.

In what must have been a ridiculous scene to any third party onlooker, I gathered the dishes and walked into the kitchen quite naked, and placed the dishes in the bowl and washed them up. I became aware of her watching from behind me, watching the spectacle.

In ten minutes I’d washed, dried and put everything away, and turned to my wife, still quite naked, and gave her the ‘I’ve finished look’, to her with the biggest smirk on her face I’ve yet seen.

a mistress receives a foot kiss in chair

“OK, pop your clothes back on, let’s see what’s on TV” was all she said, which I then did.

All in all she was testing me quite early on, to see if I would comply with orders that a wife would naturally give her husband. Can you take the garbage out is quite natural, but asking me to wear frilly panties while at work for a day isn’t. 

I did it of course, and sent the photos she requested as ordered. She even checked when I got home.

Additionally there were a few dedicated foot rubs of an evening as well.

There were a few kinky type things she tried just for a small giggle, and again, I think, to test my compliance to unnatural type things to go and do.

I was still doing the chores, and running a few small errands here and there every week as she decided we needed something.

A few weeks after the naked washing up incident, I got a further small shock as well. As the dinner finished again, there had been nothing untoward but at the end she said

“Hmmmm, that naked washing up thing, lets sort of go for that again shall we?”

a sub presents a meal to mistress

I just retorted, that she wanted me to do that again, and sort of resigned myself to a small humiliation for the next 10 minutes.

“Sort of, get your clothes off and wait there”

She trotted off up the stairs.

I was thoroughly naked standing where she had left me when she came down the stairs with a small package. I couldn’t see what was in it, but she dug the contents out and started placing them on the table.

What she laid out was a full set of womens sexy underwear. In my size.

She picked up a stocking and told me to put that on. I must have looked like an idiot, but I did so. She then gave me the other one, and I put that on as well. I looked up and saw her holding out the garter belt.

I took it and very quietly started to step into it and pull it up. She went around and clipped it to the stockings for me. As well as teasingly snapping the straps. Oh, that smirk on her face again.

Finally the bra went on and she helped clip me up. I stood there, feeling utterly ridiculous.

My wife did not help with my unease.

“Ooohhh, don’t you look sexy. Now you can go and wash the dishes”

Again I did so, and again with my wife somewhat behind me providing a commentary.

a mistress stretches her legs out on kitchen countertop

Hearing your wife go “Phwoooarrr” behind you while doing the dishes in a set of ladies underwear now ranks quite highly on my list of very surreal things that have happened to me.

Again, it only took ten minutes or so, before I turned to my wife again. Still smirking, she said “OK, go and get them off and put your normal clothes back on.

Couldn’t happen fast enough that.

Finally after a month as we were settling into this routine, she looked at me while we were having a coffee one morning.

“Right, for the next few weeks I want to experiment with punishments. There’s a few things I want to try out and learn”

One evening we tried trying to find her most comfortable position to give me an over the knee spanking. We tried a few positions , and found a few that worked for her. Sitting on the couch with me sprawled out across her legs seemed to work, as did her sitting in a chair with me in a sort of press up position also worked. As did the edge of the bed.

We also found the best position for her to punish me with a belt, which was naked essentially and face down near the edge of the bed.

We then tried the caning positions, which turned out to be me leaning up against the wall with spreadeagled hands.

Finally we tried the paddle positions, to which she liked me bent over the back of the couch.

We then moved on to the actual practical matter of me experiencing it and her doling it out. She was keen to learn what sort of power was needed to actually inflict a bit of pain.

a mistress has her feet kissed in bed

Got to say, she picked up all this stuff pretty well.

We didn’t spend too much time on over the knee spankings as it didn’t seem to work for her in terms of what she thought would be an actual punishment. Fair enough.

We then spent the next several weeks with her experimenting with a few belts, canes and paddles.

She wasn’t after truly hurting me, just trying to gauge what type of power might be needed to actually deliver a stinging blow.

It was me who actually suggested it. Surely you want to know how to deliver a blow. A real blow that would be truly painful. The sort that would act as a deterrent for real.

I could sort of see the reluctance on her face, so I mentioned it’d be useful for both of us, and I was good with her trying to actually physically hurt me in the name of practice. I always had a safeword , which I would use if I genuinely couldn’t take any more. I told her not to worry.

And so, one Friday evening, we did just that. A succession of blows came to my naked backside, with time between them to recover that genuinely hurt. Over the course I’d say 4 weeks my wife tried the hairbrush, a belt, a cane and a paddle she decided she liked.

She’d got the hang of it by the end, let me tell you. We never did a really long session, just her quick practice about power and technique. She’d save the 25 lashes for when I had done something that truly deserved it.

a mistress in brown dress stands confidently

We’d discussed it, and thought any time she thought there was an outright challenge to her power of authority, she could implemment severe corporal punishment . Or any equally severe infringement, but that was the gist of it.

All in all we had a great deal of fun with it as well. Exactly the way it should be to be honest, it certainly helped ease the experience and we had no complaints.

Everything progressed from there.

Right now, and probably about 5 to 6 years in we are still going strong.

My wife doesn’t need to practice anything anymore, let me tell you.

We are both happy with how things have gone and our relationship is much better for it.

Nothing lingers any more. It gets resolved pretty quickly, with my wife taking matters to correct anything she deems fit.

We get on well anyway, but this is an added plus, and we both agree on that.

a mistress swings handcuffs for sub

Weeks, months can go by without anything other than the standing orders getting done. 

More often than not now, my wife uses it for kinky fun and to tease me. A small reminder that her authority is still there.

Do I transgress, and she is unhappy. Of course. Do I get punished for some things? Again, of course.

However, what works is that I know my wife has the final say in so many matters, and I couldn’t be happier with that arrangement.

That’s what it’s all about.

An Open Letter Cover image

Trying to talk to your partner about the benefits of a female led relationship can be hard. Use this open letter to help or to prompt constructive dialogue. 

5 Responses

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Don McLaren

Doing chores is so much easier and more fun when you add a little D/s exchange. I’ve put away laundry for both of us while wearing her lacey underwear and having a pair of nipple clamps on. This is her way of reminding me that the job is not necessarily “Woman Work”. I get a maintenance caning just about every weekend to keep me in the right frame of mind.

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As I’ve learned, after being with my dominant for over a year. It’s so much more about love than what I had originally contrived in my mind. I become so full when I can see that I’ve pleased her or amused her or helped her with some professional task that I might be more experienced at. Anything sexual is an expression of love and really icing on the cake.

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I wish I was in a flr totally dominated and humiliated in front of her friends serving as their toilet

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Bill Thomas

Thanks so much for this article and all the suggestions. I didn’t seem to see a link on the original list she provided for your responses. Perhaps I missed it and if so I would love to read them. I think they would provide a glimpse into her thinking. So much of this literature is from a man’s perspective
which I know all too much about anyway.

I loved reading through this and hope at some point I’ll be able to experience a loving FLR relationship with a woman like your wife. I agree it is really about love and devotion. It also requires a thoughtful and slightly dominant personality in the woman.

Oh well, back to real life.

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Curiously PanTerry

Thank you for helping normalize this journey that I have very suddenly found myself on with my wife, with whom Ive been madly in love with for the last 15 years in a standard m/f type relationship. I still have fears and reservations about what lies ahead, and when I let them take root in darkness they take my mind to scary places. I dont want humiliation, I dont want to disrupt my strong male identity in my daily life. I dont want to lose my wife to a sea of men. I sometimes have irrational fears that this is merely a path to her destroying my psyche, rendering me defenselessly cucked before she leaves me for a sea of other cocks (or tosses me to them, before tossing me out). This is all balanced out with the very real sense of love and care that I have received from her. I’ve never felt so wanted, accepted, loved, and beautiful, as the way she has made me feel in her dominant role.

I want to share every pleasure and joy and love with my wife for the remainder of our journey here on this Mortal plane. She is truly my partner and my soulmate. We have ventured cautiously into these Dangerous Waters together, and stories like yours have helped settle the storm around our ship. Bless you and your partner in your journey and thank you for sharing it with the rest of us

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preview for Vin Diesel, Nathalie Emmanuel & Justin Lin | Fast & Furious 9

Fast & Furious 9's Vin Diesel explains what's surprised him about Dom's journey

It's been 20 years since we first met him.

It's now been 20 years since we first met Dominic Toretto and took him – and his extended family – into our hearts.

And in an unplanned (but quite fitting) turn of events, the 20th anniversary of the Fast & Furious series has been marked with the long-awaited release of Fast & Furious 9 after a delay of more than a year.

Even though Vin Diesel is already working on the sure-to-be epic two-part finale to the series, the release of F9 has allowed him to reflect on Dom's journey to date and what's surprised him the most about it.

fast  furious 9 vin diesel  universal pictures

Related: Fast & Furious 9 's Justin Lin thought Han was "gone for good"

"Obviously, we met him when his whole world was about brotherhood and I think we met Dom Toretto when he was maybe not so optimistic about the world, and maybe not convinced that he would ever even become a father," Diesel told Digital Spy .

"It's so interesting because there's a scene in Fast Five when he's encouraging Brian to embrace fatherhood and what we don't realise is that he, in that moment, didn't feel like the world was a good enough place to raise children in.

"Then we get to Fast 9 and now he's a father and forced to reflect. I think that's a huge statement about the franchise. We embrace our characters evolving on screen in a real way and I think that's a testament to its success in many ways."

vin diesel, fast and furious 9

Related: John Cena says Fast & Furious 9 co-star Finn Cole "mastered" a young Jakob

It's a journey that's nearer its end than its start, but Diesel isn't ready for Fast & Furious to go out on anything other than a high .

"This movie was supposed to come out last year and we all went through a year together," he said. "But pre-production didn't stop on Fast 10 so I find myself having to hold back telling the world what's to come."

Fast & Furious 9 is out now in cinemas.

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Universal Pictures Fast & Furious 1-9 Film Collection [DVD] [2021]

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Universal Pictures Fast & Furious 9 [DVD] [2021]

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LEGO 42111 - Technic Fast & Furious Dom's Dodge Charger build set

Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw

Universal Pictures Fast & Furious: Hobbs & Shaw

Fast & Furious 8-Film Collection DVD (1-8 Box Set) [2017]

Universal Pictures Fast & Furious 8-Film Collection DVD (1-8 Box Set) [2017]

Fast & Furious 8 (Amazon Prime)

Fast & Furious 8 (Amazon Prime)

Fast & Furious 7 [Blu-ray] [2017] [Region Free]

Universal Pictures Fast & Furious 7 [Blu-ray] [2017] [Region Free]

Fast & Furious 6 (Limited Edition Steelbook) [Blu-ray] [2013] [Region Free]

Universal UK Fast & Furious 6 (Limited Edition Steelbook) [Blu-ray] [2013] [Region Free]

Fast & Furious 5 [DVD] [2011]

Universal Pictures Fast & Furious 5 [DVD] [2011]

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Fast & Furious

Fast & Furious Monopoly Board Game

Winning Moves Fast & Furious Monopoly Board Game

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Headshot of Ian Sandwell

Movies Editor, Digital Spy  Ian has more than 10 years of movies journalism experience as a writer and editor.  Starting out as an intern at trade bible Screen International, he was promoted to report and analyse UK box-office results, as well as carving his own niche with horror movies , attending genre festivals around the world.   After moving to Digital Spy , initially as a TV writer, he was nominated for New Digital Talent of the Year at the PPA Digital Awards. He became Movies Editor in 2019, in which role he has interviewed 100s of stars, including Chris Hemsworth, Florence Pugh, Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba and Olivia Colman, become a human encyclopedia for Marvel and appeared as an expert guest on BBC News and on-stage at MCM Comic-Con. Where he can, he continues to push his horror agenda – whether his editor likes it or not.  

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JS Tutorial

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With the HTML DOM, JavaScript can access and change all the elements of an HTML document.

The HTML DOM (Document Object Model)

When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a D ocument O bject M odel of the page.

The HTML DOM model is constructed as a tree of Objects :

The HTML DOM Tree of Objects

With the object model, JavaScript gets all the power it needs to create dynamic HTML:

  • JavaScript can change all the HTML elements in the page
  • JavaScript can change all the HTML attributes in the page
  • JavaScript can change all the CSS styles in the page
  • JavaScript can remove existing HTML elements and attributes
  • JavaScript can add new HTML elements and attributes
  • JavaScript can react to all existing HTML events in the page
  • JavaScript can create new HTML events in the page

What You Will Learn

In the next chapters of this tutorial you will learn:

  • How to change the content of HTML elements
  • How to change the style (CSS) of HTML elements
  • How to react to HTML DOM events
  • How to add and delete HTML elements


What is the DOM?

The DOM is a W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) standard.

The DOM defines a standard for accessing documents:

"The W3C Document Object Model (DOM) is a platform and language-neutral interface that allows programs and scripts to dynamically access and update the content, structure, and style of a document."

The W3C DOM standard is separated into 3 different parts:

  • Core DOM - standard model for all document types
  • XML DOM - standard model for XML documents
  • HTML DOM - standard model for HTML documents

What is the HTML DOM?

The HTML DOM is a standard object model and programming interface for HTML. It defines:

  • The methods to access all HTML elements
  • The events for all HTML elements

In other words: The HTML DOM is a standard for how to get, change, add, or delete HTML elements.

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Inside the Amazon Journey That Left a Journalist and an Activist Dead

By Jack Nicas and Victor Moriyama July 11, 2022

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“We will find you to settle the score.”

Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira set off deep into the Amazon to meet Indigenous groups patrolling the forest. Then they vanished.

By Jack Nicas Photographs and Video by Victor Moriyama

Jack Nicas, The Times’s Brazil correspondent, traveled 100 miles along the Itaquaí River deep in the Amazon rainforest to retrace the men’s final trip.

July 11, 2022

Leer en español

ITAQUAÍ RIVER, Brazil — It was 4 a.m., the sun had yet to rise over the Itaquaí River deep in the Amazon, but a team of Indigenous men was already busy preparing a breakfast of coffee, fried meat and fish. They worked on the small stove in their patrol boat, where they had lived for the past month, on the hunt for poachers.

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They were up early this Sunday because a few planned to escort their two guests 50 miles back to town.

The guests, Bruno Pereira, an activist training the Indigenous patrols, and Dom Phillips, a British journalist documenting them, had to get back to meet with the federal police. Mr. Pereira was to turn over the patrol’s evidence of illegal fishing and hunting in this remote corner of the vast forest.

It was dangerous work. Mr. Pereira had been threatened for months. A day earlier, Mr. Pereira had seen a poacher armed with a shotgun who weeks earlier had fired a shot over his head. The poacher recognized him. “Good morning,” he shouted at Mr. Pereira.

But at breakfast, Mr. Pereira announced that he and Mr. Phillips would not need escorts. Instead, they would move fast and travel alone. They packed their small metal boat, turned on the outboard motor and headed off. They carried plenty of fuel, the evidence — and a gun.

Then, they vanished.

dom journey

Detail area

Javari River

Atalaia do Norte

Quixito River

ItaquaĂ­ River

Where their boat crashed

Mr. Oliveira’s riverside hut

Final stop before the murder

Where they stayed

Entrance to Javari Valley

Indigenous reservation

In the Amazon, such disappearances often go unnoticed. It is a period of growing lawlessness in the world’s largest rainforest, and this isolated patch near the borders with Colombia and Peru has been largely abandoned by the Brazilian government.

But this time was different — there was an international outcry. Mr. Phillips was a freelance writer for the British newspaper The Guardian and Mr. Pereira was once Brazil’s top official on isolated Indigenous groups. The government had to respond.

Within days, the authorities had arrested two poachers who eventually confessed to killing the men and dismembering their bodies. One was the man who had shouted “Good morning.”

The murder of Mr. Pereira and Mr. Phillips is the story of two men killed while pursuing their passions. Mr. Pereira wanted to protect the Amazon and the Indigenous people who live there. Mr. Phillips wanted to show how Indigenous communities were trying to defend themselves from poachers who often operate with impunity.

But it is also a story with global resonance. The Amazon is crucial to slowing global warming, is overflowing with wildlife and natural resources and is home to isolated communities that preserve a culture and way of life largely forgotten to modernity.

To reconstruct what happened, I retraced the men’s journey down the Itaquaí, collected their correspondence and spoke to more than three dozen people who knew the men, encountered them along the way or investigated their disappearance, including Indigenous activists, fishermen, government officials, police investigators, innkeepers, cooks, family and colleagues.

dom journey

What became clear was that the Brazilian government’s near desertion of this region, combined with President Jair Bolsonaro’s calls to develop the Amazon, has helped embolden the illegal fishermen, hunters and criminal networks that invade the Indigenous territories here.

The few federal officials left in the region complained of being abandoned, while others wore bulletproof vests because of increasing threats.

Mr. Pereira had quit the Bolsonaro administration to protest its environmental policies and began helping Indigenous groups police the forest themselves.

That made him a target. In March, an Indigenous association received an anonymous note threatening him by name. Then the fisherman shot at his boat from a riverside hut. Mr. Pereira decided he needed a bigger gun.

“It’s a pump-action, 12-gauge,” Mr. Pereira said in a message to a former government colleague. “If you’re going to be in the forest, then you need something more brute.”

dom journey

But Mr. Pereira ultimately declined offers of additional security for his final trip, according to colleagues, while it appeared that Mr. Phillips had not been made fully aware of the threats.

Mr. Pereira, 41, and Mr. Phillips, 57, traveled down a stretch of the Itaquaí sandwiched between the Javari Valley — an Indigenous reservation the size of Portugal that is home to at least 19 isolated groups — and poor, crime-ridden cities at the nexus of Brazil, Colombia and Peru. The plan was to spend several days with the Indigenous patrol before delivering the patrol’s evidence to the police.

Two days before they left, Mr. Pereira sent a colleague a message. The trip, he said, could “give me some trouble.”

‘Look around. It’s empty, right?’

In 2018, Mr. Pereira and Mr. Phillips spent 17 days in the same region searching for an isolated tribe. Mr. Phillips described Mr. Pereira as a “burly, bespectacled” man who “cracks open the boiled skull of a monkey with a spoon and eats its brains for breakfast as he discusses policy.”

Mr. Pereira was working for Funai, the federal agency tasked with protecting Brazil’s Indigenous groups, and oversaw the Javari Valley region.

The area has long been racked with conflict between Indigenous groups and poachers who encroach on their reservations. They hunt tapir , peccary and yellow-spotted river turtles , but their biggest prize is pirarucu , a prehistoric, air-breathing fish that grows up to 10 feet long and fetches at least twice the price of many other catches.

Poachers “invade everywhere around here; they’re like ninjas,” said Eumar Vasques, an official at the Funai base that guards the entrance to the Javari Valley reservation, floating in a boat near an empty watchtower. “They know the forest better than we do.”

Illegal fishing has devastated the population of pirarucu — and made it a staple on menus across the area. But fishermen are rarely caught, partly because there are fewer authorities policing them than there used to be.

dom journey

The environmental police force, which is charged with combating poaching, closed its regional base in 2018. Its closest office is now 700 miles away — the distance between New York and Chicago. The federal police are more than an hour away. The Brazilian Navy and Army do not regularly patrol the waters. And in Atalaia do Norte, the closest town, the state police lack a boat or even radios.

“Look around. It’s empty, right?” Mr. Vasques said. “And there’s more trafficking in this region than anywhere.”

Funai is the only regular government presence on the Itaquaí, and the staff at the base, including temporary Indigenous workers, is down to eight people from nearly 30 in years past, Mr. Vasques said. As a result, illegal fishing is no longer a focus. “The base’s fundamental role is not really inspection,” he said. “Our role really is to protect these isolated tribes.”

Funai said in a statement that it had increased its budgets in recent years. Agency employees in the region said much of that money had gone to feeding Indigenous groups. Since Mr. Bolsonaro took office in January 2019, Funai’s full-time staff has fallen by 15 percent to about 1,500 employees, federal statistics show.

Mr. Bolsonaro has said that the government continues to prosecute people who illegally deforest and poach in the Amazon. He has also argued that Brazil’s environmental regulations limit the full economic potential of the rainforest.

In place of the state, Indigenous men here have become the forest guardians. Since last year, 13-man patrols track illegal activity inside the region’s reservations. Mr. Pereira trained the men to document crimes using smartphones and drones.

In late March, a patrol led the authorities to a poacher who was arrested with 650 pounds of illegal game and nearly 900 pounds of pirarucu.

dom journey

‘It’s going to get worse for you’

Around the same time, a handwritten note arrived at Univaja, an Indigenous association helping organize the patrols. “Bruno of Funai is who’s sending the Indians to seize our boat engines and take our fish,” it said, referring to Mr. Pereira. “If you continue this way, it’s going to get worse for you.”

The note was alarming. A colleague of Mr. Pereira’s at Funai had faced similar threats in 2019. He was then shot twice in the head on his motorcycle .

That killing, which is unsolved, prompted Funai to add armed guards to its outpost on the Itaquaí. When I arrived by boat, Mr. Vasques came out in a bulletproof vest and accompanied by two bodyguards. “In the beginning, we didn’t have these sorts of threats,” he said. “They’ve just gotten more and more angry.”

From 2010 through 2020, 377 people trying to defend land from invaders were killed in Brazil, according to Global Witness , an advocacy group. Over roughly the same period , just 14 of the more than 300 killings in the Amazon went to trial.

Weeks after the threatening message, Mr. Pereira and a Univaja colleague were on the ItaquaĂ­ when a shot rang out, the projectile flying over their heads. Then they saw Amarildo Oliveira, a fisherman known locally as Pelado, standing on his porch with a gun.

Mr. Pereira had carried a .380-caliber pistol with 18 rounds. He decided to upgrade.

“New toy being tested today,” he wrote to a friend in May, attaching a photo of a shotgun in front of a target riddled with bullet holes.

dom journey

‘He had complete confidence in Bruno’

After two decades writing about electronic dance music , Mr. Phillips arrived in Brazil in 2007 and began a second act as a foreign correspondent, writing for several publications, including The Times .

His latest project was a book about the creative ways people were trying to save the Amazon. He faced a tough deadline and a dwindling budget when he decided to take a final reporting trip, a reunion with Mr. Pereira in the Javari Valley.

Mr. Phillips was usually fastidious about security, writing detailed memos for his wife and editors. But this time he didn’t, family and colleagues said.

Alessandra Sampaio, his wife, said Mr. Phillips spent days studying maps and talking to Mr. Pereira. “He had complete confidence in Bruno,” she said.

On Tuesday, May 31, he began a two-day journey to Atalaia do Norte, a town of 20,000 people at the start of the ItaquaĂ­.

dom journey

When he arrived on Wednesday, he interviewed Orlando Possuelo, Mr. Pereira’s colleague in training the Indigenous patrols. Mr. Possuelo told Mr. Phillips about the fisherman who had shot at Mr. Pereira.

“He didn’t know,” Mr. Possuelo said. “He was surprised.”

Ms. Sampaio said her husband never mentioned the shooting. “He spoke in general terms that Bruno had been threatened,” she said. “But Bruno had been threatened for many years.”

Two Univaja officials asked Mr. Pereira if he wanted to take two bodyguards on the trip, but Mr. Pereira declined.

That Thursday, when Mr. Phillips was leaving his small hotel, he gave the staff a false itinerary. He said they would head west, though they were actually journeying south. Colleagues said Mr. Pereira often did this to avoid being followed.

As Mr. Possuelo helped carry gear to the boat, Mr. Pereira told him that Mr. Phillips was worried. Mr. Phillips had asked about the fisherman shooting at Mr. Pereira, but Mr. Pereira assured him everything would be fine.

“Bruno was almost joking about it,” Mr. Possuelo said. “We live with these threats,” he added. “So sometimes, we deal with them with a certain lightness.”

Mr. Phillips sent his wife the Univaja president’s contact information. “I think I’m only going to have cell signal again on Sunday,” he said.

“I love you,” she replied. “Be careful.”

The two men pushed off from the port. Mr. Phillips had notebooks, cameras and his iPhone. Mr. Pereira was carrying his gun.

A colleague snapped one of the last known images of the pair, sitting side by side as they headed down the ItaquaĂ­.

dom journey

‘They might want to do something to him, kill him’

After three hours, they arrived at the last house before the Javari Valley reservation, an open-air hut with a tin roof, no electricity and a broken refrigerator leaning against the porch. They were staying with a local fisherman and his dog, Black.

Also waiting for them was the Indigenous patrol.

On Friday, Mr. Phillips interviewed the Indigenous men and watched them patrol. At night, some Indigenous men cooked sloth. Mr. Pereira tried it; Mr. Phillips declined.

Early the following morning, Mr. Oliveira, the fisherman who had fired at Mr. Pereira, passed in his boat with two other men, heading toward the reservation. Some of the Indigenous men pursued them. As they approached, Mr. Oliveira and another man held shotguns over their heads.

Mr. Oliveira cut his engine and allowed the current to carry him slowly past where Mr. Pereira and Mr. Phillips were staying.

Mr. Pereira was drinking coffee. He saw that Mr. Oliveira wore an ammunition belt and asked Mr. Phillips to take photos.

“Good morning,” Mr. Oliveira said loudly to Mr. Pereira. “Good morning,” Mr. Pereira replied.

Later that Saturday, the group agreed that two men from the Indigenous patrol would accompany Mr. Pereira and Mr. Phillips on their ride back the next day.

But during breakfast, Mr. Pereira said they would return alone. No one would expect them to leave so early, he said.

They departed about 6 a.m., carrying the patrol’s photos and location data about poaching.

On their way back, Mr. Pereira had an errand to run. He stopped at a riverside community, SĂŁo Rafael, to try to schedule a meeting about a sustainable-fishing program to replenish the stocks of the giant pirarucu.

The community leader they were looking for was not there, so they spoke to Jñnio Souza, another fisherman. Mr. Souza said that Mr. Pereira mentioned the threats and showed him his gun. “He said that they might want to do something to him, kill him,” Mr. Souza said.

Mr. Pereira and Mr. Phillips left. They were last seen passing the next community on the river, SĂŁo Gabriel, where Mr. Oliveira lived.

dom journey

‘Or is it something bigger?’

Mr. Pereira and Mr. Phillips were speeding down the ItaquaĂ­ when they were caught by a much faster boat.

That boat carried Mr. Oliveira and another man, Jefferson da Silva Lima, who fired at them with shotguns. Mr. Pereira was shot and returned fire, the police said, but missed. Eventually the boat crashed into the brush.

An autopsy concluded that Mr. Pereira had been shot twice in the chest and once in the face. Mr. Phillips was shot once in the chest.

The police arrested Mr. Oliveira, Mr. da Silva and Mr. Oliveira’s brother, who they said helped dismember and hide the bodies in the forest. Their lawyers declined to comment.

The authorities said they were investigating whether the killings were connected to organized crime groups that finance and direct much of the poaching the patrols are fighting.

“Was this just a fight between Bruno and Pelado?” said Eduardo Fontes, chief of the federal investigation into the murders, using Mr. Oliveira’s nickname. “Or is it something bigger?’’

The motor on Mr. Oliveira’s boat can cost about $10,000, or roughly what a fisherman here makes in a year. The authorities said his poaching was probably sponsored by more powerful criminals.

dom journey

The police arrested Rubens Vilar Coelho, a Peruvian man, last Friday for presenting a false identification while being questioned about the murders. Mr. Coelho is one of the area’s largest buyers of fish and told the police he bought fish from Mr. Oliveira. He denied any connection to the killings, the police said.

After his trip, Mr. Pereira had been scheduled to visit a different Indigenous group to learn tips about patrolling the forest.

Mr. Possuelo took Mr. Pereira’s place. He also planned a shopping trip. “I’m buying the same gun as Bruno,” he said.

An earlier version of this article misstated that a photo of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira on the ItaquaĂ­ River was the last known image of the pair. It is unclear if it is the last known image.


DOM Manipulation in JavaScript – A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

Joan Ayebola

JavaScript, the language of the web, empowers developers to create dynamic and interactive web pages. One of the key features that enables this interactivity is Document Object Model (DOM) manipulation.

DOM manipulation allows developers to interact with and modify the structure, style, and content of web pages. In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of DOM manipulation in JavaScript, breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-understand snippets.

What is the DOM?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document, such as elements, attributes, and text. JavaScript can manipulate this tree structure, allowing developers to dynamically alter the content and appearance of a webpage.

How to access DOM elements

To manipulate the DOM, we need to access its elements. This is commonly done using the document object, which represents the entire HTML document. Let's look at a simple example:

In the code snippet above, we use getElementById , getElementsByClassName , and getElementsByTagName to retrieve specific elements. The returned values can then be stored in variables for further manipulation.

How to modify element content

Once we have access to an element, we can modify its content using the innerHTML property:

In the example above, we changed the content of the headerElement to New Header Text . This is a simple yet powerful way to update the text within an element.

Events and Event Handling

Events are actions or occurrences that happen in the browser, such as a user clicking a button or resizing the window. JavaScript allows us to handle these events and execute code in response. Event handling is a crucial aspect of creating interactive web pages.

How to add event listeners

To respond to events, we can use event listeners. These are functions that "listen" for a specific event on a particular element. Let's consider a button click event as an example:

In this example, when the button with the ID myButton is clicked, an alert saying Button Clicked! will pop up. Event listeners provide a way to execute custom code based on user interactions.

How to Manipulate Styles

DOM manipulation also extends to modifying the styles of elements, allowing us to create visually appealing and dynamic web pages.

How to change styles dynamically

We can use the style property of an element to change its appearance. Let's take an example of changing the color of a paragraph when a button is clicked:

In this example, when the button with the ID colorButton is clicked, the text color of the paragraph with the ID myParagraph is changed to blue.

How to Create and Modify Elements

In addition to modifying existing elements, JavaScript allows us to create new elements and add them to the DOM.

How to create new elements

The createElement method is used to create a new HTML element. Let's create a new paragraph element and append (add) it to the body of the document:

In this example, we create a new p (paragraph) element, set its text content, and then append it to the body of the document.

How to modify attributes

We can also modify the attributes of existing elements. Let's consider changing the source of an image dynamically:

Here, we access an image element with the ID myImage and change its src attribute to new-image.jpg , dynamically updating the displayed image.

How to update form input values

Let's consider a scenario where you want to update the value of a text input based on user interaction:

In this example, as the user types in the text input with the ID myInput , a paragraph with the ID inputValue is dynamically updated to reflect the input value.

How to toggle visibility

You can toggle the visibility of an element by using the display style property. Let's create a button that toggles the visibility of a paragraph:

Here, the paragraph with the ID toggleParagraph is initially visible. Clicking the button with the ID toggleButton toggles its visibility.

Common Pitfalls in DOM Manipulation

While DOM manipulation is a powerful tool for creating dynamic web pages, beginners often encounter common pitfalls that can lead to unexpected behavior or errors. Let's explore some of these pitfalls and provide tips on how to avoid them.

Manipulating the DOM before it's ready

We may sometimes attempt to manipulate the DOM before it has fully loaded. This can lead to JavaScript trying to access elements that haven't been rendered yet. To avoid this, it's crucial to wait for the DOM to be fully loaded before executing any JavaScript code:

By wrapping your DOM manipulation code inside the DOMContentLoaded event listener, you ensure that it runs only when the DOM is ready.

Not checking if an element exists

When attempting to access an element using methods like getElementById , we might assume the element exists and proceed with manipulation. However, if the element is not present on the page, it can lead to errors.

Always check if an element exists before manipulating it:

This simple check prevents errors when working with elements that may or may not be present.

Forgetting to prevent default actions

When handling events, forgetting to prevent the default action can result in unexpected page behavior. For instance, if a form is submitted without preventing the default action, the page might reload, causing loss of data:

By calling event.preventDefault() , you stop the default behavior associated with the event, giving you full control over how the event is handled.

Performing inefficient DOM queries

Performing inefficient DOM queries, especially within loops, can degrade performance. Each query involves traversing the DOM, and unnecessary queries can slow down your webpage.

Instead of repeatedly querying the DOM, cache references to elements:

By querying the DOM once and reusing the reference, you optimize your code.

Not handling cross-browser compatibility

Different browsers may interpret JavaScript and DOM manipulation slightly differently. Failing to account for cross-browser compatibility can lead to inconsistent behavior.

Use feature detection and consider using libraries like jQuery or modern frameworks to handle cross-browser inconsistencies:

By checking for features before using them, you ensure your code works across various browsers.

How to Use Frameworks for DOM Manipulation

While JavaScript allows for direct DOM manipulation, modern web development often involves using frameworks like React or Vue.js. These frameworks provide a more structured way to build and manage user interfaces.

React Example

In this React example, a component is created to handle a button click event, demonstrating a more declarative approach to UI development.

Vue.js Example

Here, a Vue.js instance is created to manage data and methods, showcasing the reactivity and component-based structure of Vue.js.

In this comprehensive guide, we've delved into the world of DOM manipulation in JavaScript. From accessing elements to handling events, and from modifying styles to creating new elements, we've covered the essential concepts in a straightforward manner.

Remember, DOM manipulation is at the core of creating dynamic and interactive web pages. By mastering these fundamental techniques, you'll be well-equipped to build engaging and user-friendly web applications. As you continue your journey with JavaScript, practice and experimentation will deepen your understanding of these concepts, paving the way for your success as a web developer.

HI, I am Joan, a frontend developer and technical writer who's deeply passionate about open-source technologies. With several years of experience in the industry, I have been involved in various projects, contributing code, and writing technical documentation to empower developers worldwide. When not coding or writing, I enjoy crocheting, reading and listening to podcasts. If you enjoy reading my tech articles, consider <a href="">buying me a coffee</a> to help me more contents and projects for developers.

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How to Become a Culinary Star: Dom Taylor's Journey from Caribbean Cuisine to Netflix Fame

Welcome to the second episode of "One Life, Many Dreams." Today, we're thrilled to have an extraordinary guest, Chef Dom Taylor, winner of Britain's Next Best Chef on Netflix and Channel 4 in July 2023. Chef Dom’s exceptional win led him to open his first-ever restaurant, The Good Front Room, at the prestigious Langham Hotel in London.

In this inspiring episode, Chef Dom shares his remarkable journey from growing up in southeast London to becoming a renowned chef. He opens up about his early passion for cooking, the challenges he faced, and the pivotal moments that shaped his career. Listeners will get an insider’s view of his innovative approach to modern Caribbean cuisine and his philosophy of combining tradition with innovation.

Chef Dom also discusses the personal and professional hurdles he overcame, including imposter syndrome and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hospitality industry. His candid reflections provide valuable insights and inspiration for anyone pursuing their dreams, whether in the culinary world or beyond.

This episode is packed with practical advice for aspiring chefs, behind-the-scenes stories of creating new dishes, and Chef Dom’s vision for the future. Tune in to learn, be inspired, and discover the passion that drives this exceptional chef.

Stay connected with Chef Dom Taylor on Instagram and Facebook @ChefDomTaylor, and visit his website at for the latest updates on his culinary ventures.

Join us for an engaging and motivational conversation that highlights the importance of following your passion, embracing your unique journey, and seeing opportunities in every challenge. Let's dive into Chef Dom Taylor’s incredible story and the valuable lessons he has to share.

Listen now to get inspired and motivated!


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  • Published June 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM UTC
  • Length 59 min
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Why did Dom and Georgia break up after 'Perfect Match'?

Here's what fans need to know about Dom and Georgia's break up

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Perfect Match. (L to R) Georgia Hassarati, Dom Gabriel in episode 06 of Perfect Match. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix / © 2023 Netflix, Inc.

Why did Dom and Georgia break up after being crowned the Perfect Match winners ?

Netflix's latest dating reality show, Perfect Match , saw a host of stars from other reality TV shows—think Love Is Blind, Too Hot To Handle , and The Circle —come together to be paired up with each other each week, to help them discover their eventual 'perfect match'. The show premiered on February 14, and although fans watching from the comfort of their couch were surprised that Joey and Kariselle didn't eventually take the top spot, they were nevertheless pleased that it was one of the Perfect Match couples who had actually managed to find love (the success rate post-show isn't looking so hot though.)

"I knew you were my perfect match but I didn't realize we were the perfect match,"  Georgia Hassarati  said of her coupling with Dom Gabriel on the show. But since then, the pair have sadly parted ways. So what happened between the pair, and why did Dom and Georgia break up?

Dom and Georgia's Perfect Match journey

The pair didn't connect right at the beginning of the series with Dom initially keen to get to know Francesca Farago, originally from the show Too Hot To Handle .

However, Dom's O.G. match soon rekindled a romance with Love Is Blind's Damian Powers, causing a bit of a rift between herself and Georgia. (And no one wants to feel Francesca's wrath!) 

Despite uncertainties, lingering feelings for old partners and the fact that a spot in the villa wasn't guaranteed, Dom and Georgia deepened their connection and made things work. 

“It was a very difficult atmosphere and we rose above every challenge that was thrown at us. It brought us together. It made us stronger," she told TODAY . 

In the same interview, they both agreed they fell hard while on the show. So, what happened between Dom and Georgia? Why did Dom and Georgia break up Here's what we know...

Although neither party has commented on why they decided to go their separate ways, it appears there's no bad blood between Dom and Georgia, as they continue to follow one another on social media, and there hasn't been any talk of ill will. Sadly though, they confessed that they had split soon after appearing on the show, meaning that they never got to enjoy the all-expenses-paid vacation that was promised to them as winners!

Aside from that though, there are several factors that could have caused their split: distance, for one, as Dom hails from Canada and Georgia is from Australia, as well as busy schedules. The two might've enjoyed staying at the villa where Perfect Match was filmed —major vacation inspo, by the way—but that didn't guarantee that their lives would line up IRL once filming ended. 

Additionally, there were allegedly a few disagreements between the two that viewers didn't get to see, which is understandable and totally expected for any couple. 

"I think there was a night where I had to sleep on the couch and I was kind of in the dog house," Dom joked to TODAY .

Perhaps the subject of these disagreements ultimately led to their split? If you ask the astrologers, fate was written in the stars. 

Perfect Match. (L to R) Georgia Hassarati, Dom Gabriel in episode 06 of Perfect Match. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix / © 2023 Netflix, Inc.

"Dom (Capricorn) and Georgia (Sagittarius) have very stark energy that can rub one another wrong, as Earth signs (such as Dom) favor loyalty, devotion and routine, while Georgia hungers for spontaneity," astrologer  Kyle Thomas  previously told My Imperfect Life . (Psst: check out what the Perfect Match cast zodiac signs reveal about their compatibility.) 

Now, however, Georgia has her own podcast, and has moved on with another Netflix reality star: Harry Jowsey...who was previously engaged to Francesca! Messy indeed.

Needless to say, this is not a choice that sits well with Francesca. 

"I’m not going to say she’s disingenuous, but it’s just, like, sketchy, to me," she told Variety of Georgia and Harry's relationship. "And his intentions are sketchy to me. It’s just convenient that they’re back together a week before our premiere. I don’t really trust either of them."

Perfect Match  season 1 is available for streaming on Netflix. 

Need a TV show recommendation? Maybe a few decor tips? Danielle, a digital news writer at Future, has you covered. Her work appears throughout the company’s lifestyle brands, including My Imperfect Life, Real Homes, and woman&home. Mainly, her time is spent at My Imperfect Life, where she’s attuned to the latest entertainment trends and dating advice for Gen Z.

Before her time at Future, Danielle was the editor of Time Out New York Kids, where she got to experience the best of the city from the point of view of its littlest residents. Before that, she was a news editor at Elite Daily. Her work has also appeared in Domino, Chowhound, and amNewYork, to name a few. 

When Danielle’s not writing, you can find her testing out a new recipe, reading a book (suggestions always welcome), or rearranging the furniture in her apartment…again. 

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Dom Okon’s ‘Just Dom’: A Reflective Journey into Musical Maturity

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In less than five years, Dom Okon has redefined the landscape of instrumental pop, catapulting himself into the stratosphere of musical acclaim. His latest offering, ‘Just Dom’ , marks yet another milestone in his meteoric rise, following the successes of his previous albums, ‘Youthly’ and ‘Emergent’ . The King of Instrumental Pop has once again proven his prowess, with the title track from ‘Just Dom’ reaching #1 on the South African iTunes Alternative Singles Chart and peaking at #9 on the All-Genres Chart in South Africa. This achievement makes Okon the first instrumental artist to have three consecutive iTunes Top 100 charting albums before the age of 20.

Okon’s ‘Just Dom’ is a reflective journey, embodying the transition from adolescence to adulthood. “My current album is about being content with aging as I am leaving my teens and approaching my twenties,” Okon explains. “I like to look at my own story and share that with others as listeners of my music could relate also.” This sentiment resonates throughout the album’s eight tracks – five instrumentals and three voice interludes – which seamlessly blend alternative hip-hop soundscapes with Okon’s signature chill vibe.

The title track, “Just Dom,” sets the stage with a mesmerizing blend of pulsing tones and ambient atmospheres. It is a sonic testament to Okon’s ability to craft emotionally resonant melodies without uttering a single word. The song’s infectious slow-burning rhythm provides a meditative backdrop, allowing listeners to lose themselves in its serene yet compelling soundscape. As the track unfolds, it weaves together layers of sound that reflect Okon’s nuanced understanding of both music and emotion. The gentle rise and fall of the piano-driven melody create an ebb and flow that mirrors the natural rhythm of life itself, encapsulating the essence of being content with one’s journey.

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“Quiet Floating Pt.1” and “Quiet Floating Pt.2” transports the listener into a state of calm. The delicate interplay of sounds creates an ethereal atmosphere, reminiscent of floating effortlessly through space. It is a masterful display of Okon’s technical dexterity and his ability to evoke vivid imagery through sound. The track’s gentle progression and soothing tones invite listeners to let go of their worries and immerse themselves in the tranquility of the moment. The songs are a testament to Okon’s talent for creating immersive soundscapes that captivate the mind and soul.

“Silence” offers another reflective moment, where Okon’s voice interlude invites listeners to embrace the power of quiet contemplation. This brief interlude acts as a mental reset, before moving into, “Gathering My Thoughts,” another candid reflection of Okon’s internal dialogue. This interlude bridges the gap between silence and motion, setting the stage for the album’s finale.

“Motionless” is a fitting conclusion to ‘Just Dom’ , encapsulating the album’s themes of introspection and evolution. The track’s ambient tones and steady rhythm create a sense of stillness that is paradoxically full of rhythmic movement. It is a sonic exploration of the idea that sometimes, the most profound journeys are those that occur within. The intricate layering of sounds in “Motionless” evokes a sense of quiet contemplation, allowing listeners to reflect on their own experiences and emotions. This track serves as a poignant reminder that true growth often happens in moments of stillness and reflection.

‘Just Dom’ is a carefully crafted piece of auditory art. Dom Okon skillfully blends hip-hop beats with organic elements and electronic sensibilities, creating layered and textured songs that avoid the pitfalls of sonic clutter. The album’s pulsing tones and ambient atmospheres are both soothingly meditative and invigoratingly dynamic, striking a perfect balance that keeps the listener engaged from start to finish. Okon’s decision to keep his songs concise ensures that each track delivers its full impact without overstaying its welcome. This restraint highlights his maturity as an artist and his keen understanding of musical storytelling. Okon is undeniably at the height of his creative powers, yet there is a tantalizing sense that his best work is still ahead.

Each album in Dom Okon’s discography builds upon the one before it, pushing the boundaries of what instrumental pop can be. His music defies easy categorization, a testament to his innovative spirit and dedication to his craft. With ‘Just Dom’, Dom Okon has once again set the bar higher, inviting listeners to join him on a journey of growth, reflection, and boundless creativity. Dom Okon’s rise to fame is a testament to his exceptional talent and relentless dedication. His music resonates with listeners across the globe, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers. As Okon continues to evolve as an artist, the possibilities for his future are limitless. His ability to innovate and push the boundaries of instrumental pop ensures that each new release will be met with eager anticipation, captivating audiences and solidifying his place as a true musical visionary.



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    The Document Object Model (DOM) is a programming interface for web documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document, such as elements, attributes, and text. JavaScript can manipulate this tree structure, allowing developers to dynamically alter the content and ...

  14. Krystine's FLR Podcast Podcast Series

    Krystine Kellogg. My podcast is about my journey into the FLR (Female Led Relationship) lifestyle. While my marriage looks mostly normal from the outside, I fully control my husband through the chastity device that I have his "manhood" locked in. Follow along weekly as I bring you up to speed on where we are now, and how an outwardly vanilla ...

  15. How to Become a Culinary Star: Dom Taylor's Journey from Caribbean

    In this inspiring episode, Chef Dom shares his remarkable journey from growing up in southeast London to becoming a renowned chef. He opens up about his early passion for cooking, the challenges he faced, and the pivotal moments that shaped his career. Listeners will get an insider's view of his innovative approach to modern Caribbean cuisine ...

  16. Why did Dom and Georgia break up after 'Perfect Match'?

    Dom and Georgia's Perfect Match journey. The pair didn't connect right at the beginning of the series with Dom initially keen to get to know Francesca Farago, originally from the show Too Hot To Handle. However, Dom's O.G. match soon rekindled a romance with Love Is Blind's Damian Powers, causing a bit of a rift between herself and Georgia ...

  17. Dom Flemons "Long Journey Home"

    Hear more from The Bridge on our app, get a free trial here: to SiriusXM on Youtube:

  18. My Trip

    Creating an account in My Viking Journey is quick and easy—get started today. Visit My Viking Journey. Sign up to receive updates from Viking. Stay current with special offers, news and destination-focused content. Personalize your upcoming cruise. Use our portal to book shore excursions, make onboard dining reservations and more.

  19. Dom Okon's 'Just Dom': A Reflective Journey into Musical Maturity

    With 'Just Dom', Dom Okon has once again set the bar higher, inviting listeners to join him on a journey of growth, reflection, and boundless creativity. Dom Okon's rise to fame is a testament to his exceptional talent and relentless dedication. His music resonates with listeners across the globe, transcending linguistic and cultural ...

  20. Dominik Mysterio's journey from kid to WWE's most hated ...

    Relive Dominik Mysterio's entire WWE career in one hour, from watching his father Rey Mysterio at ringside to battling Rey at WrestleMania 39.Stream WWE on P...

  21. A relation of a journey begun An: Dom: 1610. Fovre bookes. Containing a

    A relation of a journey begun An: Dom: 1610. Fovre bookes. Containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Ægypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and ilands adioyning Bookreader Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. Share to Tumblr. Share to Pinterest ...

  22. The Journey Home

    Video transcription now available at name is Dom.I am a Queer, Non-Binary, Gender Fluid, Human Being and Becom...