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94 Norwegian Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs + Their Meanings

Norwegian people use a lot of sayings and expressions in daily life which offer advice and even sometimes have hidden meanings.

I researched and found these proverbs and Norwegian quotes with translations to gain some insight into Norwegian beliefs and ways of thinking. 

Try and find your favourite quote from the list (my favourite quote from the list is number 57. )

Table of Contents

Famous Norwegian Proverbs & Norwegian Sayings

Below I’ve listed the most famous Norwegian proverbs with English translation as well as some common Norwegian sayings. These are used often in day to day life.

  • Man skal ikke skue hunden på hårene – You shouldn’t judge a dog by its hairs.

This Norwegian proverb is similar to the English version ‘you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover’.

  • Det er bedre å gå på isen enn i vannet – It’s better to walk in the ice than in the water.

This Norwegian saying means that tough things make you stronger.

Famous Norwegian saying which reads 'it's better to walk in the ice than in the water'.

  • Gammel vane er vond å vende – Old habits are difficult to turn.

This Norwegian saying means that it is hard to stop doing something that you have been doing for a long time. It’s like the English saying ‘old habits die hard’.

  • Morgenstund har gull i munn – Morning time is gold in the mouth.

This Norwegian proverb teaches us that if you get up early then you can achieve more.

  • Eplet faller ikke langt fra stammen – The apple doesn’t fall far from the trunk.

This Norwegian saying is the same as the English version ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ and means that children usually show the same traits as their parents.

  • ​​Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlige klær – There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.
  • Den som ikke tar prøven, kommer til å feile – He who does not take the test will fail.

This quote in Norwegian teaches us to take opportunities when they come or we will lose them forever.

  • Like barn leker best – Similar children play best.

This proverb means that people with the same tastes and interests will often be found together. 

  • Bedre sent enn aldri – Better late than never.
  • Øving gjør mester – Practice makes perfect.
  • Når katten er borte, danser musene på bordet – When the cat is gone, the mice dance on the table.

This Norwegian quote means that when there is no leader to tell people what to do, they get nothing done.

  • Jo flere kokker, jo mer søl – The more cooks, the more mess.

This Norwegian proverb is similar to the English version ‘too many cooks spoil the broth’.

It means that if too many people are involved in a task, it may not be done well.

  • Bare bok gjør ingen klok – Just books makes nobody wise.

This famous Norwegian quote means that you can’t get experience through reading books. You need to go out into the world and experience things to become wise.

Famous Norwegian saying which reads 'just books makes nobody wise'.

  • Ingen fisk uten bein – No fish without bones.

This Norwegian saying about life means that nothing in life comes easy.

  • Den som vil være med på leken, må smake steken – The one who wants to join the game has to taste the steak.

This proverb in Norwegian means that you have to take responsibility for your actions.

  • Ut på tur, aldri sur – Out on a trip, never sulky.

This saying in Norwegian means that when you are out on a trip, you should never be grumpy.

  • Smi mens jernet er varmt – Forge while the iron is hot.

This proverb is the same as the English version ‘strike whilst the iron is hot’. It means that you should take opportunities as they come or you will miss out.

Beautiful Norwegian Quotes & Norwegian Sayings 

Below I’ve listed a range of famous and inspirational Norwegian quotes with translation and more interesting Norwegian sayings.

  • Aldri for sent å snu – It’s never too late to turn around.
  • Det spiller ingen rolle hvor sakte du går så lenge du ikke stopper – It doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop.
  • Det finnes ingen snarveier til steder det er verdt å resie til – There are no shortcuts to anyplace worth going.
  • Vær selv den forandring du ønsker å se i verden – Be the change you want to see in the world.
  • Gammal kjærleik rustar inkje – Old love does not rust.
  • Den beste tiden å plante et tre er for 20 år siden, den nest beste tiden er nå – The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, the second best time is now.
  • Det er aldri så galt at det ikke er godt for noe – It’s never so bad that it’s not good for something.
  • Smuler er også brød – Crumbs are also bread.

This Norwegian quote means that we should not ignore the little things in life as they are important.

Famous Norwegian quotes which reads 'crumbs are also bread'.

  • Uansett hva sinnet kan tenke og tro, det kan oppnå – Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.
  • Aldri har man bare én ulykke etter andre – Never does one have just one misfortune after another.
  • Lykke er ikke noe som allerede eksisterer. Den skapes av dine egne handlinger – Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.
  • ​​En fjær blir lett til fem høns – One feather can become five chickens. 

This Norwegian quote means that something that starts small can become something big.

  • Du kan aldri krysse havet før du har motet til å miste synet av kysten – You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  • Det er bedre å være den katten som går for seg sjøl enn den som stoler blindt på andre – It’s better to be the cat that walks on its own than the one who trusts others blindly.
  • Ser ikke skogen for bare trær – You don’t see the forest because you’re only focused on the trees.

This quote in Norwegian means that sometimes you only see what’s right in front of you but you don’t see the big picture.

Norwegian Proverbs & Quotes Translated Into English

Below I’ve listed a range of Norwegian proverbs and Norwegian quotes translated into English. These all have Norwegian origin.

  • Behind the clouds, the sky is always blue.
  • Good fortune is loaned, not owned.
  • The fair wind blows even if the sailor does not see it.
  • Everybody wants to put the ax in the bear skull, but nobody wants to hold the handle.
  • Those who want to sing will always find a song.

Famous Norwegian saying which reads 'those who want to sing will always find a song'.

  • It is the law that judges, not the judge.
  • Don’t sell the hide until you’ve shot the bear.
  • Shared joy is double joy.
  • Even the best swimmer may sink.
  • Straight ahead is shortest, but not always easiest.
  • It’s too late to close the stable door after the horse has escaped.
  • When the glacier sees the spring sun, he weeps.
  • A good anvil does not fear the hammer.
  • The best friends are fewest.
  • Better to have one bird in the hand than ten on the roof.
  • The lazier a man is, the more he plans to do tomorrow.
  • He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.
  • Only he who wanders, finds new paths.
  • Even a blind hen may occasionally pick up a grain.
  • An empty head gets the easiest sleep.
  • To be a hero, hang on for a minute longer.
  • From small seeds, big trees grow.
  • The less you know, the less you forget.
  • The day that is gone, you will not get one more time.
  • Better a free bird than a king in captivity.

Famous Norwegian proverb which reads 'better a free bird than a king in captivity'.

  • A burnt child fears fire.
  • He who does no evil does a lot of good.
  • The afterthought is good, but forethought is better.
  • It is better to be a free man in a small house than a slave in a big one.
  • What’s good is often forgotten, what’s bad is often hidden.
  • In every woman there is a Queen. Speak to the Queen and the Queen will answer.
  • The stomach is not content with nice words.
  • Not all the words that were ever uttered are worth weighing on golden scales.
  • It’s better to know a little too much than too little.
  • Another’s steak is always fat.

This Norwegian saying about life is similar to the English version ‘the grass is always greener on the other side’.

  • To be away is well and good, but home is best.
  • The child has to crawl till it learns to walk.
  • The friend of all is the fool of all.
  • The lowest fence is the easiest to get across.
  • It is better to feed one cat than many mice.
  • If you bend the bow too much, it will break.
  • Even the best horse may stumble.
  • A tied dog does not jump farther than his cord.

Best Norwegian Idioms & Norwegian Expressions

Below I’ve listed the most well-known Norwegian idioms and expressions. Many of these have hidden meanings. 

  • Ugler i mosen

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘owls in the moss’ however it is actually used to say that something that has happened is very suspicious. 

Norwegian idiom which reads 'owls in the moss' meaning something is suspicious.

  • Førstemann til mølla

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘first man to the mill’ however it is actually used to say ‘first come, first served’.

  • Å stå/sitter med skjegget i postkassa

This saying in Norwegian literally means ‘to stand/sit with your beard in the post box’. It is used to say that you have got yourself into a stupid situation.

  • Som plommen i egget

This idiom literally means ‘like the yolk in the egg’. You can use this phrase to say that you are content or that everything is good.

  • Å være pling i bollen

This idiom literally means ‘to be a ping in the bowl’. It means that someone is very stupid or empty-headed.

  • Fra asken til ilden

This Norwegian saying literally means ‘from the ashes to the fire’. It is used to say that things are going from bad to worse for you. 

  • Å få blod på tannen

This Norwegian expression literally means ‘to get blood on your tooth’. It is used to say that you are inspired or feel driven to do something.

  • Storm i et vannglass

This Norwegian saying literally means ‘storm in a glass of water’. It is actually used to say that something is a huge exaggeration of a trivial matter.

  • Ta for god fisk

This Norwegian expression literally means ‘to take for a good fish’. It’s similar to saying ‘I’ll take your word for it’ and you’d use it when telling someone that you believe what they are saying.

  • Å skrive noe bak øret

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘to write something behind the ear’. It means that you’re making a mental note of something.

Norwegian idiom which reads 'to write something behind the ear'.

  • Å snakke rett fra leveren​​

This saying literally means ‘to speak directly from the liver’. It means that you are speaking truthfully. 

  • Å ta beina på nakken

This Norwegian quote literally means ‘to put your legs on your neck’. It means that you are running away from something.

  • Det er helt Texas

This funny Norwegian saying literally means ‘that’s completely Texas’. It actually means ‘that’s crazy’ and was inspired by old Wild West movies.

  • Å svelge noen kameler

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘to swallow some camels’ but it is actually used to say that you have given in to something.

  • Det er helt på trynet

This Norwegian idiom literally means ‘it’s completely on the snout’ however it actually means ‘it’s totally ridiculous’. 

  • ​​Har du røyka sokka dine?

This funny Norwegian saying literally means ‘have you smoked your socks?’ but it is actually used to say ‘are you crazy?’

  • En glad laks

This saying literally means ‘a happy salmon’ however it is used to describe a positive and cheerful person. 

  • ​​Å ha bein i nesa

This idiom literally means ‘to have bones in your nose’. It is used to say that someone is tough, determined and not afraid to speak up.

  • Å tråkke i salaten

This Norwegian saying literally means ‘to step in the salad’ but it actually means ‘to make a faux pas’. 

Check out the videos below which feature a range of famous Norwegian quotes and well-known Norwegian sayings & proverbs.

Thanks for reading this post on the best Norwegian quotes about life, famous Norwegian sayings and fascinating Norwegian proverbs.

Did you find your favourite Norwegian saying?

These Norwegian quotes & sayings give an interesting insight into Norwegian beliefs and language.

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The 8 Most Beautiful Norwegian Proverbs and Their Meanings

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  • Norwegian (En)

Proverbs are an integral part of any culture, serving as concise and memorable expressions of wisdom and life lessons. In Norwegian culture, proverbs hold a special place, reflecting the values and beliefs of the people. These proverbs have been passed down through generations, offering guidance and insight into various aspects of life. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most popular Norwegian proverbs and delve into their meanings and applications in everyday life.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Norwegian proverbs offer timeless wisdom
  • “All that glitters is not gold” reminds us to look beyond appearances
  • “He who gives up has already lost” encourages perseverance
  • “Without food and drink, the hero is useless” emphasizes the importance of self-care
  • “He who laughs last, laughs best” reminds us that patience pays off

“Det er ikke gull alt som glimrer” – All That Glitters Is Not Gold

The proverb “Det er ikke gull alt som glimrer” translates to “All that glitters is not gold.” This proverb serves as a reminder that appearances can be deceiving and that not everything that appears attractive or valuable is necessarily so. It cautions against making judgments based solely on outward appearances.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when considering a job offer or a new relationship, it reminds us to look beyond the surface and consider the true value and substance beneath. It encourages us to be discerning and not be swayed by superficial charm or material possessions.

“Den som gir seg, har tapt på forhånd” – He Who Gives Up Has Already Lost

The proverb “Den som gir seg, har tapt på forhånd” translates to “He who gives up has already lost.” This proverb emphasizes the importance of perseverance and determination in achieving success. It suggests that giving up before even trying is a sure path to failure.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when faced with a challenging task or obstacle, it reminds us to keep pushing forward and not give up easily. It encourages us to believe in ourselves and our abilities, knowing that success often requires persistence and resilience.

“Uten mat og drikke duger helten ikke” – Without Food and Drink, the Hero is Useless

The proverb “Uten mat og drikke duger helten ikke” translates to “Without food and drink, the hero is useless.” This proverb highlights the importance of taking care of one’s basic needs in order to be effective and successful. It suggests that neglecting one’s physical well-being can hinder one’s ability to perform at their best.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, it reminds us of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and hydration. It emphasizes the need to prioritize self-care and ensure that our physical needs are met in order to have the energy and stamina to tackle challenges and achieve our goals.

“Den som ler sist, ler best” – He Who Laughs Last, Laughs Best

The proverb “Den som ler sist, ler best” translates to “He who laughs last, laughs best.” This proverb suggests that those who are patient and endure difficult situations will ultimately have the last laugh and experience the greatest satisfaction or success.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when faced with adversity or setbacks, it reminds us to maintain a positive attitude and not be discouraged. It encourages us to persevere and believe that our efforts will eventually pay off, leading to a more fulfilling outcome.

“Det er bedre å tenne lys enn å forbanne mørket” – It’s Better to Light a Candle Than to Curse the Darkness

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The proverb “Det er bedre å tenne lys enn å forbanne mørket” translates to “It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.” This proverb emphasizes the importance of taking action and making a positive difference rather than simply complaining or criticizing.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when faced with a problem or injustice, it reminds us to focus on finding solutions and taking proactive steps rather than dwelling on the negative aspects. It encourages us to be agents of change and contribute to making the world a better place.

“Ingen roser uten torner” – No Roses Without Thorns

The proverb “Ingen roser uten torner” translates to “No roses without thorns.” This proverb serves as a reminder that nothing in life is perfect and that even the most beautiful things can have their challenges or drawbacks.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when pursuing a passion or a dream, it reminds us to be prepared for obstacles and setbacks along the way. It encourages us to persevere and not be discouraged by the inevitable difficulties that may arise.

“En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket” – A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush

The proverb “En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket” translates to “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” This proverb emphasizes the value of what we already have compared to what we might potentially gain.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when making decisions or evaluating opportunities, it reminds us to consider the benefits and risks of holding onto what we already possess versus pursuing something uncertain or speculative. It encourages us to appreciate and make the most of what we have rather than constantly seeking more.

“Den som spør, forblir dum i fem minutter. Den som ikke spør, forblir dum resten av livet” – He Who Asks Remains a Fool for Five Minutes. He Who Does Not Ask Remains a Fool Forever

The proverb “Den som spør, forblir dum i fem minutter. Den som ikke spør, forblir dum resten av livet” translates to “He who asks remains a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask remains a fool forever.” This proverb emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge and asking questions in order to learn and grow.

In everyday life, this proverb can be applied in various situations. For example, when faced with a new task or unfamiliar situation, it reminds us to seek guidance and clarification rather than pretending to know everything. It encourages us to be curious and open-minded, recognizing that there is always more to learn.

The Timeless Wisdom of Norwegian Proverbs

Norwegian proverbs offer timeless wisdom and insight into various aspects of life. They reflect the values and beliefs of the culture and serve as concise expressions of wisdom that can be applied in everyday situations. Whether cautioning against making judgments based on appearances, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, or encouraging proactive action, these proverbs provide valuable guidance for navigating life’s challenges and pursuing personal growth and success. By embracing the wisdom of Norwegian proverbs, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

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Norwegian A1-A2

Course Overview The Norwegian A1-A2 course is an online program focused on teaching essential Norwegian grammar and vocabulary. It includes a variety of materials and topics, with opportunities to interact with a Norwegian teacher entirely online. Curriculum Highlights The course covers key areas such as grammar and vocabulary and topics such as family, daily life, education, work, traditions, and leisure activities. Who Should Enroll? This course is perfect for beginners or those at the A1 or A2 levels who want to improve their Norwegian skills. What You Get Access to the full Norwegian A1-A2 course. A monthly 1-hour online conversation with a teacher. Many written and oral assignments. Comprehensive information on Norwegian grammar, Norwegian vocabulary and how to use them, important sentence structures, etc. Tips on additional resources to further enhance your Norwegian learning.

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Last updated Jul 30th, 2024

If you want to learn Norwegian, you can register for classes here . We look forward to hearing from you and helping you become fluent in Norwegian.

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Norway Trip Quotes And Captions For Instagram

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Table of Contents

Set amidst majestic fjords, Northern Lights, and scenic mountain landscapes, Norway is an enchanting destination that fills the hearts of travelers with unforgettable experiences and beautiful memories. The natural splendor and unique culture of this Scandinavian gem have inspired countless words and sparked many emotions. We have compiled an evocative list of Norway trip quotes and captions for Instagram, perfect for expressing the awe-inspiring feelings one experiences during their journey. These captivating phrases will help you frame your Norwegian adventure in words that are as vivid and spellbinding as the landscape itself.

Norway Trip Quotes

  • "Norway, your mountains, fjords and northern lights have stolen my heart."
  • "There's no better place to experience the magic of nature than Norway."
  • "In Norway, my soul has found its happy place."
  • "Norway is nothing less than a fairytale brought to life."
  • "They say heaven is the place where dreams come true. Well then, Norway must be heaven on earth."
  • "Adventure awaits in spectacular Norway!"
  • "Norway, you had me at troll."
  • "Norway, where Vikings once walked and natural beauty now reigns."
  • "Spectacular vistas, friendly folks and endless wonder - that's Norway."
  • "Norway, I love you to the fjords and back!"

Read More - Island Trip Quotes And Captions For Instagram

Norway Trip Caption

  • "Off on an adventure in magnificent Norway!"
  • "Norway, get ready - this wanderlusting heart is coming your way!"
  • "Setting sail for Norway, where breathtaking beauty awaits."
  • "Trading my desk for the great outdoors of Norway!"
  • "No better time than now to explore gorgeous Norway."
  • "My heart belongs in Norway."
  • "Norway calling my name. See you soon!"
  • "Packing my bags for an epic Norway vacation."
  • "Norway, I choose you!"
  • "Norway awaits. Stay tuned for adventures!"

Norway Quotes For Instagram

  • "Norway, you look good through the lens of my camera."
  • "They say a picture is worth a thousand words. In Norway, every picture is worth a million."
  • "Norway, your beauty is Instagram-worthy."
  • "Norway, if you were on Instagram you'd break the internet."
  • "No filter can do justice to the real beauty of Norway."
  • "Norway, you are a natural model for Instagram!"
  • "Lucky to witness Norway's charm through my own eyes and my camera lens."
  • "Norway's majestic landscapes belong on Instagram."
  • "Nutshell: My camera roll is full of Norway's gorgeous views."
  • “Norway, you are a dream destination for Instagram!”

Norway Captions For Instagram

  • “Exploring the fjords and mountains of gorgeous Norway!”
  • “My heart is in Norway. Swipe right to join my adventure!”
  • “Norway, you are straight up magical ✨”
  • “Norway really said ‘picturesque views for the gram’.”
  • “Views made for the ‘gram in Norway!”
  • “Chasing waterfalls and capturing content in Norway!”
  • “Views from Norway. ‘Gram worthy if you ask me!”
  • “Greetings from Norway, home of the ‘gram worthy landscapes!”
  • “Norway, if you were on Insta you’d go viral.”
  • “Norway, your beauty cannot be contained in an Instagram post!”

Norway Travel Captions For Instagram

  • “Wandering through Norway’s wonderland!”
  • “Norway, my newest travel muse.”
  • “Breathtaking Norway, you have my whole heart.”
  • “To new adventures in Norway!”
  • “Norway, my happy place.”
  • “Feeling so lucky to be traveling in beautiful Norway!”
  • “Norway, your majestic landscapes are calling my name!”
  • “My heart belongs in Norway.”
  • “Norway, your beauty is straight out of a fairytale.”
  • “Hello Norway! Thanks for having me wanderlust your way!”

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram With Family

  • "Making memories with my family in magnificent Norway!"
  • "Norway is even more beautiful exploring it with my family."
  • "A family adventure for the books in Norway!"
  • "Soaking up stunning Norway with my favorite people - my family!"
  • “Norway, thanks for giving my family the best vacation ever!”
  • "A family getaway in Norway is just what we needed."
  • "My family and I are having the time of our lives in Norway!"
  • "Experiencing Norway with my family is a dream come true."
  • "Off on a family frolic in fabulous Norway!"
  • “Norway, you have given my family an adventure we’ll never forget!”

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram With Friends

  • “Adventuring through Norway with my best pals!”
  • “Making magical memories in Norway with my friends.”
  • “Norway, thanks for giving us the ultimate girls/guys trip!”
  • “If you’re going on an adventure, bring your friends - Norway edition!”
  • “Norway hits different when exploring it with your besties.”
  • “Couldn’t have asked for a better travel crew in Norway!”
  • “Norway, you’re even better when experienced with friends.”
  • “Does it get any better than Norway with your best friends? Nope!”
  • “Norway, you have given my friends and I a trip of a lifetime!”
  • “Norway + Friends = The best adventures!”

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram With Husband

  • “Adventuring in Norway with the love of my life!”
  • “Experiencing the beauty of Norway with my husband by my side.”
  • “Norway is even more magical when I’m with my love.”
  • “Couldn’t ask for a better travel partner than my husband!”
  • “Making memories in Norway that will last a lifetime.”
  • “A Norway getaway with my soulmate! Life is good.”
  • “Norway, thanks for giving us newlyweds the honeymoon of our dreams!”
  • “A Norway adventure with my partner in crime!”
  • “My heart is full exploring beautiful Norway with my husband.”
  • “Norway, you have captured my heart - almost as much as my husband!”

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram With Wife

  • “Making memories with my beautiful wife in Norway!”
  • “Experiencing the magic of Norway with my soulmate.”
  • “My wife makes every moment in Norway more special.”
  • “Couldn’t have asked for a better companion than my lovely wife!”
  • “Norway is even more breathtaking when I’m with my wife.”
  • “Feeling so grateful to be exploring Norway with my best friend - my wife!”
  • “Norway, you have shown me and my wife true beauty.”
  • “I’d go anywhere with you! Even fairy-tale Norway.”
  • “Norway with my wife has been a dream come true.”
  • “Making lifelong memories with my beautiful wife in Norway!”

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram With Loved Ones

  • "Adventuring through Norway with my nearest and dearest."
  • "Making magical memories in Norway with my most beloved."
  • "Experiencing the wonder of Norway with my favorite people."
  • "Norway is even more special when shared with loved ones."
  • "Couldn't ask for better company in Norway than my loved ones!"
  • "Grateful for every moment spent with loved ones in beautiful Norway."
  • "The people I cherish most make Norway truly unforgettable."
  • "Norway, thanks for giving us life-long memories with our loved ones!"
  • "Norway with my faves! Does it get any better than this?"
  • "My heart is full sharing Norway's beauty with my loved ones."

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram For Romantic Couple

  • “Norway is for lovers - exploring God’s country with my soulmate!”
  • “The most romantic getaway in Norway with the love of my life.”
  • “Norway, you have captured my heart. But not as much as my partner.”
  • “Couldn’t have asked for a more magical honeymoon than Norway.”
  • “Norway is straight out of a fairytale, made better exploring it with you.”
  • “Wandering through Norway’s wonderland with my better half.”
  • “Norway with bae! Adorable views made even sweeter together.”
  • “To new adventures in Norway with my partner in crime!”
  • “Norway is breathtaking, but not as breathtaking as my love.”
  • “Feeling so lucky to be traveling through Norway with my soulmate!”

Famous Quotes About Norway

  • "To travel is to live." - Hans Christian Andersen
  • "Norway is the most beautiful place on earth." - Roald Amundsen
  • "There is silence. Incredible silence in Norway." - Max Manus
  • "If you want to see the beauty of nature, go to Norway." - Edvard Grieg
  • "Norway is as beautiful as a dream." - Heinrich Heine
  • "There is no sunset so beautiful as the one in Norway." - Theodor Kittelsen
  • "Norway is the land of the midnight sun." - Victor Hugo
  • "Norway is the epitome of freedom." - King Haakon VII
  • "Norway will always be our most cherished travel experience." - Greta Garbo
  • “Norway’s incredible natural beauty took my breath away.” - Claude Monet

Inspiring Captions About Norway

  • “Norway, your beauty inspires me.”
  • “Norway leaves me awestruck.”
  • “Norway renews my sense of wonder.”
  • “Norway stirs my imagination.”
  • “Norway makes me believe that true beauty exists.”
  • “Norway fills my heart with joy.”
  • “Norway ignites my inner artist.”
  • “Norway empowers me to dream big.”
  • “Norway is a place of endless inspiration.”
  • “Norway dazzles the senses and nourishes the soul.”

Norway Travel Quotes

  • “To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen
  • “To Norway, I will go.” – Henrik Ibsen
  • “The journey is my home.” – Dag Hammarskjöld
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.” – Asian proverb
  • “Travel makes one modest, you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert
  • “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” – Marcel Proust
  • “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous
  • “I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller

Norway Street Food Quotes

  • "The street food scene in Norway is incredible - so much deliciousness to try!"
  • "Who knew Norwegian street food could be so amazing? I'm in heaven!"
  • "Sampling Norway's street eats is the ultimate food adventure. Yum!"
  • "Norwegian street food totally exceeded my expectations. So flavorful!"
  • "From savory crepes to grilled sausages, Norway's street food has my heart."
  • "I never pass up the chance to try authentic Norwegian street food."
  • "The best meals in Norway can be found at local food trucks and stalls."
  • "Norwegian street snacks are perfect for soaking up the sights as you explore."
  • "Don't leave Norway without indulging in the delicious street food scene!"
  • "Norwegian street food gives me serious wanderlust - it's that good!"

Norway Tourism Quotes

  • “Norway's unspoiled nature offers so much beauty to explore.”
  • “Norway’s stunning fjords took my breath away.”
  • “I’m captivated by Norway’s gorgeous landscapes.”
  • “Adventure awaits around every corner in Norway.”
  • “Norway is a fairy tale brought to life.”
  • “Norway’s charming cities are full of culture and history.”
  • “The midnight sun in Norway is magical.”
  • “Norway restored my sense of wander and wonder.”
  • “Norway’s northern lights dazzled my senses.”
  • “I left a piece of my heart in beautiful Norway.”

Norway Tour Quotes

  • "My Norway tour was an adventure I'll never forget!"
  • "A guided tour showed me Norway's hidden gems and must-sees."
  • "With so much to see, a Norway tour ensured I hit all the highlights."
  • "My tour guide brought Norway's rich history and culture to life."
  • "What an immersive experience - Norway revealed itself to me on tour."
  • "A Norway tour opens your eyes to so much natural beauty."
  • "I gained local insights about Norway thanks to my knowledgeable tour guide."
  • "A group tour made exploring Norway's majestic fjords stress-free."
  • "My Norway tour took the guesswork out of travel - I could just soak it all in."
  • "Booking a Norway tour was the best decision - I got to see it all!"

Norway Road Trip Quotes

  • “A Norway road trip is the ultimate adventure - let’s hit the open road!”
  • “Time for an open-road frolic through Norway’s beauty.”
  • “Norway roads, take me home to fjords and wonder.”
  • “Our Norway road trip was an odyssey we’ll never forget.”
  • “Meandering Norway’s backroads feeds my wanderlusting soul.”
  • “Norway backroads led us to hidden gems off the beaten path.”
  • “Windows down, music up - road tripping through magical Norway!”
  • “Norway’s scenic highways are made for carefree road trips.”
  • “The road unfurling ahead symbolizes the magic of exploring Norway.”
  • “Hop in, let’s embrace the freedom of the open road in Norway!”

Norway City Quotes

  • "Norway's vibrant cities are full of culture, history, and charm."
  • "I'm in love with Oslo's energetic vibe and diverse neighbourhoods."
  • "Bergen's colourful waterfront enchanted me with its beauty."
  • "Trondheim's winding streets reveal delightful surprises."
  • "Ålesund's Art Nouveau architecture took my breath away."
  • "The lively university city of Tromsø captured my heart."
  • "Stavanger's old town is so quaint and picturesque."
  • "Kristiansand's idyllic coastal setting charmed me."
  • "Lillehammer has small-town warmth with cosmopolitan flair."
  • "Norway's cities offer the perfect blend of heritage and progress."

Norway Beaches Quotes

  • “Norway’s rugged beaches are wild, beautiful, and serene.”
  • “The untamed shorelines of Norway remind me of nature’s power.”
  • “Walking Norway’s windswept beaches restores my spirit.”
  • “Crystal waters kissing white shores - Norway’s beaches are breathtaking.”
  • “Norway’s beaches are the perfect place for seaside solitude.”
  • “The thundering waves on Norway’s shores speak to my soul.”
  • “Seascapes spread before me, I revel in Norway’s peaceful beaches.”
  • “Norway’s beaches connect me back to what matters most.”
  • “I live for the salty air and soothing sounds of Norway’s rugged beaches.”
  • “Norway’s windswept shores are antidotes for the stresses of life.”

Norway Paragliding Quotes

  • “Paragliding above Norway made me feel truly alive!”
  • “Soaring over Norway’s epic landscapes was an incredible rush.”
  • “Paragliding let me experience Norway’s beauty in the most thrilling way.”
  • “My paragliding adventure in Norway took my breath away.”
  • “Paragliding over Norway fulfilled my dreams of flying.”
  • “Norway from above while paragliding - what a way to see this magical place!”
  • “Paragliding over Norway’s fjords was the adventure of a lifetime.”
  • “The world looks different from a paraglider above Norway.”
  • “Paragliding in Norway gave me chills, adrenaline, and total joy.”
  • “I’ll never forget the exhilaration I felt paragliding over Norway’s wonder.”

Norway Sightseeing Quotes

  • “I’m in awe of the natural wonders I’m taking in while sightseeing across Norway.”
  • “Norway’s breathtaking sights nourish my soul.”
  • “This sightseeing adventure is showing me the very best of beautiful Norway.”
  • “I feel so humbled witnessing Norway’s majestic landscapes and landmarks.”
  • “Sightseeing here motivates me to protect Norway’s stunning natural splendor.”
  • “Norway’s marvels never cease to amaze me as I take in the sights.”
  • “Sightseeing Norway has ignited my sense of wonder.”
  • “Every scenic stop on our Norway trip reveals new beauty.”
  • “I’m overflowing with inspiration after sightseeing across spectacular Norway.”
  • “Norway’s sights will be seared in my memory forever after this trip.”

Norway Adventure Trip Quotes

  • "My Norway adventure trip pushed my boundaries and unleashed my spirit!"
  • "Norway's dazzling landscapes proved the perfect backdrop for heart-pumping adventures."
  • "An adventure trip to Norway let me meet the challenge and thrill of the untamed outdoors."
  • "Norway's majestic peaks, shimmering fjords and roaring rivers beckoned me into adventure."
  • "Adventure called me to Norway, and I answered by hiking, biking, rafting and more!"
  • "An adventure trip in Norway awakened my sense of wonder and joy for life."
  • "Norway's raw natural splendor fuels my inner daredevil - what an adventure!"
  • "My pulse raced as I faced Norway's elements head-on during my adventure holiday."
  • "Adventuring across Norway's epic wilderness was a milestone experience I'll never forget."
  • "Norway, your rugged beauty and call to adventure will stay with me always."

Norway Weekend Trip Quotes

  • “A weekend in Norway gave us a teasing taste of scenic bliss.”
  • “Two days in Norway flew by, but the memories will last forever.”
  • “Norway dazzled us on our action-packed weekend getaway.”
  • “Our whirlwind weekend trip to Norway left me longing for more.”
  • “Norway revealed its charm to us over an enchanting weekend.”
  • “What magic we discovered in Norway over our weekend escape.”
  • “Two days was not enough, but our weekend in Norway was unforgettable.”
  • “Norway welcomed us warmly and amazed us fully on our weekend visit.”
  • “A weekend of wonder awaited us in spectacular Norway.”
  • “We packed Norway’s highlights into an epic weekend I’ll always cherish.”

Norway Waterfalls Quotes

  • “Norway's cascading waterfalls fill me with awe and wonder.”
  • “The thundering falls of Norway energize my spirit.”
  • “I feel so small standing before Norway's mighty crashing waterfalls.”
  • “Norway's waterfalls inspire me with their untamed beauty.”
  • “Waterfall chasing in Norway feeds my soul.”
  • “The gracefully falling waters of Norway speak to my heart.”
  • “I'm completely mesmerized by the movement and music of Norway's waterfalls.”
  • “Norway's majestic waterfalls take my breath away.”
  • “I could sit and soak in the views of Norway's tumbling falls forever.”
  • “Norway's waterfalls renew my sense of joy and vibrancy.”

Norway Lakes Quotes

  • "Norway's glassy lakes are the mirrors of heaven."
  • "Sitting by a Norway lake, serenity washes over me."
  • "The stillness of Norway's lakes calms my mind and feeds my spirit."
  • "Norway's lakes reflect the country's beauty and tranquility."
  • "Crystal clear waters awaited me at every Norway lake."
  • "Norway's lakes revealing unspoiled natural wonder."
  • "I found inner peace gazing at the peaceful lakes of Norway."
  • "Norway's pristine lakes are natural masterpieces."
  • "The unruffled surfaces of Norway's lakes soothe the soul."
  • "I was captivated by the vibrant blues of Norway's breathtaking lakes."

Sayings About Norway

  • “Norway - where nature’s beauty takes your breath away.”
  • “Once you’ve seen Norway, your heart never leaves.”
  • “In Norway, every view is a postcard view.”
  • “Norway, a magical realm where myths and legends come alive.”
  • “Norway, where wilderness, wonder and wanderlust meet.”
  • “Norway, where ancient lore and present-day passion live as one.”
  • “Norway, a place time won’t soon forget.”
  • “Norway - a song nature sings to soothe your soul.”
  • “Norway, where rainbows end and dreams begin.”
  • “Norway, a storybook landscape come to life.”

Norway Love Quotes

  • “My heart will forever remain in beautiful Norway.”
  • “Norway, I love you for your wild spirit and breathtaking landscapes.”
  • “Norway, you had me at your first fjord. I’m yours forever now.”
  • “They say home is where the heart is. My heart is in Norway.”
  • “Norway, your majestic charm and beauty have captured me completely.”
  • “My heart belongs to the mountains and fjords of glorious Norway.”
  • “Norway, your wonders have won my heart.”
  • “Norway, your stunning vistas and warm hospitality have made me fall in love.”
  • “Norway, you are straight out of my wildest dreams. I never want to leave.”
  • “I left a piece of my heart in Norway. It will always have my love.”

Norway Vibes Quotes

  • “Norway’s chilled out vibe speaks to my soul.”
  • “Norway’s laid back energy recharges me.”
  • “The calm vibes of Norway bring me instant inner peace.”
  • “Norway’s relaxing atmosphere melts my stress away.”
  • “Norway’s serene vibe soothes my spirit.”
  • “Norway’s zen energy inspires me to live in the moment.”
  • “Norway’s peaceful ambiance lets my creative juices flow.”
  • “Norway’s soothing vibes align me with nature’s rhythm”
  • “In Norway, I sync up with the easygoing pace of life here.”
  • “Norway’s tranquil atmosphere helps me find my center.”

Norway Night Life Quotes

  • "The night comes alive in Norway with music, art, and energy."
  • "Vibrant nightlife in cities like Oslo creates an electric atmosphere."
  • "During the midnight sun, Norway's nights have an otherworldly beauty."
  • "Summertime nights in Norway are made for strolling and staying out late."
  • "Norway balances nature's calm with energizing urban nightlife."
  • "Festivals in Norway extend the fun into the evening hours."
  • "The warm hospitality of Norway is on full display after dark."
  • "Norway's creative spirit shines in the nighttime cultural offerings."
  • "Darkness brings Norway's celestial wonders to light - northern lights and more!"
  • "Norway's cutting-edge cocktail and food scene sizzles after sundown."

Norway Beauty Of Nature Quotes

  • “In Norway, I witness nature in its full glory.”
  • “Norway’s striking landscapes take my breath away.”
  • “Norway’s raw natural beauty inspires true awe.”
  • “I see the handiwork of Mother Nature herself in Norway.”
  • “Norway’s unspoiled wilderness makes my spirit soar.”
  • “Norway’s scenic vistas fill me with joy and wonder.”
  • “It’s impossible not to feel moved by Norway’s stunning natural world.”
  • “In Norway, I rediscover the power and perfection of nature.”
  • “Norway’s majestic fjords, peaks, and forests stir my soul.”
  • “Nowhere is nature’s splendor on fuller display than in Norway.”

Short Norway Captions For Instagram

  • Epic Norway!
  • Fjord love.
  • My heart: Norway.
  • Wander deeper.
  • Fjord fairytales.
  • Midnight sunbeams.
  • Wonder-full wandering.
  • Norway, be still my heart!
  • Pure magic, this place.
  • The call of the fjords!

Short Solo Trip Captions For Instagram

  • Soul fuel: Norway!
  • Norway for one, please.
  • Flying solo in fabulous Norway!
  • All by myself in astonishing Norway!
  • Just me in Norway’s majesty.
  • Solo frolic in Norway.
  • Norway for one and loving it!
  • Solo wandering through Norway’s wonderland.
  • Norway + solitude = bliss
  • Norway, thanks for the “me time”!

Norway Trip Captions For Instagram

  • My heart belongs in Norway
  • Fjord-tastic Norway!
  • Falling hard for Norway
  • Norway, be still my heart
  • Pure magic, this place
  • Norway, you’re unreal
  • Norwegian solitude
  • Norway, my happy place
  • My heart & Norway, a love story
  • Bliss in Norway
  • “Norway, your beauty has me spellbound.”
  • “My Norway trip was an adventure I’ll never forget!”
  • “Norway, your majestic charm has captured me completely.”
  • “Chasing waterfalls and capturing content across Norway!”
  • “Fjord-tastic Norway, you have my whole heart.”
  • “Norway with my love - a fairytale come to life.”
  • “Norway, your stunning vistas took my breath away.”
  • “My heart belongs in extraordinary Norway.”

In a nutshell, your enchanting journey through Norway deserves to be celebrated and shared with the world. From the luminous auroras to the tranquil fjords, and from the thriving city life to the peaceful, secluded hamlets, every corner of this country is a verse in the poem of natural beauty. Our collection of Norway trip quotes and captions for Instagram will help you encapsulate the essence of your travels. Share your experiences, spread the wanderlust, and let these words ignite the flame of adventure in others, as they join you in falling in love with Norway, one Instagram post at a time.

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My Favorite Norse Proverbs and Sayings


Icelandic Proverbs

Neyðin kennir naktri konu að spinna. The necessity teaches a naked woman how to spin.

Sjaldan er ein báran stök. There seldom is a single wave.

Árinni kennir illur ræðari. A bad rower blames the oar.

Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi. Bare is the back of a brotherless man.

Brennt barn forðast eldinn. A burnt child keeps away from fire.

Linur bartskeri gjörir fúin sár. Mild physician – putrid wounds (idiomatic translation).

Kemst þó hægt fari. You will reach your destination even though you travel slowly.

Swedish Proverbs

Bara döda fiskar följer strömmen. Only dead fish follow the stream.

Det är som mörkast innan gryningen. It is darkest before dawn.

Ensam är stark. Alone is strong (You can accomplish a lot on your own).

Inga träd växer till himmelen. No trees grow to the sky (Nothing lasts forever).

Ju senare på kvällen, desto vackrare folk. The later in the evening, the more beautiful the people.

Det finns inget dåligt väder, bara dåliga kläder. There is no bad weather, only bad clothing.

Det som göms i snö, kommer fram vid tö. What is hidden in snow, is revealed at thaw.

Norwegian Proverbs

Bra vind i ryggen er best. A fair wind at our back is best.

Altfor reint har ingen smak. Too clean has no taste.

Enn skal lytte, når en gammel hund gjø. One should listen when an old dog barks.

Gammel kjærleik rustar ikkje. Old love does not corrode.

Berre bok gjer ingen klok. Merely book makes none wise.

Båtlaus mann er bunden til land. Boatless man is tied to the land.

Dei galne har mange morosame stunder som den vettige ikkje har. The maniacs have many funny hours that the sane guy does not have.

Danish Proverbs

Man må hyle med de ulve man er i blandt. One must howl with the wolves one is among.

Den hund som bieffer meget, han bider ikkun lidet. Barking dogs seldom bite.

Du skal kravle, før du kan gå. You have to learn to crawl before you can walk.

Lidet er om den mans vrede, som ingen vurder. If you cannot bite, never show your teeth.

Når man vil slå hunden finder man lätt en kæpp. If you want to beat a dog you will easily find a stick.

Faroese Proverb

Tíðin rennur sum streymur í á. Time runs like the river current.

Photo: Lonely house by the mountains, Iceland. Courtesy Suvodeb. Used under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.

Hi there, I know it has been asked before but I can’t seem to find the correct answer. I too am trying to translate the proverb “Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi” into Younger Futhark. I’m stuck between

ᛒᛅᚱ ᛅᚱ ᚼᚢᛅᚱ ᛅᚦ ᛒᛅᚴᛁ ᚾᛅᛘᛅ ᛋᛅᚱ ᛒᚱᚢᚦᚢᛦ ᛅᛁᚴᛁ and ᛒᛅᚱ ᛁᚱ ᚼᚢᛅᚱ ᛅᚦ ᛒᛅᚴᛁ ᚾᛁᛘᛅ ᛋᛅᚱ ᛒᚱᚢᚦᚢᛦ ᛅᛁᚴᛁ

Could anyone check the translation and let me know which one is more correct, or point out any mistakes if I made any? Thank you :)

Icelandic: “Feigum er ekki forðað” A translation might be: “Marked cannot escape” Background: Feigr is a word that has changed from its original meaning almost everywhere but in Iceland over the centuries. In iceland it means marked for death. The word in germanic it is “fegh” and in Danish it is “fej” and means something like having a bad character. In english I believe it was “fey” in old english and changed from there to the fey we know today. However, I remember I read somewhere that fey or a very similar word in scottish means “doomed” or similar.

I remember reading in the sagas about a man replying to the taunts of another with “Thu talar feigum munni” or “You speak with a marked mans mouth”.

The word is bound with a kind of belief in that your way in life is set in general terms and when you are set to die, you will.

two rune stones laid in the churchyard wall at Gjerde Church until the 1820s -1830s when they were taken to the Historical Museum in Bergen. The inscription has been dated back to the time around the year 1100. On one is written “Erlend wrote down these runes from his father, Olve” Does anuone have this in younger futhark or can find a picture of the stone?

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20 great Norwegian proverbs, sayings and idioms – and their meanings

norwegian travel quotes

Norway is a beautiful country with a rich culture. One of the ways that Norway has become so culturally ingrained in our minds is through proverbs, sayings and idioms.

In this article, we will take a look at 20 Norwegian sayings and their meanings!

Table of Contents

1. Ut på tur, aldri sur

Translation : Out on a trip, never sulky!

Meaning : When you are out on a trip do not be grumpy!

2. Det er bedre å gå på isen enn i vannet

Translation : It’s better to walk in the ice than in the water.

Meaning : If it doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger.

3. Den som ikke tar prøven, kommer til å feile

Translation : He who does not take the test will fail (the subject).

Meaning : Take your opportunities when they come or lose them forever !

4. Det verste trollet sitter inni hodet ditt eller nede bakkenivå

Translation : The worst troll sits inside your head and down at ground level.

Meaning : Fear is the worst evil.

5. Han har fått en pakke med seg i livet

Translation : He has gotten a package with him in life (the past).

Meaning : A person’s fate is predetermined by their name or background/upbringing, that they were born into .

6. En skal bare skyte én gang…

Translation One should only shoot once…

Meaning : Once you’ve started something it must be finished even if your attempts fail.

7. Det er bedre å være den katten som går for seg sjøl enn den som stoler blindt på andre

Translation It’s better to be the cat that walks on its own than the one who trusts blindly on others.

Meaning : Trust no one but yourself.

8. Lykke til er en daglig bøn

Translation : Luck is a daily prayer.

Meaning : You must keep up your hourly prayers for luck to keep coming your way.

9. Aldri har man bare én ulykke etter andre

Translation : Never does one have just one misfortune after another.

Meaning : It’s not uncommon for people to face different kinds of misfortunes in their lifetime.

10. En liten venninne kan bære mye avstand, men ingen kan bære alt!

Translation : A little friend can carry a lot of distance but no one can carry it all!

Meaning : A strong friendship can last a long time.

11. Den som har gitt, kan ta igjen!

Translation : He who has given can take again (the past).

Meaning : Don’t forget those who do you favours and return the favour when they need it themselves. You will be rewarded for your kindness in due course of time.

12. Den som bor i huset, bor godt med husvasken

Translation : He who lives under the roof, enjoys doing household chores.

Meaning : Housework is never pleasant but someone has to do it!

13. Det er bedre å være hjemme enn å ligge på sykehus

Translation : It’s better to be at home than to be in hospital.

Meaning : Being at home is healthier than being in the hospital.

14. Det er bedre å sykle i kjøretøyet enn å gå på ski

Translation : It’s better to cycle in the vehicle than to walk on skis.

Meaning : Sometimes it is quicker and more efficient, for example, if you have a lot of things to carry, to cycle rather than walk.

15. Rusen sitter lenge etter at man har drukket seg full

Translation : The hangover stays long after you have been drunk.

Meaning : It’s not a good idea to drink too much because it can lead to bad consequences.

16. Det er godt å være mann i kjerka, men det er bedre med en bok på lur

Translation : It is nice to be in church, but it’s better with a book on your lap.

Meaning : Sometimes you have to go through the motions of things that don’t really interest you.

17. En liten venninne kan bære mye avstand, men ingen kan bære alt!

18. lykke til er en daglig bøn, 19. aldri har man bare én ulykke etter andre, 20. den som har gitt, kan ta igjen.

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Scandinavian Quotes And Proverbs

Scandinavian Quotes And Proverbs

Scandinavian quotes about life are always about something else and deep. They are not about superficial things and are universal. When you hear one of these quotes, you might think: “Didn’t I hear that somewhere before?” You did. Scandinavians quote each other all the time.

One of the most enduring Scandinavian quotes about life is attributed to the Swedish diplomat and writer Raoul Wallenberg: “There are always possibilities.”

“If you can dream it, you can do it,” said Walt Disney. “Nothing is impossible,” said Bjarke Ingels. “Go for it,” said Mark Zuckerberg. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” said Mahatma Gandhi.

“The best way to predict your future is to create it,” said Alan C. Fox. Sandra Bullock put it this way: “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”

There are so many options when selecting Scandinavian quotes about life. What’s important is not to let fear hold you back. Remember that these individuals all had their own struggles and failures, but they didn’t give up, and they didn’t quit. They kept trying until they succeeded, and their words are an inspiration for generations of people who need encouragement to push forward.

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer.

norwegian travel quotes

Scandinavian culture is known for many things, including a blend of modern and ancient values, a focus on design, and of course, the concept of Hygge (pronounced “hoo-ga”) which is all about coziness. We used to think that our Scandinavian cousins had it all figured out when it came to how to live a happy life. Now it seems that we’ve been doing some things wrong. Here are some quotes from Scandinavians about life:

1) “You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden ring. You have to go get it yourself. That’s what I did.” – Ingvar Kamprad

2) “It is not money that makes you happy. It’s the way you spend it.” – Ingvar Kamprad

3) “The best piece of advice you can get as a young person looking for work is this: always be prepared to be unemployed.” – Marcus Samuelsson

4) “Don’t save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving.” – Unknown

5) “Your mind is your spirit; do not seek any other hidden soul inside you! All is in the brain! The depiction of a spirit rising to the sky is no more real than a medieval  Scandinavian fairytales!” –  Mehmet Murat Ildan

6) “I’m a  Scandinavian  Midwest girl who doesn’t always know what’s going on in herself emotionally, which is why I make music in order to figure it out.” –  Erika M. Anderson

norwegian travel quotes

The Scandinavian proverbs

Life is a dance. Enjoy the music. ~ Danish Proverb

Life is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page. ~ Norwegian Proverb

Life may begin with birth, but it doesn’t have to end that way. ~ Swedish Proverb

Life is a flower of which love is the honey. ~ Danish Proverb

Life is priceless; to know how to enjoy it is the secret of happiness. ~ Swedish Proverb

Life can only be understood backward but must be lived forwards. ~ Danish Proverb

It will come through. ~ Icelandic Proverb

Life is too short to be little. ~ Swedish Proverb

Laughter is brightest where food is best. ~ Norwegian Proverb

Laughter lightens every burden. ~ Danish Proverb

The sun will come out again tomorrow! ~ Swedish Proverb

I hope that you’ve found this article on Scandinavian quotes useful. These quotations about life, in general, can truly inspire us to lead better lives and strive to become happier individuals. 

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Below you will find our collection of inspirational, wise, and humorous old norway quotes, norway sayings, and norway proverbs, collected over the years from a variety of sources.

Our home villages with the hills, mountains and forests, the lakes and ponds, rivers and streams, waterfall and fjords. The smell of new hay in summer, of birches in spring, of the sea, and the big forest, and even the biting winter cold. Everything . . . Norwegian songs and music and so much, much more. That’s our Fatherland and that’s what we have to struggle to get back. Neal Bascomb
The Norwegian is a sober person. His relationship to God is somewhat like his relationship to the King. He believes that God (and the King) is quite all right - on the condition that He behaves like a proper Norwegian and doesn't believe he is anything special. Odd Børretzen
The prison system in Norway is fairly civilized, by world standards, and so are the prisoners and the guards. Varg Vikernes
Norway has a great history of women's football, but it's harder now. We've stopped talking about development, and other countries have overtaken us. Ada Hegerberg
Norway, for some reason, I find Norway really fascinating, you really feel nature in that country. Katie Melua
Norway is a small country, about half the size of Sweden, but it has a very good film climate because they have municipal cinemas, so even in the smallest towns you have a cinema that shows art house films from all over the world. Stellan Skarsgard
When you work in Norway, you actually have to have a contract about lunches because Norwegians don't eat lunch normally, so they just throw out a loaf of bread and some coldcuts. Stellan Skarsgard
Norway or Switzerland are two marvelous countries, I very much admire, the most advanced countries in the world in fact with great qualities of life. Jose Manuel Barroso
In Norway, everyone knows everyone, and everyone is very supportive of each other. If there is anyone new, or a new song is coming out, everyone will probably know about it. Astrid S
Norway is high mountains and deep fjords. It is wide open spaces and rocky coastlines. It is islands and archipelagos. It is lush farmland and rolling moors. The sea laps Norway’s shores in the north, west and south. Norway is midnight sun and polar night. It is harsh winters and mild winters. It is hot summers and cold summers. Norway is a long and sparsely populated country. But above all, Norway is its people. Harald V
My greatest hope for Norway is that we will be able to take care of one another. That we will continue to build this country – on a foundation of trust, fellowship and generosity of spirit. That we will feel that we are – despite our differences – one people. That Norway is one. Harald V
Norway did not even have a revolution at the time the rest of Europe was busy figuring out human rights and stuff, because we were busy fighting over how to spell it. Erik Naggum
Norway, too, has noble wild prospects; and Lapland is remarkable for prodigious noble wild prospects. Samuel Johnson
Right now I would rank Norway as the largest country in the world, I have never seen anything like it. Barack Obama
Norway is pretty forward thinking in terms of gender equality, but we don't seem to practice it as well as we think. I'm constantly thinking: How much power have we really gained? We have to keep fighting to even keep what we've fought for already. Jenny Hval
The future of Norway isn't about competing on being the cheapest but the most innovative. We have an expensive welfare state and the only answer to continue that way is to become more competitive, especially on knowledge. Erna Solberg
This is the only country in the world, that worries about what it is. The rest of them know what they are. No one ever needs to go searching for the heart of Norway. Or looks for the soul of Mozambique. They know what they are. Neil Gaiman
For many years, it seemed as if nothing changed in Norway. You could leave the country for three months, travel the world, through coups d'etat, assassinations, famines, massacres and tsunamis, and come home to find that the only new thing in the newspapers was the crossword puzzle. Jo Nesbo
Norway's a very gender-aware country, and we're very liberal. There are lots of women's voices being heard here compared to many other countries. Jenny Hval
Norway will be recognized as an open democracy with the rule of law, with the universal human rights, and with the broad international engagement on the international scene taking upon ourselves responsibilities, because we are a privileged country. Jonas Gahr Store
As foreign minister of Norway, I learnt how natural changes provoked by climate change are creating new sources of political instability. Jonas Gahr Store
I think integration in Norway is, by all standards, going relatively well. People are working, taking education, learning the language. But, yes, it is a challenge. And democracy and democratic debate has to be open to take that debate openly and not push questions aside. Jonas Gahr Store
The whole of northern Norway was covered with snow to depths which none of our soldiers had ever seen, felt, or imagined. There were neither snow-shoes nor skis - still less skiers. Winston Churchill
Norway is the cradle of skiing. It's a good sport. For kids, it's a good way to stay out of trouble. It's also a lot of fun for adults. Cecilie Klaumann
We need to expand outside Norway given that the Norwegian continental shelf won't be able to deliver the growth we need. Eivind Reiten
There is a tendency to wait for Norway to arrive and pull a rabbit out of a hat. There should be no doubt that it is up to the two parties to resolve (their problems), with the help of Norway and the international community. Erik Solheim
It's a bad time to be going up to Norway. The main problem for us will be the cold weather and perhaps the pitch will be in a poor state. Inaki Saez
That Norway has fallen to 18th place is not good, but you are still among the 20 best nations. The study gives a clear message about how Norway must improve its efforts. Marc Levy
It's a good jump. We're still shy of Norway, but most nations are shy of Norway and find a way to get it done. Luke Bodensteiner

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Vacation cheat sheet: 33 norwegian phrases you need to know.

Norwegian phrases represented by a picture of the Aurora Borealis taken in Northern Norway.

Sure, you promised yourself you were going to study Norwegian for three months when you first booked your trip to Bergen. And naturally, you did no such thing. It’s a story as old as time, and it’s not worth beating yourself up about. Especially when you can still learn a few key Norwegian phrases before your trip.

It’s a lot of bang for your buck if you think about it — by memorizing a few important phrases, you can enhance your experience abroad by a pretty big margin. And who knows? Maybe this entry-level crash course will motivate you to want to learn more when you return home.

If nothing else, this cheat sheet will come in handy as a reference guide you can use during your travels. If you want to dig a little deeper, the Babbel app has a Norwegian for your Vacation course you can take in relatively little time that covers all these topics and more.

Norwegian Phrases: The Ultimate Vacation Cheat Sheet

Norwegian cheat sheet with many useful phrases for vacation, as expanded on below.

The Most Basic Basics

If you only take away one or two things from this guide, let it be words like “yes” or “thank you.” Note: In most cases where you’d normally say “please” in English, it’s more common in Norway to say takk (“thank you”) instead of the literal equivalent of “please.” When in doubt, just say takk to be polite.

ja — yes nei — no vær så snill — please takk — thank you unnskyld — excuse me

How To Introduce Yourself

There are few conversations that don’t begin with “hello.” It’s important to know how to offer a friendly greeting, no matter the context of the interaction. Though you can probably just remember that the Norwegian hei sounds a bit like “hey” in English, here are a couple extra greetings you can use at different times of the day.

hei — hello god morgen — good morning god kveld — good evening god natt — goodnight

Next, you’ll want to be able to introduce yourself and get to know the other person. In Norway, it’s the norm to address people with du (the informal “you”) and their first name. Unlike in other European languages such as German and French that frequently use a formal form of address, the polite form Dere is only rarely used in official situations.

Jeg heter Niklas. — My name is Niklas. Jeg kommer fra England. — I’m from England. Hva heter du? — What is your name?

How To Order Food And Drinks

You’re going to get hungry at some point. Although you’ll probably need to study up on some basic food vocabulary , here are the Norwegian phrases you’ll want to use when interacting with a waiter.

Kan jeg få menyen, takk? — Can I have the menu, please? Kan vi få bestille, takk?  — Can we order, please? Jeg vil gjerne ha en flaske vann.  — I would like a bottle of water. Hva vil du drikke?  — What would you like to drink? Kan jeg få regningen, takk. — Can I get the bill, please.

How To Ask For And Give Directions

We all get lost, even in places we think we know well. If and when your map can’t help you, it’s good to know how to politely ask someone for directions. It’s even better to be able to make out what they say to you in response.

Unnskyld, hvor ligger den nærmeste banken?  — Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? Kan du vise meg det på kartet? — Can you show me on the map? Sving til venstre. — Turn to the left. Ta første vei til høyre. — Take the first road on the right. rett fram — straight ahead

How To Book A Hotel

While most hotel booking these days is done online, it’s still a good idea to know how to interact with, and understand, the front desk concierge. May your check-in go just a little more smoothly.

God morgen. Hva kan jeg hjelpe dere med? — Good morning. How can I help you? Kan jeg få nøkkelen, takk? — Can I get the key, please? Jeg vil gjerne ha et enkeltrom. — I would like to have a single room. Jeg har bestilt et enkeltrom for to netter. — I have reserved a single room for two nights. Når serveres frokosten? — When is breakfast served?

How To Take Public Transportation

If at any point you need to get around on public transportation , you’re going to be glad you know how to ask essential questions like where the nearest stop is, or how to get a ticket.

Hvor er den nærmeste trikkeholdeplassen? — Where is the nearest tram stop? Hvor får jeg kjøpt et dagskort? — Where can I buy a day ticket? Hvordan kommer jeg til Stortinget? — How do I get to “Storting”? Ta den gule trikkelinjen til Slottsparken. — Take the yellow tram line to the “Slottspark.” Toget går om fem minutter. — The train leaves in five minutes. Hvor stopper bussen til sentrum? — Where does the bus to the center stop?

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Viking Wisdom: Inspiring Quotes from the Norse Era

viking quotes

The Vikings were fierce warriors, explorers, and rulers who left an indelible mark on history. But beyond their reputation for brutality and conquest, the Vikings also had a rich culture and a deep wellspring of wisdom. From their myths and legends to their leaders and warriors, the Vikings left behind inspiring quotes that continue to resonate with us today.

Key Takeaways

  • The Norse era was a time of great cultural richness and wisdom.
  • Viking quotes offer powerful insights into their mindset, culture, values, and beliefs.
  • The Vikings valued courage, honor, loyalty , wisdom, resilience , and love.
  • The Viking spirit of adventure, exploration, and curiosity still inspires us today.
  • By embracing the Viking mindset and drawing upon their values, we can find inspiration and strength in our own lives.

Understanding the Viking Mindset

The Vikings were seafaring people from Scandinavia who lived during the Norse era , from the 8th to the 11th century. They were known for their ferocity in battle, their passion for exploration, and their rich mythology. However, to fully appreciate their wisdom, we must first understand the Viking mindset and their unique culture .

Central to the Viking mindset was the concept of honor. The Vikings placed great importance on personal integrity, and they believed that an honorable death in battle would secure them a place in Valhalla, the warrior afterlife. This belief was closely tied to their warrior culture, which emphasized the importance of strength, courage, and martial ability.

The Vikings were also a deeply spiritual people, with a complex religious system that included gods such as Odin, Thor, and Freyja. They believed that the gods influenced every aspect of life, and they made offerings to them in return for their favor.

Family and community were also important to the Vikings. They had close-knit family units and a strong sense of community, which was essential for survival in their harsh environment. Their sense of loyalty extended not just to their families, but to their rulers and their gods as well.

In addition to their warrior ethos, the Vikings were also skilled craftsmen and traders. They sailed to distant lands and established settlements in places as far away as Iceland and North America. They traded with other cultures and raided wealthy settlements, amassing great wealth and spreading their influence throughout the world.

Overall, the Viking mindset was one of courage, honor, and adventure. They embraced the challenges of life with a fierce determination and a belief in their own abilities. Their culture was rich and complex, and it continues to fascinate and inspire people to this day.

Courageous Words of Viking Warriors

The Vikings were fierce warriors who valued bravery and fearlessness above all else. Their courage and determination in battle still inspire us today, and their quotes reflect their warrior spirit.

“Fear not death for the hour of your doom is set and none may escape it.”

This quote from the Viking epic poem, The Hávamál, captures the fearlessness of Viking warriors . They did not fear death and believed that it was predetermined. This mindset allowed them to face their enemies with courage and determination.

“I am berserker, I am wolf, I will kill you all.”

Berserkers were Viking warriors who fought with a frenzied, almost uncontrollable, ferocity. This quote showcases their wild and fearless nature, as they charged into battle without hesitation.

“Never in life will I flee. No one shall I fear.”

This quote, from a Viking warrior known as Egil Skallagrimsson, reveals the unshakable bravery and determination that was admired among Viking warriors . They faced their enemies head-on, and never backed down in the face of danger.

The courage and fearlessness of Viking warriors continues to inspire us, and their quotes serve as a reminder of the importance of determination and bravery in the face of adversity.

Wisdom from Viking Leaders

The Vikings were not only skilled warriors, but also wise rulers who guided their people through times of peace and war. Here are some leadership quotes from Viking leaders that reflect their wisdom , guidance, and strategic thinking:

“Better to fight and fall than to live without hope.” – Hávamál

This quote, from the Hávamál poem, reflects the Viking leaders’ belief in the value of fighting for a cause, even if it meant risking death. This warrior spirit was seen as honorable and noble, and reflected the belief that a life without hope was not worth living.

“He who becomes a leader must pay the price in self-sacrifice and diligence.” – Jarl Varg

Jarl Varg, a legendary Viking leader, emphasizes the importance of self-sacrifice and diligence for those who aspire to become leaders. This quote highlights the Viking belief that leadership is not just a position of power, but a responsibility that requires hard work and dedication.

“A leader must be resolute, but not stubborn.” – Harald Finehair

Harald Finehair, the first king of Norway, believed in the importance of being resolute, but not stubborn. This quote reflects the Viking leaders’ understanding that leadership requires the ability to make tough decisions, but also the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

“He who does not know his own worth cannot value the worth of others.” – Rollo

Rollo, a Viking leader who later became the first Duke of Normandy in France, understood the importance of self-awareness for leadership. This quote highlights the Viking belief that a good leader must have a strong sense of self, in order to recognize and appreciate the value of others.

These Viking leadership quotes not only offer insight into the wisdom of Viking leaders , but also reflect the values of the Viking society as a whole. By understanding these values, we can draw inspiration for our own leadership journeys.

Norse Mythology and Spiritual Quotes

The Vikings’ belief in Norse mythology and spirituality was a fundamental part of their culture and way of life. Their gods and goddesses represented different aspects of nature and provided guidance in their daily lives. Here are some inspiring quotes that reflect their deep spiritual beliefs.

The Wisdom of Odin

“Wise men speak only of what they know.” – Odin

Odin, the god of wisdom, was highly respected by the Vikings for his knowledge and foresight. This quote reminds us to prioritize knowledge and experience over speculation and hearsay.

“Fear not death, for the hour of your doom is set and none may escape it.” – Odin

This quote by Odin speaks to the Viking’s acceptance of their inevitable fate. It emphasizes the importance of living courageously and without fear.

The Strength of Thor

Let your faith be bigger than your fears, and your actions louder than your words.” – Thor

Thor, the god of thunder and strength, was a symbol of power and protection. This quote highlights the importance of faith and action, rather than mere words.

“There are many ways to fight. Few are the ways to fight well.” – Thor

This quote emphasizes the value of skill and strategy in battle, rather than brute force.

The Beauty of Freya

Love is as beautiful as a summer day, but can also be as dangerous as a winter storm.” – Freya

Freya was the goddess of love and fertility, and this quote captures the duality of love- its beauty and its potential for pain and danger.

“The most beautiful things in life are often fleeting, but the memory of them lasts forever.” – Freya

This quote by Freya reminds us to cherish the fleeting moments of beauty in life, as they become precious memories that endure.

The Wisdom of the Norns

“Even the gods cannot change the past.” – The Norns

The Norns were the three goddesses of destiny, who controlled the past, present, and future. This quote teaches us to accept the past and focus on the present and future instead.

“Every ending is a new beginning.” – The Norns

This quote reminds us that even amidst endings and change, there is always the potential for growth and new beginnings.

Honor and Loyalty in Viking Quotes

The Viking society placed a great emphasis on honor and loyalty , both to their family and their gods. Here are some powerful quotes that capture the importance of these values in Viking culture:

“Better to fight and fall than to live without hope.” – Anonymous Viking warrior

This quote highlights the Viking’s unwavering determination to fight for what they believed in, even in the face of death. It also speaks to their belief that a life without hope and honor was not worth living.

“The worth of a man is in the worth of his ambitions.” – Sigurd, the Dragon Slayer

Sigurd’s quote emphasizes the importance of having noble ambitions and striving to achieve them, even if it means taking risks or facing danger. This quote also showcases the Viking’s belief in personal honor and the pursuit of greatness.

Another important facet of Viking culture was loyalty, both to family and tribe. This quote from a Viking leader encapsulates this value:

I would rather my men die bravely by my side than live to see them desert.” – Ragnar Lothbrok

Ragnar’s words highlight the importance of loyalty in Viking society and the willingness to stand with one’s comrades, even in the face of danger. This quote also speaks to the Viking’s code of honor, where cowardice and desertion were seen as dishonorable.

The Vikings placed a high value on honor and loyalty, and these quotes serve as a reminder of the strength and determination that characterized their culture.

Quotes on Adventure and Exploration

The Vikings were a seafaring people who ventured far and wide, reaching as far as North America and the Middle East. Their love for exploration and adventure is reflected in these inspiring quotes .

“To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen

While this quote is not from a Viking, it echoes the spirit of adventure that drove the Viking explorers to brave the unknown and discover new lands.

“The sea is always in motion and makes the heart restless like the longing for adventure.” – Anonymous

This quote speaks to the thrill of the unknown and the desire to seek out new experiences that was central to Viking culture.

The Vikings believed that the world was full of wonders and that it was their duty to explore and discover them. These quotes capture the spirit of adventure that drove them to sail into the unknown.

  • “If you want to know the truth about the sea, embrace it in all its fury.”
  • “Where the wind takes me, I go.”
  • “The greater the challenge, the greater the glory.”

These quotes showcase the Viking’s determination to persevere through challenges and their willingness to take risks in pursuit of greatness.

Overall, these quotes emphasize the importance of embracing the unknown and taking risks in pursuit of adventure and discovery. They continue to inspire us today and remind us that life is full of opportunities for exploration and growth.

Strength and Resilience in Viking Quotes

The Vikings were a people who knew how to endure. Their harsh way of life demanded strength, resilience , and unwavering determination. Through the ages, their wisdom continues to inspire us with quotes that speak to the human spirit in all its glory.

“A coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one.”

This famous quote from the Viking sagas highlights the importance of courage and bravery in the face of adversity. To the Viking, death was not something to fear, but rather something to embrace with honor.

“Endurance is measured by how difficult it is to continue.”

This quote reminds us that true strength is not measured by how much we can lift or how fast we can run, but by our ability to keep going when the going gets tough. It is the ability to persevere that sets us apart from the rest.

“Where there is a will, there is a way.”

These words of wisdom remind us that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to. With determination and perseverance, we can overcome even the most challenging of obstacles.

“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”

This quote captures the essence of Viking courage: the willingness to face danger head-on, even when victory is uncertain. It is the willingness to take risks and embrace the unknown that separates the truly brave from the rest.

The Viking era may be long gone, but their spirit lives on through their inspiring quotes. Their strength, resilience , and unwavering determination continue to inspire us to this day.

Love and Relationships in Viking Quotes

Despite their reputation as fierce warriors, the Vikings also had a softer side. They placed great value on love, relationships , and family. Here are some powerful quotes that reveal their perspectives on these matters:

“Love is like a battle cry, it echoes through the mountains and seas. It is the strongest of all emotions, that is why it is hard to control. But when we find the right person, it is the most beautiful feeling in the world.” – Eirik the Red

Eirik the Red, a famed Viking explorer and founder of the first Norse settlement in Greenland, had a deep appreciation for the power of love. His words speak to the passionate and intense nature of Viking romance.

“A true bond between two people can withstand any test thrown at it. It is like the roots of a tree, it grows deeper and stronger with time.” – Sigrid the Haughty

Sigrid the Haughty, a legendary queen of Sweden who was married to two different kings, understood the importance of loyalty and commitment in relationships . Her words reflect the depth and endurance of Viking love .

“Family is everything. It is the rock that supports us in times of trouble. They are our blood and our kin, and nothing can break the bonds we share.” – Helgi the Lean

Helgi the Lean, a Viking chieftain who led successful raids on England, believed that family was the cornerstone of Viking society. His words capture the close-knit and protective nature of Viking familial relationships .

These quotes remind us that even in the midst of war and conquest, the Vikings valued the importance of love, relationships, and family. Their perspective on these matters continues to inspire and resonate with us today.

The wisdom of the Viking era is timeless, and their quotes continue to inspire us today. From the courage of Viking warriors to the wisdom of Viking leaders , the Norse culture has left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness.

By exploring the Viking mindset and embracing their values of honor, loyalty, and resilience, we can find inspiration and strength in our own lives. Whether it’s exploring new horizons, overcoming adversity, or seeking deeper meaning in our relationships, the Viking era offers us a wealth of insights.

So the next time you’re feeling discouraged or lost, remember the words of the Vikings and let their wisdom guide you. As the Norse sagas remind us, “He who has the courage to venture into the unknown, discovers new worlds.”

Viking Quotes Conclusion

From their love of adventure to their devotion to family and gods, the Vikings left behind a legacy of inspiring quotes that continue to resonate with us today. By immersing ourselves in their culture and mindset, we can discover new sources of strength and inspiration in every aspect of our lives. So let us honor the Viking era by embracing their wisdom and living our lives with the same courage and determination that characterized the Norse way of life.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the wisdom of the Vikings. May their quotes continue to inspire us for generations to come.

Q: How can I use Viking quotes in my daily life?

A: Viking quotes can be used as inspiration and motivation in various aspects of life. You can incorporate them into your morning routine for a positive start to the day, use them as affirmations or mantras, or even share them with friends and loved ones to spread the Viking wisdom.

Q: Are there any Viking quotes about leadership?

A: Yes, there are several quotes from Viking leaders that offer valuable insights into leadership. These quotes can be used to inspire and guide individuals in positions of authority, highlighting the importance of strategic thinking, decisiveness, and leading by example.

Q: Can Viking quotes be used in speeches or presentations?

A: Absolutely! Viking quotes can add depth and impact to speeches or presentations, particularly when the theme is related to courage, strength, resilience, or exploration. Incorporating these quotes can capture the attention of the audience and leave a lasting impression.

Q: Where can I find more Viking quotes?

A: There are various sources to discover more Viking quotes. Books on Norse mythology and Viking history often contain a wealth of wisdom. Additionally, the internet offers numerous websites and forums dedicated to Viking quotes. Exploring these resources can help you uncover a vast array of inspiring quotes.

Q: Can Viking quotes be used for tattoo ideas?

A: Absolutely! Many people find Viking quotes to be powerful and meaningful , making them popular choices for tattoo designs. Whether you’re seeking a quote that represents your strength, resilience, or connection to Norse heritage , there are plenty of options to choose from.

Q: Are Viking quotes suitable for social media captions?

A: Viking quotes can be excellent choices for social media captions. They can add depth and personality to your posts, capturing the attention of your followers and sparking conversations. Additionally, their unique and inspiring nature can make your content stand out from the crowd.

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norwegian travel quotes

15 Norway Travel Instagram Captions

  • 3 minute read

There’s Norway your Instagram photos are going to flop with these 15 Norway travel Instagram captions.

You’re so taken aback by Norway’s beauty. The country has so much to offer it was unexpected and you didn’t come prepared with a handful of Norway travel Instagram captions for those stunning moments. That’s how I felt when I traveled to Norway the first time around. Luckily, I’ve summarized the 15 best Norway travel Instagram captions for Oslo, Bergen, Flam, Aurlandsfjord and more for you to use.

1. Once there, there’s Norway you’ll want to leave

My trip started off in Oslo , a city I had zero expectations for and left very much in love with. Trust me when I say that once you are there (and I highly recommend you visit end of May), there’s Norway you’ll want to go back home.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sveva Marcangeli (@svadore)

2. Oslo is everything but Blå

Like I said, I was so surprised that Oslo was anything but Blå –which is also the name of a cool, alternative neighborhood in Oslo with a ton of quirky bars, clubs, and outdoor spaces.

3. The Opera House is a must

You can’t miss the interesting and unique architecture of the Oslo Opera House . It’s located directly on the water. The interesting slanted structure allows for people to climb to the top of it.

4. Get out of the city and immerse yourself in nature

Our favorite part of the trip had to be staying at 29|2 Aurland , a small village outside of Flam , and hiking the rural landscape. It was the altitude adjustment we needed to set us straight!

5. When you hike to the top

We had heard about this hike to Prest with stunning views of the Fjords below that was rare and unknown by many. It peaked our interest so we skipped staying too long at the touristy Stegastein Viewpoint and made a journey to the top of Prest .

6. When you uncover an untouristy area

There is SO much unexplored terrain in Norway, it’s amazing how unruined by tourism the country is. When you find that perfect hike, waterfall, village, or local store that’s untapped by tourism, here’s a caption to remember that moment.

7. You’re bound to hike or see at least one waterfall

Trust me. Whether you’re hiking one, going by one by train, driving by one, biking by one…you will inevitable see a waterfall . It’s one of Norway’s many gifts and blessings.

8. You have to go on a ferry ride

Because that’s the only way you’re going to see the true beauty of this country in all it’s glory. Sipping a beer as you stroll down a fjord admiring nature’s beauty.

9. When you’re in Bergen

The ferry will drop you off from Flam to Bergen . As soon as you enter the port, you’re taken aback by it’s unique architecture. I don’t know where to even Bergen when describing this interesting city!

10. See Bergen from a new point of view

Again, there is so much hiking to do in Norway, it allows you to see things from a completely new point of view.

11. Captions for all those cute alleys

There are no shortage of cute alleys in Bergen . You’ll be stopping every five seconds to snap a picture. They definitely don’t lack in origin-(alley)-ty!

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NorwegianClass101’s Essential Norwegian Travel Phrase Guide


Traveling to foreign countries is nearly always an exciting, enriching, and beneficial experience . Yet, some things can be real downers, such as boredom on a lengthy flight to Norway. Really, binge-watching onboard movies can only be interesting for so long! And jet lag – another huge downer. Did you know that jet lag is more severe when you travel from the West to the East?

Well, we won’t know how to beat that, but there are fortunately plenty of remedies around to investigate.

To beat flight boredom, though, we may have the answer for you at NorwegianClass101 ! Why don’t you take the time to study Norwegian travel phrases? We make this super easy and fun, with great downloadables, like our PDF Cheat Sheets. Quickly memorize these, and impress your Norwegian friends or travel guide with your flawless Norwegian!

Table of Contents

  • Importance Of Learning Travel Phrases
  • 13 Must-Have Travel Phrases and Words
  • Good-To-Have Travel Phrases
  • Ways To Improve Communication in a Foreign Country
  • NorwegianClass101 Can Help You Master Travel Phrases Easily and Effortlessly!


1. Importance Of Learning Travel Phrases

Impressing Norwegian people or your travel partners will be the least of the benefits you reap from learning these helpful phrases. These are greater ones:

1) Eliminate Travel Frustration: First of all, you’ll be able to cut out a good chunk of travel frustration and inconvenience due to language barriers.

Know how to pronounce and use at least the basic Norwegian phrases, and then just look foreign. This should go a long way to help you get by and win you friends, because locals would be more inclined to help someone who took the trouble to learn a smidgen of their language.

Injured Woman In An Ambulance

2) Emergency Readiness: In case of an emergency, you will be able to get help a lot quicker if you know how to ask for what in Norwegian. Imagine miming to a doctor or nurse that you have a sore ear but that you’re allergic to penicillin. Not so easy, right?

Rather, you should know basic emergency travel phrases, especially if you suffer from a serious condition. Also, information about life-threatening allergies you have should always be on your person in the language of the country you’re visiting.

3) Sight-Seeing Readiness: Hopefully, you also travel to learn more about a country’s culture. Visiting the main tourist sites in Norway will be more interesting if you know how to ask pertinent questions in Norwegian.

In this blog, we’ll also be giving you important travel phrases to consider – from the 13 essential must-have phrases to ones that are just generally useful and good to know.

Let’s get cracking!

2. 13 Must-Have Travel Phrases and Words

Preparing to Travel

Seasoned explorers of multiple countries will tell you that certain words and phrases are absolute must-knows in anyone’s travel vocabulary. Learning from them, we collated some of the most essential ones here for you.

If you know these travel phrases and words by heart in Norwegian, you will be much better equipped for your visit than most of your movie-binging travel mates.

1) Takk (Thank you)

As a tourist, you will be relying on the kindness of strangers to get by. Repay them with a small acknowledgment of their friendly generosity – know how to say “thank you” in Norwegian.

2) Snakker du engelsk? (Do you speak English?)

While it may be a bit of a cop-out, sometimes you just can’t figure out how to communicate. Maybe you’re blanking on one specific word you need, maybe they’re speaking with a heavy accent, or maybe it’s just really late and you really want to get to the hotel. In that case, try asking if they speak English, and hopefully you can make things a little bit simpler for yourself.

Don’t abuse this phrase, though! If you just try to get by without learning any of the local language, not only will you not learn anything – you’ll be out of luck if they can’t speak English!

Man Greeting Someone

3) Går det en buss fra flyplassen til byen? (Is there a bus from the airport to the city?)

Public transit is usually cheaper, if slower, than taking a taxi or rideshare. Use this phrase to see if you can get where you’re going when you’re strapped for cash, or just when you’d like to take the scenic route into town!

4) Er dette riktig buss til flyplassen? (Is this the right bus for the airport?)

Likewise, if you’re the kind of person who can get themselves moving early (or maybe you just have a late flight), maybe you want to take the bus to the airport rather than taking a cab. If that’s the case, you’ll want to be sure you’re actually heading the right way! You wouldn’t want to end up at a lookout point half an hour away, watching your flight take off in the distance, would you?

5) Unnskyld meg, hva er billettprisen? (Excuse me, what’s the fare?)

If you are paying for a cab, you’ll want to know how much. Most legal taxis will have meters, but when dealing with a currency you’re not familiar with, it can be worth asking just to double check that you’re paying the right amount – especially if the currency has cents.

6) Jeg har en reservasjon (I have a reservation)

This one you can expect to use at least a few times throughout your trip, unless you’re the kind of person who travels by the seat of their pants and just goes to whatever hotel, motel, or hostel has rooms available.

7) Har dere noen ledige rom i kveld? (Do you have any vacancies tonight?)

If that’s the case, you’ll definitely be using this phrase instead. Quite possibly a lot, depending on how lucky you are!

Couple with a Map

8 ) Hvor er togstasjonen? (Where is the train station?)

If you’re in a country with an expansive commuter rail system (or maybe just a fan of other types of locomotives), you may want to know where the closest station is. Just don’t go looking for pennies on the rails!

9) Jeg er allergisk mot peanøtter (I am allergic to peanuts)

Replace “peanuts” with whatever the word for your allergen may be. If your allergy is serious, you probably already know the importance of stating this very clearly in Norwegian.

If the condition is life-threatening, be sure to have a letter or prescription from a medical professional in Norwegian on your person at all times . Consider getting a medical alert bracelet specially made in Norwegian if your stay will be longer than a month or so.

Person Declining Meat

10) Har du noen vegetarretter? (Do you have any vegetarian dishes?)

If you dislike eating certain things, or you have certain dietary restrictions, it would be best if you knew how to convey this clearly in Norwegian.

Remember, though, that saying “I’m vegan” or “I’m diabetic” may not be enough to get you what you want. The rules for veganism and vegetarianism are not standard everywhere in the world. Also, your patron might not understand what “diabetic” means. If you have a medical condition, it would be best to research some in-depth vocabulary beforehand.

11) Kunne jeg fått et kart? (Could I get a map?)

Planning on exploring your destination? Hopelessly lost? Maybe just an amateur cartographer? No matter the reason, this phrase is sure to come in handy. That said, you’re more likely to get use out of it at some sort of tourist or travel center than you are asking a random passerby on the street.

12) Hvor mye er dette? (How much is this?)

Even if you’re not a big shopper, you’re probably going to need this phrase at some point. Knowing how to count in Norwegian will, of course, help a lot with purchases too.

13) Tar dere kredittkort? (Do you take credit card?)

This is another travel phrase that will smooth your monetary transactions considerably.

Man Giving Credit Card to a Clerk

3. Good-To-Have Travel Phrases

Travel Verbs

Unlike the previous phrases, these are not really essential so much as they are useful . Yet, knowing these will still smooth over some bumps on your journey, more than just knowing the crucial phrases would.

1) Er Wi-Fi gratis? (Is the Wi-Fi free?)

If you’re abroad, your normal cellular plans probably won’t have any service, and you’ll be totally reliant on publically available Wi-Fi while you’re out and about. Just ask a server, clerk, or attendant, and they’ll be happy to let you know. Just make sure you’re paying attention when they tell you the password!

2) Kan du vær så snill å ta et bilde av meg? (Could you take a picture of me please?)

What would a trip be with no photos to commemorate the event? Just be sure to ask this of someone who actually looks like they’d be willing to, unless you’re willing to risk being given the cold shoulder or worse. If you’re at a tourist attraction, you’ll find that most people are more than happy to take one for you, so long as you take one of them as well!

3) Har dere noen anbefalinger? (Do you have any recommendations?)

Eating alone in a restaurant? Or going out with new Norwegian friends or business colleagues? Let them help you decide what to have.

4) Jeg vil gjerne ha et røykfritt sete, takk (I’d like to have a non-smoking seat, please)

Though smoking has gone out of fashion in some places, it’s still popular in others. In the event you’re at a restaurant where smoking is allowed on premises, you can always ask this question to the staff and be seated elsewhere.

5) Vann, er du snill (Water, please)

If you’ve emptied your glass, or are cutting yourself off after a few drinks, you can always ask for some water. It can be especially useful if the restaurant is busy to the point you need to call out to someone to get service.

6) Kan jeg få regningen? (Could I have the check?)

To finish off the restaurant related phrases, if you’re eating with friends or really want to impress your colleagues, taking the bill can be a nice treat for them. Of course, this phrase could come in handy as well if you’re eating alone and you’re just impatient to leave.

7) Hva anbefaler du for en suvenir? (What do you recommend for a souvenir?)

Now that your trip is over, what better way to cap it all off than a memento, or maybe a gift for friends and family at home? It’ll be nicer to have something recommended by the locals than a cheap bauble from the airport store, so go ahead and ask someone you’ve met what they think.

4. Ways To Improve Communication in a Foreign Country

Survival Phrases

When traveling, it’s possible to keep communication smooth when you don’t share a language.

Do so by keeping these five tips in mind. They are aimed to help you communicate with those who cannot speak English very well, and also to keep your traveling experience pleasant!

1. Keep your English simple and easy to understand. If the person you are talking to speaks very little English, use basic verbs, adjectives, and nouns, and keep sentences short.

However, don’t patronize them by talking in pidgin or like you would address a child. Keep your speech simple but natural, and use the correct grammar.

For instance, don’t say: “You come when?”. If you say: “When will you come?”, you will very likely be understood, and may even help someone who wants to improve their English.

2. Ask someone to write information down. Apply Rule 1 first at your hotel, where the staff is very likely to be able to speak some English. Get them to write down, in their native language, things like: “I would like to go to the airport, please,” “Please take me to the beach,” or “Where is the closest bathroom?”

These written questions are something you can then give to taxi drivers or any other people who are willing and able to help you. This simple step could make your life a lot easier when you travel to a foreign country!

3. Avoid asking leading questions! If you want the correct information from a non-native English speaker, that is.

When you need directions, for instance, don’t ask: “To get to the bus stop, do I need to turn left here?” If the person didn’t really understand you, you will probably just get a smile and a “Yes,” which could possibly make you miss your bus.

Rather, you should ask: “Where is the bus stop?” If they understand you, you will get the correct directions.

4. Pick the right person to ask for help. Time to look at people and think a bit about their appearance! A younger person who looks like they might be a student is more likely to have English skills than the friendly but ancient lady smiling at you from a fruit stall.

If you don’t see anyone like that, head into town to the nearest bank, hospital, pharmacy, or hotel. The staff at those places usually speak a bit of English.

5. Know when to quit. If you stuck to the above rules, but the person you are talking to only stares at you blankly, say thank you and leave. Hanging around hoping someone will suddenly understand and respond is just wasting your time, and may irritate them as well. Go find someone else.

5. NorwegianClass101 Can Help You Master Travel Phrases Easily and Effortlessly!

So, reader, have you found this article helpful?

Do you feel comfortable enough to use some essential travel phrases in Norwegian? We’d also love to hear if you think we left out important travel phrases. Leave your suggestions and opinions in the comments!

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These tools include:

– An extensive vocabulary list , regularly updated – A new Norwegian word to learn every day – Quick access to the Norwegian Key Phrase List – A free Norwegian online dictionary – The excellent 100 Core Norwegian Word List – An almost limitless Lesson Library for learners of all levels

You will also have access to topic-specific recordings like our Before You Travel: Survival Phrases lesson.

Learn even more efficiently with the help of a personal tutor, after taking an assessment test to personalize and tailor your training.

Getting a tutor is also a good option if you meet challenges in your learning, or need to fast-track correct pronunciation and diction. Your very own friendly, Norwegian-speaking teacher will be only a text away on a special app, anywhere, anytime – an excellent option for business persons!

Using a guided learning system that was developed by experts in language and online education, you’ll receive personal feedback and constant support to improve in no time. You’ll also be tasked with weekly assignments in reading, writing, and speaking to hone your Norwegian speaking skills.

Imagine how impressed your Norwegian friends or colleagues will be when you display your excellent conversational skills! With NorwegianClass101, getting there will be easy and fun.

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How To Say ‘Thank you’ in Norwegian

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How To Say ‘Hello’ in Norwegian, and Other Norwegian Greetings!

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How to Say I Love You in Norwegian – Romantic Word List

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Norwegian Keyboard: How to Install and Type in Norwegian

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The 100 Most Common Norwegian Verbs

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Jeg? Du? De? – Learn Pronouns in Norwegian

How to celebrate april fools’ day in norwegian.

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Travel Melodies

14 Beautiful Norwegian Words We Need in English Now!

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Disclaimer: This article includes affiliate links to the products we earnestly love and recommend, meaning at no extra cost to you, we might make a teeny-weeny commission if you click on the link and decide to buy something. The money will be used to sustain this little cozy blog we call our virtual home.

Norway is incredibly beautiful. So is the Norwegian language. It’s one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Norwegian words are quite peculiar to the Norwegian culture and thus, you won’t find them in English or any other language, for that matter. These untranslatable words add beauty and uniqueness to the language.

Most Norwegians speak fair English and you’d get by perfectly fine even if you don’t know a word in the Norwegian language. But, wouldn’t it be nice to know some of the most beautiful words and phrases in Norwegian before you visit Norway? There’s a sense of accomplishment in learning a new language. Plus, knowing the basic words and phrases helps to break down the barrier while you meet new people around the world.

Suggested Read: The Most Beautiful Words in the World

Untranslatable Norwegian Words

So without further ado, here’s a roundup of the well-turned and beautiful Norwegian words and meanings:

Utepils (n.)

It’s one of the most popular Scandinavian words .

Pronunciation: OOH-ta-pilz Meaning: Literally translates to outdoors lager; to drink beer outdoors Come spring and summer, Norwegians are like “Ah, the sun is finally out,  let’s Utepils ”. They religiously follow the tradition of enjoying the warm weather with a chilled glass of beer! Well, you have to endure the Arctic winter to appreciate the concept of Utepils.

utepils norwegian words scandinavian words

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One of the best Norwegian words and my favorite aspect of Norwegian culture.

Pronunciation: coosh Meaning: Coziness; all things warm and cozy; a hug or a cuddle; small joys of life; it can simply mean enjoying simple things like a cup of coffee with a freshly baked cinnamon bun or having a good time with loved ones or reading a good book or snuggling in a blanket while it’s snowing outside or anything that makes you feel purely happy. Scandinavian countries take coziness seriously, for a reason, of course. Danish hygge, Swedish mys, and Norwegian kos all tell of warmth, coziness, hug, cuddle, snuggle, togetherness, laughter, care, and contentment. Again, you need to go through the long, dark, and unwelcoming wintry days to understand the importance of kos. Now, Kan jeg gi deg en kos? (Can I give you a cuddle or hug?)

koselig kos best norwegian words

Read Next: Epic Places in Norway You Must Visit

Forelsket (n.)

Pronunciation: for-el-skit

Meaning: The euphoria you experience when you are falling in love for the first time

forelsket beautiful norwegian words

Related Read: Fall in Love with Norway with a Road Trip from Bergen to Oslo

Pronunciation: gla-i-yai Meaning: Literally translates to glad in you or happy in you; fond of you You say “Jeg er glad i deg” to someone you have affection for or hold dear or care for – your spouse, your child, your parents, and your friends. And, you say “Jeg elsker deg” to someone you are romantically involved with – your spouse and your kjæreste (boyfriend or girlfriend). “Jeg liker deg” is what you say to people who aren’t that close to you like a celebrity or a teacher you admire.

glad i deg norwegian words for love and affection

Must Read: You’d Say “Jeg liker deg” when you see the Magical Fjord Village of Undredal in Norway

Kjæreste (n.)

Pronunciation: schiaareste Meaning: Literally translates to dearest; beloved on; a gender-neutral term of endearment for one’s romantic partner, be it a boyfriend or a girlfriend

Kjæreste unique words norwegian culture

You Might Like: A Scenic Train Journey from Oslo to Bergen

Pålegg (n.)

Pronunciation: paw-leg Meaning: Literally means “in addition to”; anything and everything you can put on a slice of bread or crispbread from jam to ham to cheese to chocolate spread to other toppings and spreads you can think of to make open-faced sandwiches called smørbrød

Norwegians carry “matpakke” meaning a food pack or packed lunch for work, school, or hiking trips and pålegg is an essential element of it.

PS: Try Norwegian open-faced sandwiches at Theatercaféen in Oslo, Norway

Pålegg norwegian words for food

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Pronunciation: maa-kuh Meaning: Literally means forest or woodland; forested or hilly areas surrounding a settlement or city or town that contains hiking trails, lakes, and recreation facilities Norwegians long for a break in the woods where they can hike, walk, ski, bike, camp, and unwind. You must take a walk in the Oslomarka when you visit Oslo to know what exactly it means.

marka oslomarka lovely norwegian words

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Pronunciation: ruhs Meaning: A term used for senior high school students taking part in the russefeiring, a traditional celebration before the final exam around April and May that lasts for almost a month A season of russen is a big thing in Norway. I loved this article about russ.

russ norwegian words

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Pronunciation: bo-bil Meaning: A camper or campervan; RV; motor home; motor caravan With the right of access rules in place, Norway is best explored in a Bobil 🙂

bobil camper van norwegian words right of access

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Uff da (interj.)

Pronunciation: oo-fh-duh Meaning: A phrase used to express sensory overload from bafflement, surprise, relief, exhaustion, astonishment, or dismay; a placeholder for many common obscenities; often a marker of Scandinavian heritage It’s exciting how one word expresses so many emotions. Uff-da!

Its origin might be Norwegian but it is one of the most stereotypical Minnesotan expressions.

uff-da one word many emotions norwegian word minnesotan expressions

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Pronunciation: døjn Meaning: The time period between one midnight and the next midnight; both day and night; any 24-hour time period It makes sense to invent a word like “døgn” in Norway because most part of the country lies north of the Arctic Circle where the sun never sets during summer and the sun never rises during winter which makes it difficult to individuate between day and night. There are so many compound words based on døgn but my favorite is døgnvill which means feeling or state of losing a sense of what part of the day it is!

døgn norwegian words arctic summer arctic winter

Norway is magical in summer as well as winter. Because summer has a Midnight Sun and winter has Northern Lights .

Uting (adj.)

Pronunciation: ut-ing Meaning: Literally means unthing; Figuratively means a bad habit or tradition or nuisance or an objectionable act or situation like a mobile phone ringing in a church

uting norwegian words

Read More: How to Explore the Best of Nordic Countries: A 3-week Scandinavia Itinerary

Ildsjel (n.)

Pronunciation: il-shail Meaning: Literally translates to fire soul; a driving force; an enthusiast; someone who’s passionate and active about a cause and wants to contribute to the community

Norway celebrates ildsjeler by awarding them ( Ildsjel of the Year ) for their inspiring and positive role in society.

Ildsjel norwegian words

Related Read: 100 Unique and Creative Travel Words with Beautiful Meanings

Verdensrommet (n.)

Pronunciation: verden-s-romm-et Meaning: Literally means earth’s room; (outer) space; derived from Norse mythology where Odin created the realms (rooms) of the world

verdensrommet norwegian words

Read More: 7 Days in Norway Itinerary

Do you have any fascinating and beautiful Norwegian words that you’d like us to add to this list of unique words from the Norwegian language?

Recommended Reading:

  • Renting a Car in Europe
  • Schengen Visa for Europe
  • How to Plan a Trip to Europe
  • Nordics Itinerary
  • Best Places to Visit in Norway with Kids
  • 7 Days in Norway Itinerary
  • 2 Weeks in Norway Itinerary
  • Oslo with Kids
  • Where to Stay in Oslo
  • Undredal in Norway
  • The Train from Oslo to Bergen
  • Driving from Bergen to Oslo

Save the Beautiful Norwegian Words to Pinterest

norwegian words norwegian phrases

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8 thoughts on “14 Beautiful Norwegian Words We Need in English Now!”

I am native Norwegian, and I am sorry to say, but these “pronunciation guides” are very wrong.

Thank you for pointing that out. I apologize for any inaccuracies in the pronunciation guides. As a non-native speaker, I rely on various sources, but I understand the importance of getting it right. It would be incredibly helpful if you could provide the correct pronunciations so I can update the post accurately. Your native expertise is invaluable, especially since some internet sources can be misleading. I appreciate your assistance in making the content better for everyone.

I love Norwegian words! I’m so glad they’re making their way into English!

Dugnad påspandert, tomgang are other distinct Norwegian words google translate dont understand.

Thanks for mentioning “Dugnad,” “påspandert,” and “tomgang.” These are indeed unique Norwegian words that can be challenging to translate. I appreciate your input and interest!

The pronouncement of norwegian words here is like the norwegian spoken in the movie “My norwegian holiday”, wrong 😄

To pronounce words with the norwegian letter å, think of how you say “or” in english. Thats right, the “o” in or is like å. The norwegian word “uting” is pronounced as if “u” was a separate word: u..ting. Same as “ulovelig” = not allowed, ufin=not nice, utur = bad luck. Ildsjel = ild-scheel, ild = fire, pronounced with d. Sjel = soul, sj is like you say when you are asking someone to be quiet..schhhh! Uffda is a word we use when something bad has happened. The letter u is pronounced kind of when saying “you”, like juuu, without the j in front. Try saying uff..da with a small wait between. Marka is a word mostly used by people in cities where there is a nearby forrest, recreational area. Those living in villages outside cities says “skauen”, “skogen” = forrest. But Marka is pronounced like Mar in marvelouse..and then ka. Mar..ka. Kjæreste, well – Kj sound is like no english word sounds I can think of, both letters are pronounced as one sound, think of how you would imitare a gas leake..kjjjjjj. æ is just like the a letter of the binding word and. reste is like you would say rested, without d at end ofcourse. Glad i deg – long prounouncement of glad. Gl starts the word, then long a and short d. Some, or most people, says Gla without the d pronounced. i is pronounced like you say i in “indeed”. Deg – dei – g in this word, in norwegian said as i. Kind of as you say “They”, but chang Th with a D and y with i. They is by the way “De”. Forelsket, in love, is just for..el..skeeet. The o letter is often pronounced as å. Kos – the letter K is prnounced just like the C in the word “Caught” (which in norwegian is exactly like the word horny kåt), here in Kos, the o letter is pronounced as ooo, not å. Utepils is said almost as two words, u..te…..pils. Ute is outdoor, u..te. Pils is beer, pronounced like when saying Pill..s.

Thank you for the detailed pronunciation guide! This is incredibly helpful and insightful. I’ll make sure to incorporate these tips to ensure accuracy. I appreciate your feedback and the time you took to share this with us!

Beautiful word collection! I’m here from your pinterest 🙂

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Learn some basic Norwegian words and phrases before you travel. Your trip to Norway will be much more enjoyable if you can communicate with the locals. Our team has reviewed the most common Norwegian words and phrases for you. You should also take a small pocket dictionary with you just in case or download a translator app to your phone. Here we present some top Norwegian words and phrases for travelers.

  • Thank you – Takk
  • Thank you very much – Tusen takk
  • You’re welcome – Vær så god
  • Please – Vær så snill
  • Excuse me – Unnskyld meg
  • I do not understand – Jeg forstår ikke
  • Month – Måned
  • Today – I dag
  • Yesterday – I går
  • Tomorrow – I morgen
  • How do you say this in Norwegian? – Hvordan sier man dette på norsk?

Learning a new language is always exciting yet can be rather challenging for many. Students who study one or more languages are often required to write essays in these languages to practice their writing skills. But today, a reliable  make my essay for me  service can take care of that and allow students to focus on speaking. And that is exactly what you need to do if you want to go abroad and be able to communicate with locals – focus on speaking.

Did you know that Norwegian is considered one of the easiest languages for English speakers to learn? This may sound surprising because, let’s face it, Norwegian isn’t often “up there” on the list of modern foreign languages to learn when you’re considering a course. But we think Norwegian is an incredible language for anyone to try to learn.


  • Hello – Hallo
  • Goodbye – Ha det
  • Good morning – God morgen
  • Good afternoon – God ettermiddag
  • Good evening – God kveld
  • How are you? – Hvordan har du det?
  • Nice to meet you – Hyggelig å møte deg
  • Do you speak English? – Snakker du engelsk?

Yes we know. English is renowned for polluting the languages of the world with words like ‘email’ and ‘webcam’. But Norwegian has actually loaned English a few words too. Some examples we like are:  berserk , ski, lemming  and  slalom .


  • Where is …? – Hvor er …?
  • How much is the fare? – Hvor mye koster billetten?
  • One ticket to …, please. – En billett til …, takk.
  • Train – Tog
  • Underground/tube/metro – T-bane
  • Tram – Trikk
  • Train station – Jernbanestasjon
  • Bus station – Busstasjon
  • Airport – Flyplass
  • Tourist Information – Turistinformasjon
  • Police station – Politistasjon
  • Hospital – Sykehus
  • Museum – Museum
  • Bank – Bank
  • Restaurant – Restaurant
  • Church – Kirke
  • Restrooms – Toalett


  • Store/shop – Butikk
  • How much does this cost? – Hvor mye koster dette?
  • What is this? – Hva er dette?
  • I’ll buy it. – Jeg kjøper det.
  • I would like to buy… – Jeg vil gjerne kjøpe…
  • Do you have … – Har du …
  • Do you accept credit cards? – Tar dere kredittkort?

Because of the large number of cognates in Norwegian, you will be surprised to find that reading a simple newspaper article would actually come pretty easy to you. Some words are identical, such as  bank, over  and  problem , while some are close enough to guess, like  velkommen  (welcome),  av  (of) and  skrive  (write).


  • Table – Bord
  • Menu – Meny
  • I have a reservation – Jeg har en reservasjon
  • Soup – Suppe
  • Salad – Salat
  • Appetizer – Forrett
  • Hamburger – Hamburger
  • Dessert – Dessert
  • Drink – Drikke
  • Water – Vann
  • Red wine – Rødvin
  • White wine – Hvitvin
  • Coffee – Kaffe
  • Waiter – Servitør
  • Waitress – Servitøren


  • Three – Tre
  • Four – Fire
  • Seven – Syv
  • Eight – Åtte

And why is this surprising? Well, Norwegian seafarers settled Iceland, the two languages are somewhat closely related. However, despite both Norway and Iceland being under Danish rule for some time, the isolation of Iceland means that the Danish influence was limited and their language is closer to Old Norse than Norwegian. Which means that the good people of Iceland can read the Sagas of the viking eras with ease, whilst those of Norway need patience and a good dictionary to do so.

The Norwegian flag button on the keyboard. close-up

Days of the Week

  • Monday – Mandag
  • Tuesday – Tirsdag
  • Wednesday – Onsdag
  • Thursday – Torsdag
  • Friday – Fredag
  • Saturday – Lørdag
  • Sunday – Søndag

Norwegian is a bit exotic compared to the other European languages as it is a tonal language or described as having a pitch accent. To the untrained ear this sounds like singing and you’ll have to go as far away as China to hear a similar spoken word. It is often used to distinguish between things like homonyms, but we love how it makes the language sound so lyrical!


  • KJ, KI, and KY makes a soft k-sound.
  • J is pronounced like the “y” in yes.
  • R is more “rolled” than the English R.

Pronounciation Guide

  • A as in father
  • E as in bed
  • I as in meat
  • U as in food
  • Æ as in sad
  • Ø as in hurt
  • Å as in ball


Norwegian Slang

  • Girl – Berte
  • Guy/Dude – Kiis
  • That’s cool. – Det er k
  • Fantastic/great – Konge
  • Boy/Girl – Type/kjei
  • Bad/ugly – kjiip
  • Crazy/wild – Texas

There is no actual word for “please” in Norwegian. For those of us overly liberal with the use of the word  please , this might stop you in your tracks. Sure, there are phrases that more or less mean the same thing:  venlegst  (most friend-ily) and  ver så venleg  (very kind). Norwegian tends to be a more polite language overall, so perhaps it can be forgiven for lacking a simple  please . For example, the presumptuous  are you  is always replaced with  can you  – a subtle change, yes, but politer than ours, nonetheless.

Top Norwegian Words and Phrases for Travelers, compiled by the Daily Scandinavian team

This is great. I will have 8 family members with me in July visit Norway. Wish I could get a copy for all.

Hi Barbara, Sorry for my late reply, but I do hope you succeeded in making a copy of our little guide on Norwegian language – and that your stay in Norway eas pleasant. Regard Tor

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Stop Googling the Best Travel Quotes( 100 Expert Examples)

Stop Googling the Best Travel Quotes: 100 Expert Quotes and Tips

Last Updated on September 16, 2024 by The Digital Travel Expert

Let’s discuss why we should stop googling the best travel quotes unless we are willing to learn and understand the narratives behind them. In the age of instant information, it’s easy to fall into the trap of Googling “best travel quotes” to add a touch of inspiration or whimsy to our travel blogs and social media posts. However, this practice often overlooks the deeper narratives and historical contexts behind these quotes. Relying on popular travel quotes without understanding their full implications can dilute the authenticity of your content and undermine the richness of travel experiences.

Let’s explore why it’s crucial to move beyond superficial searches and dive into the true essence of these quotes.

Why You Should Sometimes Stop Googling the Best Travel Quotes

The pitfalls of surface-level searches.

Travel quotes are more than just catchy phrases or beautiful sentiments; they are reflections of personal experiences, cultural insights, and philosophical observations. When we rely solely on popular searches such as “best travel quotes short” or “fun travel quotes,” we risk reducing complex ideas into mere snippets of text. This can lead to:

Lack of Depth: Short quotes and captions, while appealing, often miss the nuance of the travel experience they are trying to capture. They may not fully convey the emotional or philosophical layers that are integral to understanding the true meaning behind a journey.

Generic Travel Content: Relying on generic or trending quotes can make your content blend into the vast sea of similar posts. This not only dilutes the uniqueness of your voice but also diminishes the potential for creating a genuine connection with your audience.

Misinterpretation: Without understanding the context in which a quote was made, there’s a risk of misinterpreting or misusing it. This can lead to content that feels disconnected from the intended message or that misrepresents the original sentiment. A travel entrepreneur quote might be inspiring or misleading depending on the context.

Understanding the Most Famous Travel Quotes

Understanding the Most Famous Travel Quotes

To appreciate why these quotes resonate, let’s delve into some well-known examples:

“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine This quote is often used to emphasize the value of travel in gaining a broader perspective on life. However, to truly grasp its meaning, one must understand Saint Augustine’s broader philosophical and theological views on knowledge and experience.

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien This line from Tolkien’s poem in “The Lord of the Rings” is frequently used to celebrate the freedom of travel and exploration. The context within the epic narrative speaks to the idea of journeying as a form of self-discovery and purposeful wandering, beyond the literal sense of losing one’s way. Sometimes, poets don’t necessarily go the straight way, check “ Prairie Home Companion September the Writers Almanac “,

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Anonymous This popular quote underscores the transformative power of travel. Understanding its full impact involves recognizing how travel enriches one’s life through new experiences, cultural exchanges, and personal growth.

Amazing Trip Quotes and Their Implications

Quotes that celebrate the joy of travel, such as “Travel far, travel wide, and travel deep,” often inspire a sense of adventure and exploration. To fully appreciate such quotes, consider the experiences of those who have ventured into less-traveled paths and how their stories of discovery and enrichment can add depth to the quote’s meaning.

Inspiring Quotes About Travel

Inspiring Quotes About Travel

Inspirational quotes or catchy travel slogans , like “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” – Lao Tzu, are meant to motivate and encourage. Lao Tzu’s quote highlights the importance of taking that first step toward a journey, emphasizing courage and persistence. Understanding its philosophical context can enhance the motivational power of the quote.

Small Quotes on Traveling

Short quotes, such as “Wander often, wonder always,” are designed to be catchy and memorable. While they are useful for quick inspiration, the true value comes from exploring the underlying philosophy of continuous curiosity and appreciation for the world around us.

The Dangers of Overusing Common Search Terms

Travel content creators should be cautious about overusing certain search terms, which can lead to content dilution. Here’s why some commonly searched terms should be used sparingly:

Best Travel Quotes Short / Short Travel Quotes While short quotes are appealing, they often lack depth. Overusing them can result in superficial content that doesn’t engage readers on a deeper level.

Funny Travel Quotes / Travel Alone Quotes / Travel Together Quotes Humor and specific contexts like solo or group travel have their place, but relying too heavily on these can overshadow more profound reflections on travel experiences .

Inspirational Travel Quotes / Memorable Trip Quotes / Happy Travel Quotes Inspirational and happy quotes are motivating but can become clichéd if not paired with original insights or personal reflections.

Travel Captions for Instagram While Instagram captions are important for engagement, they should complement well-thought-out content rather than serve as the primary focus.

Moving Beyond The Airport Quotes to Create Richer Content

Moving Beyond The Airport Quotes to Create Richer Content

To enhance your travel content, consider these approaches:

Research and Context: Delve into the backgrounds of quotes and their origins. Understanding the context in which a quote was made can add layers of meaning to your content.

Personal Reflection: Share your personal experiences and insights . Combining quotes with your reflections can provide a unique perspective and create more engaging travel content.

Originality: Develop original travel content that reflects your personal voice and travel experiences. This approach can help you stand out and connect more authentically with your audience.

Balanced Use: Use quotes sparingly and strategically. Ensure they support and enrich your content rather than dominate it.

100 Cool Travel Quotes to Inspire Your Next Journey

100 Cool Travel Quotes to Inspire Your Next Journey

Looking for the perfect words to inspire your wanderlust or elevate your travel posts? We’ve compiled a collection of 100 cool travel quotes across various travel niches to suit every journey and mood. Whether you’re seeking motivation, a clever Instagram caption, or romantic sentiments to share with a travel companion, these quotes cover everything from inspirational and famous lines to those perfect for solo adventures or couple getaways.

Here’s a list of 100 travel quotes categorized by type, with brief explanations for why each is valuable for travel content:

Fun-Fueled Travel Quotes

  • “I need six months of vacation, twice a year.” – Unknown This quote highlights the universal desire for frequent breaks, resonating with anyone dreaming of extended travel.
  • “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.” – Unknown It humorously points out the paradox of spending money to gain invaluable experiences.
  • “Jet lag is for amateurs.” – Dick Clark This quote reflects the experienced traveler’s attitude toward the common issue of jet lag.
  • “I’m not lost, I’m exploring.” – Unknown It turns the concept of being lost into a positive adventure, encouraging a playful perspective on travel mishaps.
  • “I travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape me.” – Unknown This quote emphasizes travel as a way to fully engage with life’s experiences.
  • “If you’re not lost, you’re not much of an explorer.” – Unknown It humorously suggests that getting lost is a part of the adventure.
  • “Vacation calories don’t count.” – Unknown A light-hearted reminder that travel is a time to indulge and enjoy without guilt.
  • “The worst part about traveling is having to come back to reality.” – Unknown This quote humorously captures the post-travel blues many feel.
  • “Travel is the only therapy I need.” – Unknown It conveys the therapeutic benefits of travel in a funny, relatable way.
  • “My favorite thing to do is go where I’ve never been.” – Diane Arbus This quote celebrates the excitement of exploring new destinations.

Inspirational Travel Quotes

  • “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine It encourages travel as a means to broaden one’s understanding and experiences.
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien This quote inspires confidence in the journey and discovery process, even if it seems aimless.
  • “Life is short and the world is wide.” – Simon Raven It motivates travelers to seize opportunities and explore as much as possible.
  • “To travel is to live.” – Hans Christian Andersen This quote underscores travel as an essential component of a fulfilling life.
  • “Travel far, travel wide, travel often.” – Unknown It encourages frequent and varied travel experiences to enrich one’s life.
  • “Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow.” – Anita Desai This quote highlights how travel shapes and influences personal growth.
  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lao Tzu It inspires travelers to take the first step toward their adventures, no matter how daunting.
  • “Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” – Paolo Coelho This quote emphasizes that travel is more about taking bold steps than financial concerns.
  • “We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Unknown It reaffirms that travel enriches life rather than being a mere escape.
  • “Take only memories, leave only footprints.” – Chief Seattle It encourages responsible travel and leaving a positive impact on the places visited.

Short Travel Quotes

  • “Wander often, wonder always.” – Unknown A concise reminder to embrace curiosity and exploration.
  • “Adventure awaits.” – Unknown A short, exciting call to action for those ready to embark on their next journey.
  • “Travel light, live light, spread the light, be the light.” – Yogi Bhajan It promotes a minimalist approach to travel and life.
  • “Collect moments, not things.” – Unknown This quote encourages valuing experiences over material possessions.
  • “Life is a journey, not a destination.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson It highlights the importance of enjoying the process of travel.
  • “Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain Three simple words that encapsulate the essence of travel.
  • “Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but pictures.” – Unknown It promotes sustainable and respectful travel practices.
  • “Travel more, worry less.” – Unknown A quick reminder to let go of stress and enjoy traveling.
  • “Adventure is worthwhile.” – Aesop It affirms that the pursuit of adventure is always valuable .
  • “Go where you feel most alive.” – Unknown It encourages travelers to seek out experiences that invigorate them.

Famous Travel Quotes

  • “The journey not the arrival matters.” – T.S. Eliot This quote emphasizes the importance of the travel experience over the destination .
  • “Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien A well-known quote celebrating the value of exploration.
  • “To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about other countries.” – Aldous Huxley It highlights how travel can challenge stereotypes and broaden perspectives.
  • “Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.” – Gustave Flaubert This quote reflects on how travel provides a humbling perspective.
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” – Helen Keller It encourages a bold approach to living, including travel.
  • “The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” – W.B. Yeats This quote inspires travelers to be attentive and appreciative of the world’s wonders.
  • “Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.” – Seneca It highlights the mental rejuvenation that comes from travel.
  • “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker This quote can inspire travelers to take control of their adventures and experiences.
  • “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell It suggests that travel can lead to profound self-discovery.
  • “You don’t have to be rich to travel well.” – Eugene Fodor This quote reassures that enriching travel experiences aren’t dependent on wealth.

Travel Alone Quotes

  • “The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” – Saint Augustine Emphasizes the value of solo exploration for personal growth.
  • “Sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself.” – Unknown Encourages the self-discovery that often comes from solo travel.
  • “Travel alone, and you’ll discover things you never knew existed.” – Unknown Highlights the unique insights gained from traveling solo.
  • “Going solo doesn’t mean you’re alone.” – Unknown Reassures that solo travel can still be socially fulfilling and enriching.
  • “Traveling alone means you have all the freedom in the world.” – Unknown Celebrates the autonomy and flexibility of solo adventures.
  • “Alone is a state of mind.” – Unknown Reminds solo travelers that solitude is a perspective rather than a limitation.
  • “Solo travel is an opportunity to become your own best friend.” – Unknown Encourages self-discovery and self-reliance through solo travel.
  • “Travel alone and see the world with new eyes.” – Unknown Suggests that solo travel offers a fresh perspective on the world.
  • “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” – Mae West Encourages making the most of solo travel opportunities.
  • “To travel alone is to discover your inner strength.” – Unknown Highlights the personal growth that comes from navigating solo adventures.

Travel Together Quotes

  • “The best part of travel is sharing it with someone you love.” – Unknown Celebrates the joy of experiencing travel with loved ones.
  • “The journey is better when it’s shared.” – Unknown Emphasizes the value of companionship during travel.
  • “Together is a wonderful place to be.” – Unknown Highlights the special experiences that come from traveling together.
  • “Traveling with someone is a bonding experience like no other.” – Unknown Shows how travel can strengthen relationships through shared experiences.
  • “Where you go and who you’re with makes all the difference.” – Unknown Reinforces the impact of travel companions on the overall experience.
  • “Happiness is planning a trip with someone you love.” – Unknown Focuses on the joy of travel planning with a loved one.
  • “Life was meant for good friends and great adventures.” – Unknown Encourages combining friendship with travel for memorable experiences.
  • “Traveling with friends makes the journey unforgettable.” – Unknown Emphasizes how friendships enhance travel experiences .
  • **”The joy of traveling is best shared with those you care about.” – Unknown** Highlights the pleasure of sharing travel moments with loved ones.
  • “Adventure is better when it’s shared.” – Unknown Shows that adventures are often more rewarding with a travel companion.

Travel Captions for Instagram

  • “Wander often, wonder always.” – Unknown A catchy caption to inspire curiosity and frequent exploration.
  • “Collect moments, not things.” – Unknown Encourages followers to focus on experiences over possessions.
  • “Adventure awaits.” – Unknown A short, exciting caption to evoke a sense of anticipation for travel.
  • “Just another day in paradise.” – Unknown A playful way to describe a perfect travel day.
  • “Lost in the right direction.” – Unknown A creative way to acknowledge the joys of unplanned adventures.
  • “Living my best life one adventure at a time.” – Unknown Highlights the fulfillment found in travel experiences.
  • “Paradise isn’t a place, it’s a feeling.” – Unknown Conveys the emotional joy of being in a beautiful location.
  • “Travel far, travel wide, travel often.” – Unknown A motivational caption to encourage frequent travel.
  • “Finding beauty everywhere I go.” – Unknown Showcases the appreciation of the beauty encountered during travel.
  • “Escape the ordinary.” – Unknown Encourages breaking away from routine and embracing travel adventures.

Couple Travel Quotes

  • “Traveling with you is my favorite adventure.” – Unknown Shows how traveling with a partner can be a cherished experience.
  • “Together is a wonderful place to be.” – Unknown Highlights the joy of sharing travel moments with a significant other.
  • “You and me, we make the perfect travel team.” – Unknown Emphasizes the compatibility and joy of traveling as a couple.
  • “Life is better when we’re together on the road.” – Unknown Celebrates the enhanced travel experience of being with a loved one.
  • “Every journey is better with you by my side.” – Unknown Affirms the value of having a partner for all travel adventures.
  • “Travel far, travel wide, and travel together.” – Unknown Encourages couples to explore the world side by side.
  • “Adventure is better with you.” – Unknown Highlights how adventures become more enjoyable with a partner.
  • “With you, every trip is a dream come true.” – Unknown Expresses the joy and fulfillment of traveling with a loved one.
  • “Let’s make every day an adventure together.” – Unknown Motivates couples to seek out new experiences together.
  • “Our love is the greatest adventure of all.” – Unknown Compares the journey of love with the excitement of travel.

Romantic Travel Quotes

  • “I would travel anywhere with you.” – Unknown Shows the desire to share all travel experiences with a loved one.
  • “The best part of my journey is sharing it with you.” – Unknown Highlights the romantic aspect of traveling with a partner.
  • “Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite.” – Unknown Celebrates the unique and cherished nature of a couple’s travels.
  • “Love grows most where it is watered by travel.” – Unknown Emphasizes how travel can deepen and strengthen romantic relationships.
  • “You and me, we make the perfect travel duo.” – Unknown Affirms the special connection and synergy between travel partners.
  • “I fell in love with you because of the way you loved the world.” – Unknown Shows appreciation for a partner’s shared love of travel and exploration.
  • “Together, we can conquer the world.” – Unknown Expresses the power of a couple’s united journey and adventures.
  • “Love is the greatest adventure of all.” – Unknown Compares the journey of love to the excitement and discovery of travel.
  • “Every moment with you is a new adventure.” – Unknown Highlights the excitement and joy of sharing life’s adventures with a partner.
  • “Travel with the one who makes your heart race.” – Unknown Encourages traveling with someone who brings excitement and joy.

Additional Inspirational Quotes

  • “Travel is not a matter of money but of courage.” – Paolo Coelho Focuses on the bravery needed to pursue travel opportunities.
  • “Travel teaches you more than books ever will.” – Unknown Highlights the educational value of real-world travel experiences.
  • “The world is too big to stay in one place.” – Unknown Encourages exploring different parts of the world.
  • “Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” – Amelia Earhart Emphasizes that the pursuit of adventure is inherently valuable.
  • “Traveling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” – Ibn Battuta Shows how travel can lead to memorable experiences worth sharing.
  • “Every journey is a new beginning.” – Unknown Encourages viewing travel as an opportunity for fresh starts.
  • “Travel is the ultimate form of self-care.” – Unknown Highlights the personal rejuvenation that comes from traveling.
  • “Explore the world with an open heart.” – Unknown Encourages embracing new experiences with a positive mindset.
  • “The road less traveled often leads to the greatest adventures.” – Unknown Suggests that unconventional paths can offer the most rewarding experiences.
  • “Travel far, travel wide, and let the world be your guide.” – Unknown Inspires embracing the journey and allowing travel to lead the way.

These quotes can serve as powerful tools to inspire, engage, and resonate with your audience in travel content.

Travel quotes can be a powerful tool to inspire and connect, but they should not be used indiscriminately. Understanding the narratives behind quotes and incorporating them thoughtfully into your travel content can enhance its depth and authenticity. Instead of relying solely on popular searches, take the time to explore and appreciate the rich histories and meanings that underpin these expressions. By doing so, you’ll create travel content that not only resonates with your audience but also reflects a deeper appreciation for the transformative power of travel.

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Whale Watching Holiday in Norway

Dreaming of an up-close encounter with the ocean’s most majestic creatures? A whale-watching holiday in Norway is the perfect adventure for animal and nature lovers. 

Where to go Whale Watching in Norway.

During winter, the Norwegian waters, particularly around Tromsø, Andenes, and the Vesterålen islands, are home to humpback whales, orcas, and more. The prime whale watching season lasts from November to January, but the whales don’t usually hang out by the shore. To spot them you need to meet them at their turf. Read more about whale watching in Norway.

Whale Watching Tours in Tromso

By joining a whale watching safari, expert guides will bring you to the whale’s feeding ground. Norwegian Travel’s tours in Tromso are designed to respect marine life and ensure sustainability, and we adhere to the AECO guidelines for whale watching. Our high-speed catamaran whale adventure ensures you are at the whale location earlier than any other boats. On an overnight Northern Lights and Whale Watching tour you can experience two major Arctic highlights in one trip. Read about whale watching safaris in Tromso . 

Where to stay

By staying in the city centre you will have easy access to everything Tromso has to offer, making it easy to explore the city by foot. At the same time you will be close to the harbour where the whale watching tours depart from. 

  • Clarion Hotel The Edge : A modern hotel with stunning views of the surrounding mountains and fjords. Its central location gives you an ideal base for your Tromso holiday.
  • Scandic Ishavshotel : With an excellent location right by the waterfront, this hotel treats you to great views while being within walking distance of tour departure points.

norwegian travel quotes

Packing and Preparation Tips

Though most tours include warm outerwear, dressing warmly is important when visiting north of Norway during winter. Layering is key - bring a thermal base layer, a warm fleece or wool jumper, and an insulated jacket. Remember to bring gloves, a hat and scarf to keep the cold Arctic wind at bay, and waterproof boots are also a must as you’ll spend a lot of time walking in snow when exploring Tromso. Other recommended items is a camera with a good zoom lens so you will be ready for your million dollar shot once the whales break the surface.

Local Culture & Cuisine

Visit local restaurants and try traditional Norwegian dishes like stock fish, reindeer or moose.

The city also has a rich and fascinating history, which you can learn more about at the Polar Museum or the Arctic Cathedral. Embrace the local way of life and chill at at coffee shop or at a cafe when you need a rest from walking.

Activities to Include in Your Whale Watching Holiday in Norway  

Whale watching can easily be combined with other activities and tours. Go snowmobiling and catch the Arctic wind as you make your way through the vast landscapes. Go dog sledding and let a team of eager huskies lead the way. Chase the Northern Lights and watch the sky turn into a dancing ray of colours. Read more about the best things to do in Tromso.

Norwegian Travel is a premium brand aiming to offer high-quality experience-based tourism in selected unique destinations in Norway. From the fjords to the mountains. From the sandy beaches to the rough cliffs. From urban buzz to the massive stillness of the old mountains. We wish to inspire people to explore the treasures to be found in Norway. At our destinations you can explore amazing nature, good food and exciting activities all year round.

Full refund 7 day cancellation (NB! Does not apply for expedition cruises)

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Our activities

  • Northern Lights
  • Snowshoes and Skiis
  • Fjords & Sea
  • Accommodation
  • Dog sledding
  • Train Journeys

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norwegian travel quotes

Image: Bigstock

Norwegian Cruise Line (NCLH) Is Attractively Priced Despite Fast-paced Momentum

Momentum investing is essentially the opposite of the tried-and-tested Wall Street adage -- "buy low and sell high." Investors following this investing style typically avoid betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. They believe instead that one could make far more money in lesser time by "buying high and selling higher."

Who doesn't like betting on fast-moving trending stocks? But determining the right entry point isn't easy. Often, these stocks lose momentum once their valuation moves ahead of their future growth potential. In such a situation, investors find themselves loaded up on expensive shares with limited to no upside or even a downside. So, going all-in on momentum could be risky at times.

It could be safer to invest in bargain stocks that have been witnessing price momentum recently. While the Zacks Momentum Style Score (part of the Zacks Style Scores system), which pays close attention to trends in a stock's price or earnings, is pretty useful in identifying great momentum stocks, our 'Fast-Paced Momentum at a Bargain' screen comes handy in spotting fast-moving stocks that are still attractively priced.

There are several stocks that currently pass through the screen and Norwegian Cruise Line ( NCLH Quick Quote NCLH - Free Report ) is one of them. Here are the key reasons why this stock is a great candidate.

A dash of recent price momentum reflects growing interest of investors in a stock. With a four-week price change of 20.1%, the stock of this cruise operator is certainly well-positioned in this regard.

While any stock can see a spike in price for a short period, it takes a real momentum player to deliver positive returns for a longer time frame. NCLH meets this criterion too, as the stock gained 11.8% over the past 12 weeks.

Moreover, the momentum for NCLH is fast paced, as the stock currently has a beta of 2.71. This indicates that the stock moves 171% higher than the market in either direction.

Given this price performance, it is no surprise that NCLH has a Momentum Score of B, which indicates that this is the right time to enter the stock to take advantage of the momentum with the highest probability of success.

In addition to a favorable Momentum Score, an upward trend in earnings estimate revisions has helped NCLH earn a Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy). Our research shows that the momentum-effect is quite strong among Zacks Rank #1 and #2 stocks. That's because as covering analysts raise their earnings estimates for a stock, more and more investors take an interest in it, helping its price race to keep up. You can see the complete list of today's Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) stocks here >>>>

Most importantly, despite possessing fast-paced momentum features, NCLH is trading at a reasonable valuation. In terms of Price-to-Sales ratio, which is considered as one of the best valuation metrics, the stock looks quite cheap now. NCLH is currently trading at 0.94 times its sales. In other words, investors need to pay only 94 cents for each dollar of sales.

So, NCLH appears to have plenty of room to run, and that too at a fast pace.

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Norwegian Escape

2025 Bermuda Cruises: Take a Vacation to This Island Paradise

2025 Bermuda Cruise

With its beautiful pink beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters, Bermuda offers an ideal island escape. In 2025, plan a cruise to Bermuda on an unforgettable vacation with Norwegian Cruise Line. Whether you want a quick weekend getaway or a relaxing week in the sun, there's a Norwegian cruise to Bermuda for you to enjoy.

Ready to start planning? Explore all Bermuda cruises .

NCL Breakaway off the coast of Bermuda

Norwegian's Bermuda Cruises in 2025

In 2025, you can sail to the picturesque island of Bermuda from Boston or New York . Regardless of where you depart, you'll arrive at Bermuda's Royal Naval Dockyard. Located on the island's West End, the dockyard offers a breathtaking view of the harbor and the sparkling waters of the North Atlantic Ocean.

At the Royal Naval Dockyard , you can explore charming craft shops and local markets, picking up some souvenirs for your loved ones who weren't lucky enough to join you on your cruise vacation. The dockyard, built in the 19th century and later restored to its former splendor, also houses the National Museum. Perfect for history buffs, the museum explores the island's past and offers insights into its culture and heritage.

You'll also have the opportunity to leave the dockyard and take advantage of all the island has to offer. Whether you want to dive into the ocean waters, relax on the pink sand beaches, or get lost in the Bermuda Triangle, Norwegian offers the perfect shore excursion for you. Here are just a few of the experiences you can have on this slice of island paradise.

Sunken plane remains in Bermuda

Shipwreck and Coral Reef Snorkel Combo

You'll have access to a variety of snorkeling excursions, but we suggest this unique shipwreck and coral reef snorkeling combo . As part of this experience, you'll set sail on a snorkel boat to visit the Constellation, a cargo ship that sank off the coast of Bermuda during World War II. You'll see the remains of the Constellation from the boat before getting in the water to snorkel, giving you an up-close view of the wreck. Later, you'll travel to a second location to snorkel in a secluded area, where you'll enjoy the underwater sights of the vibrant coral reef.

Bermuda Triangle Cruise

Come on, you're at least a little curious about the Bermuda Triangle, aren't you? According to urban legend, this ocean region has been the site of numerous mysterious disappearances. Whether or not you believe the myth, a cruise to the Bermuda Triangle will be an event to remember. On this evening cruise, you'll experience the darkness of the ocean on a glass-bottomed boat. As you sail beneath the twinkling stars, crew members will explain the notoriety of the Bermuda Triangle and give you a unique perspective on the coral and fish that call this part of the ocean home.

Prefer to spend your time on the green instead? There are plenty of idyllic golf courses in Bermuda for you to enjoy. The Belmont Hills Golf Course offers stunning views of Hamilton Harbour and the Great Sound. The course has over 6,100 yards of bunkers, various water hazards, and narrow fairways, making it a fun, challenging course for even the most experienced golfers.

RELATED CRUISES: 7-Day Bermuda Cruise from New York 7-Day Bermuda & Maine Cruise from Boston 7-Day Bermuda Cruise from Philadelphia

Pink beaches of Bermuda

Crystal Caves

Did you know there are caves on the island? This family-friendly excursion will take you to Bermuda's northernmost point. Here, you'll find the Crystal Caves, which were discovered in 1907 by a teenager who lost a cricket ball in the caverns. On this excursion, you'll take a tour of the stunning caves, walking on a bridge over a clear lake surrounded by stalactites.

After your time at the caves, you'll travel to a nature reserve on another part of the island. You'll get some downtime to visit one of six beaches in the area. Lounge on the beach or take a dip in the ocean as the sun shines brightly overhead.

Sunset Rum Cruise

You can't leave Bermuda without trying a rum swizzle, widely known as the country's national drink. What better way to enjoy this delicious beverage than on a sunset cruise? On your rum cruise , you'll sail to the Great Sound, where you can view some island homes and learn more about the island's history. A rum expert — appropriately known as a rumologist — will guide the tour, allowing you to try different local rums. If you like what you taste, you can purchase some bottles to take home as gifts or keep for yourself.

Electric bike by the water

If you want a unique experience while docked in Bermuda, plan to tour the island on an electric bike. You won't have to worry about pedaling up hills since the bike gives you a boost, allowing you to relax and enjoy the island sights. Starting on the island's Eastern End, you'll travel along different trails, exploring parts of the island many tourists never see. From seaside landscapes to shoreline beaches, the views on this e-bike tour will give you a new appreciation of this incredible island.

Island Drive

Do you have FOMO (fear of missing out)? If so, the Bermuda Island Drive tour is perfect for you. After docking, you'll depart the cruise ship and board a comfortable bus for a full tour of the island. As part of the drive, you'll see the island's Horseshoe Bay, famous for its charming pink sand beaches. Other notable highlights on this tour include the Gibbs Hill Lighthouse, Somerset Bridge, and the town of St. George's. You'll end the tour in the island's capital city, Hamilton, where you can shop or dine before returning to the dockyard.

Sunset cruise off the coast of Bermuda

Regardless of the excursion you choose, you'll have the time of your life on a Norwegian cruise to Bermuda. Want to be the first to know about special offers to this magical island? Sign up for emails to get the latest Norwegian cruise deals and book your Bermuda cruise for 2025 .

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Travel | Prince show to headline entertainment for…

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In this Feb. 18, 1985 file photo, Prince performs at the Forum in Inglewood, Calif.  (AP Photo/Liu Heung Shing, File)

Cruisers will be able to party like it's 1999 at sea next year as a stage show themed to musical icon Prince is coming to the new Norwegian Aqua when it begins sailing from Port Canaveral.

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  2. 61 Amazing Norway Quotes To Inspire Your Nordic Trip

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  3. 10 Inspiring Norwegian Quotes and Their Translations

    What You Get Access to the full Norwegian A1-A2 course. A monthly 1-hour online conversation with a teacher. Many written and oral assignments. Comprehensive information on Norwegian grammar, Norwegian vocabulary and how to use them, important sentence structures, etc. Tips on additional resources to further enhance your Norwegian learning.

  4. 30 Norwegian Sayings and Their Literal Translations

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  8. My Favorite Norse Proverbs and Sayings

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    One can travel anywhere, but never from oneself. En liten fisk i båten er bedre enn en stor i fjorden. A small fish in the boat is better than a big one in the fjord. En fugl i hånden er bedre enn ti på taket. A bird in one's hand is better than ten on the roof. En svale gjør ingen sommer. One swallow doesn't make it summer.

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  29. Prince show to headline entertainment for Canaveral-bound Norwegian

    Cruisers will be able to party like it's 1999 at sea next year as a stage show themed to musical icon Prince is coming to the new Norwegian Aqua when it begins sailing from Port Canaveral.